Lydia Brown
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: Abt 1722 Christening: Death: Burial: Cause of Death: AFN :
Father: William Brown Mother: Ann Heath
Lydia Brown
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: Jun 7, 1743 Christening: Death: Burial: Cause of Death: AFN :
Father: Jonathan Brown Mother: Joanna AbbaLydia Brown
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: Christening: Death: Burial: Cause of Death: AFN :
Spouses and Children
1. *Jonathan Bickford Marriage: Nov 8, 1743 Children: 1. Sarah BickfordLydia Brown
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: Sep 28, 1722 Christening: Death: Burial: Cause of Death: AFN :
Father: Benjamin Brown Mother: Sarah GoveLydia Maria Brown
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: Feb 11, 1836 - Epsom, NH Christening: Death: Sep 8, 1903 - Boston, Essex Co., MA 78 Burial: Cause of Death: AFN :
Father: Lt. Jonathan Brown Mother: Maria Libbey
Spouses and Children
1. *David Bartlett Richardson Marriage: Jun 1873Madeline Brown
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: Connecticut Christening: Death: Burial: Cause of Death: AFN :
Spouses and Children
1. *Hudson Peavey Marriage: 1736 Children: 1. Sarah Peavey 2. Mary Peavey 3. Eleanor Peavey 4. Joseph Peavey 5. Daniel Peavey 6. James Peavey 7. Elizabeth Peavey 8. Mercy Peavey 9. Temperance Peavey 10. John PeaveyMadeline Ewer Brown
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: Dec 14, 1901 - Boston, Essex Co., MA Christening: Death: Feb 18, 1972 - Epsom, NH Burial: Cause of Death: AFN :
Father: William J. Dooley Mother: Ethel Gertrude Brown
Spouses and Children
1. *George Samuel Yeaton Marriage: Mar 4, 1922 - Exeter, NH Children: 1. Theodore Ewer Yeaton 2. June Yeaton 3. Charles Brown Yeaton 4. Philip Samuel Yeaton 5. Patricia Yeaton 6. Calvin Briggs Yeaton 7. Sydney Towle Yeaton 8. Nancy Yeaton
Massachusetts Births, Boston, MA: Madeline Ewer Dooley December 14, 1901 to William J. Dooley born Milford (MA) and Ethel J. Brown born Boston.Marriage Notes (George Samuel Yeaton)
NH Name Changes January 1907-January 1909, Merrimack County: Madeleine Ewer Dooly to Madeleine Ewer Brown.
NHVR Marriages, Residence of Groom, Dover; Bride, Boston, MA.
Parents: Samuel and Evelyn
William, residence unknown, and Ethel, ____, CT
George S. Yeaton, 22 to Madeliene E. Brown, 20.
Mahala Brown
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: Bef Nov 6, 1791 - Hampton, NH Christening: Death: Burial: Cause of Death: AFN :
Father: Samuel Brown Mother: Rachel Marston
Spouses and Children
1. *Joel Lane Marriage: Jan 2, 1814Mamie E. Brown
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: Nov 15, 1872 - Epsom, NH Christening: Death: May 10, 1877 - Epsom, NH Burial: in Brown Cemetery, Epsom, NH Cause of Death: AFN :
Father: Cyrus O. Brown Mother: Mary E. Brown
NH Patriot and State Gazette 5-16-1877 MAMIE BROWN
FATAL SHOOTING ACCIDENT. Epsom, May 11. This community was the scene, yesterday, of one of the most distressing accidents that has ever occurred here. Little Mamie, four years of age. daughter of Cyrus O. and Mary E. Brown, accidentally shot and fatally wounded herself while playing with a revolver that was carelessly left lying on a stand in one of the chambers in the house of her grandfather, Newell Brown. It is supposed she took the revolver in her hands, and while peering into the barrels, out of childish curiosity, the revolver was discharged, the ball entering the upper part of her right eye, grazing the frontal bone, traversing the brain horizontally, and inflicting a wound of which she died in about ten minutes. Dr. French was at once summoned, but the child was past all medical aid before he arrived. The revolver belonged to a hired boy who occupied the room, and everything points to the fact that the weapon was left cocked, as the child could hardly have accomplished it alone. This much for giving boys of 14 years of age, guns, pistols and bowie-knives for playthings, and to scatter about promiscuously. This is the third time the parents have been bereaved within the past three years, and they have the sympathy of the whole community in this last affliction.
Margaret Brown
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: Christening: Death: Burial: Cause of Death: AFN :
Spouses and Children
1. *John Tuttle Brackett Marriage:
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