
1 Descendants of George Abbot of Rowley, MA.

2 Genealogy and History of the Ingalls Family in America.


4 1880 US Census.

5 Epping Town Records.

6 Descendants of George Abbott, of Rowley, Massachusetts Vol 1.

7 History of Pembroke.

8 DAR, National Society of, Vol. 37, p. 187.

9 Libby Family in America, Vol. 2, Book 2 (1993).

10 Leighton Record of deaths - NHHS.

11 Epsom, NH Town Records.

12 Descendants of Nicholas Doe by Elmer E. Doe.

13 LDS File.

14 Vital Statistics of Epsom, NH - Wm. Haslet Jones.

15 Death Records of Jonathan Dolbeer.

16 DAR, National Society of, Vol. 116, P. 61.

17 Dowst Records of Allenstown, NH.

18 Birth Certificate from Drawer 78 of NH State Archives.

19 Locke Family Genealogy of Capt. John Locke.

20 Pittsfield Vital Records.

21 Deerfield Town Records.

22 Deerfield Congregational Church Records.

23 Church Records of Epsom, NH.

24 DAR, National Society of, Vol. 58, p. 98.

25 John Mark Moses, Epsom, NH Early Settlers history inGraniteMonthlyMagazine.

26 1860 Cenus for Epsom, NH.

27 N.H.V.R.

28 Epsom, NH Church Records.

29 DAR, National Society of, Vol. 165, P. 139.

30 1860 US Census.

31 Northwood Town Reports.

32 NEHGR Volume 160, Jan. 2006, page 29.

33 Vital Records of Epsom, NH.

34 Chichester Cemetery Records.

35 1850 US Census.

36 Diary of James Babb.

37 Chichester NH Town Records.

38 Chichester Church Records of Rev. Carpenter.

39 Lang Genealogy, p 55.

40 McClary Cemetery stone.

41 Babb Families in America.

42 Diaries of James Babb, N.H. Historcial Society.

43 Epsom, NH Cemetery records.

44 Northwood Cemetery Records.

45 Babb Families in America, p 284.

46 DAR, National Society of, Vol. 124, P. 273.

47 Genealogy of the Burbank Family - George Burbank Sedgeley.

48 Edmunds Genealogy by Bagley-Vacca NHHS.

49 Barnstead Cemetery Records 1913.

50 Allenstown, NH Town Report.

51 Winkley Genealogy - W.H. Jones.

52 IGI file.

53 Sons of the American Revolution.

54 History of Stanstead, Canada.

55 Index of Marriages in Massachusetts Centinel and Columbian Centiel1784-1840.

56 Family records of Branches of the Hanaford, Thompson, Huckins,Prescott, Smith, Neal, Haley, Lock, Swift, Plumer, Leavitt, Wilson,Green and allied fa.

57 Vital Records of Newbury, MA.

58 Flanders Family - Edith Flanders Dunbar.

59 DAR, National Society of, Vol. 92 P. 80.

60 History of Chester.

61 Deerfield Cemetery Records.

62 History of Northwood by John Mark Moses.

63 History of Pembroke, NH.

64 Lane Genealogies 1897.

65 GAR records.

66 Lowell MA. Vital Records, Vol. 2, page 48.

67 1880 US Census for Epsom, NH.

68 Deerfield Church Records.

69 Kingston, NH Vital Records.

70 Charles E. Robinson, Robinson Scroll Vol 4. (Genealogy of John Robinson of Exeter, NH).

71 History of Canterbury.

72 DAR, National Society of, Vol. 71, P. 361.

73 The Berry's by the Beach - Sylvia Fitts Getchell.

74 N.H. Vital Records.

75 History of Bristol.

76 Newington NH Families - Heritage Books.

77 Vital records of Barnstead, NH.

78 Pembroke Town Report.

79 History of Durham, 19.

80 1860 US Census for Allenstown, NH.

81 1850 NH Census of Epsom, NH.

82 300 Years of Bickfords.

83 Deerfield Town Records, Birth calculated on age at death. Place of birth as note d i n source.

84 Hooksett Town Records.

85 Family Bible of Bickford through Hazel Bickford Marden.

86 DAR, National Society of, Vol. 48, p. 34.

87 1850 Census for New Hampshire.

88 1900 US Census.

89 Descendants of Jasper Blake by Carlton E. Blake.

90 VIrginia Knowles Hafbauer, Desscendants of John Knowles 1660-1978.

91 John Mark Moses History of Nortwood.

92 DAR, National Society of, Vol. 52, p. 431.

93 Folsom Family Genealogy.

94 Danville Vital Records.

95 Genealogical & Biographical Account of the Family of Drake in America.

96 Gove Book - History & Genealogy of American Family of Gove.

97 Cogswell's History of Nottingham, Deerfield and Northwood.

98 1870 US Census for Epsom, NH.

99 William Churchill Reade, History of the town of Candia Vol. 1, compiled by William Churchill Reade, Pastor of the Congregational Church and Society of Candia - Jan. 1, 1887.

100 DAR, National Society of, Volume 31, page 312.

101 Harrison, David B. Research.

102 Dow's History of Hampton.

103 Epsom, NH GAR records.

104 Merrimack and Sullivan Counties, New Hampshire: Biographical Review, Vol. 22.

105 History and Genealogy of the Rix Family in America.

106 DAR, National Society of, Volume 123, page 178.

107 Brown Genealogy.

108 Massachusetts Vital Records.

109 History of Durham.

110 History of Rye.

111 Marston Genealogy.

112 DAR, National Society of, Vol. 104, P. 34.

113 Stearns.

114 DAR, National Society of, Vol. 83, P. 133.

115 DAR, National Society of, Vol. 104, P. 89.

116 Goffstown Town Records.

117 Great Rebellion, History of Pittsfield in the by H.L. Robinson.

118 Rowell Geneaolgy by Wm. Haslet Jones.

119 1920 US Census.

120 NH Granite Monthly Magazine.

121 Gen. Dictonary of Maine and New Hampshire.

122 Vital Records of Lowell, MA.

123 1870 US Census.

124 May 5, 1872, Letter from Ann (Clark) Tower to brother David Clark.

125 Hartford Genealogy by Alice Stearns Haynes.

126 Sawyer Family Bible.

127 Meloon, Michael notes of.

128 Bow Vital Records.

129 Kingston Patriots.

130 Hovey Book, The - Lewis R. Hovey.

131 Concord Deaths - NHHS.

132 New Hampshire Necrology.

133 History of Ancient Dover.

134 Epping Town Report.

135 Marriage Records of Rev. Josiah Carpenter, Chichester, NH.

136 DAR, National Society of, Vol. 58, p. 318.

137 Cox Families of Old Holderness.

138 1870 US Census for Allenstown, NH.

139 Londonderry Vital Statistics.

140 Osgood Genealogy.

141 DAR, National Society of, Vol. 81, P. 338.

142 1870 US Census for Deerfield.

143 DAR, National Society of, Vol. 22, page 49.

144 DAR, National Society of, Vol. 44, p. 224.

145 Dow Genealogy by Robert Percy Dow 1929.

146 1860 Census for Deerfield.

147 History of Hampton, NH.

148 Drake Family of New Hampshire.

149 Epsom, NH Town Report.

150 Etonian News (1950) Eaton Family Association Newsletter.

151 Boston Transcript.

152 Marden Family Genealogy-Getchell, page 195.

153 DAR, National Society of, Vol. 98, P. 177.

154 Chichester Vital Records.

155 Towle Geanealogy by Herbert Towle.

156 Ferrin Genealogy.

157 DAR, National Society of, DAR Vol. 88, P. 66.

158 Durham Vital Records.

159 Fogg Genealogy.

160 Herrick Genealogical Register by Jediciah Herrick (Pvt Printed).

161 Amesbury Ma. Vital Records.

162 Descendants of Philip and Mary Fowler (Stickney).

163 History of Hanover, NH.

164 Rosilla Clough Heath Family Notes.

165 Northwood Congregational Church Records.

166 DAR, National Society of, Vol. 94, P. 67.

167 DAR, National Society of, Vol. 105, P. 218.

168 Rev. Jonathan E. Goodhue, History and Genealogy of the Goodhue Family (1891).

169 Parson's History of Rye.

170 Pingree Family Genealogy.

171 Tallman Genealogy of the Rand Family.

172 Lancaster Genealogy by Josephine S. Ware.

173 History of Rye by Parsons.

174 DAR, National Society of, Vol. 88, P. 66.

175 DAR, National Society of, Vol. 85, P. 223.

176 Haley Genealogy.

177 Alexander Gordon and his Descendants - Marian Otis 1999.

178 IGI.

179 Rand Genealogy by F. Osgood Rand.

180 Haverhill Mass. Vital Records.

181 DAR, National Society of, Vol. 113, P. 202.

182 Linda Anderson Research.

183 DAR, National Society of.

184 DAR, National Society of, Vol. 91, P. 103.

185 Hartwells in America, The.

186 Descendants of Moses Cleveland.

187 Howe Genealogies by Daniel Wait Howe (1929).

188 Freeland Howe Jr, Ancestry & Descendants of Jacob How(e) of Rowley, MA etc. (Privately Printed 1905).

189 DAR, National Society of, Vol. 151, page 230.

190 Lane Genealogy.

191 Rev. War Verteran Records.

192 Old North Cemetery Records, Concord, NH.

193 Thayer Genealogy.

194 Hampton History.

195 Hampton NH Vital Records.

196 Locke Family Genealogy of Capt. John Locke, p. 116.

197 Prescott Memorial.

198 Seavey Genealogy of Chichester.

199 DAR, National Society of, Volume 24, page 250.

200 DAR, National Society of, Vol. 114, P. 50.

201 DAR, National Society of, Vol. 86, P. 283.

202 Prentice Death Records, Northwood, NH.

203 DAR, National Society of, Vol. 158, P. 105.

204 NEHGS Vol. 92 Deaths at Concord NH.

205 Rye Church Records.

206 Marden Family Genealogy-Getchell.

207 Vermont Vital Records.

208 Plumers' List of Deaths - Epping.

209 Marden Family Genealogy-Getchell, page 295.

210 NEHGR Vol 160 Oct 2006.

211 McClary Family by H. McClary.

212 Descendants of Jeremiah Holmes.

213 DAR, National Society of, Vol. 47, page 148.

214 Merrill Memorial Vol. 2.

215 Merrill Memoria, A by Samuel Merrill - Account of Descendants of Nathaniel Merrill, Newbury, MA.

216 DAR, National Society of, Volume 100, page 12.

217 Morrill Kindred in America.

218 History of Barnstead, NH.

219 History of the Osgood Family by Ira Osgood.

220 Cordier-Ham & Related Families - Mildred May Cordier 1975 manuscript.

221 History of Rye by Parsons, P. 524.

222 (Kathleen Hosier 1992), Vital Reords of Rye New Hampshire (p 141).

223 Nicholas Sanborn research.

224 Transcript of Rye Town Records - Johnston/1975.

225 Rand Ramblings.

226 1812 Widows Pension for Mary Rand.

227 Swett Genealogy.

228 1860 Census for Chichester.

229 Sanborn Genealogy.

230 1870 US Census for Chichester.

231 Nottingham NH Vital Records.

232 Genealogy of the Franklin Alonzo Robison Family.

233 Philbrick Genealogy.

234 Spaulding Genealogy.

235 Lang Genealogy.

236 Tenney Family Genealogy.

237 DAR, National Society of, Vol. 70, p. 259.

238 Trowbridge Genealogy.

239 DAR, National Society of, Vol. 36, p. 283.

240 Exeter Newsletter 1834.

241 Greenland Vital Records.

242 Leonard Weeks and Family by Jacob Chapman 1889.

243 Yeaton Genealogy.

244 Porter, Descendants of Richard.

245 Vital Records of Enfield, NH.

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