Ellen Jane Tripp
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: 1839 - Epsom, NH Christening: Death: Dec 29, 1839 - Epsom, NH 15 Burial: in Short Falls (Epsom, NH) Cemetery, Epsom, NH Cause of Death: AFN :
Father: Thomas Tripp Mother: Mary S. GeorgeErnest M. Tripp
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Nov 20, 1875 - Epsom, NH Christening: Death: Aug 22, 1876 - Epsom, NH Burial: in Short Falls (Epsom, NH) Cemetery, Epsom, NH Cause of Death: AFN :
Father: George Thomas Tripp Mother: Betsey B. Sanborn
Buried Short Falls Cemetery, Epsom, NH. Age 9 months
Florus W. Tripp
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Oct 12, 1864 - Epsom, NH Christening: Death: Mar 29, 1894 - Epsom, NH 11 Burial: in Short Falls (Epsom, NH) Cemetery, Epsom, NH Cause of Death: AFN :
Father: Warren Tripp Mother: Katie M. Bickford
Spouses and Children
1. *Mary Nettie Bartlett Marriage: Jun 21, 1893 - Epsom, NH
Fowler Genealogy gives death year 1893, buried at Short Falls Cemetery, Epsom, NH. Epsom, NH Town report gives the death as Mar. 30, 1894Marriage Notes (Mary Nettie Bartlett)
Died from injury to brain and spine.
From the Valley Times Newspaper Sat. April 7, 1894
The saddest accident that has happened in this vicinity within our memory occurred March 29th. While a party of men were engaged in rolling logs into the Suncook River near the gristmill, one log suddenly started rolling over and fatally injuring Florus W. Tripp, who died the following morning. He was 29 years of age and the only son of Warren Tripp, and no young man in our midst was more widely or better known. He had always lived with his parents, and his father being engaged in the lumber business, the entire care of the large farm has devolved upon him. Ever faithful in the discharge of the duties of life, while his honesty and integrity won the esteem of those who knew him, and the universal sympathy of the community goes out to his young wife, to whom he married last June, to his parents and his only sister, Mrs.B.H. Fowler, who are grief stricken by their great bereavement. He was a worthy member of Evergreen and Ivy Green, D. of R., Lodges, I.O.O.F., and of McClary Grange; a constant attendant at church and the Sabbath School; in all these associations he will be greatly missed. His funeral was held at his late home last Sunday afternoon, where there was the largest attendance ever assembled on a similar occasion inthis town, a great many being present from Pembroke and other neighboring towns. Rev.J.W. Scribner officiated. Singing by G.E. Critcherson, F.C. Fife, Mrs. J.W. Brown and Mrs. F.C. Fife, Fred Burnham, organist. The services were in charge of the Odd Fellows: J.H. Dolbeer conductor; and the several organizations to which he belonged followed his remains to the grave. Among the floral tributes were 29 pinks from his wife, with many beautiful contributions from Evergreen Lodge, McClary Grange, relatives and friends. Internment in the family lot in Short Falls Cemetery.
NH Marriages
NHVR incorrectly indexed as 1901, though the actual record gices June 12, 1893
George F. Tripp
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Abt 1834 Christening: Death: Sep 30, 1869 - Lowell, MA Burial: Cause of Death: AFN :
Father: John Tripp Mother: Elizabeth W. ChaseGeorge Thomas Tripp
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Mar 11, 1850 - Epsom, NH Christening: Death: Feb 27, 1905 - Epsom, NH Burial: in Short Falls (Epsom, NH) Cemetery, Epsom, NH Cause of Death: AFN :
Father: Thomas Tripp Mother: Mary S. George
Spouses and Children
1. *Betsey B. Sanborn Marriage: Dec 25, 1869 - Candia, NH Children: 1. Mabel B. Tripp 2. Ernest M. Tripp 2. Susan Ida Yeaton Marriage: Jan 1, 1880 - Epsom, NH 11 Children: 1. Leola Ida Tripp
Buried Short Falls Cemetery, Epsom, NH. Age 54-11-12Marriage Notes (Betsey B. Sanborn)
From the Epsom Newsletter December 11, 1897
George Tripp received a bad fall in his barn one day last week by falling from a beam to the floor below, breaking his nose and several fingers and otherwise injuring himself.
Marriage Intention filed Epsom, NH Oct. 19, 1869
Marriage NHVR
Gerald Ray Tripp
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Christening: Death: Burial: Cause of Death: AFN :
Spouses and Children
1. *Edith Anna Downs Marriage: A[r. 16, 1908Gertrude P. Tripp
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: in Wells, ME Christening: Death: Burial: Cause of Death: AFN :
Spouses and Children
1. *Albert H. Hatch Marriage: Children: 1. Frank B. HatchHannah Tripp
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: Jul 1797 - Epsom, NH Christening: Death: Nov 25, 1841 - Pembroke, NH Burial: in Old North Cemetery, Pembroke, NH Cause of Death: AFN :
Father: Richard Tripp Mother: Sarah Critchett
Spouses and Children
1. *Reverend James McCutcheon Marriage: Apr 23, 1815 - Epsom, NH Children: 1. Warren McCutcheon 2. Harriet Newell McCutcheon 3. Lewis McCutcheon 4. Franklin McCutcheon 5. Emily McCutcheon 6. Ann Sarah McCutcheon 7. Oscar McCutcheon 8. Sullivan McCutcheon 9. Bryon McCutcheon 10. Anne M. McCutcheon
History of Pembroke gives her birth as June 1797 and death as Nov. 28, 1841. Son Lewis relates she died of typhoid fever, as did sister Emilty.Marriage Notes (Reverend James McCutcheon)
NHVR James McCutchin to Hannah Tripp, both residents of Epsom, NH, by Jonathan Curtis, clergyman April 23, 1815
Hannah Tripp
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: Christening: Death: Oct 24, 1820 - Epsom, NH 36 Burial: Cause of Death: AFN :
Father: Richard Tripp Mother: Agnes McClary
Spouses and Children
1. *Joseph Worth Marriage: Mar 13, 1799 - Epsom, NH Children: 1. Joseph Worth 2. Richard Tripp Worth 3. John Worth 4. James Worth 5. Samuel Worth 6. Unknown Worth
Died of consumption - date from the James Babb diary
Harold James Tripp
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Mar 5, 1900 - Epsom, NH Christening: Death: 1970 Burial: Cause of Death: AFN :
Father: Walter H. Tripp Mother: Alice Maud Fowler
Spouses and Children
1. *Esther Mott Marriage: Children: 1. John Fowler Tripp
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