Natt Allen Cram and Edith Elizabeth Swett
Husband Natt Allen Cram
Born: Oct 21, 1871 - Pittsfield, NH Christened: Died: Feb 23, 1929 - Pittsfield, NH Buried: - Floral Park Cemetery, Pittsfield, NH
Father: Frank E. Cram Mother: Ida A. Young
Marriage: Jun 3, 1893 - Pittsfield, NH
Wife Edith Elizabeth Swett
Born: Jul 24, 1873 - Pittsfield, NH Christened: Died: 1961 - Pittsfield, NH Buried: - Floral Park Cemetery, Pittsfield, NH
Father: David Knowlton Swett Mother: Elizabeth A. Lane
1 M Clifton Swett Cram
Born: Apr 1, 1905 - Pittsfield, NH Christened: Died: Sep 30, 1986 - Pittsfield, NH Buried: - Floral Park Cemetery, Pittsfield, NHSpouse: Ruth Staniels
2 F Ruth E. Cram
Born: 1912 - Pittsfield, NH Christened: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Natt Allen Cram
In the1920 Pittsfield, Merrimack Co., NH Federal Census, Natt and his family were listed as living with his father, Frank Cram: Cram, Natt A., Son, age 45, NH, Real Estate Agent; Edith S., Daughter-in-law, age 46, NH; Clifton S., Grandson, age 14, NH; Ruth E., Granddaughter, age 7, NH
General Notes: Wife - Edith Elizabeth Swett
1930 Pittsfield, Merrimack Co., NH Federal Census, Enumerated Apr 4, 1930 by Camilla C. Dubuc, Page 3A, Family #66: Cram, Edith S., Head, Value of Home $4,000, age 56, Widow, Married at age 20, NH; Clifton S., Son, age 25, NH, Bakery Salesman; Ruth E., Daughter, age 17, NH
Nehemiah Cram
Husband Nehemiah Cram
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
1 F Mary Cram
Born: Abt 1757 Christened: Died: Jun 26, 1832 Buried: - Tilton-Watson Cemetery, Pittsfield, NHSpouse: John Tilton
Thomas Hackett and Polly Cram
Husband Thomas Hackett
Born: - Laconia, NH Christened: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Polly Cram
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
1 F Mary F. Hackett
Born: Abt 1840 - Litchfield, NH Christened: Died: Feb 11, 1894 - Concord, NH Buried:Spouse: Lorenzo R. Lougee Marr: Sep 1, 1856 - Manchester, NHSpouse: Charles T. Tenney Marr: Dec 5, 1870 - Concord, NH
General Notes: Wife - Polly Cram
Seen in NHVR on death of daughter Mary F/ as Polly Crain
Samuel Langdon Lear and Polly T. Cram
Husband Samuel Langdon Lear
Born: Abt 1812 - Deerfield, NH Christened: Died: Jun 2, 1893 - Epsom, NH Buried: - New Rye Cemetery, Epsom, NH
Father: Samuel Lear Mother: Sally Salter
Marriage: Nov 24, 1835Events
• Baptism: Epsom, NH, Aug 11, 1815.
Wife Polly T. Cram
Born: Nov 4, 1813 - Deerfield, NH Christened: Died: Jul 26, 1887 - Epsom, NH Buried: - New Rye Cemetery, Epsom, NH
Father: Jonathan Cram Mother: Rachel Lane
1 M Joseph Horace Lear
Born: May 6, 1836 - Epsom, NH Christened: Died: Jun 17, 1891 - Epsom, NH Buried: - New Rye Cemetery, Epsom, NHSpouse: Abigail A. Rollins Marr: Jun 29, 1873 - Lake Village, NH
2 F Rosetta Jane Lear
Born: Oct 26, 1837 Christened: Died: Aug 23, 1839 - Epsom, NH Buried: - Lear Cemetery, Epsom, NH/Allenstown, NH
3 M Infant Lear
Born: Mar 9, 1839 Christened: Died: Mar 22, 1839 - Epsom, NH Buried: - Lear Cemetery, Epsom, NH/Allenstown, NH
4 F Rosetta Jane Lear
Born: Mar 5, 1840 - Epsom, NH Christened: Died: May 1, 1891 Buried: - New Rye Cemetery, Epsom, NHSpouse: Richard F. Brown Marr: Abt 1856
5 F Nancy Davis Lear
Born: Mar 6, 1841 - Epsom, NH Christened: Died: Oct 2, 1893 - Manchester, NH Buried: - New Rye Cemetery, Epsom, NHSpouse: James Wyman Fife Marr: Apr 4, 1860 - Deerfield, NH
6 F Flora Ann Lear
Born: Sep 18, 1842 - Epsom, NH Christened: Died: Feb 25, 1900 - Epsom, NH 13 Buried: - New Rye Cemetery, Epsom, NHSpouse: Samuel Smith
7 M Thomas Alvin Lear
Born: Mar 4, 1844 Christened: Died: Jul 2, 1880 - Allenstown, NH 26 Buried:
8 M Josiah Calvin Lear
Born: Mar 7, 1846 - Epsom, NH Christened: Died: Jul 23, 1914 - Epsom, NH Buried: - New Rye Cemetery, Epsom, NHSpouse: Eleanor Brown Marr: Jul 2, 1867 - Epsom, NH 13
General Notes: Husband - Samuel Langdon Lear
Buried in the New Rye Cemetery, Epsom, NH. Died age 81-5-0. Birth also given as Epsom, NH. In the June Session of the Legilature, Samuel Langdon Lear of Epsom, NH, took the name of Langdon Lear.
6-7-1893 Boston Daily Advertiser
Epsom, N.H., June 6 - Maj. Langdon Lear, who died recently here in the same house in which he was born and had always lived, was 85 years, five months and 21 days old. At the age of 18 he was appointed drum major of the 18th Regiment of the N.H. Militia and for more than half a century was one of the best known drummers in that State. He was many years ago a member of the Hooksett Band of which Natt Head, afterward governor, was the leader. At the centennial celebration of the town of Derry he was the leader of 13 drum majors from different sections of N.H. His last public appearance was on Memorial day, 1892, when he played for the G.A.R. post at Gossville, N.H. and was presented by its members with a handsome silver medal.
General Notes: Wife - Polly T. Cram
Buried in the New Rye Cemetery, Epsom, NH. Died age 73-8-0
Reuben Cram
Husband Reuben Cram
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
1 F Sally Cram
Born: Nov 8, 1781 Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Levi Sanborn Marr: Abt 1800Spouse: James Prescott Marr: 1833
Levi Sanborn and Sally Cram
Husband Levi Sanborn
Born: Apr 8, 1782 - Gilmanton, NH Christened: Died: Nov 13, 1821 Buried:
Father: Levi Sanborn Mother: Anne Kimball
Marriage: Abt 1800
Wife Sally Cram
Born: Nov 8, 1781 Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Reuben Cram Mother:
Other Spouse: James Prescott - 1833
James Prescott and Sally Cram
Husband James Prescott
Born: Oct 10, 1779 - Hampton Falls, NH Christened: Died: Oct 16, 1859 Buried:
Father: Deacon James Prescott Mother: Abigail Lane
Marriage: 1833
Other Spouse: Margaret McClary Babb - Apr 7, 1803 - Hampton Falls, NH
Wife Sally Cram
Born: Nov 8, 1781 Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Reuben Cram Mother:
Other Spouse: Levi Sanborn - Abt 1800
Samuel T. Cram and Betty Philbrick
Husband Samuel T. Cram
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Betty Philbrick
Born: Christened: Aug 1763 Died: Buried:
Father: Jonathan Philbrick Mother: Hannah Brown
Jeremiah Gove and Sarah Cram
Husband Jeremiah Gove
Born: Mar 20, 1695 - Hampton, NH Christened: Died: Jun 19, 1767 - Hampton Falls, NH Buried:
Father: Ebenezer Gove Mother: Judith Sanborn
Marriage: Feb 13, 1725
Wife Sarah Cram
Born: 1697 - Hampton Falls, NH Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Benjamin Cram Mother: Sarah Unknown
1 M Joseph Gove
Born: Jun 5, 1726 Christened: Died: Nov 24, 1802 - Hampton Falls, NH Buried:Spouse: Susanna Pevere
2 F Jane Gove
Born: Sep 22, 1728 Christened: Died: Buried:
3 F Abigail Gove
Born: 1730 Christened: Died: Buried:
4 F Judith Gove
Born: 1734 Christened: Died: Buried:
5 M Nathan Gove
Born: Jun 18, 1741 Christened: Died: 1814 - Wilmot, NH Buried:Spouse: Abigail Page Marr: Dec 24, 1767
6 M David Gove
Born: 1743 Christened: Died: Dec 11, 1756 Buried:
7 M John Gove
Born: Jan 27, 1747 - Kensington, NH Christened: Died: Aug 4, 1810 Buried:Spouse: Sarah Blake Marr: Mar 10, 1768 - Deerfield, NH
General Notes: Wife - Sarah Cram
Jonathan (Jockey) Fogg and Sarah Cram
Husband Jonathan (Jockey) Fogg
Born: 1754 - Exeter, NH Christened: Aug 27, 1755 Died: Dec 15, 1839 - Pittsfield, NH Buried: - Old Meetinghouse Cemetery, Pittsfield, NH
Father: John Fogg Mother: Bethia Dearborn
Wife Sarah Cram
Born: Abt 1758 Christened: Died: Mar 27, 1830 - Pittsfield, NH Buried: - Old Meetinghouse Cemetery, Pittsfield, NH
Father: John Cram Mother: Abigail Sanborn
General Notes: Husband - Jonathan (Jockey) Fogg
From his Revolutionary War Pension "that he was born in Exeter New Hampshire 1754, lived in Exeter until about twelve years of age then in Epping about eight years then in Pittsfield until he entered the service of the United States and since lived in Pittsfield and now resides in same place" Declared Sept. 1832, page 4.
On a later page, a brief, item 6. Where did he reside when he entered the service? (ans) Epping.
"That he enlisted from Epping in the county of the month of April AD 1775 for nine months". He was at Winter Hill and Bunker Hill.
Not to be confused with Jonathan Fogg of North Hampton (1757-1805) who married in 1779, Sarah Page and lived for a time in Chichester, NH, including during part of his war service.
In fact, in the Rev War pension file for the widow of Jonathan Fogg, Sarah (Page), there is a statement from Jonathan (Jockey) Fogg of Pittsfield.
"I Jonathan Fogg of Pittsfield in the County of Merrimack in the state of New Hampshire of lawful age, deposed and say that in the year seventeen hundred and seventy five at Charlestown Massachusetts, I was well acquainted with Simeon & Jonathan Fogg, two brothers from North Hampton in the County of Rockingham and state aforesaid and can certify that they were soldiers in the army at that time and I further depose and say that the above names Jonathan Fogg was the Husband of Sarah Fogg now living a widow in Northwood in the County of Rockingham and state aforesaid. Jonathan Fogg.
PS the above names Jonathan Fogg is a Revolution pensioner.
Merrimack SS August 24th 1838. Personally appearing the above names Jonathan Fogg and made solemn oath that the above affidavit by him subscribed is just and true. Before me, Reuben Leavitt, Justice of the Peace"
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