William Tarlton and Rhoda Berry
Husband William Tarlton
Born: Dec 11, 1794 - New Castle, NH Christened: Died: Oct 2, 1886 - Epsom, NH Buried: - Brackett-Libbey Cemetery, Epsom, NH
Father: William Tarlton Mother: Lucretia Amazeen
Marriage: Mar 9, 1843
Other Spouse: Comfort Wallace - Dec 28, 1815 - Epsom, NH
Wife Rhoda Berry
Born: Apr 18, 1805 - Pittsfield, NH Christened: Died: Jan 27, 1892 - Pittsfield, NH 9 Buried: - Brackett-Libbey Cemetery, Epsom, NH
Father: Deacon Thomas Berry Mother: Mary Bryant
1 M Charles William Tarleton
Born: Jul 17, 1844 - Epsom, NH Christened: Died: After 1918 Buried:Spouse: Ella Frances James Marr: Jan 8, 1879 - Deerfield, NH
2 M George Edwin Tarleton
Born: Sep 1, 1846 - Epsom, NH Christened: Died: Mar 31, 1848 - Epsom, NH Buried:
3 M John Berry Tarleton
Born: Jan 25, 1849 - Epsom, NH Christened: Died: Jul 22, 1921 - Pierce County, Washington State Buried:
General Notes: Husband - William Tarlton
Buried in the Brackett-Libbey Cemetery, New Rye, Epsom, NH, died age 91-10-0. He came to Epsom, NH with his father in 1810, and was of medium height and weight. He travel as a sailor some (as his father was a sailor) and developed habits of drinking rum, use of tobacco and profanity. Converted and united with the Congregational Church in Epsom, NH and changed his ways forever. An early abolitionist, voting with only two others in town on the Abolitionist ticket. A selectman in 1828. Upon the death of his father (1847) left the farm which was near the center of the east end of town near the Deerfield border, and bought the Hanover Dickey place at the bottom of "Nat's" Mountain on its western slope, which was passed on to his son C.W. Tarleton, compiler of the Tarleton Family Genealogy. William was nearly blind and his mind somewhat impaired in his later years and was survived by only 2 of his twelve children. The family plot near the old homestead has a circa 1920 headstone which apparently replaces early gravemarkers, and from the names on the new stone, the burial spot contains his parents, William and wife Lucretia; his first wife, Comfort Wallace, and their children who died young, Abigail, John E., Mary and Dennis.
William and his second wife, Rhoda Berry are buried in the Brackett-Libbey Cemetery on Moutain Road, New Rye, Epsom, NH, along with his son by his first marraige Rev. Joseph Wallace. The burial of his second son by his second marraige, George Edwin, is not known.
General Notes: Wife - Rhoda Berry
Buried in the Brackett-Libbey Cemetery, New Rye, Epsom, NH, died age 86-9-0
Nicholas Smith and Sally Berry
Husband Nicholas Smith
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Marriage: Feb 11, 1800 - Loudon, NH
Wife Sally Berry
Born: Abt 1781 Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Benjamin Berry Mother: Sobriety Duda
Other Spouse: ___ Morrill
1 M William M. Smith
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
2 M Nathaniel Smith
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
3 M Asa Smith
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
4 M Gardner Smith
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Wife - Sally Berry
Living with son Asa, Harmony, Somerset Maine in 1850, as Sally Grant, age 69.
Notes: Marriage
NH Marriage Records index 1637-1947
___ Morrill and Sally Berry
Husband ___ Morrill
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Sally Berry
Born: Abt 1781 Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Benjamin Berry Mother: Sobriety Duda
Other Spouse: Nicholas Smith - Feb 11, 1800 - Loudon, NH
General Notes: Wife - Sally Berry
Living with son Asa, Harmony, Somerset Maine in 1850, as Sally Grant, age 69.
Charles C. Smith and Sally Berry
Husband Charles C. Smith
Born: Dec 29, 1818 - Brentwood, NH Christened: Died: Aug 28, 1869 - New Hampton, NH Buried: - Park Cemetery, Tilton, NHMarriage: Nov 26, 1846
Wife Sally Berry
Born: Sep 29, 1822 - Pittsfield, NH Christened: Died: Apr 29, 1903 - Tilton, NH Buried: May 2, 1903
Father: Jeremiah Berry Mother: Hannah Brown
1 F Hannah B. Smith
Born: Sep 18, 1847 - Pittsfield, NH Christened: Died: Jun 21, 1885 - Bristol, NH Buried: - Park Cemetery, Tilton, NHSpouse: Simeon Milton Bean Marr: Jan 1, 1878 - North Hampton, NH
2 M Jeremiah B. Smith
Born: Sep 18, 1847 - Pittsfield, NH Christened: Died: Jun 13, 1927 - Northfield, NH Buried: - Park Cemetery, Tilton, NHSpouse: Grace E. Vittum Marr: Dec 13, 1879 - Meredith, NH
3 M Charles H. Smith
Born: Abt 1851 - Brentwood, NH Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Ella M. Tilton Marr: Oct 2, 1875 - Bristol, NH
General Notes: Husband - Charles C. Smith
Place of birth from death record of daughter Hannah.
1860 US Census, Epsom
Charles C. Smith, 41
Sally, 37
Hannah B., 12
Jeremiah, 12
Charles H., 8
Possibly the Charles C. Smith, died Aug. 28, 1869 at New Hampton, age 50 (NH Deaths and Burials 1784-1949)
General Notes: Wife - Sally Berry
NHVR Deaths, resident Bristol for 18 years, parents Jeremiah Berry and Hannah Brown, widow of Charles D., Smith, buried Tilton, NH
Samuel Berry and Abigail Webster
Husband Samuel Berry
Born: Abt 1680 Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: James Berry Mother: Eleanor Wallace
Marriage: Oct 23, 1693
Wife Abigail Webster
Born: May 27, 1676 Christened: Died: Jun 19, 1750 62 Buried:
Father: Stephen Webster Mother: Hannah Ayer
Other Spouse: James Marden - Oct 23, 1695 - New Castle, NH
1 M Jotham Berry
Born: Abt 1711 - Rye, NH Christened: Died: After 1790 Buried:Spouse: Mary Bates Marr: Nov 11, 1731 - Rye, NHSpouse: Trephena Philbrick Marr: Apr 16, 1780
2 F Rachel Berry
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
3 F Sarah Berry
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
4 F Deborah Berry
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Samuel Berry
See "Berry's At the Beach" by Sylvia Fitts Getchell
General Notes: Wife - Abigail Webster
Birth date may have been May 19, 1676
Jonathan Knowles and Sarah Berry
Husband Jonathan Knowles
Born: Aug 22, 1710 - Hampton, NH Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Simon Knowles Mother: Rachel Joy
Marriage: Sep 18, 1735 - Greenland, NH
Wife Sarah Berry
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
1 F Sarah Knowles
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
2 M Jonathan Knowles
Born: Mar 15, 1738 Christened: Died: Buried:
3 F Rachel Knowles
Born: Jul 30, 1743 Christened: Died: Buried:
4 F Abigail Knowles
Born: Abt 1745 Christened: Died: Buried:
5 M Simon Knowles
Born: Abt 1748 Christened: Died: Buried:
6 M Joseph Knowles
Born: Abt 1750 Christened: Died: Buried:
7 M Samuel Knowles
Born: Abt 1752 Christened: Died: Buried:
8 M Josiah Knowles
Born: Sep 10, 1754 - North Hampton, NH Christened: Died: Jan 26, 1840 - Epsom, NH Buried: - Knowles Cemetery, Epsom, NHSpouse: Esther Blake Marr: Sep 9, 1779 - Epsom, NHSpouse: Martha Cate Marr: Sep 22, 1824 - Epsom, NH
9 M Joseph Knowles
Born: Abt 1757 Christened: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Jonathan Knowles
In 1778 Jonathan "of Epsom, NH" sold land to son, Josiah of Epsom, NH.
___ Maston and Sarah Berry
Husband ___ Maston
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Sarah Berry
Born: Sep 15, 1801 Christened: Died: Sep 20, 1849 Buried:
Father: Levi Berry Mother: Sarah Page
Moses Chandler and Sarah Berry
Husband Moses Chandler
Born: Aug 27, 1757 - Westford, MA Christened: Died: Apr 27, 1828 - Farmington, ME Buried:Marriage:
Wife Sarah Berry
Born: Abt 1763 - Epsom, NH Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Ephraim Berry Mother: Abigail Unknown
1 M Nehemiah Chandler
Born: May 18, 1790 - Winthrop, ME Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Jerusha Ramsdell
2 F Sarah Chandler
Born: Jul 10, 1792 - Farmington, ME Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: John Dodge Marr: Dec 28, 1815 - Farmington, ME
3 M Moses Chandler
Born: Abt 1796 - Farmington, ME Christened: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Wife - Sarah Berry
I Sarah Chandler of Farmington in the County of Franklin and State of Maine on oath depose and say that I am eighty four years of age and was born in Epsom New Hampshire and am the daughter of Ephraim Berry deceased; I left Epsom New Hampshire about seventy years ago and removed to Gilmantown, NH, staid there about one year and a half and then went to Winthrop, State of Maine, do not remember how long I resided there; I then moved to Farmington where I have resided ever since, some fifty five years; I had the following brothers; John Berry, Thomas Berry, Joshua Berry and Benjamin Berry. I have always understood that my brother Benjamin Berry was a soldier of the Revolution.
I have not seen him since he went into the army as a soldier the second time; he went one year first; it was said by others that he was a deserter but at the time he was absent from the army, he did not come to Epsom to my knowledge.
The report has always been that my brother Benjamin Berry married Sobriety Duda of Durham New Hampshire.
I have no doubt that my brother Benjamin married Sobriety Duda and that she is the widow of my brother and I believe her to be now living in Wellington in this State; I have seen her daughter Sally; she has been to my house in Farmington. I have no doubt that my brother Benjamin Berry is dead, but I do not know where he died.
I have no brothers or sisters living.
The report was that my brother was taken up as a deserter and carried back into the army.
He was married before the close of the revolutionary war as I have always understood it.
Sarah Chandler
Oct. 6, 1847
Franklin County, ME
George Randall and Sarah Berry
Husband George Randall
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Sarah Berry
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
1 M William Bates Randall
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Deborah Yeaton Marr: Feb 26, 1793 - Rye, NH
Samuel Dowst and Sarah Berry
Husband Samuel Dowst
Born: Abt 1665 - Portsmouth, NH Christened: Died: Bef 1717 - New Castle, NH Buried:Marriage: Mar 1, 1689 - Portsmouth, NH
Wife Sarah Berry
Born: 1668 - Portsmouth, NH Christened: Died: - New Castle, NH Buried:
Father: John Berry Mother: Susanna Unknown
1 F Joanna Dowst
Born: Mar 2, 1689 Christened: Died: Buried:
2 M Samuel Dowst
Born: Oct 4, 1690 - Portsmouth, NH Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Rachel Berry Marr: Dec 14, 1713 - Greenland, NH
3 M John Dowst
Born: Feb 8, 1693 - Portsmouth, NH Christened: Died: 1724 - Deerfield, NH Buried:Spouse: Abigail Brown Marr: Mar 27, 1718 - Rye, NH
4 F Anne Dowst
Born: Feb 16, 1695 Christened: Died: Buried:
5 M Solomon Dowst
Born: Jan 3, 1697 Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Elizabeth Brown Marr: Jan 31, 1723
6 F Susannah Dowst
Born: Nov 6, 1699 - Portsmouth, NH Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Alexander Sims Marr: Sep 11, 1720 - Rye, NH
7 M Ozem Dowst
Born: Dec 12, 1701 - New Castle, NH Christened: Died: After 1776 Buried:Spouse: Elizabeth Seavey Marr: Abt 1724 - New Castle, NH
8 F Abigail Dowst
Born: Abt 1703 - New Castle, NH Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Samuel Foss Marr: Dec 29, 1726 - Rye, NH
9 F Priscilla Dowst
Born: Abt 1708 - New Castle, NH Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Samuel Wells Marr: Oct 10, 1734 - Rye, NH
General Notes: Husband - Samuel Dowst
of New Castle
General Notes: Wife - Sarah Berry
1717 Sarah (Berry) Douse taxed as Wid. Douse with her son Solomon. Parents as "Prob." in Then Berrys by the Beach by Sylvia Fitts Getchell.
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