Amos F. McGaffey

      Sex: M

Individual Information
          Birth: Jan 24, 1810
          Death: Oct 11, 1883
         Burial: Lyndon Center Cemetery, Lyndon, VT
 Cause of Death: 
           AFN : 

         Father: James McGaffey
         Mother: Deborah Estabrooks

Andrew McGaffey

      Sex: M

Individual Information
          Birth: 1743
          Death: Aug 20, 1825 - Sandwich, NH
         Burial: in Whiteface Intervale Cemetery, Sandwich, NH
 Cause of Death: 
           AFN : 

         Father: Neal McGaffey
         Mother: Jane Lucas

Spouses and Children
1. *Hannah Wallace
       Marriage: Sep 7, 1775 - Deerfield, NH
                1. David McGaffey
                2. Betsey McGaffey
                3. James McGaffey
                4. Andrew McGaffey
                5. Rachel McGaffey
                6. George Wallace McGaffey
                7. Neal McGaffey
                8. Ebenezer McGaffey
                9. Hannah McGaffey
                10. William McGaffey

Signed the Association Test in Epsom, NH, removed by 1780 to Sandwich, NH. Had a ball pass through his body at Bunker Hill.

Gravestone gives year of death as 1826,

W 26254

PENSION of Andrew McGaffey

In order to obtain the benefit of the 3rd section of the Act of Congress on the 4th of July 1836.

On this seventh day of October AD 1836, personally appeared before the Court of Common Pleas holden at Gilford in said County of Strafford, Hannah McGaffey, a resident of Sandwich in the County and State aforesaid, aged 80 years, who first being duly sworn according to law, doth, on her oath make the following declaration '96 That she is the widow of Andrew McGaffey who was a Lieutenant of Infantry in the regular service for two years or more pieces to the year AD 1778 or 9, the time of his leaving the service of the United States '96 that he entered the United States service in the Army AD 1775 and was at the battle of Bunker Hill and continued except by furlough until the time above named '96 she further declares that she was married to the said Andrew McGaffey on the seventh day of September in the year seventeen hundred and seventy five; that her husband the aforesaid Andrew McGaffey died on the twentieth day of August, eighteen hundred and twenty five, and that she has remained a widow ever since that period, as will more fully appear by reference to the proof hereto amended.
Hannah McGaffey
Witness Daniel Philbrick and Neal McGaffey

I Benjamin Stevens Jr of lawful age depose and say that I am Town Clerk for the town of Deerfield, County of Rockingham and State of New Hampshire and have the custody of the Records of said town, and that it appears by said records that Andrew Magaffey was married to Hannah Wallis September 3rd, 1775, by Reverend Timothy Upham.
Deerfield, December 10, 1836
Benjamin Stevens, Jr.

A.Tower Tarbell
220 Commonwealth Ave.
Boston, MA

I have to advise you that from the Revolutionary War records of this bureau it appears that Andrew McGaffey enetered the service in 1775, was at the battle of Bunker Hill, served as Lieutenant in the Third New Hampshire Regiment until some time in 1779.
He was pensioned from July 31, 1786, while a resident of Strafford County, New Hampshire, on account of disability (the nature of which is not stated) incurred in the service. He died August 20, 1825 in Sandwich, Strafford County, New Hampshire to which place he had moved from Epsom, New Hampshire.
Soldier married September 3, 1775 in Deerfield, Rockingham County, New Hampshire, Hannah Wallis. She was allowed pension on her application executed October 7, 1838 while a resident of Sandwich, New Hampshire, aged eighty years.
In July 1837, she moved to Mount Vernon, Kennebec County Maine because she had six children living there. No names are given except David McGaffey aged sixty two years in 1838 and with whom she was living in said Mount Vernon.
E.W. Morgan
Acting Commissioner

Children gleaned from The Geanalogical history of the McGaffey Family. Five sons and three daughters removed to Mt. Vernon, Maine
Marriage Notes (Hannah Wallace)
Date from widow Hannah's pension application, along with his date of death.

Andrew McGaffey

      Sex: M

Individual Information
          Birth: Sep 14, 1765 - Epsom, NH
    Christening: Sep 15, 1765 - Epsom, NH
          Death: Abt 1804 - Lyndon, VT
 Cause of Death: 
           AFN : 


• Baptism: by Rev. John Tuck in Epsom, NH, Sep 15, 1765.

         Father: John McGaffey
         Mother: Jane McClary

Spouses and Children
1. *Hannah Corliss
       Marriage: Jan 13, 1790 - Sandwich, NH
                1. Neal McGaffey
                2. Andrew McGaffey
                3. Mary Jane McGaffey
                4. Hannah McGaffey
                5. Daniel McGaffey
                6. Anson McGaffey

Resided Epsom, NH to 1778; Sandwich, NH to 1790; Lyndon, VT, 1799; Elmore, VT, 1799; Lyndon, 1800; Charleston, 1803; Lyndon 1803 untilhis death.
Births of children recorded in Lyndon, VT 1805
A drummer and fifer in the Revolution at age 14 (March 1, 1780-April 1783)
Moved his family into Lyndon, VT in the summer of 1803
McGaffey family genealogy p. 54 of G.W. McGaffey, gives the wife of this Andrew as Mary Cass, with these children. This is disputed by Laura M. Clarenbach in correspondence. She gives his wife as Hannah Calley (Corliss) due to age. She instead has Andrew, born 1782, son of Andrew and Hannah (Wallace) McGaffey.

Andrew McGaffey

      Sex: M

Individual Information
          Birth: Sep 3, 1793 - Lyndon, VT
          Death: Aug 23, 1876 - Danville, VT
         Burial: in Danville Green Cemetery, Danville, VT
 Cause of Death: 
           AFN : 

         Father: Andrew McGaffey
         Mother: Hannah Corliss

Spouses and Children
1. *Florinda Morse
       Marriage: Dec 18, 1828 - Danville, VT

Andrew McGaffey

      Sex: M

Individual Information
          Birth: Apr 15, 1782 - Sandwich, NH
          Death: Jan 14, 1862
         Burial: in Bean Cemetery, Mount Vernon, ME
 Cause of Death: 
           AFN : 

         Father: Andrew McGaffey
         Mother: Hannah Wallace

Possibly the Andrew McGaffey, Greenfield, Saratoga, NY in 1850 US Census, age 68 in home of Orin and Betsey Peacock. He appears there in 1820 (household of 5) and 1830 US Census. She was born 1817, died march 8, 1895, age 78, Porter Cemetery

Possibly married a Mary Cass, seen in various genealogies.

Annie Bell McGaffey

      Sex: F

Individual Information
 Cause of Death: 
           AFN : 

         Father: Charles Neal McGaffey
         Mother: Annie Bell Beaufort

Annie Laura McGaffey

      Sex: F

Individual Information
          Birth: Aug 20, 1882 - Luling, TX
 Cause of Death: 
           AFN : 

         Father: Otis McGaffey
         Mother: Laura Jane Boone

Spouses and Children
1. *Joseph Willis English
       Marriage: Nov 6, 1900 - Dallas, TX

Anson McGaffey

      Sex: M

Individual Information
          Birth: Aug 1802
 Cause of Death: 
           AFN : 

         Father: Andrew McGaffey
         Mother: Hannah Corliss

Spouses and Children
1. *Urana Cook

Aurelia B. McGaffey

      Sex: F

Individual Information
          Birth: Nov 12, 1826
          Death: Jan 10, 1899
         Burial: Mount Pleasant Cemetery, St. Johnsbury, VT
 Cause of Death: 
           AFN : 

         Father: Stephen McGaffey
         Mother: Sally Hoyt

Spouses and Children
1. *Andrew J. Willard

Betsey McGaffey

      Sex: F

Individual Information
          Birth: Nov 25, 1778 - Sandwich, NH
 Cause of Death: 
           AFN : 

         Father: Andrew McGaffey
         Mother: Hannah Wallace

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