Epsom Historical Association had a very
successful year in 2006. Regular meetings
resumed with a presentation in March by
Sharon Burnston on colonial life; a lecture
on Library Programming with Mike Sullivan
which included a tour of the new library;
a meeting at the Sanborn Homestead on Sanborn
Hill about the Sanborn family in July as
a part of the annual Ice Cream Social; the
McClary Cemetery and Epsom Center was the
program for September; and the meetings
concluded with a program of NH Militia by
Thomas Graham. Newsletters were changed
to email delivery and included more content
and photos - with a trimmed down version
being mailed to those who did not wish to
receive the emailed version. This saved
money on mailing as well as allowing more
photos and information to be included in
the newer version. Additionally the Association
took part in the dedication of the State
of NH Historical Marker dedication honoring
Major Andrew McClary in August.
New items were received by the Association
through local and online auctions, and also
through kind donations of residents. Among
these were several photo albums dating from
the 1870's with correspondence from the
same period, diaries and autograph albums;
4 diaries belonging to Catherine A. Yeaton;
a photocopy of the Civil War diary of Andrew
J. Hall; received and restored a large charcoal-based
picture of John D. Dow; the records of the
Epsom Temperance Society and the clock from
the Gossville school. In addition we were
able to copy numerous other photos courtesy
of Joni Kitson and Dick Framback and others.
Finally, through Mr. Framback, we copied
the original history forms of members of
the Epsom GAR.
A project to archive holdings of the Association
began, which included scanning and saving
to computer disk, copies of documents, photos
and historical items. At least 25 important
paper documents have been scanned, including
the Temperance Records, Civil War Diaries,
Dolbeer Death Records, many photos, various
other diaries and Church histories, to name
a few. A fund has been started to upgrade
the computer system to inventory all the
holdings and hold copies of all the archived
The Epsom Early Settlers web site continues
to grow and provide online access to the
Association's holdings and information of
Association activities. The web site got
a new domain name ( and
a new look. The genealogy database has grown
to nearly 37,000 names; the photo galleries
expanded; the majority of transcriptions
converted to Adobe pdf files for easier
viewing, printing and downloading. The site
continues to be visited with thousands of
'hits' during the year from around the country.
A fundraising DVD was made available in
December containing 350 photos from the
Association's archives. In addition, two
books were received - one on Munroe genealogy
from Mary Pilsbury; and articles on Chichester
history by Walter Sanborn.
The Epsom Historical Association assisted
the Friends of the Historic Meeting House
committee with establishing an account to
hold its donations to help save and move
the historic structure. In addition, the
Association continues is close alliance
with the Epsom Public Library and trustees
in an effort to further making the history
of Epsom more accessible to residents.
Plans for 2007 include the continuing of
archiving and inventorying its holdings
and upgrading its computer; reaching out
to residents to increase our holdings by
receiving or borrowing items and photos
to archive materials pertaining to Epsom
History; broadening our membership and ties
to the community; conducting informative
meetings on history for area residents;
publishing our newsletter to members; making
the holdings of the Association more accessible
on the web, and more important, having it
in one location where it can be presented
and researched.
the Free Will Baptist church looked like
this. Cumberland Farms continues to build
its new facility on the property, having
dismantled the gym and classrooms at the
rear, and the old vestry. With the exception
of the steeple, the old bulding, erected
in 1861, has been reduced to its original
structure. The vestry had been built in
1888, dedicated on December 21 of that year,
and was constructed with funds raised by
the then Ladies Sewing Circle. The fate
of the building now rests with town residents
who will vote on the owership of the building
February 13th 2007, and the church committee
finalizing plans to move the structure.
Epsom Historical Association recently purchased
two items at a local auction to add to its
collection of Epsom historical items. The
first is the clock which for many years
hung in the Gossville School. The clock
is circa 1890 and is a E Ingraham "Dew
Drop" Model, manufactured in Bristol,
Connecticut. The history of Ingraham clocks
dates back to mid 19th century. This company
was owned by Elias Ingraham who was a notable
case-maker for the clocks, and worked with
many partners. Elias was succeeded by his
son Edward Ingraham who was famous applying
black enamel paint to wooden clock cases.
The Gossville School that still stands today
was built in 1894, with an addition added
in 1924. The clock likely dates between
those dates.
record book of the Epsom Temperance Society
dates from its founding in 1835 and runs
through 1859. It contains its original consitution
as well as its renewal in 1841. The records
book contains minutes of its meetings, election
of all officers, and names of those at the
meetings who have newly "signed the
pledge." This is the only source currently
known with information on this society.
ago Tiny Palmer dropped off to the library
a framed picture of a young
The frame, some 30x27 inches, was wrapped
in a sheet and tied with rope. The picture,
apparently charcoal drawing, was on a canvas
frame which had fallen out of the frame,
held by black tape and rotting leather straps.
The glass was still in one piece, but quite
dirty. The framed picture was stored in
the furnance room, and later removed to
the storage trailer. With the move of the
Library, the old frame and contents surfaced
once again and turned over to the Historical
Association. With the aid of Brett Rand
of Artistic Expressions, the entire piece
was taken apart, a new matte added, cleaned
and put back together. The original matte
remains on the rear of the frame. Our thanks
to Brett Rand for his assistance.
picture is of John D. Dow born in Epsom
1846, Civil War soldier of Epsom who fought
among other places, Fredericksburg and Vicksburg.
In April 1865 he was in the hospital at
Camp Nelson in Kentucky. Out of the service
on disability, her returned to Epsom where
he married Nov. 1865, Lizzie Libbey. he
died age 21 years 8 months, November 18,
1867, in Epsom. He us buried at the Gossville
Cemetery. [see
additional photo] Click on framed picture
for larger version
The Epsom Public Library will retain the
old building as the EPSOM PUBLIC LIBRARY
HISTORICAL CENTER, to house its historical
items, preserving them in their original
setting. The Epsom Historical Association
will be the caretakers of the collection,
and will house its own collection there
as well, setting up a research Library and
Museum. This is perhaps the most important
decison made in decades to preserve Epsoms
rich heritage. For the first time, there
is a place in which donated items can be
stored and put on display for the benefit
of the community. Items to be displayed
will include permanent items, and items
that may be on loan from individuals. Special
tours and programs will be made available
to organizations and school groups. The
Library and Museum will also become a place
for people, taking advantage of the many
databases and information belonging to the
Historical Association, to go for research.
This becomes an ideal time for those who
have items they would like to donate to
do so. Contact Harvey Harkness 736-4571or
email the Epsom Historical Association at
The local business community will be asked
to be partners in an endeavor to help defray
the operating costs. Official opening is
tenatively set for Memorial Day weekend
2007, at which time regular hours will commence.
The Library & Museum also can be found
online by clicking the link on this page.
The Historical Association will have a special
committee to oversee the activities at the
old Library, and the Epsom Public Library
will also hold special hours at the Historical
19 at 2 pm, the old Epsom Town Hall was
the location for the November meeting of
the Epsom Historical Association which featured
a program on the early NH Militia.
Traveling back in time and touring through
New Hampshires military history from
its beginnings in 1623 to the present day
National Guard, Tom Graham II will presented
a 25 minute video overview of the past 370
years of New Hampshires impressive
military history. Mr. Graham serves as the
historian for the New Hampshire National
Guard and took questions after the presentation.
Epsom played an important role, with members
of its militia making the trek to Bunker
Hill, and maintained a strong militia (the
18th Regiment) throughout the first half
of the 1800s. Prominent citizens of
the local militia included members of the
McClary family, Simon Ames Heath, John Ham,
Daniel Cilley, James Babb, Josiah Crosby
and General Benjamin L. Locke.
The program was open to the public and refreshments
were served by Nancy Claris and Mary Frambach.
Officers were elected for 2007, and remain
the same as the past year: Harvey Harkness,
President; Phil Yeaton, Vice President;
Elsie Fife, Secretary; and Penny Graham,
Treasurer. [click
for additional photos]
a funeral attended by thousands of police
and many NH dignitaries, the procession
left Manchester to Concord and into Epsom
for burial at the New Rye Cemetery. Michael
Briggs, born and raised in Epsom, was a
policeman in his home town, and following
service as a US Marine, and serving at the
Hillsborough County House of Correction,
joined the Manchester Police Department.
He served them five years before his life
was tragically ended on a domestic violence
call. Rev. Jim Young officiated part of
the services in Manchester, as well as those
graveside in Epsom.
town displayed flags, signs of appreciation,
and adourned the Epsom Traffic Circle with
signs and fall flowers in anticipation of
the funeral procession passing by on its
way to the New Rye Cemetery. [Epsom
Milne Special Collections and Archives at
the University of New Hampshire, listed
in their online listing of collections,
a Civil War Diary of Andrew J. Hall, with
New Hampshire connections. Through the Epsom
Historical Association, having run across
the listing, recognized the name and knew
immediately he was an Epsom resident. The
son of Benjamin Hall and his wife Polly
Wells, he was born in Epsom April 23, 1834,
and when about age twenty, left for Illinois.
There he married Sarah J. Poynter and had
two children, Frank, and Andrew J. Jr. At
the outbreak of the Civil War he enlisted
in Company E, 2nd regiment of the Illinois
cavalry. The diary starts when he leaves
his home in Lebanon, Il, and discusses his
service into 1862. Andrew J. Hall died in
Epsom October 31, 1873, and is buried in
the McClary Cemetery. The diary was used
by his widow in a claim for pension. For
identifying Andrew J. Hall, the Special
Collections department at UNH forwarded
a photo copy of the diary entries for the
Epsom Historical Association. [read
the diary]
Carlson of South Carolina contacted Epsom
Early Settlers with information that he
had four diaries written by Catherine A.
Yeaton, years 1882, 1885, 1886 and 1895.
He wished to know their value and offered
them for sale. After some negotiating, they
were purchased and arrived in Epsom safely.
Catherine A. Yeaton (1820-1900) was the
daughter of William Yeaton and Elizabeth
Ham. She married in 1841, Warren Yeaton
(1818-1890), son of John Yeaton and Betsy
Towle. She and Warren had children Ellen,
William, Caroline, Thomas M., Charles A.,
John Warren, and Alvah L. They lived on
North Road in the Yeton Tavern. The diaries
were written up to within 5 years of her
death and include some of her daily activities
and work being done on the farm. Information
also included visitors and some local deaths.
The Association will try and identify most
of the individuals mentioned, as well as
transcibe the four diaries. These diaries
will be added to those of John C. Yeaton
which were purchased this spring. Other
transcibed diaries available to read online
include those of James M. Sherburne, Charles
J.P. Brown, and James Babb.
The new state historical marker celebrating
Major Andrew McClary of Epsom, who fell
at Bunker Hill, wasAugust 20th at 10:00
am. It is located at the State Rest Area
on Route 4, east of the traffic circle.
The ceremonies included the NH Sons of the
American Revolution 'Stark's Rangers' color
guard, members of the Epsom Historical Association,
American Legion and NH Society of the Children
of the American Revolution and included
remarks and gun salute. Despite rainy conditions,
nearly 50 people attended the dedication,
sheltered by a tent provided by Dick Frambach.
The color guard following that ceremony
conducted grave marker dedications, one
in Epsom and two in Deerfield for Daniel
Philbrick, Ephraim Eastman and William Rand.
[ program]
20, 2006 - The grave of Daniel Philbrick,
Revolutionary War Veteran, was honored with
an SAR marker by ceremonies conducted by
the NH Sons of the American Revolution's
Color Guard, 'Stark's Rangers'. The ceremony
included the laying of wreaths, gun salute,
and other traditional events. It was attended
by ancestors of the James Witham family,
SAR members, NH Society of the Children
of the American Revolution and others. The
grave is in the Barton-Philbrick cemetery,
behind the Kimball home on Barton Road,
near the Epsom-Pittsfield line. The SAR
marked 2 additional graves in Deerfield.
CREAM SOCIAL - Sanborn Home Program
The annual ice cream social was held at
the Sanborn homestead on Sanborn Hill on
July 23rd with a large gathering in attendance.
Thanks to host Sarah Harkness for allowing
us to visit the homestead and to Ed and
Glenna Nutter for providing the ice cream
and toppings. The program on the Sanborn
Family and homestead was given by Carleton
Rand. Thanks all for attending and being
part of one of our largest gatherings in
a while!
[more photos]
the efforts of Harvey Harkness and the work
of Ricky Belanger and his crew, the old
water trough near the old Free Will Baptist
Church has been moved to the old town hall.
Flowers by Glenna Nutter. Thanks all !
fashioned pump organ made by James M. Gordon,
located at old town hall courtesy E. Nutter
& H. Harkness

left name of maker, James M Gordon - to
right, E
& Notes 2013
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& Notes 2010
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& Notes 2009
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& Notes 2008
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& Notes 2007
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& Notes 2006