Diaries of John C. Yeaton in pdf format

The Diaries of John C. Yeaton (1875-1909)

The Epsom Historical Association bought at public auction two diaries from the John B. Yeaton estate. the two diaries are by John Crockett Yeaton. The first covers most of 1886, with some months with incomplete entries (January, September and October) and no entries for November and December. The second diary for 1887 is complete. John Crockett Yeaton would have been a boy about 12 years old at the time of his writing, and the diaries reflect his activities working on the farm and just being a kid. The second diary is below. Click the link for the first diary. [1886 Diary of John C. Yeaton]





Sat. Jan 1, 1887
Rainy. I had sore throat did not go to writing school. Papa went to monthly meeting. I wrote a letter to Arthur. Papa did not go over to Mr. Burnhams to work logging.

Sunday 2
Cold. I did not go to church, my throat is still sore. Papa and Elizabeth went. Mrs. Lewis called in.

Monday Jan. 3
Papa went over to work. Harry and Bert came in this PM, we played jackstraws. I feel a little better today. No writing school tonight.

Tuesday 4
I went down to Bert's, we sled some this AM. Viola and Nettie called in this PM. I went to writing school. Papa went to work.

Wed. Jan. 5
Not so cold, cloudy. Mama washed this AM. I done my chores at the barn and sawed wood and kept the fires. This PM I went up to Harry's a little while, Bert came up. Mr. Watson called and I got this diary.

Thursday 6
It was snowy this morning when I got up and snowed all this AM. There is six and one half inches. Mr. Locke came in this PM, Papa went to work.

Fri. Jan. 7
Pleasant. I went down to Mr. Knowles this PM. Harry came down this PM. Papa went to work.

Saturday 8
10 below zero. Pleasant. Charlie came up and when he went home I went down to Mr. Locke's and called in there, when I came home I helped Bert get out a chopping block down to Herberts and he gave __ Herbert to the prize.

Sun. Jan. 9, 1887
10 below at 7 o'clock. Snowed a little this PM. We went to church. Harry and Bert came home with us. Harry went down with me. Harry and Ernest came down a little while after meeting. Mr. Locke came up. I went down to Bert's.

Monday 10
Pleasant this AM., windy this PM. Bert came up this AM and PM. Edwin came up this AM and put his rack on to his sleds to haul bark on for Mr. Parker, and hauled a load of hay down to Mr. Knowles.

Tues. Jan. 11, 1887
2 below zero. Pleasant. Papa went down with Edwin and George Burnham hauling bark. Bert and Harry came in this PM. I went down to Bert's this AM.
Papa is 55 years old today.

Wednesday 12
Pleasant. Papa thrashed rye ___ Grampa that they hauled over here from the rye field and I helped. Bert and Harry came in this PM. Bert and I went down to the Cates (?).

Thurs. Jan. 13, 1887
Pleasant. Papa and I thrashed. I yoked my steers this Am in the yard. I went up to see Harry in the PM. I and Papa went down to Mr. Stanley's tonight. Elizabeth went down to Gram and she gave me a pair of mittens.

Friday 14
Snowed and blowed all day and is blowing tonight. Papa did thrash today. Mr. Pike came up with a winmowing (?) mill and cleaned up the wheat. Had 15 bu. Bert came up.

Sat. Jan. 15, 1887
Snowed easy most all day. Had my steers yoked this AM on the sled and went up to Mrs. ___ and drove them round the dooryard. Frank drove through with his cattle. Thrashed this PM

Sunday 16
Pleasant. Went to church. Harry went with us we road. Bert came home with us. Edwin and Ella came up after __ this PM.

Mon. Jan 17, 1887
Snowed all day. Thrashed, finished it up. Frank called in this evening and changed papers.

Tuesday 18
Winday all day, blew hard. Had to brake out the road twice today. Frank and Papa done it.

Wed. Jan. 19, 1887
18 below. Pleasant most all day, spit little snow this PM. Carry Tilton and Ada Locke called in this PM. Carrie's father came up and got her. Harry came down this AM.
Papa went down to store.

Thursday 20
Pleasant. Bert came up this AM. Papa went down to the store this AM. Yoked up the steers this PM and went down to Mr. Locke's and met Frank and he put his on and we went across and came up by Frank's home.

Fri. Jan. 21, 1887
Thawed a little. Windy. Mr. Locke came up with Grandfathers horse and Pung and cleaned up the rye and carry it home. Had to brake out the road this PM. Papa chopped on maple tree over in the pasture.

Saturday 22
Pleasant but cloudy. Papa and Mr. Locke went down to Aunt Vianars to chop but the snow was too deep and did work only in AM. Grandma came up. Yoked up the steers this PM. Harry came down.

Sun. Jan. 23, 1887
Thawy. I and Harry went to church. Herbert and Bert went with us. Stopped to Mrs. Eastmans when I came home and late supper.

Monday 24
Thoughy and same, rainy.

Tues. Jan. 25, 1887
Pleasant. Papa chopped on the maple and I did a little icy skated a little on the side of the road. Edwin came up this AM and this PM and got ___ sled with George Burnhams stage one of his got a sore foot (?).

Wed. 26
Pleasant this AM. Snowy this PM. Papa chopped over in the pasture side of Mr. Stanley's pine wood. This AM I went over a little while. Charlie came a few minutes this PM.

Thurs 27, 1887
4 below, pleasant, a little windy. We chopped this AM, Papa and I went down to Mr. Knowles and Grandpa's this PM. Harry came down but I was not at home and got a new axe and two handles.

Friday 28
Thawy and cloudy. Uncle Daniel and Aunt Amy and Alice came up. Chopped this AM. Papa started up to Samtrue Pages to tell him that Mr. Chelsey said we could have __ weeks more school__ ___. (?)

Sat, Jan. 29, 1887
Rainy most all day, snowed a little this PM. Papa and I hauled two loads of Mr. Locke's hay down to him on wheels this AM. Went down to Mr. Giles and got Viola's paper this PM.

Sunday 30
Cloudy. Went to meeting. Harry went down with us and he and Bert and Herbert walked home with me part of the way. Herbert and Harry did not come the same way that B and I. We got home first.

Mon. Jan. 31, 1887
Pleasant, a little cold. School commenced today. Miss Veasey keeps boards up to Mrs. Lewis's. Papa went over to help Edwin and carried over a load of hay on wheels. Only seven to school today. Snowing this evening.

Tuesday, Feb. 1
12 below. Snowed in the night and a little while this morning. Went to school. Herbert and Arthur Locke went to school today. Papa went to work.

Wed. Feb. 2, 1887
Been snowing most all day. I built the fire up to school today. Papa went to work over to George Burnhams.

Thursday 3
10 above. Hailed and snowed. Went to school. Papa went to work.

Fri. Feb. 4, 1887
Pleasant. Went to school. I have got a hoarse cold. Papa went to work.
Mr. Charles Ames died this morning with Pneumonia, been sick a little over a week.

Saturday 5
Pleasant. Quite hoarse. Bert came up this AM. Papa went to work.

Sun. Feb. 6, 1887
Spit a little snow this morning. Mr. Ames was buried today. Papa managed the funeral. Mr. Locke called in when he came home. Edwin rode up north. Mr. __ called. My cold is not any better.

Monday 7
Pleasant. Went to school. My cold is a little better. Papa went to work. Mr. Locke came in this evening.

Tues. Feb. 8, 1887
Misty and some fine rain. Went to school. Mrs. Stanley worked up here. Papa went over to work this AM.

Wednesday 9
Pleasant. Went to school. My cold is about the same. Papa went to work.

Thurs. Feb. 10, 1887
Pleasant. Went to school. I built the fire. The crust holds. Papa went to work. Bert came up after school. Cold about the same.

Friday 11
Rainy. Went to school. Papa at home part of day. Papa went down to Mr. Locke's this evening.

Sat. Feb. 12, 1887
Windy. My cold is a little better. We all have got bad colds. I went down to Mr. Locke's this PM and Mr. Giles this AM. Bert came up this PM. The crust will bare up. Papa went to work.

Sunday 13
Down to zero. Pretty cold and some windy. Grandma called up. We went to church. Bert rode with us. My cold is better.

Mon. Feb. 14, 1887
Pleasant. Went to school, sharp this morning. Simeon Locke came to school today. Papa went to work. Elizabeth most stove her rubbers up one of them, a hole in the top sliding down the hill this morning, did not keep her feet up.

Tuesday 15
Snowed this morning and a little in PM, misty and foggy, some cleared in AM. Went to school. Papa went to work. My cold is better. Harry came down this evening.

Wed. Feb. 16, 1887
Thawy. Pleasant. Went to school. My cold is about the same as yesterday. Papa went to work.

Thursday 17
Pleasant. Went to school. Bert came up tonight and we slid. Papa went to work.

Fri. Feb. 18, 1887
Snowy, all hard in PM. Went to school. Papa went to work but came home before night. My cold is better. Raining this evening.

Saturday 19
Foggy this morning but cleared of this AM. Frank came down with their steers on their sled and I but (put?) mine on lead. Papa went to work. Mrs. Lewis and the teacher and Harry came down.

Sun. Feb. 20, 1887
Pleasant. Went to meeting. Harry rode down with us and Bert and he rode back with us. Mr. Locke came in, Mrs. Prescott Locke is sick.

Monday 21
Spit snow this AM but cleared off at noon. Went to school. Papa went to work. George is cinder sick. My cold is most well.

Tues. Feb. 22, 1887
Some snowy today. Went to school. Papa went to work this AM.

Wednesday 23
Pleasant. Went to school, the committee came in this PM. Papa went to work.

Thurs. Feb. 24, 1887
Snowed and blew and almost rained this AM, but cleared off at noon. Went to school. Papa did not go to work, carried us up to school.

Friday 25
10 above. Pleasant but some cold. Went to school, the last day. Papa went to work. Mr. Locke came up tonight. I went down to Mr. Giles and got some caste (?).

Sat. Feb. 26, 1887
Pleasant this AM but snowed this PM and blowed tonight. Mrs. Prescott Locke died this PM. I went down to Mr. Locke's and stayed with Mrs. Durgan (?) till nine o'clock. Papa went to work. -

Sunday 27
Windy, did not go to meeting. Edwin came up to get the horse to go back and forth to George Burnham's wit he hasn't got quite through.

Mon. Feb. 28, 1887
10 above. Cold and windy. Papa went to help Mr. Locke up to Mr. Prescott Locke's to dig the grave and he has gone down to Mr. Ed Warrens tonight. Bert came up this PM and ate supper with us.

Tuesday, Mar. 1
Pleasant. Mrs. Prescott Locke was buried today at 2 o'clock. I went down to Mr. Locke's and kept house while they were gone to the funeral and went down to Grandma's and went to the elocution class up to the hall. Mrs. Harris runs it.

Wed, Mar. 2, 1887
Pleasant. I am down to Grandma's. I went up to the store this AM. This evening I went up to the Hall to a show the good templers had. Noah came down tonight.

Thursday 3
Pleasant. Edwin came up this AM and brought a pair of oxen of Grandpa's and I came home with the horse. Bert came up and I went down a little while this PM.

Fri. Mar. 4, 1887/8
Pleasant. Papa went down to the depot and Aunt Vianars and Grandma's this AM. This PM we chopped over in the further corner of the pasture. Got some yeast.

Saturday 5
Pleasant. Chopped this AM. Papa went to monthly meeting this PM. Elizabeth went down to Mrs. Eastman's and spent the day. Bert came up.

Sun. Mar. 6, 1887
Snowed all day hard. Did not go to meeting. Mr. Locke came in tonight.

Monday 7
Warm and Pleasant. Broke out the road, yoked up the steers and went over across to the range road and came home around the road.

Tues. Mar. 8, 1887
Pleasant and warm. Bert and Harry came in this PM and Harry came in this AM. Went down to grandma's tonight, guess I shall not go to elocution school. Edwin and Ella came up and brought up the oxen and took the horse.

Wednesday 9
Pleasant. Came home from Grandma's this morning. Papa and Herbert hauled two loads of hay up here and one to Mrs. Giles'.

Thurs. Mar. 10, 1887
Snowed all day. It is very dark. Sawed and split some wood. Papa has gone down to Mr. Locke's this evening.

Friday 11
Windy and cold. Broke out the path over to the wood and hauled four loads of __ with the oxen.

Sat. Mar. 12, 1887
Pleasant, a little cold and windy this AM. Hauled seven loads of wood. Bert went over twice with us. Mama and Ms __ , Mrs. Locke have gone down to Mrs. Eastman's this evening and are going to take the horse home. Sold my clock to Elizabeth for half a dollar.

Sunday 13
Pleasant and thawing. Went to church. Mr. & Mrs. Locke and Mrs. Holt came in a little while this PM. Edwin came up to get the team this evening.

Mon. Mar. 14, 1887
Thawing. Hauled wood this AM, put the steers on front while we hauled two loads. Hauled three loads in all. Chopped this PM. Papa went down to the store this evening.

Tuesday 15
Some cold. Hauled three loads this AM and one this PM. Put the steers on one load. Mama went down to Aunt Viannar's. Jim Bickford is going to get married tonight.

Wed. Mar. 16, 1887
Pleasant, cloudy tonight. Grandma came up today, went back tonight. Went down to the mill with the steers and hauled down three bags of corn and brought back a bag of shorts and a __ of shoes for Mr. Stanley.

Thursday 17
Pleasant. Papa commenced to cut up the wood pile today. Went down to the mill and got our grist with the steers. Mr. Locke's cow is some sick. I sawed some wood.

Fri. Mar. 18, 1887
Thawing, snowed a little bit this morning and spit a little tonight. Mr. Locke came up and got some oats and wheat to give his cow. Papa worked down to Mrs. Eastman's. Yoked up the steers alone today and went down to Mr. L and up to Mrs. L. I went down to Mr. L and he gave me 2 cents for bringing down some needles. His cow is better.

Sun. Mar. 20, 1887
Thawy and Pleasant. Went to church. Mr. Locke called in this PM. Mrs. Holt came down and Harry and Walter __ and gave one cent to the counter button box.

Monday 21
Pleasant and thawey. I went down to Grandma's this AM and got the saw filed. I yoked up the steers this PM. Papa and I went down to the store and Mrs. Eastman's and Aunt Viannars this evening.

Tues. Mar. 22, 1887
Snowed and blowed hard all day. Papa worked down to the mill for Alvy Yeaton hauling on logs this AM. Mrs. Stanley worked up here.

Wednesday 23
Cold and windy. Papa worked down to the mill. Edwin came up and watered the oxen and suckled the calf. Tonight I went down to Mr. Giles and got some papers.

Thurs. Mar. 24, 1887
Pleasant. Papa went down to the mill to work. Yoked the steers and they run from Mr. Dotey's down home. The ring came off of the tung when we got most home. Mr. Bickford had the oxen. Mr. Locke came up and helped do the chores.

Friday 25
Pleasant, but some windy. Papa went to work. I yoked up the steers. Mr. L came up and helped the chores. Papa got home earlier.

Sat. Mar. 26, 1887
Cold. Windy. Papa worked down to mill this AM. Went down to Bert's this AM. Mr. Locke came in.

Sunday 27
Pleasant. Did not go to church. Mr. Prescott is sick. Papa went over to Mr. Carpenter, Mr. P.L. wanted to see him. Alden Tilton came in.

Mon. Mar. 28, 1887
Snowed in the night and rained this AM, foggy this PM. Mrs. Ames came down this AM and Papa carried her over to Ben Toles this PM. Bert came up. I yoked the steers.

Tuesday 29
Cold and windy. Edwin and Ella came up. Edwin worked some sawing up logs, stave wood length. Prescott Lock died today at 12 o'clock. Mr. Locke's cow is sick.

Wed. Mar. 30, 1887
Cold and windy. Bert came up this PM. Papa and Mr. Giles went up to dig the grave. Papa and I went down to Mr. Locke.

Thursday 31
Pleasant. Mr. Locke's cow died this morning. Papa helped bury it. I went down to Mr. Locke's and stayed while they went to the funeral. He gave me 25 cents.

Fri. April 1, 1887
Pleasant. The selectmen came around. Edwin came up and helped saw logs. I went down to the store and Papa went to get the grist and Bert went with us, he came up this PM.

Saturday 2
Snowed and blowed all day hard.

Sun. April 3, 1887
Blowed some and cleared off warm. Did not go to meeting.

Monday 4
Pleasant and thawing. Mr. Locke came up. Yoked up the steers.

Tues. April 5, 1887
Pleasant. Mr. Locke helped saw wood. Got the logs all sawed. Yoked up the steers and went down to Mr. Locke's and hauled three loads of boards and __ side of the road. Alva Yeaton came up and brought berdie (?) for sixteen dollars.

Wednesday 6
Pleasant but windy. Papa helped Mr. Locke haul wood. The old cow is not very well. Edwin and Ella came up this evening. Bert and Charlie came up a few minutes.

Thurs. April 7, 1887
Pleasant, some windy. Yoked the steers and hauled two loads of boards from the side road. I went down to Bert's and he came up here. Edwin came up this evening. The cow is a little better, we think.

Friday 8
Pleasant and thawey. I taped three trees, one in the pasture and two in the dooryard. Cow is about .. Yoked the steers and hauled four loads of wood from side road.

Sat. April 9, 1887
Pleasant and thawy. Put some of my sap on to boil. Went down to Mr. Locke's tonight to get him to give the old cow her medicine. She is better. Papa went down to the mill on wheels tonight.

Sunday 10
Pleasant and thawey. Mr. Locke came up and gave the cow some saltpeter, she is about the same, a little better if any, then Mr. Dotey came in and Esibel came in.

Mon. April 11, 1887
Thaery and pleasant. Edwin worked up here working up wood. The cow is not so well.

Tuesday 12
Pleasant. Edwin came up and helped on the wood pile. Mr. Locke came up this evening. I went down to Bert's and Mr. Giles's and Bert came up here. The cow is the same.

Wed. April 13, 1887
Pleasant. Edwin came up to work. Went down to the store and carried two dozen of eggs and got a package of Sheriden's Conditions Powders and some pencils. They are 13 cents a dozen. Finished up the __ in the pasture.

Thursday 14
Pleasant. Bert came up a little while and I went down there. Mr. Stanley came up and helped give the cow some gruel. She did not want to take it. Papa finished up the wood piles this AM.

Fri. April 15, 1887
Pleasant but tonight rained and hailed. Mr. Locke came up and helped give the cow some gruel, but it made her cough. Edwin came up this evening. Papa worked down to Mr. Knowles'. One of Edwin's oxen was a little sick, but he is better.

Saturday 16
Wet and nasty all day. Bert came up this PM. I sent down after Edwin this morning, his ox was worse, but is a little better tonight. Mr. Locke came up, they came up again this evening.

Sun. April 17, 1887
Some cold and windy. Edwin went over and got Mr. Carel to see his ox. He gave him some cabbage and pork boiled together. I went down to Mr. Knowle's and got a funcp (?) to use on the cow. Mr. & Mrs. Locke came up.

Monday 18
Snowed this PM. Papa worked up to Mr. Dotey's. Edwin came up towards night, the ox is better. Mr. Locke came in this evening. Bert came up towards night a little while.

Tues. April 19, 1887
Pleasant. I yoked the steers and carried the clothes down to Mrs. Stanley's and hauled up the wood side of the road and hauled up the apple tree in the orchard and went over in the pasture. Bert came up.

Wednesday 20
Pleasant. Papa worked down to Mr. Knowle's. Mr. Locke came up. Samuel Yeaton came up to get Papa to help him, he came this evening.

Thurs. April 21, 1887
The cow is a little better. Pleasant. Papa worked over to Samuel Yeaton's. I went down to Grandpa's to see how he was, he had a bad spell last night. Mr. Locke came up to water the oxen and milk the cow tonight. Bert came up.

Friday 22
Pleasant. The cow is about the same as yesterday. I went up to Mr. Dotey's and Everett blast some bogs (?). Papa worked down to Mr. Knowle's. I yoked the steers.

Sat. April 23, 1887
Cloudy part of the day, blowing tonight. Bert came up. Papa worked on the bridge up by latiens (Leighton's ?). Elizabeth went down to Grandma's. I watered the oxen tonight.

Sunday 24
Pleasant. Went to church and then I went up to Grandma's and Bert gave me his organet and his harmonica and a pencil and a pair of thisseys (?) to hold screws (?) up.

Mon. April 25, 1887
Pleasant. I went up to see Harry a little while this AM. Papa worked down to Mr. Knowles'. I watered the ox, went down to Mr. Locke's and __ to Charlies a few minutes.

Tuesday 26
Snowed a little this AM. Cleared this PM. I went down to the mill and store, thrashed beans this AM. Charlie came up tonight a little while.

Wed. April 27, 1887
Pleasant, some windy. Papa worked over to Samuel Yeaton's and I went over to Uncle's this PM. Mr. Locke took care of the cattle tonight. We all went down to see the steam shovel work and rode on the cars.

Thursday 28
Rain this PM and blowing hard tonight. Hauled out thirteen loads of manure today. Did not work all day. Grandpa has got the pneumonia, he was taken night before last.

Fri. April 29, 1887
Rainy, foggy this AM. Foggy this PM. Edwin came up in PM and he and I hauled 4 loads of manure. Papa spread and then they plowed. Put the steers on hauling manure.

Saturday 30
Cold and windy. Papa and I hauled nine loads of manure this AM. Mr. Locke came up this PM and Papa and he plowed. Mr. L and mama went down to Grandma's, He and Papa went down tonight.

Sun. May 1, 1887
Pleasant. Wind this AM. Papa and momma went down to Grandpa's. He is about the same. Mr. Locke stayed with us while they were gone.

Monday 2
Pleasant. School commenced today. Lena Yeaton __. Grandpa died this morning about half past 2 o'clock. I caught a trout tonight.

Tues. May 3, 1887
Pleasant. Went to school. Mr. Locke worked up here this AM. Went fishing tonight, did not catch anything.

Wednesday 4
Warm, very. Did not go to school, went to grandpa's funeral. They had it in the church; there was a lot there.

Thurs. May 5, 1887
Very warm. Went to school. Papa went down to Grandma's to get Mamma. She went down this PM. G., E., and I went down to Mrs. Stanley and stayed. I went down to Charlies before dark and caught 2 trout for him.

Friday 6
Cloudy. Went to school. Mr. Locke worked up here. I went troutting, caught one little one.

Sat. May 7, 1887
Cloudy, looked like rain. Papa worked down to Mr. Locke's. Charlie came up and I went down to his house. I went fishing this PM, pulled one __ out of the water.

Sunday 8
Warm. Went to church. Bert came up to a little while.

Mon. May 9, 1887
Very warm. Went to school this AM. It did not __ this PM. Ernest Furnel went. He has come up visiting. Papa worked down to Mr. Lockes.

Tuesday 10
Hot. Went to school. Ernest went. I went down to __ and we played stick knives and I rode the horse home. Papa worked down there.

Wed. May 11, 1887
Pleasant, but windy. Went to school. The steers stave down the bars tonight. I helped put Mr. Dotey's cows out this morning. Papa worked down to Mr. Locke's this PM, he helped pick rocks.

Thursday 12
Pleasant but windy. Went to school. I helped Mrs. Dotey with her cows. Papa worked down to Mrs. Eastman's.

Fri. May 13, 1887
Pleasant. Went to school. I am sick tonight and vomited. Papa worked down to Mrs. Eastman's. Mr. Dotey gave me 5 cents for helping his wife with the cows.

Saturday 14
Pleasant. School cepet (?) today to make up for two half but I am sick so I did not go. Papa worked down to Mrs. Eastman's.

Sun. May 15, 1887
Pleasant and warm. I ate a few beans and a little brown bread, it made me vomit ofly three or four times. I ate some toast tonight and took some phisia. Ben Tole is sick. Papa got all through at Mrs. Eastman's. I went down and __.

Monday 16
Pleasant. The teacher has got the measles and went home this morning. I went up to the school to tell the scholars. Harry came down and we went fishing though I feel a little better.

Tues. May 17, 1887
Pleasant. I feel about the same. Edwin and Ella rode up this evening, did not stop but a few minutes. I fell sick to my stomach tonight. Papa worked down to Mrs. Stanley's today.

Wednesday 18
Pleasant, looked foggy. Papa worked down to Mr. Stanley's. I felt about the same. Stacy Lewis came from the west today.

Thurs. May 19, 1887
Ben Tole died this about 1 o'clock PM. Pleasasnt. Papa hauled manure this AM down on the peas that we had beans on last year. This PM he and I went down to Grandma's and we called in and see Dr. Colby and he gave me some ___.

Friday 20
Pleasant. Papa and Mr. Stanley drove the steers of down to Alfy Yeatons this morning, then hauled manure in PM here, and throwed it out of the hog pen in the AM.

Sat. May 21, 1887
Pleasant. Papa helped Mr. Stanley this AM and he helped us this PM. Finished drowing out manure. Papa went to Mr. Tole's funeral. I felt better. Dr. Colby came up to see how I was, he said I was better.

Sunday 22
Pleasant. Some cold and a little windy towards night. I went down to see Bert tonight. The teacher came back tonight. I feel about the same as yesterday, a little better if anything.

Mon. May 23, 1887
Pleasant and was -. Did not go to school. Papa worked down to Aunt Vianers. Charlie came up tonight a little while. I went down to get some yeast. Harry called up.

Tuesday 24
Pleasant. Went to school, looked showery this PM. Fred worked up here plowing doen in the field, finished there and in the garden.

Wed. May 25, 1887
Rainy all day. Went to school, carried our dinners. Alice came up and worked today. I went down to Mr. Stanley's tonight. Papa went down to the store.

Thursday 26
Cloudy all day. Showers this PM towards night, it lightening tonight. Alice came up to work. Fred came up, plowed most of the corn piece. Went to school, had Mrs. Lewis's oxen.

Fri. May 27, 1887
Cloudy, thundered towards night, rained a little towards night. Went to school. Mr. Locke came up this evening and brought up some tomato plants. A man called up and wanted to stay in the barn all night.

Saturday 28
Rained hard this AM, rained a little this PM, is raining a little tonight. Papa and E. and G. went down to the mill. One of our chickens died last night. Got three more hatched out.

Sun. May 29, 1887
Some rainy and misty. Bert came up a little while this AM. Mr. & Mrs. Locke came up this evening.

Monday 30
Pleasant. I got up at half past four and rode the horse to furrow out the corn piece, planted it today. Mr. Stanley helped. We went to decoration all bu Par (?). I went with Bert.

Tues. May 31, 1887
Pleasant, cool. Went to school. Mr. Stanley helped Papa plant this AM and Papa helped him in PM. We finished planting all but the beans. Stacy came down tonight. I milked most of the cow.

Wednesday, June 1
Rain. Went to school. Papa sowed the oats this morning. Mr. Giles helped. I milked most all the cow.

Thurs. June 2, 1887
Foggy. Went to school. I and Papa went down to Mrs. Eastman's and furrowed out a piece to plant. I rode the horse. Papa worked down there all day. Mamma and George went down to Grandma's. I milked tonight.

Friday 3
Showers. Went to school. They worked on the road. Elizabeth and Harry did not go to school, they have got the measles. I milked tonight.

Sat. June 4, 1887
Pleasant, but it looks as if it was going to rain tonight. I went down to get Carried Edmunds with Mr. Dotey's horse. He wanted me to and carried the teacher down as far as the store. Papa helped Mr. Giles this Am and we picked rocks in PM.

Sunday 5
Pleasant. I and Papa went down to Grandma's. We got started to go to meeting, but there wasn't any. Edwin and Ella came up a little while tonight.

Mon. June 6, 1887
Pleasant. Went to school. Went down to a concert given by some Negroes and had a good time. Stayed to Grandma's all night. Grandma gave me $2.

Tuesday 7
Pleasant. Went to school. I came home from Grandma's this morning. I went barefooted today.

Wed. June 8, 1887
Pleasant. Went to school. I went bare footed. I rode the horse for Mr. Dotey to furrow out this morning. He gave me 10 cents. Our corn is up. Papa went down to Mrs. Eastman's and Mr. Philbricks tonight and mamma and George went.

Thursday 9
Cool and sprinkled a little. Went to school. Papa helped Mr. Stanley this AM and went over to Sam Yeaton's to get some srunos (?) to move Mr. Stanley's barn with.

Fri. June 10, 1887
Pleasant. Went to school. I planted some fodder corn tonight. I rode the horse for Mr. Locke to cultivate his stuff this morning and he gave me 25 cents. Papa worked down to Mr. Stanley's.

Saturday 11
Pleasant and warm. I hoed my corn and potatoes this morning and then I went down to see them move Mr. Stanley's barn. I planted some fodder corn and beans. Bert and I went fishing, did not catch much.

Sun. June 12, 1887
Pleasant. There is no meeting, Charlie Tole came up and Mr. Locke lost one of our chickens tonight. Charlie came up a few minutes.

Monday 13
Pleasant. Went to school. Papa worked down to Mr. Stanley's this AM and went over to care the roles home after school he got my tool chest down to Grandma's that she gave me.

Tues. June 14, 1887
Pleasant. Went to school. Papa worked down to Mrs. Eastman's.

Wednesday 15
Pleasant. Went to school, had a circus up to Pittsfield. Papa worked over to Sammie Yeaton's. I worked on my house tonight.

Thurs. June 16, 1887
Pleasant. Went to school. Sprinkled a little this PM, looks like showers tonight. I worked on my house. It is raining tonight.

Friday 17
Pleasant. Went to school, the teacher went home tonight. Worked on my house. Papa worked over to Sammie Yeaton's. I went down to see Herbert and we swung in his swing.

Sat. June 18, 1887
Pleasant. Got the roof of my house boarded over, have got to board it over the cracks. Mamma went down to Grandma's. Papa worked over to Sammie Yeaton's. Harry and Stacy came down a little tonight.

Sunday 19
Pleasant. Had a shower tonight. Went to meeting, had a new minister. Papa and mamma and E. and G. went down to Grandma's and after I got the chores done I went down to Herberts.

Mon. June 20, 1887
Pleasant. Went to school. Papa worked over to Sammie Yeaton's. I hoed my potatoes tonight.

Tuesday 21
Cool, rainy and misty this PM. Went to school. Papa worked over to Sammie Yeaton's. I picked some strawberries this noon.

Wed. June 22, 1887
Rainy most of the day. Went to is raining hard tonight. I rode the horse to cultivate out our potatoes and Papa hoed them. I helped after school.

Thursday 23
Rainy all day. Went to school. Papa worked down to Mr. Stanley's.

Fri. June 24, 1887
Pleasant. Went to school, the teacher went home tonight. Papa worked down to Mr. Locke's and tonight we cultivated out half of our corn. I rode the horse. I harrowed my corn tonight.

Saturday 25
Pleasant and warm. Harrowed our corn. Mr. Locke helped us. Mrs. Sanborn came up this PM. Alvy Yeaton came up with some shingles.

Sun. June 26, 1887
Pleasant. Went to meeting. Bert came up. The teacher came back tonight. Papa carried Mrs. Sanborn home tonight.

Monday 27
Pleasant. Went to school. I rode the horse in the garden this morning and rode for Mr. Dotey tonight. Papa worked down to Mrs. Eastman this PM.

Tues. June 28, 1887
Pleasant. Went to school, harrowed my fodder corn and beans. Papa and mamma went down to Grandma's to the auction. Mr. Dotey gave me 10 cents for riding his horse yesterday.

Wednesday 29
Pleasant. Went to school. Papa worked over to Sammie Yeaton's.

Thurs. June 30, 1887
Warm. Went to school. I went down to Mr. Stanley's and Charlie's with my drum. Papa went over to Ben Tole's to appraise their property and Alvy Yeaton came up with some shingles.

Friday, July 1
Pleasant and warm. School finished today. Harry and Stacy came down tonight. Papa worked over to Sammie Yeatons.

Sat. July 2, 1887
Hot. Harrowed our potatoes and some in the garden. I carried Everett's other home over to Chichester this AM with Mr. Dotey's horse. I and Charlie went down to the store and for 2 bunches of snap crackers and 2 boxes of caps.

Sunday 3
Warm this AM. Had a thunder shower in PM. The teacher went home. Harry came down and went to church with us.

Mon. July 4, 1887
Pleasant. I got up at twenty minutes of four. I went down to Bert's and Bert came up and Harry and Stacy and Ernest came down, and this evening Herbert had some fire works up under their oak tree. He had some roman candles and big snap crackers and sky rockets and some blue light and Bert had some candles.

Tuesday 5
Pleasant. Harrowed our corn. Mr. Stanley and Edwin helped and after we got it done they hauled in Mr. Stanley's hay and ours that Papa cut yesterday. He has gone over after Eliza Burnham tonight.

Wed. July 6, 1887
Pleasant. Papa worked down to Mrs. Eastman's harrowing. I and Herbert cultivated out Mr. Dotey's corn. I rode the horse. I got in a little hay that I cut yesterday.

Thursday 7
Pleasant. Papa and Edwin worked down to Mr. Stanley's haying. I cut some grass side of the road.

Fri. July 8, 1887
Hot. I helped Mr. Locke get in his hay this AM and he gave me 25 cents. I helped Mr. Grant up to Mr. Dotey's haying this PM. Papa and Edwin helped Mr. Stanley.

Saturday 9
Pleasant this AM. Had shower this PM. I went down to the depot with Mr. D. and drove back one team. He carried his folks over and then I helped him. He gave me 23 cents. I helped Mr. Grant this PM and he gave me 50 cents.

Sun. July 10, 1887
Some rainy. Papa and the teacher went to meeting, she came up yesterday. Had a hard shower this PM. Mr. Locke came up.

Monday 11
Rained part of the day. Papa went down to the mill.

Tues. July 12, 1887
Pleasant this PM, cloudy this AM. Mowed the orchard and raked it up. I mowed some. Edwin came up this morning, but went right home. I went down to Mr. Giles' after yeast. Had 47 bunches.

Wednesday 13
Hot. Worked down to Mr. Lockes. Got our hay in in the orchard. Had three loads. I turned it over. Lena came up and got her trunk. Charlie came up tonight.

Thurs. July 14, 1887
Windy but pleasant. Worked down to Mr. Lockes, finished up, he gave me one dollar.

Friday 15
Windy and cool this PM. Papa worked down to Mrs. Eastman's. I went with him down to Dr. Colby's to see what ailed my ear, he thought something stung it. He lanced it. (something about a wheelbarrow).

Sat. July 16, 1887
Pleasant. Looked showery this PM, sprinkled a little. Papa worked down to Mrs. Eastman's. I harrowed (hauled?) my hay out and made it some more. I and Elizabeth went blueberrying and I picked two quarts and she picked 1 ½. Charlie came up tonight.

Sunday 17
Hot. Looked showery in PM. Went to church. Elizabeth went up to Grandma's and Papa and mamma and George went down and got her tonight.

Mon. July 18, 1887
Rainy. I helped Mr. Locke drive his calf down yoked them up and they went good. He gave me 25 cents for __ looking after them.

Tuesday 19
Pleasant, it looked some like showers. Papa worked down to Mrs. Eastman's and worked there this PM. I mowed a little in the garden side of the wall.

Wed. July 11, 1887
Pleasant. Papa worked down to Mrs. Eastman's. I mowed three bunches of hay and raked it up in the garden. I went down to Mrs. Giles and got some yeast and Mrs. Stanley gave me a scythe ___ it has got to __ a little.

Thursday 21
Cloudy. Mr. Stanley helped us. We mowed in the garden and the old ground over to the corn and some of the new ground. I mowed with my new sneth (?).

Fri. July 22, 1887
Rainy. Elizabeth birthday today. She and Papa and G went down to Grandma's. She gave me a little trunk.

Saturday 23
Rainy by spells. Laid up some wall between Mr. Giles and ours.

Sun. July 24, 1887
Rainy. Rained last night. Bert came up. Mr. Locke came up.

Monday 25
Cloudy but warm this AM. Had this PM. Papa worked down to Mr. Locke this AM and a little while this PM. I went down to Charlies this AM then went down to the store for Mr. Locke and helped him a little and got 40 cents.

Tues. July 26, 1887
Cloudy but hot and muggy. Mr. Stanley helped us __ the rest of the new ground. I mowed some, hauled in four loads, three in the first field and the __ in the garden. Got 120 bunches.

Wednesday 27
Hot. Mr. Stanley helped us. We mowed one load down in the field this side of the brook. Got in 8 loads of hay. Mr. Locke helped this PM. I mowed.

Thurs. July 28, 1887
Pleasant and hot. Edwin came up and we got Mr. Dotey's machine and mowed on the red tag piece (?). It did not go good, so we didn't get it done. I mowed some, got it in, had four loads.

Friday 29
Had a heavy thunder shower towards morning, looked showery this PM - hot. I and Papa mowed the rest of red prop (?) and got it in, had one load.

Sat. July 30, 1887
Hot and cloudy. Papa and I __ a strip through the clover piece __ in the field that was lodged down. It was stout, had 33 bunches, did not get it in. We went down and got in Mr. Lockes oats, hauled one load up here. He gave me __ cents.

Sunday 31
Pleasant but had a shower before night. Papa and E and G went to meeting.

Mon. Aug. 1, 1887
Pleasant and warm. Edwin came up and we mowed two pieces of grass and one load. The clover got in 5 big loads. Put E horse on front, had Mr. Knowle's rack, he had ours.

Tuesday 2
Had a shower this morning, not a very god hay day. I and Papa went over to see Aunt Sadie.

Wed. Aug. 3, 1887
Pleasant. Mowed three loads and got it in. Mr. Locke came up tonight.

Thursday 4
Not a very good hay day. We mowed the rest of the clover piece and raked it up. Had 32 bunches. Mowed a little on another piece.

Fri. Aug. 5, 1887
Cloudy. We mowed the rest of the high ground and got it in. Hauled in 4 loads. Papa hauled in Mr. Stanley's oats and he helped us a little while this PM.

Saturday 6
Showery. Took our last load of hay out and aired it. Papa went up and got Mr. Locke's cradle and cut a little wheat.

Sun. Aug. 7, 1887
Cool and some wind. Papa went down and got Grandma this morning. She went back tonight. Papa went over to the grave meeting in Allenstown with Sam Clark. Mr. Locke came up.

Monday 8
Pleasant. Edwin and Mr. Locke came up and Edwin __ the rest of the wheat that we are going to cradle. Some of it is so grassy that we got to cut it for fodder. Mowed the _ and some on brook. Hauled in two loads.

Tues. Aug. 9, 1887
Pleasant. Mr. Locke helped us mowed the brook and got in 1 load of wheat and 8 of hay. Raked the oats up in to winrows (?).

Wednesday 10
Pleasant. Cut the wheat that we left. Hauled in the oats. Had two loads and hauled 1 of the wheat. It was not quite dry enough, it was so grassy.

Thurs. Aug. 11, 1887
Cloudy, had a shower this PM. We mowed two runs over in the field and spread them out this PM.

Friday 12
Pleasant, windy this PM. We dried our hay and got it in. Had 3 loads.

Sat. Aug. 13, 1887
Pleasant. Cut the run over in the field and one load in the garden. Had one over in the field, finished up over there.

Sunday 14
Pleasant. Papa and G. and E. and I were to meeting. Edwin and Ella came up tonight.

Mon. Aug. 15, 1887
Pleasant. Cut the rest of the garden and hauled it in. Had two loads. Grandma and Mrs. Hopkinson came up a few minutes. Papa carried them home.

Tuesday 16
Pleasant. Mowed what grass there was in the pasture worth mowing and got it in. Had 2 loads and cut the __ crop around the buildings.

Wed. Aug. 17, 1887
Pleasant. Mowed the bushes in the pasture and some in the south field. Raked up 3 bunches of the best hay in the pasture and put it in the hay pen. Raked up the second crop. Had 8 small bunches. Mrs. Stanley came up this evening.

Thursday 18
Rainy this AM. Had a thunder shower this PM. It rained hard, the brook is right up to the bridge. Cut the bushes in the fruit field round the wall. Mr. Locke came up. Papa went down to the depot and store.

Fri; Aug. 19, 1887
Pleasant. Windy this PM. Papa went down to the store this morning. I spread a little hay for Mr. Locke. Got in our second crop. Cut a little of our fodder corn up that the wind blew down.

Saturday 20
Pleasant. Hauled up out wood over in the pasture and piled it up in the shed. Uncle Joseph came up a little while this AM. Harry and Stacy came down this PM.

Sun. Aug. 21, 1887
Pleasant. Went to meeting and then we went up to Grandma's.

Monday 22
Rainy. We hauled in a little wood and cleaned up the shed.

Tues. Aug. 23, 1887
Rainy. Papa __ some staging steel and put it up but it rained so they couldn't shingle. Down to Mr. Giles. I went down to Bert's a little while. We went down to Mrs. Eastman's tonight and had some ice cream and cake. It was Ella's birthday and the day they were married.

Wednesday 24
Rainy. I filled my tool chest so I could put my small tolls in strips of leath (length?) on one side of the chest.

Thurs. Aug. 25, 1887
Pleasant. Papa helped Mr. Giles shingle his house. We all went down this PM and I helped Mr. Locke get in his hay. He gave me 20 cents.

Friday 26
Pleasant but windy. I dug the rest of the potatoes in the garden. Had 3 bushels. Papa worked down to Mr. Giles. Mamma went down to grandmas and she sent me up a ring.

Sat. Aug. 27, 1887
Pleasant. I turned the fodder corn over this AM and then went up to Mrs. Lewis'. I tied up the fodder corn tonight and we got it in. Papa worked down to Mrs. Eastman's. I helped Herbert get in Mr. Dotey's fodder corn and Mr. D. gave me 10 cents.

Sunday 28
Pleasant. Went to meeting and went up to grandma's a little while.

Mon. Aug. 29, 1887
Pleasant. We worked down to Mrs. Eastman's cutting up fodder corn. I went up to grandmas a little while towards night. She gave me 5 cents. Had a shower this PM.

Tuesday 30
Cloudy, sprinkles a little this PM. Papa got Mr. Stanley's hay in. I cut one piece of my fodder corn.

Wed. Aug. 31, 1887
Pleasant. I went down to Bert's and he came up. Papa worked down to Mr. Locke's.

Thursday Sept. 1
Pleasant. I and Papa worked down to Mrs. Eastman's.

Fri. Sept. 2, 1887
Cloudy, had a shower this PM. I set out some more strawberry plants. I have got 103 set out and 10 old ones. I went down with Frank and his grandmother to the depot and took back their team.

Saturday 3
Windy and cool. Papa worked down to Mrs. Eastman's this PM. I got 5 cents for what I worked on down there.

Sun. Sept. 4, 1887
Pleasant. Went to meeting. Mr. & Mrs. Locke came up this PM.

Monday 5
Pleasant. School commenced today. I went down to the store tonight with Harry.

Tues. Sept. 6, 1887
Pleasant. Went to school. Papa helped Mr. Dotey. I got my fodder corn.

Wednesday 7
Not very pleasant, had a shower tonight. Went to school. Papa helped Mr. D.

Thurs. Sept. 8, 1887
Cool and some windy. Went to school. I went down to Bert's tonight.

Friday 9
Pleasant. Went to school. I cut some fodder corn tonight. The teacher went home tonight. Papa helped Mr. Dotey.

Sat. Sept. 10, 1887
Pleasant, cool tonight. I cut the rest of the fodder corn. Papa worked up to Mr. Dotey's.

Sunday 11
Pleasant. Went to meeting. Papa and mamma and G. went down to grandma's tonight.

Mon. Sept. 12, 1887
Rainy. Went to school. Mamma went to grandma's to stay while she went to Concord. I cut a little second crop in the garden.

Tuesday 13
Rainy. Went to school. I cut a few stocks in the garden tonight. Mama came home.

Wed. Sept. 14, 1887
Cloudy. Went to school. I picked the fodder corn tonight and picked some cranberries. Stacy (?) and Barnest (?) came down and Bert came up. Papa worked up to Mr. Locke's cutting fodder corn.

Thursday 15
Pleasant. Went to school. We played ball. Bert came up. Papa worked up to Mr. Locke's. I got in the fodder corn tonight.

Fri. Sept. 16, 1887
Windy. Went to school. The teacher went home tonight. We picked the cranberries tonight, got 14 quarts.

Saturday 17
Pleasant. Cut up our corn and shucked it. I got in my second crop and corn and tonight I went down to the show and stayed all night at grandma's.

Sun. Sept. 18, 1887
Pleasant. Went to meeting and came home. I and Bert went to the concert tonight.

Monday 19
Pleasant. Went to school. We played ball some. Papa worked down to Mrs. Eastman's.

Tues. Sept. 20, 1887
Pleasant. Went to school. Papa worked down to Mrs. Eastman's. Mamma went down tonight. The cat caught a rabbit tonight. Grandma gave me a hammer and Ben gave me a file and scratch awl and a gauge (?). Aunt Nancy Marden died today.

Wednesday 21
Pleasant. Went to school. Edwin came up and patched the barn and shingled the piazza.

Thurs. Sept. 22, 1887
Cloudy. Went to school. Papa dug 4 bushels of potatoes and they went to the funeral.

Friday 23
Cool. Went to school. Papa worked on the bridge down my Mr. Latens (Leighton's). The thrashers came tonight. We had 17 bushels of wheat. Mr. Locke and Frank and Kidder helped.

Sat. Sept. 24, 1887
Windy. Papa worked on the bridge. Aunt Elizabeth came up.

Sunday 25
Pleasant and cool. Went to meeting. Aunt Elizabeth went home tonight.

Mon. Sept. 26, 1887
Not very pleasant. Went to school. Papa worked on the bridge. I pulled the beans in the garden and got in on wheelbarrow load of sweet corn in the garden. Went down to the store this morning.

Tuesday 27
Pleasant. Went to school. Looks smoky. Papa worked on the bridge.

Wed. Sept. 28, 1887
Pleasant. Went to school. Looks smoky. Papa worked on the bridge. Mamma went down to grandma's. We went down to Mr. Stanley's tonight a little while tonight.

Thursday 29
Pleasant. Went to school. Looks smoky. Papa and I went down to Alvy Yeaton's and got a pair of calves that Charlie Eastman left there. I commenced to read in the sixth reader today.

Fri. Sept. 30, 1887
Pleasant. Went to school. Went to Mr. Fiske husking tonight. Papa work down to Aunt Vianna's.

Saturday, Oct. 1
Cloudy this AM and rainy this PM. Papa and I worked down to Aunt Vianna's this Am digging potatoes. Papa went to yearly meeting. We husked 1 bushel of corn tonight.

Sun. Oct. 2, 1887
Pleasant. Went to church. Had a thunder shower tonight.

Monday 3
Pleasant this AM, but it rained this PM. Went to school. Mr. Giles helped dig potatoes. Husked 4 bushels of corn.

Tues. Oct. 4, 1887
Had a thunder shower this PM. Went to school. Went up to Mr. Dotey's. Husking tonight, husked three and a half of corn this morning.

Wednesday 5
Pleasant. Went to school. Papa dug potatoes. Got in w loads of corn tonight. Husked out 3 bushels.

Thurs. Oct. 6, 1887
Pleasant. Went to school. Papa husked 3 bushels of corn. Went to Mrs. Lewis' husking.

Friday 7
Pleasant. Went to school. Papa and went down to the store tonight.

Sat. Oct. 8, 1887
Pleasant. Picked our apples today. Elizabeth and I went to a show tonight and stayed all night.

Sunday 9
Pleasant. Went to church and went to the lecture tonight.

Mon. Oct. 10, 1887
Pleasant. Went to school. Papa worked down to Mr. Stanley's.

Tuesday 11
Cold. Went to school. Bert and I went to Ames husking tonight. Papa worked down to Mr. Stanley's.

Wed. Oct. 12, 1887
Cold, had a little snow squall this morning. Papa work to Mr. Locke this AM and hauled down the apples this PM.

Thursday 13
Pleasant. Papa went down to Dover with Mrs. Locke this morning. Went to school, we played ball.

Fri. Oct. 14, 1887
Pleasant. Went to school. The teacher went home tonight. Papa came tonight, played ball.

Saturday 15
Pleasant. The watering trough froze over last night. Papa helped Mr. Locke chop up on Mrs. Lewis'.

Sun. Oct. 16, 1887
Pleasant. Went church, went to the evening meeting tonight.

Monday 17
Pleasant. Went to school, played ball. Papa went down to the store tonight.

Tues. Oct. 18, 1887
Pleasant. Went to school, played ball. Papa helped Mr. Locke up on Mrs. Lewis'.

Wednesday 19
Pleasant. Went to school. Papa worked down to Mr. Locke's.

Thurs. Oct. 20, 1887
Pleasant. Went to school. Papa worked down to Mr. Locke's. Grandma gave me a shave. Addie and Ella and Viola came up tonight.

Friday 21
Rainy. Went to school. I built the fire. Bert did not go. Papa worked down to Mr. Stanley's this PM.

Sat. Oct. 22, 1887
Windy. Papa worked over to Sammie Yeaton's. I went down to Bert's and we made a kite. Went over in the woods and got a bow. Went down to the meeting tonight.

Sunday 23
Pleasant. Went to church.

Mon. Oct. 24, 1887
Pleasant. Went to school. Papa worked over to Sammie Yeaton's. I helped Mr. Locke start out some wood this morning.

Tuesday 25
Pleasant. Went to school. Papa worked over to Sammies.

Wed. Oct. 26, 1887
Pleasant. Went to school. Papa worked over to Sammie Yeaton's. Built some fence down in the field.

Thursday 27
Pleasant. Went to school. The teacher and mamma and Elizabeth went up to Mrs. Lewis' tonight. Papa worked over to Sammies.

Fri. Oct. 28, 1887
Pleasant. Went to school. Papa worked over to Sammies. Bert came up tonight.

Saturday 29
Pleasant. Bert and I went after our steers. Harry and Stacy came down this PM. Papa carried Mrs. Durgin down to Strafford.

Sun. Oct. 30, 1887
Pleasant but cold. Went to church and to the baptizing. Papa got home today. Ed and Ella came up. I went to meeting tonight.

Monday 31
Pleasant. Went to school. Ella came this PM. The teacher and Mamma went down to Mrs. Bickford's tonight. Papa worked over to Sammies. Tied up the steers tonight.

Tues. Nov. 1, 1887
Pleasant. Went to school. Billed our hog and Mr. Locke, Harry came down tonight. Mamma and the teacher went up to Mrs. Ames tonight.

Wednesday 2
I yoked the steers this morning. Pleasant. Went to school. Papa went up to Pittsfield and carried up the hogs and got me some boots. Annie (?) Alice and Charlie came up tonight.

Thurs. Nov. 3, 1887
Pleasant. Went to school. Papa dug up the spoat (?) today. I went down to Bert's this morning.

Friday 4
Pleasant. Went to school the last day, had six visitors in.

Sat. Nov. 5, 1887
Cold. Went down to Alvy Yeaton's and got a cow to winter. Went down to the meeting tonight. Papa went down to the monthly meeting this PM.

Sunday 6
Pleasant. Went to church. Went up to the lecture this PM.

Mon. Nov. 7, 1887
Pleasant. Papa worked down to Mr. Stanley's. He went over to Sammie Yeatons and got a pair of black pigs. I went up to the school house and nailed down the windows.

Tuesday 8
Pleasant. Papa worked down to Mr. Stanley's this AM and hauled a load of hay for Aunt Vienna this PM.

Wed. Nov. 9, 1887
Pleasant. Hauled some dirt onto the shed and some front of the shed and hauled the shingles in to the shed and banked up the backside of the house.

Thursday 10
Pleasant this AM, rainy tonight. Papa worked up to Mrs. Lewis'. I went down to Bert's this PM.

Fri. Nov. 11, 1887
Had a little snow storm this morning. Papa worked up to Mrs. Lewis', went up this AM. Bert and Charlie came up this PM.

Saturday 12
Cold and windy. Papa hauled hay for Aunt Vianna. I went down to Mr. Locke's this morning.

Sun. Nov. 13, 1887
Pleasant. Went to church. Went out to a concert tonight.

Monday 14
Pleasant. Banked up the rest of the house. Papa went down to the store tonight.

Tues. Nov. 15, 1887
Raniy. Papa built a place in the barn where the horse stall used to be for the hens and built a pen for G. & E's calf.

Wednesday 16
Cold. Papa went over to Freeman Marden's and got some shavings. Caught the hens and put them in the new hen pen. Mr. Locke came up tonight.

Thurs. Nov. 17, 1887
Pleasant. Willie and Stella and Obbin Tilton came up today. Papa and I yoked the calves this morning.

Friday 18
Cool, spit snow once. Papa and I went up to Pittsfield and got me a pair of boots and a suit of clothes and an overcoat.

Sat. Nov. 19, 1887
Not very pleasant, rainy tonight. Papa went down to the mill and down and got some oysters tonight.

Sunday 20
Not very pleasant. Went to church and went up to Grandma's after meeting.

Mon. Nov. 21, 1887
Pleasant. Yoked the calves. I went down to Mr. Giles.

Tuesday 22
Pleasant. Edith came up and got Papa to haul hay. Elizabeth went down to grandma's.

Wed. Nov. 23, 1887
Cloudy, rainy towards night. Grandma and Elizabeth and I went to Concord. I got a magnet. E got a mud turtle that would go on the floor and a monkey. I got umbrella.

Thursday 24
Pleasant, some cloudy. I came home this morning. We yoked up the steers and had seven yoke and put ---. Went down to Mr. Locke's.

Fri. Nov. 25, 1887
Snowed last night, rained some today. Elizabeth came home tonight. Papa went down and got her.

Saturday 26
Thawey. Fixed the calves crib and tied the steers up a little while I yoked them.

Sun. Nov. 27, 1887
Cloudy and muggy. Went to church. The calves will both shorts.

Monday 28
Rainedd this PM. School commences today. Miss Freeze keeps it.

Tues. Nov. 29, 1887
Pleasant. Went to school. Papa hauled hay for Aunt Vianna. Harry and Stacy came down.

Wednesday 30
Cold. Went to school. Papa worked down to Mrs. Eastman's. Mamma and I went down to Mrs. Bickford's and got geography.

Thurs. Dec. 1, 1887
Cold but pleasant. Went to school. Mamma went down to Aunt Vianna's tonight.

Friday 2
Pleasant. Went to school. Grandma came up.

Sat. Dec. 3, 1887
Pleasant and warm, snowed last night. I went down to the meeting tonight. Lena came up when Papa came home from meeting. Edwin has got a pair of oxen.

Sunday 4
Cloudy. Went to church. Edwin and Ella came up a little while.

Mon. Dec. 5, 1887
Rainy. Went to school.

Tuesday 6
Pleasant. Went to school. Mr. Chesley came in and brought in my new reader.

Wed. Dec. 7, 1887
Pleasant. Went to school. I went down to Bert's this morning and put on his skates a little while. Papa helped Mr. Locke.

Thursday 8
Pleasant and warm. Went to school. Papa helped Mr. Locke part of the day.

Fri. Dec. 9, 1887
Pleasant but cloudy. Went to school, looks as if it was going to storm.

Saturday 10
Cloudy, rained a little. Papa worked down to Mrs. Eastman's this AM and up to Mrs. Lewis' this PM.

Sun. Dec. 11, 1887
Rain. Did not go to church. Mr. Locke came up. I went down and got the papers.

Monday 12
Cloudy but cleared off. Mr. Locke helped Papa plow. Went to school. I built the fire.

Tues. Dec. 13, 1887
Cold. Finished plowing this AM. Went to school. Papa hauled some slabs for Mr. Giles this PM.

Wednesday 14
Pleasant. Went to school. Papa got some sordfeist (?) this AM, he helped Aunt Viania this PM.

Thurs. Dec. 15, 1887
Rainy, it is snowing tonight. I have got the chicken pox I think. They most all have got it in the school. Papa worked down to Aunt Vianar's this Am. Went to school.

Friday 16
Cold and blowing, it snowed last night. Went to school. I am broke out pretty good.

Sat. Dec. 17, 1887
Pleasant. Felt about the same. Papa went down to the store this PM and chopped some this AM.

Sunday 18
Snowy. Mr. Locke and Edwin came up, did not go to church. We are a little better.

Mon. Dec. 19, 1887
Cold and windy. Went to school. We are about the same. Papa put a door on the cupboard where the pantry used to be.

Tuesday 20
Pleasant. Went to school. We are a little better. Some folks are using sleighs but there is quite a lot of bare ground. Albon Locke's hill is drifted.

Wed. Dec. 21, 1887
Snowed most all day. Went to school. We are better. I got three eggs today. Papa fixed the old table, he put on a new top.

Thursday 22
Snowed this PM. Went to school. Edwin came up this morning. The teacher gave us all an ink stand tonight.

Fri. Dec. 23, 1887
Pleasant. Did not go to school, it does not keep, the teacher went home.
Papa and Mamma went to Pittsfield. Edwin came up a little while this PM.

Saturday 24
Pleasant. Edwin came up this AM and hauled hay this PM and got the oxen shod. Hauled the hay with the horses. I went down and brought the horse back. We went to the Christmas tree. Papa carried us home.

Sun. Dec. 25, 1887
Squally. Papa went to church. I did not go. Mr. Locke came up. We hung our stockings up tonight.

Monday 26
It has been snowing a little all day. Papa worked down to Mrs. Eastman's and took the horse down. Edwin is going to keep the horses while they team and we are going to keep the oxen.

Tues. Dec. 27, 1887
The baby has got the chicken pox. Snowed a little this morning, cleared off pleasant. Papa and Edwin commenced teaming today, they have to go down some where near Pleasant Pond. We went to school. I missed the ord (?) Edinburgh today. Did not get the __. Took care of the barn.

Wednesday 28
Snowed and blowed this AM and rained and blowed this PM. We went to school. Papa went to work, put the steers on, he got the horse this PM. I took care of the barn.

Thurs. Dec. 29, 1887
Cold. Went to school. Papa went to work, he went down to the store tonight and got my paper. I took care of the barn.

Friday 30
Cold. Went to school. I built the fire. Papa went to work. I took care of the barn. Mamma fed them at noon.

Sat. Dec. 31, 1887
Not quite so cold. Went to school. Papa went to work. I took care of the barn. Mamma fed them at noon. We sled up to school. George is a little better.


Saturday night - Jan. 8 - the writing school closed. Herbert Giles got the prize for improving the most.

January 10 Monday
Snowed in the night. Papa has gone up to the depot with Mr. Locke and a bok (?) for Mr. Stanley.

April 1 -
Received in five months $1.12 interest on eight dollar in Berdie heifer.

Got three loads of hay in the orchard and 1 in front field and 26 in the lower field and 7 in the garden and 2 loads of wheat and grass in the front field. Got 4 loads of wheat this year to thrash and got w loads of hay in the pasture. 48 in all.

Aug. 19
Finished haying second crop and all and got the bushes all cut today.

December 24
We went to the Christmas tree and I got a book, the title of it is the child's history of England and the Youth Companion for presents and Elizabeth got a book and a scrap album.

December 26
We hung up our stockings last night and I got a pencil, a pair of mittens Mrs. Stanley gave me, and a game of cards the name is the house that Jack built, and a card.

June 1888 last part
Cut some grass in the __ around the __.
July 4 - cut a little more in the garden and two bunches in the orchard.

July 9th 10th - Hayed in the front field, worked down to Mrs. Eastman's till Sat. but one half day.
Sat. finished in the front field, got 10 loads in the front field and two in the orchard.
Mon. finished up in the orchard and the high ground. In the garden cut a path in lower field.

Tues. 18
Commenced in the lower field, finished haying all but the pasture.
July 26, got 19 loads in the lower field and 6 in the garden and 2 in the pasture. Finished haying July 28.


Arthur M. Weldon
13 Fifth St.
Haverhill, Mass

Rear flap:

I John C. Yeaton am 4 ft. and 10 ½ in. tall Oct. 31th 1887

Inside front flap:

John C. Yeaton, Epsom, NH