Diaries of John C. Yeaton in pdf format

The Diaries of John C. Yeaton (1875-1909)

The Epsom Historical Association bought at public auction two diaries from the John B. Yeaton estate. the two diaries are by John Crockett Yeaton. The first covers most of 1886, with some months with incomplete entries (January, September and October) and no entries for November and December. The second diary for 1887 is complete. John Crockett Yeaton would have been a boy about 12 years old at the time of his writing, and the diaries reflect his activities working on the farm and just being a kid. The first diary is below. Click the link for the second diary. [1887 Diary of John C. Yeaton]




Friday, Jan. 1, 1886
Thawey. Mr. Parker called.

Saturday 2
Thawey. Harry, Lewis and I went down to the store this AM, rode home with Papa. They moved the steam mill by here on to Gorham Rand lot. In the PM papa and I went down to Aunt Vianna's and store.

Sunday 3
(no entry)

Monday, Jan. 4, 1886
(no entry)

Tuesday 5
(no entry)

Wednesday 6
(no entry)

Thursday, Jan. 7, 1886
(no entry)

Friday 8
(no entry)

Saturday 9
Snowed and blowed. Papa went down to Mr. Stanley's to work. I went with him, stayed to dinner. Had a nice time.

Sunday, Jan. 10, 1886
(no entry)

Monday 11
(no entry)

Tuesday 12
(no entry)

Wednesday, Jan. 13, 1886
(no entry)

Thursday 14
(no entry)

Friday 15
(no entry)

Saturday, Jan. 16, 1886
Pleasant. Went down to Bertie in AM. I went skating in the PM. A hand organ man came. Went to the band in the evening with E. Called into Grammies. Went into the store, bought my diary. Papa in the PM worked Mr. Stanley.

Sunday 17
Snowed in the morning, cleared off. I went to meeting with Herbert. Papa and Mamma and ___ and George after supper went down to Grandma's.

Monday 18
Pleasant but cold. Played with the baby this AM while Mamma washed. E. began to start out wood. I went skating in the PM. Mamma and Papa went down to Mr. Locke's in the evening.

Tuesday, Jan. 19, 1886
Snowed all day. Edwin got his oxen sharpened. I went to writing school tonight, rode down with Edwin, wasn't but seven there.

Wednesday 20
Cleared off last night sometime. E. worked upon the woodlot. Wind blowed a little. E has gone to a levee to Short Falls, the band plays.

Thursday 21
Began to snow this PM. Papa and I went with E went up upon the woodlot to help fix the road in the PM. Went to writing school, rode down with Frank. Eleven there.

Friday, Jan. 22, 1886
Thawey. Went down to Mr. Locke's in the PM on an errand. Bert came up a little while in the AM. I went upon the wood lot and down to the depot.

Saturday 23
Cold. Edwin went a teaming. Papa went with him this AM and PM. Mr. Locke came in. Edwin has gone to the band. I went down to get Viola paper.

Sunday 24
8 deg. Below 0. Snowed in PM. Papa and I went to meeting. Mr. Locke came in. Harry came in.

Monday, Jan. 25, 1886
Snoed all day. Sent a square of patchwork. Got an egg. Harry came down with his double runner. Papa made a roller to go in sled.

Tuesday, Jan. 26
Warm and pleasant. Went with Papa down to store. Grammies over to Mr. Pinneys after a sled in the AM. Went to writing school. Called for Herbert and Addie, rode home with Frank.

Wednesday 27
Cloudy. Went with Papa to meeting in the PM, begun to rain towards night.

Thursday, Jan. 28, 1886
Rained all day, the trees are all cover with ice, loaded down. Bertie came up a little while. I went down there. Went to writing school. Frank called. Edwin went with us. 9 there. Went in the store.

Friday 29
Cloudy, rained this PM. Went out sledding. Edwin went up on the woodlot to fix the road. I went down to Mrs. Giles, get some yeast, got V-paper to read. Mamma made some molasses candy.

Saturday 30
Snowed this morning. Thawey. Went with Papa down to grandma's, she came home with us. Had the calves yoked, went up the road with them. Rained last evening.

Sunday, Jan. 31, 1886
Pleasant. Papa and I went to meeting. Mr. Locke came in. Ella and Nettie Giles called. Edwin carried Grandma home tonight.

Monday, Feb. 1, 1886
Pleasabt. Harry came by, down with his double runner. Had some nice slides. Papa went with a load of wood with old Charley this PM.

Tuesday 2
Pleasant. Went with Papa this morning up to the woodlot. Harry and Bert came, we slid. Went to writing school, 14 there.

Wed. Feb. 3, 1886
2 above 0. Cloudy and cold. Papa and Edwin went a teaming. Went down to Mr. Locke's on an errand.

Thursday 4
Mrs. Crosby called this AM. Went to writing school this evening, 13 there. Papa and Edwin went a teaming.

Friday 5
10 below 0, very cold. Sawed a little wood. Went down to Mr. Locke's on an errand. Went down to Mr. Giles this PM. Got an egg. Papa and Edwin went a teaming.

Saturday, Feb. 6, 1886
8 below 0 this morning. Cloudy this PM. Bertie came up this PM. We went up a little and over to where the mill used to be, took our sleds and sled back. Charley came this Charlie came by this AM ----- (?)

Sunday 7
Pleasant. Went to meeting with Papa. Went up to grandma's. Edwin and Mr. Stanley went over to New Rye.

Monday 8
Warm & thawey. Papa and E went down to Aunt __ and got a load of hay for Mr. David Parker in PM. Bertie and I went with Papa.

Tuesday Feb. 9, 1886
Warm and thawy. Mamma was shed (?). I sawed some wood, helped fix Papa's sled. Went to writing school, 12 there. The band had a concert.

Wednesday 10
Went up to the lot with Papa and the depot. Went to writing school, 13 there.

Thursday 11
Not very pleasant and raw. Sled a little, went down to down to Viola and got her paper.

Friday, Feb. 12, 1886
Rained all day. Went up to Mrs. ___ on an errand. Papa and E went down to the mill and store. I wend down to Mrs. Giles.

Saturday 13
Rainy. Papa and Edwin hauled Mr. Locke down a load of hay.

Sunday 14
Thawy. Did not got to meeting. Mamma and Edwin went down to Grandma's. Mr. Currier's folks were there.

Monday Feb. 15, 1886
Thawy. Sleighing all gone. Hauled the baby on my hand sled this AM.

Tuesday 16
Cold and windy. Papa and Edwin up on the woodlot, start __ wood. Went to singing school this evening, 13 there.

Wednesday 17
Pleasant. Harry and Lewis came down this AM. Sled a little. Bert came up. We sled. Hauled baby out in the red cart. Mamma has got a headache. Papa and E started __.

Thursday 18
Pleasant. Papa and Edwin cut shingle strip and hauled up on the knoll (?). Went to writing school.

Friday 19
Rains this evening. Harry came down this PM. Went down to skate but __ not good. Edwin has gone with the steers this eve to exchange with Alvy Yeaton for a pair of three year olds.

Saturday 20
The rain last eve turned to very cold this PM, the wind blows hard and cold this evening. Bertie came up this PM. I sawed a little wood.

Sunday 21
Cold. Papa and I went to meeting. Went up to grandma's a little while. Went down across on foot.

Monday 22
Pleasant. Repaired my steers shed. Edwin hauled two load of shingle __ down to the mill with both pair of his oxen. This Am he caught a little fox in the wall down a little ways (rest unreadable).

Tuesday 23
Snowed a little this PM. Edwins horse was sick. I went down to the store after some __ and I yoked the steers and put them on the sled for the first time. Edwin (unreadable).

Wed., February 24, 1886
Cold. I went up to Mrs. Grants __. Mr. Locke came in __ tis AM. This PM went over in the woods. Papa and Edwin chopped this AM.

Thursday 25
Snowed this PM. Bert came up and went with Papa and Edwin over in the pasture. Studied and worked on patch work. Papa and Edwin logs this AM.

Friday 26
Snowed and blowed all day long. Rained hard last evening. Sewed two squares and studied my __. I went down to Grandma's to see Mrs. Parker.

Sat. Feb. 27, 1886
Blowed hard all last night and today. Edwin and Papa went down to the store this PM.

Sunday 28
Blowed hard all last night and today. Did not go to church.

Monday, March 1, 1886
Blowed hard all last night and today. Papa and I shoveled some drifting that road. E. hauled wood this AM. __ today than yesterday.

Tuesday, March 2, 1886
Blowed hard all last night and today. Papa went down to mill and store this AM. Edwin went hauling wood down to the depot.

Wednesday 3
Blowed hard all last night and a little today. This PM I went with Papa and Edwin.

Thursday 4
Pleasant. Papa and Edwin down to Deerfield with some hay. I went down to Aunt Vianna's while they loaded.

Friday Mar. 5, 1886
Pleasant this AM. Papa with Edwin went a teaming this PM. Papa and E. and I went up to Albion Locke's and got some dry (rest unreadable).

Saturday 6
Pleasant. Bert came up this AM. Harry came down this AM. Mamma and Mrs. Locke went down to Grandma's. I have got a little sore throat.

Sunday 7
I did not go to meeting having got some sore throat. Papa went. Mrs. Lewis called in. Mrs. Locke called in. Pleasant.

Mon, Mar. 8, 1886
Papa and Mamma has got a headache. The Dotey's called in this PM. (unreadable)

Tuesday 9
Snowed a little this morning. Edwin and Papa went to (unreadable). Mr. Locke and Mrs. came up, spent the evening.

Wednesday 10
Pleasant and thawey. Bert came up this AM. I went down this PM. He came up and we and Papa yoked up the steers and put them on the sled and went down __.

Thurs., Mar. 11, 1886
Pleasant. I and Papa went down to Grandma's and Mr. Knowles. Aunt V. and Fred came up this evening.

Friday 12
Cloudy, snowed this PM. Papa and Edwin out got out __ the sled out of and hauled home a load of wood.

Saturday 13
Warm, sprinkled PM, then snowed this evening. (some unreadable). Edwin hauled log to the mill. I went with him the first trip. He made two trips.

Sun. Mar. 14, 1886
Pleasant. Blowed this morning. Did not go to church. Mr. Locke came in.

Monday 15
Not very pleasant. E. and Papa sawed up Mr. Stanley's elm and Edwin hauled them down to the mill to get them sawed. He went down tog and I went with him once.

Tuesday 16
Cloudy. Last eve E. and I went down to Mr. Stanley's. Went down this morn, Bertie came up - I went downto Mrs. Giles this PM to get some orders for card. E. went up to Pittsfield to get some yokes mail (?).

Wed. Mar. 17, 1886
Thawy, pleasant. I went down to see if __ would to get some cars. Mr. Crosby called. Alice wasn't at home. Harry came down. Bertie came up.

Thursday 18
Thawy, pleasant. I went down to Mr. Knowles to get some cards. Mr. Crosby wrote for us. He wrote in my Album. Went down to ___ ordered some cards. Papa and E. went to school meeting at the town house. Papa went to store in PM, got my rubber boots.

Friday 19
Pleasant. ___ it clouded up and snowed. Mr. Locke came up and they killed the pig. I went up to Frank's to get some orders for cards.

Sat. March 20, 1886
Snowed and rained all day. Papa cut up the pig. Harry came down and we played checkers. Papa went down to Mr. Knowle's store, Aunt Vianna's for dinner. John Woodman came in and Mr. Locke came in.

Sunday 21
Snowed and blowed. This Am did not go to church. Mr. Locke came up this PM.

Monday 22
Pleasant, snowed a little this PM. Papa helped Alvy Yeaton down to the mill. Bertie came up. Harry came down, we went to Berties - went down to Franks.

Tuesday, March 23, 1886
Pleasant. We all went down to Mr. Locke's and stayed all day, Edwin helped Alvy down to the mill. I went down to the store and stopped to tea on the way home.

Wednesday 24
__ Cold. __ and Bert came up. Harry came down and we sled. Papa went over to Mrs. Rans auction in the AM and carried Mrs. Giles. Sherbok E worked down to the mill.

Thursday 25
Thaweu. Went with E over in Mr. Dotey to get some wood for him. Bertie came up this AM and we sled. Momma went up to Mrs. Grants.

Friday March 26, 1886
Thawey. Bertie came up this AM. We sled, we worked up wood. Mr. Locke came up this eve.

Saturday 27
Pleasant. We worked up wood this AM. This PM Papa and E. put __ splice on to E's cart tongue for the oxen. Bert Robinson came up this PM. After supper we all rode down to store.

Sunday 28
Pleasant. Pap and I went to meeting. Mr. Locke came up this PM.

Monday March 29, 1886
Pleasant. Edwin worked down to the depot to load wood on the cars for Mr. Russ. Ed Eastman helped him. I went down to Grandma's with Mr. Locke, he went down to the depot too.

Tuesday 30
Some rain. Bert came up this PM. Mr. Locke came up and helped Papa work up the wood pile and finished it. I slept upstairs.

Wednesday 31
Some rain. I went down to the store with Berty, we were weighed. Weighed 73 pounds. A pigs (?) Papa helped Mr. Locke __ wood.

April 1, 1886
I went up to Mrs. Grant's and got into the mud. Papa worked down Mr. Locke's. Edwin worked down to the depot. Pleasant. I went down to Bertie's and he came up.

Friday 2
Pleasant. Papa and I and baby went up to Mrs. Jenness' to __ scolding tub, Mamma has got a sick headache. Papa hauled all the wood over from the shed to the fence.

Saturday 3
Pleasant. Papa and I went up to Dexter Locke's to get a pig. Papa went down to the monthly meeting. Mrs. Woodman buried today. Edwin worked down to the depot.

Sunday, April 4, 1886
Pleasant. Papa and I went to meeting. Mr. Locke came up and Grandma and Mr. Locke and Papa cut our hair. Alice and Ann called in.

Monday 5
Pleasant. I had the steers yoked. Edwin went down to the depot this P.M. Bert came up this PM.

Tuesday 6
I went down to Grandma's with Edwin. He went down to depot. Rained and blowed all day.

Wednesday, April 7, 1886
Pleasant. I went up to the waf (?) this AM and PM to see if Edwin was there, but he was not there. I went up to the store and he gave me a cent and I got a stick of gum.

Thursday 8
Pleasant. I went up to the store for Mrs. Stanley this morning and Grandma and Nathan went up to C. Rands place this PM. I came home tonight. Papa and I went up to see Mr. A. Friel (?) _.

Friday 9
Pleasant. Papa fixed the horse stalls and where the oxen stand. Bertie and Mrs. Stanley came up. Mr. Stanley went up to Mr. Dotey's and his horse died.

Saturday, April 10, 1886
Pleasant. I went down to the depot with Edwin to load wood. He thought he would come to __ at noon but he didn't. I came home with Papa at noon with the __ horse.

Sunday 11
Pleasant. Papa and I went over to meeting. Mr. Locke came in. Fred Page.

Monday 12
Showering this PM, pleasant the AM. Papa and I went to Uncle Solomon Yeaton's funeral. He was seventy-one years old.

Tuesday, April 13, 1886
Showery all day. Papa and I went up to Mr. Woods. This evening we hauled off rocks. I drove the cattle on the cart and Edwin hauled on the drag.

Wednesday 14
Quite warm this AM. Edwin hauled out manure. Papa and I went around the pasture to up the gaps. Turned out the calves in the PM. Edwin, Papa and I got a load of sning (?).

Thursday 15
Warm. Papa went up to Pittsfield this AM. Edwin hauled manure in the PM. All went down to mill to get a load of shingles. I had Frank's steers on.

Friday, April 16, 1886
Raw air today, cloudy. I went down to help Mr. Locke today. Papa and Ed went down to mill to haul off boards - hauled manure this PM. Pleasant.

Saturday 17
Pleasant. Edwin worked down to the depot. Papa and I __ went up to Mr. Woods this AM. Papa and I went around the pasture __.

Sunday 18
Pleasant. Papa and I went to meeting. Grandma came up with us.

Monday, April 19, 1886
Warm. Mr(s). Grant __ __ today. Mr. Locke worked up here this AM, plowing this PM. Edwin worked down to the depot. Had a shower towards night.

Tuesday 20
Warm. Ed worked down to the depot and I hauled off some rocks front of the house and cleared up the dooryard. Some of my cards came at last. I went around with them this morning.

Wednesday 21
Ed worked down to the depot. Warm.

Thursday, April 22, 1886
Warm. Papa and I went down to Aunt Vianna's to get a harrow. I drove. Ed worked down to the depot.

Friday 23
Warm. Grandma came up. Papa and Ed plowed up __ field.

Saturday 24
Pleasant. I drove the horse up on front of the oxen to plow this AM. Did not use the horse this PM.

Sunday, April 25, 1886
Pleasant. Papa and I and E. went to meeting. E. and I stayed to Grandma's and went to the concert and I went up to the hall with Grandpa to a lecture.

Monday 26
Pleasant. Papa and I and E broke up in the front field this AM. Harrowed in front field __ had corn. Picked some rocks and plowed a little in the garden.

Tuesday 27
Pleasant. I went down to the Post Office for Mr. Locke this morning. I helped P sow the wheat in the front field. I went __ foot a little. Mrs. Stanley worked here.

Wednesday, April 28, 1886
Cool and cloudy. I helped Mamma a little in the morning and Papa went down to Mr. Locke's and cut the brush and harrowed and then I brushed it.

Thursday 29
Pleasant. Papa and E worked down to Mr. Locke's. Papa came home at noon and he and I picked rocks over on the wheat piece. Yoked the steers.

Friday 30
Pleasant. Papa and E worked down to Mr. Locke's this AM. and I went down after I got the chores done. Picked rocks this PM, Papa and I.

Saturday, May 1, 1886
Pleasant. I helped Mr. Locke and he give me a quarter. I went fishing after I got home and caught some shiners. P. and I helped Mr. Stanley.

Sunday 2
Pleasant. P and E and I went to meeting. Harry rode with us.

Monday 3
Pleasant. E and I went to school. There were 9 there. Ernest and Harry went. Harry and I went a fishing. I caught ton.

Tuesday, May 4, 1886
Pleasant. I and E went to school. There were 11 there. Alice and Charlie came. I went down to Bert's a little while.

Wednesday 5
Had a shower towards night. Bertie and I went a fishing. I caught three trout. B caught a number.

Thursday 6
Pleasant. I and E went to school. I and B went a fishing at night, a number of little things. Bert caught 9 he said, one shiner. He caught a ___.

Friday, May 7, 1886
Pleasant. E and I went to school. All there. Papa worked down to Mr. Locke's.

Saturday 8
Rained all day. I went a fishing this Am and caught one trout. I put them on the well. Caught them in ours. Harry came down this PM.

Sunday 9
Pleasant. I and Papa went to meeting. Mr. Locke called in. Mrs. Holt called in. Papa got one hip for me and one for Edwin down to Grandma's.

Monday, May 10, 1886
Pleasant. I and E went to school. Alice was not there.

Tuesday 11
Rainy. I and E went to school. I dug over my round. B. came up tonight, we played ball a little.

Wednesday 12
E. and I went to school. I planted my corn tonight.

Thursday, May 13, 1886
Pleasant. E and I went to school this morning. I planted my potatoes and a hill of some beans that Mr. Fisk gave E.

Friday 14
Pleasant. E and I went to school. All there. Bert came up a few minutes.

Saturday 15
Cold, cloudy. Bert and I drove off over to Mr. Sam Sanborn's pasture _ with the horse. I and B with a fishing, I caught 2 in _ B.

Sunday, May 16, 1886
Rained a little. This AM did mot go to meeting. I put one of the trout in the well that I caught down to Mr. B. Harry came down a while.

Monday 17
Pleasant. E and I went to school. I and B went a fishing. I caught a big one in his, I got a bite and pulled it on top of the water. B caught a little one.

Tuesday 18
Pleasant. E and I went to school. F came down a little while. B came up a little while. E sold his steers to Sam __ Page (?).

Wednesday, May 19, 1886
Pleasant. E and I went to school. We went home to dinner. B and H came, we played ball. Mr. Locke up to help plant. I dropped some P.S.

Thursday 20
Pleasant. E and I went to school. Mamma and baby went down to Grandma's. P went down after them. E and I to Mr. Giles. B and H and I played ball.

Friday 21
Pleasant. E and I went to school. I helped P plant some potatoes in the garden. Mamma and baby went down to Mr. Locke's.

Saturday, May 22, 1886
Showery this AM, P this PM. Broke up this AM this side of the brook. E harrowed this PM. I went down to Mr. Locke's to get sweet corn.

Sunday 23
Pleasant. P and E and I went to church. Had my hair cut. P carried Grandma. The soldiers and their wives were to church.

Monday 24
Pleasant. E and I went to school. P planted potatoes in the back field. E, the oxen off to pasture.

Tuesday, May 25, 1886
Rainy. E and I went to school. Mrs. Stanley worked up here. P and E worked down to Mrs. Eastman's.

Wednesday 26
Cool. E and I went to school. I went a fishing, caught 1. E worked down to Mrs. Eastman's and Aunt Vianna's.

Thursday 27
Cloudy, rained this PM. We went to school. P and I planted.

Friday, May 28, 1886
Pleasant. We went to school. E went to Pittsfield this AM and got me a fifth reader.

Saturday 29
Warm. I and E went to Decoration. Colonel Sanborn (?) rode on a horse in front of the band and soldiers. Mamma and P went over to Aunt Sadies.

Sunday 30
Warm. P and I went to church. Mr. Locke and Mrs. Locke came up this evening.

Monday, May 31, 1886
Pleasant. We went to school. They worked on the road. I and Harry went down to Mr. Knowles' and got me a rubber ball.

Tuesday, June 1
Pleasant. E and I went to school. Mamma fixed my old ball and I carried it to school. We played ball. I went down to Mr. Stanley's to carry the clothes. We played ball a few minutes.

Wednesday 2
Pleasant. We went to school. I did no miss to we went (?) played ball, Harry came down this morning. We played ball and I played. Papa got me writing book.

Thursday, June 3, 1886
Rainy this AM. We went to school. We played ball. Harry and I went a fishing tonight. I caught seven, Harry did not catch any. Threw one small one back, gave one to Charlie.

Friday 4
Pleasant. We went to school. We played ball. Mamma and P went to Pittsfield, got E and I 2 slate pencils apiece. Got a _ suit of clothes. I went down to see Bertie.

Saturday 5
Pleasant. I and P went down to Aunt V and down to Mrs. Eastman's and got a load of hay to V this AM. I set some posts this PM. I and E went down to Bertie's. E has been down to Lucien Heaths to put up a barn.

Sunday, June 6, 1886
Pleasant. E and P and I went to church. Mamma went down to Mrs. Locke's tonight. Harry came down and brought down the papers.

Monday 7
Pleasant. We went to school. Mr. Albion Locke helped P hew the timbers. I went down to Mr. Knowles' store. He gave me a lot of candy. I went down to Mr. S with H. He stopped here when he came back.

Tuesday 8
Pleasant. We went to school. Mr. Locke and Mr. Albion Locke worked down here hewing. Mrs. Stanley worked up here.

Wednesday, June 9, 1886
Pleasant. We went to school. Grandma sent me up a drum by Aunt Viania tonight. I helped Papa to cultivate this morning.

Thursday 10
Pleasant. We went to school. I missed one word tonight. Mrs. Ames visited the school a little while. Frank and Harry came down tonight. I drummed a little. F. had his jewsharp.

Friday 11
Pleasant. We went to school. I missed 6 words tonight. I and E and _ went to Berties a little while. Took my drum, we played ball. Harry came down with his drum.

Saturday, June 12, 1886
Pleasant. Grandma came up this AM. I went down to Mr. Knowles' this morning. I helped P plant some fodder corn after I planted a little corn for fodder, soon after a fishing. Charlie came up, caught one.

Sunday 13
Rainy all day. Grandma went home tonight. Harry came down. Mr. Locke called in this PM. Did not go to church.

Monday 14
Rainy all day. We went to school. I missed four words tonight, wrote in my spelling. I hoed my corn again tonight. Edwin went up the butcher to help him get his horse along, he has got a new one.

Tuesday, June 15, 1886
Rainy all day. We went to school. Frank and Harry and I went up early this morning and sawed up some wood. Harry came down a while tonight. Mrs. Stanley worked up here, to Mrs. Lewis came down.

Wednesday 16
Pleasant. We went to school. I missed four words tonight. Papa and Edwin worked down to Aunt Vianonas this PM and Mrs. Eastmans this AM.

Thursday 17
Warm and muggy this AM. Rainy towards night, a few showers this PM. Harry and Ernest and the baby came down this PM and Harry and I went a fishing and played on our drums. I let off some snap crackers.

Friday, June 18, 1886
Pleasant. We went to school. I missed one word tonight written. Bert went today. We played ball up to school and Bert and I and Elizabeth played some to horn (?). I helped hoe down in the fief.

Saturday 19
Pleasant. I rode the horse to cultivate the corn this AM and PM. I hoed some. Harry came down this AM and sold us two quarts of strawberries. I went a little while and got over one quart down in the garden.

Sunday 20
Papa and I went to church. We went up to Grandma's a little while.

Monday, June 21, 1886
Pleasant. We went to school. Harry came down. Bert came up. We played ball. B and I went to school, missed seven words tonight. Bert and I went down to the store. I got a box of caps and a pistol.

Tuesday 22
Warm. We went to school. Charlie came up a few minutes. I went down to Berts with him. I and Elizabeth played ball a little. I rode the horse to cultivate this. Papa finished up hoeing.

Wednesday 23
Cloudy, rained a little. We went to school. Mr. & Mrs. Locke came up this evening. Grandma came up, Edwin went down to (not completed).

Thursday, June 24, 1885
Rainy. We went to school. I missed three words tonight. Papa went down to blacksmith. Mamma and the baby went down to Mrs. Lockes.

Friday 25
Rainy all day. We went to school, I missed (not completed). I went down to Herbert's tonight and Bert and we played ball. Harry came down and we went and got some yeast down to Mrs. Giles.

Saturday 26
Pleasant. I and Eliz. picked some strawberries. A little shower this PM. I went down to Aunt Viaias this AM and rode the horse. I made a bat and Bert and Herbert and I played ball.

Sunday, June 27, 1886
Pleasant. Papa and I went to church. I went down to Mr. Lockes after I got home. Alice and Annie were down there.

Monday 28
Pleasant. We went to school. Elizabeth did not go. I rode the horse this morning in the garden and tonight down on the potato piece. Bert came up and we played ball. Frank found my ball.

Tuesday 29
Pleasant. I went to school (blank space) in writing. I cut some grass this morning and a little tonight. Rode the horse to cultivate on the bean piece. Jim Burnham and Alfred came up tonight.

Wednesday, June 30, 1886
Pleasant. I went to school, missed one word tonight. We played. I went up to Harry's tonight and we played ball. I went down to Bert's a few minutes and we played ball. I went over to see my trap, did not get any.

Thursday, July 1, 1886
Pleasant. I went to school, missed two words tonight. Bert came up, we played ball and fixed some posts for fourth of July to hang some flags on.

Friday 2
Pleasant. I went to school, tha last day, Mrs. Lewis came in, Adia Cilley and the teacher's sister. Grandma came up tonight and Frank and Bert and I went down to the store and for some snap crackers. I got two.

Saturday, July 3, 1886
Very warm. I got up at three o'clock this morning and went down and up the road. I went down to Bert's this morning. I went down to the store and got some lemons and sugar. We had a tent in the pasture. Bert was up. We ate out on the piazza tonight. We fired off some snap crackers this evening. This evening grandma went home, B and I went a ways with her.

Sunday 4
Very warm. Papa went to church, I did not. Harry came down a few minutes.

Monday 5
Very warm. I went to the picnic. Some of the Pittsfield folks were down. Had a good time. The band played, had some lemonade.

Tuesday, July 6, 1886
No quite so hot. I and Edwin and Papa worked down to Mr. Locke's a haying. I fired off some snap crackers. I went down to Doctor Locke's after a pump (?) for Mrs. Locke. Good hay weather.

Wednesday 7
Pleasant, windy. Good hay weather. Worked down to Mr. Locke's. Finished up down to Mr. Locke's. He gave me .50 cents for two days.

Thursday 8
Pleasant, windy, good hay weather. Had a little whirl wind this PM. Mr. Locke helped us. We finished the orchard and mowed the front field. Got them in.

Friday, July 9, 1886
Pleasant, good hay weather. Papa and Edwin and Mr. Locke worked down to Mrs. Eastman's. Charlie Eastman was there so they did not want me.

Saturday 10
Not a very good hay day. Papa and Edwin went down to Mrs. Eastman's and I went gawled (?) in one load then went to Aunt Vianars and carried the tools and got a load of hay and in the evening, fished __.

Sunday 11
Pleasant, some wind. Papa and I went to church, a new minister preached today. Grandma came up with us and went home tonight.

Monday, July 12, 1886
Some windy, not quite so good a hay day. Mr. Locke and Mr. Giles and Papa and Edwin and I worked down to Aunt Vianars today, hauled one load up to Mrl Giles off of the flat. Sold Mr. Batchelder the ground and a piece below it.

Tuesday 13
Very warm, good hay weather. We all worked down to Aunt Vianars finished up all but the brook piece. Hauled up a load for Mr. Giles. Got one load out.

Wednesday 14
Warm this AM, not a very good hay day. Rain this PM. Mr. Giles and Papa and I worked down to Aunt Vianars, finished up there. Mr. Locke and Edwin worked down to Mrs. Eastmans, hauled in a load to Mr. Giles, all that we have hauled 2140.

Thursday, July 15, 1886
A rainy day. Mr. Stanley came up to grind a scythe. Papa fixed ma scythe snathe out of an old snathe _ found the end where the scythe went ou_ and I mowed some down in the pasture. I hauled it up the side road.

Friday 16
A rainy day. A mowed a little and hauled it up.

Saturday 17
Pleasant, looked like showers this AM. Papa and Ed and I went down to Mrs. Eastman's and opened the hay and got it in. I got my hay in. Bert came in. __

Sunday, July 18, 1886
Pleasant, had a shower in the PM. Papa and I went to Meeting. First thunder shower we have had this season. The text was in John tenth chapter and forth verse.

Monday 19
Not a good hay day. Mr. Giles helped us today. Had a shower this PM, just as we were going to get a load of hay this side of the brook, then they mowed.

Tuesday 20
Pleasant. Mr. Giles helped us today. We got in 8 loads of hay, mowed a little on the clover piece.

Wednesday, July 21, 1886
Pleasant. Mr. Giles and Edwin worked down to Mrs. Eastman's today and finished up there. Got in 4 loads. Mowed down her oats. Edwin found a little rabbit. I brought it home.

Thursday 22
Pleasant, a good hay day. Mr. Giles helped us. We got in 5 loads. Mowed the red top piece and the piece side of it.

Friday 23
Pleasant, a good hay day. Mr. Giles helped us. Mowed the rest of the new ground piece, had five loads and a part. Mowed the brook. Edwin and I killed an adder on the new ground piece.

Saturday, July 24, 1886
Pleasant, a good hay day. We finished up haying and got in Mrs. Eastman's oats. Had two loads. Mr. Giles and Ed and I got them in.

Sunday 25
Pleasant. Papa went to meeting, I did not go, had no shoes to wear. Grandma came up early this morning.

Monday 26
Cloudy and drizzly. Papa fixed the bridge up by the school house this AM. He went over and helped them reap this PM. I went to Ed. I helped George Burnham.

Tuesday, July 27, 1886
Rainy. Mrs. Stanley worked here. Papa did not reap, Hoed (?) the garden.

Wednesday 28
Pleasant. Papa reaped. I helped Mr. Grant hay for Mr. Dotey this PM. Ernest and I went down to the store. I picked some peas. I saw a black snake over in the wheat - a small one.

Thursday 29
I went down to the store this morning and wore my rubber bottom shoes that Mr. Knowle's got me yesterday. I worked up to Mr. Dotey's after I got home. Papa reaped. Mr. Dotey gave me 30 cents.

Friday, July 30, 1886
Pleasant. I worked up to Mr. Dotey's. Papa reaped. Finished up to Mr. Dotey's, he gave me 35 cents.

Saturday 31
Pleasant. I went down to see Ernest this AM. I went over to see them reap this PM. They hauled three loads of rye up here. They finished up.

Sunday, August 1
Pleasant. There wasn't any meeting down here. Edwin went down to see the August meeting to Allenstown. I killed a stripped snake down by the orchard bars, had a toad in its mouth. Mrs. Locke came up.

Monday, August 2, 1886
Foggy in the AM but cleared off. I went down to Mr. Locke's to see Ernest Fernald. Stayed there after dinner. Went haying over in Grampie's meadow in the PM with Papa.

Tuesday 3
Had two or three little showers. Worked over in the meadow again today. Got out 27 bunches. Quite cool today and some windy.

Wednesday 4
Wind blew cold this morning. E went down to Grammies with Mr. Stanley. Fred came up this morning with the white oxen and got all the hay - we worked in the meadow today.

Thursday, August 5, 1886
Pleasant. Worked in the meadow, got all cut in.
Mr. Quimby came up with the Morning Star - Papa subscribed for it. Mamma and George went over with us this PM. Had a little shower tonight - thunder and lightning this evening. We found a hornets nest over there.

Friday 6
Hot. We worked in the meadow. They came up with the oxen and two horses and one horse and hauled it all down. Got the pair of horses into the mud, both of them were down at once, but they got out all right themselves.

Saturday 7
Pleasant, a little cloudy this morning. Papa and I went over in the meadow to help load the hay. Fred got the last load with the oxen. In the PM Ernest came up, stayed to tea.

Sunday, August 8, 1886
Pleasant. Papa and I went to church, Ernest rode home with us. Harry came down a few minutes.

Monday 9
Pleasant and hot. Papa went down to Mrs. Eastman's to work. I picked a quart of blueberries. Went down to the store with Ernest. Bertie came up in the PM, we went over and had a swing (swim?) in his pasture. Edwin and I went to Pittsfield in the AM.

Tuesday 10
Pleasant, hot. Papa went down to help Alva Yeaton reap his wheat. Harry and Ernest came a little while and Bertie came too.

Wednesday, August 11, 1886
Pleasant and hot. Papa cut some of the wheat, got Mr. Albion Locke's cradle. I raked it up in bundles for him to bind. I loaded two loads that was all we had cut and pitched off on. I went down to Herbert's and played ball.

Thursday 12
Pleasant and warm. I went down to the store with Ernest and carried down a letter that I wrote to Arthur. George was down to Mr. Knowles' thashing (?) George Griffin blasted a rock while we were there. Ed helped us finish up the wheat and got in __.

Friday 13
Pleasant. Papa and I went down to Aunt Vianars and cut her oats spopped (?) to Mr. Lockes and helped __ his fodder corn open. Got in her oats. Our oats in and then hauled Mr. Locke's fodder corn. Up to Mr. Dotey's.

Saturday, August 14, 1886
Showery this AM, pleasant this PM. Papa and I went over Mr. Sanborns' that way. Papa had to go over that way, we thought we should see the steers but did not. We stopped and up Aunt Vianar's pates when we came home.

Sunday 15
Pleasant. Papa and I went to meeting. 15 in the Sabbath school class.

Monday 16
We all went blackberrying up on the Page road. We went down to Aunt V in the PM and turned over the oats and got them in the PM. Papa fixed up Mrs. Eastman's fence in the forenoon. A shower.

Tuesday, August 17, 1886
Rainy. We fixed the cart on to the wheels. Had toothache in the PM. I went down to Bert's - he had gone fishing over to the pond. Papa went down to Mr. Parker's to have a new tongue put into the cart.

Wednesday 18
Pleasant. Papa helped Mr. Albion Locke cradle his wheat. I went down to Bert's in the AM and PM. I went over and cut me a fish pole.

Thursday 19
Pleasant. I had the toothache dreadfully this AM. Papa helped Mr. Stanley cut his oats this AM and this PM I helped. Mr. Dotey get in oats, he and Mr. Grant got in 8 loads. I went up to see Harry this PM.

Friday, August 20, 1886
Pleasant. Papa and I tore down some of out shed this AM. This PM Papa got in Mr. Stanley's oats. Harry came down.

Saturday 21
Pleasant. I went down to the store with Harry, Ernest Fernald. We tore down the shed in the PM. Papa went to Mr. Evans' funeral. I went down to Berties.

Sunday 22
Pleasant. Papa and I went to meeting. Ernest rode home with us.

Monday, August 23, 1886
Pleasant. I and Papa pulled nails and got out some shingles this AM. Ernest came up this PM. Papa, Elizabeth and I went to Edwin's wedding. They were married at eight o'clock.

Tuesday 24
Pleasant. Bertie, Stanley and I went to Grammies. Went fishing down to the river, came home after dinner. Uncle James Crockett came up with us. Papa and I went down to Mr. Lockes and got in his hay.

Wednesday 25
Pleasant. Edwin, Mr. Locke and Mr. Burnham were here at work on the stone work foundation for the new shed. Uncle James went down to Grammies in the AM. Ernest F. and I went a little ways with him.

Thursday, August 26, 1886
Pleasant. Edwin and Mr. Locke helped today. I went down to the store this morning. Ernest went with me.

Friday 27
Hot. I went down to Bertie's in the PM. We got in a little fodder corn.

Saturday 28
Hot. Frank came down this afternoon. Mrs. Holt came down and brought a moustache cup, a wedding present to Edwin. Papa went down to the store, got me some new shoes.

Sunday, August 29, 1886
Pleasant. Papa and I went to meeting.

Monday 30
Not very pleasant. Mr. Philbrick and his three boys came to begin on the shed. Got the frame up, all but the roof. I went down to Mr. Locke's, carried some apples.

Tuesday 31
Mr. Philbrick and two boys came today. A big shower just before noon and afternoon rained most of the time. Bertie came up this PM. I helped Mr. P. nail on some boards.

Wednesday, September 1, 1886
Pleasant, quite cool. I cleaned up some of the wood round in the dooryard, then I went down to see Ernest, stayed to dinner. He went home this PM. I worked on my building some this PM, had the toothache a while. Sarah Nutting, her brother and wife called.

Thursday 2
Pleasant, Mr Locke helped us

(Friday September 3 through 17, no entries)

Saturday 18
Pleasant. Papa helped Mr. Locke chop over in Mr. Brown's woods. I went over in our pasture, chopped some birches.

Sunday, September 19, 1886
Showery. Papa, Elizabeth and I went to church. Mr. Locke came in. Edwin and Ed Eastman called. Been up to pasture to see the oxen. Quite cold.

Monday 20
Wind blew hard this PM, cold. Mr. Locke and Edwin dug potatoes this forenoon, the were nice ones. Forty bushels and a third of the piece, only a barrel of small ones among them. Papa went over to H. Marden's and mill in the AM and in the PM we shingled the shed and picked potatoes.

Tuesday 21
Pleasant. Papa and Edwin helped Mr. Locke chop wood up on Robert Brown's. I went up with Mr. Locke to carry their dinner. Had a front last night, worked a little on my building.

Wednesday, September 22, 1886
Pleasant, had a front last night. Mr. Locke, Papa and I finished laying the floor. In the PM Papa and I shingled. Mrs. Stanley and Bertie came in the evening a little while. We tore out the partition between the pantry and the kitchen.

Thursday 23
Rainy. Edwin came up and painted his sled. Mr. Locke came up a little while. Bert came up. We expected the Philbrick's if it had not been rainy.

Friday 24
Pleasant. The Philbrick's did not come. Mr. Locke came up. I went down to Mrs. Eastman's and took down the horse for E to get some clapboards. Dug potatoes and picked them up when E got home. Cut wood for Mr. Locke.

Saturday, September 25, 1886
Pleasant. The carpenters worked here and Mr. Locke got part of one end clapboarded.

Sunday 26
Pleasant. Papa and Eliz and I went to meeting. I walked with Harry. Shower towards night. Mr. Chesley came with the teacher.

Monday 27
Pleasant, cold and windy toward night. Went to school. Harriet and Isabel Tilcover (?) came, had 12.

Tuesday, September 28, 1886
Rainy all day. Went to school

Wednesday 29
A few little showers this morning. Went to school. Mr. Frank Libbey __ tonight and Herbert and Bert went.

Thursday 30
Pleasant. Went to school. Mr. Stanley worked here digging potatoes. Bert stopped and played ball.

Friday, October 1, 1886
Pleasant. Went to school. Mr. Stanley helped Papa dig the potatoes and got in the beans and turnips and watermelons and two loads of stalks.

Saturday 2
Cool. I picked some cranberries and went down to Berts. I made a bobox (?) trap.

Sunday 3
Pleasant. The teacher and Papa and I went to meeting.

Monday, October 4, 1886
Pleasant. The carpenters worked up here. Went to school.

Tuesday 5
Pleasant. Went to school. Papa and Mr. Locke worked down to Mrs. Eastman's this AM. The carpenters worked here this PM.

Wednesday 6
Pleasant. Went to school.

Thursday, October 7, 1886
Pleasant. Went to school.

Friday 8
Pleasant. Went to school.

Friday 9
Pleasant. Went to school. I went down to the store with Frank.

(End of Calendar entries)


1886 July 2
School finished today. The teacher gave me a book with a slate and lead pencil and rule and pen holder.

We got 21 loads of hay in the lower field this year. Got 3 loads in the front field and 3 in the orchard. Got 4 loads in the garden.

Fri. July 2
Mr. Locke helped us today, commenced haying. The last day the teacher gave me a box with a slate and lead pencils and pen holder.

Sat. July 24
Mr. Giles helped us, finished up haying.

I worked down to Mrs. Eastman's two days and Aunt Vianars three days. Got a quarter _ dollars a day.


Arthur M. Weldon
15 North St.
Haverhill, MA

Arthur M. Weldon
13 Fifth Street
Haverhill, MA

John C. Yeaton

(end of diary)