Production Chronology 1776! Nov. 12, 2004 - Opening Night. End of chronology. Thanks everyone! Nov. 11, 2004 - Uploaded pictures to the website. Emailed cast. Nov. 10, 2004 - Picked up programs. Held Dress rehearsal. Checked video and audio. Took stills. Nov. 9, 2004 - Worked on cast gifts, ordered a last minute prop. Picked up water for cast back-stage. Ran show with costumes, no make-up or wigs. Hauled out staging and 12 foot panel. Nov. 8, 2004 - Painted stage and stairs. Uploaded pictures to the website. Send email to cast. Worked on additional audio, valances hung on the set, floor marked, added blue lighting. Theatre cleaned and items removed. Additional decor added to theatre interior. Nov. 7, 2004 - Sound system set up, lobby items hung, rehearsal with orchestra, costumes, wigs and make-up for run-through. Nov. 6, 2004 - Worked on curtain calls and final freeze. Talked with Sharon Burnston. Nov. 5, 2004 - Scrapped planned run-through in favor of a more technical rehearsal. Courier's hat arrived. Nov. 3, 2004 - Ran entire show and worked extra on "He Plays the Violin.' Prepared graphics for cast shirt order. Painted over the door. Nov. 2, 2004 - Arrived early to go over lighting. Ran both Acts stopping for choreography and comments. Worked extra on "Cool, Cool". Dropped cast gifts off for some work. Oct. 31, 2004 - Ran both Acts I & II plus extra work on 'Cool, Cool" - added polished door knob. Some make-up arrived. Oct. 30, 2004 - Stopped by Sharons to check on costumes. Oct. 27, 2004 - Rehearsed Act II, got program price quotes. New hat and cane arrived. Oct. 26, 2004 - Rehearsed virtually all of Act I; costuming continues. Work done on lights. Oct. 24, 2004 - Door lock installed, shaker pegs attached, checked cloth for wall behind stairs. Costumers utilized first half of rehearsal, ran Act II. Re-printed program to deliver to printer. Oct. 23, 2004 - Finished November schedule and emailed to cast and crew. Oct. 20, 2004 - Rehearsed more choreography, took the program to the printer. Some costumes arrived. Worked some extra blocking with Adams and Franklin. Oct. 19, 2004 - Rehearsed choreography for several numbers, worked on website. Oct. 17, 2004 - Tried out projector for final slide, but forgot disk. Helped Jan move some costumes upstairs from the weekends marathon. Oct. 16, 2004 - Special 2 hr rehearsal on 'Cool, Cool Considerate Men' - Ran Act I and Act II. Choreographer left early. Oct. 15, 2004 - Ordered a pair of boots and 1 hat - researched 3 other hats. Oct. 13, 2004 - Reformated program; made poster; produced final slide with bell sounds. Wig try ons and Act II Scene 7. Oct. 12, 2004 - Choreography rehearsal for "He Plays the Violin" and "But, Mr. Adams". Oct. 10, 2004 - Cut down two tables and replaced Hancock's table. Shades fixed. Rehearsed Act I Scenes 3 and 5. Worked on ushers calling CAR. More costume conversation. Oct. 9, 2004 - Cleaned up and put away props from the Friday nite lecture. Oct. 8, 2004 - Gave lecture with Sharon Burnston to the Epsom Historical Association. Oct. 7, 2004 - Dropped wool of at Jan's. Picked up and extra chair at Betty House Antiques, worked on lecture. Oct. 6, 2004 - Painted stairs, Ross hung chandelier; met with hair/wig stylist; set up for lecture until 11:00; G. Southwick agreed to to light booth for show. Wool arrived. Had good choreography rehearsal on "Sit Down John", "Cool Conservative Men" and "The Egg". Oct. 5, 2004 - Discussed Friday's lecture. Rehearsed music for 'The Egg'; ran Act II Scene 7 nearly twice. Costumers on hand. Oct. 4, 2004 - Worked on website with set pictures and link to T. Adamson videos. Talked to costume designer Sharon Burnston. 2 wigs arrived - more wool shipped today. Updated lists. Oct. 3, 2004 - Painted new trim on set - talked to Ross about lighting. Rehearsed 2 songs from Act II, plus Scene 7 - ran Act I Scenes 3 & 5. Sept. 30, 2004 - Bob Murray added trim to the set, didn't have enough paint to paint it. Measured for valance. Added Ross Morse as light designer. Jim Hart, Ross Morse and Ernie Bass added light bars. Worked on program. Contacted NE Chamber Winds about orchestra members. Bought more wool. Sept. 29, 2004 - Painted door lock box, worked on program. Rehearsed Act I Scene 5 plus music for "Cool, Cool" and "He plays the violin. Sept. 28, 2004 - Picked up marquee poster but too damp to hang it. Made some small posters and the cast took some to put around. Got confirmation for some set work Thurs. night. Rehearsed Act I Scene 3 extensively. Worked on "But, Mr Adams". Sept. 27, 2004 - Ordered marquee poster for the theatre. Arranged for public availability of tickets. Sent payment for 2 wigs. Sent cast email about tickets. Worked on video. Sept. 26, 2004 - Ernie and Mo hung the scrim and Ernie hung the bamboo shades. Took down the 12' blank section stage left. Ran through Act I less Scene 4 without scripts. Ran Scene 5 twice. Met briefly with Sharon. Sept. 25, 2004 - Painter worked at the theatre. Wrote background articles on the production for the program. Additional people to sew contacted. Sept. 23, 2004 - Ordered 72 linear feet of chair rail for additional set trim. Received list of seamstresses to contact. Ordered 2 wigs. Sept. 22, 2004 - Set up for scene 4, picked up antique chairs, rehearsed scene 4 and had first choreography rehearsal for "Sit Down John". Met with costumers, Bob Murray measured for additional set trim. Took down set. Sept. 21, 2004 - Rehearsed "Momma Look Sharp" ; then ran twice through Act I Scene 5. First look at Rutledge. Started search for seamstress. Sept. 20, 2004 - Ordered shiny silver buttons for Hancock's costume. Discussed progress of costume making with Sharon. Got specs to order 2 wigs. Sept. 19, 2004 - Joe held music rehearsals at the theatre. Did the October schedule. Worked on website and sent emails to cast and crew. Cast Rutledge. Talked to painter - should finish set end of the week. Sept. 15, 2004 - Got through entire Scene 3 of Act I and blocked Scene 4 for for the first time. Cleared stage for possilibity of more painting. Sept. 14, 2004 - Had productive music rehearsal and blocked the Courier's song. Met with costumers. Cast Jefferson. Sept. 12, 2004 - Arrived at theatre 10:30 and set stage while Ernie put the curtains on the front of the stage. Rehearsal from 2 to 6. Had Board meeting at 6:30, left theatre at 8:30. Talked to George Southwick about building a set piece. Sept. 9, 2004 - Called and talked to painter. Picked up papers at the theatre. Added rehearsal photos to the website. Sept. 8, 2004 - Set stage at theatre for first rehearsal and had cast take it down following rehearsal in hopes of more painting. Blocked Act 1 Scences 1 and 3. Talked to S. Burnston. Sept. 7, 2004 - Music rehearsal at the theatre. Moved some set pieces to the stage. Talked with choreographer. Sept. 5, 2004 - Stained Hancock platforms and 3 kegs. Worked on 1776 website. Sept. 2, 2004 - Met with Mo Demers (set designer) about some set enhancements. Dennis Bunnell delivered some head shots and a disk of photos. Sept. 1, 2004 - First full night of singing rehearsals. Costume check. Additional headshots taken. August 31, 2004 - Lighting persons Andy Bennert and Ross Morse met with Players Tech Director Jim Hart. Discussed prelim lighting design with Andy and Ross. August 30, 2004 - Richard Charron did more painting. Jay Sydow painted the flats behind the windows. Bob Charron added more trim and Bob and Ernie Bass hung the calendar and tally board. Talked to Mo about staining the Hancock platforms this week. August 29, 2004 - Front of the stage taken off; first rehearsal - read through, head shots and music rehearsal "Momma, Look Sharp". Bob Charron took measurements for some set work. Jay Sydow chose paint for flats outside the windows. Put some bios in the program. August 27, 2004 - Finished handouts for cast and crew first rehearsal with contact lists and schedule. Richard Charron worked on painting the set. August 25, 2004 - Delivered table and 2 benches to theatre. Made photocopies of handouts for first rehearsal. August 24, 2004 - Talked to S. Burnston and postponed the wig trying on session. Cast Hancock. August 22, 2004 - Had the pleasure of emptying the trash at the theate. Returned S. Burnston sketches. Prepared email to cast and crew. August 18, 2004 - Moved all the props, wigs, hats, and tables to the theatre. Picked up and delivered set paint. August 17, 2004 - Bob Murray added the last 2 pieces of window trim and fitted a period door knob. 2 more scripts picked up. Talked to Jay Sydow about painting window scene. August 16, 2004 - Met with Richard Charron and chose paint color, type and quantity. Could start as early as Thursday, weather dependent. Handed out 4 more scripts. Talked to Bob Murray about the final window trim. August 15, 2004 - Set construction - stairs finished, back flats up. 13 people picked up scripts. Talked to Richard Charron about set painting; talked to Bob Charron about some final trim; talked to Sharon Burnston about a wig night; did the September rehearsal schedule. August 12, 2004 - Emailed cast to pick up scripts, dropped wool off at theatre. August 6, 2004 - Picked up calendar pages from Terry Robinson and Granite Images. Scripts arrived. August 3, 2004 - 2 colors of green wool fabric arrived. August 1, 2004 - Work on stairs, flats moved, decorative trim and moldings at theatre. July 28, 2004 - Worked on filling in screw holes on set. July 27, 2004 - Bought and got delivery of some trim from A&B lumber. Uploaded audition photos to the web. July 26, 2004 - Removed some photos from the website. Met with Bob Murray at the theatre to discuss set trim. July 24, 2004 - Opened theatre at 7:00 am for set construction. Talked to Jan Pinard about seamstress list. Added some set photos to the website. Talked to Bob Murray about window trim. July 23, 2004 - Got new tally board and calendar. Took calendar to Granite Image to mount pages. Set construction at theatre 7-3, got left wall and back wall up. July 22, 2004 - Got the doors to the theatre with Joel's help; printed and took audition photos to costume designer; organized notebook; cleared stage for set construction. July 21, 2004 - Confimed remainder of those who auditioned. Talked to set foreperson to confirm start of construction. Moved the windows and the Hancock trim to the theatre. Worked on the website. July 20, 2004 - Did more emails and phone calls for role confirmations and to those who were not cast. Talked to choreographer. Dropped bamboo shades off at theatre. July 19, 2004 - Auditioned 9 men and 1 woman. Cast all but 2 characters. Emailed for role confirmations. July 18, 2004 - Auditioned 14 men and 5 women. July 17, 2004 - Ernie helped clear the stage of all curtains - ready for set construction. Set up audition area, checked cameras. Delivered wool fabric and socks to the theatre. Made list of readings for easy reference at auditions. Set up an early audition. Took pictures of '1776' float. July 14, 2004 - Talked to Bob Charron about finishing touches to the tally board. Set up the 2nd floor of the theatre for auditions. Answered some email about the show. Talked to costumer Jan Pinard. Made copies of audition procedures for auditions. Cleaned the piano. July 13, 2004 - Shades arrived for the set. Sent last bulk email before auditions to prospective list and crew. July 12, 2004 - Answered some 1776 email. Downloaded some webpages form our '1776' site. Picked color for Independence Hall Interior (Liberty Gray). Edited bulk emails to go out tomorrow. Gave copy of '1776' cd to percussionist. July 10, 2004 - Sent out more emails about auditions. Got copies of original soundtrack for people that might need/want them. Prepared final bulk emails to interested persons plus production team to go out first of next week. Pewter plate arrived. July 7, 2004 - Touched base with light designer. Sent out some emails to individuals about auditions. July 6, 2004 - Made some personal contacts to promote auditons. Met with costume designer, picked up green felt for window treatments. July 5, 2004 - Worked on blocking. July 4, 2004 - Made copies of passages from the script for auditions and organized. Set off fireworks. Communicates with Mal. July 3, 2004 - Chose the reading audition selections from the script. July 2, 2004 - Received repaired costume piece. Met with S. Brown. July 1, 2004 - Ordered pewter plate, worked on publicity, worked on updating website. June 28, 2004 - Talked to Charlie Annance who changed construction dates for the set; talked to Bob Charron about the tally board - which is coming along. Did some blocking and website updating. June 23, 2004 - Got a costume piece in the mail and found it defective. Took near 3 months to get and must send it back. June 21, 2004 - Picked up printed blank Declarations. Picked up tickets. Met with carpenter at theatre, finalized construction dates. Talked to Bob Charron about Tally Board and Calendar. Worked on blocking. Contacted an SC player. June 20, 2004 - Printed papers and dispatches; distriubted some audition posters. Worked on blocking. June 19, 2004 - Created a couple more pages and added a couple pictures of wigs to the website. June 18, 2004 - Created papers and dispatches, ready for printing. Corresponded on tickets. June 17, 2004 - Sent emails to prospective cast members with audition information as we are 1 month out. Arranged a meeting with the construction foreperson for Monday 6:00. Left a message for Bob Charron to add triangle pieces to the items he is working on. June 16, 2004 - Held production meeting. In attendance, Elsie, Vicki, Mal, Val, Dee Dee, Margaret, Sharon, Meggin, Tracey and Mo. Ordered bamboo shades for windows. June 15, 2004 - Picked up calendar pages. June 14, 2004 - Dropped calendar pages off to be printed. Talked to Granite Images about printing. Talked to A&B Lumber. Sent Production meeting reminder out. June 13, 2004 - Made calendar page templates ready for printing. 5 tables delivered. Did a couple early auditions. Ordered 2 extra wigs. June 9, 2004 - Met with Bob Charron with plans I made for the Tally Board and Calendar based on the ones received. Did alot of emailing, including to Production team about 1st meeting. Bob wants to have the project done the end of this month. June 8, 2004 - Met with producer Elsie Morse. Called Bob Charron about making new calendar and tally board and will meet tomorrow morning. Went to A&B Lumber to check on trim for the same articles. He will call with quote and availablity. Two of the 5 tables are done, but I have not seen them. Added a person to work on wigs and hair. June 7, 2004 - Talked and checked on date for start of construction with Charlie Annance. Contacted a possible cast member and sent website link. Thought of building a tally board and calendar, will meet with producer 6/8. Called Granite Image on a calendar question. Emailed costumer. June 6, 2004 - Vicki dropped of the tally board and calendar - they need work and do not need to be returned. Did a couple early auditions. June 3, 2004 - Vicki Skoog picked up the Tally Board and Calendar. May 26, 2004 - Shoe Buckles arrived today. Dropped off a piece of fabric to Sharon to match curtains with. Corresponded with Wayland about a scrim. Sent emails about 1776 characters to two individuals who had written with questions. May 23, 2004 - Took wool up to Sharons and changed one costume plot. Picked up cups and saucers. Updated website. Got email from 2 interested cast members and responded. Dropped buttons off at Jans. May 21, 2004 - Made and printed the marquee audition poster for the theatre. Wrote article for 'Curtain Up!". Set up casting board. May 20, 2004 - Buttons & Fabric arrived. Send emails to 1776 email lists. May 19, 2004 - Worked on Dame Awards 1776 promo, made 1776 audition poster for marquee. May 17, 2004 - Ordered Shoe Buckles & some items for the parade. May 16, 2004 - Met with Old Home Day/Players Parade committee. May 14, 2004 Ordered 310 Pearl Faux buttons and 2 more colors of wool fabric. Showed plans of set to Charlie Annance and he agreed to Construction Foreperson. Also got approval for shoe buckles. May 6, 2004 Ordered a leather apron and 5 wig holders. May 5, 2004 Windows, pediment, fluted pilasters arrived today from A&B Lumber. Contacted a possible construction person and set a meeting for next week to show designs. May 4, 2004 3 additional wigs arrived. Touched base with producer and looks like there is some activity in getting the shirts started. Called Wholesale linens and table cloths to ship May 10th. April 29, 2004 A&B Lumber called and set decor and windows are in. Elisie contacts a carpenter. Light Booth operator for the show needs to be replaced due to a conflict schedule. Had discussion with PA sutler. April 20, 2004 Ordered 3 additional wigs and table coverings; plus one coat. Went on vacation and saw original Declaration. April 14, 2004 Visited with Charlie Yeaton about furniture and props for the show. April 9, 2004 Looked at design for tickets. Waiting for cost estimate on table coverings. April 4, 2004 Added a person to the construction crew and talked to stage manager. April 3, 2004 Prop arrived. Mar. 28, 2004 Ordered a prop from eBay. Updated web links. Mar. 27, 2004 Met with Sharon Burnston to check fabric and approve table covering material and color. Mar. 25, 2004 Met with Light Designer. More wool fabric arrived Mar. 23, 2004 Ordered 2 windows and pediments for Hancock's area. Received sample fabric for table coverings. Made signature less copy of the Declaration. Mar. 21, 2004 Updated pre-production pages - approved tables Mar. 19, 2004 Hired Percussionist Mar. 15, 2004 Touched base with accompanist. Worked intro in Powerpoint. Mar. 13, 2004 Visited Sharon Burston and viewed two more wool fabrics that arrived and ordered 4 more. Reviewed costume plots. Mar. 10, 2004 Back to A&B Lumber for more discussion Mar. 9, 2004 Met with Producer. Mar. 8, 2004 Ordered some plum wool as a sample for possible future purchases. Mar. 4, 2004 Went to A&B Lumber again. Met with choreographer Mar. 3, 2004 Went to A&B Lumber to price windows and trim. Talked to Todd at Wholesale Linens about table coverings. Waiting to hear from A. Bennert for a time to discuss lighting. Feb. 26, 2004 Contract received by MTI and items scheduled to ship August 3, 2004. Feb. 20, 2004 Mailed check and contract back to Music Theatre International for materials and royalties. Feb. 19, 2004 Met with Sharon Burnston and looked at wool purchases Feb. 7, 2004 Added Joe Rojek as Music Director Nov 2, 2003 The French doors have arrived and the Hancock Chippendale chair has been assembled - and both stored for later. Some cool items for realism have also arrived, including an Independence Hall replica Inkwell set and an actual period newspaper. A federal style old violin case will compliment nicely the Jefferson laptop desk when it arrives. There are also a few small original period clay pipes from England to enhance the realism of our performance. Oct. 3, 2003 Reviewed costume designs with all but a couple characters prepared by Sharon Burnston. This leads the way to being able to buy material for costumes. Aug. 24, 2003 Received the first set sketch and design from Mo Demers. Also hardcopy floor plan of Scenic stage for future use. Set looks great, but have a few questions and modifications (of course). Still waiting for the balance of the first round of props to arrive. Costuming talk continues, character costume plots underway. Aug. 16, 2003 Emailing Sharon Burnston about wigs and hats. Also previous discussions on substitute 'baize' material to cover the tables. Found the real item for $67/yard....yikes, will substitute. Aug. 9, 2003 Jan Pinard forwards sample copies of spreadsheets to track costs for props and costumes. Aug. 3, 2003 - Dropped copy of DVD and book script off to Mal Cameron. Ordered first bunch of buttons. July 24, 2003 - Talked to Chs. Yeaton of Yeton Tavern about looking for some props. July 22, 2003 - Delivered script to producer Elsie Morse. Searched Ebay for some props; placed some bids. Searched internet for buttons and emailed links to Sharon Burnston. Touched base with Mo on set design. July 10, 2003 - Preliminary meeting with Sharon Burnston and Jan Pinard relative to costumes. July 1, 2003 - Preliminary Set design meeting with Mo Demers. Measured Stage July 2. Conceptual done. May 2003 - Prelim meeting on costumes postponed April 2003 - Board accepts proposal for 1776 as Fall Show 2004. January 2003- Contacted MTI for perusal info and pricing to prepare proposal to the Board of Directors November 2002 - Lobbied people for Production Staff |
Hard cover stage play 1776 by Peter Stone and Sherman Edwards. One of two copies from eBay. Soft-cover script from eBay | |||