PROPS candles (battery) candle sticks table cloths 2 ea for regular tables & 2 for Hancocks desk inkwells left for Hancock's desk and right for Thompson
traveling Inkstand quills books 5 (2) long stem & 8 (3) small clay pipes sand shakers gavel letter opener newspaper & magazine 14 canes bowl lace napkin foot stool wastebasket 3 knapsacks calendar tally board sketch book black crayon boots pants practical quill hankerchief pewter plate food (apple turnover) rag calling cards pracitcal pen chandelier declaration 24 1/2 inches wide by 29 3/4 inches long 2 or 3 be-ribboned oak kegs 2 6 ft Deacons Benches Windsor/Ladderback chairs fly swatter papers 3 mugs & 2 tin cups Rand mug Wilton Mug Pewter Pitcher Boston Mug cup & saucer 2 hand bells (tr) 1 teabell & 1 brass bell fans-1dozen Games - cards,dice, checkers hour glass barometer tally lap tray gun powder horn 7 courier dispatches courier spurs lantern eye glasses riding crop violin/bow violin case music stand with music chippendale chair for Hancock SOUND-10 bells 4 bells 11 bells (Liberty Bell)
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