Please Print Name_______________________________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________________ City ______________________________ State __________ Zipcode ____________________ Email Address ________________________ Best Phone Number _________________________ Experience: Please list up to the last two musicals in which you have participated, the role and with whom. Include any previous role in this show. If there is a character(s) in 1776 in which you are particually interested, please list them in order of preference. Please furnish the following information. Also, our costumers will measure you for possible costumes. Age _____ Eye Color ________ Hair Color _________ Height ________ Weight _________ Do you wear glasses? ________ Do you need them in performance_________ Shoe size _________ The signers were clean shaven men. Are you? ______ Could you be for this performance? _________ Men may be asked to surrender a pair of shoes as part of the costuming for this show. Will this be a problem? ___________. Are you allergic to wool? _____ |
VOCAL RANGE - our accompanist can assist you
with this item.
___________________ |
Physical Limitations: Please let us know
of any limitations that we should be aware of that might limit participation
in choreography or other areas of this performance. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Time Limitations: Please let us know of any time restraints that may prohibit participation at rehearsals/performances. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ |
Do you have access to the Internet? _____ Are
you currently a member of the Pittsfield Players? _____ Please list any information relative to your background, interest in history or theatre which may be of interest. ________________________________________________________________________ |