Custodian - Andrew McNair Andrew McNair - Cast member, Ernie Bass Andrew McNair
Andrew McNair Sings in "For God's Sake, John, Sit Down" - "Momma, Look Sharp" Ernie is a long time veteran of the Pittsfield Players. He has been involved in all aspects of the theatre and is currently a member of the Board of Directors. Appearing in such varied roles as McMurphy in Cuckoos Nest to Hank inState Fair singing about hogs. He also has enjoyed working with the Village Players in Wolfeboro, N.H., most recently as George Hay in Moon Over Buffalo. Ernie truly has a love of the stage and is constantly searching for the most challenging roles he can find. Now a resident of Pittsfield, he has had the pleasure of performing with his four children at one time or another, especially his oldest daughter Sheree Bass in last seasons State Fair. He send his thanks to the Director for casting him and allthe unsung heroes who sometimes at a moments notice, gave up their time to help bring this fantastic show together.
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