William Marden
at Epsom for three years on Oct. 17, 1861. Transferred to the Veterans Reserve
Corp, discharged on Nov. 27, 1864 at Concord, NH. Member GAR Post 66. He was born
in Epsom on October 13, 1840, son of James Marden and Dorcas Savory Pattee. He
married in Epsom December 06, 1861, Emily Chapman. They celebrated their 50th
Wedding Anniversary at the IOOF Hall on Dec, 7, 1911. He was one of the
original members of the Evergreen Lodge, May 10, 1872. A past master of the McClary
Grange, and held all the offices in the George H. Hoyt Post, GAR. He was town
moderator for 15 years and a member of the house of representatives in 1895. He
was a shoemaker prior to the War and returned to that occupation after returning
from service. After 17 years he became the miller at the old Short Falls Grist
Mill where he remained for 30 years, retiring the fall of 1911. He died in Epsom
December 24, 1919 and is buried in the New Rye Cemetery.
at right taken Memorial Day 1911.