Nov. 20, 1778 - This is to certify that Jonathan Chapman who was a soldier in
Capt. Morrill's Company and Col. Stark's Regiment in the year 1776 (when the army
marched from Cambridge) was left sick of a fever and by not being properly attended
has lost the use of one of his legs - by which misfortune he is rendered incapable
of getting a living for himself and family. As witness our hands, Jeremiah Prescott,
John Cate, James Marden - Selectmen
Epsom Nov. 30, 1778 - This may certify
that Jonathan Chapman who was a soldier in Capt. Morrill's Company and Col. Stark's
Regiment has drawn no pay since the last of June 1778. - Michael McClary, then
Lt. in Sd. Company.
The committee of both houses appointed to take under consideration
the petitions and account of wounded officers and soldiers beg leave to report
as their opinion, that Jonathan Chapman a soldier in Capt. Morrill's Company Col.
Stark's Regiment in the year 1776, be entitled to half pay according to the rules
and regulations of Congress and that he be enrolled accordingly from the first
day of July 1776 all which his humbly submitted - Moses Nichols for the Committee.
Exeter, Nov. 23, 1782, Received of Ephraim Robinson a certificate for thirty pounds
in full of Jonathan Chapman's half pay as an invalid pensioner of this State to
November 12t, 1782 - Ephraim Pickering.
There is due to Jonathan Chapman seventeen
pounds for half pay in full to April 1st 1784. - Ephraim Robinson, Pay Master
Exeter April 21st 1784 - Received an order on the Treasurer for the above sum.
- Jonathan Chapman.
This certifies that Jonathan Chapman and invalid is an
inhabitant of Pittsfield in the State of New Hampshire and County of Rockingham.
Epsom 20 Nov. 1786 - John McClary, Justice of the Peace.
State of New Hampshire
Nov. 25, 1778. To John Taylor Gilman, officer appointed to register wounded soldiers
&c - Pursuant to votes of the Council and Assembly enroll Jonathan Chapman
a Soldier in Capt. Morrill's Company in the year 1776 who by hardships in the
campaign has become a cripple and allow him half pay from the first day of July
1776. M. Weare, President