Information contained in GAR form to be transcribed in the GAR Record
[Note: The following is a transcription of forms that
were to be filled out and given to the GAR post historian to be added
to the official George H. Hoyt Post 66 GAR book, which indeed was done.
There were 3 entries in the book for which there were no forms - and
2 forms which were not entered into the book. The number following the
soldiers name is the page in the GAR book that the information was written.
These original forms where furnished by Dick and Mary Frambach. The
Epsom Historical Association has photocopies of the original forms.]
Christopher S. Heath - 11
Born March 31st 1828, Washington, VT
Entered service July 5th 1861 at Fort Warren in Boston Harbor
Rank entering service, Second Lieutenant
Co. B 14th Regt. Mass Infantry and changed to 1st Mass H.A. by order
of War Dept
Ranks held - Second Lieut; Sept. 10, 1861 to First Lieut. and Sept.
20, 1862 to Captain
Rank at close of war - Captain
Discharged Sept. 10, 1861 at Fort Albany VA for promotion, commissioned
First Lieut.
Next discharged - Sept. 20th 1862 for promotion to Captain.
Finally discharged - Oct. 7, 1864 at expiration of term
First battle engaged - In driving Lee's Army back into VA after the
battle of Gettysburg
Other engagements - In part of Petersburg VA, on the 2nd of October
1864 in which the Regt. Lost 30 in killed and severely wounded with
5 slightly wounded out 230 that went into the fight.
Not wounded, hospitalized nor taken prisoner.
Comrades in service: Lt. Col. Levi P. Wright, Capt. Geo. S. Follansbee,
James Pope and M.M. Cleent, Lieut. A. O. Carter Hall and Durgin.
Most important events during service - When in Nov. 1862 I with my company
was ordered to Maryland Heights and put in command of Howitzer Battery
which held until Nov. 1863 except the month of July 1863 when all of
the troops at and around Harpers Ferry were ordered to join Gen. Mead
and was in reserve during the Battle of Gettysburg.
Joined Geo. H. Hoyt Post 66 March 14th 1883.
Charles H. Hall - 12
Born 1831 at Epsom, NH
Entered service Aug. 15th 1862 at Epsom, NH
Private Co E 11th Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged Feb. 21st 1863 at Concord, NH by reason of disability
First engagement - Fredericksburg (VA) Dec. 13th 1862
Wounded at White Sulphur Springs and Fredericksburg, VA
Comrades in service: George Moulton, B.B. Yeaton, H.G. Dillenback, Charles
W. Leighton and many others.
Joined Geo H Hoyt Post 66 GAR March 14th 1883
Elbridge Batchelder - 13
Born April 14th 1844 at Epsom, NH
Entered service Sept 8th 1862 at Epsom, NH
Private Co E 11th Regt NH Vols.
Rank held in service - Corporal, March 1st 1865
Discharged June 4th 1865 near Alexandria VA by order of War Department
First engagement - Fredericksburg VA Dec. 13th 1862
Additional engagements - Siege of Vicksburg and Jackson Miss; Siege
of Knoxville, Strawberry Plains, Wilderness, Spotsylvania, North Anna,
Bethesda Church, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Weldon Rail Road, Poplar Spring
Wounded Poplar Spring Church Oct. 1, 1864. Died May 15th 1884
Joined Geo H Hoyt Post 66 GAR Mar 14th 1883.
Charles W. Leighton - 14
Born March 2nd 1841, at Newmarket, NH
Entered service Oct 17th 1861 at Epsom, not mustered being a minor.
Private Co I 6th Regt. NH Vols.
Ranks held in service - Corporal at Stanford (KY) June 3rd 1863
Discharged Nov. 28th, 1861 at Keene, NH, being a minor
Re-enlisted Co E 11th Regt NHV Aug. 15th 1862
Discharged May 27th 1865 at Webster General Hospital, Manchester, NH,
First engagement - Fredericksburg (VA) Dec. 13th 1862
Additional engagements - Siege of Vicksburg and Jackson, July 1863;
Wilderness, Spotsylvania, Cold Harbor; North Anna River; Bethesda Church
and at the Shand House (VA) 1864
Wounded June 16th 1864 at Shand House (VA)
Hospitalized at Annapolis, MD; York, PA; Manchester, NH
Comrades in service: T.E. Bickford, C. Gordon, J.H. Fife; Nat Barker,
Linus H. Little, finally all the boys of Co. E and many others of the
Most important event of service: When I received my rations and when
I received an Honorable Discharge and returned home to my family.
Joined Geo H Hoyt Post 66 GAR March 14th 1883
Thomas J. Ames - 15
Born Sept. 22nd 1828 at Epsom, NH
Entered service Sept. 13th, 1862 at Epsom, NH
Private Co. D 15th Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged August 13th, 1863 at end of term of service
First battle engaged - at Port Hudson, LA, May 27th, 1863
Not wounded, hospitalized nor taken prisoner.
Note on back of form: Died April 15th 1900 aged 71 yrs 6 months 23 days
Joined Geo H Hoyt Post 66 GAR March 14th 1883
Benjamin B. Yeaton - 16
Born Nov. 21st 1839 at Epsom, NH
Entered the service Aug. 30th 1862 at Epsom, NH
Private Co. E 11th Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged May 16th 1865 at Concord, NH per order of War Dept. Washington,
First engagement - Fredericksburg VA Dec. 13th, 1862
Additional engagements - Siege of Vicksburg and Jackson (Miss) and Siege
of Knoxville, (Tenn)
Not wounded.
Hospitalized at Alexandria (VA) May 6th, 1864, Knights General at New
Haven (Conn) May 10th `864 and transferred to Concord Dept. Hospital
Concord, NH where he remained until discharged May 16th, 1865.
Comrades in service: C.H. Hall, John James, C.W. Leighton, J.H. Fife,
Wm. Stevens and many others.
Joined Geo. H. Hoyt Post 66 GAR April 10th, 1883. Died April 10th 1886.
Alvin H. Roberts - 17
Born Oct. 10th 1844 at Northwood, NH
Entered service Sept 9th 1862, place not given
Private Co D 15th Regt Infantry NHV
Discharged Aug 13th 1863 at expiration of service
Re-enlisted Aug. 30th, 1864 Co. E 1st Regt Heavy Artillery NHV
Discharged June 15th 1865 at Concord, NH, close of the war
First engagement - Port Hudson, Mar 27, 1863-June 15, 1863, was under
fire 43 days and nights
Hospitalized Camp Parapet. L A winter of 1863
Comrades in service: A.J. Johnson; S.S. Johnson; J.A. Brzam; N.F. Reynolds
Joined Geo H Hoyt Post 66 GAR March 14th 1883.
Jacob G. Griffin (middle initial actually E) - 18
Born April 10, 1924, Northwood, NH
Entered service at Chelsea, MA
Private, Col H, 50th Mass Vols.
Discharged July 24th 1863 Ex term of service
Joined Geo H Hoyt Post 66 GAR March 14th 1883
Rufus Baker - 19
Born June 27th 1829 at Pembroke, NH
Entered service Aug. 15th 1862 at Epsom, NH
Private Co. E 11th Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged Feb. 21st 1863 disability
First engagement - Fredericksburg, VA Dec. 13th 1862
Wounded Fredericksburg Dec. 13th 1862
Joined Geo H Hoyt Post 66 GAR Mar 14th 1883
Jefferson A. Edmunds - 20
Born June 26th 1826 at Chichester, NH
Entered service Aug. 15th 1862 at Epsom, NH
Private Co. E 11th Regt. NH Vols.
Transferred Co. 104, 2nd Battalion Vet Reserve Corps Aug. 29th 1864
Discharged Sept. 30, 1864 3rd Div U.S. General Hospital, Alexandria,
VA, Surgeions certificate of disability.
First engagement - Fredericksburg, VA Dec. 13th 1862
Additional engagements - Siege of Vicksburg and Jackson Miss, July 1863
Wounded at Arlington Heights in May 1864, Alexandria, VA
Comrades in service: Sergeant Clifford K. Burns, Corporal Herman J.
Eaton, Corporal C.W. Leighton, R.B. French and Charles Hurlburt of the
Vet Res Corps.
Most important event of service - Battle of Fredericksburg VA Dec/ 13th
Joined Geo H Hoyt Post 66 GAR March 14th 1883
George H. Rand - 21
Born May 2nd 1831
Entered service Sept. 13, 1862 at Epsom, NH with rank of Corporal
Corporal Co. D. 15th Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged Aug.13th 1863 at expiration of term
Died May 2nd, 1888
First battle engaged in - Siege of Port Hudson
Note on back of form: Died May 2nd 1888
Joined Geo H Hoyt Post 66 March 14th 1883
George Sanders - 22
No original form found.
Samuel T. Bickford - 23
Born September 3, 1836 at Allenstown, NH
Entered service Aug. 15, 1862 at Littleton, NH
Private, Company F 11th Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged near Alexandria, VA by reason of Tilegra Julie orders from
War Dept.
Comrades in service: T.B. Lewis, F. Williams, H.J. Sanborn, W.A. Messer,
Lieut. Hiram K. Little.
Joined Geo. H. Hoyt Post 66,GAR, March 14th, 1883
Benjamin Bickford - 24
Born December 2nd 1820 at Epsom, NH
Entered service Aug. 15th 1862 from Epsom, NH
Private Co E 11th Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged June 30th 1865 at Indianapolis (Ind) by order War Dept.
Transferred to Veterans Reserve Corps Jan 15th 1864
Next discharged June 30th 1865 at Indianapolis, Ind. By General Orders
War Dept.
First engagement - Skirmish at White Sulphur Springs (VA)
Additional engagements - Battle of Fredericksburg (VA) Dec. 13th 1862;
Siege of Vicksburg and Jackson (Miss) July 1863
Not wounded
Hospitalized Camp Dennison, Ohio
Most important event of service - When I got out of the Battle of Fredericksburg
alive and my experience guarding Rebel Prisoners at Indianapolis (Ind).
Joined Geo H Hoyt Post 66 GAR March 14th 1883.
James W. Marden - 25
Born Oct 13th 1840 at Epsom, NH
Entered service Nov 28th 1861 at Epsom, NH, mustered in at Keene, NH
Private Co I 6th Regt NH Vols.
Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps
Discharged Nov. 28th 1864 at Concord, NH at expiration of service
First engagement - Camden, NC
Additional engagements - South Mountain, Antietam, MD; Fredericksburg,
VA; Siege of Vicksburg.
Hospitalized Washington DC; Winchester, KY; Concord, NH
Comrades in service: H.B. Haynes, Robert Crawford, Wm Perkins
Joined Geo H Hoyt Post 66 GAR Mar 14th 1883
Abner C. Jones ? - 26
Born Oct. 10th 1832 at Stanstead, Canada
Entered service Aug. 22, 1862 at Plymouth, NH
Private, Co. E 12th Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged June 21st 1865 at Concord NH by Act of Congress
First battle engaged - Fredericksburg, VA Dec. 13th 1862
Additional engagements - Gettysburg, PA Burmudas Hundred Cold Harbor
also around Richmond and Petersburg, VA
Comrades in service - Capt. Nat Shackford, T.W. Lang, Capt. Asa W. Bartlett,
B.W. Clark, W.S. Gray, J. H. Roderick
Most important event in service - getting out of Gettysburg Battle alive.
Joined Geo H. Hoyt Post 66 GAR March 14th 1883
Jery H. Nute - 27
Born June 29th, 1824, Woodbury, VT
Entered service Sept. 13, 1864 at Epsom, NH, mustered at Concord, NH
Private, Co. D 18th Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged June 10th 1865, per order of War Dept.
First battle in and around Petersburg, VA 1864
Not wounded nor confined to hospital, nor taken prisoner.
Died at Epsom NH Aug.13, 1894, aged 70 yrs 1 month and 14 days
Cause of death, heart disease.
Comrades in service - James M. Clark, Rufus S. Marden, Henry Lovejoy,
Stephen B. Bartlett.
Note on rear of form: Died Aug 13th 1894 aged 70 yrs 1 month and 14
days. He was a charter member of Geo H Hoyt Post 66 GAR Dept. of NH
Gossville, NH
Joined Geo H Hoyt Post 66 GAR Mar. 14th 1883
Thomas W. Emerson - 28
Born May 16th 1844 at Hooksett, NH
Entered service July 28th 1862 at Epsom, NH
Private Co F 9th Regt NH Vols.
Discharged June 7th 1865 at expiration of term
Re-enlisted Sept 4, 1866 Co D 21st Regt. US Regulars
Discharged Sept. 4, 1869, Drum Barracks, California at expiration of
term of service
First engagement South Mountain
Additional engagements - Antietam, Fredericksburg VA, Dec 13, 1862,
Wilderness VA May 6, 1864
Captured May 12, 1864 at Spotsylvania, VA, paroled Dec. 1st, 1864
Andersonville Florence (prison)
Joined Geo H Hoyt Post 66 GAR March 14th 1883
Fred T. Brown ? - 29
Born Oct. 10th 1820 at Epsom, NH
Enlisted Sept. 24th 1862 at Chichester, NH
Private Co. H. 14th Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged May 10, 1863 - disability
Was not in any engagement
Confined in Regimental Hospital all the time.
Joined Geo. H. Hoyt Post 66 GAR March 14th 1883
James Staniels - 30
Born Chichester, NH
Enlisted Sept.24, 1862 at Chichester, NH
Private Co. H 14th Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged July 8th 1865 at expiration of term of service
Joined Geo. H. Hoyt Post 66 GAR March 14th 1883.
George H. Haines - 31
Born 1845, Chichester, NH
Mustered at Concord NH Sept 5th 1864. Entered service at Concord, NH
Corporal, Co. E, 1st Regt. NH Artillery
Joined Geo H Hoyt Post 66 GAR March 14th 1883
Samuel Bickford - 32
Born 1826 at Epsom, NH
Entered service Aug 15th 1862 at Epsom, NH
Corporal Co E 11th Regt NH Vols.
Corporal at muster Aug 21, 1862
Discharged March 31st 1863 at Hampton VA, Fort Monroe, for chronic diarrhea
First engagement - Battle of Fredericksburg
Hospitalized at Regt. Hospital Fort Monroe
Most important event of service - Battle of Fredericksburg
Joined Geo H Hoyt Post 66 GAR April 5, 1883
Charles Gordon - 33
Born August 19t 1826 at Epsom, NH
Entered service August 15th, 1862 at Epsom, NH
Private Co. E 11th Regiment NH Vols.
Discharged June 5th 1865 at Camp Nelson (KY) for disability
First engagement - Fredericksburg (VA) Dec. 13th1862
Additional engagements - Siege of Vicksburg & Jackson (Miss) Siege
of Knoxville, Wilderness, Spotsylvania, Cold Harbor, North Anna River,
Bethesda Church, also Poplar Spring Church, Shand House (VA) and Petersburg
Wounded Sept. 30th, 1864 at Poplar Spring Church (VA).
Hospitalized in Convalescent Camp and Camp Nelson, (KY) 1863.
Joined Geo. H. Hoyt Post 66 GAR, July 5th, 1883
S.S. Johnson (Samuel) - 34
C 15th Regt. NH Vols.
Joined Geo. H. Hoyt Post #66 GAR
No information.
Joined Geo H Hoyt Post 66 GAR - (no date)
James M. Clark Jr. - 35
Born Feb. 12th 1827 at Epsom, NH
Entered service Sept. 5th 1864 at Epsom, NH
Private Co. A 18th Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged June 10th 1865, special order No. 22 War Dept. Washington,
First engagement - Siege of Petersburg, VA in 1865
Joined Geo H Hoyt Post 66 GAR June 21st 1883. Dropped June 30th 1892
Reinstated Mar 1st 1894
John W. Page - 36
Born Sept 18th 1833 at Hampton, NH
Entered service Oct 21st 1861 from Pittsfield, NH mustered at Keene,
Private Co. I 6th Regt NH Vols.
Rank during service - Corporal
Discharged Dec. 19th 1863 at Camp Nelson, KY for purpose of re-enlisting
Transferred to Co I 6th Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged July 17th 1865, Alexandria, VA on general orders of War Dept
No 162
Joined Geo H Hoyt Post 66 GAR June 21st 1883
John H. Fife - 37
Born 1825 at Chichester, NH
Entered service Aug. 15th 1862 at Epsom, NH
Private Co. E 11th Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged June 4th 1865 near Alexandria, VA by order War Dept.
First engagement - Fredericksburg, VA Dec. 13th 1862
Comrades in service: Charles Quimby, Joseph Cross, Charles W. Leighton
Joined Geo H Hoyt Post 66 GAR July 5th 1883
Rufus D. Doe - 38
Born March 19th, 1837 at Northwood, NH
Entered the service Aug. 12, 1862 at Deerfield, NH, mustered at Concord,
Private, Co. B. 11th Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged June 4th, 1865 at Concord, NH, special order of War Dept.
First engagement - Fredericksburg, Dec. 13th, 1862
Additional engagements - Siege of Vicksburg and Jackson (Miss)
Wounded July 1863 at Jackson, Miss.
Comrades - Isaac W. Morrison, Merrill Johnson
Joined Geo. H. Hoyt Post 66 GAR July 5th, 1883.
William T. Grant - 39
Born May 20th 1831 at Epsom, NH
Entered service Nov. 28th 1861 at Epsom, NH
Private Co. I 6th Regt NH Vols.
Rank held in service - Corporal
Discharged June 23rd 1863 Washington, DC
Re-enlisted Co A 1st NH Cavalry
Finally discharged July 15th 1865 by general order of War Dept.
First engagement - Camden, NC
Taken Prisoner
Note on back of form: Died July 22nd 1895
Joined Geo H Hoyt Post 66 GAR Nov. 14, 1883
Charles H. Towle - 40
Born Jan 2nd, 1844, Chichester, NH
Enlisted Aug. 27th 1862 at Chichester, NH, mustered Sept. 24, 1862
Private Co. H. 14th Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged June 28th, 1865, Concord, NH at expiration of term of service.
Transferred to V.R.C. Aug. 10th, 1864
First battle engaged; none
Confined in hospital - Regimental and Hospital near Washington, D.C.
Joined George H, Hoyt Post 66 GAR Nov. 1, 1883
Ebenezer B. Hoyt - 41
Born March 18th 1832 at Northwood, NH
Entered service Aug 15th 1862 at Epsom, NH, mustered at Concord, NH
Private Co E 11th Regt. NH Vols.
Rank of Corporal Feb. 24th 1863
Discharged June 16th 1865 at Concord by General Order War Dept.
First engagement - Siege of Jackson, Miss July 1863
Hospitalized Main St & Seminary Covington KY and Depot at Concord,
Comrades in service: Capt. A.C. Locke, Lieut H.G. Dillenback, Capt.
C.E. Frost, C.W. Leighton, Wm Burnham, C.H. Hall, J.H. Fife and Moulton.
Joined Geo. H. Hoyt Post 66 GAR Nov. 15th 1883
Rufus S. Marden - 42
Born Sept. 2nd 1829 at Epsom, NH
Entered service August 7th 1864 at Epsom, NH
Private, Co. A 18th Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged June 9th 1865 by special order War Dept.
First battle near Petersburg, VA
Joined Geo H Hoyt Post 66 GAR Feb. 7th 1884
George S. Bixby - 43
Born Sept 15th 1842 at Manchester, NH
Entered service Sept 7th 1861 from Epsom, NH
Private Co H 4th Regiment NH Vols.
Ranks held in service - Sergeant, February 20th 1864
Discharged Beaufort, SC by reason of re-enlistment
Next discharged July 11th 1865 at Concord, NH by reason of telegram
from War Dept.
First engagement - Port Royal, SC, Nov. 7th 1861
Additional engagements - Pocotaligo SC, Jarvis Island SC, Edisto Island,
SC, Drury's Bluff, CA, Barrwells Island, SC, Weldorr RR, VA, Assault
on Ft Wagner SC, Petersburg, CA, Deep Bottom, VA and others.
Wounded at Deep Bottom, VA
Hospitalized at Jarvis Hospital, Baltimore, MD, March 1865
Taken prisoner at Deep Bottom, VA, Aug. 16th, 1864 by Confederation
Prison at Libby Prison, VA Aug. 16th 1864 to the 19th Aug. 1864 then
moved to Belle Isle, VA, 19th Aug. 1864 and stayed there till the 19th
of Oct. 1864 then moved to Salisbury, NC Oct. 20th 1864. Remained till
Feb. 28th 1865 then paroled.
Left Libby Prison Aug. 19, 1864 under guard for Belle Isle, left there
for Salisbury in box cars under guard Oct. 20th 1864. Stayed there till
Feb. 28th 1865 when paroled. Left there on foot for Wilmington, NC under
Comrades in service: G. Henry Hoyt, Johnny Goodhue, Johnny Bresenhan,
J.N. Nudd, C.C. Foster, Byron Noyes, E.Y. McNeil, George W. Collins.
Most important event in service - When Grant blew up the Fort at Petersburg,
VA and Deep Bottom when we lost 22 out of our Company taken prisoners.
Joined Geo H Hoyt Post 66 GAR Feb. 27th 1884
Stephen B. Bartlett - 44
Born 1822
Entered service Sept. 7th, 1864 at Epsom, NH, mustered Sept 13, 1864
Private, Co. A. 18th Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged June 5th 1865 by special order War Dept.
Did not re-enlist
First battle near Petersburg, VA
Wounded near Petersburg, VA, date unknown
Note on back of form: Died
Joined Geo H Hoyt Post 66 GAR May 27th 1884
Henry C. Lovejoy - 45
Born March 30th 1837, Epsom, NH
Entered Service Sept. 26, 1864 at Epsom, NH
Private, Co. E, 18th Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged June 10, 1865, per order of War Dept.
Joined Geo H Hoyt Post 66 GAR April 15th 1886
Charles W. Durgin - 46
Born Nov. 16th 1837 at Barnstead, NH
Enlisted August 13th, 1862 at Exeter, NH
Private, Col J 11th Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged June 4th 1865, General Order No. 77, War Dept.
First engagement - Fredericksburg, VA, Dec. 13th 1862
Wounded near Petersburg, VA, Aug. 11th, 1864 on Picket.
Joined Geo. H. Hoyt Post 66 GAR August 5th, 1886
John Mowrey ? - 47
Born 1822 at Oxford, NH
Entered service Dec. 12th 1864
Private Co. A 2nd Mass Cavalry
Discharged July 20th 1865 by General Order No. 94, War Department
Joined Geo H Hoyt Post 66 GAR Oct. 12th, 1886
Daniel Hall - 48
Born Feb. 1st 1844 at Epsom, NH (Epsom record give 1847)
Entered service Aug. 15th 1862 at Epsom, NH
Private Co. E 11th Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged April 9th, 1863 at Hampton, VA by reason of disability
First engagement - Fredericksburg (VA) Dec. 13th 1862
Joined Geo H Hoyt Post 66 GAR April 7th 1887
John M. Howe ? - 49
Aug. 21st 1839 at Hopkinton, NH
Entered service July 5th 1861 at Canterbury, NH
Private Co. E 3rd Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged July 28th 1862 at Hilton Head SC for disability
Joined Geo H Hoyt Post 66 GAR April 3, 1890
Jonathan D. Leavitt - 50
Original form not found.
Joined Geo H Hoyt Post 66 GAR May 30, 1884
Henry Miller - 51
Original form not found.
Joined Geo H Hoyt Post 66 GAR Mar. 14, 1883
No info on pages 52-57
George H. Hoyt - 58
Born May 11th 1845 at Northwood, NH
Entered service Sept. 7, 1861 from Epsom, NH
Private Co. H 4th Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged Feb. 20th, 1864 at Beaufort, SC for re-enlistment
Died in Salisbury Prison, NC by starvation
First engagement - Port Royal, SC Nov. 7, 1861
Additional engagements - Pocotaligs, SC; Drurys Bluff, VA; Welson, RR
VA; Assault on Fort Wagner, SC; Petersburg, VA; Deep Bottom, VA and
Taken prisoner at Deep Bottom VA. Aug. 16th 1864 by Confederate troops
Confined at Libby Prison, VA Aug. 16, 1864 to the 19th Aug. 1864 then
moved to Belle Isle, VA, stayed there till the 19th Oct. 1864 then moved
to Salisbury, NC Oct. 20th 1864. Remained till Jan. 1865 when he died.
Comrades in service: George S. Bixby, John Goodhue, Byron Noyes, John
Bresnahan, J.N. Nudd, C.C. Foster, E.F. McNeil. G.W. Clark
Most important event in service: When Grant blew up the fort at Petersburg,
VA; Deep Bottom when we lost 22 out of our Co. taken prisoners.
Albert Johnson Hoyt - 59
Entered service May 11th 1861 at Salem, MA
Private Co C 2nd Mass Infantry Vol. serving in 3rd Brigade 1st Division
2nd Army Corps, Army of Virginia; and 3rd Brigade, 1st Division 12th
Army Corps, Army of the Potomac.
Discharged - Died of wound received at Chancellorsville.
First engagement - Banks retreat, Winchester, VA
Additional engagements - Cedar Mountain, Virginia, Popes retreat, 2nd
Bull Run, Chantelles, VA, Antietam, Maryland; Chancellorsville Virginia
and several skirmished not names.
Wounded at Chancellorsville AV, May 3rd 1863 in thigh.
Hospitalized - taken to hospital at Washington from Chancellorsville
and died of wound in thigh.
Comrades in service: Dennis Mehan, Samuel W. Woodman, Addison C. Libby,
Benj. F. Gould.
Most important events in service - On Banks retreat and Winchester.
Comments: Comrade Hoyt was a very brave and faithful man and soldier.
Always willing to do his duty and cheerful and helpful, holding the
confidence of all who knew him. The Regiment and Company suffered a
great loss when he was taken away.
Those who went into the service early in 1861 who knew him best always
speak highly of Hoyt. Capt. Dennis Meham, Station A.P.O. Boston, was
more intimately acquainted and can tell more about comrade Hoyt. H.N.
Convey, Lt. Capt. 2nd Mass Inf. Vol.
Joseph R. Cilley - 60
Born March 25th 1831 in Epsom, NH
Entered service at Epsom, NH, mustered May 4th 1861
Private Co. I 1st Regt. NH Vols.
Office or rank in service - Sadler in Cavalry
Discharged - Mustered out Aug 9th 1861
Re-enlisted in Troop M 1st Regt. NH Cav. Feb. 1st, 1864
Died March 6th 1865 aged 33 yrs 11 months 9 days
John L. Lear ? - 61
Born 1845 at Epsom, NH
Entered service at Manchester, NH. Mustered May 2nd 1861
Private Co. C 1st Regt. NH Vols.
Rank in service - Corporal August 18th 1863
Discharged - Mustered out at Concord, NH Aug 12th 1861, expiration of
Re-enlisted Co. B 1st Regt. NH Heavy Artillery, mustered Aug. 18th 1863
Discharged next - June 15th 1865 per order War Dept.
First engagement - Regt. was on Garrison Duty
Note on back of form: Deceased
No record of joining Post 66 GAR
George A. (Albert) Lear - 62
Born 1840 at Epsom, NH
Entered service at Chichester, NH. Mustered May 4th 1861
Private Co. I 1st Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged Aug. 12th 1861 at Concord, NH expiration of term of service
Note on back of form: Deceased
William H. Weeks - 63
Born 1839 at Epsom, NH
Entered service at Epsom, NH. Mustered June 1st 1861
Private Co. C 2nd Regt. NH Vols.
Rank in service - 2nd Sergeant, date unknown
Re-enlisted in Co. D 18th Regt. NHV mustered Sept. 17th 1864
Discharged June 10th 1865
Comments" The 2nd NHV traveled more than six thousand miles participated
in over 20 battles and lost upwards of one thousand men.
Note on back of form: deceased
William Wallace - 64
Born April 21st 1819 at Epsom, NH
Enlisted May 2, 1861 at Concord, Mustered June 1st 1861
Private Co. B 2nd Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged Aug. 5th 1862 for disability
Re-enlisted in Troop G 1st NH Cav. Mustered Jan 1st 1864
Died. (1868 in California)
First engagement - 1st Bull Run, Yorktown, Williamsburg, Fair Oaks
Additional engagements: Savage Station, Peach Orchard, Glendale, 1st
& 2nd Malvern Hill and Bristol Station.
Andrew J. Pettingill ? - 65
Born 1840 at Loudon, NH
Entered service at Epsom, NH, mustered Aug. 23rd 1861 at Concord, NH
Private Co. E 3rd NH Vols.
Re-enlisted Jan 1st 1864
Wounded slightly July 18th 1863
Note on back of form: Deceased.
Andrew M. Weeks - 66
Born 1843 at Epsom, NH
Entered service at Epsom, NH mustered in Aug. 25th 1861
Private Co. E 3rd Regt NH Vols.
First engagement - James Island, SC
Additional engagements - Morris Island, Fort Wagner and its Siege.
Wounded near Petersburg, VA, June 2nd 1864
Died of wounds Aug. 21st 1864
Henry N. Lear - 67
Born 1843 at Epsom, NH
Mustered Aug. 23rd 1861 at Concord, NH
Private Co. E 3rd Regt. NH Vols.
Re-enlisted Feb. 13th 1864
Died Sept. 17th 1867
John Goodhue - 68
Born March 9th 1845, at Epsom, NH
Entered service Sept. 18th 1861 at Epsom, NH
Private Co. H 4th Regt. NH Vols.
Rank in service - Corporal, date unknown
Re-enlisted Feb. 28th 1864
Note on back of form: Deceased.
(other records give death Aug 16, 1864 at Deep Run, VA)
John T. Buzzell - 69
Born 1839 in Allenstown, NH
Entered service Sept 18th 1861 from Epsom, NH
Private Co. E 4th Regt. NH Vols.
Re-enlisted in Co. E 4th Regt. NHV Dec. 25th 1863
Note on back of form: Deceased
No record of joining Post 66 GAR
James Dowst - 70
Born Epsom, NH
Entered service Aug. 11, 1862 at Epsom, NH
Private Co. I 5th Regt. NH Vols. Recruit
Killed at Antietam, MD Sept. 17th 1862
Charles J. Brown - 71
Born March 31st 1829 at Epsom, NH
Entered the service Nov. 28th 1861 (enlisted Sept. 21st 1862) at Epsom,
Private Co I 6th Regt. NH Vols.
Rank in service - Sergeant Jan, 1862; 2nd Lieut. June 1862; 1st Lieut
Aug. 1862
Discharged June 1, 1862 at Washington DC for Promotion, commissioned
2nd Lieut
Next discharged Nov. 12, 1864 at Washington, DC for Disability
First engagement - Camden, NC
Most important events in service - Enlistment & muster in
No record of joining Post 66 GAR
John M. Weeks - 72
Born Nov 27th 1831 at Epsom, NH
Entered service Nov. 28th, 1861 at Epsom, NH
Private Co I 6th Regt NH Vols.
Rank held in service - Sergeant, date unknown
Discharged Nov. 22nd 1862, Washington DC, disability
First engagement - Camden, NC 1861
Hospitalized Eckington, Washington, DC, November 1862
Comrades in service: Capt. R.L. Ela, Lieut C.J. Brow, J.W. Marden, John
S. Ham
Note on back: Died March 9th
Joseph Seley (Seeley) - 73
Born Epsom, NH
Entered service Nov. 28th 1861 from Epsom, NH
Private Co. I 6th Regiment NHV
Re-enlisted Jan. 13th 1864 in Co. I 6th Regt. NH Vols.
Wounded at Wilderness May 6th 1864, died on account of wounds
Edwin M. Sherburne - 74
Born June 1839 at Epsom, NH
Entered service Nov. 28th 1861 at Epsom, NH
Private Co. I 6th Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged Nov. 18th 1862 at Washington, DC for disability
Hospitalized at Eckington, Washington DC. Nov. 1862
No record of joining Post 66 GAR
John H.F. Philbrick - 75
Entered service Nov 28th 1861 at Epsom, NH
Private Co I 6th Regt NH Vols.
Discharged Oct 7th 1862, Fortress Munroe
Re-enlisted Jan 18th 1864
Killed at Spotsylvania May 16th 1864
Hospitalized Annapolis, MD March and April 1864
William B. Perkins - 76
Born Oct 25, 1833 at Allenstown, NH
Entered service Nov. 28th 1861 at Epsom, NH
Private Co. I 6th Regt. NH Vols.
First engagement - Camden, NC
Died of disease Dec. 25th 1862
Robert Crawford - 77
Born Scotland
Entered service Nov. 28th 1861 at Epsom, NH
Private Co I 6th Regt. NH Vols.
First engagement - Camden, NC
Died of disease Dec. 11th 1862
Ambrose D. Haynes - 78
Born Oct. 18th 1826 at Meredith, NH
Entered service Jan 14th 1862 at Epsom, NH
Private Co. I 6th Regt. NH Vols.
Hospitalized at Regimental, Roanoke Island, NC Jan. 1862
Comrades in service: Capt. Robert Ela, Lieut C.J. Brown, J.W. Marden
Died Jan 26th 1862 on account of disease
Hiram B. Haynes - 79
Born June 13th 1828 at Meredith, NH
Entered service Nov. 28th 1861 at Epsom, NH
Private Co. I 6th Regt. NH Vols.
Died Dec. 11th 1862 (by disease)
First engagement - Camden, NC
Hospitalized at Washington, DC
Comrades in service: Captain Robert Ela, Lieut C.J. Brown, J.W. Marden,
A.D. Haynes, John M. Weeks, John W. Page
Benjamin F. (S) Robinson - 80
Born July1841 at Lowell, Mass
Entered service Nov. 28th 1861 at Epsom, NH
Private Co I 6th Regt NH Vols.
Discharged Nov. 28th 1864 at Washington, DC at expiration of service
First engagement - Camden, NC
Additional engagements - Bull Run, Chantilly, South Mountain, Antietam,
Wounded at Fredericksburg, VA Dec. 13th 1862
Hospitalized in Fredericksburg, VA and Washington, DC
Note on rear of form: Died July 1st 1876 aged 35 years
John S. Ham - 81
Born 1835 at Epsom, NH
Entered service October 1861 at Epsom, NH
Private Co. I 6th Regt. NH Vols.
Transferred to Ambulance Corps
No record of joining Post 66 GAR
Ebenezer K. Marden - 82
Born April 1st 1822 at Epsom, NH
Entered service Oct. 28, 1861 at East Kingston, NH mustered Nov. 27,
Private Co C. 6th Regt. NHV
Discharged June 24th 1862 at New Berne NC by reason of disability
Note on back of form: Deceased Feb. 23rd 1893.
No mention of joining Post 66 GAR
John N. Emory - 83
Born Sandwich, NH
Entered service Oct 9th 1861 at Epsom, NH
Private Co I 6th Regt NH Infantry
Died of disease Oct. 22nd 1i62, Point Lookout, MD
Harvey Marden - 84
Born Epsom, NH
Entered service Oct. 29th 1861 at Epsom, NH
Private Co A 7th Regt NH Vols.
Died of disease May 2nd1862
William Yeaton - 85
Born Oct 17th 1829 at Epsom, NH
Entered service Dec. 20th 1861
Private Co H 8th Regt NH Vols.
Died of disease May 26th 1863
Jeremiah Burnham - 87
Born Aug 27th 1824 at Epsom, NH
Entered service August 15th 1862 at Epsom, NH
3rd Sergeant Co E 11th Regt. NH Vols.
Ranks held in service - 1st Sergeant, date unknown
Discharged May 8th 1863, Concord, NH for disability
First engagement - Fredericksburg, VA, Dec. 13th 1862
Never wounded
Hospitalized Hampton VA and Concord, NH 1862 & 1863 until May 8th
Died august 13th 1863
No record of joining Post 66 GAR
Thomas E. Bickford - 89
Born May 6th 1835 at Epsom, NH
Entered service August 15th 1862 at Epsom, NH
Private Co E 11th Regt NH Vols.
Rank held in service - Corporal (no record of date of promotion)
First engagement - Fredericksburg, VA, Dec. 13th 1862
Additional engagements - Siege of Vicksburg and Jackson (Miss); Siege
of Knoxville (Tenn) Wilderness; Spotsylvania; Cold Harbor; North Anna
River; Bethesda Church, Petersburg and Mine Weldon Rail Road; Poplar
Spring Church (VA)
Wounded at Poplar Spring Church, Sept. 30, 1864
Hospitalized at Alexandria, VA and died of wounds Nov. 23rd, 1864.
Charles W. Tarleton - 90
Born July 17th 1844 at Epsom, NH
Entered service August 14th 1862 at Epsom, NH
Private Co E 11th NHV
Discharged August 29th 1865 at Indianapolis, Ind. at expiration of service.
Transferred 2nd US Artillery re-transferred to I.C. Jan 5th 1864, transferred
to V.R.C. Jan. 155h 1864.
First engagement - Fredericksburg
Additional engagements - near Vicksburg
Not wounded
Hospitalized at Regt. Hosp - Hosp at Cincinnati and Indianapolis 1863
& 64
No record of joining Post 66 GAR
Edwin A. White - 91
Born 1828 at Deerfield, NH
Entered service August 18th 1862 at Epsom, NH
Private Co E 11th Regt NH Vols.
Discharged June 4th 1865 near Alexandria, VA Dec. 13th 1862
First engagement - Fredericksburg, VA, Dec. 13th 1862
Additional engagements - Siege of Vicksburg and Jackson Miss; Siege
of Knoxville, Wilderness, Spotsylvania, Cold Harbor; North Anna River;
Bethesda Church etc.
Died in Deerfield, NH date unknown.
No record of joining Post 66 GAR
Henry G. Lake - 92
Born June 11th 1834 at Chichester, NH
Entered service August 15th 1862 at Epsom, NH
Private Co E 11th Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged August 31st 1863 at Hampton, VA for disability
Confined in hospital at Hampton, VA
Comrades in service - Gordon, Leighton, Burnham, Bickford and others.
Joined Geo H Hoyt Post 66 GAR Nov. 6, 1884. Dropped.
Charles Lamprey - 93
Born 1832 at Pittsfield, NH
Entered service Aug 21st 1862 at Epsom, NH
Private Co E 11th Regt NH Vols.
First engagement - Fredericksburg VA, Dec. 13th, 1862
Wounded at Fredericksburg VA Dec 13th 1862
Hospitalized at Georgetown, DC, died of disease Feb. 27th 1863
Charles A. Giles - 94
Born 1839 at Pittsfield, NH
Entered service August 30th 1862 at Epsom, NH
Private Co E 11th Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged June 4th 1865 near Alexandria, VA per order War Dept.
First engagement - Fredericksburg, VA Dec. 13th 1862
Additional engagements - Siege of Vicksburg and Jackson, Siege of Knoxville
Wounded at Knoxville Tennessee Nov 20th 1863
No record of joining Post 66 GAR. Note on back - Deceased, date unknown
Charles E. Flower - 95
Born 1826 at Epsom, NH
Entered service August 15th 1862 at Epsom, NH
Private Co E 11th Regt NH Vols.
Discharged March 8th 1865
Transferred to V.R.C. march 8th 1865
First engagement - Fredericksburg VA Dec. 13th 1862
Additional engagements - Siege of Vicksburg and Jackson, Siege of Knoxville,
Wilderness, Spotsylvania and Cold Harbor VA.
Wounded at Bethesda Church VA June 3rd 1864
David Brown Jr. - 96
Born 1822 at Epsom, NH
Entered service August 5th 1862 at Epsom, NH
Private Co E 11th Regt. NH Vols.
Ranks in service - Corporal, date unknown
First engagement - Fredericksburg, VA, Dec. 13th, 1862
Additional engagements - Siege of Vicksburg and Jackson Miss. Died of
disease at Covington, KY Sept. 3, 1863
John D. Dow - 97
Born April 26th 1846 at Epsom, NH
Entered service Aug 18th 1862 at Epsom, NH
Private Co E 11th Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged March 2nd 1864 at Camp Nelson, KY for disability
First engagement - Fredericksburg, VA, Dec. 13th 1862
Additional engagements - Siege of Vicksburg and Jackson Miss; Siege
Knoxville. Died at Epsom, NH, Nov. 18th 1867 aged 21 years, 8 months.
Hospitalized at Camp Nelson, KY
John Cottrell (Cotterell) - 98
Born 1839 at Watervleit, NY
Entered service Aug 26th 1862 at Epsom, NH
Private Co E 11th Regt NH Vols.
First engagement at Fredericksburg, VA Dec. 13th 1862
Hospitalized at Hampton, VA, died Mar. 23rd 1863 aged 24 years
William S. Morrill - 99
Born 1834 at Chichester, NH
Entered service Aug. 15th 1862 at Epsom, NH
Private Co E 11th Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged June 4th 1865 near Alexandria, VA by order of War Dept.
First engagement - Fredericksburg, VA Dec. 13th 1862
Additional engagements - Siege of Vicksburg and Jackson; Siege of Knoxville,
Wilderness, Spotsylvania, Cold Harbor, North Anna River, Poplar Spring
Church around Petersburg, & etc.
Died in Deerfield, NH May 6th 1867
Willard B. Moore - 100
Born Jan. 7th 1830, Pembroke, NH
Entered service Aug. 14th 1862 at Epsom, NH
Private Co. E 11th Regt. NH Vols.
First engagement - Fredericksburg, VA Dec. 13th 1862
Additional engagements - Siege of Vicksburg and Jackson, Siege of Knoxville,
Strawberry Plains, Wilderness, Spotsylvania, North Anna River
Wounded at North Anna River, VA May 20th 1864 and died on account of
wounds June 24th, 1864.
Levi G. Young - 101
Born May 19th, 1823 at Pembroke, NH
Entered service Aug. 14th 1862 at Epsom, NH
Corporal Co E 11th NH Vols.
Died of Disease at Falmouth (VA) Dec. 19th 1862
Charles A. Chapman - 102
Born April 8, 1844 at Epsom, NH
Entered service Aug. 15, 1862 at Epsom, NH
Private Co. E 11th Regt. NH Vols.
Ranks in service - Corporal Sept. 1862
Discharged Feb. 18th 1863, Washington D.C. by reason of disability
First engagement - Fredericksburg, VA
Wounded at Fredericksburg (CA) Dec. 13th 1862
Hospitalized Washington, DC, Carver Hospital
Comrades in service: A.C. Brickett, C.W. Leighton, R. Baker.
Most important events in service - when I received my rations.
No record of joining GAR Post 66
Josiah D. Langley - 103
Born Feb. 25th 1832 at Deerfield, NH
Entered service Aug. 15, 1862 at Epsom, NH
Private Company B 11th Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged May 18. 1865 at Concord, NH with aphonic with chronic inflammation
First engagement - First battle of Fredericksburg Virginia
Wounded at first battle of Fredericksburg, slight wound in right thumb.
Hospitalized at Concord, NH 1864
Comrades in service: Charles Leighton, John Fife, Wm. Morrill, Jeffery
Edmunds, Elbridge Batchelder, Daniel Hall.
Most important events in service: First battle of Fredericksburg.
No record of joining Geo H Hoyt Post 66 DAR
Notes on back of record: Died May 10th 1896, aged 64 yrs 2 months 25
days, buried in McClary Cemetery, Epsom, NH May 23rd, 1896
Charles Quimby - 104
Born April 4th, 1829, at Bow, NH
Entered service August 15th, 1862 at Epsom, NH
Private Co. E 11th Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged June 4th 1865 by order of the War Dept. A.G.O. Washington,
First battle engaged - Fredericksburg, VA Dec. 13th, 1863
Additional engagements - Siege of Vicksburg and Jackson Miss; Siege
of Knoxville (Tenn) Wilderness Spotsylvania, Cold Harbor, North Anna
River, Bethesda Church also around Petersburg and Richmond.
Not wounded.
Taken prisoner a Wilderness VA May 6th 1864 and got away, also taken
in front of Petersburg and got away. Not confined in any prison.
Comrades in service: John H. Fife, C.W. Leighton, Capt. A.C. Locke and
many others of my company.
No record of joining Geo H Hoyt Post 66 GAR
Notes on back of record - Died at Concord, NH April 26th 1896, buried
in Epsom Cemetery April 28th 1896. A member of E.E. Sturtevant Post
#2 GAR Dept. of NH
William Burnham - 105
Born January 8th, 1838 at Epsom, NH
Enlisted Aug. 15th 8162 at Epsom, NH
Private Co. E 11th Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged May 24th, 1864 at Concord, NH by reason of disability
Transferred to V.R.C. Jan. 15th, 1864
First engagement - Fredericksburg (VA)
Additional engagements - Siege of Fredericksburg & Jackson
Confined at Camp Dennison Hospital, Ohio, Aug. 1863
Comrades in service" Ebenezer B. Hoyt, Benjamin B. Bickford, John
H. Fife, Jeremiah Burnham, Jefferson A. Edmunds.
Joined Geo. H. Hoyt Post 66 GAR July 19th, 1883. Dropped Mar. 31st,
Hollis M. Ham - 106
Born 1840 at Epsom, NH
Entered service, August 12th, 1862
Private, Co. H 11th Regt. NH Vols.
First engagement - Fredericksburg, VA Dec. 13th, 1862
Additional engagements - Siege of Vicksburg and Jackson (Miss), Siege
of Knoxville, (Tenn), Wilderness and Spotsylvania (VA)
Killed at Spotsylvania (VA) May 12th, 1864
Gilman B. Johnson ? - 107
Born July 24th 1834 in Epsom, NH
Entered the service at Epping, NH
Ranks held: 2nd Lieut and Quarter Master of 11th Regt. NH Vols.
Commissioned Q.M. of Regt. April 22nd 1864 at Annapolis, M.
Discharged - mustered out June 4th 1865 at Concord, NH
First engagement - Fredericksburg, VA, Dec. 13th, 1862.
No record of joining Post 66 GAR
Ira Meserve - 108
Born at Dover, NH
Entered service Aug. 15th 1862 at Epsom, NH
Private Co. F 12th Regt. NH Vols.
Rank of Corporal Jan 17th 1863
Discharged July 10th 1865 Special War Dept.
Transferred to VRC April 10th 1864
Joined Geo. H Hoyt Post 66 May 27th, 1884
William Buzzell - 109
Born 1829 at Epsom, NH
Entered service Sept. 24th 1862 at Epsom, NH
Private Co. H 14th Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged July 8th, 1865 at expiration of term of service
Joined George H. Hoyt Post 66 March 14, 1883
Charles A. Towle - 110
Born June 20, 1837
Entered service Sept. 13, 1862 at Epsom, NH as 1st Sergeant
Discharged at Concord at expiration of service.
Did not re-enlist nor transferred.
First battle Siege of Port Hudson
Not wounded, confined at Carrollton Louisiana April 1863. Never taken
Comrades in service, John J. Hanson, A. P. Ambrose, Walter Brackett,
Thomas Ames.
Most important event in service - The surrender of Port Hudson &
our commander Gen. Banks.
Comments: We had to go by way of the ocean to get to New Orleans in
fall of 1862 because the Mississippi was blockaded at several points.
In less than eleven months all blockades were swept away and we returned
home by the river. The surrender of Port Hudson removed the last blockade
on the river.
No record of joining Post 66 GAR
John C. Brown (Calvin) - 111
Born ay 19th, 1844, Epsom, NH
Entered service Sept. 17th 1862 at Epsom, NH
Private Co. D 15th Regt. NH Vols.
Rank at close of war - Private
Discharged Aug. 13th 1863 at Concord, NH at expiration of term
First battle engaged - at Port Hudson, LA
Other engagements - 1st & 2nd charge on Port Hudson, LA
Confined Marine Hospital, New Orleans, LA, 1863
Comrades: Lieut. W.B. Durgin, Sergt. Jeremiah Swain, A.H. Roberts, T.J.
Ames, Sergt. C.A. Towle, C.A. Brown, Geo. H. Rand.
Most important events in service - when I escaped being killed in the
charges on Port Hudson.
Note on back of form: Honorably discharged
Joined Geo H Hoyt Post 66 GAR Oct 12th 1886
Charles A. Brown - 112
Born June 27th 1845 at Epsom, NH
Entered service Sept. 17th 1862 at Epsom, NH
Private Co. D 15th Regt. NH Vols.
Rank at close of war - Private
Discharged August 13th 1863, Concord, NH expiration of term
Reenlisted mar 28th 1865 in 1st NH Cav. Troop G
Next discharged July 15th 1865 at Cloud Mills, VA, close of war
First battle engaged - May 27th at Port Hudson, LA
Wounded May 27th 1863 at Port Hudson, LA
Hospitalized May 28th 1863 at Baton Rouge, LA and at Darnestown, MD,
No record of joining Post 66 GAR
Walter G. Brackett - 113
Born Oct. 22, 1844, Boston, MA
Entered service Oct. 8th 1862 at Epsom, NH
Private, Co. D. 15th Regt. NH Vols.
Rank at close of war, Private
Died Aug. 14th 1863 at Memphis, TN
First battle engaged, Siege of Port Hudson 1863
Comments; Walter G. Brackett was left sick at Memphis (TN) July 31st
Calvin D. Johnson - 114
Born June 23rd 1839 at Allenstown, NH
Enlisted Sept. 17th, 1862 at Epsom, NH, mustered Oct. 8th 1862.
Private, Co. D. 15th
Mustered out Sept. 17th 1863 at Concord, NH term expired
First battle, Siege of Port Hudson in 1863
Not wounded, confined in hospital not taken prisoner.
No record of joining Post 66 GAR
John S. Griffin? - 115
Born June 18, 1840 at Epsom, NH
Mustered Oct. 8th, 1862, entered at Epsom, NH
Private, Co.D, 15th Regt. NH Vols.
Rank at close of war - Private
Mustered out Aug. 13th, 1863 at Concord NH, expiration of term.
First battle engaged - Siege of Port Hudson
Other engagements - 27 May, 14th June, assault on Breast works. In the
meantime, continuous work in the trenches advancing the pickets etc.
Comrades in service - Orderly Sergeant Towle, 1st Lieut. Chadwick, Capt.
Johnson, 2nd Lieut. Durgin, Sergt. Jere Swaine, Private Browne.
Most important events in service: Working in the ditches and the two
assaults on Pemberton works on the 27 of May and 14th of June.
Comments: Went into service weighing 145, came out weighing 95 with
chills and fever and chronic diarrhea (Louisiana break down)
No record of joining Post 66 GAR
Diah Lovejoy - 116
Born April 2nd 1837 at Epsom, NH
Entered service Sept. 26, 1864
Private, Co. A 18th Regt. NH Vols.
Mustered June 10th 1865
No record of joining Post 66 GAR
Henry C. Goss - 117
Born 1844, Bow, NH
Entered service March 16th, 1865 at Epsom, NH
Private, Co. F 18th Regt NH Vols.
Discharged July 29th 1865, Delenay House, D.C. Special Order 7578 War
Joined Geo H Hoyt Post 66 GAR Aug 2nd 1883
Moses Chamberlain - 118
Born 1820, Roxbury, MA
Mustered Sept 13, 1864 at Epsom, NH
Private, Co. B 18th Regt. NH Vols.
Mustered out June 10th 1865
Note on back of form: Deceased
Life Wiggin - 119
Born, Randolf, MA
Mustered Sept. 17, 1864 at Epsom, NH
Private, Co. D 18th Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged June 10th 1865 per order of War Department.
Note on back of form: Died Jan 14th 1874
Benjamin W. Carson - 120
Born 1844, Epsom, NH
Mustered Sept. 13th 1864, entered at Epsom, NH
Private, Co. D, 18th Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged June 10th 1865 per Order War Dept.
Note on back of form: Died 1893
George W. Ham - 121
Born Oct 3rd 1832 at Epsom, NH
Entered service at Epsom, NH, mustered Sept 5th 1864
Private Co. E 1st Regt N.H. H. A.
Discharged June 15th 1865 per order of War Dept. Washington, DC
Died Dec. 31st, 1891
No record of joining Post 66 GAR
Abram (Abraham) Bickford (2 forms) - 122
Born Feb. 28th 1847 or 1848 at Epsom, NH
Entered service Feb. 11, 1864 at Epsom, NH, mustered out Jan 1, 1865
Private Company I NH Cavalry
Discharged July 20, 1865
Wounded near Shepherdtown, VA, Aug. 25, 1864
Hospitalized Aug. 27, 1864 Annapolis Junct.
Comrades in service: E.P. Davis; John Knox; William Allard; Charles
Davis; Caleb Johnson; M Davis.
No record of joining Post 66 GAR
Joel L. Sanborn - 123
Born October 13th 1832 at Epsom, NH
Entered service January 18th 1862 at Portsmouth, NH as machinist
United States Steamer Sloop of War Kearsarge
Discharged November 29, 1864 at Boston, MA - honorably discharged
First engagement - Sinking the Alabama of Cherbourn France on the English
Channel on Sunday June 4, 1864.
Comrades in service: William Smith, Concord, NH; Jere Young, Newmarket,
NH; John L. Stackpole, Hydepark, Mass.
No record of joining Post 66 GAR
Thomas M. Brown - 124
Born Dec. 10th 1845 at Epsom, NH
Entered service June 21st 1864 at Methuen, MA
Comp. A First Mass Cavalry
Hospitalized at Finely Hospital, Washington, DC
Died at Epsom, NH Feb. 19th 1865
Enoch T. Brown - 125
Born January 31. 1844, Epsom, NH
Entered service May 16, 1864 at Lynn, MA
Private, Unattached Heavy Artillery
Discharged Aug. 17, 1864, Boston MA at expiration of service.
Enlisted in Boston, Sept. '64 in 4 Mass Battery, would not accept him
on account of sickness.
No record of joining Post 66 GAR
John Hamilton Hall - 126
Born March 19, 1842 at Epsom, NH
Entered service August 1862 at Owego, New York
Corporal Co C 137 Regt NYS Vol.
Discharged Nov. 1862, Sandyhook, MD, General disability
No record of joining Post 66 GAR
Henry H. Lane - 127
Born April 12th 1843 at Epsom, NH
Entered service August 14th 1863 in the State of Vermont
Private Co. B 3rd Vermont Volunteers
Discharged July 11th 1865 at Halls City. VA orders from War Dept July
7th 1865
No record of joining Post 66 GAR
George H. Cilley - 128
Born 1840 at Epsom, NH
Entered service Sept 1st 1862 at Pembroke, NH mustered Sept. 1, 1862
Private Co C 10th Regt NH Vols.
Died of disease April 2nd, 1863 at Suffolk, VA
William W. Critchett - 129
Born 1844 at Epsom, NH
Entered the service Aug. 8th 1862 at Concord, NH, mustered Aug. 21,
Private Co. C 11th Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged June 4th 1865 at Concord, NH.
Did not reenlist.
No record of joining Post 66 GAR
Andrew J. Hall - 130
Born April 23rd 1834 at Epsom, NH
Entered service July 8th 1861 at Summersfield, St. Clair County, State
of Illinois
Private Co E 2nd Regt Illinois Cavalry
Cannot ascertain the date of discharge
Comments: Comrade Andrew J. Hall died of disease in Epsom, NH Oct 31st
1873 and was buried in McClary Cemetery under the rites of Evergreen
Lodge No. 53 I.O.O.F. of Short Falls, NH. Andrew J. Hall was an honored
member of the above lodge.
John A. Sargent - 131
Born April 28th 1848 at Epsom, NH
Entered service January 28th 1864 at Concord, NH
Private Co. E 11th Regt. NH Vols.
Discharged June 5th 1865 at Manchester, NH on account of wound
Transferred 6th Regiment NH Vols.
First battle engaged - Wilderness, VA
Additional engagements - Spotsylvania Court House, VA
Wounded at Spotsylvania C.H. May 12th, 1864
Hospitalized at Columbian College Hospital, Washington, DC
Comrades in service: C.W. Leighton, Clifford K. Burns, Charles L. Reynolds,
George and Frank Lewis.
Most important events in service - all of it
Comments: After I was wounded I was brought to Fredericksburg (VA) two
ladies took me to their home and took care of me. I do not know who
they were or how long I stayed there, in fact, I do not remember of
ever coming away. I judge I must have been there sometime as I afterwards
found out they wrote two letters to my mother; who lost them before
I got well enough to look at them, so I have no way of finding out who
they were.
No record of joining Post 66 GAR
Dennis H. Troy ? - 132
Born Acton, MA
Entered service July 21st 1862 from Epsom, NH mustered Aug. 5, 1862
Private Co. F 9th Regt. NH Vols.
Taken prisoner May 7th 1864 at the Wilderness, VA and was exchanged,
died Dec. 30th 1864. Prison unknown.
James Gaylor ? - 133
Born Ireland
Entered service Nov. 27th 1863 at Concord, NH, credited to Epsom on
Private Co. D 2nd Regt. NH Vols.
Killed in action May 16th 1864 at Drewry's Bluff, VA at age 20
This is all that is known of comrade Gaylor.
David Marden - 134
Born 1841, Epsom, NH
Entered service Dec. 26th 1864 at Concord, NH for one year
Private, Co. G, 18th Regt. NH Vols.
Rank at close of war, Private.
Discharged July 10th, 1865 at Concord, NH, close of war
Did not re-enlist nor transferred.
It is impossible to ascertain any particulars in regard to comrade Marden's
service as his whereabouts I unknown to his relatives at present writing.
Solomon Y Sargent - 135
No original form found
John Benjamin Sanborn - 136
Born December 5th 1826 on Sanborn's Hill in Epsom, NH
Entered service April 23rd 1861 at St. Paul, Minnesota.
Brig. General State of Minnesota from April 23, 1861.
Discharged May 31, 1866, expiration of War.
First engagement - Siege of Cornith
Comrades in service: Genl. Grant, Genl. Sherman, Genl. McPherson; Col
Eddy 48 Indiana; Col Alexander, 59 Indiana.
(form contains additional service record)
John H. Philbrick - ___ Not in GAR Book
Born January 17th 1836 at North Road, Epsom, NH
Entered service April 1861 at Fort Constitution, Portsmouth, NH (3 months)
Private, no company in particular (waiting orders)
Ranks held - 1863 at N. Falmouth, VA., Corporal and North Point Lookout,
MD., 2nd Sergeant
First discharged at Fort Constitution, Portsmouth, at expiration of
Reenlisted August 1862, discharged June 20th, 1865 at Concord, NH, close
of war.
First battle engaged - Fredericksburg, VA
Additional battles - Chancellorsville, Cold Harbor, Drury Bluff, Port
Worthrall, Gettysburg, Petersburg and several skirmishes.
Slightly wounded at N Cold Harbor and Petersburg.
Confined in hospitals in Maryland and Washington.
Comrades in service: Rhuben T. Leavitt, B.M. Tilton, Asa O. Carr, John
Drew, J.B. Williams, Charles O. Durgin, W.T. Batchelder.
Most important events in service: Gettysburg
Comments: Cold Harbor and Chancellorsville, Petersburg.
No record of joining Post 66 GAR
Wilber F. Brown ? - ___ Not in GAR Book
Born 1843 at Epsom, NH
Enlisted May 20th 1861
Private Co. B 2nd Regt. NH Vols.
Taken prisoner at Gettysburg, PA July 2nd 1863
Prisoner at Andersonville, GA, died Aug. 26th 1864
(?) denotes lineage currently unknown and requires additional
research 2006
Members of George H. Hoyt Post 66 GAR
Gossville NH
March 14, 1883 - Charter members
Christopher S. Heath
Charles H. Hall
Elbridge Batchelder
Charles W. Leighton
T.J. Ames
Benjamin B. Yeaton
Alvin H. Roberts
Jacob E. Griffin
Rufus Baker
Jefferson A. Edmunds
George H. Rand
George S. Sanders
Samuel T. Bickford
Benjamin Bickford
James W. Marden
Abner C. Jones
Jerry H. Nute
Thomas W. Emerson
Fred T. Brown
James Staniels
George H. Haines
Henry Miller
William Buzzell
April 5, 1883
Samuel Bickford
May 17, 1883
Samuel S. Johnson
June 21, 1883
James M. Clark
July 5, 1883
Charles Gordon
Rufus D. Doe
Nov. 1, 1883
William T. Grant
Charles H. Towle
Nov. 15, 1883
Ebenezer Hoyt
Feb. 7, 1884
Rufus S. Marden
Feb. 27, 1884
George S. Bixby
May 27, 1884
Stephen B. Bartlett
May 30, 1884
Jonathan D. Leavitt
Apr. 15, 1886
Henry C. Lovejoy
Aug. 5, 1886
Charles W. Durgin - transfer from Kingston Post 34
Oct. 12, 1886
John Mowrey
Apr. 7, 1887
Daniel Hall
John C. Brown
Apr. 3, 1890
John M. Howe
June 18, 1896
John W. Page