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Eliphalet Sanborn was born at Hampton, N.H., July 9, 1730; removed to Epsom, N.H. about 1760, and died there July 27,1 1794. He enlisted as a private in the New Hampshire militia at Epsom, and served in the campaign around Lake Champlain and at Ticonderoga in the year 1777, and was present at the surrender of Burgoyne after the battle of Saratoga. In the campaign he was disabled by sickness and rendered unfit for military duty, and the tradition of the family is that his life was shortened from ten to twenty years by exposure incident to the military services rendered at the age of 47 years. Eliphalet Sanborn had served a term of enlistment in the Colonial or English Army in the French and Indian war from 1758 to 1760, in a company organized at Hampton, NH, in th eyear 1858, and had been under the command of Major-General Wolfe in Northern New York and Canada. Whether he was one of the five thousand that formed the English line of battle on the Plains of Abraham in September, 1759, is not known. This service no boubt led to his further military service in the Revolutionary War, after he was 47 years of age, during which he naturally broke down in health, and was never afterwards a well man. | ||||
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