

Pension of Richard Drought

S 42675

PENSION of Richard Drought

Certificate 15.758 issued Nov. 11, 1819 in Pennsylvania to the pensioner.
Richard Draught of Wayne County, Pennsylvania who was a drummer in the regiment commanded by Colonel Cilley of the New Hampshire line for the term of 4 years. Moved to Ohio 1821.

State of Ohio, Coshocton County SS

On this 4th day of July 1821 before me the subscriber, a Justice of the Peace for the said County of Coshocton, Personally appeared, Richard Draught, who on oath declares that he is the same person who formerly belonged to the first company commanded first by Captain Morrill, afterwards by Captain Center, who was succeeded by Capt. Potter, and in the first regiment commanded first by Col. Cilley and afterwards by Col. Dearborn in the service of the United States; that his name was placed on the Pension Roll of the State of Pennsylvania from where he has lately removed - that he now resides in the County of Coshocton and State of Ohio where he intends to remain and wishes his pension to be there payable in the future.
Richard Drought

Pennsylvania, Wayne County SS

On this the twenty sixth day of August, 1818 before me, the subscriber one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas in and for the County of Wayne in the State of Pennsylvania, personally appears Richard Draught of the said County of Wayne, aged fifty years, resident in said County and being by me first duly sworn according to law, doth, on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the provision made by the late act of Congress entitled An Act to provide for certain persons engaged in the Land and Naval service of the United States in the revolutionary war, that he the said Richard Drought enlisted at Epsom in the State of New Hampshire in April 1779 in the Company Commanded by Capt. Morrill of the 1st Regiment New Hampshire troops as a soldier (and afterwards served as a drummer). During the war that he continued to serve in the corps or in the service of the United States until the expiration of the war which the said Richard Drought exchanged (?) enlistments with Gideon ___ one of the last three year men and continued in the service to the December following when he was discharged from service in the State of New York at Constitution Island, that he was in the Battles of Newtown and at Morrisena, and that he is in reduced circumstances and stands in need of assistance of his country for support and that he has no other evidence now in his person of his said services.
Sworn to and declared before me, the day and year above written, Abisha Woodward, Judge, August 26, 1818

District of Pennsylvania, Wayne County

On this 29 day of August one thousand eight hundred and twenty, personally appeared, Richard Drought, aged 55 years, residing in the Township of Herling (?) and County aforesaid, declares that he that he served in the Revolutionary War as follows, viz - In the first New Hampshire Regiment and first Company commanded by Capt. Morrill, date of original declaration 26 August 1818, certificate 15.758, and I the said Richard Drought do further solemnly swear that I was a resident citizen of the United States on the 18th day of March 1818.

Schedule of the property of Richard Drought.
I have no property real personal or ___; am by occupation a farmer and live by hard labor, while I am not in a state of health to perform except at intervals being affected with Rheumatism in the right arm. I have seven children but none of them residing with me nor are any of them in a condition to contribute to my support and I am in such indigent circumstances as to unable to support myself without the assistance of my country.
Richard Drought

42675 Invalid File, Richard Draught, Drummer, Rev. War, Act of March 18, Index Vol 8 Page 137
