

Pension of Samuel Bickford

11.052 PENSION for Samuel Bickford of Epsom

I Samuel Bickford of Epsom in the County of Rockingham and State of New Hampshire testify and declare that in the last of December 1775 I enlisted as a private soldier for the term of one year in the Revolutionary War against Great Britain for the term of one year in a company commanded by Captain Amos Morrill, in a Regiment under the command of Colonel John Stark in the New Hampshire line and Continental establishment - that I faithfully served in said company and Regiment the full time of one year the term I enlisted for and was then regularly discharged, which discharge is not now to be found, and I further declare that from my advanced age I am not able to procure a living my manual labor and have no other way of obtaining a support and from my reduced circumstances am in need of ___ from my country for support. - Samuel X Bickford (his mark)
Witness Michael McClary, April 14, 1818

Schedule containing the whole estate and income of Samuel Bickford (his necessary clothing and bedding excepted), on the fourth day of July, 1820 and annexed to his oath.
Real Estate value at $200
2 oxen - 50
2 cows - 30
8 sheep - 12
1 heifer one year old - 5
Farming utensils - 12
One old horse beast - 15
A swine p 6
NB - one half of the above stock I purchased with the money I received from the United States last year.

State of New Hampshire, Rockingham SS
June 27, 1820

Samuel Bickford aged 61 years, resident in Epsom in said County, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth, on this oath declare that he served in the Revolutionary War as follows: that in the 1st part of December 1775 or the first part of January 1776 he enlisted as a private soldier for one year in the company commanded by Capt. Amos Morrill in the Regt. commanded by Col John Stark in New Hampshire line and faithfully served in said company - right one year and was regularly discharged at Newtown. This date of my original declaration in order to obtain a pension is the 14 day of April AD 1818. The number of my pension certificate is 11052. I have received a pension.

My occupation is farming but cannot work and am not of sufficient ability to pursue it for a livelihood. In family residing with me a wife only who is almost seventy years of age and being ____

Sworn and declared at Allenstown on the seventh day of June AD 1820 before me, Hall Burgin, Judge of said court


State of New Hampshire
Merrimack SS

On this twenty eighth day of August AD. 1838 personally appeared before the Court of Probate for the County of Merrimack, Abigail Bickford, a resident of Epsom in the said County of Merrimack aged eighty three years, who being first duly sworn, according to law doth on her oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provisions made m the Act of Congress passed July 4, 1838 entitled "An Act granting half pay and pensions to certain widows." That she is the widow of Samuel Bickford of Epsom, who was a private soldier in the Army of the Revolution - that said Samuel served more than two years in said Army, that he was a pensioner under the Act of March 18th 1818 - will appear by his pension certificate N 11052 bearing date May 25, 1819, that proof of his service is in the War Department to which she refers. She further declares that she was married to the said Samuel at Epsom by the Rev. Moses Parsons of Newbury in the month of May, seventeen hundred and eighty - the day of the month she cannot now remember, but she well recollects that it was several days before the dark day (which was the 19th day of May 1780) that her husband the aforesaid Samuel died on the 21 day of April 1831 - that she was not married to him prior to his leaving the service but that the marriage took place previous to the first day of January seventeen hundred and ninety four and that she has never since been married - that she cannot find any record of her marriage - and that she knows of but one person who was present at her marriage and that she is so completely superannuated as to have lost all power of memory and recollection and is now an inhabitant of the town of Seabrook in this State.

Abigail Blake
Witness - Moses P. Gray
Sworn to and subscribed the day and year above before written.
Benjamin Horace Chase, Judge of Probate

Commonwealth of Massachusetts
I hereby certify that I do not find the marriage of Samuel Bickford and Abigail Cook, both of Epsom in the State of New Hampshire in the record if the marriage in my office.
Newbury, Aug. 2, 1838 - Ezra Hale, Town Clerk

State of Vermont, Albany, Orleans County
April 15, AD 1843

That Abigail Bickford of Albany aforesaid personally appeared before me and subscribed the foregoing declaration and made solemn oath that the said contains the truth and nothing but the truth.
Rufus B. Florey, Justice of the Peace

I Samuel Bickford of Albany in the County of Orleans and State of Vermont of the age of 48 years dispose and say that Abigail Bickford who signed and has sworn to the foregoing deposition in my presents is my mother and that she lives in my family and has ever since the decease of my father Samuel Bickford, late of Epsom in Merrimack County, New Hampshire and I further say that she is the identical Abigail Bickford who drew a pension while she resided in Epsom as she has stated in said declaration and that she has never been married since the decease of my father, late of Epsom aforesaid.
Samuel Bickford

State of Vermont, Orleans County, Albany
April 15, 1843
Personally appeared before me Samuel Bickford above recorded and made solemn oath that the above affidavit by him subscribed contains the truth and nothing but the truth.
Rufus B. Florrey, Justice of the Peace
