From the "Miscellaneous
Revolutionary Documents of New Hamphire, Vol. 30 State Papers Series edited
by Albert Stillman Batchellor, 1910."
ASSOCIATION TEST Colony of New Hampshire IN COMMITTEE OF SAFETY April 12, 1776 In order to carry the underwritten
RESOLVE of the Hon'ble Continental CONGRESS into Execution, You are requested
to desire all Males above Twenty One Years of Age (Lunaticks, Idiots,
and Negroes excepted) to sign the DECLARATION on this Paper; and when
so done, to make Return hereof, together with the Name or Names of all
who shall refuse to sign the same, to the GENERAL-ASSEMBLY, or Committee
of Safety of this Colony. - M. Weare, Chairman In CONGRESS, March 14th, 1776 In Consequence of the above Resolution,
of the Hon. Continental CONGRESS, and to shew our Determination in joining
our American Brethren, in defending the Lives, Liberties, and Properties
of the Inhabitants of the UNITED COLONIES, WE, the Subscribers, do hereby
solemnly engage, and promise, that we will, to the utmost of our Power,
at the Risque of our Lives and Fortunes, with ARMS, oppose the Hostile
Proceedings of the British Fleets, and Armies, against the United American
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