Records of the
April the 2nd 1835 The Congregational and Baptist Societies met at the
Baptist meeting house in Epsom for the purpose of forming a Temperance
Society for the Town after hearing an address delivered by the Rev. B.S.
Manson the Baptist preacher in Town, adopted the following~
Preamble - The undersigned full convinced that the prevalent use of ardent
spirits as a drink has long been and still is one of the most prolific
sources of vice and misery among men and that any real or supposed advantages
from its use are altogether outweighed by the manifold injuries it produces
in Society, do for the suppression of this evil and the full security
of themselves their families and friends and the Community generally form
themselves into an association and do hereby adopt the following Constitution
Article 1st This society shall be known and Called by the name of Epsom
Temperance Society
Article 2d This Society shall hold its annual meetings on the annual
Fast at one o'clock P.M. at which time the Officers of the Society Shall
be Chosen for each succeeding year to hold their offices until others
are chosen in their places.
Art 3rd The officers of this society shall be a President, Vice President,
Secretary, Treasurer and board of directors Consisting of five members
in addition to the President and Vice President who shall be ex officio
members of Said board
Art 4th The President on application of any three members or in his absence
the Vice President on such application may call a meeting of the Society
at any time giving suitable notice thereof,
Art 5 It shall be the duty of the board of Directors to report at the
annual meeting of the society the progress of temperance to procure Subscribers
to the Constitution of the society, and generally to promote by all proper
means the interests and objects of the society to appoint the exercises
to be had before the society at its various meetings and the persons to
perform the same and the times of such meetings in case the same shall
not be otherwise provided by the Society
6th The members of this society agree to abstain entirely from the use
of ardent spirits as a drink except in the case of actual sickness they
conscientiously use it as a medicine and that they will not traffick in
it or Provide it for their friends or acquaintances except in cases of
sickness as aforesaid and that they will endeavor to discourage its use
as an article of drink both by precept and example on all proper occasions
and that they will abstain from the immoderate use of wine or any fermented
or intoxicating drink whatever and for Faithful observance of this article
according to its fail meaning and interests they severally pledge their
characters as honorable & honest men.
7th The board of directors may on hearing and proof of a breach of the
sixth or preceding article of this constitution by any of its members,
strike his name from the Constitution Subject however to an appeal to
the society at its next annual meeting ---
8th This Constitution may be altered at any annual meeting in any of
its articles except the sixth by a major vote, to alter said sixth article
an unanimous vote of all the members present shall be required, which
shall not be less than two thirds of all the members of the Society.
We then proceeded to organize by choosing Rev. B.S. Manson President,
Rev. F.P. Smith Vice President, for secretary Nathan Bickford, for treasurer
Frederick Sanborn, for directors Ephraim Locke, Thomas Bickford, Thomas
Tripp, Joseph J Moses, Job Sanders, then raised a comt of five to guard
the society and see that its members continue infidelity, John Griffin
Jr., James Sanborn, Saml Green, Wm Wallace, Saml Cate were this comt.
Then raised a committee to adopt resolutions for this society, James Hersey,
Frederick Sanborn, John Griffin Jr., were this comt. Closed by Singing
and a benediction by Rev. Silas Green.
Nathan Bickford, Sec.
At a meeting of the officers of the Epsom Temperance Society held at
Dr. Proctors May 25th 1835 -
1st voted that Francis P Smith be clerk pro tem
2nd voted to have a Temperance address on the 4th of July next at 3 o'clock
3rd voted that the address be given at the old meeting house
4th voted Francis P Smith procure an orator to deliver the address
5th voted to procure a Book for keeping the records
6th voted that the President Copy or procure to be copied so many of the
Constitutions of this Society that each officer of the Society have one
7th voted to dissolve this meeting and closed with prayer from the President,
Francis P Smith Sec. Pro tem
November 2nd Epsom Temperance Society meet at the Baptist M. House at
2 o'clock P.M. and after hearing a very able address delivered by the
Rev. John Burton, we attended to the following business.
1st voted that Rev. F.P. Smith attend the thanks of this Society to Mr.
Burton for his able and very ingenious address delivered before this Society
2nd Raised a comt of three to meet with our Secretary and assist him in
filling a blank sent to this Society giving a fair Statement of the State
of temperance in this town
3rd appointed John Griffin Jr., Frederick Sanborn & James Hersey esq.
this committee
4th dissolved the meeting
Nathan Bickford}Sec
Febr 23rd, 1836 The Epsom Temperance Society meet at the Baptist M. House
at one o'clock P.M. and listened to a very able and ingenious address
from Dr. W. Fifield from Pittsfield after which there were eleven persons
that Subscribed our Temperance articles.
Business 1st voted that a comt be revised to make proper distribution
of the eighth annual report of the American Temperance Society among the
families in Town having about 100 of them and ascertaining that we have
about 196 families in Town, it was reported that one report be read by
two families, the report was received and distribution accordingly made
2 the thanks of this Society was given to Doct. Wm Fifield by Frederick
3rd A meeting of the board of directors was there appointed to be holden
at Eld. Mansons on March the 28, 1836
4th Dissolved the meeting
Nathan Bickford} Sec.
March the 31 1836 The Temperance Society met at the Baptist Meeting House
at one o'clock P.M. and attended to the following business ~
1st Chose Frederick Sanborn, President, Nathan Bickford Vice President
2nd Chose John Griffin Jr., Sec. & Samuel Cate Treasurer
3rd Chose Thomas Bickford, Job Sanders, Joseph J Moses, Thomas Tripp &
Amos Prescott directors
4th Chose George Proctor, Wm Wallace, Dearborn Moses, Lemuel B Towle,
E. Locke Jr., B.M. Heath, John Burnham to guard the Society and see that
its members Continue in fidelity
5th Chose Hanover Dickey Jr., Saml M Green, Joseph S Dolbeer, Wm Tarlton,
John S Cate to draft Resolutions for Said Society
6th Adopted the following Resolutions
1st Whereas The Combined efforts of all good and virtuous persons throughout
the civilized world are using their humble endeavors to advance the Temperance
Resolved that we deem it expedient that each member of this association
should take a deep and lively interest to advance the cause of Temperance,
we regard the use of ardent spirits one of the greatest evils of our land
as tending to produce all manners of wickedness to occasion discordant
and irritable passions to familiarize the mind of scenes of sin and crime.
The only principle therefore is that of total abstinence except for medical
purposes and we will exert our influence by precept and example and by
united efforts to persuade our friends and neighbors against this prolific
Source or misery and to cultivate to the interest of our ability the virtue
of genuine temperance.
2nd Resolved That we feel it our duty as members of a Temperate Society
not to slacken our efforts in the work of reform but to carry forward
its blessing with that zeal and enterprise that it may invite to the attention
of its enemies to consider more candidly the subject & thereby to
secure their influence in its favor.
3rd Resolved That we deem the influence of females salutary upon the minds
& actions of men, we therefore earnestly solicit that they should
not feel themselves exempt but that they would use their utmost endeavors
to advance this glorious cause
4th Resolved That the advancement of Temperance depend greatly upon the
vigilance and decisions with which the officers of Temperate associations
perform their duties but more upon the fidelity of the members keeping
their pledge inviolable.
5th Resolved That our board of directors shall constitute a comt to call
on all who retail ardent spirits in this Town and affectionately invite
them to abandon its trafick and give their influence on the side of Temperance.
7th voted to dissolve this meeting of business And then listened to a
very able and ingenious address delivered by Eldr Enoch Place from Strafford
after which five came forward & Signed the Temperance articles.
8th voted that Nathan Bickford attend the thanks of this Society to Eld
E Place for his able and ingenious address before this Society this day
9th Closed by Singing & benediction by Eld E Place
John Griffin Jr}Secretary
March the 30, 1837 The Temperance Society met at the Vestry at one o'clock
P.M. and attended to the following business
1 voted that the same Officers continue the present year
2nd voted that hereafter our annual meeting of business be on the first
Monday in September at one o'clock P.M.
And then listened to a very ingenious address delivered by the Rev. Jonathan
Curtis from Pittsfield, after which the Comt to draft resolutions respectfully
submitted the following preamble and resolves.
Whereas the evils of intemperance have extended their influence far and
wide over the face of the civilized world, and whereas that love of country
inherent in the bosom of all real patriots and philanthropists prompts
every one use his utmost endeavors for the suppression of any great intentional
evil, believing that "union is strength" and that voluntary
associations have already done much to impede the progress of this enemy
to health and social happiness,
Resolved that we look upon the enterprising and well directed efforts
of Temperance combinations, ____,the most auspicious circumstances in
the recent and present history of our country, calculated to cheer the
hearts of all good men, and with them the greater diligence and perseverance
in this branch of reform.
Resolved, That we consider the habitual use of alcohol one of the greatest
services to which the human family have voluntarily submitted themselves,
Resolved, That as disciples of the cause of Temperance, we will teach
by precept and example the principles we have espoused, for we believe
that no theories or pretensions can ever supercede a practical illustration
of our faith,
Resolved That as members of this society we desire it our duty not to
remit our diligence but to consider that our liberties in this cause remain
to us only on the condition of "eternal vigilance."
Resolved That we will use all honorable means to direct the attention
of all who do not agree with us in theory or practice to a candid consideration
of this subject believing their influence will thereby be secured on the
right side of the question.
Resolved That in our opinion the advancement of consistent abstinence
depends much on the prudence of the officers and other members of societies
for the suppression of Intemperance teaching by examples what professions
alone can never permanently impress,
Resolved That our board of directors constitute a committee to call upon
all in this Town who deal familiarly with the evil spirit, and kindly
and affectionably with them utterly to abandon this detestable traffick,
uniting their labors with ours for the more extensive diffusion of Temperance.
Resolved, That we deem it highly important that Children be thoroughly
instructed in the due time in of temperance in all things.
Resolved, That the influence of the ladies always so powerful in advancing
every good cause, should not be wanting in this: the active co-operation
of those who are members of this society is therefore most cordially and
respectfully solicited.
The above being most cordially reserved and excepted, were adopted by
a unanimous vote, the meeting was then dissolved.
John Griffin} Sectry
At a meeting of the friends of Temp in Epsom, Feb 1839, it was thought
proper to choose a Committee to inquire what are the means necessary to
be adopted to promote the Temp reformation in this place. At this time
Jonathan Steele, H. Dickey jr., and John Griffin were chosen this committee
with instructions to report at the then coming annual Fast Meeting adjourned
to that day.
Epsom Apl 4, 1839
Met according to adjournment. An address on the subject of Temp was expected,
but Mr. Wallace, who was expected, did not attend.
After some remarks by the Rev. Winthrop Fifield, the Society attended
to the report of their committee.
Your committee were appointed to inquire what means are necessary to be
adopted to promote the progress of the Temp reformation in this place.
Such being the task you had imposed on them, it appeared necessary, to
them in the firs place to inquire what had heretofore been done for that
purpose; and in the second place to inquire if the means heretofore adopted
here been effectual; and if not, to what their failure was to be attributed.
In the prosecution of these inquiries they have found that on the second
day of April A.D. 1835. a Society was formed called "The Epsom Temperance
Society," that it was composed of the members of the two organized
religious societies in this place, the Congregationalists and the Baptists,
but it is presumed that it was not intended to exclude others from membership.
This Society adopted a constitution, elected officers, and was into operation
at that time. No other temperance Society has ever been formed in this
place within the knowledge of your committee. Nor have they been able
to learn that any means have been used to promote the cause of temperance
distinct from the proceedings of said society. And your committee are
constrained to say that from some cause this Society had hitherto been
inefficient, and they have endeavored with come care to discover the cause
of its failure. They have examined its Constitution for the purpose of
ascertaining if its inefficiency resulted from any acquired defect in
the Society, or from causes wholly extraneous.
The only peculiar failure in the society is its pledge, which is a total
abstinence from the use of Ardent spirit and from all traffick in the
dame. This pledge is the fundamental principle of the Society and cannot
be changed except by a unanimous vote of the society at an annual meeting
consisting of at least two thirds of the existing members.
It is well known that most of the temperance Societies when first organized
adopted a similar pledge. And it is equally well known that more recently
many societies have been constituted on different principles that they
have adopted as a pledge a total abstinence from all intoxicating liquors.
It was therefore mentioned for your committee to inquire if the inefficiency
of the society had resulted from the nature of the pledge; and whither
an adoption of the more rigid and comprehensive pledge would in all probability
have been attended with better results.
It is well known that there has been and still is a great diversity of
opinions on this subject among the public at large; and from an inquiry
instituted by some of the Committee it was ascertained that there was
a difference of opinion among the members of this society; and it is evident
that without great unanimity of opinion of opinions and feeling on this
subject, a society would be perfectly useless. Although your committee
are unanimously of the opinion that the pledge of the existing society
is not the best, yet they think it inexpedient at this time to recommend
a change.
Were they now forming a new society, they would certainly recommend a
different one - for they are totally unable to discourse in principle
any distinction between the use of ardent spirits and these intoxicating
liquors - but it is also clear that the pledge cannot be changed without
a dissolution of the society. The consequence would be an abandonment
of all that has been done and commencing causes. The present society consists
of many members, and probably not a moiety of them could be induced to
unite upon a new and untried system - But while your committee forbear
to recommend the adoption of a more comprehensive pledge, they would say
to those who are the advocates of a total abstinence from all intoxicating
liquors, recede not from their ground. As yours is not the best pledge
for a society, it is surely the most safe in practice - still persevere
in inculating upon all around you your system, and the time is not probably
very distant, when it will universally prevail. But much may be done by
zeal and austerity ender the old platform. Before you declare war against
the modes of intemperance you have much in procuring such publications
as will in their opinion be promotive of the object of the society.
Jonathan Steele
John Griffin
Hanover Dickey Jr.
Hanover Dickey Jr.
This meeting adjourned to the next annual fast.
H. Dickey Jr., Secretary
At a meeting of the friends of temp in Epsom April 9, 1840 and after
hearing an address from Porter S Burbank, Proceeded to the choice of officers
and chose Hanover Dickey Jr. President and John Griffin Vice President
and Jona Steele Secretary who is to act as Treasurer. Chose Capt. Thomas
Tripp, William Tarlton Jr., Nathan Bickford, James Hersey Esq and Joseph
J Moses Executive committee.
Voted that the President procure a suitable person to deliver an address
a the next annual meeting of the society.
Voted that this meeting be adjourned to the next annual Fast.
Jona Steele, Secretary
April 15, 1841, Fast day
Agreeably to the foregoing Adjournment the Epsom Temperance Society assembled
at the Vestry and listened to an able and interesting address from Rev.
John Le Bosquet, of Nottingham. On motion it was voted that this Society
be disbanded, then voted to choose a Committee of three to draft a Constitution
to be presented at a subsequent meeting, with reference to the formation
of a new Temperance Society on the principle of Total abstinence from
all intoxicating liquors as a drink.
Chose Gorham P. Ramsey, Winthrop Fifield and Jonathan Steele that Committee.
June 9, 1841
Agreeably to previous notice, the friends of Temperance in the Town of
Epsom met at the Free Will Baptist Meeting House, at which time and place
the above named Committee reported the following preamble and Constitution
which was adopted.
Whereas the use of intoxicating liquors as a drink has been found by experience
to be the source of increased evil, both as to the temporal and eternal
interests of man; and whereas the prevalence of this vice has a fatal
tendency to hinder the means of grace, to destroy all that is desirable
and lovely, and to introduce all that is hurtful and debasing; and whereas
the various measures heretofore adopted have been found insufficient to
give a permanent check to this desolating evil; and whereas some more
vigorous means are evidently required - some course of action which will
make a lasting impression on the present and coming generations and ultimately
effect a change of public sentiment as to this use of all Alcoholic drinks,
and put an end to that wide-spreading intemperance which threatens to
subvert the best interests, and to blight the fairest hopes of the community;
- therefore the friends of domestic and social happiness in this town,
wishing to do all in their power to promote the welfare of their fellow
men, resolve to form a Society for this object, to be governed by the
Art. 1. This Society shall be called the Epsom Total Abstinence Society.
Art. 2. The members of this Society severally pledge themselves to abstain
entirely from the use of all intoxicating liquors as a drink. They also
agree not hereafter to make or in any way to procure any such liquors
to be used as a drink by others: provided however that this clause shall
not be so construed as to implicate Members of this Society who have come
under previous obligations for the maintenance of parents or others who
may choose to use the same. They further agree not hereafter to trade
with any person who shall keep for such or actually sell to any of the
inhabitants of this Town any of the said liquors as aforesaid. The use
of Wine at the Communion, and Alcohol in Medicine and the Arts they deem
not incompatible with the first clause of this article.
Art. 3. Any person who assents to the principles of the foregoing article
may become a member of this Society by signing its Constitution.
Art. 4. This Society shall meet alternately at the Free Will Baptist and
Congregational places of worship on each Annual Fast, at which time they
shall choose a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. These
Officers together with three others to be chosen at the same time shall
constitute a Board of Managers, whose duty it shall be to look after delinquent
members, to obtain signatures to the Constitution, to watch over the general
interests of the Society, and to report their doings at each annual meeting.
Art. 5. It shall be the duty of the President, or in his absence of the
Vice President, or, in the absence of both, of the President pro tempore,
to preside at all meetings of the Society, and also to provide for an
address to be delivered before the Society at its annual meetings.
Art.6. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a record of all the
doings of the Society, and also to call official meetings at the request
of a majority of the Board of Managers.
Art. 7. A collection shall be taken at each annual meeting, and it shall
be the duty of the Treasurer to take charge of such money and pay it out
as the Board of Managers shall direct.
Art. 8. On violating the pledge in the second article any member of this
Society shall be expelled by the vote of a majority of the members present
at any regular meeting.
Art. 9. Any member of this Society may at any time cease to be a member
by giving notice to the Secretary that he wishes to withdraw upon the
same; and it shall be the duty of the Secretary to expunge such persons
name from the Constitution.
Art. 10. All meetings of this society shall be opened and closed by prayer.
Art. 11. This Constitution may be altered or amended in any of its articles
by vote of two thirds of the members present at any Annual Meeting, provided
however, no alteration be made in the tenth article, nor any in the second
affecting the pledge of total abstinence from all intoxicating liquors
as a drink.
After an interesting, animated and lengthy discussion of Temperance principles
and policy, in which Messrs. Fifield, Ramsey, Steele, Hersey, Dickey &
others participated, the following names were subscribed to the foregoing
Constitution, Viz:
-James Hersey
H. Dickey Jr.
# Wm. Manson
# Catherine Manson
Gorham P. Ramsey
Thomas Tripp
Thomas Bickford
Frederic Sanborn
Sarah Yeaton
Nancy Green |
V.G. Ramsey
Mercy Bickford
Joseph V. Wallace #
Orren S. Sanders
Wm. McMurphy Jr.
Susan M. Rand
Sarah L. Bickford
Louisa C. Manson
Lucy L. Bickford
Caroline M. Bickford |
Eliza L. Bickford
Lucy L. Sanborn
Anne Sanborn #
Nathan Bickford
Eliza W. Bickford
Jane Bickford
Olive Locke
Winthrop Fifield
Jona Steele
Abigail Cate |
Then proceeded to the choice of
Officers and elected Rev. Winthrop Fifield President, Elder Gorham T. Ramsey
Vice President, H. Dickey jr. Secretary, James Hersey Esquire Treasurer;
and Jonathan Steele Esquire, Capt. Thomas Tripp and Frederic Sanborn, who
together with the Officers of this Society constitute its Board of Managers.
Adjournment to the next Annual Fast.
Hanover Dickey jr., Secretary
Epsom, June 11, 1841
At a meeting of the friends of Temperance at the Baptist Meeting House
in Epsom, they were addressed in a highly interesting, and as we hope
and trust, in a useful manner, by Wm. Butters Esquire, Agent of the Boston,
Washington, Total Abstinence Society. This meeting was in December eighteen
hundred forty one.
On the first day of January A.D. 1842 at the Baptist Meeting House, and
on the second day of January 1842 at the Vestry, both meetings in the
eve, the same Mr. Butters addressed again the friends of Temperance, at
which time signers were obtained to the following pledge: viz.
Washington Total Abstinence Society
The Members of this Society agree, that they will never again drink any
intoxicating liquors, except for Medicinal purposes, or in case if Wine
at communion; and that they will not provide them for their friends or
for persons in their employ, and that they will in all suitable ways discountenance
the use of them in the community; and, above all, that they will use their
utmost endeavors to reclaim and restore to temperance those who are unfortunately
addicted to drunkenness.
James Hersey
Susannah Rand
Susan E.P. Brown
Winthrop Fifield
Goram P. Ramsey
Frederic Sanborn
Levi Haynes
Caroline M. Bickford
Nancy N. Towle
Eliza Jane Knox
Martha Marshall
Lucy L. Sargent
Ann Sanborn
Sarah C. Knox
Mercy Jane Tarleton
Sarah Jane Griffin
John Griffin
John Manson Griffin
Thomas S. Tarleton
Abigail Tarleton
Caleb B. Haines
Abram S. Haines
Samuel Weeks
Lydia Dickey
Jonathan Dolbeer
Rachel Dolbeer
Daniel Y. Bickford
Joseph V. Wallace
Sally Buzzell
Henry Tarleton
Eliza Bickford
Jane Bickford
Eliza Ann Bickford
Joseph Chapman
Amos Prescott
James Lewis Prescott
Delia G. Prescott
Lydia H. Prescott
Samuel P. Shepard
Deborah Chapman
Hannah B. Cass
Henry Knox
Wm. Haynes violated
Maria Haynes
Sally G. Salter
Jeremy W. Salter
Anna Salter
Lucy Ann Lord
Sarah E. Locke
Israel R. Chesley
Fanny Griffin
Emeline Sanders
Wm. Sanders
Lucretia E. Sanders
Wm. Tarleton jr.
Elizabeth Ann Weeks
Mary Jane Weeks
Statira Babb
Abigail Cate
Caroline Wallace
Elizabeth Yeaton
Samuel Cate
George W. Grant
Wm. Manson
Lucy L. Bickford
H. Dickey jr.
Catherine Manson
Louisa C. Manson
Whole number 53
The following are names of those who have subscribed to the foregoing Pledge
since the meeting Jan w, 1842
Sarah O. Dickey
Mehitable E. Leavitt
Sarah Ann Olivia Fifield
Susan G. Bickford
Salina O. Bickford
Wm. Manson
Lucy L. Bickford
H. Dickey jr.
Catherine Manson
Louisa C. Manson
Whole number 53
The following are names of those who have subscribed to the foregoing Pledge
since the meeting Jan w, 1842
Sarah O. Dickey
Mehitable E. Leavitt
Sarah Ann Olivia Fifield
Susan G. Bickford
Salina O. Bickford
Number of names added since January 2, 1842 - 37
Number of names on Jan. 1 & 2nd - 53
Whole number of names - 90
Which have been received previous to March, A.D. 1842
Epsom, Apl. 7, 1842 Annual Fast
Agreeably to previous adjournment the Members of the Epsom Total Abstinence
Society met at the Baptist Meeting House at 1 of the clock in the afternoon.
On motion, voted to amend the Constitution of the Society by striking out
the second article of the same and inserting the following, being one of
the forms of pledge adopted by the Boston Washington Total Abstinence Society
~ viz:
The Members of this Society agree that they will never again drink any intoxicating
liquors, except for Medical purposes, or in case of Wine at Communions;
and that they will not provide these for their friends or for persons in
their employ, and that they will in all suitable ways discountenance the
use of these in the community; and, above all, that they will use their
utmost endeavors to reclaim and restore to temperance those who are unfortunately
addicted to drunkenness.
Proceeded to the choice of Officers and elected Rev. Goram P. Ramsey President,
Rev. Winthrop Fifield Vice President, H. Dickey jr. Secretary, James Hersey
Esqr. Treasurer and Frederic Sanborn, John Griffin and Thos. Tripp a Committee,
who with the Officers of the Society, constitute its Board of Managers.
The Society & others present there listened to an excellent address
by G.P. Ramsey on the importance of parental influence in the great &
glorious Temperance Reformation and on the coming community.
Several others spoke on the occasion.
Invitations being given to any present who were willing to sign the Pledge
and the following names were added. Viz: |
Samuel Johnson
Drusilla Sanborn
Samuel D. Lord
John Eastman
James Brackett
Hannah Gordon
Thomas Tripp
Lydia Marden
Edwin Dearborn
Mary S.G. Russell
Caroline C. Rand
Abraham B. Sanders
Nancy Sanborn |
Emeline F. Sherburne
Charlotte Bickford
Elizabeth Sanborn
Susan Goss
James McMurphy
Polly Bartlett
Harriet Brown
Susan Fowler
Sally Fowler
Mary G. Critchett
Elvira A. Critchett
Emily J.G. Knox
Samuel E. Hall
Number of persons added - 26
Adjourned to meet at the Centre School House in Epsom on Monday eve Ap.
11 A.D. 1842
H. Dickey jr., Secretary
Epsom Apr. 11, A.D. 1842
Met agreeably to adjournment and listened to an instructive and interesting
address from Mr. James McMurphy at the Centre School House.
Several Messrs addressed the meeting.
An invitation being given, the following persons caused their names to
be added to the Society viz.
Jonathan A. Knowles
Martha E. Sanborn
Elizabeth A. Steele
Sarah Ann Hall
Rachel D. Heath
Anna Rand
Mary Lucy Brown |
Jane M. Cate
Elizabeth M. Sanborn
Simon A.H. Weeks
Number of names added - 10
On motion the thanks of the Society were tendered to Mr. James McMurphy
for his address.
Adjourned to meet at the New Rye School House on Tuesday Apr. 19th inst
at 7 o'clock in the eve
Hanover Dickey jr., Secretary
Ap. 11, 1842
Epsom Ap. 19, 1842
The day being rainy there was no address and adjourned to meet at the
same place Tues. eve at 7 o'clock April 26, 1842
Hanover Dickey jr., Secretary
Met agreeably to adjournment, an address was delivered by H. Dickey,
followed by some remarks by Rev. Winthrop Fifield and others. On motion
of James Hersey Esqr., seconded by Newell H. Haynes, voted that the thanks
of this Society be presented &c.
The pledge being passed, the names of Betsy Towle & Ruth C. Seavey
were added.
Voted that Mr. Henry F. Sanborn be invited to deliver an address before
the Society at its next meeting.
Adjourned to meet at the Short Falls School House, Tues eve at 7 o'clock,
May 3, 1842.
April 26, 1842
Hanover Dickey jr., Secretary
Met agreeably to adjournment at the Short Falls School House, Esq. Hersey
was not able to be present, & the audience listened to short addresses
from Rev. Winthrop Fifield, Rev. Goram P. Ramsey, Mr. Richard Tripp who
spoke much to the point in favor of temp from long experience, & others.
Adjournment to meet at the Mountain School House, Wed. eve at 7 o'clock,
May 11th.
H. Dickey jr. , Secretary
Epsom, May 3, 1842
Names that have been added & that are put on previously to the foregoing
Polly D.C. Knox
Lucinsa M. Dickey
David Dickey violated many times
Hamilton L. Moulton
Met agreeably to adjournment, and listened to an address from James Hersey
Esquire & others.
Voted that the thanks of this Society be presented to Esquire Hersey for
his interesting and ______ remarks, mind especially for those that relate
to the duties and obligations of preferred Christians.
On motion voted that this meeting as a Society be dissolved, and that
there be a Temp meeting at the Western District No. 2 School House, at
5 o'clock in the afternoon, on Sunday the 22nd inst.
Epsom. May 11, 1842, H. Dickey jr., Secretary.
Elvira Knox
Mary Ann Dolbeer
Mary Libbey
Martha Libbey
Alice L. Brackett |
Mary B. Libbey
Hannah M. Wells
Malinda (?) Chapman
Caroline Wells
Calvin Dowst |
Ira Bartlett
Number 11
Agreeably to previous notice the friends of Temp met at the School House,
district No. 2 Epsom, at 5 o'clock in the P.M. Sunday May 22. Addresses
were delivered by H. Dickey jr., Rev. Goram P. Ramsey & Rev. Winthrop
Fifield. The pledge was passed and the following names were added, viz.
John F. Chesley
John P. Lord
Charles H. Sanborn
Lucy C. Bickford |
Lydia Ann Marden
Mary B. Marden
Judith C. Bickford
Benjamin Towle jr. |
Hanover Dickey jr., Secretary
Epsom May 23, 1842
Agreeably to previous notices, the friends of Temperance assembled at
the Baptist Meeting House, and listened to an address, peculiar to the
man himself, from John Hawkins. After the address the following names
were added to the pledge. Viz.
Ira Sanborn
Mariah Wood
Abraham D. Swain
John G. Yeaton
Benjamin F. Langley
Abigail Wood
Mary Ann Towle
John Warren Heath
Lewis Sanborn
James Sanborn
Mrs. Chole Tripp
Harriet M. Tripp
Mrs. Mary Tripp |
Samuel M. Green
Hannah Prescott
Lemuel B. Towle
Ruth Knowles
Ann Maria Knowles
Rosilla W. Clough
Sarah E. Clough
Eleanor G. Young
M.C. Knowles
Sarah H. Newton
H. Dickey jr. Secretary
Epsom June 24, 1842 |
6 in addition
Whole No. 20/26 at this meeting
Epsom June 24, 1842
H. Dickey jr., Secretary
Names haunted by Rev. G.P. Ramsey
Andrew M. Grant
Sarah C. Wiggin
Betsy Grant
Sally Robinson Mrs.
Sarah Yeaton Mrs.
V.G. Ramsey
Wm Yeaton
James Yeaton |
Mrs. Sally Grant
Emeline Grant
Wm. T. Grant
Whole No. 11
H. Dickey jr., Secretary
Epsom Aug. 15, 1842
At a meeting of the inhabitants of Epsom, at the Baptist Meeting House,
on Monday the 20th of February A.D. 1843, an address was delivered by
Mr. Fitsgibbon, of a highly interesting character. A collection was taken
to sustain the lecturer. The pledge was circulated, and the following
names were added, viz.
Samuel Marden
Margaret Knowles
Mary Jane Sherburne
Daniel L. Jenness
Wm. Rand
Benj F. Trickey
Wm Fowler |
Emily Dolbeer
James Marden
Caroline Goodhue
Sarah A. Tilton
Mercy H. Ham
Eliza H. Ham
Nancy Ham |
Epsom, Feb. 22, 1843
H. Dickey jr., Secretary
Epsom Apr 6, 1843 Annual Fast
The annual meeting of the Epsom Temp was holden at the Vestry - called
to order by the President, Rev. G.P. Ramsey.
Prayer by Rev. W. Fifield
Chose Nathan Bickford, James Hersey & Frederic Sanborn a committee
to nominate officers.
Elected Rev. W. Fifield President, Rev. G.P. Ramsey vice President, H.
Dickey jr., Secretary, John Griffin Treasurer.
Nathan Bickford, Samuel Cate & Samuel M. Green Board of Managers,
and James Hersey Secretary pro temp.
Voted that when this meeting adjourn it stand adjourned to some time and
place designated by the Board of Mangers.
Address by Rev. Wm H. Hayward
Remarks by Rev. B. Van Dame
Concluding prayer by Rev. G. P. Ramsey
Adjourned as above directed.
The Pledge being circulated the following names were added, viz.
Henry F. Sanborn
John Marshall
Ann L. Green
Mary Ann McCrillis
Martha Ann Hall |
Charlotte Chesley
Philip Babb
Enoch Eastman
C.P. Eastman
Epsom Ap. 6, 1843
H. Dickey jr., Secretary
Epsom, Sunday P.M. May 21/43
Epsom Total Abstinence Society met at the New Orchard School House. Address
by Rev. G.P. Ramsey, after which the following names were added, viz:
Mary Ann Locke
Sarah D. Locke
Elizabeth S. Mors
Mary Cate
Luther Merrill |
Elizabeth A. Merrill
Fanny Brown
Eliza Ann Knox
Sally Sherburne
H. Dickey Jr., Secretary |
Epsom Total Abstinence Society met at Centre School House. Address by
Rev. Rufus A. Putnam of Chichester on influence of example, after which
the following names were added viz:
Mrs. Martha Hall
Joseph W. Tarleton |
John Weeks
Benj. C. Heath |
Epsom, May 28th, 1843
H. Dickey Jr.
Epsom Total Abstinence Society met at the North Road School House Sunday,
June 4, 1843 at 5 o'clock P.M.
Address by H. Dickey jr., when the following names were added to the pledge
Mrs. Wm Brown
Mary Eleanor Brown
___ M. Emerson |
Mrs. Catherine Yeaton
Wm Jaffrey Brown, by order of his Mother
Epsom, June 4, 1843, H. Dickey Jr., Secretary |
Epsom Total Abstinence Society met at the School House District No. 2
and were addressed by Rev. Winthrop Fifield, followed by Rev. Goram P.
Ramsey, after which the following names were added to the pledge viz:
George Ham
James M. Newell
Charles H. Sanborn
Helen M. Cilley
Lydia Ackwell
Samuel Batchelder |
Joann Rand
Mrs. Sally F. Brown
Clarissa Green
Elizabeth P. Locke
Hannah Towle
Epsom June 18, 1843
H. Dickey Jr.
Oct. 20, 1843 The Epsom Total Abstinence Society met at the Fowler School
House & listened to an address of much interest by Rev. Winthrop Fifield
on the Benefits of Total Abstinence Temperance.
Hanover Dickey Jr., Secretary
John H.F. Philbrick withdrawn (added later, different pen)
Greenleaf Allen
The Epsom Temperance Society held its annual meeting and having been
called to order by the Pres. Winthrop Fifield, presented to the choice
of officers.
Elected. Hanover Dickey jr. Pres.
John Griffin, Vice Pres.
Henry S. Sanborn, Secretary
Samuel M. Green, Treasurer
Frederic Sanborn, Thomas Tripp, Jeremiah Marden, Board of Managers
An address was then delivered by Hanover Dickey jr after which the following
resolutions were offered, discussed and adopted.
Resolved, That those who aid or abet the traffic of alcohol as a common
drink are guilty of encouraging all the evils connected with the use of
it and that they must share with the seller the condemnation of a just
and holy God.
Resolved, That the too free use of an alcoholic liquor as a medicine is
a great hindrance to the progress of temperance.
Resolved, That the procuring of intoxicating liquors for medical purposes
at those places where it is cold indiscriminately tends greatly to perpetuate
Resloved, That as the cause of temperance is the cause of God and as its
permanent success depends upon the Spirit of God; its friends should ever
feel their dependence, and never attempt the reformation of these unfortunate
and suffering fellow men in their own strength.
After which the pledge was passed and the following names were annexed
thereto viz.
Mary W. Eastman
Nancy W. Marden
Mary S. Green
J.G. Marden |
Levi G. Young
Martha Ann Sanders
Elizabeth A. Steele
The meeting was then closed by singing and prayer.
Henry F. Sanborn, Secretary
August 31st 1844
Temperance meeting in School House District No 2
Address by Rev. _________ Davis
Mary M. Burnham & Roxanna Ames signed the Pledge
H.F. Sanborn, Sec.
Epsom, Ap. 17, 1845 Annual Fast
The Total Abstinence Society, after prayer by Rev. W. Fifield, proceeded
to the choice of Officers and elected:
Maj. John Griffin, President
Deacon Frederic Sanborn, V. President
H. Dickey Jr, Secretary
Capt. Thomas Tripp, Treasurer
Samuel Green, J.G. Marden (?), Dea Samuel Cate, Board of Managers as Ex.
Com. With the officers.
Meeting closed by prayer by Dea. Samuel Cate.
H. Dickey Jr., Secretary
Signed the pledge, Mrs. Lucy Osgood, Hannah Grant, Sarah Ann Towle
H. Dickey Jr., Secretary
Epsom, April 2, 1846 Annual Meeting of Epsom Total Abstinence Society
holden at the F. Baptist Meeting House, prayer by Rev. W. Fifield after
which proceeded to the choice of Officers and elected:
Dea. Frederic Sanborn President
Samuel M. Green V. President
Thomas Tripp, Secretary
Samuel Cate, Treasurer
John Griffin, Wm. Tarlton Jr., James Hersey, Ex. Com. With the officers
Voted to amend the Constitution so as to authorize the board of Managers
to strike from the list the names of those who violate their Pledge and
cannot be redeemed.
Voted That it be the duty of the Secretary to furnish each Officer of
the Society a list of all the names of such as belong to this society.
Meeting of business, closed by Prayer by Eld T. Foss, after which heard
an address from Eld. Tobias Foss. The pledge was then read and received
to it the following names:
Nathan Griffin 2nd
L.W. Peabody
Louisa L. K. Peabody |
Albon W. Perkins
John Yeaton 3rd
Meeting closed by a Benediction
Thomas Tripp, Secretary
Epsom April 15th 1847 Annual Meeting of the Total Abstinence Society,
holden at the Congregational M. House, after Prayer proceeded to the choice
of Officers & elected
Samuel M. Green, President
Samuel Weeks V. President
Thomas Tripp, Secretary
Nathan Bickford, Treasurer
Frederick Sanborn, Samuel Cate, George W. Grant, Directors
Names received to the pledge were Rufus A. Putnam, Frances H. Putnam
An Address was delivered by Mr. Wilkins of Pembroke.
Epsom April 13th 1848
Annual Fast
The Epsom Temperance Society held its annual Meeting at the F. Baptist
Church. Was called to order by the Pres. Opened by Prayer by Rev. Mr.
Putnam. Then proceeded to the choice of the following Officers viz.
Elected for Pres. Rev. R.A. Putnam
Vice Pres Rev. Mr. Ramsey
Secretary Simon A. H. Weeks
Treasurer Nathan Bickford
Directors Jonathan A. Knowles, Henry F. Sanborn, Arthur C. Locke
Then listened to an interesting address delivered by Rev. E. Scott, after
which the Pledge was read and circulated and the following names annexed
to it.
Susan E.T. Brown
Clara A. Sanders
Thomas S. Tarlton
Francis H. Putnam
David Locke Jr.
Esther Knowles
Margaret W. Marden
Arthur C. Locke
Jeremiah Burnham
Susan G. Knowles
William Yeaton Jr.
Grace Knowles
Emily J.G. Bickford
Mary Jane Jenness
Ariannah T. Brown |
Henrietta French
Rachel B. Sanders
Alonzo Wallace
Caroline E. Putnam
John Babb Jr.
Lucy M. Towle
Clara Towle
Jonathan A. Knowles
Salina O. Locke
Samuel Bickford Jr.
Caroline A. Tripp
Louisa H. Scott
Ann R. Perkins
Elizabeth T. Jenness
S.A.H. Weeks |
After Prayer & Singing the Meeting closed with a Benediction
S.A.H. Weeks, Sec.
Epsom, May 29th 1848
The Board of Managers met at the residence of R. Mr. Ramsey.
The meeting was opened with prayer by the President of the Society.
After due deliberation & discussion the following votes were passed
- viz -
1st voted That for the present (during the Summer season until the evenings
be sufficiently long for hold Meetings during the week) there be meetings
held for the purpose of promoting the cause of temperance every first
Sabbath in each Month at 5 o'clock P.M.
2nd That these meetings be commenced the next Sabbath at the Congregational
Meeting House.
3rd That the President (Rev. R.A. Putnam) deliver an address on the subject
of temperance.
4th Voted That the next meeting (first Sabbath in July) be held in the
School House in Short Falls District.
5th That the Rev. Mr. Ramsey deliver an address on temperance at the said
6th That the future meetings be announced from time to time as the place
shall be agreed upon and individuals be invited to give addresses, also
the said meetings to be open to the free discussion of the subject of
temperance by all who may feel disposed to take a part.
After which the Board adjourned.
S.A.H. Weeks, Sec.
Epsom June 4th 1848
According to appointment a temperance meeting was held at the Congregational
meeting house. A very good attendance, the meeting was opened with singing
by the Choir & Prayer by Eld. Ramsey. An address was given by Rev.
R.A. Putnam, followed with remarks by Eld. Ramsey, after which the meeting
closed with Prayer & the Benediction.
S.A.H. Weeks, Secretary
Epsom July 9th 1848
According to previous notice a temperance meeting was held in the School
House at the Short Falls district, a very full attendance. Prayer was
offered by Rev. R.A. Putnam. An address given by Eld. Ramsey, Remarks
by R.A. Putnam & Mr. Tripp, Bro. Nathan Bickford & Bro Cotterell.
Meeting closed with Prayer and the Benediction.
S.A.H. Weeks, Sec.
Epsom Aug. 6th 1848
A Meeting was held according to appointment at the New Rye School House.
Very full & interesting, an address by Rev. R.A. Putnam, remarks by
Eld. Ramsey. The Pledge was presented & the following names obtained
to it.
Jewett B. Eastman
John H. Dolbeer
William Tripp
Frances M.P. Haynes
Ellen B. Harvey
Mary A. Brown
Mehitable Brown
Olive Ann Haynes
Sabra Dolbeer
Lorinda Goss
P.A. Seavey
Elvira J. Locke
S.A.H. Weeks, Sec. |
Sally Lane
Theodate Libbey
Susan Robinson
Lucy Haynes
Betsey Dickey
Mary S. Brown
Nancy W. Goss
Maria L. Brown
Sarah E. Wells
Sarah A. Brown
Susan E. Cass
Polly Haynes
Sarah J. Chapman
Mary Ann Dickey |
Epsom Sept 3rd 1848
A Temperance Meeting held according to appointment in the Mountain District
at the School House, opened with Prayer by Eld Ramsey, the subject of
Temperance was discussed by Rev. R.A. Putnam & Eld Ramsey. Meeting
full & interesting.
The Pledge of the Society was circulated & the following names obtained
to it, Viz.
John A. Yeaton
Lovina Lane
Caroline Wells
Elvira Moses
Sarah Bickford
Elizabeth Dickey
Mary Chapman
Mary A. Allen
Abbey Ann Haynes |
Abby Chapman
Martha Ann Libbey
Margaret P. Allen
Deborah Chapman
Rosilla J. Harvey
Hannah J. Dickey
Betsey H. Allen
Nancy Robinson
Ann Lane |
S.A.H. Weeks, Sec.
Epsom Oct. 1 A.D. 1848
Meeting was held according to appointment at the Centre School House.
Opened with Prayer by Rev. Mr. Kimball, a temperance hymn was sun, after
which listened to an interesting address by Joseph W. Tarlton founded
upon the Bible explaining passages which speak of Wine & Strong Drink
and drawing inferences from them which was Highly entertaining. After
the address, a Widow Lane of Piermont made a zealous & earnest appeal
for the suppression of Intemperance. The Pledge of the Society was then
read & circulated to which the following names were annexed - Viz
Abigail Griffin
Lowell Eastman
George W. Davis
Mary C. Sanders
Abigail Griffin
Mary Griffin
Rebecca J. Heath |
Mary Wallace
James W. Hall
F.G. Putnam
Betsy Weeks
Lucretia Sanborn
Harriet A. Weeks
13 |
The meeting adjourned to meet at the School House in New Orchard District
the first Sabbath in Nov.
Simon A. H. Weeks, Sec.
The meeting in Nov. was adjourned in consequence of Stormy Weather
Epsom Dec. 3, 1848
Meeting was held according to appointment in the School House in New Orchard
Dis. Opened with singing & Prayer by Eld. G. P. Ramsey, address by
Rev. R.A. Putnam followed by remarks by Eld G. P. Ramsey & David Locke
Jr. The Pledge of the Society was read & the following names annexed
to it Viz.
James M. Perkins
Christopher French
Hannah Moses
Daniel Buzzell
William Buzzell
Sarah J. Sherburne
Joanna Buzzell |
Singing then closed with Prayer by David Locke Jr.
S.A.H. Weeks, Sec.
Epsom Jan 7th 1849
The Epsom Temperance Society met according to appointment at the School
House in the Cilley District so called. Addresses by Rev. R.A. Putnam
& Eld G.P. Ramsey. The pledge was read & circulated, the following
Names annexed to it.
William Yeaton
H.M. Cilley |
Eliza J. Knox
Sarah C. Knox |
Meeting closed with Prayer.
S.A.H. Weeks, Sec.
Epsom Jan. 11th 1849
The Directors of the Society met at the House of Rev. R.A. Putnam. Meeting
opened with Prayer by the Pres.. Voted to have a rally temperance meeting
at the Cong. M. House with Speakers from abroad on the last Day of Feb/49.
The above was not complied with, no speakers were sent for.
Rev. J.W. Tarlton gave some lectures on the subject of temperance during
the Winter & Sprint.
Simon A.H. Weeks, Secretary
Annual Fast
Epsom April 5th A.D. 1849
The Epsom Total Abstinence Society held its Annual Meeting in the long
Meeting House, was called to order by the Pres.. Prayer by Elder G.P.
Ramsey, then proceeded to choice of the following Officers to preside
the ensuing year, viz.
Eld G.P. Ramsey President
Rev. R.A. Putnam Vice President
S.A.H. Weeks Secretary
Dea. Frederick Sanborn Treasurer
Nathan Bickford, John Griffin Jr., J.G. Marden, Directors
Address by Rev. R.A. Putnam on the subject of temperance followed with
remarks by Eld Ramsey & J.W. Tarlton.
S.A.H. Weeks, Sec.
Epsom April 3rd 1851
Annual Fast
The Epsom Total Abstinence Society held its annual meeting at the Freewill
Baptist Meeting House and elected the following Officers, Vis.
Rev. Rufus A. Putnam President
Eld. Moses A. Quimby Vice President
Arthur C. Locke Secretary
Simon A. H. Weeks Treasurer
Thomas Tripp, David Locke Jr., Leonard W. Peabody, Directors
Address deliverd by E.d Mos. A. Quimby
Read and circulated the Pledge and procured the following names.
Eld Moses A. Quimby
Daniel C. Bickford
Sarah H. Carpenter
Emeline Y. Towle
Albion Locke
Stickney Robinson
Sarah Morrill |
Catherine G. Burden
George W. Batty
W.P. Smith
Merriam Robinson
Lucretia Brown
A true record A.C. Locke, sec.
1st Sabbath June
Met at New Rye School-house. Address by Eld M.A. Quimby. Procured the
following to the Pledge, Viz. Samuel S. Cass & Levi Haynes
A.C. Locke, Sec.
July 6th 1851
Met at Short falls School-house.
Address by Rev. Rufus A. Putnam & remarks by Eld Quimby, and the following
names were added to Pledge, Viz.
C.P. Burnham
Mary Brown
M. Bickford
John T. Cotterell
Mary J. Weeks
Sarah E. Marden
A.S. Worth
M.A. Tripp
E.A. Burnham
William Marden
James Burnham
Wm B. Perkins |
M. Grace Green
S.F. Yeaton
N.E. Preston
A Marden
Betsey Bickford
E.E. Preston
T.L. Cotterell
M. Burnham
Jesse C. Smith
Henry Marden
James Worth
J. W. Burham |
Arthur C. Locke, Sec.
Epsom Oct 5th 1851
Met at the Center Schoolhouse.
Lecture by Eld Moses A. Quimby and remarks by Thomas L. Steele B.A.
The Pledge being circulated the following Names were added viz.
Patrick Collins
William W. Weeks
John B. Stevens
Lewis Sanborn
John H. Hall
Hannah Knowles
Mary E. Griffin
Alice Allen
Lovey Wells |
Thomas L. Steele B.A.
Orison Batchelder
Charles H. Griffin
Wm T. Sanders
Andrew M. Weeks
Clarissa T. Grant
Harriet Allen
Clara Sanders
Arthur C. Locke, Sec.
Epsom April 8th 1852
Annual Fast
The Epsom Total Abstinence Society held its annual meeting at the F. Baptist
Meeting House, and elected the Officers of said Society Viz.
Eld Moses A. Quimby Pres
Rev Rufus A. Putnam Vice Pres
Arthur C. Locke Secretary
Simon A. H. Weeks Treasurer
Stickney Robinson, John Griffin Jr., Henry F. Sanborn, Directors
Voted; That the Board of Managers take the measures to circulate the Petition
to be presented to the next Legislature praying for a Law similar to the
Maine Liquor Law.
Voted; That the Board of Managers procure a Lecturer to lecture on the subject
of Temperance.
Address by Rev. Rufus A. Putnam.
Arthur C. Locke, Sec.
Epsom Apr. 10, 1852
The Board of Managers met at A.C. Locke's
Voted to hold meeting in the several School Dis. For the purpose of discussions
upon the Maine Law and to procure Petitioners.
Stickney Robinson being absent and about leaving town for the year, appointed
Nathan Bickford to act as Director in his stead.
Arthur C. Locke, Sec.
Epsom April 7th 1853
Annual Fast
The Epsom Total Abstinence Society held its annual meeting at the Congregational
Meetinghouse and elected the following Officers Viz.
Rev. Rufus A. Putnam Pres
Eld Moses A. Quimby Vice Pres
A.C. Locke Sec
Simon A. H. Weeks Treas
Dea. F. Sanborn, Albion Locke, J.A. Knowles, Directors
The following Resolution was introduced, discussed and unanimously adopted,
Resolved: That the cause of temperance requires the Selectmen of this
town to license one or more suitable person to sell spirituous Liquors
for medical, mechanical & chemical purposes:
Voted that the Sec. Present the Selectmen with a copy of said Resolution
with Dr. L.W. Peabody's name suggested as a suitable person.
A.C. Locke, Sec.
Epsom Apl. 13, 1854
Annual Fast
The Epsom Total Abstinence Society held its annual Meeting at the F. Baptist
Meeting House and elected the following persons for Officers for the ensuing
Eld Moses A. Quimby Pres
Rev. Rufus A. Putnam V. Pres
A.C. Locke Secretary
S.A.H. Weeks Treasurer
Jeremiah Marden, Nathan Bickford, Samuel M. Green, Directors
Circulated Pledge and procured the following names.
Sylvester Cochran
A.G. Estabrook
Eliza J. Hoyt
Eliza Wallace
Mary L. Wallace |
William Burnham
Clara L. Perkins
Susan Carlton
Philip Babb
Philip C. Marden |
Address by M.A. Quimby
Arthur C. Locke, Secretary
Annual Fast Epsom April 1855
The Epsom Temperance Society held its annual meeting at the Free Baptist
Meeting House and elected the following Officers, Viz.
Mr. Jeremiah G. Marden Pres
Rev. Moses A. Quimby Vice Pres
Mr. Benjamin Towle Sec
Mr. S.A.H. Weeks Treasurer
Mr. Samuel M. Greene, Mr. Albion Locke, Mr. Daniel C. Bickford, Directors
Circulated the Pledge and procured the following names
Emily J. Burnham
Georgianna Bickford
Timothy M. Frost
Joseph E. Ham
Hollis M. Ham |
Betsy Brackett
Samuel Worth
Kate E. Towle
Mary A. Yeaton
Daniel Yeaton |
Address by Rev. Mr. Blanchard
Benjamin Towle, Sec.
Annual fast Apr. 10th 1856
The Epsom Temperance Society Held its annual meeting at the Free Baptist
Meeting House and Elected the following officers for the ensuing year.
Pres Eld M.A. Quimby
Vic David Locke
Sec Benjamin Towle
Treas S.A.H. Weeks
Directors Frederick Sanborn, Nathan Bickford, John Griffin Jr.
Remarks were made by Eld William Swain, Lowell Eastman Esq. & M.A.
Benjamin Towle, Sec
Annual Fast April 7th 1859
The Epsom Temperance Society held their annual meeting at the Congregational
meeting house and elected the following for the ensuing year
Pres Rev. Horace Webber
Vice Pres Charles Willey
Sec Benjamin Towle
Treas S.A.H. Weeks
John Griffin Jr., David Locke, Samuel M. Green, Directors
Remarks were made by Rev. Horace Webber, Rev. Charles Willey and Frederick
The following names were procured to the pledge
Horace Webber
Charles Willey
Charlotte E.R. Willey
Charles C. Willey
Relief Webber |
Abby G. Wallace
Mary Sherburne
Ruth Hoyt
James L. Sherburne
Martha Hall |
Benjamin Towle, Sec.
Annual Fast April 1860
The Epsom Temperance Society held it annual meeting at the Free Will Baptist
house and the following Officers were chosen
Pres Rev. M.A. Quimby
VP Dea Frederick Sanborn
Sec Benj Towle
Treas Dr. L.W. Peabody
Ex com, Lowell Eastman, William A. Sanders, Samuel M. Green
Voted to refer Lowell Eastman's plan to the consideration of Ex com
The following persons signed the Pledge
Hannah White
John T. Cotterell
John H. Hall |
J.S. Griffin
Betsy Yeaton
Caroline Yeaton |
(The rest of the records consist of 4 pages of strictly
names, 3 columns each)
Ira Sanborn
Saml Cate
Saml M Green
Elvira Green
Ann Green
Mary Cate
Thomas Bickford
Sam B Bickford
Joseph S Dolbeer
Mercy Bickford
Nancy McDaniel
Thomas Tripp
Charles Bickford
Joseph Bickford
Joseph Emerson
Sarah K Locke
Lydia M Bickford
Ephraim Locke Jr
Abigail Bickford
Abigail Bickford 2
Sally Bickford
Joseph J Moses
Ann G Merrill
Mary Green
Nancy Green
Meheitable Green
Dearborn B Moses
Polly Dolbeer
Elizabeth Yeaton
Emeline Yeaton
Catherine Yeaton
Abigail Brown
Benj M Heath
Sally Yeaton
Bickford Lang
Rachel D Heath
Jerem G Burnham
Sally Burnham
Saml Worth
John Burnham
Margaret Marden
George W. Grant
Wm Foss
Statira Babb
Hannah Babb
Rachel Wallace
Betsy Brown
James Sanborn
Nancy Sanborn
Sophia Ann Sanborn
John J Eastman
Elizabeth Goodhue
John Yeaton 3rd
Sarah Yeaton
Hannah Bickford
Eliza Manson
Wm Yeaton
James Hersey
Nathan Bickford
Amos Prescott
Orren Sanders
Lucretia Sanborn
Fanny P Griffin
Betsy Burnham
Mary Griffin
Phebe Griffin
Abigail Griffin
Mary Jane Gordon
Abigail Sherburne
Mary Proctor
Sally Philbrick
Henry L Sanborn
Hannah Moses
Frederick Sanborn
Olive Locke
Caroline Bickford
Josiah C Lang
Constantine Woods
Mary Ann Dolbeer
Sarah Ann Webster
Elizabeth P Locke
Mary A Barton
Emily Dolbeer
John Griffin Jr
Wm Wallace
Thomas D Marshall
John Durgin
John L Haynes
Lucy Sanborn
Eliza Bickkford
Abigail Cate
Nancy Stevens
Catherine G Sanborn
Sally F Goss
Mary Jane Sanders
Eliza Bickford 2
Sarah E Sanborn
Mary W Eastman
Melinda Eastman
Mary Ann Locke
David Locke Jr
George G Young
Thomas D Merrill
Job Sanders
Benj O Bartlett
George W Proctor
Esther W Proctor
Ann Wells
Wm Tarlton jr
Nicholas Dolbeer
Benja Bickford
John Yeaton
Mary Harvey
John C Burnham
Jer Burnham Jr
Jere G Marden
David Knowles
Alice C Goss
Love Locke
Martha Sanborn
Ann Sanborn
MaryB Carpenter
Hannah McCrillis
Hannah Towle
Rachel Dolbeer
John Mc Steele
Sally Yeaton 2nd
Mary Rand
Mary Ham
Eliza Ham
Mary Ham 2
Ruth Philbrick
Abigail Philbrick
Ann Bickford
Samuel Wells Jr
Jonathan Dolbeer
Mary McCrillis
Jane Bickford
Nancy Towle
B.A. Dolbeer
Hanover Dickey Jr
Polly Philbrick
Susan Fowler
Philema Brown
James Marden
Alphonzo Burnham |
Sarah Towle
Nancy Fisher
Pearce Bickford
Simeon Towle
Clarissa Brown
Dorcas Marden
Annah Pattee
Hannah Yeaton
Susan G Yeaton
Jonathan Yeaton
James Wm Yeaton
Sarah Towle
Sally Hersey
Susan Rand
Jane Sherburne
James Wiggin Jr
Rebecca Bickford
John Eastman
Thomas Gordon |
Saml L Lear
Ephraim Locke
Edwart T Sanders
Bickford Lang
Abigail Lang
Drusilla Sanborn
Hannah Sanborn
Jere Gordon
Sophronie Haynes
Abigail L Lang
Francis S Knowles
Benja S Manson
Francis _ Smith
Eliza Manson 2nd
John C Manson
Susan G Goss
Silas Green
Susannah Gordon
Lydia Marden
Joseph V Wallace
Lemuel B Towle
Joshua S Griffin
George Wallace
Margaret Knowles
Samuel Johnson
Edwin R Stanley
Sally Grant
Elizabeth Gordon
Polly Gordon
David Marden
Sally C Wiggin
Mary Cass
David Dickey
Lucinda Dickey
Caleb B Haynes
Hannah Haynes
Edward D Lord
Nathan Griffin Jr
Martha J Lawrence
Alvira Moses