

Short Falls Cemetery Association Record Book


The undersigned hereby agree to associate ourselves together and under the names and style of the Short Falls Cemetery Association for the purpose of purchasing a suitable lot of land near the residence of Samuel B. Marden in Epsom, the land to be purchased of Jeremiah & Warren Tripp of said Epsom, enclosing the same with a suitable fence, grading, and otherwise improving the same, and forever thereafter holding the same for the burial of the dead.
The first meeting of the association shall be holden at the house of Jeremiah Tripp on Saturday the ninth day of April 1864 at seven o'clock in the afternoon at which meeting as any adjournment thereof, a corporate name may be adopted and the organization completed by the choice of officers and such business be transacted as my be deemed necessary and useful in promoting the affects of the Association.
Epsom April 8, 1864
Samuel Yeaton, Warren Tripp, James W. Fowler, Samuel B. Marden
David M. Knowles, Rufus Baker, James Baker, Jeremiah Burnham
Samuel M. Green, Alphonso J. Burnham, Samuel Fowler, Jeremiah Tripp
Thomas Tripp, James Worth, Ebenezer B. Hoitt

Subscription for stock in the Short Falls Cemetery Association

The subscribers hereby promise and agreed to and with the Short Falls Cemetery Association to take the number of shares in the Capital Stock of said Association set against their respective names and to pay to the treasurer of said Association all Assessments that may be made therein within the limits of the Constitution as the same may be made from time to time, by order of the Association as it's directors.
Epsom April 9th, 1864
Samuel Yeaton 1
Jeremiah Tripp 1
James Baker 1
Alphonso J. Burnham 1
Samuel B. Marden 1
Warren Tripp 1
David M. Knowles 1
Jeremiah Burnham 1
Ebenezer B. Hoit 1
James W. Fowler 1
Thomas Tripp 1
Samuel M. Green 1
James Worth 1
Samuel Fowler 1
John Spurlin 1
Rufus Baker 1
Nathan Marden 1
John C. Burnham 1
Samuel F. Stanley 1
Samuel Yeaton, Clerk

At a meeting of the members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association holden at the house of Jeremiah Tripp on the ninth day of April 1864 at seven o'clock P.M., shoes Samuel M. Green Chairman. Chose Samuel Yeaton, Clerk, who are sworn to the faithful discharge of his duties. Chose Samuel Fowler, Treasurer. Voted to have a committee to draft a Constitution for the government of the Association appointed by the Chairman. Samuel Yeaton, Samuel Fowler and Warren Tripp were appointed said committee.

Voted that the name of the association be the Short Falls Cemetery Association.

Voted that each member of the Association pay in to the treasurer at the present meeting the sum of $3.00.

Voted to adjourn to meet at Samuel B. Marden's Shop one week from tonight at seven o'clock P.M.
Temporary Clerk, Samuel Yeaton

Epsom April 16th, 1864
The members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association met according to adjournment and transacted the following business:
1st Chose Samuel M. Green Moderator who took the oath of office
2nd Chose Samuel Yeaton Clerk who took the oath of office
3rd Chose Samuel B. Marden Treasurer
4th Voted to choose a committee of five to be appointed by the Chair to run out stakes and number the lot. The committee to consist of Samuel M. Green, Samuel B. Marden, Rufus Baker, Samuel Fowler, Warren Tripp.
5th Voted to accept and adopt the following Constitution
6th Voted to adjourn this meeting to Monday afternoon nest at four o'clock
Samuel Yeaton, Clerk


Art. 1 This association shall be called and known as the Short Falls Cemetery Association and its object shall be to purchase, fence and improve, beautify, adorn and forever hold a suitable place for the burial of the dead upon the east side of the highway leading from Pittsfield to Manchester, near the residence of Samuel B. Marden in Epsom in the County of Merrimack and the State of New Hampshire

Art 2 The officers of the association shall be a President, Clerk and Treasurer, who shall constitute and be a board of directors and shall be Chosen by ballot by a major vote of the members present at any meeting called for that purpose (each member being entitled to one vote for every share he may own in the Capital stock of the Association) and shall hold their office until others are chosen and qualified in their stead. The Association may also choose such committees as appoint such agent and in such manner as they may think and define their powers and duties.

Art 3 It shall be the duty of the president to preside at all meetings of the association at which he may be present, in his absence the treasurer shall preside, if neither be present at any meeting, a chairman shall be chosen to preside in their stead.

Art 4 The clerk shall call all meetings of the Association and make a fair record of all the proceedings of the Association in a book provided for the purpose at the expense of the Association. He shall first enter in said Book the Original articles of agreement and the constitution. He shall cause public notice of the formation of the Association to be published and posted as required by law. He shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of his duties before entering upon the same.

Art 5 The treasurer shall collect all assessments, receipts and hold all the moneys of the Association and pay out the same upon the written order of the directors for the purpose of the Association and perform such other services as may be required.

Art 6 t shall be the duties of the directors to carry in effect all votes of the Association, to manage and superintend all the affairs of the Association, to make all contracts in it behalf, to examine and allow all Bills against the Association and direct the payment thereof by the treasurer and generally to do and recommend to be done whatever in their judgment will best promote the interests and welfare of the Association.

Art 7 The officers shall be chosen by ballot at a meeting for the adoption of this constitution and on the first Saturday in April of each succeeding year, an Annual meeting shall be holden for the choice of officers, and the transaction of other business as such hour and place as the directors may determine, and shall be called by the Clerk by posting a written notice of the time, place and objects thereof on the doors of the school house at Short Falls six days at least before the same. Special Meetings may be called at any time and notified in the same manner.

Art 8 It shall be the duty of the clerk to call special meetings when required to do so in writing signed by five members of the Association. At such time and place as they may designate giving at least six days notice before the same by posting a notice on the Short Falls School house doors.

Art 9 The Capital Stock of the Association shall be divided into seventeen shares with power to increase the number at the pleasure of the Association by a vote of the Association upon which assessments shall not be laid to an amount greater in the whole than twenty-five dollars per share. The Association may vote from time to time as the same may be required in the progress of the improvement of the Cemetery such assessments as shall be necessary to meet the expenses of the Association and fix the time of their payment. If any member shall fail to pay the assessment or assessments made on his share or shares in the capital stock as the same may become due, such delinquents share or shares may be sold at public auction by the treasurer notice of the time and place of such sale being given as required for the Annual and other meetings of the Association.

Art 10 Certificates of stock in the Association in such form as the director may prescribe shall be issued by the Clerk and a record of the same and all transfers thereof be kept by the Clerk in the record book of the Association but no member shall have power to make a valid transfer of this stock until all assessments due thereon shall have been paid.

Art 11 This Constitution may be altered or amended at any annual or other meeting called for the purpose, usual notice being given by a major vote of the members of the Association.
Samuel Yeaton, Clerk

Short Falls Cemetery Association
Notice is hereby given that Samuel Fowler, James Baker, Warren Tripp, David M. Knowles, Samuel M. Green and others have associated themselves together under the name of the Short Falls Cemetery Association to provide, hold and keep in repair suitable grounds and other conveniences for the burial of the Dead at Epsom, in the County of Merrimack and the State of New Hampshire. Agreeably to the provisions of Chapter 145 of the revised statutes of said State.
Samuel Yeaton, Clerk

Epsom April 9th, 1864
This certifies that the foregoing notice was published in the Independent Democrat a paper published in Concord and also posted up in a public place in town agreeably to revised statutes of New Hampshire.
Epsom May 21, 1864, Samuel Yeaton, Clerk

April 18th, 1864
Met according to adjournment and made choice of lots as follows:
No. 1 John C. Burnham
No. 2 Rufus Baker
No. 3 James Baker
No. 4 Samuel Yeaton
No. 5 Samuel Fowler
No. 6 Samuel M. Green
No. 7 James W. Fowler
No. 8 Ebenezer B.Hoit
No. 9 Thomas Tripp
No. 10 Jeremiah Tripp
No. 11 Jeremiah Burnham
No. 12 Samuel B. Marden
No. 14 John Spurlin
No. 15 James Tripp
No. 16 Samuel Stanley
No. 17 James Worth
No. 18 Davud M. Knowles
No. 19 Alphonso J. Burnham
No. 20 Nathan G. Marden
Voted to adjourn until Saturday April 23rd at seven o'clock P.M.
Samuel Yeaton, Clerk

April 23, 1864
Met according to adjournment and voted to empower the committee to apprise and sell lots in the cemetery as they may think proper.
2nd Voted to adjourn until May seventh at one o'clock P.M.
Samuel Yeaton, Clerk

Epsom May 7th, 1864
The Short Falls Cemetery Association met agreeably to adjournment and Voted to adjourn until May 21st at 7 o'clock P.M.
Samuel Yeaton, Clerk

Epsom May 21st, 1864
Met according to adjournment and voted to adjourn until the 13th day of August at seven o'clock P.M.
Samuel Yeaton, Clerk

Epsom August 13th, 1864
The Short Falls Cemetery Association met according to adjournment and voted to adjourn until August 20th at 7 o'clock P.M.
Samuel Yeaton, Clerk

Epsom August 20th 1864
Met according to adjournment and voted to admit John C. Burnham as a member of the Association.
2nd Voted that the meeting be dissolved.
Samuel Yeaton, Clerk

Epsom, August 26, 1864
This certifies that Dustin Clark has bought of the Short Falls Cemetery Association lot No. Twenty one in said cemetery for eight dollars and agrees to pay his share to make all necessary repairs hereafter agreeable to the bylaws of the association.
Samuel Yeaton Clerk
Dustin Clark

Epsom August 30th 1864
The Members of the Association met according to Notice and transacted the following business
1st Received al bills against the Association
2nd Voted to raise $10.00 on each share to pay said bills
3rd Voted to adjourn the meeting until Tuesday September 20th at seven o'clock P.M. to transact any business that should come before the meeting.
Samuel Yeaton, Clerk

Epsom November 17th, 1864
This certifies that James Yeaton has bought of the Short Falls Cemetery Association lot No. 22 in said cemetery for eight dollars and agrees to pay his share to make all necessary repairs hereafter agreeable to the bylaws of the association.
Samuel Yeaton, Clerk
James Yeaton

To the members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association are hereby notified to meet at the work shop of Samuel B. Marden in Epsom on Saturday next the first day of April at seven o'clock in the afternoon to choose al necessary officer for the ensuing year and transact any other business thought proper.
By order of the Directors
Epsom, March 22, 1865
Samuel Yeaton, Clerk

This certifies that I posted up a true copy of the within Notice on the doors of the School House in Short Falls, Epsom.
Epsom, March 22, 1865
Samuel Yeaton, Clerk

Epsom April 1st, 1865
The meeting of the Short Falls Cemetery Association met according to the notice and made choice of the following officers:
1st Chose Samuel M. Green Moderator
2nd Chose Samuel Yeaton Clerk
3rd Chose Samuel B. Marden, Treasurer
4th Dissolved the meeting
Samuel Yeaton, Clerk

Epsom April 12th, 1865
This certifies that Salome Fowler has bought of the Short Falls Cemetery association lot No. twenty in said cemetery for eight dollars and agrees to pay her share to make all necessary repairs hereafter agreeable to the bylaws of the association.
Samuel Yeaton, Clerk

Epsom March 29, 1866
The members of the Short Falls cemetery association are hereby notified to meet at the work shop of Samuel B. Marden in Epsom on Saturday the seventh day of April next at seven o'clock in the afternoon to choose all necessary officers for the ensuing year and transact any other business thought proper.
Samuel Yeaton, Clerk

Epsom March 29, 1866
This certifies that I posted up a true copy of the within notice on the Doors of the School House in short Falls on March 29, 1866
Samuel Yeaton, Clerk

Epsom, April 7, 1866
The members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association met according to notice and chose the following officers.
1st Chose Samuel M. Green President
2nd Chose John C. Burnham Clerk
3rd Chose Samuel Batchelder Treasurer
Voted to dissolve the meeting.
John C. Burnham, Clerk

Epsom, March 30th, 1867
The members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association are hereby notified to meet at the work shop of Samuel B. Marden on Saturday the sixth day of April next at seven o'clock in the afternoon for the choice of all necessary officers for the ensuing year and transact any other business. Epsom, March 30th, 1867
John C. Burnham, Clerk

Epsom, March 30th, 1867
This certifies that I this day posted up a true copy of the within notice on the door of the school house in Short Falls.
John C. Burnham, Clerk

Epsom, April 6th, 1867
The members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association met according to notice and made choice of the following officers
1st Chose Alphonso J. Burnham, President
2nd Chose Samuel B. Marden Treasurer
3rd Chose John C. Burnham, Clerk
4th Voted to accept the Treasurer's report for the last year.
Voted to dissolve the meeting.
John C. Burnham, Clerk

Epsom March 23, 1868
The members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association are hereby notified to meet at the Work Shop of Samuel B. Marden on Saturday the fourth day of April next at seven o'clock in the afternoon for the choice of the necessary officers for the ensuing year and transact any other business.
Epsom March 23rd, 1868
John C. Burnham, Clerk
James W. Fowler, Assistant Clerk

Epsom March 23rd, 1868
This certified that I this day posted up a true copy of the within notice on the door of the school house in Short Falls.
John C. Burnham, Clerk
James W. Fowler, Assistant Clerk

Epsom April 4th, 1868
The members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association met according to notice and made the choice of the following officers.
1st chose Alphonso J. Burnham, President
2nd James W. Fowler, Clerk
3rd Samuel B. Marden treasurer
4th Voted to accept the treasurers report for the last year
Voted to dissolve the meeting.
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Epsom August 23rd, 1868
This certifies that I posted up a true copy of the within notice attested by me on the door of the School House at Short Falls on Tuesday the 23rd day of August 1868.
Samuel Yeaton, Clerk

The members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association are hereby notified to meet at the Work Shop of Samuel B. Marden on Saturday the third day of April next at seven o'clock P.M. for the choice of the necessary officers for the ensuing year.
To see if the Association will build a tomb and transact any other business.
Epsom March 27, 1869
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Epsom, March 27, 1869
This certifies that I this day posted up a true copy of the within notice on the door of the school house in Short Falls.
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Epsom, April 3, 1869
Met according to Notice and made choice of the following officers.
1st President Samuel M. Green
2nd Clerk Warren Tripp
3rd Treasurer Samuel B. Marden
4th Voted to instruct the officers to make some inquiries in regards to the expense of constructing a tomb and report at an adjourned meeting
5th Voted to adjourn to meet at this place the twenty ninth of May at five o'clock P.M.

Epsom May 29 (1869)
Met according to adjournment and voted to adjourn to September fourth at 5 o' in the afternoon.
Warren Tripp, Clerk

This certifies that Mary J. Young has bought of the Short Falls Cemetery Association Lot No. 28 in said cemetery for six dollars and agrees to pay her share to make all necessary repairs hereafter agreeable to the bylaws of the association.
James W. Fowler, Clerk

This certifies that William Brooks has bought of the Short Falls Cemetery Association Lot No. 29 twenty-nine in said cemetery for six dollars and agrees to pay his share to make all necessary repairs hereafter agreeable to the bylaws of the association.
James W. Fowler, Clerk

To the members of the short Falls Cemetery Association, you are hereby notified to meet at the dwelling house of Samuel B. Marden in Epsom on Tuesday Next, the thirtieth day of August at seven o'clock in the afternoon for the following purposes:
1st To receive bills against the Association for work and materials
2nd To see if the members of the Association will vote to raise money to pay the same.

Epsom Feb. 12, 1869
This certifies that Mary A. Stewart has bought of the Short Falls Cemetery Association Lot No. 27 twenty seven in said cemetery for six dollars and agrees to pay her share to make all necessary repairs hereafter agreeable to the bylaws of the Association.
James W. Fowler, Clerk

The members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association are hereby notified to meet at the Work Shop of Samuel B. Marden on Saturday the second day of April next at seven o'clock P.M. __ the choice of necessary offivers for the ensuing year.
2. To see if the Association will vote to build a tomb and transact other business thought proper.
Epsom March 26, 1870
Warren Tripp, Clerk

Epsom March 27, 1870
This certifies that I this day posted up a true copy of the within notice on the door of the school house in Short Falls.
Warren Tripp, Clerk

Epsom, April 2, 1870
Met according to notice and made choice of the following officers
1 for President Samuel Fowler
2 for Treasurer Samuel B. Marden
3 for Clerk Warren Tripp
4 Voted to build a tomb
5 Voted to adjourn two weeks

April 16, 1870
Met according to Adjournment
1 Voted to build a tomb of stone
2 Voted to adjourn two weeks

April 30, 1870
Met according to adjournment. Chose the following persons for committee to build a tomb. Samuel Fowler, Samuel B. Marden, Warren Tripp, A.J> Burnham, James W. Fowler. Voted to dissolve the meeting.
Warren Tripp, Clerk

The members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association are hereby notified to meet at the Workshop of Samuel B. Marden on Saturday the first day of April next at seven o' P.M. __ the choice of necessary officers for the ensuing year
2nd to transact any other business thought proper when met.
Epsom, Mrch 27, 1871
Warren Tripp, Clerk

Epsom March 28, 1871
This certifies that I this day posted up a copy of written notice on the door of the school house in this Falls.
Warren Tripp, Clerk

Epsom April 1, 1871
Met according to Notice and made choice of the following officers.
1 for President Samuel Fowler
2 for Treasurer Samuel B. Marden
3 for Clerk Warren Tripp
which was duly qualified.
Voted to adjourn without date.
Warren Tripp, Clerk

Epsom, Aug. 20, 1871
This certifies that William Tripp has bought of Jeremiah Tripp one undivided half of lot No. 15 in Short Falls Cemetery for four dollars and agrees to pay his share to make all necessary repairs hereafter agreeable to the bylaws of the association.
William Tripp, Clerk

The members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association are hereby notified to meet at the Workshop of Samuel B. Marden on Saturday the six day of April next at seven o'clock in the afternoon for the choice of necessary officers for the ensuing year.
2. to transact any other business thought proper when met.
Epsom March 30th, 1872
Warren Tripp, Clerk

Epsom March 30, 1872
This certifies that I this day posted up a true copy of the within notice on the door of the school house in Short Falls, Epsom.
Warren Tripp, Clerk

Epsom April 6th, 1872
Met according to notice and made choice of the following officers
1st for President John C. Burnham
2nd for Clerk James W. Fowler
3rd for Treasurer Samuel B. Marden
which were duly qualified.
Voted to adjourn without date.
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Short Falls March 1873
This certifies that Worcester Preston and John Colburn have bought of the Short Falls Cemetery Association lot No. 13 in said cemetery for eight dollars and agrees to pay his share to make all necessary repairs hereafter agreeable to the bylaws of the association.
James W. Fowler, Clerk
Worcester Preston
John Colburn

The members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association are hereby notified to meet at the Workshop of Samuel B. Marden on Saturday the fifth day of April next at seven o'clock P.M. for choice of all necessary officers for the ensuing year and transact any other business.
Epsom March 28, 1873
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Epsom March 28, 1873
This certifies that I this day posted up a true copy of the within notice on the door of the school house in Short Falls Epsom.
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Epsom, April 5th 1873
The members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association met according to Notice and made choice of the following officers
1st chose John C. Burnham, President
2nd chose Samuel B. Marden treasurer
3rd chose James W. Fowler Clerk
4th Voted to accept the treasurer's report for the last year
Voted to adjourn without date
James W. Fowler, Clerk

The members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association are hereby notified to meet at the Work Shop of Samuel B. Marden on Saturday the third day of April next at seven O'clock P.M. for the choice of all necessary officers for the ensuing year and transact any other business thought proper when met.
Epsom March 23rd, 1874
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Epsom March 23rd, 1874
This certifies that I this day posted up a true copy of the within notice on the door of the School House in Short Falls.
James Fowler, Clerk

Epsom April 4th, 1874
The members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association met according to Notice and made choice of the following officers.
1st chose John C. Burnham, President
2nd chose Samuel B. Marden, Treasurer
3rd Chose James W. Fowler, Clerk
Voted to adjourn without date
James W. Fowler, Clerk

April 1874
This certifies that Mrs. William Y. Davis has bought of the Short Falls Cemetery Association Lot No. 25 in said cemetery for six dollars and agrees to pay her share to make all necessary repairs hereafter agreeable to the bylaws of the association.
Mrs. William Y. Davis
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Short Falls Aug. 1874
This certifies that Gorham R. Worth has bought of the Short Falls Cemetery Association Lot. No. 24 in said cemetery for six dollars and agrees to pay his share to make all necessary repairs hereafter agreeable to the bylaws of the Association.
Gorham R. Worth
James W. Fowler, Clerk

December 10th, 1874
This certifies that Mrs. John Leaver has bought of the Short Falls Cemetery Association Lot No. 26 in said Cemetery for six dollars and agrees to pay her share to make all necessary repairs hereafter agreeable to the bylaws of the association.
James W. Fowler, Clerk

The Members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association are hereby notified to meet at the Work Shop of Samuel B. Marden on Saturday the first day of April next at 7 o'clock P.M. for the choice of all necessary officers for the ensuing year and transact any other business thought proper when met.
Epsom March 24th, 1876
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Epsom, march 24th, 1876
This certifies that I this day posted up a true copy of the within notice on the door of the School House in Short Falls.
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Epsom, April 1st, 1876
The members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association met according to Notice and made choice of the following officers.
1st chose John Spurlin President
2nd chose Samuel B. Marden Treasurer
3rd chose James W. Fowler, Clerk
Voted to adjourn without date
James W. Fowler, Clerk

The Members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association are hereby notified to meet at the Work Shop of Samuel B. Marden on Saturday the seventh day of April next at 7 o'clock P.M. for the choice of all necessary officers for the ensuing year and transact any other business thought proper when met.
Epsom March 28th, 1877
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Epsom, March 28th, 1877
This certifies that I this day posted up a true copy of the within notice on the door of the School House in Short Falls
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Epsom, April 7th, 1877
The members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association met according to Notice and made choice of the following officers.
1st chose Alphonso J. Burnham, President
2nd chose James W. Fowler, Clerk
3rd chose Samuel B. Marden, Treasurer
4th Voted to Asses the Members of the Association and the owners of Lots in said yard twenty five cents
5th Voted to instruct Samuel B. Marden to collect said Assessment
6th Voted to dissolve the meeting
James W. Fowler, Clerk

The Members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association are hereby notified to meet at the Work Shop of Samuel B. Marden on Saturday the sixth day of April next at 7 o'clock P.M. for the choice of all necessary officers for the ensuing year and transact any other business thought proper when met.
Epsom March 29th, 1878
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Epsom, March 29th, 1878
This certifies that I this day posted up a true copy of the within notice on the soor of the School House in Short Falls
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Epsom, April 6th, 1878
The members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association met according to notice and made choice of the following officers
1st chose Alphonso J. Burnham President
2nd chose James W. Fowler, Clerk
3rd chose Samuel B. Marden Teasurer
4th Voted to dissolve the meeting
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Epsom July 7th, 1878
This certifies that Lucius Robinson has bought of the Short Falls Cemetery Association Lot. No. 39 in said cemetery for eight dollars and agrees to pay his share to make all necessary repairs hereafter agreeable to the bylaws of the association.
James W. Fowler, Clerk
Lucius Robinson

Epsom, July 7th, 1878
This certifies that David Robinson has bought of the Short Falls Cemetery Association Lot No. 38 in said cemetery for ten dollars and agrees to pay his share to make all necessary repairs hereafter agreeable to the bylaws of the Association.
James W. Fowler, Clerk
David Robinson

Short Falls, Dec. 3rd, 1878
Received a petition from Alphonso J. Burnham signed by Samuel B. Marden, Samuel Fowler, Jeremiah Burnham, Samuel Fowler, Jeremiah Burnham Jr., C. Burnham and Jeremiah Tripp for me to call a meeting of the members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association to se what they would do in regard to fencing said cemetery.
Called a meeting at the Workshop of Samuel B. Marden December the twentieth day.
The members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association met according to notice and voted that the Officers of the Association would buy material and repair the fence around the cemetery and make an assessment on the lots in said cemetery to defray expenses.
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Short Falls, April 5th, 1879
The members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association met according to notice and adjourned to meet on Wednesday the 9th day of April.
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Short Falls, April 9th, 1879
The members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association met according to adjournment and made choice of the following officers.
1st chose John C. Burnham, President
2nd chose James W. Fowler, Clerk
3rd chose Samuel B. Marden, Treasurer
Voted to change the time of holding these annual meeting to the first Monday in April.
James W. Fowler, Clerk

The Members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association are hereby notified to meet at the Work Shop of Samuel B. Marden on Monday the fifth day of April next at 7 o'clock P.M. for the choice of all necessary officers for the ensuing. To see if they will vote to repair the fence around said cemetery and transact any other business thought proper when met.
Epsom, March 26th, 1880
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Epsom March 26th, 1880
This certifies that I this day posted up a true copy of the within notice on the door of the School House in Short Falls.
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Short Falls, April 5th, 1880
The members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association met according to Notice and made choice of the following officers.
1st chose Warren Tripp, President
2nd chose James W. Fowler, Clerk
3rd chose Samuel B. Marden, Treasurer
4th Voted that the officers of the Association should buy material and repair the fence around said cemetery and make an assessment on the Lot's in said cemetery to defray expenses.
5th Voted to dissolve the meeting.
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Epsom April 22nd, 1880
This certifies that Levi Robinson has bought of the Short Falls Cemetery Association Lot No. 40 in said cemetery for three dollars and agrees to pay his share to make all necessary repairs hereafter agreeable to the bylaws of the association.
James W. Fowler, Clerk
Levi Robinson

The Members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association are hereby notified to meet at the Work Shop of Samuel B. Marden on Monday the fourth day of April next at 7 o'clock P.M. for the choice of all necessary officers for the ensuing year and transact any other business thought proper when met.
Epsom March 24th, 1881
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Short Falls march 24th, 1881
This certifies that I this day posted up a true copy of the within notice on the door of the School House at Short Falls.
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Short Falls April 4th 1881
The members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association met according to Notice and made choice of the following officers.
1st chose Warren Tripp, President
2nd chose James W. Fowler, Clerk
3rd chose Samuel B. Marden, Treasurer
4th Voted to dissolve the meeting.
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Epsom, June 1st, 1881
This certifies that Hiram C. Worth has bought of the Short Falls Cemetery Association Lot. No. 30 in said cemetery for six dollars and agrees to pay his share to make all necessary repairs hereafter agreeable to the bylaws of the Association.
James W. Fowler, Clerk
Hiram C. Worth

The Members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association are hereby notified to meet at the Work Shop of Samuel B. Marden on Monday the third day of April next at 7 o'clock P.M. for the choice of all necessary officers for the ensuing year and transact any other business thought proper when met.
Epsom March 25th, 1882
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Epsom March 25th, 1882
This certifies that I this day posted up a true copy of the within notice on the door of the School House in Short Falls.
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Short Falls April 3rd, 1882
The members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association met according toNotice and made choice of the following officers.
1st chose Warren Tripp, President
2nd chose James W. Fowler, Clerk
3rd chose Samuel B. Marden, Treasurer
4th Voted to dissolve the meeting
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Epsom Sept. 1st, 1882
This certifies that Lottie Worth has bought of the Short Falls cemetery association Lot. No. 37 in said cemetery for six dollars and agrees to pay her share to make all necessary repairs hereafter agreeable with the bylaws of the association.
James W. Fowler, Clerk
Lottie Worth

The Members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association are hereby notified to meet at the School House at Short Falls on Monday the 2nd day of April next at 7 o'clock P.M. for the choice of all necessary officers for the ensuing year and transact any other business thought proper when met.
Epsom March 24, 1883
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Epsom March 24th, 1883
This certifies that I this day posted up a true copy of the within notice on the door of the School House in Short Falls.
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Short Falls, April 2nd 1883
The members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association met according to notice and made choice of the following officers
1st chose John C. Burnham, President
2nd chose James W. Fowler, Clerk
3rd chose Samuel Fowler, Treasurer
4th Voted to dissolve the meeting
James W. Fowler, Clerk

The Members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association are hereby notified to meet at the School House at Short Falls on Monday the seventh day of April next at 7 o'clock P.M. for the choice of all necessary officers for the ensuing year and transact any other business thought proper when met.
Epsom, March 29th, 1884
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Epsom, March 29th, 1884
This certifies that I this day posted up a true copy of the within notice on the door of the School House at Short Falls.
James W. Fowler

Short Falls, April 7th, 1884
The members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association met according to notice and made choice of the following officers
1st chose John C. Burnham, President
2nd James W. Fowler, Clerk
3rd Samuel Fowler, Treasurer
4th Voted to have the Board of Officers make repairs on the fence for the year and ascertain what the expense of a permanent fence would cost.
5th Voted to dissolve the meeting
James W. Fowler, Clerk

The Members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association are hereby notified to meet at the School House at Short Falls on Monday the 6th day of April next at 7 o'clock P.M. for the choice of all necessary officers for the ensuing year and transact any other business thought proper when met.
Epsom march 30th, 1885
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Epsom March 30th, 1885
This certifies that I this day posted up a true copy of the within notice on the doors of the Short Falls School House.
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Short Falls April 6th, 1885
The members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association met according to notice and made choice of the following officers
1st chose John C. Burnham, President
2nd chose James W. Fowler, Clerk
3rd chose Samuel Fowler, Treasurer
4th Voted to give the Directors and extension of time to see about cost of a new fence

Epsom, May 9th, 1885
This certifies that John H. Clark has bought of the Short Falls Cemetery Association Lot No. 36 in said cemetery for six dollars and agrees to pay his share to make all necessary repairs hereafter agreeable to the bylaws of the association.
John H. Clark
The above Lot was sold to Nathan G. Marden May 18, 1885
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Chichester, NH May 18, 1885
James W. Fowler
Secretary of the Short Falls Cemetery Association
Dear Sir,
Please deliver to Mr. John H. Clark a certificate of ownership of the lot in the above Cemetery which now stands in my name, I having disposed of the same to him.
Nathan G. Marden
A true copy attest and certified to the same, James W. Fowler, Clerk

Epsom, Nov, 11th 1885
This certifies that Daniel S. Jones has bought of the Short Falls Cemetery Association Lot No. 31 thirty one in said cemetery for eight dollars and agrees to pay his share to make all necessary repairs hereafter agreeable to the bylaws of the Association.
James W. Fowler, Clerk
Daniel S. Jones

The Members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association are hereby notified to meet at the School House at Short Falls on Monday the sixth day of April next at 7 o'clock P.M. for the choice of all necessary officers for the ensuing year. To see what action they will take in regard to building a new fence around said cemetery and transact any other business thought proper when met.
Epsom, March 26th, 1886
James W. Fowler, Clerk

March 26th, 1886
This certifies that I this day posted up a true copy of the within notice on the door of the Short Falls School.
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Short Falls April 5th, 1886
The members of the Short Falls cemetery Association met according to notice and made choice of the following officers
1st chose John C. Burnham, President
2nd chose James W. Fowler, Clerk
3rd chose Samuel Fowler, Treasurer
Voted to adjourn to the 12th day of April at two o'clock P.M. 1886

Epsom April 12, 1886
Met according to adjournment took up the article in regard to fencing said Cemetery.
Voted for the directors to build a fence around said cemetery as far as the road goes to consist of stone post and iron rails and assess the lot owners to defray said expenses agreeable to the rules and bylaws of the association.
Voted that the directors be instructed to draw from the funds of the association to a sum sufficient to pay assessment on each of the stockholders shares of the association.
Voted to adjourn without date.

Epsom Nov. 26th, 1886
This certifies that John D. Langley has bought Lot No. 26, formerly owned by Mrs. John Leaver in Short Falls Cemetery and agreed to pay his share to make al necessary repairs hereafter agreeable to the bylaws of the association.
John D. Langly
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Epsom April 20th, 1887
This certifies that Richard E.S. Wells has bought of the Short Falls Cemetery Association Lot No on the north side of Samuel B. Marden's lot in said cemetery for five dollars and agrees to pay his share to make all necessary repairs hereafter agreeable to the by laws of the association.
Richard E.S. Wells
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Short Falls April 9th, 1889
At a meeting of the members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association it was voted to change the time for holding the annual meeting to the first Monday in April.

The Members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association are hereby notified to meet at the School House at Short Falls on Monday the seventh day of April next at 7 o'clock P.M. for the choice of all necessary officers for the ensuing year. To see what action they will take in regard to building a fence around said cemetery and transact any other business thought proper when met.
Epsom, March 29th, 1890
James W. Fowler, Clerk.

Epsom, March 29th, 1890
This certifies that I this day posted up a true copy of the within notice on the door of the Short Falls School House.
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Short Falls April 7th, 1890
The members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association met according to notice and made choice of the following officers
1st chose John C. Burnham, President
2nd chose James W. Fowler, Clerk
3rd chose Samuel Fowler, Treasurer
who were highly qualified
Voted that as much of the vote passed April 12th 1886 as far as it pertains to the kind of fence and limit of the same be rescinded.
Voted that the Directors be empowered to repair the dam in said cemetery and asses the lots to defray expense of the same.
Voted that this meeting be dissolved.
Epsom April 7th, 1890
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Chichester May 1893
James W. Fowler
Secretary of the Short Falls Cemetery Association
Dear Sir, Please deliver to Mr. Joseph Nickerson a certificate of ownership of one half of Lot N. 36 in the above cemetery which now stands in my name, I having disposed of the same to him.
Nathan G. Marden
A true copy attest James W. Fowler, Clerk
And certificate issued.

The Members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association are hereby notified to meet at the Cemetery on Saturday the 13th day of October 1894 at one o'clock P.M.
1st to see what action they will take in regard to buying more land for said cemetery
2nd to see what action they will take in regard to building a new fence around said cemetery
3rd to choose committees to buy land and build fence and transact any other business thought proper when met.
Epsom, Oct. 5th, 1894

Epsom Oct. 5th, 1894
This certifies that I this day posted up a true copy of the within notice on the dor of the Short Falls School House.
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Short Falls Oct. 13, 1894
The members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association met according to notice.
Voted to pass over art 1 and to take up art 3 and choose Warren Tripp and James W> Fowler a committee to see what terms the could get on fence and report at the next meeting of the association.
Voted to adjourn to meet at the home of S.B. Marden Oct. 20th, 1894 at one o'clock P.M.
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Short Falls Oct. 20th, 1894
The members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association met according to adjournment
Voted to build a new fence around said cemetery
Voted to assess the Lots at ten dollars each to help fence the cemetery.
Choose James W. Fowler, Samuel Fowler, John C. Burnham, John Spurlin and Warren Tripp a committee to make an assessment and collect the same and build a fence around said cemetery.
Voted to leave the matter of buying more land to the above named committee.
Voted to leave the meeting to the call of the President and Clerk.
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Epsom, NH. Feb. 2nd, 1895
This is to certify that George H. Burnham has bought of John C. Burnham the Southerly half of his lot in the Short Falls Cemetery and agrees to pay his part to make all necessary improvements.
James W. Fowler, Clerk

The members of the Short Falls Cemetery Association are hereby notified to meet at the house of Samuel Fowler on Monday the fifth day of April next at 7 o'clock in the afternoon for the choice of all necessary officers for the ensuing year and transact any other business. To hear the report of committee on fence.
Epsom March 27th, 1897

Short Falls April 5th, 1897
The members of the Short Falls Cemetery met according to notice
1st chose John C. Burnham, Pres
2nd James W. Fowler, Clerk
3rd Samuel Fowler, Treasurer
The committee chosen to purchase land for addition to Cemetery reported that they had purchased the required land of Warren Tripp for the sum of ten dollars.
The committee to buy material and build a fence around said cemetery reported that they had attend to there duty and completed the fence at a cost of $540.41
The treasurer reported that he had received $554.60 paid for fence 540.41 for land $10.00 leaving a balance in his hands of $4.19
Voted to accept the report of the several committees.
James W. Fowler, Clerk
Short Falls April 5th, 1897

Epsom Dec. 28th, 1897
This certifies that James H. Tripp has bought of the Short Falls Cemetery Association Lot . No. 52 for the sum of twenty dollars and agrees to pay his share to make all necessary repairs hereafter agreeable to the bylaws of the association.
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Epsom Dec. 28th, 1897
This certifies that James H. Tripp has sold to the Short Falls Cemetery association one half of lot No. 15 in said Cemetery for the sum of five dollars.

The Members of the Short Falls Cemetery association are hereby notified to meet at the house of James W. Fowler on Monday the 4th day of April at seven o'clock P.M. for the choice of all necessary officers for the ensuing year. To see if they will instruct the officers to paint the fence and transact any other business thought proper when met.
Epsom March 24th 1898

Epsom March 28th, 1898
This certifies that I this day posted up a true copy of the within notice on the door of the Short Falls School House in Short Falls.
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Epsom March 31, 1898
This certifies that James B. Tennant has bought of Short Falls Cemetery Association Lot No. 49 ins aid cemetery for the sum of twenty dollars and agrees to pay his share to make all necessary repairs hereafter agreeable to the bylaws of the association.
James W. Fowler, Clerk

The members pf the Short Falls Cemetery association met according to notice and made choice of the following officers
1st chose John C. Burnham, President
2nd chose Horace Fowler, Treasurer
3rd chose James W. Fowler, Clerk
4th Voted to instruct the officers to paint the fence around said Cemetery
Voted to dissolve the meeting.
James W. Fowler. Clerk
Epsom, April 4th, 1898

Epsom, Sept. 7th, 1899
This certifies that Fred S. Heath has bought of the Short Falls Cemetery Association one half of Lot No. 15 fifteen in said cemetery for ten dollars and agrees to pay his share to make all necessary repairs hereafter agreeable to the bylaws of the association.
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Epsom Dec. 30th, 1899
This certifies that Bert Ordway has bought of the Short Falls Cemetery Association Lot No. 29 formerly owned by William Brooks for the sum of ten dollars and agrees to pay his share to make all necessary repairs hereafter agreeable to the bylaws of the Association.
James H. Fowler, Clerk

Epsom, Nov. 1, 1900
To James W. Fowler, Secretary of the Short Falls Cemetery Association
I have sold to Jim O. Bickford the north half of my Lot No. 17 in said cemetery.
Please give him a deed for the same.
Emma J. Chase
A true copy attest, James W. Fowler, Clerk, and a certificate issued for the same.

Epsom Nov. 1st, 1900
This certifies that Jim O. Bickford has bought of Mrs. Emma J. Chase the north half of Lot No. 17 in the Short Falls Cemetery.
James W. Fowler of the Short Falls Cemetery Assoc. Clerk

J.W. Fowler, Sec. Short Falls Cemetery Assoc.
Please give to Will S. and L. M. Wells a certificate of the west quarter of Lot No. 2 in said cemetery.
George W. Baker

Epsom, Nov. 16, 1901
This is to certify that Will S. and L.M. Wells have bought the west quarter of Lot No. 2 in the Short Falls cemetery for the sum of five dollars and aggress to pay his share to all necessary repairs hereafter agreeable to the bylaws of said association.
James W. Fowler, Clerk
Epsom Nov. 16 1901

Epsom Sept. 6th, 1907
This certifies that Ernest Heath has bought of the Short Falls Cemetery Association Lot No. 50 in said cemetery for twenty dollars and agrees to pay his share to make all necessary repairs hereafter agreeable to the bylaws of the association.
James W. Fowler, Clerk
Ernest Heath

Epsom April 1, 1918
To James W. Fowler, Secretary of the Short Falls Cemetery Assoc.
I have sold to Moerra G. Judkins the west quarter of my Lot 17 in said cemetery - please give her a deed for the same.
Emma J. Chase

Epsom April 1st 1918
This certifies that Moena G. Judkins has bought of Mrs. Emma J. Chase the west quarter of Lot No. 17 in the Short Falls Cemetery of the Short Falls Cemetery Assoc.
James W. Fowler, Clerk

Epsom, June 1st, 1918
This certifies that Fred W. Yeaton has bought of the Short Falls Cemetery Association Lot No. 42 in said cemetery for the sum of twenty dollars and agrees to pay his share to make all necessary repairs hereafter agreeable to the bylaws of the association.
James W. Fowler, Clerk

EpsomJuly 26 - 20
Short Falls Cemetery Association at a meeting held in I.O.O.F. Hall elected the following officers
President Florence Yeaton
Treasurer S.R. Yeaton
Secretary A.M. Worth
Appointed the following committee to draft a set of bylaws for the association
W.H. Tripp
Bert Stanley
F.W. Yeaton
Voted on motion of S.R. Yeaton to adjourn and the next meeting to be at the call of the president.
A.M. Worth, Secretary

Epsom Feb. 18, 1921
This certifies that Addie Page has bought of the Short Falls Cemetery Association lot No. 45 in said cemetery for the sum of twenty dollars and agrees to pay her share to make all necessary repairs thereafter agreeable to the bylaws of the association.

President called meeting. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Report of committee called for. Voted on motion of S.R. Yeaton to adopt bylaws as read by committee.
Report of treasurer read and approved.
Elected the following officers
Pres Florence Yeaton
Treas. S.R. Yeaton
Sec. A.M. Worth
Auditor F.W. Yeaton
Augusta Bickford
Alice Tripp
B.H. Fowler
Voted to leave fence painting in hands of trustees
Voted on motion of W.H. Tripp to assess each lot owner the sum of one dollar for improvement of cemetery.
Voted on motion of S.R. Yeaton to adjourn.
Next meeting to be a call of President
A.M. Worth, Sec.

Short Falls N.H. May 1, 1922
President Florence Yeaton called meeting to order.
Treasurer reported on hand the sum of $41.42
Report accepted on motion of Alice Tripp
Proceeded to election of officers
Florence Yeaton, President
S.R. Yeaton, Treasurer
A.M. Worth, Secretary
F.W. Yeaton, Auditor
Trustees - Alice Tripp, Augusta Bickford, B.H. Fowler
Motion made by S.R. Yeaton and carried to leave repairs to board of Trustees
Voted on motion of W.H. Tripp to adjourn, next meeting to be at call of President.
A.M. Worth, Sec.

Short Falls N.H. May 3, 1924
Records read and adopted
Officers elected.
Florence L. Yeaton, President
S.R. Yeaton, Treasurer
A.M. Worth, Clerk
F.W. Yeaton, Auditor
Trustees - A.M. Bickford, B.H. Fowler, E.L. Heath
Treas. Reported $104.92 in treasury
Voted on motion of B.H. Fowler to have fence painted during year
Voted that the President and Clerk be instructed to ascertain facts in regard to the association becoming an incorporated body.
Voted to adjourn to call of President.
W.H. Tripp
Acting Clerk

Short Falls N.H. May 4, 1925
Meeting of Short Falls Cemetery Association held in Odd Fellows Hall on above date.
Record of last meeting read and approved. On motion voted to proceed with the election of officers with the following elected.
President - Florence L. Yeaton
Treasurer Samuel R. Yeaton
Clerk Walter H. Tripp
Auditor M. Evelyn Yeaton
Trustees - Augusta M. Bickford, Blanchard H. Fowler, Ernest L. Heath
Treasurer reported $104.92 in hands of treasurer
Voted to have the association incorporated
Voted to adjourn to the call of President
Number members present, 13.
Walter H. Tripp, Clerk

Addendum from NH Records
April 9, 1864
Jeremiah, Thomas, Chloe and Hattie Tripp of Epsom, N.H., conveyed for the sum of thirty five dollars to the Short Falls Cemetery Association a certain tract of land situated in said Epsom and bounded and described as follows:
Vis. Commencing on the easterly side of the road leading from Pittsfield through Epsom to Manchester to a stake and stones at the end of a post from about twelve rods of the brook near the house of Samuel Marden and of the road leading from the Grist Mill to the said Pittsfield Road, thence easterly over the brook and to a stake and stones on the south side of said mill road about nine rods from the southerly side of said brook, hence thence westerly on a straight line to the house began at and containing two acres more or less.