

Epsom Old Home Week Association Records 1899-1935

[view old programs]


July 1, 1899
Citizens of Epsom met at the Town House and organized by choosing Hon. J.B. Tennant temporary chairman and J.H. Dolbeer, Secretary.
Voted that we form an Old Home Week Association to be known as the "Epsom Old Home Week Association."
Voted to adopt the By Laws proposed by the State Association.
Voted the chairman, Secretary and Dr. Roscoe Hill be a committee to nominate permanent officers.
The committee reported as follows - for President, Warren Tripp; for Vice Presidents, J.B. Tennant and H.S. Knowles; for Secretary, J.H. Dolbeer; for Treasurer, Roscoe Hill; for Executive Committee, J. W. Fowler, C.J. Brown and W.H. Tripp.
The report was accepted and the above officers were elected.
Voted that a committee be appointed by the President to draft a constitution for the association.
The following were appointed for that committee - Roscoe Hill, J.B. Tennant and J.H. Dolbeer, who reported a constitution which was adopted.
Voted that Wednesday August 30th be Old Home Week Day for this Association.
Voted that the Secretary have the constitution and By Laws of this association printed and distributed.
Voted to adjourn to Monday evening July 17th at eight o'clock & meet at the same place.

J.H. Dolbeer

Epsom July 17, 1899
Association met according to adjournment.
Records of former meeting read.
The President appointed the following committees

On invitation
Nathan J. Goss, D. Gilman Chesley, James W. Marden, Mrs. James W. Fowler and Mrs. Horace Bickford.

On Finance
James H. Tripp, Morrill D. Bickford and Andrew J. Silver

On Program
Charles S. Hall, Horace Fowler, Cyrus O. Brown, Mrs. James H. Tripp and Mrs. Henry S. Knowles.

On Location
Blanchard H. Fowler, Charles M. Steele and George H. Burnham

On Music
Charles E. Cilley, Wm. H. Knowles, Fred W. Yeaton, Maurice C. Philbrick and Fred C. Fife.

On Dinner
Samuel R. Yeaton, Joseph Lawrence, George P. Cass, Hiram A. Hartford, Alonzo Batchelder, Benjamin M. Towle and their ladies.

Voted the President have authority to fill vacancies in any of the committees.
Adjourned to Odd Fellows Hall Monday evening July 31st.

J.H. Dolbeer, Sec.
At the adjourned meeting Roscoe Hill was appointed on the program committee in place of Chas. S. Hall resigned.


The second annual meeting of Epsom Old Home Week Association was held in the Town Hall Saturday afternoon June 23rd 1900.
The following were elected officers of the Association for the ensuing year.
President, Warren Tripp
Vice Presidents, Henry S. Knowles and James B. Tennant
Secretary, John H. Dolbeer
Treasurer, Roscoe Hill
Executive Committee, James W. Fowler, Daniel Yeaton, Walter H. Tripp

Selected Wednesday Aug 15th as Old Home Week Day
Voted to hold the Old Home Day picnic in Tennant's Grove.
The Secretary was instructed to procure a book for all Old Home Day visitors to write their names.
The following committees were appointed:
Program, Roscoe Hill, Horace Fowler, J.B. Tennant, Mrs. J.H. Tripp and Mrs. H.S. Knowles.
On Finance, James H. Tripp
On Invitations, J.H. Dolbeer, Geo. P. Cass, Freeman Marden, Mrs. Daniel Yeaton and Mrs. Roscoe Hill.
For Dinner, Mr. & Mrs. S.R. Yeaton, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lawrence, Mr. & Mrs. J.C. Lear, Mr. & Mrs. B.M. Towle, Mr. & Mrs. Philip Fowler.
Adjourned to meet in Odd Fellows Hall Monday evening July 20 at 7:30

July 20, 1900
Met in Odd Fellows Hall as per adjournment.
The committee on invitations reported that the association proceed as last year - a general invitation through the papers and each invites their own friends.
Voted that the president appoint a committee of three to be a committee of arrangements for preparing the grounds, seats, tables &c.
The chair appointed James W. Marden, A.L. Ricker and C.W. Leighton.
Adjourned to meet in same place Monday evening July 16th.
J.H. Dolbeer, sec.
No meeting July 16th

Epsom June 22 1901

Epsom Old Home Week Association held its third annual meeting in the town house at nine o'clock A.M.
In the absence of the President the meeting was called to order by Vice President Knowles, who was elected President pro tem and True W. Center was chosen clerk pro tem.
Meeting adjourned to Wednesday evening June 26th.
T.W. Center, Clerk Pro Tem

June 26, 1901

Association met in town hall according to adjournment.
The following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
President, Warren Tripp
Vice Pres, Daniel Yeaton, Edwin R. Yeaton
Secretary, J. H. Dolbeer
Treasurer, B.M. Towle
Executive Committee, W.H. Tripp, Mrs. R.W. Heath and True W. Center.

Voted that we hold our annual Old Home Meeting Wednesday August 21st in Tennant's Grove at Short Falls.
The past treasurer reported the receipts of ____ and the expenses of ____ , leaving a balance of $4.77 in the treasury.
The secretary read the records of the several meetings of last year.
Meeting thus adjourned to meet at same place Friday evening June 28th at eight o'clock.
J.H. Dolbeer, Clerk.

Owing to the extreme heat of June 28 there was no meeting, but met July 3rd when the following committees were appointed:
On Program, Roscoe Hill, J.B. Tennant, J.H. Dolbeer, Mrs. Laura Batchelder and Mrs. Josie Rand.
On Finance, J.H. Tripp, C.M. Steele & S.R. Yeaton.
Dinner, Mr. & Mrs. H.S. Knowles, Mr. & Mrs. Geo. P. Cass, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lawrence, Mr. & Mrs. O.A. Ring, Mr. & Mrs. A. Batchelder, Mr. & Mrs. Horace Fowler.
To prepare the grounds, G.H. Haynes, C.F. Haynes & A.L. Ricker.
Tea and Coffee, J.W. Marden & J.C. Lear
Music, Walter H. Tripp
Cleaning up afterward, N.J. Goss, D.C. Waterhouse, Chas. P. Abbott.
Adjourned to meet at Odd Fellows Hall Wednesday evening July 10th at 8 o'clock.
J.H. Dolbeer, Clerk.

July 10, 1901

Met according to adjournment.
Voted to amend the bylaws so that the annual meeting be held the second Saturday of May instead of the third Saturday of June.
Voted Horace Fowler and M.H. Fowler be instructed to procure lumber and build some seats and tables in the grove.
J.H. Dolbeer

Epsom May 10th 1902

The fourth annual meeting of Epsom Old Home Week Association was held here this evening in the town hall.
Called to order by the president Warren Tripp.
In the absence of the secretary, C.W. Leighton was chosen Sec Pro Tem.
The following were elected officers of the association for the present year, viz.
Warren Tripp, President
Daniel Yeaton and E.R. Yeaton, Vice Presidents
J.H. Dolbeer, secretary
B.H. Fowler, treas.
W.H. Tripp, Mrs. R.W. Heath and True W. Center, Executive Committee
Voted that we observe Wednesday Aug. 20th as our Old Home Day and Tennant's Grove at Short Falls as the place of our celebration.
Meeting adjourned to Friday May 16th at Odd Fellows Hall Short Falls at seven o'clock P.M.
C.W. Leighton, Pro Tem

Short Falls, May 16, 1902
Adjourned meeting in Odd Fellows Hall.
Treasurers report presented with a balance of $10.04 in his hands.
The following committees for Old Home Celebration appointed:
Program, Roscoe Hill, J.W. Fowler, H.A. Holmes, Mary L. Wallace and Annie M. Wells.
Dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Knowles, Mr. and Mrs. George P. Cass, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey J. Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Olaf A. Ring, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Fowler.
Music, Walter H. Tripp, Fred C. Fife and Miss Eva Lawrence
Committee to prepare the ground _?_, G.H. Haynes and M.R. Yeaton.
Adjourned subject to the call of the officers.
J.H. Dolbeer, Sec.

May 9, 1903
Met and adjourned to May 13.

May 13

Epsom Old Home Week Association held its adjourned meeting in town hall.
Elected - Warren Tripp, President
Roscoe Hill and R. Estelle Hall, Vice Presidents
J.H. Dolbeer, Secretary
B.H. Fowler, Treasurer and
Hiram A. Holmes, Mrs. R.W. Heath and Mrs. L.A. Wells Executive Committee
Adjourned to meet in Odd Fellows Hall Wednesday evening May 27th.

May 27th
Not enough present to do any business.
J.H. Dolbeer, Sec.

July 27, 1903
The officers and a few interested citizens met at Odd Fellows Hall to perfect arrangements for Old Home Day.
It was decided to have it a basket Picnic (_?_)
Coffee and lemonade to be furnished free.
B.H. Fowler, J.W. Marden and J.C. Lear were appointed a committee to provide the above.
The officers of the association were directed to make all the other arrangements.
J.H. Dolbeer, Secretary

Wednesday Aug. 19, 1903
Epsom Old Home Day

Very fine day.
Large gathering though not quite as many as at the previous meetings.
President Tripp called the assemblage to order at 1:30 P.M.
Music by Cilley's Orchestra
Prayer Rev. Mr. Tetley
Original Poem - Dr. A.P. Chesley
Address Judge W. H. Sanborn
Reading G.L. Sanborn
Address E.J. Burnham
Reading G.L. Sanborn
Remark Otis Swain and John A. Langley
Baseball game in Webster Park. Suncook vs. Epsom

Saturday Evening May 14, 1904

Annual meeting of Epsom Old Home Week Association in Odd Fellows Hall.
President Tripp presiding.
Reports of Secretary and Treasurer read and approved.
Treasurer reported a balance of $20.96 in the treasury.
The following board of officers were elected:
Warren Tripp, President
Roscoe Hill & Mrs. Charles Hall, Vice President
J.H. Dolbeer, Sec.
B.H. Fowler, Treas.
Hiram A. Holmes, Mrs. R.W. Heath and Mrs. L. A. Wells, Executive Committee
Voted to observe Wednesday Aug. 24 as Old Home Day.
Adjourned to the call of the President.
J.H. Dolbeer, Clerk

Short Falls NH May 13, 1905

Annual meeting of Epsom Old Home Week Association held in Odd Fellows Hall, Short Falls. Pres. Tripp presiding.
The treasurer reported a balance of $21.24 in his hands.
Voted that the present officers be re-elected, viz.
Warren Tripp, President
Roscoe Hill & Estelle Hall, Vice Presidents
J.H Dolbeer, Secretary
B.H. Fowler, Treasurer
H.A. Holmes, Rosilla W. Heath and Lottie A. Wells, Executive Committee
Voted to observe Wednesday August 23 as Old Home Day and that the exercises be held in Tennant's Grove.
Adjourned to the call of the President.
J.H. Dolbeer, Clerk

Short Falls, NH May 12, 1906

The annual meeting of the Epsom Old Home Week Association was held in Odd Fellows Hall at 7:30 o'clock this evening.
Called to order by the President Warren Tripp.
Reports of the Secretary and Treasurer read and accepted.
Voted to elect the officers by acclamation.
Warren Tripp was elected president.
Roscoe Hill and George H. Burnham, vice presidents.
J.H. Dolbeer, clerk.
B.H. Fowler, treasurer
W.H. Tripp, Mrs. L.A. Wells and Joseph Lawrence, executive committee.
Voted to adjourn to the call of the president.
J.H. Dolbeer, clerk.

June 29, 1906
Met at town hall at call of the secretary.
Voted to hold the usual celebration in Tennant's Grove Wednesday, August 22nd.
The president appointed the following committees:
Program and music, W.H. Tripp, C.W. Leighton, R. Jennie Fowler, Eva A. Lawrence and T.W. Center.
Dinner, H. Fowler and wife, Geo. P Cass and wife, H.S. Knowles and wife.
Preparing grounds, B.H. Fowler, A. M. Worth & C.R. Dutton
Coffee, J.W. Marden & J.C. Lear
Lemonade, Bert Ring, Geo. H. Haynes, C.A. Brown and W.J. Pickard.
Voted to have a basket picnic.

Short Falls, May 11th 1907

Annual meeting of Epsom Old Home Week Association held in Odd Fellows Hall.
Called to order by the president.
Elected officers as follows:
President, Warren Tripp
Vice President, Roscoe Hill
Secretary, J.H. Dolbeer
Treasurer, B.H. Fowler
Executive Committee, W.H. Tripp, Lottie A. Wells and Joseph Lawrence.
Voted to observe Old Home Day at the usual place Wednesday of Old Home Week.
J.H. Dolbeer, Clerk.

Old Home Day Committees

Program, Roscoe Hill, B.M. Towle, A.M. Worth, Belle Cass & Hattie Sherburne
Dinner, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lawrence, Mr. & Mrs. F. W. Yeaton and Mr. & Mrs. W.G. Weeks.
Lemonade, A.L. Ricker, A.O. Ring, John C. Bickford & C.R. Dutton
Sports, C.A. Brown, W.H. Knowles & Karl Rand
Grounds, J.W. Marden, J.C. Lear & B.H . Fowler

Short Falls, May 9, 1908

Annual meeting of Epsom Old Home Week Association held in Odd Fellows Hall.
Elected officers for the ensuing year as follows:
Warren Tripp, President
Roscoe Hill, Vice President
J.H. Dolbeer, Secretary
B.H. Fowler, Treasurer
W.H. Tripp, Joe Lawrence, Lottie A. Wells, Executive Committee

Voted to observe Old Home Day as usual and in the usual place.
J.H. Dolbeer, Sec.

June 19, 1909

Annual meeting of Epsom Old Home Week Association in Odd Fellows Hall.
Treasurer reported a balance of $33.77
Warren Tripp, President
Roscoe Hill, Vice President
J.H. Dolbeer, Secretary
B.H. Fowler, Treasurer
W.H. Tripp, Joseph Lawrence & Lottie A. Wells, Executive Committee
Voted to celebrate Old Home in the usual manner and at the usual place (Tennant's Grove) Wednesday August 25th.
J.H. Dolbeer, Secretary.

May 14th 1910

Annual meeting of Epsom Old Home Day Association held in Odd Fellows Hall, Saturday evening May 14th 1910.
In the absence of the president, J.W. Marden was chosen to preside.
The following officers for the next year were elected:
Warren Tripp, President
Roscoe Hill, Vice President
J.H. Dolbeer, Secretary
B.H. Fowler, Treasurer
W.H. Tripp, Joseph Lawrence and Mrs. Edgar Wells, Executive Committee.
Voted to observe Old Home Day as usual, Wednesday of Old Home Week in the grove where we have usually met.
J.H. Dolbeer, Clerk

August 8, 1912

Annual meeting of Epsom Old Home Week Association, opened in due form by the president. The following officers were elected for the year 1913.
Warren Tripp, President
Roscoe Hill, Vice President
B.H. Fowler, Treasurer
Jos. Lawrence, W.H. Tripp (chair), Mrs. Edgar Wells, Executive Committee
Karl F. Rand, Clerk.
Voted to observe Old Home Day as usual, Wednesday of Old Home week in Tripp's Grove.
Karl F. Rand, Clerk

Short Falls, June 30, 1913

Annual meeting of Epsom Old Home Week Association held in due form with the worthy president in the chair, minutes of last meeting read and approved. The following officers were elected:
President, Warren Tripp
Vice President, Roscoe Hill
Treasurer, B.H. Fowler
Executive Committee, W.H. Tripp, Jos. Lawrence, Mrs. Edgar Wells
Secretary, Karl F. Rand.
Voted to observe Old Home Day as usual Wednesday of Old Home Week in Tripp's grove. Harry Lake and E.J. Burnham were to be invited as speakers and Mrs. Colter to be engaged as a reader. Geo. W. Fowler also to be invited to speak.
K.F. Rand, Secretary.

Short Falls, July 4, 1914

Annual meeting of the Epsom Old Home Week Association held in due form in I.O.O.F. hall & President Warren Tripp in the chair. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Treasurer report read and accepted. The following officers were elected:
President, Warren Tripp
Vice President, Roscoe Hill
Treasurer, B.H. Fowler
Executive Committee, W.H. Tripp, Jos. Lawrence, Mrs. Edgar Wells
Secretary, K.F. Rand
Voted to hold Old Home Day as usual Wednesday of Old Home Week in Tripp's grove. Voted to hire Epsom Band to furnish music. Meeting adjourned.
K.F. Rand, Secretary

Short Falls, NH, June 26, 1915

Annual meeting of the Epsom Old Home Week Association was held in due form in I.O.O.F. hall with the president Warren Tripp in the chair. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Treasurer's report accepted. The following officers were elected:
President, Karl F. Rand
Vice President, Roscoe Hill
Treasurer, B.H. Fowler
Executive Committee, W.H. Tripp, Jos. Lawrence, Mrs. Edgar Wells.
Secretary, Russell Yeaton
Voted to hold Old Home Day as usual in Tripp's Grove, Wednesday of Old Home Week.
Meeting adjourned.
Karl F. Rand, Sec.

Short Falls, NH July 15, 1916

Annual meeting of the Old Home Week Association of Epsom was held in form in the IOOF Hall with the President, Karl F. Rand in the chair. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved.
Officers elected were:
President, Karl F. Rand
Vice President, Roscoe Hill
Secretary, R.S. Yeaton
Treasurer, B.H. Fowler
Executive Committee, W.H. Tripp, Jos. Lawrence, Mrs. Edgar Wells.
Meeting adjourned.
R.S. Yeaton

Short Falls, NH July 14, 1917

Annual meeting of the Epsom Old Home Week Association was called to order in the I.O.O.F. Hall with President K.F. Rand in chair.
Officers elected were:
President, W.H. Tripp
Vice President, Norman Munroe
Secretary, Russell Yeaton
Treasurer, B.H. Fowler
Executive Committee, C.A. Brown, Mrs. Edgar Wells, Roscoe Hill
Voted to hold Old Home Day Wednesday of Old Home Week as usual.
R.S. Yeaton, Sec.

Short Falls, July 1918

Annual meeting of the Epsom Old Home Week Asso. Called at IOOF Hall. President W.H. Tripp in chair. Records read and approved.
Officers elected were:
President W.H. Tripp
Vice President, N.H. Munroe
Secretary, R.S. Yeaton
Treasurer, B.H. Fowler
Executive Committee, C.A. Brown, Mrs. Edgar Wells, Roscoe Hill.
Voted to hold Old Home Day Wed. of Old Home Week as usual.
Russell S. Yeaton, Secretary

Short Falls, NH Aug. 2, 1919

Meeting opened at IOOF Hall, President W.H. Tripp in chair.
Officers elected:
President, B.H Fowler
Vice President, O.A. Ring
Treasurer, N.H. Munroe
Secretary, Russell S. Yeaton
Executive Committee, C.A. Brown, Mrs. Edgar Wells, John Griffin
Voted to hold Old Home Day Wed. the 20th at Tripp's grove.
Meeting adjourned.
Russell S. Yeaton, Secretary

PS Voted that the Sec. Inform the absent members of their elections.

Short Falls, NH July 24, 1920

Annual meeting of the Epsom Old Home Week Association opened at the IOOF Hall, President B.H. Fowler in chair.
Officers elected:
President, John Griffin
Vice President, Walter B. Wells
Treasurer, Norman H. Munroe
Secretary, Russell S. Yeaton
Executive Committee, John Chesley, Mrs. Walter Tripp, Horace Edmunds
Moved and seconded that the Executive Committee and officers elected set the date for Old Home Day. Motion sustained. Meeting adjourned.
Russell S. Yeaton, Secretary.

Epsom, NH July 7, 1921

Annual meeting of the Epsom Old Home Day Week Asso. Held at the Town Hall with John Chesley as chairman.
Officers elected:
John Cox, President
Horace Edmunds, Vice President
R.S. Yeaton, Secretary
John C. Brown, Treasurer
Executive Committee, Karl Rand, Edwin R. Yeaton, Mrs. Florence Yeaton.
Voted to leave date of Old Home Day to the Executive Committee. Adjourned.
R.S. Yeaton, Secretary

At a meeting of the Officers and Ex. Committee, the following committees were appointed. [note: no date given]
Program, Mrs. Eva Cox, Mrs. Florence Yeaton, Arthur Wells
Grove and Decorative, B.H. Fowler, F.W. Yeaton, O.A. Ring, J.C. Brown, William Yeaton, R.S. Yeaton
Reception and Refreshment, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Haynes, Mr. Frank Brown, Mrs. Josie Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Nutter, Mr. and Mrs. N.H. Munroe, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bunker, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Edmunds.
Sports, Percy Batchelder, George S. Yeaton, Fred Yeaton

Epsom, NH June 14, 1923

The annual meeting of the Epsom Old Home Week Association was held at the close of a meeting of the Epsom Community Club at the Town Hall this evening and the following officers were elected:
President, Walter H. Tripp
Vice President, Charles M. Steele
Secretary, Nellie F. Sherburne,
Treasurer, John C. Brow
Executive committee, Karl F. Rand, Florence L. Yeaton, Edwin R. Yeaton
The business of making arrangements for Old Home Day was left to the officers and executive committee.
Nellie F. Sherburne, Secretary

On July 10 a meeting of the executive board at the home of the secretary the following committees were appointed:
Reception, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Haines, Mr. and Mrs. Blanchard Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Philbrick, Mr. and Mrs. B.M. Towle.
Lemonade, Frank Brown, Gerald Marden
Coffee, Mrs. Bertha Haines, Mrs. Harriet Batchelder
Grounds, C.M. Steele, George H. Huckins, Albert J. Yeaton, Walter B. Wells
Sports, Harold Tripp, Fred Yeaton Jr., Louis Demers, Norman H. Munroe, Arthur Wells
Program Committee from Epsom Woman's Club.

On Wednesday Aug. 22, Old Home Day was observed at Webster Park. Major Robert Murchie of Concord was the principal speaker, readings were given by Walter Chesley of Pembroke and music was furnished by the Ladies Quartet of Short Falls. After remarks by former residents and others, a baseball game was played between Chichester and Epsom.

Epsom, NH May 26, 1924

At a meeting held at the town hall this evening the following officers were re-elected:
President W.H. Tripp
Vice President, C.M. Steele
Secretary, Nellie F. Sherburne
Treasurer, John C. Brown
Executive Committee, Karl F. Rand, Florence L. Yeaton, Edwin R. Yeaton.
The meeting was adjourned.
Nellie F. Sherburne, Secretary.

Giving to lack of interest and no approbation for the purpose it was decided to omit the observance of Old Home Day this year.

July 16, 1925

No meeting of the association was held this year but this evening the Executive Board met at the home of the secretary and chose the following committees to arrange for the observance of Old Home Day, Tuesday Aug. 18.
Reception, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Yeaton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Haynes, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Bunker.
Bottle Drinks and Ice Cream, William Yeaton, Scott Munroe, Frank Hurd, Daisy Marden, Doris Burnham, Bessie Reid.
Sports, Fred W. Yeaton Jr., Russell Tripp, Arthur Wells, Raymond Ring, Neal Reid.
Program, Executive Board

Old Home Day was observed Tuesday, Aug. 18, at Webster Park with the following program:
Piano Solo, Miss Viola Burckel, Meridan Conn.
Invocation, Rev. Junkins
Reading, Miss Lucille Marden
Vocal Solo, Mrs. Lettie Gerrish
Address, New Hampshire Past, Present and Future, H. Styles Bridges
Remarks by former residents
Piano Solo, Miss Burckel
Benediction, Rev. G.C. Junkins
This program was furnished without expense to the Association and was netted from the sale of ice cream and bottle drinks.

Epsom, NH July 6, 1926

The annual meeting of the Epsom Old Home Week Association was held this evening at I.O.O.F. Hall, Short Falls, in charge of the President, Walter H. Tripp.
The following officers were elected.
President, Alfred W. Burnham
Vice President, George H. Haynes
Secretary, Horace W. Edmunds
Treasurer, Annie M. Fowler
Executive Committee, Oliver C. Lombard, Anna P. Yeaton, Walter B. Wells.
Voted to leave observance of Old Home Day arrangements to officers and executive committee.
Meeting adjourned.
Nellie F. Sherburne, Secretary.

Epsom, Aug. 18, 1926

The officers of the Old Home Week Association met for a business meeting in Odd Fellows Hall at 8 P.M. to consider what should be done for the observance of Old Home Day.
After considering the fact that no funds had been available for this purpose for 1926 and that elaborate preparations were being made by the town officials to celebrate in 1927 the 200th Anniversary, it was voted unwise to try to arrange any public observance of the day for this year but to lend every possible aid to the success of next years great celebration. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M. subject to call of the President.
H.W. Edmunds, Sec.

Epsom, June 23rd 1927

The annual meeting of the Epsom Old Home Week Association was held at I.O.O.F. Hall. Voted to reelect the present board of officers to serve for the ensuing year.
Voted to unite with town committee in putting on Pageant.
Voted $25.00 to town committee with understanding that shame should be returned if unused.
Adjourned at 8 P.M.
H.W. Edmunds, Sec.

Epsom, NH July 24, 1928

The annual meeting of the Epsom Old Home Week Association was held at I.O.O.F. Hall, Short Falls at 7:45 o'clock. Called to order by president Alfred W. Burnham. The following were elected officers:
President, M.E.Q. Philbrick
Vice President, Alice F. Tripp
Secretary, Margaret D. Haynes
Treasurer, Annie M. Fowler
Executive Committee, Nellie F. Sherburne, Chloe W. Atwood, Anna P. Yeaton.
Voted to leave arrangements for Old Home Day to newly elected officers. Voted to adjourn to the call of the President.
Margaret D. Haynes, Sec'y.

Epsom, NH July 30, 1928

A meeting of Old Home Week Association held a home of President. Meeting called to order at 8:45 by Mary E.Q. Philbrick, president. The following men, M.J. Philbrick, Geo. W. Atwood, Geo. H. Haynes and Everett Haynes were invited to become members of the committee for the evening. Voted to observe Old Home Day on Wednesday, Aug. 22 at Webster Park.
It was decided to have a Basket Picnic.
Voted that President and Ex. Committee serve as Program Committee.
The following Committees were appointed.
Grounds, E.L. Bunker, G.H. Yeaton, A.A. Wells } Selectmen
Sports, Geo. H. Knowles, Fred W. Yeaton, W.H. Knowles, Almon Worth.
Children's sports, Bessie Reid, Hester Bickford, Robert Tripp, Everett Haynes.
Tonics, Warren T. Fowler, J. Clinton Fife.
Voted to adjourn till Thursday eve Aug. 2 at home of president.
Margaret D. Haynes, Secy.

Aug. 2, 1928

According to adjournment meeting of Executive Board was held at home of President who called meeting to order. Letter received and read by Secretary from P. Rousseau of Laconia, asking to sell novelties at Webster Park on Old Home Day. It was decided not to grant the request and Secretary notified him of decision. Warren Fowler having to decline to serve on tonics and ice cream committee, the following were appointed to serve on said committee:
W.B. Wells, Clifton Fife, Frank Sawyer, Robert Cass.
It was voted to allow the sum of $2.50 to the children's sports committee and the same amount to the Baseball Committee for the purchase of new baseballs.
Voted to hold a Sunset Praise Service on grounds of Center School House which is opposite the site of the first meeting house in Epsom. The following Committee was appointed to make all arrangements for said service -
George H. Haynes, Alfred W. Burnham, Florence L. Yeaton, Inis W. Cass
Voted to adjourn to call of Secretary.
Margaret D. Haynes, Secretary

August 6, 1928

An adjourned meeting called by Secretary was held at home of Mary E.Q. Philbrick, President who called meeting to order, when the matter of having music on Old Home Day was discussed. As some of those present rather favored hiring the Barnstead Band while others in favor of George's Union Cornet Band of Suncook, the Secretary who was to attend a concert by the Barnstead Band at Pittsfield on Friday eve, the 10th, was appointed a committee to see what arrangements could be made to procure said Band and report later.
Voted to adjourn.
Margaret D. Haynes, Secretary.

Aug. 13, 1928

An adjourned meeting of Executive Board was held this afternoon at home of Mrs. Chloe M. Atwood. Secretary reported she had attended concert given by Barnstead Band, consulted the leader who said band would come to Epsom Old Home Day for $60.00 and dinners for men, 20 or 25 of them. She also reported that previous to coming to this meeting she had gone to Suncook and consulted over phone, George F. George, who said his band would come after dinner on Old Home Day for $60.00. After much discussion as to how we could pay $60.00, it was finally decided that Secretary see Mr. George and hire his band, which she did immediately after close of this meeting.
As Mr. George had awakened from his nap of early afternoon, Mrs. Haynes was able to see him in person and made arrangements for his band at a cost of $45.00 which fact she reported to President upon her return from Suncook.
Sunday Service Committee reported all arrangements made for Sunday Aug. 19 at 6 P.M.
Meeting adjourned.
Margaret D. Haynes, Secretary.

Sunday Aug. 19, 1928

At 6 P.M. at the close of a most beautiful day, a large gathering of people from near and far gathered together on the lawn of the Center School house to behold a beautiful sunset as was ever man's privilege to witness and to conduct in a wonderful manner a beautiful and impressive Praise Service consisting of an eloquent address by Rev. John Mason of Epsom and Needham Heights, Mass. Remarks by Rev. J.P. West, community and quartet singing. All left for home feeling that it truly was the ending of a perfect day.

Old Home Day
Wednesday Aug. 22, 1929 (1928)

Upwards of 300 people gathered at Webster Park to enjoy together sports by children, to partake of a basket lunch, listen to the music of George's Union Cornet Band and later to witness a most thrilling baseball game between Epsom married and single men which resulted in a score in favor of [not given]. The sale of Ice Cream and Tonic netter the sum of $5.88.
M.D. Haynes, Secretary

Short Falls July 12, 1929

Annual meeting of Epsom Old Home Day Association held at I.O.O.F. Hall. Meeting called to order by Mrs. Mary E.Q. Philbrick, President. Secretary's report read and adopted. Treasurer's report as follows:
Amount on hand Jan. 1st $10.96
Rec'd from Approbation 50.00
Refreshment Committee 5.88
Total 66.84

Paid Band $45.00
Paid Robert Tripp 2.50
Paid Geo. Knowles 2.50 50.00
Balance 16.84

Rec'd Int. from Band .40
Leaving balance of $17.24
Report accepted and adopted.
Proceeded to election of officers. Voted on motion of Blanchard Fowler that Albert J. Yeaton be elected President.
The following were nominated and elected also:
1st Vice President Alice F. Tripp
2ne Vice President M.E.Q. Philbrick
Secretary, Margaret D. Haynes
Treasurer. Annie M. Fowler
Executive Committee, Nellie F. Sherburne, Chloe M. Atwood, Anna P. Yeaton
Voted to observe Old Home Day on Wednesday Aug. 21 at Webster Park.
Voted to cooperate with McClary Grange in putting on a play at I.O.O.F. Hall on evening of Aug. 21. Voted to adjourn to call of President.
Margaret D. Haynes, Secretary

Wednesday, Aug. 21, 1929

Today a most successful observance of Old Home Day was staged at Webster Park with a good attendance and a program of sports was worked off in the morning. After the usual social hour and a basket lunch in the grove, there was a concert by Suncook Union Cornet Band, George F. George, leader, followed by a speaking program with addresses by Rev. Geo. E. Lombard of Lawrence, Mass and Donald Tuttle of the N.H. Publicity Bureau, Walter H. Tripp presiding.
The ball game between the "old timers" and "new timers" was wpm by the latter, 7 to 5. In the evening a four act play was presented in I.O.O.F. Hall by McClary Grange Players.
Margaret D. Haynes

Short Falls N.H. July 12, 1930

Annual meeting of Epsom Old Home Week Association held at I.O.O.F. Hall at 8 o'clock, meeting called to order by president Albert J. Yeaton, proceeded to election of officers.
Mr. Yeaton having declined re-election, Mrs. Alice F. Tripp was nominated and elected president, followed by nomination & election of the following:
1st Vice President, H.W. Edmunds
2nd Vice President, Mrs. Verna W. Hunt
Secretary, Margaret D. Haynes
Treasurer, Annie M. Fowler
Executive Committee, Nellie F. Sherburne, Chloe M. Atwood, Anna P. Yeaton
Voted to observe Old Home Day on Wednesday Aug. 20 at Webster Park. Voted to leave appointment of committees to new officers.
Voted to accept treasurer's report as printed in town report, which is herewith attached.
Voted to adjourn to call of president.
Margaret D. Haynes, Secretary

Short Falls N.H. July 16, 1930

Old Hone Week Association met at home of president. Meeting opened at 8 o'clock and the following committees were appointed:
Sunday Service, Mrs. Eva L. Cox, N.H. Munroe, Alice Silver
Program Committee, W.H. Tripp, John Cox, Hazel Philbrick Steele
Grounds Committee, A.W. Wells, B.H. Fowler, W.T. Fowler, B.M. Towle, Geo. H. Yeaton, George Stevens.
Sports, Geo. W. Knowles, Fred W. Yeaton, Warren Colby, Everett Haynes, Jackson Bickford, Maurice Yeaton.
Refreshment Committee, O.C. Lombard, Geo. H. Haynes, Frank E. Brown, Geo. W. Atwood, Gerald Marden.
Evening Entertainment, Sophronia Y. Wells, Martha F. Dowst, Margorie Yeaton
Publicity Committee, Robert M. Tripp
Voted to adjourn to call of president.
Margaret D. Haynes, Secretary

Short Falls, NH
Met at the home of W.B. Wells at call of President It was decided at this meeting to observe Thursday Aug. 21 as Old Home Day instead of Wednesday the 20th as leader of Band could not be present on Wednesday.
Meeting adjourned.
Margaret D. Haynes, Secretary

Sunday August 17, 1930

Epsom's Old Home observance began today at 4 o'clock P.M. with a union praise service held on the lawn of the Center School House just opposite the sight of Epsom's first Meeting House and was largely attended by residents and summer visitors of this and surrounding towns.
M.D. Haynes, Secretary

Thursday Aug. 21, 1930

Epsom Old Home Day was observed at Webster Park, Short Falls, with an attendance of more than 300. As usual the forenoon was given to the renewal of old, or the making of new friendships.
A basket lunch was enjoyed at noon.
The afternoon program was presided over by the President, Mrs. Alice F. Tripp, who gave a fitting address of welcome. Prayer was offered by Rev. Geo. W. Borden, pastor of the local Baptist Church.
Mrs. Ruby Lawrence Gale of Manchester gave several appropriate readings and Prof. Harold M. Smith of Pembroke Academy gave the principal address of the day - music was furnished during the afternoon by the Epsom Brass Band.
In the evening a drama under auspices of McClary Grange was presented at I.O.O.F. Hall by talent from Chichester.
Dancing followed which was enjoyed by old & young. Refreshments were on sale by McClary Grange.
Margaret D. Haynes, Secretary

Short Falls, July 25, 1931

Annual meeting of Epsom Old Home Association was held at I.O.O.F. Hall. Meeting called to order by Mrs. Alice F. Tripp, President. On motion of Blanchard H. Fowler, voted that the same officers be reelected. On motion of W.H. Tripp voted to observe Wednesday Aug. 19, as Old Home Day. Voted that Treasurer's report as printed in Town Report be adopted. Voted that the several Committees be appointed by the Officers on Monday eve, July 27 at home of President. Voted to adjourn till Monday eve.
Margaret D. Haynes, Sec'y.
Number present, 11

Short Falls, July 27

According to adjournment Epsom Old Home Day Association met at home of President Mrs. Alice F. Tripp. The following committees were appointed:
Sunday Service Committee, Sophronia Y. Wells, Rev. Geo. W. Borden, Gladys R. Fowler.
Program Committee, W.H. Tripp, Ethel G. Day, Helen Bickford.
Grounds Committee, B.H. Fowler, B.M. Towle, Grover Stevens.
Sports Committee, Geo. F. Dowst, Everett Lombard, Eugene Wells.
Refreshment Committee, Warren T. Fowler, Lorne Skinner, Jackson Bickford, Frank Sawyer, Fred Butler, Scott Munore.
Evening Entertainment, Laura Y. Bickford, Helen Skinner, Martha F. Dowst.
Publicity Committee
Eva L. Cox, Margaret D. Haynes
Meeting adjourned.
Margaret D. Haynes, Sec'y.

Sunday Aug. 16, 1931
Old Home Sunday was duly observed at 3 o'clock this afternoon with service at New Rye Congregational Church.
Rev. Geo. E. Lombard of Lawrence & Short Falls gave the "Old Home" Sermon.
Vocal music was furnished by Junior Choir of New Rye Church and the Choir of the Epsom Baptist Church.
The Epsom Community Orchestra furnished instrumental music. Exercises presided over by Rev. George W. Borden, pastor of Epsom Baptist Church. The weather was all that could be desired, although during the forenoon showers prevailed. The Church was well filled.

Wednesday Aug. 19, 1931
A large attendance of former residents and townspeople met at Webster Park in observance of Old Home Day. The exercises consisted of a concert by the Epsom Band; a splendid address on the subject "What is life?" by Mrs. Neal Wyatt Kyle, state lecturer of Ohio University, was much appreciated. Mrs. Ethel G. Day directed the chorus singing while John G. Chesley of Mt. Holly New Jersey, accompanied with the clarinet.
In the evening at I.O.O.F. Hall, a pleasing entertainment was given consisting of vocal solos by Mrs. Esther Tripp of Boston, selections by Mrs. Kyle of Ohio, and the comedy "Pa's New Housekeeper" by members of McClary Grange, followed by a grand ball in which old & young participated.
The refreshment committee under direction of Warren T. Fowler, erected very attractive booths at the park, from which refreshments of Ice Cream, tonics, frankfurts & coffee were sold.
P. Rousseau of Franklin gained permission from Executive Board, sold pop corn and novelties for which he paid $3.00 to Secretary, who in turn turned over the same to Warren T. Fowler of refreshment committee.
All returned home feeling they had a most pleasing afternoon greeting "old" and making new acquaintances.
Margaret D. Haynes, Sec'y.

Short Falls July 2, 1932

Annual meeting of Epsom Old Home Week Association called to order by the President Mrs. Alice Fowler Tripp in I.O.O.F. Hall at 8:15 P.M. Records of last year's work read & approved. On motion of Anna P. Yeaton, voted that the report of treasurer be accepted as printed in Town Report.
On motion of Geo. E. Huckins, voted that the same officers be re-elected for another year.
Voted on motion of Geo. E. Huckins that Epsom observe Wednesday of Old Home Week. On motion of W.H. Tripp, voted that the meeting adjourn to call of President and that committees be appointed at the adjourned meeting.
Number present, 9.
W.H. Tripp, Sec't. Pro Tem

Short Falls July 20, 1932

Adjourned meeting called to order at home of President Mrs. Alice Tripp at 8:15 P.M.
The following committees were appointed:
Program Committee, W.H. Tripp, Eleanora Nutter, Helen Bickford
Sunday Service, Rev. & Mrs. Ralph Osborne, Walter B. Wells, Rev. & Mrs. Milton Froyd.
Publicity Committee, Eva L. Cox., Margaret D. Haynes
Grounds Committee, B.H. Fowler, B.M. Towle, Grover Stevens
Sports Committee, Boy Scout Troops
Refreshment Committee, Geo. H. Haynes, Frank Sawyer, Fred Butler, Geo. Atwood, Oliver Lombard
Evening Committee, Martha Dowst, Madeleine Yeaton, Laura Bickford
Voted on motion of Nellie Sherburne to change the day from Wednesday to Tuesday of Old Home Week. Voted on motion of Horace Edmunds that Secretary be empowered to procure new Register as present one is nearly filled. Voted to adjourn to call of President.
Margaret D. Haynes, Sec'y.

Sunday P.M. Aug. 21
Old Home Sunday was fittingly observed at 3 o'clock at Webster Park by the following service in charge of Sunday Service Committee; Rev. & Mrs. Ralph Osborne, Walter B. Wells, Rev. & Mrs. Milton Froyd.

Music, Ladies Trio
Invocation, Rev. Ralph Osborne
Address, Rev. Ray Cohen, Concord, NH
Music, Ladies Trio
Remarks - ____ ?, Freeport, R.I.
Remarks, Rev. Milton Froyd
Community singing

Tuesday Aug. 22, 1932

Old Home Day was duly observed at Webster Park with the usual attendance of towns people and former friends and residents. At twelve o'clock noon the Boy Scouts conducted a most impressive flag raising ceremony which was followed by a basket lunch by all present. This was followed by the program:
Selections - Epsom Brass Band
Greetings relayed by Boy Scouts
Invocation - Rev. Ralph Osborne
Poem of Welcome - Mrs. Alice Fowler Tripp
Singing - Lady's Chorus
Sketch - Mrs. Alida True Hodges
Address - Ora W. Craig, Concord
Address - Mayor Hartford, Portsmouth, NH
Music - Lady's Chorus
Remarks - Ed White and John G. Chesley, former residents of Epsom.
This was followed by selections by the band. A penny collection was taken which amounted to $6.15.
During the day, refreshments of ice cream, frankfurts & rolls also tonic and pop corn were sold by committee appointed for the purpose.
In the evening a play was given by a cast from Pittsfield under the auspices of McClary Grange before a large audience, after which the young and old tripped the light fantastic to the strains of Monty's Orchestra from Suncook. All returned home feeling that once again it was a pleasure to cone to Epsom's Old Home Day observance.
Margaret D. Haynes, Sec'y.

Short Falls, July 1, 1933

Annual meeting of Epsom Old Home Week Association called to order by the President Mrs. Alice Fowler Tripp in I.O.O.F. Hall at 8 P.M. Records of last year's work read and approved. Voted that the report of Treasurer be accepted as printed in the Town Report.
Voted on motion of Horace Edmunds that Wed. Aug. 23rd be observed as Old Home Day.
The following officers were elected:
Will Knowles, President
Horace Edmunds, 1st Vice President
Martha Dowst, 2nd Vice President
Annie Fowler, Treasurer
Verna Hunt, Secretary
Executive Committee, Laura Bickford 1st, Anna Yeaton 2nd, and William Yeaton, 3rd.
Meeting adjourned to call of President.
11 present.
Verna W. Hunt, Sec'y.

August 20th, 1933
There was a sunset praise service at the Center School grounds. Rev. John Mason of Somerville, Mass, gave an address "In the Garden." The young people of the Baptist Church participated in the service.

Wednesday August 23rd as observed as Old Home Day at Webster Park. There was a basket lunch at noon. In the afternoon where was a concert by the Epsom Band and a ball game in charge of the Epsom Firemen's Association.
McClary Grange sponsored entertainment in I.O.O.F. Hall in the evening. The comedy play "Poor Old Jim" was presented by the Owl Dramatic Club of Deerfield.
Verna W. Hunt, Sec'y.

Short Falls, August 4, 1934

Annual meeting of Epsom Old Home Week Association met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tripp. In the absence of the President the V. President Horace Edmunds presided. On motion of Walter Tripp, Laura Bickford was elected president.
Mr. Horace Edmunds and Mrs. Grace Longa were elected vice presidents.
The following officers were also elected:
Verna W. Hunt, Secretary
Annie M. Fowler, Treasurer
Anna Yeaton, George Knowles, Flora Sullivan, Executive Committee
Voted on motion of Alice Tripp that we observe Wed. August 22nd as Old Home Day.
Meeting adjourned to call of President. 8 members present.
Verna W. Hunt, Sec'y.

August 7, 1934

Adjourned meeting called to order at home of President Mrs. Laura Y. Bickford at 1:30 P.M. The following committees were appointed:
Program Committee, Horace Edmunds
Sunday Service, Alfred Burnham, Walter B. Wells, George H. Yeaton, Norman Munroe, Justin Stevens, Bert Young.
Evening Program, George H. Haynes
Ball game, Eugene Wells, George Knowles
Sports, Boys, Everett Lombard, George Dowst, John Davis, Jackson Bickford.
Girls, Olive Osborne, Ruth Davis, Dorothy Bartlett, Ethelyn Cutler
Refreshment Committee, Frank Sawyer, George Huckins, Ellsworth Philbrick, Fred Butler, Oliver Lombard.
Poster Committee, Mrs. Jackson Bickford
Hospitality Committee, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Tripp, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Philbrick, Mr. & Mrs. Blanchard Fowler, Mr. Eugene Philbrick, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Philbrick, Mrs. Evelyn Yeaton, Mrs. Florence Yeaton, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Munroe, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Burnham, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Bunker, Mr. Clarence Wells, Mrs. Emma Hall, Mr. & Mrs. B.M. Towle, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Yeaton.
Doll Carriage Parade, Priscilla Wells, Phyllis Hunt, Dorothy Rand, Ethel Osborne
Dress Review, Mrs. Grace Longa, Mrs. Anna Yeaton, Mrs. Mary E.Q. Philbrick, Mrs. Wirna Bickford, Mrs. Laura Bickford.
Voted to adjourn to call of President.
Verna W. Hunt, Sec'y.

July 11, 1925

The officers of the Old Home Week Association met at the home of the President, Mrs. Laura Y. Bickford. Plans for Old Home Day were discussed and the following nominating committee were appointed by the President:
Mrs. Alice Tripp, Chairman
Mrs. Alice Silver
Mrs. Luella Bunker
Meeting adjourned until Monday evening July 15th. 7 members present.
Verna W. Hunt, Sec'y.

July 15, 1935

The adjourned meeting was held at Odd Fellows Hall. The President, Mrs. Laura Y. Bickford, presided. The nominating committee submitted the following officers and they were duly elected:
President, Laura Y. Bickford
1st Vice President, Martha Dowst
2nd Vice President, George Knowles
Treasurer, Annie M. Fowler
Secretary, Verna W. Hunt
Executive Committee, Frank E. Brown, Ralph L. Cass, Doris W. Huckins.
The President appointed the following committees to serve for Old Home Day August 21st:
Sunday Service, George H. Yeaton, Alfred Burnham, Bert Young, Justin Stevens, Walter B. Wells, Norman Munroe, Everett O. Foss, Rev. Ralph Osborne.
Grounds, Frank E. Brown, Ralph L. Cass, Ernest G. Dowst.
Publicity, Mrs. Helen M. Lombard
Invitation, Mrs. Sophronia Y. Wells, Miss Alida J. Cass, Mrs. Alice Silver
Finance, Mrs. Annie M. Fowler, Mrs. Martha Dowst, Mrs. Leola Ring
Program, Mrs. Walter Philbrick, Mrs. Anna Yeaton, Rev. Ralph Osborne
Refreshment, Frank Sawyer, Henry Stevens, Oliver Lombard, Fred Butler
Poster, Miss Bernice Piper, Miss Isabelle Conklin
Ball Game, George Knowles, Everett Haynes
Sports, George Witham, Henry Dowst Jr., Everett Lombard, Kenneth Witham, Priscilla Wells, Phyllis Hunt, Mrs. Arlene Osborne, Dorothy Bartlett
Flag Raising, Arthur Wells, Rev. Ralph Osborne
Evening Entertainment, George Haynes, Mrs. Emma Dowst, Robert Tripp, Jesse Hunt, Miss Lucille Demers.
It was voted to have a Parade of Progress, Pet Shoe and Folk Dancing for Old Home Day.
Voted to adjourn to call of President. 13 members present.
Verna W. Hunt, Sec'y.

August 18, 1935

Epsom began its observance of Old Home Week with an open air service at Webster Park, Sunday afternoon, Aug. 18. Rev. H.J. Wilson, the radio pastor of Portsmouth gave the address. J.J. Harrison of Boston sang a solo and the Ambassador Quartet of Wheaton College, Ill., gave selections.
Old Home Day Wed. Aug. 21st at Webster Park. The activities began at 10 a.m. with a pet show and children's sports and games followed by folk dancing. A basket lunch was enjoyed at noon. Afternoon activities began with Flag raising by Boy Scouts, Troop 85. The program consisted of selections by the Epsom Band and an address by Ralph E. Towle of Pelham, New York. A ball game was played between Gilford and Epsom.
In the evening the one act play "Fun on the Pudunk Limited" was given by local talent at Odd Fellows Hall. Dancing was enjoyed after the play.

[end of records]