John Tuck 1761-1774
by Priscilla Hammond, 1933
The Ecclesiastical Records of Epsom
April 18, 1761
I went to Preach at Epsom.
June 25. They gave me a Call.
August 14. They Renewed the Call.
September 23, I was Ordain'd.
My venerable Father Preached the Sermon From 2 Timothy
2,1. and then Gave the Most Sacred Charge. The Reverend
Mr. Aaron Whittemore gave the Right Hand of Fellowship.
Covenant of the Chh of Epsom
Septr 23d 1761
We Whose Names
are Hereunto Subscribed, Apprehending Our Selves to be
Called of God, to Combine & Joyn Together in Chh Order,
Confessing Our Utter Unworthiness of So Great a Spiritual
Privilidge, as Well as, Out Utter Inability to keep Covenant
with ye Holy One of Israel, & to Perform Any Duty
Wc He Requires of Us Wthout ye Aid of Divine Grace,
Ao This Day, in ye Name and Strength of Chirst Jesus,
Our Glorious Lord, Freely Covenant, & Bind our Selves
Solemnly, in ye Presence of God Himself, His Holy Angels,
& before and Ecclesiastical Counsel Here Present to
Serve ye God, whose Name Alone is Jehovah, ye Only True,
& Living God, Cleaving to Him, as Our Sovereign Good
& Last End.
We Acknowledge ye Lord Jesus Christ Wo us God-man &
Supream Head of His Chh & Surety of ye New Covenant,
as Our Only Mediator & Savior, Prophet, Priest &
King of Our Souls, Promising to Submit Unto Him, in a
Way of Gospel of Obedience.
And We Do Likewise Take God ye Holy-Ghost, to be Our Teacher,
Sanctifier and Comforter; Under Whose Gracious Influences,
We Do, More Particularly, Oblige Ourselves, to Perform
All Private, & Secret, as Well as Publick Duties in
a Perpetual Course, & to Attend ye Means of Grace
& Salvation, Avouching ye Lord, to be Our God &
ye God of Our Children, Wc We Devote, & Dedicate unto
Him for Ever to be His Consecrated Servants & seed;
Esteeming it as a Distinguishing Favour, & High Honor
yt Or Lord will Accept of Us, & of Our Seed wth us,
to be His People.
We Do also Give up Our Selves to One Another in ye Lord
Covenanting to Walk Together, As God's Peculiar People,
& as a Particular Chh of Christ is Obliged to Do in
All ye Ways of God's Worship, According to ye Holy Rules
of His Word; Promising by His Help, in Brotherly Love,
to Watch Over One Anothers Souls, Faithfully & Carefully
to Submit Our selves to ye Discipline, & Power of
Cgrustm ub Gus Cgg; & Duely to Attend ye Seals &
Censures, & Wt ever Ordinances, Christ has Commanded
to be Observed by His Disciples So Far, as ye Lord, by
His Word & Spirit Has or Shall, Reveal to Us, to be
Our Duty.
And yt We may Faithfully Keep Covenant with God &
Each Other. We Desire Wholly to Deny Our Selves, &
entirely Depend on Free Grace, for Assistance, & upon
ye Merits of Christ for Acceptance with God: & Wr
in We Shall Fail, in Any Point of Our Duty, Towards God,
or Our Fellow Christians, to Wait on Him for Pardon Thro
Chirst; Beseeching ye Lord to Own Us, as a Chh of Christ,
& to Delight in Us, & to Take up His Gracious
Abode Among Us.
Mary, Wife
of Jno Blake.
Margaret, Wife of Reuben Sandborn.
Mary, Wife of Wm Wallace.
Sarah Nason, Widow.
Jno. Tucke.
Abraham Libbe.
Jno Blake
Isaac Libbe.
Nathan Marden.
Isaac Libbe Junr.
William Wallace.
Reuben Libbe.
1761 At a church
meeting held at the House of Mr. George Willis Jr Epsom
October 9,. 1761 the Major part of the Brethern being
present -
Voted - 1. That Mr. Nathan Marden be Chosen Deacon.
2. That all those who desire an admission into Full Communion
stand propounded two Sabbath Days --
3. That the Covenant written in my preaching Bible, for
that purpose be Read in Publick to such as are admitted
into Full Communion.
4. That all those who Renew or Own there Baptismal Covenant,
Stand propounded 1 Sabbath Day --
5. That the Covenant written in my Preaching bible, be
Read to all that Renew or Won there Baptismal Covenant,
in Publick --
6. That the Holy Sacrament of the Lords Supper, be administered
4 times in a year, & to begin the First Sabbath in
December next --
7. That 20 Shillings yearly be paid by each member for
the Support of the Lords Table --
8. That if no body is Inclined by providence to give us
Furniture for the Lords Table, we will do it by a Donation
among ourselves.
9. That as Mrs. Libbee, the Wife of Mr. Isaac Libbee,
& there daughter Joanna, with the wife of Mr. Isaac
Libbee Junr were not Imbodied with the Church on the ordination
Day, we now Vote them in --
10. That as to Relations being made by those who Desire
an admission to the Lords Table, we charitably Leave it
to there own Discretion.
Attest John Tucke Pastor -
At a Church
Meeting held at my House on June 22, 1762, The Major part
of the Brethern being present -
Voted 1. That 30 pounds Old Tenor be Raised by the Church
To provide Vessells for the Table.
2. That the Widow Love Wormwood be admitted into the Number
of the Church of Christ in this place --
3. That Esqr John McClary be Chosen to Serve in the office
of a Deacon with Deacon Marden.
Attest. John Tucke Pastor.
On Sacrament
Day Novr 28, 1762 Elizabeth Sanborn wife of R Sanborn
Junr was voted into ye No of ye Ch of Christ in Epsom
by a Dismission From ye Ch of Christ in Hampton.
Attest. John Tucke Pastor.
Feby 17. Church meeting held at my House 5 of the Brethern
being present to Consult a Revival of Religion & vital
Piety among us.
Attest. John Tucke Pastor.
March 3 At a Church meeting Held at my House (Four of
the Brethern being Present) then & there Voted that
on The First Monday in Every Month we will meet here for
Religious Converse.
Attest. John Tucke Pastor.
Jany 8 At a Ch Meeting Held at my House 10 of ye Brethern
Being Present yn Voted yt 40 Shillings O. Tenor be paid
by Each Brother for procuring ye Table Cloth, Napkin,
& ye Dish, yt is worthy for ye table.
Attest. J. Tuck Pastor.
Decr 5 1. At a Chh Meeting held in the House of God after
Lecture, Voted yt John Worth & his Wife & Hannah
ye Wife of Samll Davis, be Voted into the No of ye Ch
of Christ in ye place, by yr Dismissions & recommendations
from ye Falls & Exeter.
J Tucke Pasor
2. Voted yt Joanna Blazo & Jona Chapman be Suspended
out of ye No of ye Ch of Christ here for ye Unchristian
Conduct & Behavior.
J Tucke Pastor.
Novr 27 After
Lecture Voted that Nathl Morrill & Wife be of the
No of Christs Church in this place by Virtue of a Dismission
& Recommendation from the Church of Christ in South
Novr 29 Lords
Day before Sacrament Jeremiah Eastman & Wife, wr Voted
into the No of Christs Church in Epsom, by Virtue of a
Dismission and Recommendation from ye Ch of Christ in
Attest J. Tucke Pastor.
At a Ch Meeting
held at my House Eight of ye Brethern being Present yn
Agreed to alter ye Sacrment Administration Viz. 1 in April,
2 in June, 3 in Septr, 4 in Novr.
Attest J. Tucke Pastor.
April 3 Lords Day Before Sacmt Anna the Wife of John Cass
ws Voted into the No of Christs Ch here by a dismisn from
ye Ch of Eppin.
Attest. John Tucke Pastor.
March 31 (Lecture previous to ye Sacrament) a Ch Meeting
held in Gods House the Ch Saw Fit to Elect & Vote
George Wallace to be the Third Deacon in Christs Church
in Epsom.
Attest. John Tucke Pastor.
June 4 Lords
Day before Sacrament the Ch Dismissed and recommended
the Wido Sarah Nason from this Ch to Christs Ch in Eppin.
Attest. John Tucke Pastor.
Novr 4th Lords
Day before Sacrament the Ch Voted Samll Perkins of Deerfield
into ye No of Christs Ch here. By a Dismission from ye
Ch of Christ in Hampton.
John Tucke Pastor Att.
Lecture Day
March 29, 1770, after Lecture Joseph Worth & Anna,
his wife, by a Dismission from the Ch. in Hawk, were voted
into the No of Christs Ch in Epsom.
Att. John Tucke Pastor.
Augt 31 A Ch Meeting held at my House after Lecture 10
of ye Brethern being present voted 1. Vote That John Worth,
Jeremiah Eastman, & Ephm Lock be a comitte to act
in & for ye Ch wt persons yt Shall need to be delt
wh for any Unchristian Conduct of ys and to stand till
ye next Ch Meeting.
2. Vote That all persons yt Renew or Own yr Batismall
Covt Stand propounded a fortnight.
3. Vote That In ye future we have an Annuall Ch Meeting
every Septr after Lecture previous to Sacrament.
J Tucke Pastor, Attest.
Augt 30 Ch Meeting Held in the Meeting H. after Lecture
Major part of the Ch there. Voted 1. That for the future
we Sing Dr. Watt's Version of the Psalms.
2. That the thanks of the Ch be Voted to John WOrth, Ephm
Lock & Jeremiah Eastman the Last Committe in ye Ch
for ye Indeavors to Heall Divisions, & c among ye
members of ye Ch.
3. That ye Same Committee with the Addition of Samll Blake
Act ye Part of a Committe for the Same purpose as above.
Brethern Present. 3 Deacons, James Marden, Jo Worth, J.
Worth, J Worth Jr., J. McGaffy, Jona Leavet, Eph Lock,
N. Merrill, S. Perkins, Enoch Robie, S. Blake, J. Blake.
Attest John Tucke Pastor.
Sept 4 Sacramental Lecture. Held at John McGoffys after
Lecture Ch Meeting & Voted That the Deacons all of
them Stand as a Committee for the Ch the ensuing year.
Attest. J. Tucke Pastor.
Donations made
Christs Ch.
1761 James Marden of Rye 30/O.T. ye price of a Cup.
Capt. A, McClary Junr. 40/O.T. towards a Tankard.
Esqr a Table Cloath (Devoured by Hogs).
Wido McClary a Table Cloath.
Ditto a Pewter Dish.
Sept Myself & Wife a Pewter Dish & Napkin.
Samll Sherburne a Bason for Baptism.
Novr 1 Lords Day after Meeting Voted yt Jeremiah Eastman
& Wife, Samll Perkins & Enoch Robie be Dismissed
from their Sacred Relation to ye Ch & Recommended
to the Ch in Deerfield.
Attest J. Tuck Pastor.
Novr 8 Lords
Day after Meeting Voted yt Hannah the Wife of Robt Mason
be Dismissed from ye Ch & Recommended to ye Ch in
Attest J. Tucke Pastor.
Decr 6 Lords
Day after Meeting Ch Stoped & Voted to Send the Three
Deacons as Delegates to assist in the Ordination at Deerfield
Decr 9.
Attest J. Tucke Pastor
Octr 1 Church Meeting after Lecture (Mr. Upham Preach'd)
Voted the 3 Deacons to Stand as a Committee for the Ch
for the Insuing year. N.B. My Fathers Death was the Cause
of our Sacmt being Delayed. the 1 of Sept. till now.
Attest J. Tucke Pastor.
Decr 20 At
a Ch meeting held at my House 10 of the Brethern present.
Vis. Deacon Marden, Deacon Wallis, & Deacon MClary,
Jona. Leavett, John Worth, John Worth Junr., Moses Locke,
Samuell Blake, James Marden, John MGoffy.
Votes 1. That the Ch will meet Capt. Andw MClary, Dr.
Williams, & Jermiah Prescott (as a Committee who Signed
a Letter to the Pastor Desiring a meeting of the Ch) at
Deacon MClary's on Thursday the 23 of this current month
at 2 P.M.
2. That the Hearty thanks of the Ch be voted to the two
Chs in Portamo Viz. Dr. Langdons & Dr. Havens for
their tokens of Love to us, in Giving of us, a Flaggon
& a Bason for Baptism, & also our Hearty thanks
To Deacon Thoms Pierce who was the first promoter of these
Benefactions under Providence, whatever good thing any
man doeth, the Same Shall be Receive of the Father. &
Inasmuch as you have doen it unto them You have done it
unto me.
Attest J. Tucke Pastor.
Jany 21 At a Ch Meeting held at my House 11 of the Brethern
present voted 1. yt the Ch meet at Deacon MClarys next
Friday evening in order to Settle Some of Ephm Locks agrievances.
2. That as Soon as the aggrieved Persons Send in there
Articles of Charge Against the pastor, we will Convene
7 act upon it (wh Respect to a Counsel) & Send them
our Resolves.
Attest J. Tucke Pastor.
Feby 13 Ch
Stopt after meeting (very few our by Reason of a very
bad Snow Storm) Voted to Joyn wh the Comitte in Calling
a Councel a Soon as y please to Settle aggrievances among
Attest J. Tucke Pastor.
Feby 16 Ch
meeting held at my House 8 of the Brethern present. Voted
yt the Deacons & J. MGoffy be a Committee for the
Ch to Joyn wh the Committee for the others (?) in choosing
& Calling a Councill & in providing for them in
order to Settle aggrievances here subsisting.
Attest J. Tucke Pastor.
May 20 At a
Ch Meeting held at my House we find yt Isaac Libbe &
Ephm Locke are Inflexibly bent in yr own willfullness.
The Lord Change yr Hearts, & rest on Love, peace,
Charity & Christian Concord to the Souls of all here.