


Epsom Free Will Baptist Church Monthly Meeting Minutes 1824-1860

On July 1st, 1824, a group of Epsom residents, headed by Arthur Caverno, at the time a teacher in Epsom, met and formed the Epsom Free Will Baptist Church. Helping at the meeting was Elder Ebenezer Knowlton of Pittsfield. Arthur Caverno presented as a gift a book into which minutes of their monthly meetings and members were to be recorded. The book was used through 1860, with clerks of the Church Arthur Caverno, Nathan Bickford and Thomas Tripp. It would appear that the clerks would take notes, but entries in the book were done later, months at a time, and based on the different handwriting, not always by the clerks themselves. Sentences were seldom started with capital letters, nor was there puncuation, and there are words left out which could not be read. Many words are spelled wrong, and the transcription below reflects much of the original - there are also many places where the writing was impossible to read.


Church Record

(The following is not intended as Articles of faith but merely as observations on Preliminary Remarks.) A. Caverno.

As the happiness and prosperity of society depends much upon the principles & administration of its government so it cannot be improper to say that churches should be considered in a like respect. And even if we descend into a view of private families and note the order and regulations by which they are governed, we may generally infer their condition whether in in a prosperous or declining situation.

From causes we trace effects. From premises we infer consequences. From proceedings we expect results.
Now in order to come into possession of some ultimate enjoyment, there should be always, a close inspection of the of the cause and means that are necessary to effect it. "Men so not gather grapes of thorns nor figs of thistles," and much less happiness from evil causes, and that too from by evil means.

But though there may be ever so good a government and an impartial and consistent administration of it, there cannot be a perfect perfect peace among and in the members of it, so long as there is a want of moral fellowship.

The strength and happiness of society, however, depends more upon the union of its members than upon it government; for the government may be faulty in several respects, but a due regard for each other among its subjects with will not only increase the strength but the peace of it. It will be readily granted, that a fear of government may restrain many acts of licentiousness, but it must be acknowledged that this fear cannot create and preserve an internal fellowship, in the order of society. But it is evident still further, that a moral or social union cannot exist, where there is any degree of hatred in possession, neither can an individual bear a regard for another when enmity has a prepossession. "Love and hatred cannot dwell together."

A slavish fear may put a restraint upon many but its general tendency sooner weakens the bands of mutual fellowship, and engenders strife, than it promotes or forwards society. Such are the consequences of such a fear.

But on the other hand love produces peace, quietness, equity, justice, lowliness, long suffering, forgiveness, patience and many other things which, if connected with those already mentioned, constitute the spring of Christian happiness.

Epsom July 1st A.D. 1824

Met for conference in the schoolhouse near the meetinghouse to take into consideration and act upon the expediency of establishing a free church in this town. Opened meeting by prayer & praise, after which several spake of the goodness and dealing of God to them. Three related their experience and offered themselves as candidates for baptism, viz. Elisabeth Marden, Lydia Marden & Eliza Robinson.
Then proceeded to the above consideration whether it was expedient to establish a free church. As several conferences were previously holden for this same purpose we thought it duty to come to come conclusion at this. Elder E. Knowlton for the first time appearing in our conferences, arose and spake much to the purpose and greatly to the satisfaction of the Brethren and Sisters. He dwelt altogether upon what he considered the order of God's house. Two things he plainly produced, first the manner in which brethren and sisters ought to forbear with one another; and secondly the care of the poor of the church. Respecting the former he observed that the members of a church ought not to grudge one another for trivial matters; such as dress etc. That we ought not to be rash against a member that appears to use some degree of extravagance in this case. Likewise not to be rash in case a member did not regularly attend to family prayers etc. But to finish this consideration says he, "Let each one so adorn themselves and act as they can with a pure conscience answer for in the day of judgment." This was a pointed observation indeed! Secondly, respecting the care of the poor, he observed that owing to a neglect of the poor in the church, matters never were right in the church to which he belonged; that he considered the church bound to take care of their poor, in case they were able. "Do good" says he "especially to the household of faith." If in case a brother or sister by misfortune is reduced to necessity, the church becomes bound to take care of such an one. But if a member is reduced to want by improper or immoral conduct there is a way to become clear of any care of such an one, and that is by dismissing them for such conduct. The brethren expressed their approbation to Elder Knowlton's remarks, and were perfectly agreed in his observations. After much was said upon the subject of establishing a church here, and everything appearing very encouraging it was proposed to see who were desirous of having a church established here, and see who wished to join. This done was done and the names of those who wished to become members are as follows (Set down in order as they spake)
Names of Males
Arthur Caverno
Nathan Bickford
Daniel Philbrook
Ephraim Locke

Names of Females
Lucretia Tarlton
Mary Marden
Elizabeth Currier
Sally Osgood

Brother Samuel Johnson offered himself as a member but it was thought advisable that Br. Johnson should first get a recommendation from the church to which he belonged at Deerfield. The above was the number that become members of this church at this time. Elder A. Caverno was considered Pastor and likewise Clerk for the present.
Agreed that our monthly meeting should be holden on every third Saturday of each month.
Those three that offered themselves for baptism wished to become members, when baptized, of this church; and were added accordingly July 4th on which day they were baptized. Elizabeth Mahitabel Johnson and Nancy Marden were baptized at Allenstown July 18th and joined the church, that is at Epsom.
This church is considered the first Free Will Baptist church in Epsom.

The names of members, when added, when dismissed, when taken away by death etc. may stand thus.

Names of Males
Arthur Caverno
Nathan Bickford
Daniel Philbrook
Ephraim Locke

Names of Females
Lucretia Tarlton
Mary Marden
Betsey Currier
Sally Osgood
Elizabeth Marden added July 4
Lydia Marden July 4
Eliza Robinson July 4
Mehitabel Johnson July 18
Nancy Marden July 18

(I think it better to omit this as they book will show the date of admissions)

August 21st {1824}, Met in the schoolhouse near the meetinghouse for monthly meeting. Opened meeting by prayer and singing, after which the brethren & sisters spake one after another to the edifying of the body. Brother E. Locke & Sisters L. Tarlton, M. Marden, Sally Osgood, Lydia Marden, Mehitabel Johnson and Nancy Marden were absent. Also Elizth Marden. We enjoyed a comfortable season particularly at the last part of the meeting. Samuel Silley offered himself as a member requesting to become a member of said church but Elder Caverno thought that as Samuel Silley had been in a backslidden state for some time and several reports unbecoming a Christian were circulating about him, that it was necessary he should clear up his character and make publick confessions of his wrongs. On this ground Samuel was suspended on trial. Sister Locke wife of old Mr. Francis Locke offered herself as a candidate for this church as was suspended on trial till our next church or monthly meeting. Br. S. Johnson requested to become a church member but was suspended till our next church or monthly meeting for want of time and absent brs. and sisters. A. Caverno Clerk

September 11th 1824 Met in my house for conference. Opened said meeting by prayer and praise. Then several spake of the goodness of God and felt determined to pursue the course that had led to heaven and greatly encouraged others. As this meeting was appointed for hearing experiences from some that wished to be baptized, it was proposed and ten came forward in course and related their experiences, whose names are as follows: Marie Lawrence, Sarah Parker, Betsey Lamper, Nancy Green, Sarah Trip, Anna Clarke, Joshua Haines, Hiram Parker, John Trip & Samuel Green; & next day Polly Green & Daniel Cilley between meetings related their experiences and offered themselves as candidates for baptism. All these experiences were powerful and very satisfactory to the brethren. Accordingly in the afternoon, Sunday, we attended to the ordinance near the papermill factory. These twelve were received at their request into this free Baptist church in Epsom; and they also received the right hand of fellowship by A. Caverno.

September 18th 1824 Met for monthly meeting in my house. I was absent the first of the meeting being called to pleasant pond to attend a funeral, but returned before meeting closed. Many spake to the glory of God and the encouragement of Christians. Sister Locke wife of Brother Ephraim Locke and Brother Thomas Bickford were both taken into this church and received the right hand of fellowship by A. Caverno. Brothers, John Trip, Samuel Green, Daniel Philbrook, & Sisters Sally Osgood, Lydia Marden, Nancy Marden, Polly Green, Lucretia Tarlton, Mehitabel Johnson were absent. Our Next monthly meeting is appointed at brother Richard Tripp.

October 9th 1824 Met at Brother Thomas Bickford's for conference. After meeting opened, many spake of their resolutions to persevere in the divine persuit. The first part of the meeting was rather dark and trying; but God gave us the victory at last. Eight viz. Joshua Richard Worth, John Worth, James Worth, Fanny Wiggin, Aadaline Dollar, Sarah Bickford, Jane Bickford &Mary Mann came forward & offered themselves as candidates for baptism after relating their experience. These candidates chose to become members of this free Baptist church, as well as all the rest had done who have been baptized in this town since July 4th. Sister Jane Bickford however did not go forward the next day but omitted it till the next day Tuesday. Brother Jonathan Marden came forward on Sunday, related his experience and with the other seven who related their experiences the day before was baptized in the river near William Marden's where the meeting was holden. Tuesday following met for public worship at Brother Richard Tripp's and after preachings, Brother Samuel Fowler, Sisters Love Elliott, Eleanor Dickey, Hannah Bickford, related their experiences and with sister Jane Bickford who related her experience the Saturday before, were baptized and by choice were united to the free Baptist church in this place. All the above received the right hand of fellowship.

October 16th, 1824 Met at Brother Richard Tripp's for monthly meeting. Opened meeting by praise & prayer; and then all the brethren & sisters spake one after another of the state of their minds. Found that some of __ late enlisted soldiers were just entering into the warfare, but for the most part found full resolutions to serve the Lord. Brother Samuel Wells & Sister Martha Philbrook related their experience and wished to be baptized. Some mention was made about joining the Quarterly Meeting, but the brethren not all being present and what were not understanding particularly the nature of the subject, it was postponed.
October 17th Met at the meetinghouse for public worship & after services repaired to the water where after prayer Brother William Fowler related his experience and together with Samuel Wells and Martha Philbrook was baptized in the name of the father, Son and Holy Ghost, amen.

At a publick meeting holden at the meetinghouse October 31st 1824, attended by Elder Knowlton & Caverno, sister Eliza Bickford, wife of Nathan Bickford, at the conclusion of the first sermon, came forward, related a satisfactory experience and between meetings was baptized and received the right hand of fellowship as a member of this church.

1st Communion

Same day after the second sermon the ordinance of the Lord's supper was administered. A profitable season was enjoyed. Arthur Cavero, clerk

November 20th 1824 Met in the schoolhouse near the meetinghouse for monthly meeting. Opened meeting by praise & prayer, after which attended to church business.
First, received brother Samuel Johnson as a member of this church and gave him the right hand of fellowship.
Secondly, gave Samuel Wells, William Fowler & Martha Philbrook the right hand of fellowship as they did not receive this ceremony at their baptism owing to forgetfulness in the administrator.
Third, made motion and by a unanimous vote, chose to have a request written to the elders and brethren of the New Durham Quarterly meeting, desiring to become a sister church in connexion with the free Baptist churches belonging to the New Durham Q.M. and that said written request shall be present to our next monthly meeting for examination, and if approbated, shall be presented to the Quarterly Meeting to be holden in Canterbury on the third Wednesday and Thursday in January 1825.
Fourth, Received Olive Locke & Elizabeth Fowler into church fellowship and gave them the right hand of fellowship. Many spake powerfully and we enjoyed a very profitable season.

December 18th Our Monthly meeting was holden at Brother Levi Robinson's at the short falls; but owing to badness of the weather, I with many others, did not attend. But by information I understood that a comfortable season was enjoyed.

December 25th attended a meeting at Brother Richard Tripps. Brother James McCutcheon and wife were baptized and received the right hand of fellowship as members of this church. After meeting a letter or rather a request was read to and accepted by the church agreeable to a vote passed in November monthly meeting. Arthur Caverno, clerk.

January 15th 1825

Met at Williams Marden's Jr for monthly meeting. Opened meeting by singing and prayer. Had a very powerful time: About 35 spake and as much encouraged I think as ever - Arthur Caverno Clerk

February 19th 1825

Met at my house for monthly meeting - Opened s'd meeting by praise and prayer followed by powerful exhortations several of out Pittsfield brethren & sisters ere present and spake encouragingly. Between 30 & 40 testimonies were delivered -
At this meeting it was proposed for prayer and consideration who should be officers in this church etc. Arthur Caverno, Clerk

March 19th 1825
Met at Br. Richard Tripps at the Short Falls so called) - Opened meeting by prayer & exhortation. Bewteen 20 & 30 spake, but found that we are too little encouraged viz some do not come up by the help of God to the help of the brethren.
Arthur Caverno Clerk

April 16th 1825
Our monthly meeting was holden in the schoolhouse near the meetinghouse - After introductory exercises many came forward and related the dealings of God with their souls - It was thought by some that a better monthly meeting we never enjoyed. Jacob Wallace and Ann Mack offered themselves for baptism. Catherine Johnson was by her request admitted into the church and received the right hand of fellowship. Athur Caverno clerk

2nd Communion
April 17th Elder E. Place assisted in breaking bread, and it was a profitable season. A.C. clerk.

At a conference holden in the schoolhouse near the meeting-house May 1st at 9 o'clock in the morning. Opened meeting by prayer and then proceeded to the purpose of the meeting, viz. to hear again the experiences of Jacob Wallace and Ann Mack who wished to be baptized. After the second meeting repaired to the water where they were baptized and both initiated into the church and received the right hand of fellowship.
Arthur Caverno clerk

May 21st 1825

Met at Br. Jabez Green's for monthly meeting. The Methodist class meeting was holden at the same time & place. Meeting commenced as usual after which 54 individuals spake of that union and happiness which are strangers to the worldly minded. This was a refreshing from the presence of the Lord - About 60 testimonies were delivered in the Spirit of religion as some spake twice. May the Lord increase holiness among all people.
Arthur Caverno clerk

June 18th 1825

Met at Wm. Marden's Jr for monthly meeting. Opened meeting as usual, after which many spake of the glory of the Lord. At the close of the meeting a contribution was made to pay for the sacramental vessels, which, by Mrs. J. Babb, were purchased in Boston June 1st, 1825 at 13 Dollars.
The sum contributed at this meeting was $11.65 cts. A. Caverno clerk

50 cts June 25th 2 Quarts of wine were purchased for Sacrament next day.
=.50 cts

$1.04 cts by sundry persons were handed me June 25th for church uses

1825 Money Rec'd 1825

June 18th 11.65 cts
June 25th $1.04
Sep 17th $3.67
Nov. 19 0.14
Jan. 1826 0.20
16.70 Sum of Total income
15.84 Sum of Total expenditures
00.86 Sum yet in the Treasury

1825 Money Expended

June 1st $13.00
June 25th $0.50
Aug. 9th $1.84
Sep 17th $0.50

Epsom March 13th 1826

June 24th 1826 expended .50 cts for wine for communion. .86-.50 + 36 cts yet on hand
October 21st 1826 Received 25 cts + 36 = .61 cts yet on hand
July 28th 1827 Expended 25 cts =61-25=.36 on hand

Monthly meeting holden at the school house near the meeting house
July 16th 1825. Meeting commenced as usual, and a very precious season was enjlyed. July 24th attended to the Communion.
August 9th Brother Ephraim Locke expended 11 shilling at Concord for clothes used in the sacramental ordinance i.e. Table cloth and 2 napkins.
Elizabeth Shpherd related her experience and 24th was baptized.

August 30th Monthly meeting holden at brother Richard Tripp's at the short Falls and three related their experience for baptism viz Sisters, Rachel Wallace, Emma Wallace and Polly Osgood.
August 28th The three above named sisters with the addition of sister Elizabeth Chesley were publickly baptized received the right hand of fellowship and added to this church.

Sep 17th 1825 Monthly church meeting was holden at my house. Opened meeting by singing and prayer which was succeeded by exhortations and experience. At the close of the meeting the reports against Sarah Parker though she was absent, were laid before the church and the church agreed that she be soon admonished. To be postponed till next Monthly Meeting, yet she be put under admontion.
Also made a contribution for church uses of $3.67 cents.
Agreed to commune tomorrow.

The following is the copy of a letter written and sent by the clerk of the church to Ann McDaniels a member of the church informing her of a report in circulation, unbecoming her moral and christian character and requesting her to give immediate answer.

Epsom October 11th 1825

Sister Ann

There is a report in circulation about you in this town, that is very unfavorable both as to your moral character and christian character. It is this, that you are guilty of fornication and like to have family in an unmarried state.
I hope this report is false; but if it is not be careful that you do not deny any thing that is true. You may well suppose that the church is tried about this report; and in order to have the trial removed, you cannot be too soon incoming forward and stating your innocency or confessing your guilt. If you wich, you may visit either brother Johnson, brother Philbrook or myself and get advice. Give us some answer before monthly meeting so that we may know what to do. By the overseer of the flock. Arthur Caverno

A true copy Attest. Arthur Caverno clerk

October 15th 1825 Met at Brother Thomas Bickford's for monthly meeting and commenced meeting as usual. Eleven male and fifteen female members were present, all of whom spake of their progress in the path to glory. Probably at no former church meeting there was so much said about trials so severe as at this. But a good hope through divine grace is yet possessed by all that spake, what inspired them with a strong resolution to endure them and finally overcome by the Lamb's blood and the word of our testimony. At the conclusion of the meeting the church voted to continue Sarah Parker under admonition until next church meeting at which time she is to be rejected unless she previously confesses her wrongs. Also voted that Ann Mack Daniels be considered under admonition and rejected at the next monthly meeting unless her wrongs be confessed before. Agreed and voted that the clerk notify the two above named persons of the above proceedings of the church.
With regard to sister Adline Dollar who was accused or about whom there was a report of carnal intimacy with a married man viz it was stated that the roport had been examined and found to be without foundation; that she had given no perceptible occasion for said report. Church voted that sister Adaline be considered a worthy hones sister.
Arthur Caverno, Clerk

Communion day following.
The following is a copy of a letter sent at the request of the church to Sarah Parker a member of it informing her that the church have voted to reject her unless prevented by confession.

Epsom October 15th 1825
Miss Sarah Parker

I would inform you that you have been named in our last two Past monthly meetings and dealt with as the church thought advisable. At the last church meeting before today the church thought it best that you be considered under admonition. Today the church voted to reject you at the next monthly meeting unless you confessed to the church your wrongs.
First that you have committed a very great wrong in hearkening to that temptation that has robbed you of virgin innocency.
Secondly that you have done a great wrong in coming to the communion table when you knew your case was so.
Thirdly that you have done wrong in denying your case to be such.
Fourthly that you have given some evidence that you took those things at Mr. Tripp's and that you either confess it or answer some questions that may be asked you about it. ___
May the lord help you to confess all the truth and then you shall find mercy. Remember that the judgment will determine. It must be trying to us all to dismiss you. We rather you would come forward at the next monthly meeting at my house and confess.
Arthur Caverno - Pastor of the flock.

The following is the copy of a letter sent at the request of the church to Ann McDaniels a member of it, informing her that the church voted to reject her unless prevented by confession.

Epsom October 14th 1825
Miss Ann McDaniels,

I would inform you that the church of which you are a member has thought that your transgression deserve a dismission from the church; and concluded that at our next monthly meeting you would be rejected unless you prevent it by a humble confession.
Two things are necessary for you to confess in order to satisfy the church and the confession must be hearty or else it will not be received.
One is that you have hearkened to that temptation that has robbed you of virgin innocency; and the other is that you have committed a great sin in coming forward at the communion when you knew you knew your case was exceptionable.
May God enable you to confess and not only to confess, but forever forsake such abominable conduct. Your conduct has caused us much grief and nothing but tears and repentance can remove it. "They that confess and forsake shall find mercy." -
This is from the overseer of the flock.

Arthur Caverno

November 19, 1825 Met at my house for monthly meeting. Opened meeting by praise & prayer and then proceeded to business. First took under consideration the subject relative to Rejecting Sarah Parker who was guilty of fornication viz (see three pages back in this book.) After some observations upon the subject, voted to reject her and have no fellowship with her.
Also voted to reject Ann McDaniels who was in guilty of fornication and in the same circumstances as Sarah Parker. Grief & tears were shed. It was proposed in this monthly meeting for our brethren to kneel in giving thanks at our communions.
After meeting of business, brethren & sisters spake one by one and the good spirit moved to our comfort. Brother John Tripp spake with power and said it was the most agreeable afternoon he had enjoyed for many months as he had been absent for about seven months. One sister contributed 14 cents for church services.

December 24th Met at the short falls schoolhouse for monthly meeting - this monthly meeting was postponed one week later than usual for come accommodating purpose. Meeting began as usual. Several spake of God's goodness, but some were backward and said nothing. It is low time among the church and some trial on account of remissness of tow or three of the members.
Arthur Caverno clerk

January 21st 1826
Met at my house for monthly meeting and opened meeting by prayer and this was followed by testimonies as usual for monthly meeting. The loss of a beloved sister, Emma Wallace was seriously felt in this meeting. She died in Deerfield Jan 15th 1826 in the 18th year of her age.
But Some are remiss and negligent in religion and duty & we need a reformation.

February 18th Monthly meeting was holden at William Marden's 3rd. I was not present, but from information a good season was enjoyed.
Arthur Caverno, clerk

March 18th Monthly meeting was holden in Br. Ephraim Locke's house. Sister Elizabeth Shepard of East Chemsford Mss. Was dismissed form this church to be a member of a Baptist church in that place by her request. We found a few quite remiss in their duty but God gave us help from on high.
Arthur Caverno clerk

April 15th 1826 Met at Brother Richard Tripp's for monthly meeting. Commenced meeting as usual.
The first part of the meeting was dull and stupid, but afterward the Lord helped us. Ephraim Locke and Arthur Caverno were chosen messengers to the Quarterly meeting to be holden in Strafford first church or in Barnstead, as yet, it is not ascertertained. 27 members of the church and several other brethren and sisters were present.
Arthur Caverno, clerk

May 20th 1826
Monthly meeting was holden at my house. About 20 members were present. A very powerful season was experienced.
Arthur Caverno clerk

June 17th 1826 Monthly meeting was holden in Br. J. Green's house at the short falls. A good meeting was experienced. Agreed to have a communion at the meeting house on the 25th. Ins. Br. Ephraim Locke said he would officiate as deacon in the church for the present instead of Br. Philbrook who was absent.
A. Caverno Clerk

July 15th Monthly meeting at William Marden's 3rd. A comfortable season was enjoyed; Meeting began by reading a chapter of the Scriptures and prayer. 22 of the church with other brethren were present. Communion one week from the following Sabbath.
Athur Caverno, clerk

August 19th Monthly Meeting was holden at my house; and commenced by reading the first chapter of Lamentations. A general death prevailed during the first part of the meeting. But the last part of the meeting was uncommonly glorious. A vote was passed, by rising up, that every brother and sister that felt union with one another and free from trial with one another, should manifest it by this motion. Every one arose. 20 members were present.
Arthur Caverno clerk

September 16th 1826 Monthly meeting was holden at Richard Tripp's house. Commenced as usual. Several spake feelingly and encouragingly. The whole numbers of testimonies were 30. Communion day following. Arthur Caverno clerk
P.S. The Clerk was chosen messenger to Quarterly Meeting
Arthur Caverno, clerk

October 21, 1826 Church meeting was holden at my house. Began meeting by prayer by brother Samuel Tilton of Raymond. Meeting continued as usual with testimonies and singing. A comfortable season was enjoyed. Present in this monthly meeting 18. O Lord revive all our members.
Rec'd 25 cts for the church. Arthur Caverno, clerk.

Nov. 18th 1826 . This monthly meeting was holden at Brother Nathan Bickford's and though the subscriber or clerk was not present, information was given him that a comfortable season was enjoyed.
Arthur Caverno clerk

December 16th 1826. Church Meeting was holden at the centre schoolhouse. Meeting opened by reading the 1st Chap. of Colossians. Brothers Thomas Bickford & Ephraim Locke were requested to visit Brother Wm Fowler a delinquent and disorderly member & make report to the next monthly meeting. Sister Comfort Tarlton spake for the first time among us having professed religion about seven weeks. The Loss of our sister Martha Jenness who died in Chelmsford (Mss.) Nov. 13 1826 and buried in Epsom 17. Following at whose funeral a discourse was deliver'd from 1 Cov. 7 "The time is short" was realized. As several brethren were proposing to attend the Jan Quarterly Meeting we thought proper not to appoint any. The Months of 1826 are now about closing forever! Oh time leave us not unprepared for eternity Oh how solemn to die. 25 Were present i.e. members of the church
A Caverno Clerk

Jan. 20th 1827 Met at Brother Thomas Bickford's for monthly meeting and though a comfortable meeting was enjoyed it was not on account of the multitude of brethren and sisters that attended. Probably owing to the extreme cold of the weather. 12 only I think were present.

Feb. 17th 1827. Met at the centre schoolhouse for church meeting. Meeting commenced as usual and then proceeded with testimonies. This was an old fashioned monthly meeting if I ever witnessed one i.e. such as out fathers enjoyed years ago. Noise enough & thank God none too much. Though it thundered and lightened the rain was powerful and plenteous. My God give me the union of thy children for thou knowest that I seek it more than the esteem or praise of vile sinners. O father ever give me that bread.
23 or 24 were present i.e. of the church.

March 17th 1827. Monthly meeting was holden at Mr. Wm. Marden's 3rd. I was not present but have information that a good season was enjoyed. 20 or 30 were present; about all spake. Brother Richard Worth feelingly confessed his wrong in getting intoxicated on the day of the Annual town meeting.
Arthur Caverno clerk

April 21st 1827. Church monthly meeting was holden at centre schoolhouse. About 20 members were present. A very glorious season was enjoyed. Mary Grant & Sarah Ann Blaidsell were hopefully converted. Brother Jacob Wallace confessed his wrong in getting intoxicated & promised to refrain from the use of ardent spirits.

May 10th. At a meeting according to previous appointment holden at Brother Thomas Bickford's Sarah Ann Blaisdell of Warner N.H. related her experience for baptism, was baptized, and received the right hand of fellowship as a member of this church.
Arthur Caverno clerk

May 17. Monthly meeting was holden at Br. Green's at the Short Falls. I was not present, but from information a good season was enjoyed. A. Caverno clerk

At a conference meeting holden at my house May 31. Mary Grant who was converted in the April monthly meeting related her experience and on the following Sabbath was baptized and received the right hand of fellowship as a member of this church. In this conference of the 31st of May, William Fowler was considered and on consultation ?? thought best to postpone his rejection until a letter of admonition be given him.
Brother Johnson's affair with his nephew etc was named and a committee appointed to inquire into this matter viz Ephraim Locke, Nathan Bickford, Jacob Wallace and myself. Arthur Caverno (clerk)
Arthur Caverno Clerk

June 1827. Monthly meeting at the centre schoolhouse. I was not present - but few attended & a comfortable meeting. A. Caverno clerk

July 21st. Monthly meeting at Br. Richard Tripps. As I was not present I cannot tell the results of the meeting.
Arthur Caverno clerk

Aug. Monthly meeting at Nathan Bickfords. A glorious season.
The following is the copy of a letter by order of the church to William Fowler in giving him information of the brethren's intentions of rejecting him unless speedy confessions forbids, having given him advice and admonition previously.

Epsom Aug. 23, 1827

Friend William,

By advice of the church I send you a few lines to stir up your mind by way of remembrance.
You recollect that hour undoubtedly when you renounced the pleasures of this work and in the presence of men and angels declared yourself upon the Lord's side; when you found the "pearl of great peace" and affirmed that you found more satisfaction in religion than you ever did in your former life; when you said you were determined to serve the Lord and asked, ___, when you repeatedly interested others to join with you in this your service. O think on that day when the hand that now holds this pen, led you down into the water, and there you were buried in a liquid grave in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, in the presence of a host of spectators that crowded around the shore. -When there you virtually promised to be ___ to sin and walk in newness of life; and afterward took me by the hand as a token of christian fellowship - But unexpectedly you have abandoned our company without any provocation on our part to my knowledge. Our Sabbath meetings seldom witness your presence. Upwards of one year since you have attended a monthly meeting - not one christian testimony have we heard from you for a still longer time - and some things have circulated unfavorable to your character such as spending the holy Sabbath in picking chestnuts and appearing light and vain in meeting which things your conscience forbids - We are tried and the church have unanimously agreed to reject you and let the people know we have not any fellowship with you, unless you appear in church meeting soon and confess. We are loth to give you up, to part with you What a wound to the christian cause it will be - Sinners stumble over you and sink forever! We have conversed with you and could not get much satisfaction - And now must we reject you? I hope immediate confession will forbid - O do come to your brethren and the will be as glad to receive you as ever - As glad to hear you as ever - Come we want your help and presence in the church - Think how the name of a backslider will sound - Think how you will feel when Christ shall say "depart" - And may God help you to come immediately to your brethren, confess and forsake and you will find mercy from them and from God also.
Your well wishing friend William Fowler.
Arthur Caverno
Pastor and clerk of the church
.?R Given by the advice of the church

P.S. After this letter was copied into this book, I though I would omit the letter, that is, sending it, and make him a personal visit which I accordingly did and labored with him, but no success. A. Caverno clerk

Sep 15th 1827 Monthly meeting was at Br. Ephraim Locke's - fifteen or sixteen were present - agreed to commune on the 23rd of this month which ordinance has been neglected all summer.
Postponed Wm Fowler to next monthly meeting by request of Brother Thomas Bickford who wished to see Wm before rejection.
Church voted to make choice of Brother Nathan Bickford clerk and Brother Samuel Green assistant clerk for the church by request of Eld. Caverno resigned.-
Arthur Caverno

May Brs. Bickford and Green keep a record of every monthly meeting particularly all business appertaining to the church - Farewell -

Oct the 21 1829 Met for monthly meeting at Br. Richard Trippe & had a good season & agreed to meet at the school house the next morning for conference meet & heard Sister Caverno experience & desire to be baptized & voted to receive her as a member which was Done at noon in the after noon attended to communion and had a solom season.
Nathan Bickford, Clerk

Nov. the 17
Met at Brother Lockes for monthly meeting & had very trying time on the account of brother Caverno leaving us but agreed to Serve god with out trusting in the arm? of flesh. Nathan Bickford.

December the 15 Met for monthly meeting at my house & had a good season & took new courage to bare the Cross after (my) Jesus
Nathan Bickford

January the 19 1828
Met at Brother E. Lockes for monthly meeting and enjoyed a good season had some good new testimonys in favor of the cause but had some trial on the account of Delinquent members.
Nathan Bickford

February the 18 Met for monthly meeting at Brother Thomas Bickfors & Brother Caverno from Hopkinto & Brother Swain From Chichester Met with us & we had a good season the power of the Lord was in the place and was known & felt in the Church.
Nathan Bickford

March the 16 1828 Met for monthly meeting at Brother E. Locke it being very stormy the brethren & sisters did not attend as usual but such as did meet appointed a conference at my house march the 27 for Church business & brother Caverno attended with us & to our sorrow we found that the cause of god required that we should disown William Fowler after series labor as the Scripture Directs & Lizzie Mariah Lawrence; Hannah Lawrence Bickford & Hiram Parker nee had a solom time but the Lord was with us & blest us. Nathan Bickford

April the 19th Met for the monthly meeting at William Mardens junr & had a good season but a very few attended but the Lord blessed such as did attend.

May the 17 1828 Met for monthly meeting at Brother Thomas Bickfords & had a good revival in the hearts of those that met. A goodly number took new courage to do the Masters will.

July the 21 Met for monthly meeting at my house by a very few attended but I think that I never was in a meeting where that the brethren rose more willingly to speak of the goodness of god in my life nor where the Lord was more willing to bless I could say that my heart took new courage.

August the 10 1828 sister Comfort Tarlton came forward & told her experience & was baptized by elder Caverno & received into the church.

Aug the 16 Met for monthly meeting at brother Davis & had a good season brother Swain met with us from Chichester and Spake encouring to (Zion) from this monthly meeting made a request was made to the quarterly by the Church to the Elders in quarterly meeting held at Middleton the 20 & the 21 Day of august which request was granted & Elders appointed to attend the Conference E. Place S.M. Dyer I Caverly the G A Caverno Moses Bean & William Swain met at Brother E. Lockes with the Church & Mcacheon told his experience & call to preach & his vows of the doctrine of the Cross & of Salvation by Jesus Christ & the brethren were satisfied with this & agreed to ordain him the same afternoon which they did & gave him the love of the Church instead of brother Caverno

Sept the 20 met for monthly meeting at brother Thomas Bickfords brother J. (Namos) met with us from Gilmanton & we had a good season the good shippard me with the flock & blest them with (serving) bread & we thanked god and took Courage.
Nathan Bickford

Octo 19th 1828 Met for Monthy Meeting at my house. Eld. Tenney of Candia met with us and we experienced a blessed good time in waiting on the Lord a very general attendance and everyone spake of the goodness of God.
Nathan Bickford, Clerk

Nov. 15th 1828 Met for Monthly Meeting at Br. Thomsa Bickfords. Number not very large but we had a good meeting and felt encouraged to serve the Lord.
Nathan Bickford

Dec. 20th 1828
Met for Monthly Meeting at Br. Ephrarim Lockes not a very full meeting and there was rather a backwardness in the minds of the members. Still towards the close a number fell determined pursu the heavenly journey.
Nathan Bickford

January 17th 1829

Met for monthly meeting at my house & had a good time the numbers was small but the Lord was with us.

February the 21 1829 Met for Monthly Meeting brother Lockes & had a good time
Nathan B

March April & May I did not attend but understood that the Meetings were very thin.
Nathan B.

June the 21 1829
Monthly Meeting was appointed at the Center Scool House but was omitted on the account of the funeral of Elijah Moses
Nathan B.

July the 18 1829
Met for Monthly Meeting at brother E. Locke the number was small but we had a good season Nathan Bickford

August the 15 1829 Met to brother Thomas Bickfords for monthly meeting & had a good season
Nathan Bickford

Sept the 14th 1829
Met for monthly meeting at brother E. Locks & had a good season & a time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord.
Nathan Bickford

Oct the 17 1829 Met for monthly meeting at my House & Enjoyed the presence of the Lord. Nathan Bickford

Nov the 21 1829 Met for monthly meeting at brother E Locke & brother Daniel Cilley met with us who had been absent for a long time & whee had a good season
brother george grant told his Experience

December the 19 1829 Met for Monthly Meeting at brother Thomas Bickfords & had a good season
Nathan Bickford

January the 16 1830 Met for monthly meeting at brother E Locke & had a good season & heard the experience of John grant & John Wallis Eunice Emerson & Sarah Kiniston & the 17 baptised by Eld James MCacheon the same The 24 brother Samuel Wells the 3 told his Experience & was baptised by Eld James MCucheon
Nathan Bickford

February the 20 1830 Met for Monthly meeting at my house & had a very good meeting
Nathn Nathan Bickford

1830 March the 20 Met for Monthly meeting at brother E Lockes & had a very full & good meeting & heard the Experience of brother Amos Prescott the 21 he was babtised by Eld James Mcuceon
Nathan Bickford

April the 14 Met for monthly meeting at brother Richard Tripps & had a good season the 14 Eliza & Mary Locke were babtised by El James MCucheon
Nathan Bickford

May the 16 1830 Met for monthly meeting at brother E Lockes & had a good season widow grant told her Experience & Desired to be babtised & was babtised the 17 after which we attended to braking of bread & had a Solom time.
Nathan Bickford

Jun the 20 1830 Met for monthly meeting at my house & had a good season. Sister mary Lock brother (Samuel) Lockes wife told her Experience & Hannah Flower told her Exper and at 21 were babtised
Nathan Bickford

July 17 1830 Met for monthly meeting at brother E. Lockes & had a low time the meeting being thin
Nathan Bickford

Augt the 14 1830 Met for Monthly meeting at my house & had a good season thirty spake of the goodness of the Lord
Nathan Bickford

Sept the 18 1830 Met for monthly meeting at brother Thomas Bickfords & had a very good season 24 spake of the goodness of the Lord
Nathan Bickford Clerk

Oct the 16 1830 Met for monthly meeting at the Center Scoolhouse & had a good season & made some arrangements for quarterly meeting which was held in Epsom the next Wednesday & Thursday for the first time in Epsom & had an exalent time in meeting & good union in Conference
Nathan Bickford

November the 20 1830 Met for monthly meeting at John Yeatons the 3 third & enjoyed a blessed good season. There were many spoke of their prosperity in religion with much feeling and liberty a very engaging meeting about 50 present --- At the close of the meeting is was thought best to appoint a committee of 6 brethren to visit delinquent brethren and to attend to other business necessary to be attended to in thar church; and made choice of Brs Daniel Philbrick Jr Samuel Johson. Ephraim Locke, Thomas Bickford, Samuel M. Green and Nathan Bickford as said committee.
Nathan Bickford Clerk.

December the 18, 1830 Met for Monthly meeting at Br. Daniel Philbricks. & had a good season.
Nathan Bickford

January the 15 1831 Met for monthly meeting at my house the meeting was very thin & rather dull.
Nathan Bickford

February the 19 Met for monthly meeting at brother E. Lockes & had a very good season.

March the 20 Met for monthly meeting at brother Thomas Bickfords it being very stormy the Church did not meet
Nathan B

April meeting was to have been at the same place but storm prevented it.
Nathan Bickford

May the 21 1831 Met for monthly meeting at my house & had a good season

June the 18 Met for monthly meeting at brother E. Locke & experienced a good season from the presence of the Lord

July the 16 Met for monthly meeting at brother T Bickford the meeting rather thin but good

August the 20 Met for monthly meeting at brother E. Locke & had a good season

September the 17 Met for monthly meeting at my house & had thin meeting

Oct the 15 Met for monthly meeting at brother John grants & had a good season the meeting was rather thin

November the 19 Met for monthly meeting at brother Jabish Greens I did not attend on the account of a funerell but understood that the meeting was very food & appointed a conference wensday the 23 at brother E Locks which was well attended & Resolved in mustering all as one to not by nor drink by the gill or glass fr spirit at any store or tavern only on sum special occasion & agreed to attend monthly meeting or give some reasonable excuse why we did not meet.

Met for monthly meeting December the 17 at Brother E. Locks & had a very good season

January the 21 1832 Met for monthly meeting at my house & had a very full meeting & a very good one

February the 18 1832 Monthly meeting was holden at brother Samuel Wells & well attended & the Lord was pleased to meet with us

March the 17 Monthly meeting was held at Brother Amos Prescott but very thin

April the 21 Monthly Meeting was holden at brother Daniel Philbricks & very well attended & a very Splendid good meeting. N.B.C.

May the 19, 1832 Met for Monthly Meeting at Br. E. Lockes had a very good meeting. Well attended.
N. Bickford Clerk

June 16 Met at my house, rather thinly attended but had a comfortable time, good engagedness.
Nathan Bickford, C-

July 21 Met for Monthly Meeting at Br. John Yeatons being rainy, but few attended. Enjoyed a pretty good meeting.
N. Bickford, Clerk

August 18 Monthly Meeting was held at Br. Thomas Bickfords, well attended and a very good, comfortable meeting - In this meeting it was accepted to alter the time of the session of this Monthly Meeting. After this, to be held on the 2nd Saturday of every month, for the purpose of having our Meeting before the Quarterly Meeting.
N. Bickford Clerk

Sept. the 8 & Oct. the 13 November the 10 & December the 8 Monthly Meetings as usual well attend
Nathan Bickford

Jan. 12, 1833 Met for monthly Meeting at my house & a very good season & well attended took up the subject of brother Daniel P. Cilley being ordained & a unanimous vote passed that the Clerk of the Church be directed to wright a request to the Q.M. for him to be set apart. Accordingly by a counsel was appointed to Meete the Church at Brother E. Locke Tuesday the 5 day of February. Met & were Satisfied that god had called him to the work. & the 6 he was set apart by the counsell.

Feb. 8th March 8th April 12th May 10th June 14th July 12th August 9th. These monthly meetings were thinly attended but the main body of the Ch remained stable. After a protracted and painful labor with Samuel Wells at the Aug monthly meeting a special Ch meeting was called appointed

The 6th of the next Sep In this meeting the Ch were under painful duty of excommunication him for immoril conduct.
N. Bickford

Sept 13th 1834 Meet for monthly meeting at the new Meetinghouse enjoy a good season felt that the Ch was upon the rise received some faith that God was about to revive his work. We had noticed for some moths a gathering spirit amoung the people & in this meeting we were led to believe that a reformation was about to commence and prayed for it; not only so but we entered into a covenant to pray twice every day for one month that God would revive his work and convert sinners.
Eld Manson feeling an impassion to come and preach with us some. came to the town the 22 of the month and began to visit from house to house by day and to preach every evening in some parts of the town and in a few days the Lord appeared among the people in a wonderful manner, souls came forward for praying in every meeting and on the 27th one soul found peace.
A short time before this a few of the brethren after consulting together ventured to appoint a three day meeting to commence on the 4th of Oct. The revival commencing in the Ch and many poor sinners being awakened. Eld. McCutheon who had been laboring with the Church too, was praying so when the meeting commenced everything was ready for a reformation (except the evil one) and bless God the reformation went powerfully Satins kingdom trembled sinners became Saints rejoiced and the spirit of the Lord ran and was glorified among the people. The meeting left a good solemn impression on the minds of many. Bro Manson continued with us until the 11th the day on which our monthly meeting was in this month, than was under the necessity of going to attend meeting at home with his own people at Meredith and returned the 13th. Eld McCutchon from was with us at monthly meeting and what other meetings he could be, but was under the necessity of being gone from out meetings considerably. The monthly meeting was a good one a number of the converts met with us, and the most of the people spake freely in the meeting.
The 9th of Octr we met at short falls schoolhouse at 2 O'clock P.M. after hearing an interesting discourse from Eld. J. McCutcheon after which we heard the experience of bro. Caleb Durgin by which he gave a satisfactory evidence of a chang of (//) from nature to grace than we repaired to the water and Eld McCutcheon baptized him and added him to the Ch by the hand of fellowship. He being under the necessity to go from town on the 11th day of this month we gave him a letter of commendation. Others now began to feel the duty of baptism. An enquiring conference was set up to be held once a week in these conferences the converts began to get strength and tell of their impressions and it was thought best by the brethren for the a day for baptism to be appointed the 1st Sabbath in Nov. The reformation goes on gradually but very solemn meetings are __ded penitent sinners are seen all round. the day arrives again for weekly conference in the meeting 20 persons told their experience, 19 was received as candidates for baptism, the Sabbath comes the day is pleasant we repair to the Baptist M.H. at an early hour and after hearing a discourse from Eld Manson we repaired to Short falls to baptize. Eld J. McCutcheon than commended and baptized five persons after which Eld Manson went into the water and baptized 14 persons than we repaired to the house of R. Tripp and gave the hand of fellowship.
This was a day of great interest with the Baptist Ch in this town. The church for a number of years had been in rather a low state come scattered and tried but now appear to take a new start. A Church meeting was appointed to be holden at bro. E. Locke's the next day at 1 O'clock P.M. In this meeting Elders Manson a& Cilley met with Eld McCutcheon and the Ch. After opening meeting by solemn prayer to Almighty God an inquiry was made respecting the standing of the Ch and it was ascertained that there had not been any communion held with the Ch. for a long time for certain reasons. The 1st & greatest was the Ch had no Dea (2) a few thing and not but a few that were trials and these were about to be removed. Than the CH.. agreed that it would appoint two brethren for Deacons, and in order to find out the minds of the brethren or who they wished to haave appointed to this office Elders Manson & Cilley retired to another room and called in the brethren one after another and inquired of them who they desired to have stand in this place and in this way. Brethren Ephraim Locke and Thomas Bickford were chosen. Than bro. Amos Prescott was appointed to officiate in the absence of either of these brethren.
After this some remarks were made by the preachers to the church upon Church discipline and of the importance of union in the Ch and thre appeared an earnest desire manifested by the Ch to attend to gospel order. After this the subject of temperance was laid before the Ch.. and it was considered to be a subject of great importance by most of the church.
Voted that our Ch clerk have the approbation of this Church and authority to give letter of commendation to brethren that are in fellowship with the CH. and in good standing when requested by them when they are about removing to some other place.
November 3, 1834
Nathan Bickford C.C.

Nov 30th Met at Baptist meeting house for publick worship after hearing a sermon from Eld Manson repaired to the water where Eld Manson
[ed. Above marked out with 2 X's]

Nov 8th Meet in Mohy Meeting at M.H. a general attendance and it was a good season many spake of their encouragements.
The reformation is yet progressing and a solemn time with all the people prayer meetings we attended in the different parts of the Ch..
Nathan Bickford C. Clk

Nov. 22nd 1834 By request Sister Mary Ham received a letter from this Ch.. community her to the F.W. Baptist Ch.. in Lowell Mass as a Sister in good standing.
N. Bickford C. Clerk

Nov. 30th Meet at the Baptist M.H. in this town and after hearing a sermon from Eld Manson we repaired to the water and Eld Manson baptized four persons Viz. Widow Susan Goss Eleanor Young Joanna Maxfield John Yeaton 3rd after which we repaired to the Meetinghouse and heard another sermon that those that had been baptized between the meetings came forward and received the hand of fellowship. Our meeting was solemn and spiritual at the close of which 3 rose for prayers.
N. Bickford Clerk

Dec 7th Meet at Dea Thomas Bickfords for conference at the close of this meeting Joseph Emerson related his experience in company with Susan Fowler, Sally Fowler and Betsey Fowler and on the 8th being Sabbath were baptized by Eld Manson between the meetings and at the close of the afternoon meeting received the hand of fellowship.

Dec. 13th Meet in Moh Conference had a very good meeting the Church very well united.
Nathan Bickford

Jany and Febr Monthly meetings well attended formed a good union at the Jany Mo meeting (with a few exceptions) after some conversation with bro S. Johnson respecting his trials he appeared to have union with the Church and he with Eld McCuthcheon and N. Bickford were appointed messengers to the Q.M. to be holden at Gilmanton in Eld. P. Clarks meeting house.
N. Bickford Clerk

March Monthly Meeting was not quite so good found that bro S. Johnson was not satisfied with the proceedings of the Ch in Jany in that this Church had withdrawn the hand of fellowship from John Grant for intoxication. He thought that he had not been laboured with enough before he was disowned. But when the Ch came to look into the subject, it was found that he had been dealt with in a tender manner until it was found that he was a dishonor to the ___ of God, and there was no prospect of reclaiming him from his drinking and after a great deal of conversation and labour with br Johnson he gave the subject up and appeared to be reconciled to the Church and said he would try to get along as well as he could with us.
N. Bickford C. Clerk

Monthly meeting in April rather a dull meeting at the close of this meeting appointed a communion to he had on the 10th of May 1835.
N. Bickford Clerk

April the 17th 1835 gave sister Sally T. Goss a letter of commendation to the Church of Christ in Lowell Mass.
N. Bickford Clerk

May 9th 1835 Meet in Moly conference opened the meeting by prayer we than proceeded of try the union of the Church and found all in union with the Ch except br. Samuel Johnson and after a number of hours of painful labour with him we concluded it was best to have a committee of six brethren to wait on bro J. and see if reconsilation could be had, made Choise of Thomas Bickford Ephraim Locke Samuel Green Amos Prescott Samuel Wells Nathan Bickford
This Commt immediately retired with bro J and after much labour returned and reported as followes: we your comt think that bro Johnson had ought to make a humble acknowledgement to the Ch and ask forgiveness for his obscene language and treatment to the Church for these 3 months passed and if he does not do that we think he had ought to be put under admonition; that he was permitted to wait and consider on the subject until the close of the present meeting.
3d Chose messengers to the Q.M. to be holden at Gilmanton Made choise of brethren Sea. E. Locke and Thomas Tripp.
4th Appointed a communion once in three months beginning tomorrow and it is ever to be kept up in the Church
Communion 3 Months
5th at the close of the meeting called on bro Johnson to know what he was about to do & found that he was not ready to confess.
6th we than voted that bro J be under admonition 3 months and if he does not take up this admonition the understanding is that he be excommunicated from this Church
N. Bickford Ch Clerk

May 10th meet at the Baptist M.H. and after hearing a discourse from Eld B.S. Manson we repaired to the water and Eld McCutcheon baptized bro Wm Abbott Jr. and in the afternoon Eld McCutcheon preached and at the close of his sermon Eld Manson gave bro Abbott and Sister Mercy Bickford (by request of Eld McCutcheon) the hand of fellowship. Than we proseded to communion as before appointed and it was a good season a large number came forward
Nathan Bickford Clerk
*Sister Bickford added by letter from a Bt Ch in Boston

May 11th gave Sister Susan T Goss a letter of commendation to the F.W.B. Church of Christ in Lowell Mass
N. Bickford C Clerk

June 13th Meet in Mo Meeting at the Meetinghouse but a few of the brethren attended and when came together it appeared to be rather discouraging having such a ___ trial the last conference but we had not together but a little while before the blessed God appeared as one in our midst and the meeting was one of very great interest we thought that it was one our best meetings that we ever enjoyed.
N. Bickford - Clerk

July 8th Meet in monthly conference at the M.H. a goodly number meet and it was a very profitable season & I think that the Church is well united.
N. Bickford C Clerk

July 8th By request of bro Samuel Johnson who was put under admonition May 9th we held a conference at 5 o'clock P.M. after having much talk with brother J. we parted under some encouragement that he would remove his difficulty by confession however but five of the members of the Church were present to hold conversation.
N. Bickford Clerk

Augt 8th Meet at the M.H. for Conference nothing special in the Conf. At the close took bro Johnson's case up after some conversation night came on and as there were not many of the brethren present and not much prospect of our doing much as Eld McCutcheon was not present we adjourned the meeting three weeks from this day at 2 O'clock P.M. at this place.
N. Bickford Clerk

Augt 29th 1835 Meet agreeable to adjournment opened meeting by prayer
Brother Samuel Johnson's case was introduced bro N. Bickford moved that bro Johnson have liberty to make such remarks as he may think proper, he than arose and made many remarks and talked much but did not come at the subject so as to confess to the satisfaction of the brethren. It than was asked him if he had ever said anything abusive about the church or is a way of that was Nighly of his brethren he stated that he had not; he than was asked if he had ever stated that the church worshiped Eld Manson more that they did God; he said that he never said any such a thing in his life, he than was asked if he had ever said so about any of his brethren and he stated that he had not over and over again. It was than proved to the satisfaction of the church that he had made such statements, it was proved that he had said the brethren or some of them worshiped Eld Manson more than they did God; this was proved the statement was made before Dr. Babb's done in this neighborhood on the 1st Sabbath Nov. in 1834 the same day that the brethren baptized 19 at short falls however after much time was spent we were under the necessity of calling the vote of the Church to see if the brethren were satisfied and learned that the Church was not satisfied, and than Mr. Johnson was informed that according to a former vote that he was excluded from the Ch.
We than closed the meeting by prayer.
N. Bickford C Clerk

Sept. 6th at the close of a meeting at short falls we called a Church meeting and appointed brethren N. Bickford J Griffin to visit Jacob Wallace and labour with him on the account of his drinking sum to access and report as soon as may be
N. Bickford

Octr 10th Monthly meeting not so well attended as usual however a good season enjoyed. At the close of the meeting appointed Eld McCutcheon & Dea E Locke messengers to the next Q.M. to be holden in Lebenon ME 3d Wed & Thur in this Mos.
II. The Comt appointed to visit Jacob Wallace reported that they had not attended to their duty they were continued & requested to attend to that duty & report to the next Moh M.
III Appointed brethren Samuel Green and John Yeaton 3d to visit Bro Jonathan Marden and assertain if possible the reason why he does not attend monthly meetings.
N. Bickford C. Clerk

Nov 8th Met for Moly a good number came a it was a good meeting at the close of the meeting five persons came forward & related their experiences & offered themselves as candidates for baptism also two presented letters of commendations viz. Sarah P. Dyer (now Sarah Locke E. Locke jr. wife) Patty How and give good satisfaction to the church and were received by the brethren as candidates to be received into the church with those that were to be baptized.
The commt to visit J Wallace and Jonathan Marden not reported by continued to the next Moly meeting -

Nov. 9th being Sabbath day meet for worship at the M.H. and after lisning to a discourse from Eld. B.S. Manson we repaired to the water where be baptized Ephraim Locke jr, Eunice How, Hannah Marden, Polly Philbrick and Ruth Philbrick - after which we returned to the M.H. and listened to another sermon at the close of which Eld Manson gave the hand of fellowship to the seven candidates before named and upon the whole this was a very interesting meeting - God was evidently with us -

Sept 6th Eld Manson baptized James Wiggin and gave him the hand of fellowship in behalf of the Church -
The Monthly Meeting in Dec. was good a goodly number attended and appeared well engaged in the good cause of God -
N. Bickford Ch Clark
[Ed note: the word Clark for Clerk has been used repeated]

Jany 9th 1836 Met for Monthly meeting as usual nothing special, at the close of the meeting Jonathan Knowls was received by letter from Pittsfield 1st F.W. Baptist Church
N. Bickford, Ch Clark

Feb. 13th It being a very stormy day no Meeting was attended, the Sabbath following was our stated communion but the weather was so inclement but three persons attend. Consequently it was put over to be attended some other time.

March 12th met for Monthly meeting as usual - a good season. At the close of the meeting brother Saml Green presented a Bible for the Pulpit which he had purchased for $2.75 the agreed to have it and accordingly it was put into the pulpit
Something was said about Missions found the brethren very favourable and ready to form into Society Eld Manson was requested to form a consititution for the home Missions.
N. Bickford Clerk

April 9th Met for monthly meeting as usual had a comfortable Season nothing special. At the Close voted to have a conference for business in two weeks from this
N. Bickford Clerk

April 23d Met in conference for business took under consideration the case of Brother Jacob T. Wallace after hearing the report of the Comt sent to visit him and having considerable conversation on the Subject voted to reject him from the Church & voted that the Clerk Notify him of the same.
2nd Took under consideration the case of Brother Jonathan Marden and voted that he be under admonition until the monthly meeting in June 2nd voted that Brother J. Griffin and George W. Grant be a committee to visit him and see if he will abandon the traffick in ardent spirits and report June monthly meeting
N. Bickford Clerk

May 14th met for monthly a goodly number present enjoyed a blessed season all spoke of the goodness of God and good union was felt among the brethren and Sisters at the Close Sister Rand was received by letter & Sister Anna Bickford after being Baptized on the following day.
N Bickford Clerk

June 11th met for monthly meeting as usual rather thin all present spake of the enjoyments had a comfortable Season at the close attended to some business & Chose Br. John Griffin Moderator 2nd heard the report of the Comt sent to visit Br. Jonathan Marden and voted that his admonition continue one month longer then voted to raise a Comt of seven members to meet the Comt from the Quarterly meeting at Br. Ephraim Lockes on the last Wednesday in June relative to the affair of Saml Johnson voted that Brethren J. McCutcheon E. Locke T. Bickford N. Bickford Saml M. Green John Griffin Jr & Amos Prescott be this Comt then voted this meeting be adjourned until the Close of the next monthly meeting.
N. Bickford Clerk

The committee appointed relative to Sam Johnson Meet the comt from Q.M. as above and decided in the former of the church

July th Monthly Meeting as usual
August Monthly Meeting ditto

Sept, Monthly Meeting do

October Monthly Meeting do

Novem Monthly Meeting do

Decem Monthly Meeting well attended and a good season injoyed

Th 16 Monthly Meeting comfortable season injoied Blessed are the Dwellings of the saints

February Monthly Meeting were ever the saints assemble there is a House for God__ ___ ___ _____

March the 11 M.M. good season

April Monthly M but few attended it being very stormy
Th 8

May the 15 M.M. Blessed to meet in the assembly of the saints
At this monthly meeting the case of Br. Jonathan Marden was taken up and all hopes of reclaiming being you in along delay and much labour in the same voted to reject him as a member of this church

June the 10 Monthly M, Some refreshing God be praised and may we be humble

August the 12 Monthly Meeting as usual voted to request the next term of the Q.M.

Septem the 9 Monthly Meeting Glorious Season injoyed

October the 5 Sister Salley Worth and Abigail Healey were received into the Church by vote and Baptism

Th 19th Monthly Meeting the power of God was present to heal and our souls were maid happy
Sister Sally Grant was received in the church by letter
Sister G Sanders and James L. Prescott related their experiences for Baptism and were received as candidates for the same by Church the 15 Sabbath: Br. George Sanders gave the relation of his mind and with the above were baptised as Members of the Church

The 25-6 The New Durham Q.M. was concerned with the Church in this place agreeable to our request and now attend with some degree of interest some souls we hurt found peace the praise be to God only

November the 11 Monthly Meeting But few attend But with those present Jesus was there were two or three Br thence ___ ? in the midst

Meeting well attended a precious season the presence of the Lord was with us no business done.
N. Bickford

January 13th 1838
Met for Monthly meeting at the usual place meeting well attended a comfortable season bless God for a good union among brethren

February 10th
Met for meeting a large number of the Church were present and many others the power of the Lord was among us upwards of sixty testified of the love of God at the close six converts rose and expressed a desire to be baptized agreed to attend to their request as soon as an administrator can be obtained Eld. McCutcheon being sick.

March 7th
Met in conference at Br. F. Lockes Eld B.S. Manson meet with us after some remarks from Br. Manson a number of converts related their experiences in cours as follows: Francis Knowles, Ayer Knowles, Margaret Knowles, Sally Wiggin, Melinda Chapman Emaline Grant and then repaired to the water and Eld B.S. M. baptised them. Then voted to hold a protracted Meeting next week.

March 14th 1838

Met in protracted Meeting Elder John Kimbal and C. Small met with us and laboured for the good of souls and the power of the Lord was present with us. In the course of the meeting many were led to inquire what they must do to be saved Saturday March 16th Brs Wm Johnson, Samuel Knowles, David Brown and sisters Olive S. Knowles, Fanny Brown, Elizabeth Johnson related their experience and at noon repaired to the water near Mr. Bickfords where Eld. J. Kimball baptised them and at the house of Mr. Bickford he gave them and sister Jemima H. Johnson the right hand of fellowship
March 10th met in monthly meeting a large number being present all well engaged had a precious sitting together in a heavenly place. At the close sister Nancy Abbot made a request to join this church voted to receive her.

April 10th 1838

Met at the meetinghouse agreeable to appointment with a committee from the Rockingham Q.M. for the purpose of ordaining Br. B. Vandame whom we expect to labor with us for a season

April 12th
Met for monthly meeting at the usual place the house was well filed the church appeared well engaged about seventy spoke of the goodness of the Lord and the spirit of God was in the meeting and we could say as one did anciently how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity at the close Br. Wm Manson and Sister Louisa C. Manson presented letters of commendation from the Church at Gred (?) Falls and requested to join this Church. Br. Wm Sanders and wife presented a letter from the church at Ossipee and requested to join this church voted to receive them. Br. McCutchin gave them the hand of fellowship five converts related their experience and requested to be baptised viz. Joseph Ames. Daniel Lock Joseph Brown Samuel W. Johnson Harriet Ames agreed to attend to it on Thursday next at the Short falls.

April 19th 1938

Met at the short falls schoolhouse agreeable to appointment for baptism heard a sermon from B. Vandame after which Sister Dorcas Marden related her experience and requested to be baptised and join this Church and Sister Mary Jane Marden related her experience and made the same request after asking them the usual questions and receiving satisfactory answers voted to receive them then repaired to the water and Br. V baptised the above named candidates with those mentioned under date of April 12th and at the house of Br. James Marden Eld V gave them the right hand of fellowship in behalf of this church
N. Bickford Clerk

May 12th

Met for Monthly meeting as usual a large number present had a comfortable season at the close Merrill Robinson Mehitable Lock and Betsey Philbrick related their experience & requested to be baptised tomorrow voted to receive them Sisters Sarah V. Locke & Abigail Wood presented letters from the church at Concord and requested to join this church voted to receive them next proceeded to make choice of delegates to the next Q.M. chose Brs E Locke A. Prescot & T. Tripp next voted that the Assistant clerk be authorized to give letters of dismission and recommendation when requested to by any member in good standing
N. Bickford Clerk

May 13th 1838 Sunday

Met at the Meeting House as usual Br. V preached at noon repaired to the water and Eld V Dame Baptised the above named persons and then returned to the Meetinghouse and there he gave them & the two that presented Letters the right hand of fellowship and at the close of the after noon service attended to the communion

May 14th 1838

Br. John Worth & Sister Ann Tower were dismissed by letter to join the Church in Lowell

June 9th 1838

Met for monthly meeting at the usual place meeting well attended the presence of the Lord was with us and we had a blessed good season no business done.

July 6th 1838

Sister Eunice How dismissed by letter to join the Church at Lowell

July 14th

Met for monthly meeting but few attended had a comfortable season no business of importance

August 11th

Met for monthly meeting as usual meeting well attended a good and blessed season chose E. Locke & N. Bickford delegates to the next Q.M.
N. Bickford

September 8th 1838

Met for monthly meeting well attended Church well engaged and many enjoyed the presence of the Lord at the close sister Judith Marden presented a letter from the Church at Bridgewater and wishes to join this Church voted to receive her

September 14th 1838

Sister Betsey Fowler dismissed by letter

October 13th 1838

Met for monthly meeting at the usual place meeting rather thin but with those present the power of the Lord was manifest and we had a blessed season at the close chose the delegates to the next Q.M.

November 10th 1838

Met for monthly meeting a large number present all well engaged and enjoyed a blessed season bless the Lord

December 8th 1838

Met for M Meeting but few attended owing to a severe storm

January 5th 1839

Met for Monthly meeting as usual meeting well attended church well engaged and enjoyed a good season at the close chose Brs Ephraim Locke and John Burnham delegates to the next Q Meeting
N. Bickford

February 9th 1839

Et for Monthly meeting a good attendance time well improved and had a good season bless the Lord

March 9th 1839

Met for monthly meeting well attended and a good season no business

April 13th 1839

Met for monthly meeting but few attended

April 27th Sister Mary Marden died
April 29th Brother Merril Robinson dismissed

May 8th

Met for monthly meeting a goodly number present a comfortable time at the close sister Tamson Buncker presented a letter and joined this Church

June 8th 1839

Met for monthly meeting a good attendance time well improved and a good union

July 14th

Monthly meeting as usual

August 11th

Monthly meeting rather thin attended
September 4th
Monthly meeting well attended and good time

October 8th

Met for monthly meeting but few attended but with those present a good solemn time and much of the presence of the Lord bless his name

November 12th
Met as usual for monthly meeting rather amiss O Lord revive thy work

December 10th

Met for monthly meeting as usual meeting rather thin on account of a severe snow storm and bad going but those present had a good time

Janaury 14th 1840

Met for monthly meeting at the usual place and after praise and prayer the Church spoke one by one and the presence of the Lord was present

February 10th none

March 10th Met for monthly meeting a good number present the Church well engaged and had a good time

April 8th

Met for monthly meeting about 30 present but so much engaged at first but had a comfortable time Sister Ruth Mason dismissed by letter

May 12th

Met for monthly meeting a good attendance a good union prevailed the church well engaged

June 11th Sister Mary Hervey dismissed by letter

July June 12th Monthly Meeting rather thin the church low after meeting in conference received letters from Br. John & Sister Hannah Drew with a request to join this church voted to receive them

July 11th 1840

Met for monthly meeting meeting attended as usual no conference
August 8th

Met for monthly Meeting a good number present a good engagedness and a good season after meeting chose five delegates to Q.M.

September 12th

Monthly Meeting as usual a comfortable season

October 10th

Met for monthly Meeting well attended some well engaged had a good sitting together after meeting chose fife delegates to Q.M.

November 14th

Men in monthly meeting but few attended some were under trials of mind, others enjoyed the meeting well

December 8th

--commenced a protracted meeting for six days - God blessed us and good _____

Dec 12th

Monthly meeting postponed one week on the account of the protracted meeting.

Dec. 19th
Met for monthly conference an unusual degree of interest Christians spake with much liberty and feeling God blessed his ____ and quickened them anew saw evident signs of good resulting from the protracted meeting
Voted that we hold a meeting the last day of this year & the first of next in union with our Congregational brethren one day in our house and one in theirs.

Jan. 9th 1841

Met in monthly meeting for the first time for this year. There were evident signs of an ____ of enjoyment in the church since the last All spake with freedom and it was one of the many seasons that will be long remembered.
Chose brethren Thomas Tripp & Samuel M. Green to attend the Q.M. to be holden at Canterbury 13th & 14th next


Feb. 1st

Assembled for monthly conference but few attended some were low in their minds but manifested good _______ to live, others happy in the Lord
On account of a severe storm no monthly meeting in March

April 11 the ______ ____ God but few assembled for monthly meeting, but the Lord blessed us in getting together

May 8th
Monthly meeting but few met

June 12th

Monthly meeting unusually full - sung and prayed as usual after which many spoke with good feeling Our hearts were refreshed
Took a vote to see if the church was in fellowship - found good union

July 10

Monthly meeting well attended
A general heartfastness - but not so much joy as some times
Heard the experience of br Simeon Sanders and sister V. G. Ramsey
Voted to receive them as candidates for baptism

Aug 21st 1841
Met for monthly meeting a good number were present Many spoke of joys, others appeared to have passed a heavy darkness Was favored with the presence of Eld Merrill of Stratham
Voted to receive sister Caroline Sanders as a member of this church she having presented a letter from the Methodist Episcopal Church at Concord.
Monthly meeting __________________________________conference
Chose the following brethren delegates to the next V.M. conference Viz. Elds McCutcheon, Ramsey and brethren Nathan Bickford, Ephraim Lock John Burnham

Sept. 11

Monthly meeting but few attended but God blessed us in sitting together

Oct 9th A goodly number assembled for monthly meeting some begin to arise in their minds and manifest anxiety for more enjoyment.
Chose brethren Ramsey and Prescott delegates to the next Q.M.

Oct 16th Met in conference heard the experience of four persons who ___ to be baptized and unite with the church
Voted to receive them.
Chose a committee of two viz. Brethren John Burnham and Eld Ramsey to visit sister Joanna Maxfield.
Sabbath 17th The persons alluded too above were baptized communion today unusually solemn and interesting

Nov 13 But few met in monthly meeting on the account of the weather engaged in a good season an increase of enjoyment was manifest with most of those present

Dec. 12, Monthly meeting postponed to 16,
Dec 16, Met by the goodness of God to enjoy the last monthly meeting for this year. Weather unfavorable and not many attended, but enjoyed a good season. Numbers manifested and increase of enjoyment.
After meeting had a church conference.
1. Heard and accepted the report of the committee sent to visit sister Joanna Maxfield
2. Voted to give sister Maxfield 3 months to consider her case and make confession to the church if she thought expedient before further action.
3. Chose a committee of two viz. Thomas Bickford and John Yeaton 3rd to visit Mary Jane
4. 4. Chose John Griffin and George Sanders to visit Ayer Knowls
5. Adjourned sine die

Jan 8 1842
Again in our place assembled to recount the various providences of another month
Some spake of an increase of enjoyment while others lacked for joyes
Voted that we approve of the division of the Q.M. Chose brethren Lock,, Manson and Drew delegates to the next Q.M.

Feb. 12
Again assembled for monthly meeting - a goodly number present, Some gave evident signs of a growth in grace - others appear steadfast but no spiritual heard After meeting resolved _____ into church conference
Heard the report of committee sent to visit Mary Jane Silver -__ he has not been to attend to her situation voted that the committee be continued
Chose a committee of four to visit delinquent members. Chose for the above com. Thomas Bickford, Thomas Tripp John Griffin and Ephraim Lock

March 12 usual ____ for monthly meeting. But few assembled - Not so much spirituality on the whole as the month previous. Some however were happy and all spear steadfast.
Conference at the close.
Voted to give Joanna Carpenter (formerly Maxfield) ___ month more to attend to her situation.

April 9

But few come to the house for worship. The general spirit of the meeting low some appeared to be happy others steadfast.

May 14 again in our accustomed place for monthly meeting. A goodly number present. The meeting was of unusual interest. All spake with freedom and joy. Numbers last reported to live more watchful trusting in God for help. Closed by prayer and then called a meeting of business. Chose br. Nathan Bickford to visit Joanna Carpenter and report to the ch. Chose brethren Thomas Tripp & G.P. Ramsey delegates to the next Q.M.
Adjourned sine die

June 11 very stormy so as to prevent the brethren and sisters from coming to monthly meeting.

July 9 met again to relate to each other the blessings of another month. An unusual number present - and it seemed as though the great Shepherd loved to meet his flock an with Brethren and sisters spake with much freedom and spirit. Received Br. Michael M. Libbey and sister Mary Libby commended from the Christian church in Kensington N.H.
Heard the experience of sister Martha Libby and Delia G. Prescott and voted to receive them as members of this church when they shall have been baptised.
N. Bickford

Aug. 13 again assembled in monthly meeting - a goodly number present. About 40 spake of the joys of religion. Heard the experience of sister Sally Robinson and brother James Bracket. Voted to receive them as members of this church when they shall be baptized. Sunday 14 the above named received baptism. Chose Brethren James McCutcheon, G. P. Ramsey, S.M. Green & N. Bickford delegates to the next Q.M.
N. Bickford

Sep 10, 1842
By the leave of providence we again set down in monthly conference to take a retrospective view of another month. Meeting very well attended. Eld. D. Sidney ____ of Contoocookville was present. Most of the brethren and sisters spake of a good degree of enjoyment and ___ love.
Appointed a church meeting to be holden at the meetinghouse the 15
Thursday 15 met agreeable to appointment. 1. Heard the experience of br A. D. Swain and voted to receive him as a member of this church after he has been baptised.
2. Voted that the clerk be instructed to write sister Joanna Carpenter (former Maxfield) that if she does not make a confession to the church by the next monthly meeting she will be rejected. N. Bickford

Oct. 8
By the goodness of God we were permitted to set down together again for worship.
A good number present and some spake of deep and solemn exercise of mind by which it was evident there was more interest in the subject of religion. Conference after the close of monthly meeting, and chose brethren G.P. Ramsey, E. Locke, T. Bickford and A.D. Swain delegates to the Q.M.
____ that the subject relative to sister Joanna Carpenter be postponed another month not knowing whether the clerk had heard from her.

Nov. 12 1842

God has been reviving his work and as a result monthly meeting was large and interesting. More solemnity I never saw upon the minds of Christians. Converts were present and spoke with freedom.
Conference after monthly meeting in which we head the confession of sister Mary Jane Silver (formerly Marden) and voted to forgive her, and agreeable with her request gave her a letter of commendation to the Baptist church in Concord.
Dea. Ephraim Lock requested that the rejection of Joanna Carpenter be postponed another month till he could have opportunity to see her. Voted to grant his request and to appoint him a committee.
Voted to adjourn without day

Nov 26

Met in conference and enjoyed a good degree of the Spirit. Many spoke their enjoyment and brethren Nathan Marden and Jer. Burnham jr and sister Martha C. Hall related their experience for baptism and were received by the church.

Dec. 3 Met in conference enjoyed a good season. Heard the experience of John Burnham and Charles Gordon and voted to receive them as candidates for baptism.

Dec. 4 Eld. G.P. Ramsey baptized brethren James Marden, Nathan Marden, Jno Burnham jr., Jer Burnham Jr. and Charles Gordon.

Dec. 10 We again enjoyed a good season in monthly meeting.
Conference at the close- Heard the report of Dea. Locke sent to visit Joannna Carpenter - accepted it & voted to grant her another month.

Jan. 7, 1843
Met for the first time on the new year to speak of the goodness of God.
Enjoyed a good season
Chose E. Locke, A. Prescott & A.D. Swain delegates to the Q.M. to be holden at Dover.

Feb. 11 Monthly meeting but few attended owing to the badness of the weather.

Mar. 11 A good number present not so much enjoyedness as many times but a general steadfastness, all went to serve God from principle.
Conference at the close
1 Voted to give Samuel Knowles and Olive S. Knowles letters to the 3rd F.W> Baptist church in Barnstead.
2 Voted to reject Joanna Carpenter formerly Maxfield
Adjourned without day

April 9, 1843
Bad traveling and but few to monthly meeting yet it was not altogether unprofitable. One young man came forward and spake for the first time. Rather a low time but a general steadfastness.

May 13 Again permitted to sit in monthly meeting. A good number present. Most appeared lorn but steadfast. Conference at the close. Chose Eld. G.P. Ramsey and brethren Amos Prescott and Samuel M. Green delegates to Q.M. to be holden at Loudon Ridge.
Heard the complaint brought against Abagial Brown and considered her a subject of admonition. Chose sisters Lydia Prescott and Mehitable Clough committee to visit her and report next conference.
Adjourned sine die to next monthly meeting

June 10 monthly meeting postponed one week

June 17 A good number met and enjoyed a good season. Not so much interest as at other times - but a steadfastness -
Conference at the close - Called on the committee appointed to visit Abigail Brown. No report. Discharged that committee and appointed T. Bickford and G.P. Ramsey to report next month.

July 8 1843
Monthly meeting - but few attended - a low time indeed - most spoke of lack of encouragement.
Conference at the close - heard the report of committee to visit Abigail Brown and voted to suspend all action upon it for three months. Adjourned without day. N. Bickford clerk

July 23 Jonathan Knowles departed this life being the first male member that has died since the organization of the church in July 1st 1824.
Sally Osgood died - 1843 one of those who composed the church at its commencement.

August 12

Monthly meeting was well attended, but a want of active and entire deratedness was manifest throught the whole
Conference at the close - Chose Eldr James McCutheon and Goram P. Ramsey and Dea. Ephraim Locke delegates to the next Q.M.
Adjourned sinedie
N. Bickford

Sept. 9, 1843
Monthly meeting about as usual. A general steadfastness and desire to live among those that were present.
N. Bickford

Oct. 14, 1843
Monthly meeting full, and profitable.
A manifest increase of interest and hungering after righteousness.
Conference at the close of monthly meeting and Chose Eld G.P. Ramsey and Jno Burnham sen. and jr. delegates to next Q.M.
Voted to give Abigail Brown three months longer to consider her case and chose Dea. Locke to inform her of the action of the church. Dissolved
N. Bickford

Brother George Young who related his experience Oct. 10, was baptized Nov. 5th and added to the church.

Nov. 11 but few to monthly meeting on account of the bad weather, but we hope it was not in vain. A lorn ___ in most parts of the church but have many interesting prayer meetings.
N. Bickford

Dec. 9 1843
Monthly as full as usual - a good steadfastness and some appeared to enjoy the Divine favor to a good degree.
Dec. 11 sister Dolly Grant departed this life with a good hope in Christ
Jan. 4 1844 Mary Rand __ left the church ____ fear a higher order of beings

Jan. Monthly meeting omitted to attend the funeral of sister Rand.
N. Bickford

Feb. But few to monthly meeting in consequence of a storm.

March 9th About the usual number present. Some appeared to he in a good frame of mind, others were lorn but steadfast.
Conference at the close.
1 Heard the report of Dea. Lock appointed to visit Abigail Brown and voted to give here four months longer
2 Appointed a church conference Sat. 16
3 Dissolved

Mar. 16, 1844
Very rainy and but few attended - postponed the meeting until the 27

March 27 Met in conference and
1 Prayer by Eld G.P. Ramsey
2 Appointed brothers S.M. Green and T. Tripp a committee to visit Joseph Brown
2 br. John Griffin to visit Br. Joseph Emerson
3 Brethren Thomas Bickford and John Yeaton 3rd to visit Frances Knowles
4 As there had been some unpleasant feelings among the brethren arising from a misunderstanding of some things, proceeded to converse upon the subject and after understanding each other, we think we parted with brotherly kindness. Adjourned 4 weeks

March the 31 1844 Eld Goram P. Ramsey closed his labors with us, having preached with us three years, ten months and a half. Nathan Bickford

May 26th 1844 Eld Kinsman R. Davis Commenced labouring with the Church and people here

June 8th 1844
Met for Monthly meeting a goodly number attended all spake of the goodness of God and a Comfortable Season enjoyed.
Chose John Griffin & Ephraim Locke Delegates to the next Quarterly meeting

July 3rd 1844

Meeting at the Short falls School House three came forward and related their experience and were received as candidates for baptism viz. Mrs. Lucinda Fowler, Mary Critchet & Harriet Tripp baptized by Eld Kinsman R. Davis received the right hand of fellowship at the water.
Nathan Bickford

July 13th 1844
Met for Monthly meeting but few attended had a Comfortable season

August 10, 1844
Met for Monthly meeting a number attended enjoyed a very good Season
Chose Deacon Ephraim Locke & John Griffin Delegates to attend the next Quarterly meeting to be holden at Northwood.
Nathan Bickford,

Sept. 7th 1844
Met for monthly meeting a goodly number attended a good Season enjoyed three related their experience for baptism, viz. Mrs. Sophronia Prescott, Lucretia Yeaton Elisabeth Emerson & were baptized the day following by Eld Kinsman R. Davis, received the right hand of fellowship at the water at the Close of the exercised the Lords Supper was attended by the Church
Nathan Bickford Clerk

October 6th 1844
Met in Monthly meeting more present than had attended some time previous a Comfortable Season enjoyed. There seemed to be an anxious desire among the brethren & Sisters present that the Lord would revive his work among us once more. Chose brethren Daniel Clough & Samuel M. Green delegates to attend the next Quaterly meeting to be holden at Meredith Bridge.
Nathan Bickford Clerk

November 9th, 1844

Met in Monthly meeting but few attended a Comfortable Season enjoyed by those present.
N. Bickford Clerk

December 14th 1844

Met in Monthly meeting a good Season enjoyed by those present some revival in the Church.
Nathan Bickford Clerk

January 11, 1845

Met for Monthly meeting a goodly number attended had quite an interesting time the brethren & sisters seem to be somewhat revived and union generally prevails.
Nathan Bickford Clerk

February 8th 1845 There was no Monthly meeting it being stormy.
N.B. Clerk

March 8, 1845
Met for monthly meeting but few attended a Comfortable Season enjoyed. Eld Kinsman R. Davis closed his Labours with this Church and people March 30th 1845 Nathan Bickford Clerk

April 12 but few attended monthly meeting rather a dark time.

May 10th 1845 but few attended Monthly meeting it being a busy time. Chose Thomas Trippp & Samuel M. Green Delegates to Quarterly meeting
N. Bickford Clerk

June 21 '45 Met in Monthly meeting, 18 were present, all of which spake something of the dealings of God's Spirit with them. Some spake of much enjoyment, others of but very little. On the whole it was a comfortable season. That which caused the most unpleasant feeling, was to think see so few come up to the house of God for worship.
N. Bickford Clerk

July 12 - '45 The brethren and sisters met in Monthly meeting for the purpose of telling each other of their divine progress for the month past and also of their determination to live for Christ in the future. All that were present took a part in the exercises of the meeting, the first part was not so well improved as could have been wished, but as the meeting progressed the interest increased - & on the whole, quite a good time.
N. Bickford Clerk

Aug. 9 - '45 Met in M. Meeting, but very few attended on account of the busy haying season - but the few who did attend had a very good season in prayer & praise.
N. Bickford Clerk

Sept. 20/'45 But few attended the monthly meeting - those present had a pleasant season in waiting upon the Lord, which is always the case, for the promise is that those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength.
Nathan Bickford Clerk

Oct. 11/'45 A few of the Brethren and Sisters met in monthly meeting not quite so incouraging a time as could have been wished for.
Nathan Bickford Clerk

Nov. 8/'45 This monthly meeting was better attended than any one before during the seasons. There was a great dissatisfaction manifest on the part of the brethren and sisters with their present religious attainments. There was considerable confessing in the meeting, and a decided manifestation of an arising in Zion. The brethren and sisters pledged themselves to pray more for the out pouring of God's Spirit. The church agreed to hold a conference for business Saturday the 15 inst, one O'Clock P.M.
Nathan Bickford Clerk
{Br. Tobias Foss was received by letter as a Member of this Church}
- - - - - - - - - - -
Saturday Nov. 15/'45 Met in conference agreeable to notice - Opened the conference by reading the scriptures & prayer.
1. Chose John Griffin moderator
2. " Tobias Foss Clerk protem
3. Voted to test the union of the brethren present found all to be in union
4. Chose a committee of four viz. John Griffin, Nathan Bickford, Thomas Tripp, & Samuel M. Green, to revise the record of names of the members of this church.
5. Voted to excuse Br. Bickford (by his own request) from serving as clerk of this church.
6. Chose Br. Thomas Tripp Clerk
7. On motion of Br. T. Bickford voted to reject Abigail Brown from the church
8. Chose T. Bickford & J. Griffin a committee to visit Joseph Emerson.
9. Voted that the clerk write F. Knowles
10. Voted that the clerk be authorized to give letters to those who are in good standing on wishing to leave the church.
11. Chose Br. M. Libbey a committee to visit Melinda Chapman.
12. Voted to adjourn the conference to the close of the monthly meeting in December.
Thomas Tripp, Clerk

December 13 - 1845 Met in Monthly Meeting hut few attended all of whom spake in honour of the cause of Christ and a good season was enjlyed.
At the close of the Monthly meeting agreeable to adjournment hold a Conference for business the Committee chose to revise the record of names of the Members of this Church having attended to the duty assigned them made a Report. On motion voted to accept the report. Voted that the Conference stand adjourned to the close of the next M. Meeting.
Thomas Tripp Clerk

Jan. 10, 1846
Enjoyed a comfortable season in Monthly Meeting the Brethren & Sisters present expressed a desire at the commencement of this year to engage more fully in the service of God ~
At the close of the M. Meeting had a Conference for business, heard a report from Com. To visit Belinda Chapman & accepted
Chose Brn T. Foss & T. Tripp Delegates to Q.M.
Voted to request the Ordination of Br. T. Foss at the Q. Meeting
Thos Tripp C Clerk

[Ed. Note: inserted here is a list of members, likely the one mentioned reported by committee. To keep the narrative going this list appears at the end]

The request made by the Church to the Q. Meeting in Jan. requesting the Ordination of Br. Tobias Foss was received and attended too on Wednesday the 14 Jan. at Meredith Centre.
Thos Tripp C. Clerk

Feb. 14, 1846 But few at Monthly Meeting today had a comfortable season !
Adjourned the conference to the close of the next M. Meeting.
Thos Tripp Clerk

March 14th/46 Monthly Meeting day very Stormy no Meeting
Thos. Tripp Clerk

April 14, 1846 Monthly Meeting thinly attended and but little interest manifested.
T. Tripp C. Clerk

May 12, 1846 The day for M. Meeting. Br. T. Foss Messenger to Q. Meeting
T. Tripp C. Clerk

June 9th/46 A good number attended M. Meeting enjoyed a good season
Thos. Tripp C. Clerk

July 11, /46 Monthly Meeting day in consequence of a Funeral there was no Meeting
Thos Tripp C. Clerk

Aug. 8th 1846 but few attended M. Meeting rather a dull time Chose Brethren T. Foss & E. Locke Delegates to Q. Meeting.
Thos Tripp C. Clerk

Sept. 12th /46 had a comfortable season in M. Meeting today
Thos Tripp C Clerk

Oct. 10 1846 A good number met for M. Meeting enjoyed a blessed season at the close a number engaged in Prayer and the Spirit of the Lord desended and filled the hearts of his Children. Chose for delegates to the nest Q. Meeting to be holden at Alton, Brethren T. Foss and D. Clough, the Q.M> at this Session voted to divide into two Q. Meetings.
Thos Tripp C Clerk

Nov. 14th /46 Monthly Meeting but few attended yet the Lord was present to bless his Children
Thos Tripp Clerk

Dec. 12/46 no M. Meeting on account of weather being bad.
T.T. Clerk

Jan 9th 1847 M. Meeting at Bro John Yeaton 3rd a good number present and enjoyed a Heavenly sitting together while Christ's banner over us was love his fruit sweet to our taste
Thos Tripp C. Clerk

Feb. 13th 1847 Met for Monthly Meeting at the House of T. Tripp had a good season
T. Tripp C Clerk

March season.
Thos Tripp C Clerk

April 10 - 1847 Met in M. Meeting again at bro. J. Yeaton's 3rd more attended than usual and the good Shepherd met with his little flock and break to them the bread of life.
Thos Tripp C Clerk

May 8th 1847 but few attended Monthly Meeting Brethren T. Foss & E. Locke were chosen Delegates to Q. Meeting

June 26 /47 Monthly Meeting was better attended that usual five related their experience for Baptism which is to be attended to in two weeks from tomorrow.
Br. Jeremiah Burnham presented a letter from the 1st F.W. Baptist Church in Lowell and was received into the Church.

July 10th / 47 Met again in Monthly Meeting and enjoyed a good season
T. Tripp C. Clerk

Sunday July 11th this being the day appointed to attend to the baptism of Bro. John Bartlett & Wife & Daughter & Wm. Robinson & Wife at the close of the fore noon Meeting repaired to the water where the ordinance was attended to by Eld. T. Foss at the close of the afternoon meeting in which Bro McCutchen preached, enjoyed a season of Communion.
T. Tripp C Clerk.

August 21, 1847 A few of the Brethren & Sisters met today in Monthly Meeting at the close of which chose Brethren J. Griffin & M. Libbey delegates to Quarterly Meeting.
Thos Tripp C Clerk

Sept. 11th 1847 The Brethren & Sisters met again in Monthly Meeting was not present myself but learned that a good season was enjoyed.
Thos Tripp C. Clerk

Oct. 9th 1847 M. Meeting a good number attended and enjoyed a comfortable season chose brethren Tobias Foss & John Yeaton delegates to Q. Meeting to be holden a Pittsfield.
Thomas Tripp C. Clerk

Nov. 13th 1847 Met in M. Meeting & enjoyed refreshing season.
Thos Tripp C. Clerk

Nov. 21st Eld Tobias Foss closed his Ministerial labours in this place.

Dec. 5th Eld. G.P. Ramsey commenced preaching here.

Dec. 11th 1847 A few of the Brethren & Sisters Met in M. Meeting a profitable season.
Thos Tripp C Clerk

April 9th 1848 Met in Monthly Meeting and enjoyed a refreshing from the presence of the Lord, at the close of the Meeting Eld. G.P. Ramsey & Sister V.G. Ramsey were received into the Church by letter.
Thos Tripp Clerk

June 10, 1848 M. Meeting interesting bro Wm. Goss related his experience & was received by the Church for Baptism.
Sunday 25 was baptised by Bro. McCutcheon
T. Tripp

July 14th /1848 the Church met at my house in conference Meeting wand heard the experience of Sister Susan Knowles & Betsy Bickford after which repaired to the river at short falls where the ordinance of Baptism was administered by Bro. Ramsey.
T. Tripp C Clerk

July 8, 1848 Again assembled in M. Meeting and enjoyed a refreshing season.
Thos Tripp

Aug 19 Stormy no M. Meeting the Brethren chose Brn G.P. Ramsey & J. Griffin delegates to Q. Meeting

Sept. 9, 1848 A few of the brethren & Sisters attended M. Meeting enjoyed a good season

December 9th 1848 A goodly number of the Brethren & Sisters met in M. Meeting at the house of br. Bickford and enjoyed a good season.
Brethren D. Clough & Geo. W. Grant del. To Jan. Q.M. Dea. T. Bickford & T. Tripp chosen a committee to visit Chs. Gorden
Thos Tripp C. Clerk

Jan. 13,/48 [sic 49] Brethren & Sisters met in M. Meeting at the house of Dea. Thos Bickford and enjoyed a profitable season
Thos Tripp C. Clerk

Feb. 10, 1849 Monthly Meeting at bro. John Yeaton's 3rd a good season
T.T. C Clerk

March & April but few attended M. Meetings

May 12, 1849 the Brethren & Sisters met in M. Meeting at the close of which chose brethren N. Bickford & Geo. Sanders as Delegates to sit with the Brethren in Quarterly Meeting Conference.
This May Session was holden with the Church in this place and it was an interesting season indeed.
Thos Tripp C Clerk

June 9th July 14 M. Meetings thinly attended

Aug 11th 1849 Met in M. Meeting at the close of which chose as delegates to Q.M. to be holden at Deerfield Brn Eld G.P. Ramsey & Nathan Bickford.
Appointed a Church Meeting two weeks from today
Thos Tripp C Clerk

Dec. 1849 Monthly Meeting at Dea Thos Bickford a good number of the brethren & Sisters present and enjoyed a refreshing season.
T. Tripp C Clerk

Jan. 8th 1850 Met in M. Meeting at Brother Ramseys & the Lord was present to refresh his Children. Thos Tripp C. Clerk

The Church in this Town had for a long time experienced religious declention & backslidings & some have been removed by death, and it appeared at times as though all would come to desolation unless the lord blessed us with a revival, there was a few brethren & Sisters that had continued to Pray & had not fainted, a few weeks since they agreed to commence anew & in earnest to pray for a revival & continue until the blessings came. Brother Ramsey with some others concluded to appoint a Protracted meeting and obtained the labours of Brn E. Fiske of Newhampton & P.S. Burbank of Deerfield. The Meeting commenced Sunday Feb. 10 & continued eleven days during which time the Lord visited his people, the power of the Highest was manifested upn the congregations, his Children were revived wanderers reclaimed & sinners were alarmed & saught & found the Savior to the joy of their Souls. In course of the Meeting Eld. Stephen Coffin visited us & laboured to the satisfaction of the people, praise the Lord for his goodness to his children.

March 9th 1850 The Brethren & Sisters met in M. Meeting under encouraging sircumstances, there was between forty & fifty present & among that number were a goodly number of converts who spoke of the goodness of God in bringing them from darkness to light, & it was a Heavenly sitting together in Christ & his banner over us was love.
Thos Tripp C. Clerk

April 13, 1850 Met again in M. Meeting in consequence of a severe storm but few present enjoyed a good season. Three were received for Baptism viz. Wm. Yeaton, Annah Knowles & Caroline A. Tripp. Appointed a conference Meeting one week from today to hear the experience of others.
Thos Tripp Clerk

Sat. April 20 Agreeable to appointment met in conference & enjoyed a heavenly season. Six offered themselves & were received for baptism viz. Daniel Bickford & wife, James Yeaton, George Sanders jr., Chloe Burnham & Abigail Young. Another conference Friday next -
T.T. Clerk

26th Met agreeable to appointment and enjoyed a Solemn & profitable season. Heard the experience of Arthur C. Locke, Selina O. Locke & Mary Sanders for Baptism which is to be attended to next Sabbath at S. Falls.
T.T. C. Clerk

Sabbath April 28th Attended meeting at the M. House in the A.M. then went to S. Falls to Baptize the Brethren & Sisters met at Bro. T. Tripps & heard the experience of Elizabeth Morrill of Pittsfield for baptism, and then repaired to the water where was assembled a large company to witness the Heaven approved ordinance which was ministered to thirteen happy converts by Eld. G.P. Ramsey by whom also the recd. the right hand of fellowship.
T. Tripp C. Clerk

May 11th Monthly Meeting the brethren & sisters were blest by waiting on the Lord.
T. Tripp Clerk

June 15th Mo. Meeting thinly attended yet a good season was enjoyed.
Susan Robinson related her experience for baptism.
Sunday July 21, 1850 Brother Daniel Bickford & Wife attended to the ordenance of Baptism by Eld Ramsey. Thos Tripp Clerk

Aug 17th but few attended M. Meeting. Today had a good Season. Sister Elmira Yeaton was received for baptism which is to be attended to tomorrow by Eld. G.P. Ramsey

Sabbath Sept 1st 1850 Eld. G.P. Ramsey closed his labours with the church in this place.

Sept. 14 Met in Mo. Meeting and enjoyed a good season. Eld. Moses A. Quimby was with us who commenced labouring with the Church and society here Sabbath Sept. 15, 1850.
T. Tripp Clerk

Oct. 12 - had a good Mo. Meeting.

Nov. 9 & Dec. 14, 1850 there was but few attended Mo. Meeting
Thos Tripp Clark

Jan. 11th 1851 Met in Monthly Meeting at the house of Bro. John Yeaton 3rd. A good number attended and enjoyed a refreshing season.
Thos Tripp Clerk

Feb. 8 - the Brethren & Sisters met in Mo. Meeting at Bro. J. Griffins and enjoyed a Heavenly sitting together in Christ & his banner over them was love.

Mar. 15 Mo. Meeting at Dea. Thos Bickfords, had a good meeting
Thos Tripp C. Clerk

April 12, 1851 Met at the Meeting house in Mo. Meeting but few attended yet that few were refreshed by the presence of the Lord.
Eld. Moses A. Quimby presented a letter from the F.W. Baptist Church in Middleville N.Y. and was received as a member of this Church.
Thos Tripp C.C.

May 10, 1851 The Brethren & Sisters a few of them met in Mo. Meeting and enjoyed a refreshing season at the close shoes delegates to attend Quarterly Meeting at Dover, brn. Eld M. A. Quimby & S.M. Green
Thos Tripp C. Clerk

June 8, 1851 Enjoyed a good season in Mo. Meeting a goodly number of the brethren & Sisters being present. Bro. Stickney Robinson & Wife presented letters from the F.W. B. Church in Lowell Mass and were received as members of this Ch.
Thos Tripp C. Clerk

July 12, 1851 A few of the brethren & Sisters Met in Mo. Meeting & enjoyed a refreshing season.
Thos. Tripp C. Clerk

Sept. 13 Had a good Mo. Meeting today, God be thanked.
Thursday Sept. 18, 1851. Eld M.A. Quimby attended a Meeting at Short Falls School House after Sermon. heard the experience of brn. James & J.G. Bartlett & Sister Mary Marden for Baptism after which the Congregation repaired to the river where ordinance was attended to by Bro. Quimby. The candidates recd. the rt. hand of fellowship Members of this Church.
Thos Tripp C. Clerk

Oct. 11th Quite a number of the Brn. & Sisters assembled in Mo. Meeting and enjoyed a good Season at the close chose delegates to Q. Meeting eld. M. A. Quimby & Danl. Clough with pr. Of Substitution
T.T. C. Clerk

Nov. 13 Brn. & Sisters met in Mo. Meeting at my House enjoyed a refreshing season Sarah J. Cotterell related her Christian experience & was received for Baptism Eld M.A. Quimby administered

Decr. 1858 & Jan. 1854 Monthly Meeting interesting enjoyed the blessing of Heaven at the close of the Jan. M.M. chose delegates to Q.M. Eld M.A> Quimby & John Yeaton 3rd
Thos Tripp Clerk

1852 Feb. & March Mo. Meetings very well attended and proved a profitable season to those present.

April 10, 1852 The brethren & sisters met in Mo. Meeting at the close of which Sister ---- Sargent by request was recd into the Church.
Thos Tripp Clerk

May 8 /52 Enjoyed a good season in M. Meeting today. Chose Eld. M.A. Quimby delegate to Q.M.

1852 June & July Mo. Meetings thinly attended
Thos Tripp

Aug. 14, /52 Met in Mo. Meeting and enjoyed a good season chose delegates to Q.M. brn. Eld M.A. Quimby & S.M. Green requested next 2 Q. Meeting granted
Thos Tripp C. Clerk

Sat. Oct. 9, 1852 The Brn. & Sisters enjoyed a heavenly sitting together in Mo. Meeting at the close chose brn. Eld. M.A. Quimby & Jeremiah Burnham del. To sit in Q.M> holden in the place 27 & 8.

Nov. 13 Brethren & Sisters met in Mo. Meeting at my House and enjoyed a refreshing season. Sarah Jane Cotterell related her Christian experience & was received for Baptism. A meeting was appointed and holden on the following Wednesday the 17 at Short falls & the Ordenance administered by Eld. M.A. Quimby
Thos Tripp C. Clerk

Jan. 8, 1853 Monthly Meeting at Bro. John Yeaton 3rd at the close chose Brn. M.A. Quimby & J. A. Knowles delegated to Q.M. to be holden at Pittsfield
Thos Tripp Clerk

Feb. 12 Mo. Meeting at Bro. John Griffins Jr.

March 12 at bro. J.C. Burnhams

Apl. 9, 1853 Mo. Meeting at the Meetinghouse

May 14, 1853 Met in Mo. Meeting
Chose Eld M.A. Quimby delegate to Quarterly Meeting. Voted to change the time of holding Mo. Meeting to second Thursday in each Mo.

June 9 Enjoyed another season in Mo. Meeting. Sister Quimby united with the Church by letter.

July 14 Mo. Meeting Very Well attended
Bro. Newell Brown & Wife united with the Church by Letter

Aug. 11 The brethren & Sisters met in Mo. Meeting & enjoyed a good season at the close chose Eld. M.A. Quimby & Thos Tripp delegates to Q.M.

Oct. 13 Met in Mo. Meeting chose Eld. M.A. Quimby del. To Q.M.

Dec. 8th the Brn & Sisters Met for Mo Meeting at T. Tripps a goodly number present had a good Meeting.
Thos Tripp C Clerk

[Ed Note: appears to be a page torn out here, yet the next entry is still chronological]

Sat. Jan. 7, 1854 Monthly Meeting at Brother Quimbys well attended & a profitable season. At the Close chose brn. M.A. Quimby & John Yeaton 3rd delegates to Q. Meeting
Thos Tripp Clerk

Sunday Feb. 12 Br. Quimby appointed a series of Meetings to commence Tuesday afternoon the 14th which continued afternoons & evenings for most 4 weeks. At first things looked rather discouraging but few of the Church were interested. At the first Meeting a few of Brethren & Sisters covenanted together & with God to attend the Meetings and labour & prey for a revival, and thus they went to work trusting in God. At the close of two weeks but little victory had been gained, yet the brn. felt like holding on to the arm of that God who can hear & answer prayer. the interest continued to increase & the number also, sinners began to enquire what they must do to be saved. Eld. Sephon Coffin laboured with us the last week of the Meeting. There were about 20 who in the course of the Meeting indulged a hope in the Saviour. Gods people were revived and the heart of out dear Minister greatly encouraged. To God be all the praise.

Sat. April 15 - Monthly Meeting it being stormy but few attended.
A meeting at the short falls S. House Apl 20th for Baptism Br. Quimby preached after which John T. Cotterell & Abby J. Worth related their experience and were received for Baptism then repaired to the river & attended to the ordinance and received the right hand of Fellowship by Eld M.A. Quimby.
Thos Tripp C. Clerk

May 13, 1854 The Brn & Sisters met in Mo. Meeting & enjoyed a refreshing season. Harriet E. Curtis, Hannah D. Towle & Sarah E. Yeaton related their experience & were received for Baptism. Jun 14th the above named Sisters were baptised by Br. Quimby & added to the Church.
Sister Mary Brown recd. by Letter

Saturday June 3, 1854
Held our Mo. Meeting well attended enjoyed a heavenly sitting together in Christ. His banner over us was love. Heard the experience of Thos Curtis, Moses Chamberlain & Daniel Yeaton who were received for baptism. Sun. June 4 - the above named brethren were Baptised & received the right hand of fellowship by Eld Quimby.
Thos Tripp C. Clerk

July 1st A good attendance at Mo. Meeting the following Brn & Sisters related their experience & were received for baptism viz. Philip C. Marden, Hollis M. Ham, Wm. Burnham, Mary Goss, Angeline F. Perkins, Clara L. Perkins
Sun. July 2 br & Sister Marden, T.E. Bickford, H. Ham & Mary Goss were Baptised & added to the Church by br. Quimby
July 4 A Meeting at Short falls S House at the close of which br. Q baptised Wm Burnham, Angeline F. Perkins, Ellen C. Perkins & Clara L. Perkins

Aug. 12 Met in Mo. Meeting. Brother Philip Babb related his experience for baptism to whom br. Quimby administered the ordinance Sun. Aug. 13 and was added to the Church also Sister Susan Babb received by Letter.
Thos Tripp C. Clerk

Oct. 14, 1854 The brethren & Sisters enjoyed good season in Mo. Meeting at the close chose brn M.A. Quimby & John C. Burnham delegates to Q. Meeting.

Nov. No Mo. Meeting

Decr. 9 1854 Mo. Meeting at br Quimby's. had a good Meeting although but few attended.
Considered the request of J.L. Prescott & Wife to be dropped from the Church, voted to grant their request.
Chose Eld M.A. Quimby & Thos. Tripp a committee to examine the Church records to collect facts relative to the history of the Free Will Baptist denomination.

Jan. 13, 1855 Feb. & March the Mo Meetings are holden at the dwellings of some of the Brethren.

Apl. 14/55 Met in Monthly Meeting enjoyed a good season

May 12 in Mo. Meeting had a good meeting at the close chose delegates to Q.M.

June & July Mo. Meetings as usual.

Aug. 11 - The brethren & sisters met in Mo. Meeting enjoyed a refreshing season.

Sept. October & Oct. Mo. Meetings as usual

Decr. 8 - Met in Mo. Meeting at br. N. Bickford. Had a good Meeting
Voted to receive the Jan. Q.M.

Jan. 12, 1856 Mo. Meeting very well attended and enjoyed a refreshing season in waiting upon the Lord. Chose brn. Wm. Goss & Wm Brackett as delegates in Q.M.

Jan. 22, 23 & 24 the Q.M. convened in with us and enjoyed a profitable season

Monthly Meetings through the year as usual with but a little religious interest.
T Tripp Clerk

Jan. 10, 1857 A goodly number of the brn. & Sisters met in Mo. Meeting at Br. Thos Bickfords. The subject of holding a protracted Meeting was considered & concluded to hold one to commense the first week in Feb.

Feb. 2 A meeting commenced at the Meeting house & continued two weeks. The lord blessed the effort & revived his work in the - in the church and among his Children & a goodly number of Sinners were converted. Elders H. Webber & S. (?) Curtis were present a part of the time whose labours were in connection with br. Quimbys blessed of the Lord.

March 14 A goodly number of the brethren & sisters together with a number of converts met in Mo. Meeting & enjoyed such a season as had not been experienced for a long time to God be all the praise.

April 11 Met in Mo. Meeting & enjoyed a refreshing season.

May 9 - Monthly Meeting well attended a good season.

June 13 A good attendance at M. Meeting brn. & Sisters well engaged heared the experience of sisters maryetta Goss Martha Estabrook Clark Lizzia E. Hall & Lizzia Chesley for Baptism & membership
Voted to receive them. Heared the request of Aaron G. Estabrook & John Clark to become members of the Church. Request granted

Sunday 14 the above named candidates were baptised by Eld M A Quimby & received the right hand of fellowship together with brn Estabrook & Clark

July 11 M. Meeting well attended
" 26 Br. Quimby Baptised Mary B. Libbey, Martha A. Libbey, Emma A. Libbey, Gulielmas (Chesley)

Aug. 8 Mt. Meeting as usual

Sept. 12 Monthly Meeting

Oct. 18 Br. Quimby Baptised Caroline A. Marden, Sally Marden & Sarah Burnham -

Nov. 14 Met in Mo. Meeting & enjoyed a refreshing season.

Dec. 12 Mo. Meeting at Eld Quimby's had a good Meeting.

Jan. 9, 1858 Met at Br. Wm. Bracketts for Mo. Meeting & a goodly number were present & enjoyed a refreshing from the presence of the Lord.
Concluded the hold a protracted Meeting to commence the 26 of the present Mo;
Jan. 26 Protracted Meeting commended as appointed in the A.M. a prayer & conference Meeting in the P.M. & evening Reaching Br. Quimby's health was such that he could do but little in the Meeting. We had the labours of Eld Ezra Tuttle the first week & of Eld Webber a part of same.
The Lord blessed their labours in connection with the efforts & prayers of the church, and God began to revive his work & Sinners manifested in a desire for religion. The second week we enjoyed the labours of Eld J.M. Durgin whose labours were greatly blessed to the awakening of sinners and at the close of the week come seventy were in the anxious seats who had found peace & that were inquiring the way to Zion. to God be all the praise.

Feb. 13 Was our regular Mo. Meeting. A large number were present a first time to declare what God had done for them and it was a refreshing season.

March 13 A good number met in Mo. Meeting and enjoyed a refreshing season.

March 25 A large number of Brn. & Sisters met for conference enjoyed a refreshing season. James Bickford & Wife, Hannah L. Bickford requested to unite with this Church which request was granted.

March 30. Met again in Conference and heared the experience & request for baptism of George M. Swain, John Malvern, Uriah G. Hall, Benjamin L. Haynes, Mary C. Swain, Clara A. Sanders, Mary E. Griffin, Mary S. Wallace, Eliza J. Wallace, who were received. Also Edwin T. Philbrick, Sarah H. Philbrick & Charles C. Doe were received by Letter, the above candidates were baptised by Eld Quimby after which returned to the Parsonage and all the above received the right hand of Fellowship.

Sunday March 28, 1858 Eld. M.A. Quimby Preached his Farewell thus closed his labours as Pastor which had continued 7 years & six months.
Thos Tripp C. Clerk

Sunday April 4, 1858

Elder Horace Webber commenced his Labours with this Church as Pastor.
April. Met in Mo. Meeting had a full attendance and enjoyed a precious season.

April 8 Met for conference & Baptism.
Edward Sanders, Emeline M. Sanders, George W. Ham, Henry Haynes & Mary Fife related their experience for baptism & the request of John H. Fife to become a member of this Church & was received. The above candidates were baptised by Eld Quimby and all received the hand of fellowship.

Elder H. Webber closed his labours with this Church the last Sabbath in August 1859.

Eld M.A. Quimby commenced his labours with the Church Apl. 1, 1860

June 1860. James Worth was baptized by Eld M.A. Quimby & received into the fellowship of the Church.