Surnames starting with J
JENNESS, Benjamin
New Hampshire Statesman & Concord Register
In Epsom, July 24, William McD son of Mr. Benjamin Jenness in the 6th
year of his age.
JENNESS, Martha H. (Philbrick)
Paper unknown
In Lowell, MA, November 23rd, Mrs. Martha Jenness, aged 27,wife of Mr.
Jonathan Jenness, formery of Rye, and daughter of Mr. Daniel Philbrick
(Jr.) of Epsom, having endured a pulmonary disease of about nine years
(died). About two years since she became a member of the Free Baptist
Church in Epsom; but Providence saw fit to dismiss her from her membership
there by her death, and we trust to unite her with the Church triumphant
in heaven. During her confinement she would often express a desire to
go hence and be with Christ, which was far better than to be here - yet
sometimes fearful would offend by being too anxious for her departure.
She has left a large circle of friends and acquintance to mourn their
loss; but they mourn not as those who have no hope of the welfare of their
departed relatives. She gave a consoling evidence to her friends and those
who visited her occasionally, that her work was done and well done.
JOHNSON, Cataherine (Ham)
New Hampshire Statesman
In Epsom, Feb. 8, Mrs. Catherine Johnson, aged 91