Epsom articles from old newspapers

Section Eight - TOWN PAUPERS


NH Patriot 6-22-1813

ABSCONDED from the town of Epsom, SOLOMON SUTTON, a town pauper. All persons are hereby forbid harboring or trusting him on the account of said town, for we shall not pay any debt of his contracting after this date.
Samuel Morrill
Richard Tripp
Bickford Lang - Selectmen
Epsom, June 10, 1813

NH Patriot 8-27-1816

ABSCONDED from the town of Epsom, JOHN WELLS, a town pauper. The subscribers hereby forbid all persons furnishing him with supplies on the account of the town, for we will not pay any charges incurred for his support subsequent to this date, except by special contract.
Epsom, Aug. 19, 1816

NH Patriot 7-21-1818

ALL persons are hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting JUDITH KENISTON, a person who has for sometime past, with her child, been supported by the town of Epsom, and having lately eloped, the town therefore determine to pay no bills or debts for the support of the said Judith or child after this date.
T.D. MERRILL, SAM'L MORRIL, Selectmen of Epsom.
June 15, 1818

NH Patriot 6-6-1820

ALL persons are forbid harboring or supporting DANIEL GRANT, a pauper supported by the town of Epsom, on account of said town or on my account, as I have contracted with the selectmen for his support and have made ample provision therefore.
Epsom, May 23, 1820

NH Patriot 8-14-1826

NOTICE is hereby given that the subscriber having taken SALLY BARTON, a town pauper, by contract with the selectmen of Epsom, and has made suitable provision for her support; this is to forbid all persons from harboring or trusting her on my account, or on account of said town, as no debts of her contracting will be paid after this date.
Epsom, June 13, 1826

NH Patriot 4-27-1829

THE subscriber having contracted with the town of Epsom for the support of Amos Ames, his wife and two children, Mary Lamprey, Elizabeth Wells, and Mary C. Barton, town paupers, and also all others which said town may be liable to support for the term of one year from the 26th day of March last, hereby forbids al persons harboring or trusting them on his account or on account of said town of Epsom, as he has made suitable provision for their support.
Epsom, April 13, 1829

NH Patriot 11-30-1829

THIS is to forbid all persons from harbouring or trusting Mehitable Grant, a town pauper of Epsom, on my account or on account of the town of Epsom, as I have made suitable provision for her support.
Pembroke, Nov. 13, 1829

NH Patriot 1-25-1830

ALL persons are hereby forbid trusting Nancy Wells, now an inhabitant of Alexandria, but a town pauper of Epsom, on account of the subscriber or the town of Epsom, as I have, agreeably to my contract with the town of Epsom, made provision for her support, and shall pay no debts of her contracting.
Epsom, 21st Jan. 1830

NH Patriot 8-4-1834

I hereby forbid all persons harboring or trusting any of the following named persons, now considered paupers and belonging to the town of Epsom, viz. John Saunders, John Dolloff, Elizabeth Lamprey, Elizabeth Wells, wid Sally Marden, Sally Ames, and Roxanna MacDaniels, or any other persons who may become chargeable to said town within one year from the 26th day of March last, they are also forbid employing them as they would avoid the penalty of the law; as I have contracted with the selectmen for their support and am entitled to their labour. I have made ample provision for them at my house, in Epsom, and am determined to support them nowhere else.
Epsom,July 30, 1834

NH Patriot 5-2-1836

NOTICE is hereby given that we the subscribers do forbid all persons harbouring or trusting Samuel Trickey, Phebe Trickey, wife of said Samuel Trickey and Permealy Trickey, Catharine Trickey, James Trickey, Mary Trickey and Benjamin Trickey, children of the said Samuel Trickey, paupers belonging to Allenstown, but now residing in Epsom, as we have made provision for the support and maintenance, we shall pay no accounts or debts contracted on their account unless by our order.
Allenstown, April 18th, 1836

NH Patriot 2-16-1843

THIS is to forbid all persons harboring or trusting John Bachelder, Hannah Locke, Abigail Ames, Betsy Wells, Jane Daniels, John Saunders, John Dolloff, Benjamin Freese, Nancy McDaniels, Samuel Moses and his wife Mary Moses, and their three children, Thomas J. Moses, Madison W. Moses and James E. Moses, all paupers belonging to the town of Epsom, as I have contracted with said town for their support.
Epsom, Feb. 13th, 1843

NH Patriot 10-24-1844

ALL persons are hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting ABRAHAM LOCKE, a pauper of the town of Epsom, in the County of Merrimack, on my account, or on account of said town - as I have contracted with the Selectmen of said Epsom for his support, and have made suitable provisions for him at my house.
Epsom, Oct. 16. 1844

NH Patriot 4-26-1849

ALL persons are hereby forbid harboring, trusting or employing James H. Haynes, Adeline Haynes, Alvira Haynes, Sarah E. Haynes, Harvey S. Haynes, Octavia T. Hayes, Martha A. Haynes, Reuben White, Eliza White, Keziah White, Sally White, Abigail Towle, Betsy Ames, Moses Locke, David Dickey, Elijah Pettingill, Meriam Barton, Thomas Moses, Benjamin W.M. Moses, James E.C. Moses and Elizabeth Moses, Paupers, chargeable to the town of Epsom - said town having made ample provisions for their support, will claim their earnings and pay no debts of their contracting.
WILLIAM HAM, JONATHAN L. CILLEY, GEORGE SANDERS, Overseers of the poor in said Epsom.
Epsom, April 9, 1849