Epsom articles from old newspapers



New England Chronicle 2-8-1776 DESERTED

DESERTED some time ago from the company under my command in Col. Starks regiment, one Benjamin Barey, a fellow about 20 years of age, about 5 feet 8 inches high, formerly belonged to Epsom, in New Hampshire. Also, one Jonathan Wilkins, about 5 feet 7 inches high, a well built man about 27 years of age, formerly belonged to Amherst in New Hampshire. Whoever will bring said deserters to their regiment, on Winter Hill, shall have 5 dollars reward for each or either of them, by me.
Camp on Winter Hill, Feb. 12, 1776

United State Oracle 5-8-1802

20 Dollars Reward.
BRADBURY KENNISTON, a Private in the Artillerists of the United States, was directed on the 1st instant to repair to the Post Office in Portsmouth, by land, after the letters and papers belonging to the Officers of this Garrison; and on the receipt of some letters and papers at the post-office, he deserted the service of the United States.
Said KENNISTON was born in the town of Epsom in this state. - 24 years of age - 5 feet and 8 inches in height - black eyes - black short hair - and dark complexion; wore away a round hat - a regimental coat - short blue pantaloons and boots. Whoever will apprehend said KENNISTON, and return him to the subscriber, or secure him in any Goal, so that he may be obtained, shall receive a reward of TWENTY DOLLARS, and a reimbursement of all necessary expenses.
Fort Constitution, May 3, 1802

The Militia is the defence of our common country - therefore it is necessary that they should be equip'd.
TO the Soldiers of the eighteenth Regiment of Militia in the State of New Hampshire - You are early and earnestly requested to equip yourselves with a good Fire-Lock, Bayonet, Belt and Cartouche-Box, before the next Battalion or Regimental Reviews; otherwise you will not be received, and shall expect to be dealt with as the law directs; those who are not able to equip themselves may make immediate application to the town in which they belong.
By order of the Lt. Col. Com.
Epsom, December 24, 1806

NH Gazette 9-22-1807

The second company of Light Infantry in the 18th Regiment of Militia in New Hampshire, formed in the town of Epsom, under the command of S.A. Heath, have volunteered their services to government.

NH Gazette 6-2-1812

Attention ye Brave !
YOUR country having been insulted her rights most wantonly violated, her seamen plundered on the high seas, and ignominiously enslaved by the tyrants of the ocean, the government of the United States, after having exerted all amicable and pacisick means to redress the manifold wrongs, which for years have accumulated beyond further endurance, has determined to vindicate the dignity and honor of the republic in the field of battle, and calls on all the friends to its laws, independence and constitution to rally round the standard of liberty, prepared to nobly defend its dearest privileges or perish in the glorious attempt.
When the drubbing drum summons you to the field, and the trumpet of war sounds the charge to victory or death, each gallant spirit will rush to the standard of union and emulate the deeds of the heroes of the revolution. Like them every real American will contend for the honor of the battlefield. Inspired by the brilliant achievements of Bunker's heights, the plains of Saratoga, Monmouth and Yorktown, the glories of a military procession must rouse into valorous exertion the exalted faculties of the martial foul.
You are called upon to wage no predatory war for the personal ag__ndizement of a remorseless despot _ _ fight for your birth rights, __ and fortunes, your wives, __ and children.
Your country offers to every able __ between the age of 18 __, who nobly tenders his services, sixteen dollars bounty, on enlistment, five dollars a month, feeds and clothes you better than any troops on the globe, and after the expiration of the time for which you enlisted, presents you three months pay over your annual compensation, and an hundred and sixty acre of excellent land, on which you can settle, make a productive farm, and rear up a host of patriots to defend your country's rights and honor.
What a glorious opportunity is now presented you to acquire the never fading laurels of the soldier, reputation and fortune. With zeal then step forth as the impregnable ramparts of freedom and become enrolled among the gallant defenders of your country.
20 active young men may be enrolled for only 18 months; and will be entitled to all the above emoluments except the land.
All disposed to serve their country will do well to apply immediately at the rendezvous in Epsom or Dover.
Captain of Infantry, U.S. Army

NH Gazette 8-11-1812

Notice to British Subjects.
United States of America, District of New Hampshire}ss.
THE Department of State having directed, that all British Subjects within the United States, report themselves to the Marshals of the Districts where they reside, either to them or such other persons as they may appoint - viz their names, their age, the time they have been in the United States, the persons composing their families, the places of their residence and their occupations or pursuits, and whether and at what time they have made the application to the courts required by law, as preparatory to their naturalization. For this purpose I do hereby give notice to all such aliens residing within this district, that they immediately report themselves, agreeably to the foregoing direction to the marshal at his office in Epsom.
Dated at Epsom, July 22d, 1812.

NH Patriot 9-1-1834

Head Quarters, 3d Brigade N.H. Militia
Epsom, Aug. 15, 1834
Perkins Gale, late Brigade Quarter Master has been promoted, appointed and commissioned Inspector of the third Brigade with rand of Major, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly.
B.L. LOCKE, Brigadier General

Head Quarters, 3d Brigade N.H. Militia
Epsom, August 15, 1834
Thomas D M Locke, late Paymaster in the 18th Reg., has been promoted and appointed Quarter Master of the third Brigade with the rank of Major; and Jonathan L. Cilley, has been appointed Aid de Camp to the Brigadier General of said Brigade with the rank of Captain, and they will be obeyed and respected accordingly.
By order of the Brigadier General,
PERKINS GALE, Brigade Inspector
The Regiments constituting the third Brigade will parade for Inspection and Review as follows, viz:
The 8th Regiment October 2, 1834
11th Regiment October 3, 1834
38th Regiment October 7 , 1834
18th Regiment October 8, 1834
17th Regiment October 9, 1834