Epsom articles from old newspapers




Massachusetts Gazette, 4-12-1770

T H E following may be depended on as Fact

THAT some time in the beginning of January last, several men being together in the woods at Epsom in New Hampshire, found a bear in his den. They had several dogs with them, who were so intimidated by the threats of the bear, who, considering his house as his castle, menaced instant destruction to the audacious animal who should attempt a forcible entry upon his habitation, that none of them could be persuaded to undertake the hazardous enterprise. The men, hoping, by exciting his vindictive disposition, to provoke him to the imprudence of a sally to punish their insolence, offered many contemptuous insults to him and his habitation. But he, conscious that, considering the superior force of the besiegers, his citadel was his only safety, wisely curbed his naturally hasty temper, and resolved to act entirely upon the defensive. This resolution disconcerted all the measures of the assailants. While they were deliberating and settling the plan of their future operations, a young man, driving a yoke or two of oxen, came to them, and proposed to go himself into the den, and fasten a chain to the hind legs of the animal, and draw him out with the oxen. The proposal was approved. The youth, a chain being fastened about his middle, in order to speedily to withdraw him from military execution, in case of a summary proceeding against him by martial law, took a chain in his hand, boldly entered the gloomy abode, fastened the chain as was proposed, and returned in safety; the vindictive animal, surprised, as it seems, at the intrepidity of the youth, having made no resistance. At the first effort of the oxen, the chain slipped off from the bear's legs, &c defeated the impatient hopes of the party. Our young adventurer, with the like precautions as before, now a seco9nd time visited the region of darkness, fixed the chain effectually, and returned to his companions. The oxen were obliged to pull pretty hard to dislodge the animal from his dwelling, he endeavoring still to keep possession by closely embracing the roots of trees which supported his roof; but at length, superior force obliged him to quit his hold, and he was drawn by the cattle into the midst of his enemies, whose unprovoked fury soon put a period to his life. Such was the unfortunate end of this TRUE BORN SON OF LIBERTY!



We hear from Greenland that a large Number of the most respectable Inhabitants of that Town convened on Saturday the 17th Day of December current, at the House of Mr. John Folsom, Innholder in said Town, and by erecting a LIBERTY POLE, and by several Votes there passed discovered the firmest Attachment to the Cause of Liberty and a fix'd Determination to defend the Priviledge of Americans with their Lives and Fortunes.
N.B. The above Conduct & Determination being very disagreeable to Col. March, he enter'd his Dissent, and said none but lazy, idle Fellows, such as your Andrew McClarys and Jo Cilley;s would have anything to do with such Business, and that he would indemnify any one that would cut the Pole down.


I Find it absolutely denied in your Last that Col. March ever said that none but lazy idle Fellows such as your Andrew McClary's and Jo Cilley's would have any Thing to do with such Business, That he did then and there as formerly mentioned in you Paper utter those very identical Words the following Gentlemen are at any Time ready when properly called upon the make solemn Oath to the Truth of William Haines, Thomas Berry, John Weeks.

Essex Journal 1-25-1775 E P S O M (New Hampshire) Resolves.

At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Epsom, held on Monday the 9th day of January 1775; and at said meeting chose deputies to meet at Exeter on the 25th instant, agreeable to a letter sent to said town for that purpose (then took as fellows under their consideration: as the grand Continental Congress advises a non-importation and a non consumption of goods to be the most effectual method to safe our deplorable situation: and as we view the Scotch merchants and traders in general to be no friends to our country, and is altogether for self interest and lucrative gain; and to accomplish their designs, has filled the country with hawker, pedlars and petty chapmen, with their lawns, cambricks, ribbons &c. - tempting women, girls and boys, with their unnecessary fineries, which is a moth to our country, and damage to all honest merchants and traders that are true friends to our country, and that deals upon honor; and to prevent all such diabolical proceedings for the future, &c.
Passed a Resolve, that no pedlars, hawkers, or petty chapmen, shall be tolerated for the future to sell or dispose of any goods of what name or nature soever in said town, upon no less penalty than receiving a new suit agreeable to the modern made, and a forfeiture of their goods. And then chose a committee to inspect into the above resolve, and see that it is carefully executed.

The Mirror 1-30-1795
Unhappy Accident

On Wednesday last, at a large company of gentlemen and ladies from Epsom, upon a party of pleasure, were crossing the river in this town at Tucker's ferry, the horses belonging to one of the sleighs on descending the eastern bank, took a fright, overset and broke the sleigh to pieces, and threw those that were in it with such violence upon the ice, that one of the young ladies, Miss Hannah Dickey, received such a shock that she has since been __ of all sense, and almost emotion - She is at the house of Dr. Carignain, and her life is pronounced extremely dubious.

Concord Gazette 3-15-1808 Article

We several weeks since noticed the death of Mr. * Abner Cough of Loudon. We are informed that his body was taken up last Saturday, and was examined by several physicians. It appears that the day previous to his death, he was in company with one Cilley in Epping; and as Mr. Clough happened to give him some trivial cause of provocation, Cilley retaliated by giving him a number of severe blows, with the butt end of his Whip, which are supposed to be the cause of his death. Cilley has been apprehended, and is to be brought before a justice next Thursday at Epsom.
*The Christian name was inserted in his death Jonathan, through mistake.

Concord Gazzette 3-22-1808 Article

On Thursday the 16th inst. Before the Hon. Timothy Walker, Esq. came on the examination of the complaint against Benjamin Cilley of Nottingham, for beating and abusing Abner Clough, of Loudon, by giving him sundry blows with the butt end of a whip, on the left side of his head and neck (which was supposed to be the means of his death) at the house of Col. Levi Towles, in Epping, on the evening of the 11th day of February, last: Clough afterwards went on a sleigh to his house in Loudon, on the same night, and died the next morning. On the 9th inst. The body of Clough, was taken from the ground and examined by several Physicians, after this, a warrant was issued to apprehend Cilley.
Several Gentlemen of the Bar, from this and the lower part of the county, were engaged in this hearing, which was held in the meeting house at Epsom, and occupied three days, a very large concourse of people of both sexes attended during the whole time, Judge Walker, after giving a candid and satisfactory hearing of the witnesses, and Council on both sides, ordered that Cilley should be committed to the prison in Exeter, to be tried at the next session of the Superior Court in that county.
We thought it our duty to make this brief statement to gratify in some measure the public curiosity, but we should deem any remarks on the evidence that appeared on the enquiry at Epsom, at this time improper, as it might tend to give an undue bias to the public mind, previous to the trial of the prisoner, before the Superior Court. We hope, and we believe it to be no less the wish of the friends of the deceased, that the trial should be by unprejudiced jury, that if innocent, he may be acquitted, and if guilty, convicted.

Albany Daily Advertiser 11-13-1816


A man whose name appears to be MARK FRENCH, from various papers found in his possession, came to this city sometime about the 20th of September last, and feigning distress, obtained a written license from the Mayor to ask of the citizens charity, and actually received from sundry persons sums of money. He stated that he belonged to the county of Rockingham, New Hampshire, that he had been sick, and wished to obtain means to get home to his family. But instead of going home, he continued to loiter about this city, and on the 2d of October, he exposed for sale at the auction store of Messrs. Clarke and Moore some articles of goods and clothing, and then embarked on board the Steam Boat for New York. On the 18th instant he returned to this city in the Steam Boat Paragon from New York, and put up at the Columbian Hotel, kept by Mr. Fobes, where he continued until Thursday last. He stated to Mr. Fobes, that he belonged to Montreal; that he was poor and almost destitute of money. On Tuesday morning, however, he was about to take the stage for Whitehall, when all of a sudden he discovered that his trunk had been broken open and his pocket book stolen, with all his money, which he had counted over but half an hour before and locked up safely in his trunk. A stranger having lodged in the house, suspicion fell upon him, and immediate pursuit was made, but without effect. Mr. Fobes then went with the above named French, to the Police Office where he made oath to the robbery, and gave the Police a description of his pocket book and papers, stating that there was between 15 and 18 dollars in the pocket book, and among the bills stolen was one five dollar bill on the Middle District Bank. - He appeared much agitated and wept freely.
The villain had now another opportunity to impose upon the citizens. He told the story of his misfortunes, and again obtained money from different persons - five dollars from the Humane Society and two from the Board of Magistrates. But notwithstanding his most artful manner to conceal his real character, Mr. Fobes began to entertain suspicions that he was an imposter and rogue, and accordingly took measures to ascertain the fact. French went about begging during the day, and at night he was discovered in houses of ill-fame, gambling away his charity. In this manner he continued until Friday last, when Mr. Fobes, being perfectly satisfied with his character, examined his baggage, which discovered his suspicions to be well founded. The articles described below were found. Mr. Fobes then instantly seized him by the collar and led him to the Police Office, where he was searched, and the identical pocket book, containing the sum which he had sworn was stolen, and amongst the money, the five dollar Middle District bill, was found upon him. He was examined and committed to prison. From the manner in which the goods were found stowed away, he probably had stolen them from various persons, and at various times, as the articles, which were rolled with old clothes, and shoes, &c. were found in many small bundles. They have no doubt been stolen in New York and Albany, and on board the Steam Boats. He had also on board a large assortment of clothing which he had unquestionably plundered. Mr. Fobes has already discovered an owner for two of the articles which were taken from the Steam Boat paragon, and a woman of this city has appeared and claimed two of the most valuable shawls.
Mark French appears to be about 50 years of age, stout made, sandy complexion, and about five feet nine or ten inches high.
The frequent instances in which villains of this sort commit depredations upon the community, and especially such a flagrant case as this, ought to put all people, and especially the charitable and benevolent upon their guards; for as has happened here, their bounty is not only thrown away, but it proves the means of enabling them to commit more extensive frauds and robberies upon the public.
INVENTORY of the goods found in Mark French's Trunk, taken in presence of Richard S. Treat, Philander Fobes, and Alonzo B. Bigelow, in Albany, 25th October, 1816.
Two flag silk handkerchiefs - 1 silk and cotton shawl; 2 7-4 imitation shawls; 2 8-4 olive Levantine do; 1 do bisck do; 1 do red cotton twilled; 1 do light blue Cassimere do, soiled; 3 scarlet Bandanoes; 2 cotton flag handkerchiefs; 6 red spotted cravats; 4 pair beaver gloves; 1 do cotton do; 1 do women's black silk hose; 3 lbs. Col'd sewing silk, marks off; 2 dozen apron tapes, No. 25; half dozen tobacco boxes, japanned and flowered; 1 6-4 white cotton shawl; 11 4-4 buff do do; 11-2 yards lilack Canton crape; 1 piece Brussels cotton lace, No. 1723, 36 yards; 3-4 yard of black Lutestring; 1 vest pattern; 9 ladies combs; 1 pair mix'd worsted hose; 1 do black do do; 1 do mix'd do 1-2do; 2 pieces Nankeen Cotton ferrit; 9 Madrass handkerchiefs; 3 pair calf skin shoes; 1 case razors, containing 6 marked 1,2,3,4,5,6, with Ivory handles - case mahogany, with brass butts, hooks and eyes, a brass plate on the top marked 15 dollars with pen and ink; 1 pair socks; 2 napkins.
Articles which appear to be partly worn.
3 shirts; 3 cravats, one marked 1.B.; 1 7-4 imitation shawl; 7 pair woolen, worsted and cotton hose; 4 do, do; 7 vests, one a blue superfine double mill'd cassimere, lined with white flannel, with a black ratinet back; 4 pr. Pantaloons; 1 morning gown; 6 hdkfs, very much worn; 1 pair black gaiters; 3 do. Shoes, some worn; 1 pair mittens; 1 cork screw; 1 pillow case; 1 towel; 1 white damask shawl; 1 green do. Do.

Newburyport Herald 11-15-1816 ITEM

Mark French, of Epsom, in N.H. has been apprehended in Albany for Robbery. A large quantity of plunder was found in his possession.



It may not perhaps be generally known in the interior of this State and the northerly part of Vermont, that a purchase has been made of the New Hampshire Turnpike Road, leading from Concord through Northwood, Epsom and Durham to Piscatqua Bridge, in order to afford a greater facility and encouragement to those, who may be disposed to convey their produce to the Portsmouth market. The original cost of this road was $55.799. The expenditures upon it to January 1817, were $12,993. The expenditures since that time have been estimated at about $1200 per annum - making the sum total of original cost and expenditures $78, 392.
This is now a FREE ROAD. It is well made. Its course is as direct as possible, avoiding the mountainous ridges. The distance on this road from Concord Bridge to Portsmouth is 43 miles, and may be traveled in about half a day.



Grasshoppers. - We are informed by a gentleman of undoubted veracity, who saw the spoil, that Friend Arnold Thompson, of Epsom, on Saturday evening last, caught in his and his neighbors' grain fields, between the hours of eight and twelve o'clock, five bushels and three pecks of grasshoppers ! His mode of catching them was by attaching two sheets together, and fastening them to a pole, which was used as the front part of the drag. The pole extended beyond the width of the sheets so as to admit persons at both sides to draw it forward. At the sides of the drag, braces extended from the pole so as to raise the back part of the sheet considerably from the ground, so that the grasshoppers could not escape. After running the drag about a dozen rods with rapidity, the braces were taken out and the sheet doubled over, the grasshoppers were then swept from each end towards the center of the sheer, where was left an opening to the mouth of a bag which held about half a bushel; when deposited and tied up, the drag was again opened and ready to proceed. When this bag was filled so as to become burthensome, (their weight is about the same as that of the same measure of corn,) the bag was opened into a larger one and the grasshoppers received into a new deposit. The drag can be used only in the evening, when the grasshoppers are perched on the top of the grain. His manner of destroying them was by dipping the large bags into a kettle of boiling water. When boiled they had a reddish appearance, and made a fine feast for the farmer's hogs.



Epsom, Oct. 29, 1827
Mr. Hill,
Sir - Sometime during this month, there came a man to this town, and urged me to subscribe for a newspaper called the New Hampshire Journal, printed at Concord. He declared it to be a true republican paper. I have ever considered myself to be a republican of the old school, and place a high value on the rights and privileges secured to us. I rendered my feeble aid in support of those rights and privileges by shouldering my musket in the war of the revolution. Having received two or three numbers of the Journal, I am disgusted with it, and am free to confess I was enormously deceived by the lines of the agent who induced me to consent to take the paper. I consider it a miserable Clay-cold federal paper, and will not receive it any longer, and wish to become a subscriber for the N.H. Patriot. Yours, &c.



At a meeting of the Democratic Republicans of the town of Epsom, assembled at the inn of Lieut. Abel Brown, on Tuesday Jan. 1, 1828, pursuant to notice.
Col. DANIEL CILLEY was called to the chair, and WILLIAM HAM, Jr. was chosen Secretary; when the following preamble and resolutions were introduced and unanimously passed.
At a time like this, we view the UNION of the Republican part all important to the interest of this State and of the United States, and that the Republicans should be vigilant and active in the common cause, the county's best good - that they should be UNITED formidably to oppose every measure tending to involve our dear bought rights and privileges in Amiocracy.
Therefore Resolved, That we highly approve the Resolutions of our spirited and patriotic brethren of DEERFIELD passed at a recent meeting and published in the New Hampshire Patriot, and will most cordially UNITE with them and others of the like patriotism in using our utmost endeavors to carry the same into effect, and of adhering to the principles therein contained.
Resolved, That the Secretary cause the foregoing preamble and resolutions to be published in the New Hampshire Patriot and State Gazette.


Republican Ticket Federal Ticket
Hanover Dickey
B.L. Locke, 134 James Babb, 116
William Ham Jr, 155 Thomas D. Merrill, 83
Winthrop Fowler, 134 Thomas D. Merrill, 78
Eliphalet Wiggin, 147 Thomas D. Merrill, 29
William Ham, jr. 87 John Cate, 31
William Tarleton, 118



DEAF AND DUMB - The Governor and Council have made the following distributions of the $1200 appropriated by the Legislature for the education of indigent and dumb children of this State, at the Hartford Asylum, viz:
John G. French, Epsom - $115
We understand there were several indigent and highly deserving applicants, whose claims the limited appropriation of the Legislature did nor enable the Executive to answer. - N.H. Journal.

NH Patriot 7-28-1828

Fourth of July at Epsom.

The fine Light Infantry company, commanded by Capt. Samuel Wells, met at the inn of Wm. Yeaton, jr. where a respectable number of the democratic republicans assembled, and the following sentiments were delivered accompanied by the discharge of musketry. Col. Daniel Cilley presided, and William Ham, jr. was Toastmaster.
The day we celebrate. While it awakens gratitude in the hearts of freeman, it speaks terror to the traitor and tyrant.
The heroes of the revolution. Their names breathe a sweet perfume.
Lafayette. Though seas divide us, the heart of every American throbs with gratitude at the recollection of his virtue.
These United States. Not withstanding the vile courses pursued by aspiring demagogues, may they flourish to the latest posterity, under the same pure republican principles, so strictly observed by their venerable father - the immortal Washington.
Hon. Benjamin Pierce. The inflexible republican - all the allurements of men in power, or the prospects of emolument of office, have never turned him from the straight line of duty.
Hon. Levi Woodbury and Hon. Jonathan Harvey. Bright constellations in the political horizon.
The Democratic Republicans.
"Firm, united let us be,
Rallying round old Hickory.
As a band of brothers join'd."
Clay and Adams foes shall find.
John Q. Adams. Educated in the political school of his father, feigned a change of politics, and made pretensions of attachment to the republican party, for no other purpose but to destroy the effects of democratic policy. Eighteen hundred twenty-nine will, we trust, give him leisure to reflect on his many transgressions.
Isaac Hill - Who has so eloquently reminded us not to withhold the homage of grateful hearts from the sages and heroes of the revolution 0 his services demand our gratitude and affection.
Gen. Andrew Jackson. A republican in principles, in feelings and manners;
"Like the Eagle will soar on high,
Above the sphere where Vultures fly"
Amalgamation and Coalition. May they sink, with John the second to rise no more.
Epsom Light Infantry. Descendants of the hardy yeomanry; should their services be required, they would neither prove Arnolds or Hills.
The Fair. May the never yield their hearts to those who are unwilling to defend them from the battle cry of "beauty and booty."
By Mr. S. Whitney. Hon. Samuel Bell. For the false information he gave last March may he drive a hearse loaded with the six coffin handbills.
By Capt. B.L. Locke. Death to a federal Administration - annihilation to amalgamation - and prosperity to our nation.
By Mr. S. Lear. Richard Bartlett, present Secretary of State; the political weather cock. May he feel the influence of the word of the royal psalmist applied to Judas Iscariot - "let his days be few, and his office let another take."
By Mr. Perkins Philbrick, jr. Gov. Bell - a traitor to the federal party: a deceiver of the republican part; may he, and those who raised him to office, be considered as mean as the Hillsborough Bills; and may the republicans of New Hampshire, at the next election, Pierce him to the heart.
By Mr. William Yeaton, jr. America. Her good blooded sons will have reason to rejoice, when the present ruler of our nation, or otherwise the United States' pauper, shall leave to retire, and Andrew Jackson be placed in the chair of State.
By a citizen. Ichabod Bartlett - The little Bullfrog of New Hampshire: may he never beget another brood of twaddlers.
By Capt. B.L. Locke. William Pickering, who has lost his office by being a man of integrity: may he be chosen to the office of an Elector.
By R. Knox, Esq. Gov. Pierce. He carries with him into his present retirement the proud consciousnesses of unsullied integrity.
By Mr. S. Whitney. The pitch pine Judge: as fit for a Senator as Judas was for a disciple.
By Benvoli Sandborn. John Q. Adams; the present idol of the federal party, a traitor to the republicans: who robbed the public treasury to secure an office for himself; may his double salaries, double outfits, billiard tables and Indian portraits, be long remembered by the democratic republicans: may his agents, paid out of the treasury, who circulated the coffin handbills and other infamous lines to defame the character of Gen. Andrew Jackson, have place in history, and be read by our children, and children's children to the last generation.
By William Ham, jr. New Hampshire. May the twenty thousand republican sons, who recently distinguished themselves, like Leonidas, maintain their integrity, or perish in the last ditch.
By a citizen. Thomas Whipple, jr. A political Juda, who sold his birth right for a mess of pottage.
By a citizen. The Toastmaster. Though modest and unassuming, fears not the threats of aspiring demagogues.
By Perkins Philbrick, jr. The President of the day - son of the late Gen. Joseph Cilley, the only remaining one who has never been swerved by the prospects of office, and who has remained true to the pure republican principles, so strictly adhered to by his venerable father.

Letters - Conduct of one of Moore's Deputy Sheriffs !

I Alexander S. Lear depose and say that on or about the 31st day of October last, Capt. Dearborn Lord of Epsom came to my house in Allenstown, and told me that I was owing said Lord ten shillings; and after some conversation said Lord asking me what Electoral ticket I should carry, informed him that I always had and still should carry the Republican ticket. He, the said Lord, then said If I carried the Republican ticket, it would be that for the Adams electors, for the that supported Mr. Adams were republicans, and they that supported Jackson were federalists. I then told said Lord that I did not so understand it, for I considered the supports of Jackson to be principally republicans, and the supporters of Adams principally to be federalists. He the said Lord then offered me, if I would carry the Adams ticket, so called, he would give me out of his said demand against me fifty cents. And the said Lord afterwards at the same place said to me, if I would carry said Adams ticket as aforesaid, he would take of me one dollar instead of ten shillings; to which I replied I would think of it. Further saith not.
Nov. 17. 1828
Merrimack, ss, Pembroke, Nov. 17, 1828.
Then the above named Alexander S. Lear personally appeared, and after being duly cautioned and carefully examined, made solemn oath that the above affidavit by him subscribed is just and true, before me,
SAMUEL COCHRAN, jun. Jus. Peace

MR. JETHRO PETTINGILL, informs that "on the 3d of November, 1828, EDWARD D. LORD of Epsom in the meetinghouse of the town aforesaid, asked me for whom I was calculating to vote. I told him I was going to vote for Jackson, i.e. for Jackson Electors. He, the said Edward D. Lord, then said if I did my pension would be stopped and I should have to go to jail."

NH Patriot 1-19-1829

Celebration at Epsom of the 8th January

In commemoration of the political events of this highly favoured country, and more particularly of the signal services of the Conqueror at New Orleans, and the late complete triumph of Democratic Principles in electing Gen. Andrew Jackson to the highest office in the gift of a free and enlightened people; the republicans of Epsom, joined by citizens from other towns, determined to express their joy and gratitude by celebrating the eighth inst.
Accordingly an elegant Ensign of Liberty was previously erected by Robert Knox, Esq. and other spirited democratick citizens, and suitable preparations made for the exercises of the day. A committee of arrangements was chosen, consisting of twenty, who appointed Hanover Dickey, Esq. President; Col. Daniel Cilley, Richard Tripp, John Nealley, and Capt. Lewis Flanders, Vice Presdents; Gen. James Blake, Chief Marshal, Robert Knox Esq. and Benvoli Sanborn, Deputy Marshals; Daniel P. Cilley and David Dickey jr. Toastmasters.
The procession formed at 11 o'clock, A.M. near the Inn of Jeremiah Prescott, and proceeded to the meetinghouse under an escort of musick commanded by Maj. Jospeh Eastman; where the exercises were, singing appropriate pieces accompanied by instrumental musick, prayers and benediction by the Chaplain, Elder Samuel B. Dyer, which in our opinion, would not have dishonored the most profound Ecclesiastic. They appeared as flowing from a mind which strengthens with increasing weight, rises and expands in proportion to the magnitude and importance of the occasion; and which appreciates our national blessings according to their true value. And an elaborate, spirited and patriotic address by Moses Norris, Esq. which is expected to be published, and will then speak for itself.
Having returned, over one hundred partook of a sumptuous collation served up by Mr. Jeremiah Prescott.
After the cloth was removed, the following sentiments were given, accompanied by excellent musick, hearty cheers, and the discharge of artillery.
1. The day we celebrate. One of the most important ever recorded in the annals of history, and which saved New Orleans from the British grasp.
2. May an unquenchable love of Liberty be kindled in each and every one, who beholds the ensign we have erected, and in all who have heard of the 4th of July 1776, or the day we celebrate.
3. America. Freedom's birth place, where man first gained his true Liberty and Independence.
4. Gen. Andrew Jackson, the President elect, the brightest ornament of America, through him we trust the nation will be saved.
5. The Union of the States. As the "giant oak grows in the sun, and strengthens in the storm," so may it only be strengthened by internal tempests and political strifes.
6. Agriculture, Manufactures and Commerce. The three grand sources of national subsistence. May they every draw by even cords.
7. Gen. Pierce. A Statesman, cool and dispassionate: may he at the next election receive the highest gift of a free and enlightened State.
8. Our Hill at the Capital. Too firm and impervious for federalism to climb.
9. Hon. L. Woodbury and Jonathan Harvey. As they have, so may they ever conduct as to meet the approbation of the Republican party.
10. The next Cabinet. May it be composed of materials more substantial than Clay tempered with Rush.
11. The Heroes of the Revolution. May their memories outlive monumental inscriptions.
12. Freeman of N.H. May they no longer be imposed upon by the base deceptions of that lying vehicle, which has been gratuitously and so profusely scattered among us by Jacob B. Moore.
13. The State Legislature. Very modest in spirits: how do they appear with the State's bottle behind the curtain.
14. Democratic republicans of New Hampshire. May they be reminded that the least breach of their Union would be hailed with barbarian joy by an universal warhoop of aristocracy and despotism.
15. John Q. Adams. Not to blame, because his father "loved sour grapes," but because they are pleasant to his taste.
16. Political "reign of terror." "O nunquam qua, nunquam videamus again."
17. "little ichabod bartlett." The fag-end of all parties," a good appellation for twaddlers, it applies well to himself.
18. His excellency John Bell. May he prepare to follow Jonny Q. in an "Irish hoist."
19. Richard Bartlett - The amalgamation puff; full of all deception. Let the reptile be crushed in the egg.
20. Jacob B. Moore. "Hea me miserum," I fear we shall lose our heat in amalgamating parties.
21. The President of the day. Firm amidst the contending elements of parties; a Patriot whose bosom glows with love of country.
22. The Vice Presidents. Firm supporters of true Republicanism.
23. The Orator of the day. May soundances of sentiment and eloquence of speck, combined in youth, be patterned after by all, who are advancing to manhood, and the active pursuits of life.
24. Party Spirit. May it every where give place to united and vigorous exertions for the public good.
25. Gen. Washington. May succeeding generations continue to be his monument, and their hearts his epitaph.
26. The Clergy. May their humble deportment and pious endeavors teach us obedience to our government and our God.
27. Literature. As it cultivates genius, may it inspire patriotism.
28. Editor of the Statesman and Register. Very boisterous concerning liars and falsehoods. "Clodias accusat Mochos."
29. The Fair. May they be as effectual in promoting the brave sons of Columbia to true patriotism, as their amiable qualities are in commanding their attention and respect.

By the President of the day. Gen. Andrew Jackson. Conqueror of the Conquerors of Europe, and Hero of the United State. May he enjoy a seat at the national helm with increasing honor, till he shall resign it with perfect pleasure.
By Col. Cilley, V.P. John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay. They would be usurpers of the people's rights. May the combined powers of the people soon send them to St. Helena.
By Richard Tripp, V.P. The Chaplain. He joins us to commemorate "the glorious 8th" from inclination as well as duty.
By Gen. Blake, Chief Marshal. Gen. Benjamin Pierce. A Hero of the Revolution and a statesman of the first stamp. May the next election place him in the chief Executive Chair.
By the Orator of the day. The fourth of March, 1801 and the fourth of March, 1829 - Epochs alike glorious in the annals of Demorcacy.
By Robert Knox, Esg. Deputy Marsal. Hon. Isaac Hill. May his enemies not have power to put him down; nor his friends ever forsake him.
By Benvoli Sanborn, Deputy Marshal. Henry Clay - Now he is about to fall, may he repent of his past conduct; and fall into the hands of the potter and be moulded into a vessel of honor and liberty.
By Daniel P. Cilley. Success to the people of the United States. May they maintain their freedom, even till dissolving nature shall announce that "Time is no longer."
By David Dickey, jr. The token of Freedom here erected, and all others throughout our land. If as durable as the Egyptian Pyramids, may they ever be held by passing people, whose hearts glow with an ardent zeal for national liberty, beaming from reason and knowledge.
By Maj. Joseph Eastman. Amalgamators of New Hampshire - Principally professional men, composing the second platoon, and now pulling up the rear. To the left backward wheel march; march! Tune - Soldier's Joy.
By Mr. Jeremiah Blake. The late Administration party - Their desperate exertions, and amalgamating qualities; like the metallick strip, have only tended to set the edge of the Democratic Razor so keenly, as to shave the faces of the Coalitiion so that their haggard and dejected countenances may be recognized at first sight.
By. Dr. Henry B. Brown. Gen. A. Jackson - A true and patriotic statesman, whose name stands conspicuous and immortal on the pages of history. As he ascends the presidential chair, may he be as a cloud by day, and a pillar of fire by night, to guide the people in the path of duty.
By Thomas S. Eastman. The victory at New Orleans. The Republican's salvation, and Federalist's condemnation.
By Winthrop Fowler. The U. States of N. America. The only tolerant and most highly favored Nation in all the earth. May they ever be so humble, peaceable and united, that the wise Disposer of events may continue the same blessings to them, until time shall be no more.
By Reuben Sanborn. J.Q. Adams, Clay & Rush. May they on the 4th of March next retire from office "with their hands on their mouths, and their mouths in the dust," and of themselves "cry unclean" by reason of bargain and corruption.
By Joseph C. Wallace. John Binns and Jacob Binns Moore, and all who have been circulating coffin-handbills and other lying extra sheets - valets to defame the character of Gen. Jackson, and hurt the Republican cause. May they repent in dust and ashes; or like Judas, the traitor, go an hang themselves.
By a Guest. - The Clergy of N.H. None more busy than B. May he be made chief tanner of torie's hides. (This toast has allusion to a fast sermon preached during the last war.)
By Perkins Philbrick, jr.
A fell the old man, so falls his son;
They served four years, and now they are done.
Bargain their promotion - Twaddlers call it fair -
May the deil take Adams, and Jackson take the chair.
By Capt. B.L. Locke. John Q. Adams - His reign will soon be at an end. May Amalgamation, Bargain and Intrigue, with him end, never to rise again.
By William Wallace. Gen. Andrew Jackson. The Hero of New Orleans and next President of the United States. May we ever have such able, wise and patriotic Statesmen at the helm of government, that our lives, Liberty, "beauty and booty," may be protected from all tyranny and oppression.
By a citizen. Hall Burgin - "One of the best of men, one of the best of Judges, and one of the very best Senators" - feels bad enough - let the dead rest. No cheers, &c.
By William Yeaton,jr. The Governor and Council. A noble appointment in Epsom: A Justice of the peace without residence. But, as Jack said, any port in a storm.
By Benson Ham. Jacob B. Moore's Epsom Deputy. May he ever pursue the course he has begun; give the writ and summons to the defendant, clear our, and scream murder.

Pittsfield Sun 1-14-1830 EXPLOSION

One of the buildings attached to the Powder Manufactory of Oliver M. Whipple, Esq. In Lowell, exploded on the 5th inst. Some of the shingles were found half a mile off. Mr. Robinson, of Epsom, N.H. was the only person in the mill, his brother having left it in a few moments. Mr. R. threw himself on his face, but was found dreadfully bruised, and both eyes destroyed. His life is despaired of.

NH Patriot 10-23-1837

The Portsmouth News tells a good story of a REVOLUTIONARY TEA PARTY got up by Major Michael McClary of Epsom, an unflinching patriot of those times, for the express benefit of a Mr. Dix of Pembroke, a tory who openly retailed the obnoxious article in spite of the threats and remonstrance's of the liberty men. Major McClary and his friends repaired to Pembroke, and commenced operations by buying a pound of tea of Mr. Dix, during the purchase of which, the latter threw out certain hints that did not tend to allay the excitement of the "tea party." On the following morning this pound of tea was burned in the street before Dix's store, in the presence of a large number of the liberty men. Dix had in the mean time fastened the door of his store, and armed himself with a loaded musket - and swore if the d __d whigs broke open his store, he would shoot them as fast as seven devils could carry them out. The cry being made for more tea, the brave and daring McClary, with one jump, stove in the door of the store; entered the same sword in hand, and disarmed the tory Dix before he recovered from his surprise. His well stored chests of tea were emptied upon the fire - and himself compelled to sign the agreement of the patriots - that he would sell or drink no more tea! Thus ended the tea party of Pembroke, N.H.

NH Patriot and State Gazette 6-12-1851
Article -

On the 21st inst., Mr. Theophilus Wells, of Epsom, had one of his legs amputated above the knee, in consequence of a long-standing disease of the bone and flesh below the knee. On that day the diseased part commenced bleeding, and a large quantity of blood was lost before the arrival of the physician, Dr. T. Haynes, of this town. Dr. H. judged it necessary to remove the limb at once, as the only chance to save the life of the patient. Ether was administered and the leg was removed in a few secons, without pain. Mr. Wells is a very worthy man, aged about 40 years.

Weekly Union (Manchester) 5-5-1852
Article - The Freshet

The Patriot contains the following additiional particulars in relation to the late freshet: In Epsom, we learn that three bridges over the Suncook, two over Bear Creek, and one or two others were carried off. The grist mills of Mr. Worcester Preston were carried off. - Mr. P. was in it when it started, but he concluded to step out and escaped uninjured. It is stated that the damage to the roads and bridges in Epsom is over $1000.

Weekly Union (Manchester) 4-14-1857

Mr. Isaac Dowst, of Epsom, whose disappearance was mentioned last week, has been found in a state of insanity. He had made an attempt to cut his throat, but did not succeed.

NH Patriot and State Gazette 4-25-1860

Joseph G. Howe of Epsom took lodging for a night or two in the semetery in Manchester, about the first of April, and froze his feet so that it became necessary to amputate both of them, which was done last week by eight Manchester physicians.

Mirror and Farmer 6-13-1868
Article - Railroad Meeting at Epsom

An interesting meeting of the tax payers of Epsom was held on Saturday, which was ably adressed by Samuel N. Bell, L.W. Clark, Jos. B. Clark and J. L. French, Esq. of Pittsfield.

That a railroad ought to be built up the Valley of the Suncook everybody admits, and that Epsom, with its many broad acres, numerous waterfalls, - both on the Great and Little Suncook, - and half millilon cords of wood and lumber, should secure railroad facilities to develop her recources seems equally evident. An effort will be made by town meeting to appropriate five per cent of the valuation by taxation to aid in the construction of the Sunook Valley Railroad.

Hitherto the enterprise has been thwarted by the indifference and wand of aid from this town, but now the people are more awake to their own interest, and it is hoped that the appropriation will be made and Epsom be changed from an old dull, deteriorating, farming community to a busy, thriving, prosperous town.

Every intelligent citizen, and every absent voter, should embrace this golden opportunity and do everything in his power to secure the completiion of this road, which will diffuse business and propsperity, and return ten-fold to every citizen the amount paid for taxes. Epsom and other towns should co-operate with Pittsfield if they wish to secure the advantages of a railroad.

Mirror and Farmer 6-20-1868
Article - Important Vote

The Town Meeting held at Epsom, for the purpose of making an appropriation to aid the construction of the Suncook Valley Railroad, was fully attended and the results most satisfactory. By a very decisive vote the town appropriates five percent of the valuation, amounting to about $17,000.00, all that the law will allow, to aid in securing railroad facilities.

Well done, Epsom! The people of that town are awake and say that there is every reason for beleiving that the Suncook Valley Railroad can, and it must, be built.

Valley Times Jan 28, 1869
Charles A. Doe who had been engaged in driving a meat cart to Concord will open a meat cellar at Manchester in Kimball Block.

Pittsfield Valley Times Feb. 4, 1869
"As some school boys were sliding down a steep hill, the sled ran against a rock, and one of them, Anson B. Cass, son of H.O. Cass, had he bones of one leg broken and the flesh terribly bruised. He is under the care of Dr. Peabody and is doing well."

NH Patriot and State Gazette 9-29-1869
Article - Narrow Escapes

In Epsom, a few days ago, as some men were digging a well on the premises of William Tripp, and got down about twenty five feet, the well caved and Jeremiah Burnham was buried up to his arm-pits. He was dug out, with considerable difficulty and danger.

Valley Times January 20, 1870
The Ladies of the Congregational Society of Epsom held a Levee at the Town Hall on Wednesday evening, which proved a very creditable and pleasant affair.
An excursion train went down from Pittsfield with about eighty passengers, who were highly pleased with the excursion and entertainment. The well disposed people of Epsom kindly furnished teams to convey them to and from the depot.

Messrs. Cass & Cox, who have done quite a thriving business during the past two years, butchering and carrying meat to Concord, are closing up affairs in Epsom, and preparing to move to Manchester where they will continue the business.

The desirable farm of J.J. Moses Esq. is advertised for sale in this paper, and he will go with the above firm to Manchester.

Valley Times February 17, 1870
Capt. Arthur Locke has been cutting a small lot of timber this winter, including several old growth pines; one of which made after it was sawed, 28,000 feet of lumber.
Large lumbering operations are going on in the vicinity of Pleasant Pond.
Monday afternoon of last week, as Mr. William Yeaton, working at Manchester, was engaged in rolling logs down a steep bank, he passed in front of a pile to arrange the large sleepers upon which the logs were to roll. While engaged in so doing, one of the largest logs, over three feet in diameter, started from its position, and Mr. Yeaton, in endeavoring to escape, slipped and fell over one of the sleepers, and the log rolled directly upon him instantly. Had he fallen between the sleepers he would have been safe. He was about twenty seven years old and was unmarried. He was the son of Warren Yeaton, and was brought to Epsom for burial.

From the Valley Times February 24, 1870
Epsom. Obituary. Mrs. Anna Merrill, aged seventy-eight years and nine months, died suddenly in her chair this forenoon, of congestion of the lungs. She was the widow of Thomas D. Merrill, a prominent citizen of Epsom. Her father was Dr. Peter Green, a native of Lancaster, Mass., and for many years a distinguished physician in this city. He was one of the original founders of the New Hampshire Medical Society. Mrs. Merrill was the only survivor of thirteen children by his second wife, Ruth Ayer of Haverhill, Mass.

NH Patriot and State Gazette 3-17-1870
Article - New Store New Store In the Suncook Valley

The subscribers offer for sale at their new Store just opened at Goss' Village in Epsom, a good variety of West India Goods and Groceries at extremely low prices. Having purchased goods for cash in Boston and vicinity, at great discount, we are prepared to place them before the public lower than they can be bought elsewhere, in this vicinity. We solicit a liberal patronage. Come one and all and examine out stock of goods for yourselves.
Motto, Quick Sales and Small Profits.
Wm. & John A. Goss. Epsom, Feb. 28, 1870

Lake Village Times 4-2-1870
Article - New Post Office

A new post office has been established at Short Falls in Epsom. Mr. J.B. Tennant is the postmaster.

NH Patriot and State Gazette 6-30-1873
Article - Robbery at Epsom

The store of Solon Robinson, at Epsom, in which is kept a stock of groceries, boots and shoes, provision, etc., was entered by burglars on Friday night last, who stole about five hundred dollars worth of goods. The building is set up on blocks, and the person or persons who committed the robbery cut a hole, ten by twelve inches square up through the floor from underneath, and ented the store in this way. A large dog belonging to the proprietor, and which is kept upon the premises, disappeared the day before the theft, and came back the day after. Officers were at once notified, and are now engaged in working up the case, but no trace of the thieves has yet been discovered.

NH Patriot and State Gazette 6-14-1876
Article - Drowning Case.

On Monday last, Charles T. Cofran, an inmate of the Asylum for the Insane, left that institution and all efforts to discover his whereabouts were unavailing. It was thought that he had started for his home in Epsom, but nothing was heard from him during the week. On Sunday morning last a Gypsy boy, who was fishing near the lower bridge, on the Merrimack river, saw the naked body of a man floating down the stream. A brick was attached to his line and thrown over the body, which was drawn to the shore. It was found to be that of a man about five feet and a half in height, answering the description of the man missing from the asylum, in general appearance, though the body, which had evidently been in the water some five or six days, was considerably bloated, and decomposed somewhat. The authorities and coroner Stewart were summoned, but no inquest was deemed necessary and the remains were interred at the cemetery. Meantime the officers learned that some clothing had been found at Fort Eddy, and on going there learned that a boy had, on Saturday afternoon, found a hat, a coat, pants, vest, shirt and shoes, beside the stream which runs from the eddy into the river. In these clothes the officers found letters by which they were identified at the asylum as those of Mr. Cofran. It is thought that he went into the water to bathe, at the place where the clothes were discovered, and was accidentally drowned and that the body floated out into and down the river to the bridge, where it was found.

NH Patriot and State Gazette 8-18-1881

The sleepy old town of Epsom seems to be waking to new life by the sound of the carpenter's hammer, early and late, upon a large building, 100 feet by 80, being erected by the shoe factory company at or near Epsom depot. The dam is being put in by H. A. Holmes, and the building is being pushed rapidly forward by J. C. Philbrick and is to be occupied Oct. 15th by an enterprising firm from Lynn.
William Goss also has a large new house nearly completed, near the shoe factory, and expects to build more.
H. S. Knowles is also at work rebuilding the gristmill burned some years hence.

NH Patriot and State Gazette 11-1-1883

The old Freewill Baptist meeting house, at Gossville in Epsom, has had a story added which will be used as a G.A. R. hall and Good Templar's' lodge room.

Analectra January 24, 1884
Mrs. Joanna Buzzell died the 10th, inst., aged 92. She had been a widow over 40 years.
The funeral of Mrs. Ephraim Locke, who died in Suncook, was held at the residence of her son-in-law Mr. James Fowler, on Monday. Mrs. Locke was 78 years old.
The children and grandchildren of Mr. Prescott Locke gave him an oyster supper on Monday night. It being his 85th birthday.
Horace B. Sherburne is bookkeeper at the shoe shop.
Miss Grace Edmonds is on the sick list
Miss Annie Cilley has recovered from her illness and had gone to work in the shoe shop again.

Analectra January 31, 1884
The Grand Army of the republic gave an entertainment at their hall on the evening of the 22nd inst.. There were two dramas by the Epsom Dramatic Club, music by the Jenness Orchestra of Chichester and dancing was kept up till a late hour.

Analectra February 13, 1884
Mr. [Jacob] Freeze Robinson is moving his family to Suncook where he has gone into the Dry Goods business with the Messrs. Johnson of that place. He has been in company with Mr. Silver at Gossville for the past 12 years, but sold out to Sumner Hall a few months ago. Mr. Sumner Hall has been appointed depot master, Mr. Robinson having resigned.
Willie Burnham, son of James M. Burnham, met with a sad accident Saturday afternoon while coasting, bruising his head so that he was unconscious for six hours and breaking his right leg just above the ankle. Dr. Smith was called and set the limb, and he is doing as well as could be expected.
Mrs. Dr. Smith's mother has been very sick with the pneumonia the past week. She is now thought to be better.
There was a cut down at the shoe shop last week.

Analectra February 28, 1884
A skating rink was opened at the Odd Fellows Hall last week.

Analectra March 20, 1884
At town meeting the town voted to by a hearse.

Analectra April 3, 1884
Mr. Moses Critchett, who died in Concord last week, was buried in the Short Falls Cemetery, he was a former resident of this town.

Analectra April 10, 1884
G.C. Knowles has sold out his butchering business to B.M. Towle.

Analectra May 15, 1884
Capt. Arthur Locke died May 10, 1884, 59 years, 6 months, 25 days. G.A.R. was in charge and the sermon was given by Elder M.A. Quimby of New Durham.

Analectra October 2, 1884
A new school house is nearly completed in the New Orchard district.

Analectra October 30, 1884
There is a brass band being organized at Gossville.

NH Patriot and State Gazette 10-1-1885

Business is good at the shoe factory in Epsom. About 76 hands are employed, with a weekly payroll of $600. An addition is to be made to the building and the capacity of the factory increased to ten cases a day.

NH Patriot and State Gazette 1-21-1886
Article - Birthday Anniversary in Hooksett

The numerous relatives and friends of Charles Quimby Esq., of Hooksett, celebrated the 80th anniversary of his birth, in the town hall on Friday evening, Jan. 15th. The evening was passed in social amusements, and my listening to singing from a choir composed by Hon. Jesse Gault, Dr. F.D. Randall, Mrs. Rev. N. M. Learned and Mrs. E.C. Chase. Mrs. R.E. Philbrick of Pepperell, Mass., a grand-daughter, gave a recitation entitled "Westerling," receiving an encore, following by a satire on Dutch phraseology. Master Frank R. Moore of Concord, a great-grandson, also gave a recitation.

At the close of these exercises Rev. Mr. Learned, in a happy address, presented an elegant gold headed cane which Mr. Quimby received with an effective speech. Pleasant remarks were made by James Thonpson and wife, Dr. Randall, Mrs. Nancy E. Converse, Ashael Quimby and others all testifying to Mr. Quimby's worth as a townsman, neighbor and father. Mr. Quimby was born in the town of Hawk, now Danville, this state, in the year 1806. He married Harriet Upton, of Bow, by whom he has thirteen children, nine of whom are now living. He has experienced many vicissitudes, having lived, since marrying, in the towns of Bow, Epsom, New Hampston, and in the year of 1871 located in Hooksett, where he has lived since, in retirement. Farming has been his principal business, in which he has been very successful. He is now financially interested in quite a number of farms. He is still active and vigorous, and a noble specimen of New Hampshire's hardy sons. In private life, he is an exemplary moralist; in politics, a firm Democrat; and in his business relations with the world, his word is as good as his bond. His life bids fair to cover many more golden years, and his friends desire that they may be peaceful and happy.

Analectra February 5, 1886
There are three writing schools in session in town. Mr. Crosby of Pittsfield has one at the town hall, Fred Heath has one in District 1 and Austin Yeaton at the North Road schoolhouse.

Analectra March 26, 1886
C.S. Hall had a very narrow escape from drowning Monday morning as he was crossing the shoe factory mill pond. The ice broke, letting him into the water up to his armpits, but by a hard struggle he made out to save himself.

Valley Times April 15, 1892
Mrs. J.T. Cotterell is visiting in Haverhill, Mass.
G.C. Knowles has been very sick, but is getting better.
J.E. Eastman is building him a slaughter house.
The band are to repeat their concert at Short Falls, April 22.
Married at the Free Baptist parsonage on April 8, by Rev. J.W. Scribner, Charles W. Towle of Epsom and Miss Rebekah Towns of Newport.
During the high wind last week Wednesday, a fire burned over about 200 acres of pasture belonging to B.M. Towle. C.W. Leighton and J. and W.H. Sanborn. Three sets of buildings were only saved by the timely aid of the citizens, and plowing across fields.
Fred Fife has gone into the butchering business.
Henry Bickford to carry on Mrs. J.C. Smith's farm this coming summer.
J.H. Tripp has taken down the barn on the J.R. Dow farm and putting it up again in connection with the one at his residence.
Amos Prescott, an aged man who died at North Berwick, Me, recently, resided in New Rye district many years ago. He is survived by one son, J.L. Prescott, the well known stove polish manufacturer, with whom he lived, and one daughter, Mrs. Jeremiah Burnham of this town.

Valley Times April 22, 1892
Albert Pickard has sold his farm and stock of cattle to Sumner Hall.
The Epsom brass band is to furnish music Memorial Day.
Noah Goss has finished his job in Windsor and returned home.
Hon. H.F. Sanborn of Princeton, Mass, came to town Wednesday.

Valley Times May 6, 1892
Gossville now has six mails a day.
Mrs. Perley Giles has been quite sick the past week.
H.S. Knowles has been in Boston this week buying goods.
The Ideal Minstrel troupe of Northwood gave a concert at G.A.R. Hall Tuesday evening.
The Epsom brass band have accepted an invitation to play at the anniversary of the I.O.O. F. Hall at their hall in Short Falls next Tuesday night.
Albert Pickard has moved to Deerfield.
Eugene Marden is clerking for J.B. Tennant
Shurburn Cass and wife of Lee, who formerly resided here, are visiting relatives in town.
The members of the Evergreen Lodge, I.O.O.F. attended the funeral of their late brother, John S. Hoyt, who died at this home in Chichester, April 21. He was a worthy member, and the oldest in the lodge. His age was 76 years. He is survived by a widow, one son, and four daughters.
The town schools are under instruction of the following teachers: Edith Fowler in the Mountain District; Mrs. Clara E. Woodman, New Rye; Eva Burleigh of Sandwich, Short Falls; Abbie James of Northwood, Gossville; Etta Goodwin of Portland, Center; and Josie Shaw of Pittsfield, New Orchard.

Valley Times June 10, 1892
A son was lately born to Hiram Hartford and wife.
Jeremiah Burnham and G.S. Chapman are both on the sick list.
James Fife, whose family has recently moved here from Boston, is very low in consumption.
By request of the late William Fife of Pembroke, the Epsom brass band attended his funeral at his late home, last Saturday.
A grandson of H.O. Wells, Herbert Lombard of Boston, aged 3 years, was brought here and buried in New Rye Cemetery.
Ephraim Locke, and aged man residing with daughter Mrs. J.W. Fowler, and who has been failing for several months, is now very low.
Dr. John Gile, formerly of Pembroke, now practicing in Tewksbury, Mass, was married on the 8th instant to Miss Vesta, oldest daughter of Benjamin Fowler of this town.
Maud Critcherson has an attack of the measles.
Married June 1, by J.W. Scribner, John W. Heath of Lynn, Mass, and Mrs. Sarah Hall of Epsom.

Valley Times June 17, 1892
Mrs. J. Hopkinson is sick with a brain trouble.
A daughter was born to George Cass and wife May 30.
Mrs. M.D. Bickford has a bad hand caused by getting a splinter in it and taking cold in it; she has had it lanced once, and it is still very painful.
Noah Goss, Will Waitts, Charles Gordon and James Bickford started early Monday morning for the Mountains with twenty barges and several carriages and one big coach.

Valley Times August 26, 1892
James Fife is very low in consumption.
J.H. Tripp and son started around with their threshing machine last Tuesday.
George S. Chapman died August 20 of heart disease, aged 67 years. He was a member of Evergreen Lodge, I.O.O. F., and is survived by a widow and two sons, Frank of Winchester, MA and C. Augustine of this town, besides one brother of Lynn, MA, and five sisters.
Mrs. Lydia (Dickey) Hayward of Hastings, Nebraska, who recently visited her nephew H.O. Wells, s the only surviving member of the family of Esquire Hanover Dickey, one of the first families in town half a century ago. Mrs. Hayward is 76 years of age, and it had been twenty-six years since she had visited her native town.
The late Ephraim Locke, who died on the 12th inst. was the son of Deacon Ephraim Locke. He was born in 1809 and lived in this town until 18 years ago, when he sold his farm to J.C. Philbrick, and moved to Suncook. While living here he served on the Board of Selectmen ten years, eight of which he was chairman, and was elected member of the legislature. He had been a member of the Free Baptist Church since 1835. His wife, who was a daughter of Rev. Samuel Dyer, died a few years since, and his eldest daughter, wife of Winthrop Fowler of Pembroke, soon followed her mother. For the past two years he has resided with his only remaining child, Mrs. James W. Fowler, at Short Falls, where he has been most devotedly cared for during the many months of his infirmities. His funeral was quite largely attended by the citizens of this town and Pembroke and he was buried in the family lot in Short Falls Cemetery.

Valley Times September 16, 1892
David Marden who died in East Concord September 3d, was a native of this town.
Mrs. Sarah Morrill who recently died in Pittsfield, was a sister of the late Deacon [Thomas] Tripp.
Miss Mary Baker, a teacher in St. Mary's school, Concord, visited her aunt, Mrs. Samuel Fowler, last week.
B.M. Cummings of Salt Lake City, Utah, was in town last week looking up the genealogy of George Wallace, a native of Epsom, but one of the early pioneers of that country.
Mrs. Thomas Ames is on the sick list.
Kidder Fisk is at work in Weare for Dr. Eaton.
The Democrats of Epsom chose the following delegates to the several conventions: State, S.R. Yeaton, J.W. Fowler; congressional, George Sanders, William Fowler; councilor, Gorham P. Rand, C.O. Brown; senatorial, J.C. Lear, B. Fowler; County, Warren Tripp, S. Martin.

Valley Times Oct. 21, 1892
Mrs. A.G. Noyes is on the sick list.
J.H. Nute has been granted an increase of his pension.
The apple crop in this town does not exceed that of a year ago.
S.T. Dolbeer of New York City is stopping at Calvin Dowst's.
Mrs. Lucinda Dickey, an aged lady, is visiting her daughter in Haverhill and Medford, MA
Miss Malissa Dickey died October 10, of heart trouble, aged 47 years. She leaves a mother and three sisters.
Hon. J.B. Tennant and wife accompanied Governor Tuttle and party to Chicago to be present at the dedication of the Columbian Exposition buildings.
The band is to play at a rally at Deerfield Center Friday evening.
T.W. Kelley lost his horse one day last week, colic is thought to be the cause.
Two sons of the late Thomas Steele of Montreal visited relatives in town this week.
The following are the nominations made at the Democratic caucus Wedensday evening: Moderator for two years, Hiram A. Holmes; supervisors of checklist, Frank L. Seavey, James W. Fowler, George P. Cass; representative, Nathan Goss.
Mrs. Blake Cass went to Byfield, MA, Tuesday to visit her sister.
Everyone is sorry to hear that the shoe shop is to be closed again, and that Mr. Hill is going to move his business to Pittsfield.

Valley Times Nov. 25, 1892
James B. Fife, who died the 13th, was the eldest son of J.H. and Mary Fife, aged 39 years, 10 mos. He went to Boston at the age of 16 years where he was employed as a clerk in Ditson and Co's music store the most of the time for twenty two years. He came to his father's on a visit last December where he was suddenly stricken with hemorrhage of the lungs, from which he never recovered sufficiently to return. Besides his parents he leaves a widow, two daughters, one son, two sisters. Mrs. Frank E. Randall of Pittsfield and Mrs George Dowst of Allenstown, one brother, Fred C. of this town. His funeral was held in New Rye Chapel; services by Rev. J. Scribner, the deceased having been a member of the Free Baptist church here for twenty-seven years. Interment in New Rye Cemetery. Wreath and bouquet of flowers were furnished by his fellow employees in Boston. Chrysanthemums from his mother.

Valley Times December 2, 1892
There is to be a town meeting next Tuesday to see if the town will exempt a firm for a term of years to go into the shoe shop here. We would suppose that every voter would vote for it. [ed note, they did]
G.E. Critcherson and Everett Edmonds are working for Hill and Company in Pittsfield.
Charles Royal moved his family to Chelsea, Mass, this week.

Valley Times December 9, 1892
Mrs. Susan Weeks, who died December 1 at her brother William Goss' Pembroke of apoplexy, was the widow of the late Simon Weeks, both former residents of this town. She leaves four brothers and two sisters. He age was 60 years; interment in New Rye Cemetery.

Mrs. Susan Philbrick is repairing her house.
The Congregational Society will hold no meetings through the winter.
George P. Cass, who has lived on the Jonathan Chelsey place the past year, had moved back to his own farm.
F.L. Seavey is teaching New Rye School. Miss Olive Freeze of Deerfield at Short Falls. A number of the old teachers are retained.

Valley Times December 16, 1892
William H. Straw, a well known citizen, died on the 10th of heart trouble, aged 59 years, 9 months. He had been a worthy member of Evergreen lodge, I.O.O. F., from its organization, also of McClary Grange. He was a native of Hill, his parents moving to this town during the years of his boyhood. He is survived by a widow, two daughters, Mrs. Anson B. Cass and Mrs. E.E. Kendall, one brother, J.L. Straw of Pittsfield, and one sister, Mrs. Susan Philbrick. His funeral was in charge of the Odd Fellows, conducted by Past Grand J.H. Dolbeer; bearers, Past Grand Warren G. Tripp, G.W. Lane, William Fowler and Frank Marden. Singing by G.E. Critcherson, J.A. Tripp, Ethel Brown and Alice Wells; organist Mrs. Warren Brown. Rev. Mr. Locke of Chichester, officiating pastor.

Valley Times Dec. 30, 1892
Quite an accident happened on Monday. Walter Yeaton, his sister Christie, Mary Griffin and a Miss James were out riding when their horse fell down, throwing them out, injuring them al except Miss Yeaton who escaped with a few bruises. Miss Griffin had a bad cut over one eye and her face badly bruised. Miss James had one limb badly sprained, Walter had his neck hurt. It was a narrow escape for them all.

Valley Times January 6, 1893
Mrs. Sally Robinson who was brought from Manchester last week and buried in the Cemetery at Short Falls was the last surviving member of the later Samuel Fowler's family.
Levi Cass, who has been afflicted with paralysis several years, is now very sick.

Valley Times Jan 13, 1893
Charles Dutton has sold his buildings and a few acres of land to John Murphy.

Valley Times January 20, 1893
James Yeaton is quite sick with pneumonia.
Mrs. Ella Pearson of Epping gave a chalk talk on temperance in the Freewill Baptist Church Wednesday evening.
Dr. French of Pittsfield was called to see Mrs. Thomas Ames Monday. He gave no encouragement of her ever being any better.
B.M. Towle got one foot caught between a log and a tree while at work in the woods Tuesday, hurting it so that it is feared it will lay him up for some time.
Henry and George Dowst are getting our lumber to build a new barn the coming spring.

Valley Times January 27, 1893
A daughter was born to Nathan J. Goss and wife January 23; weight ten and one half pounds. [ed note, Maryetta Rebecca Goss, did not survive the year]
Alfred Yeaton is at Manchester Business college.
Fred Fife is getting out lumber to build a new house.
Jeremiah Burnham has been granted an increase in pension.
James Hersey, to whom reference has been made in the papers as teacher of Gen. Benjamin F. Butler, from his beginning to attend school until he was qualified to attend Philips Exeter Academy, was a resident of this town for many years. He sold his farm to the town for the use of their paupers and moved to Manchester, where he died in 1869.

Valley Times March 3, 1893
Mrs. Mary Jacko [ed. Jackrow] died February 21, aged 59 years and 8 months. She came from New York some two months ago to help care for her sister Mrs. Thomas Ames, who has been sick for several months, and was taken suddenly ill with a brain trouble and lived but three weeks. Her funeral was held in Lowell, MA, February 25.
Died at the home of her daughter Mrs. G.E. Warren, February 17, Mrs. Sophia Holmes, aged 85 years. Her remains were carried to Northwood for burial. She leaves four sons and two daughters.
Deacon Charles Doe is on the sick list.
Otis Burnham of the Concord Railroad shop spent the last week at his father's James Burnham.
C.W. Tarlton of Concord was at his farm last week barreling and shipping his apples to Boston.
The roads have been badly drifted for a week or more, some are hardly passable now.

Valley Times March 17, 1893
Widow Hannah Prescott, who is in her 89th year, is living alone in her house in Gossville and doing her work. Her late husband, Stephen Prescott of Deerfield, was a soldier of 1812, and she is he only pensioner in town under that date.
Over forty from this place attended concert by the Epsom brass band at Chichester last Friday evening.
The following officers were elected at the town meeting Tuesday: Selectmen J.H. Dolbeer, Edwin R. Yeaton, and Henry Doty. Town clerk, Maurice C. Philbrick; town treasurer, Daniel Yeaton.
Mrs. Martha Ames, wife of Thomas Ames, died March 4, aged 58 years and 1 month. She leaves a husband, brother and two sisters to mourn her loss. Funeral at the Free Will Baptist Church Wednesday. Rev. J.B. Scribner officiated. Burial in the Gossville Cemetery.
Our enterprising lumber dealers, Tripp and Tennant are running two sawmills in Moretown, one in Francistown, one in Hillsboro, and are employing some 120 men. They have two mills not in use at the present time. They produce seven million feet of lumber in a year.

Valley Times April 14, 1893
Mrs. Daniel Goss is sick with pneumonia.
H.O. Wells recently bought 9 cows of C.C. Doe and son.
Horace Fowler had his hand badly injured while sawing wood by horse-power last week.
C.F. Haines and W.G. Weeks have painted New Rye schoolhouse and are now painting the one at the center.
The roof of the shed adjoining the dwelling house of J.H. Tripp took fire from a spark blown from the chimney on the 2 inst, and but for its timely discovery the extensive farm building must all have burned down.
Morris Hartford, youngest son of James Hartford, died in the hospital in Boston on the 7th of pneumonia, aged 18 years. His funeral was held at his father's last Sunday, Rev. J.W. Scribner officiating. Besides his parents he is survived by five brothers and five sisters.

Valley Times April 28, 1893
A son was born to Frank Davis and wife April 19.
The remains of Daniel P. Locke of Pittsfield, a native of this town, were brought here Tuesday and buried in the Gossville Cemetery.
Miss Minnie E. Warren, daughter of George E. and Lizzie Warren, died of consumption, April 19, aged 22 years, 4 months and 22 days. The remains rested in a white plush casket wit beautiful flowers from friends comprising a pillow with the letters A.C.F. from the A.C.F. society of Epsom, of which she was a member, basket and 22 white roses, H.J. Holmes; bouquet of lilies and other flowers, Mrs. W.I. Holmes; twenty-two Easter lilies, E.M. Holmes; oleander blossoms, Mrs. C.P. Holmes; basket of flowers, Mrs. Ella M. Yeaton; calls lilies, Mrs. Courtland Freese; bouquet, Mrs. Hosea Hilliard; bouquet, Miss Hattie Pike; bouquet, Mrs. Charles Palmer; calla lilies, Mrs. Daniel Yeaton; bouquet, Miss Anna Batchelder; mound, Miss Ella Marden; bouquet, Mrs Samuel Bickford; wreath, Mrs. G.W. Marden. Funeral was held at the Free Will Baptist Church on Sunday; Rev. J.W. Scribner officiated. The bearers were Hollis Hall, Charles Pike, Walter Philbrick and Willie Burnham. Daniel Yeaton, manager; singing by the choir.

Valley Times May 19, 1893
Roger Griffin, who was killed in Boston by an explosion of chemicals, was a native of this town, being the youngest son of Nathan Griffin now residing in Deerfield. He was 39 years old and leaves a family.

Valley Times 1894 (January-August)
Ernest Heath and George Cass have swapped houses.
Voted at school meeting (March) to have a new schoolhouse at Gossville.

Valley Times February 1894
This community was very much surprised and saddened last Thursday morning to learn that Mrs. Carrie E., the estimable wife of Alonzo Batchelder, died at her home in Epsom Thursday morning, February 15th, at the age of 44 years. Her disease was congestion of the brain. The deceased was a native of Concord, and she was bord March 15th, 1849, and she moved to Epsom at the age of 16, and had resided there ever since. She was a charter member of Ivy Green Rebekah Degree Lodge I.O.O. F., and also was a member of McClary Grange P of H, and in both of these organizations she ever took and active interest, and she will be remembered and mourned by a large circle of friends at her home and in this town. Besides a husband, she is survived by one brother, Albion L. Page of this town, and two daughters, Mrs. Hattie L. Sherburne and Myrtie E. Batchelder and also a grandchild, Nellie F. Sherburne of Epsom. The funeral obsequies occurred at the family residence last Sunday at 1 o'clock, and the attendance was large. Rev. Mr. Dame officiated, and he tenderly alluded to the many excellent traits on the deceased. The funeral was in charge of J.H. Dolbeer. There was a very elegant display of floral emblems. Wreath of flowers from Mrs. F.C. Ayer, wreath of flowers from members of Ivy Green Lodge. crescent from McClary Grange, wreath of flowers from Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Page, cut flowers from Mrs. C.H. Heath. The beautiful service of Ivy Green Rebekah Degree Lodge I.O.O.F. was rendered, followed by interment in the Centre cemetery.

Valley Times Newspaper Sat. April 7, 1894
The saddest accident that has happened in this vicinity within our memory occurred March 29th. While a party of men were engaged in rolling logs into the Suncook River near the gristmill, one log suddenly started rolling over and fatally injuring Florus W. Tripp, who died the following morning. He was 29 years of age and the only son of Warren Tripp, and no young man in our midst was more widely or better known. He had always lived with his parents, and his father being engaged in the lumber business, the entire care of the large farm has devolved upon him. Ever faithful in the discharge of the duties of life, while his honesty and integrity won the esteem of those who knew him, and the universal sympathy of the community goes out to his young wife, to whom he married last June, to his parents and his only sister, Mrs. B.H. Fowler, who are grief stricken by their great bereavement. He was a worthy member of Evergreen and Ivy Green, D. of R., Lodges, I.O.O.F., and of McClary Grange; a constant attendant at church and the Sabbath School; in all these associations he will be greatly missed. His funeral was held at his late home last Sunday afternoon, where there was the largest attendance ever assembled on a similar occasion in this town, a great many being present from Pembroke and other neighboring towns. Rev.J.W. Scribner officiated. Singing by G.E. Critcherson, F.C. Fife, Mrs. J.W. Brown and Mrs. F.C. Fife, Fred Burnham, organist. The services were in charge of the Odd Fellows: J.H. Dolbeer conductor; and the several organizations to which he belonged followed his remains to the grave. Among the floral tributes were 29 pinks from his wife, with many beautiful contributions from Evergreen Lodge, McClary Grange, relatives and friends. Internment in the family lot in Short Falls Cemetery.

Epsom Newsletter April 11, 1896

Mr. John S. Green is on the sick list.
J.W. Murby is at work on Emily Brown's farm.
Mrs. John Haynes is on the sick list at John W. Murby's, her boarding place.
Cyrus Marden is tearing down the old house where his mother used to live.
The Grist Mill broke down last Saturday morning, it has since been repaired.
Bertel R. Foss is going to be the foreman on Mrs. Keniston's farm at Allenstown in place of Charles R. Dutton who has resigned his position after serving 17 years.

Epsom Newsletter May 9, 1896
Charles Gordon is recovering from his recent serious illness.
Mrs. Harriet Towle is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Annie Smith, of Newton, Mass.
Daniel Goss, Charles Gordon, J.D. Langley and Mrs. John Haynes are all sick and thought to be failing.
The Northwood stage driver got left in Manchester last Friday evening and when the train reached here there was no one to carry the mail and passengers to Northwood. Finally a party from this town volunteered to assume the responsibility of carrying the mail through.
Winfred Hartford, the former hired hand of Andrew J. Cate, has moved to Deerfield.
C.S. Hall had a bad attack of the mumps.
Mrs. Calvin Brown is still in the hospital in Boston, but is reported improving.
C.J. Brown has moved to Epsom to run a public house at Gossville, also a livery in connection, and will be pleased to meet and entertain traveling public.
Mrs. Sylvester White of Rochester is making her son, E.F. White, a short visit.[Northwood]
Charles Quimby who died in Concord April 26 of consumption, was a resident of Epsom many years, living on a farm on Sanborn hill, and enlisted from here in the Eleventh Regiment, NHV. His first wife was Miss Frances Haynes by whom he had a large family. All but two sons died young. His remains were brought to Gossville cemetery and laid in the family lot. He was 67 years old and is survived by a widow.

Epsom Newsletter May 16, 1896
Josiah Langley is very feeble.
H.C. Fife is our new tax collector
Henry Philbrick is very sick with the mumps.
Henry Ames is also sick with the mumps.
C.S. Hall is improving from his recent illness.
John Spurlin is fitting up the James Brown house.
J.B. Cass was thrown from a wagon lately and received serious injuries to the head, and as he is 83 years old, it is thought doubtful that he recovers.
Work will soon be commenced on the new stable at the Goss place where they were burned a short time ago. A stable will be erected at the east side of the house.
Mrs. Jane Haynes, widow of the late John Haynes, died May 9 after an illness of several years of paralysis. She is survived by an adopted daughter, Mrs. Minnie Woodbury of Manchester. Her funeral occurred on Monday at New Rye church, Rev. Joseph Tucker officiated. The neighbors contributed beautiful flowers and her remains were buried in New Rye cemetery by the side of her husband.
A painful incident happened about a mile from Suncook last Friday evening, the particulars of which are as follows: George H. Lovejoy, who lives with his father Henry Lovejoy, harnessed their five year old colt to go to Suncook on some errands. The colt had not been used much of late and was rather vicious. Mr. Lovejoy started for home about 9 o'clock and after going about a mile something startled the colt causing him to kick and in such a way as to hit Mr. Lovejoy on the knee and tore the left knee pan from its ___. The pain was so great that he lost control of the colt and being thoroughly frightened, it ran three fourths of a mile, when the wagon was turned enough to throw Mr. Lovejoy out and dislocated his shoulder, the colt continuing. Mr. Lovejoy's father at 12 o'clock, became worried at his son not returning, started after him, and found him lying beside the road near the Noah Cofran place, where the last event occurred. He was suffering severely from the injured joints and was thoroughly chilled having been on the ground for almost four hours. He was at once taken home and Dr. Munsey was called. The doctor found the joints in bad condition, but after setting them in place left Mr. Lovejoy in as comfortable condition as could be expected. The horse was found on Pembroke Street Saturday morning.

Epsom Newsletter May 23, 1896
Not long since eight Gossville enthusiasts went to Chichester and stripped the bark from 90 of the chestnut poles on which we hope soon to see a telephone line connecting us with Short Falls.
The people in town were surprised to learn of the death of Daniel Philbrick last week, coming as it did so sudden and so soon after the death of his brother John S.. The father and mother and family have the sympathy of the entire community in their sad affliction.
Gossville Carriage Company is having a boom. Work is coming every day from neighbors, Chichester, Loudon, or Northwood, and in every instance is quickly and satisfactorily done. A new coach is well under way for stage driver Brown which will add much to the line when completed.
The roads are being put in good condition under the skillful management of our road agent, Samuel R. Yeaton, who is having all the loose stones removed after the road machine has done its work. A great improvement on riding over cobble stones all summer as all whose business compels them to ride the most of the time can testify.
Advertisement - Carriage and Sign Painting in all its branches at reasonable rates, and all work guaranteed by John G. Dow, "Gossville" Epsom, N.H.

Epsom Newsletter May 30, 1896
Frank Rollins was on the sick list last Friday and Saturday.
C.H. Osgood has planted 35 bushels of potatoes. Some of them are up large enough to cultivate.
A fire that came near being a bad one started in the grass near J.B. Tennant's buildings but was discovered in time.

Epsom Newsletter June 13, 1896
Augustus Hartford's daughter died June 6.
James Clark is the owner of a week-old colt.
Miss Emeline Babb of Rochester is stopping at D.T. Cilleys.
Charles Hall of Concord has erected a monument over his father's grave.
Dr. Barston of Kingston, Ma, is going to stop on Lawrence Hill this summer.
Daniel Waterhouse of Deerfield has moved into the mill house at Short Falls.
Cyrus Marden has taken down his old house and has raised his barn and put a cellar under it.
Lightning damaged the telephone at Samuel Fowler's quite badly Tuesday night during a heavy shower.
Charlie Marden, a former resident of Gossville, has returned to this place from Manchester, where he had been working in a store house. He has moved into the house next to the schoolhouse with his family of wife and child. We wish him success among us.

Epsom Newsletter June 20, 1896
The new coach to be run on the Epsom and Northwood stage line, was dedicated Wednesday June 17. It is a good sample of the work Gossville Carriage company can put out. It is made upon honor and no one need be afraid to ride in it.
C.H. Osgood has purchased the lumber for his stable of H. Clark of Deerfield and is at work now building.
Nellie, daughter of Augustus Hartford died June 6, aged 15 years. Besides her parents she leaves two brothers, Waldo and Ernest Hartford of Pembroke, and two sisters.
Daniel Goss died at his home in New Rye Saturday afternoon, aged 75 years and 11 months. Mr. Goss had been sick for a long time with various diseases, notably paralysis and blood poisoning. He leaves a widow, one daughter, Mrs. George Little of Concord; one son, Henry of Lynn; two sisters and three brothers; Mrs. William Walker of Concord, Job Goss of Maine, Mrs. Calvin Dolbeer of this place, all older than the deceased; Samuel of Ashland and William of Pembroke. Funeral Monday afternoon with burial in the New Rye Cemetery, where he buried his first wife 18 years ago.

Epsom Newsletter June 27, 1896
Abner Colby of Newton, Mass., was in town last week, called here by the death of his sister, Mrs.Sanders.
For a good harness or first class repairing, call on William Hoyt, creamery building, Short Falls, NH, open Wednesday, Thursday or Fridays.
Mrs. Estella Edwards, wife of Robert Edwards, died of consumption Sunday afternoon. She had been ill for a long time and her death had been hourly expected for the last week. She leaves besides her husband, a son and daughter, a brother Will Yeaton, two half brothers, Daniel and James Yeaton, and two half sisters, Mrs. Batchelder and Mrs. Brown.
James D. Colburn was brought here Sunday afternoon and buried by the side of his wife in the New Rye Cemetery. Just ten weeks before that he accompanied his wife's body to the same place. The only relatives he has are widely separated, none of whom were at the funeral, which was held at his late residence in Concord. Since the death of his wife he had been at the Margaret Pillsbury hospital for treatment for heart trouble complicated with other diseases. A delegation of Odd Fellows accompanied the body and performed the burial service at the grave.
New Stage Christened
The elegant new stage just placed upon the Northwood and Epsom line was christened last week Thursday by a free ride given to a number of out town officials and prominent citizens by specialized invitation from the proprietor, C.J. Brown. The party numbered 17 and started from Epsom depot on arrival of the up train at about 11:30 o'clock. The stage was gaily decorated and drawn by four handsome horses, driven by the proprietor himself. Several members of the party were provided with fish horns, cow bells and other musical instruments, which awoke the echoes along the hills and announced their progress to the wandering inhabitants along the route.
A short stop was made at the Narrows, where they were greeted with cheering and waving hankerchiefs by the entire populace, who flocked to doors and windows to view their passage through the village. The next stop was made at Northwood Center for dinner. Here the party sat down to a first class spread at the Harvey House and shortly after dinner the return trip was begun.
At the Narrows a stop was made at the post office where Postmaster C.H. Sherman treated the party to cigars. Arriving at Gossville, the store of Silver and Hall was visited and all were refreshed.

Epsom Newsletter July 11, 1896
Samuel Fowler has an apple tree which contains both blossoms and fruit.
Charles W. Towle is confined to his bed with a lame foot. Dr. Hill of Northwood is attending him.

Epsom Newsletter July 25, 1896
H.O. Wells and sons are cutting the grass on the farms of J.L. Brackett and C.W. Tarleton.
E.F. White boards or breaks horses and colts, also handles and trains speedy horses. Post Office address, Northwood, NH.
Eugene Philbrick is haying for Charles Steele.
Charles Leighton's colt was kicked badly in his pasture Sunday.
Reports of the damage by lightning during the shower of last week Wednesday show that it was the severest one experienced in this vicinity for years. In seven places within a distance of three or four miles the effects of electrical discharges are seen. Freeman Marden's barn was struck and his horse killed, but the building did not take fire. A bolt struck George Burnham's house and completely demolished a window, besides doing other damage. The telephone at George Lane's was destroyed and wires were burned out at Tennant's store and Samuel Fowler's. George Towle's house was struck and badly damaged. It will cost of $100 to repair it. The worst damage, however, occurred at John Tripp's. From appearances it would seem that two bolts took effect, one at the front and one at the back of the house. Every side of the house was more or less damaged, clapboard being ripped off, blinds splintered, and windows shattered all over the building. Nearly every room in the house was entered and gilt mouldings and picture frames blackened, and streaks burned on the wallpaper. The only occupants of the house were two lady members of the family, who were in the kitchen. The bold entered the room and played around the stove and metal utensils and exploded in the middle of the room, but without injuring the inmates, which seems indeed a most remarkable escape.

Epsom Newsletter August 1, 1896
The youngest child of Frank Griffin of Boston was brought into town Saturday and buried in the cemetery at the center.
Mrs. J.C. Lear has an oleander with upwards of 700 blossoms and buds on it. It is for sale.

Epsom Newsletter September 19, 1896
M.C. Philbrick has a bad attack of the hay fever and is unable to work.
R.C. Knowles is attending Pembroke Academy, riding back and forth on the train.
Anyone wishing to attend the Rochester Fair should call at the News Letter office or at Stage Driver Brown's. Fare down and return only $1.

Epsom Newsletter September 23, 1896
E.S. Morrill has peas and corn which have been hoed twice.
J.B. Tennant had had his platform scales re-planked and repaired
Frank Fellows has purchased a new horse. This is the sixth horse Mr. Fellows has owned in as many weeks.
Frank Fellows has sold his horse and again goes to his work on 'shank's mare.'
Lois, daughter of C.H. Osgood, got badly poisoned with ivy last week.
George Cass cut his foot quite badly while building fence.
List of taxpayers in town who pay a tax of $40 or more:
Alonzo Batchelder 49.50
Horace Bickford 49.00
Alfred Bickford 41.12
James L. Bickford 62.20
Lowell Brown 42.74
Heirs of Oliver Brown 42.27
David Barton 84.05
William P. Babb 41.91
Andrew O. Carter 58.08
Charles E. Cilley 45.67
Heirs of John Chesley 59.73
John H. Dolbeer 40.66
James W. Fowler 64.42
Samuel Fowler 66.10
Benjamin Fowler 41.25
Charles S. Hall 142.30
Henry S. Knowles 58.71
Joseph O.Lawrence 75.08
Chapin H. Osgood 52.80
David M. Philbrick 62.44
Andrew J. Silver 45.54
George Sanders 70.19
James H. Tripp 64.98
Warren Tripp 79.54
George C. Towle 48.11
Hanover O. Wells 57.39
Heirs of Warren Yeaton 64.52
Samuel R. Yeaton 48.63

Epsom Newsletter October 3, 1896
Advertisement - Hotels - Suncook Valley House, Gossville, Epsom, NH., near railroad station. Board by the week, $1.00 per day; single meals 25 cents. Livery stable connected. C.J. Brown, proprietor.
Advertisement - Epsom and Northwood Stage. Stage leaves Northwood for Epsom 4:45 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Arrive at Epsom at 7 a.m. and 2 p.m. Leave Epsom at 11:19 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. C.J. Brown, Manager
We notice that A.C. Bickford and John Tripp have a new sign.
J.T. Minard has hired the Wheelwright shop of C.H. Osgood.
Miss Bertha T. Cotterell is very sick with acute muscular rheumatism.
Gorham Rand was in Rochester Sunday attending the funeral of a brother.
William Rand, a well known citizen of Rochester, died at his home in that city on Thursday of last week, aged 71 years. He was a native of Epsom removing to Rochester in 1850. He had been representative and member of the city government, also president of the Rochester Savings Bank.
The funeral of Miss Mary Lawrence was held at the late home of the deceased on Friday last. Boody's quartet of East Northwood rendered appropriate music and the many flowers which were received showed that she was esteemed by her many friends. The bearers were C.S. Hall, D.G. Chesley, C.A. Chesley and C. Wells. The carriers were Harvey Wells, Charles Bickford, Charles Steele and G.L. Fiske. James Bickford of Northwood Narrows was undertaker and director.
For Sale - Second hand coach in good order. Will carry 20 passsengers. Price very reasonable. C..J. Brown, Gossville, NH

Epsom Newsletter January 23, 1897
Frank Fellows remains seriously ill.
William Lent is building a new shed.
John Demers is working for Edwin Kelley.
William A. and Albert L. Sanders are getting out lumber for a new barn.
About twenty-five hands are employed at the shoe factory.
Mrs. H.B. Haynes remains sick and had been moved to her daughter's Mrs. Fred Page.
Sherman and Rollins have recently put in their usual supply of ice. They cut in Marden's cove instead of shoe factory pond.

Epsom Newsletter May 1, 1897
J.H. Tripp is having his house and out buildings painted, C.F. Haynes and Charles Abbott doing the work.
Miss Emily Brown is sick and Dr. Munsey of Suncook is attending her.
John Dolbeer and family of San Francisco are expected here soon on a visit to his relatives.
Mr. Tasker and wife of Sandwich have been visiting at Rev. J.W. Scribners. Mrs. Tasker was formerly Miss Evelyn Burleigh and is well remembered here as a successful teacher for a number of terms in our schools.
Bert Ordway, who has bought the Solomon Yeaton farm, is building a new barn.
Ed White of Northwood has moved into the C.W. Royal house opposite the Gossville School house.
Abel Lamprey has moved from Northwood to the Doe house on Palmer hill.
Charles Marden has moved to Slab City.
Frank Hall has had his house painted inside and papered this week..

Epsom Newsletter May 15, 1897
Mrs. J.B. Tennant has been sick with the grip, her sister, Mrs. M.J. Rand, caring for her.
G.C. Knowles is having his buildings painted.
Zachariah Leighton died at 12:30 p.m., Saturday May 8, after a long illness. The funeral was held at his home Tuesday at 12:00 o'clock. He was 79 years of age last March. He leaves three children and several grandchildren. His wife died in 1888 after having lived with him nearly 50 years. He has been a good and faithful man in whatever he was engaged and will long live in the memory of those who knew him.
Cyrus Marden has recently purchased a canopy top carriage.
C.J. Brown has recently bought a new horse and carriage.

Epsom Newsletter May 22, 1897
John Murby is quite sick.
Bert Ordway has built a new barn
George Pike has built a new barn.
Some of the shoe shop help have left.
Miss Helen Towle has had tonsillitis.
Henry Ames has been farming for C. H. Osgood.
The selectmen have appointed for the board of health: J.T. Cotterell, Nathan J. Goss and F.C. Fife.

Epsom Newsletter June 19, 1897
C.J. Brown has purchased a new democrat wagon recently, of Mr. Bartlett of Suncook.
The Epsom baseball nine crossed bats with the Barnstead team last Saturday. Score 19 to 11 in favor of visiting team.
Mr. Ring of Waltham, Mass., has moved his family into Joseph K. Tarleton's house at New Rye.
Mrs. Estelle Hall has recovered from the measles and returned to her home in Barrington.
Road agent Dutton has sold his oxen last Saturday to H.N. Clark of Deerfield.
Mrs. Augusta Chapman and Ellery Straw are having their houses painted.
Mrs. Daniel Yeaton received intelligence last Sunday morning of the sudden death of her brother, W.T. Rowell, in Manchester. As Mr. Rowell was walking on Elm Street about 8 o'clock Saturday evening he was seen to stagger and fall to the sidewalk. Aid was promptly rendered but only a slight fluttering of the heart was perceptible. He had been troubled with heart disease, but when he left his home to walk up the street he was in excellent spirits. He was the son of the late Asa Rowell of Chichester, and attended the high school in this town many years ago. At the age of 21 he entered the cotton mills in Manchester, rising to the position overseer in the weaving department. He was a member of the First Congregational Church in that city, also of the Lafayette lodge of Masons and Mechanics lodge, I.O.O. F., and had served six years on the board of assessors. He is survived by a widow, one son, and one daughter, and besides his sister here, an only brother, Rev. John A. Rowell of Pine River, Wis.

Epsom Newsletter August 28, 1897
Frank Chase died at his home in Epsom, Monday, August 23.
Walter Tripp has started out with his threshing machine; Waldo Hartford works with him.
More people have taken in the view from the top of Fort Mountain this summer than for several seasons past. Over 50 men, women and children, ascended it within a week.
Abby L. Dolbeer, widow of Calvin Dolbeer, died at her home Sunday morning aged 79 years. She had been ill for several months from a complication of diseases. She leaves one daughter, Mrs. C.S. Hall, who has faithfully cared for her in her illness, also and adopted daughter, Mrs. Sarah E. Akeley of Haverhill, Mass., one sister, Mrs. William Walker of Concord, and three brothers, Job Goss of Maine, Samuel Goss of Ashland and William L. Goss of Pembroke.

Epsom Newsletter September 25, 1897
Mrs. Sarah Akely of Bradford, Mass, is stopping at C.S. Halls.
Dr. L.W. Peabody and wife of Henniker visited in town this week. Dr. Peabody practiced medicine here some twenty-five years ago.
C.H. Osgood is getting out lumber to build a stable to take the place of the one that was burned.
C.S. Hall has been to Vermont and got a car load of cattle for his own use. 26 head.
Bills are posted for the auction sale of household effects of the late Mrs. Abby J. Haynes, to be held Tuesday afternoon September 28th.
We are sorry to hear that the veteran tin peddler, B.M. Davis, is unable to make his fall trips on account of poor health and is confined to his home in East Pembroke.
J.H. Tripp bought 15 head of cattle in Loudon last week.
James L. Bartlett had a harness stolen from his barn two years ago last spring while his family were at church. It was recently located at Northwood Narrows, and Mr. Bartlett has recovered his property.
Over 50 people from here attended the Rochester fair by team.
William Brown has his new hen house almost completed.

Epsom Newsletter October 9, 1897
J.L. Bickford arrived home Monday from Vermont with two cars containing 80 head of cattle, which he is to offer for sale.
C.H. Abbott is painting the residence of J.C. Lear.
Bert Ordway is having his barn newly clapboarded.
A.J. Silver is painting and repairing his buildings.
The new base ball club in the south part of town played at New Rye last Saturday afternoon.
The four-year-old son of Walter Hartford was kicked in the head by a horse last week. Dr. Hill dressed the wound and the child is doing well.

Epsom Newsletter October 16, 1897
Edward White, having leased the Suncook Valley House recently conducted by C.J. Brown, has now changed the name of the house calling it the Gossville Hotel and will make every effort to please the public. He will also run a free transportation carriage to and from the depot.
Mr. W.W. Reynolds, the new depot master is much appreciated. He has good taste and an evident desire to please each and every patron of the road.
Nathan Goss is having a new barn built on his home place.
There was a husking at Horace Leighton's October 8. There were 25 present and 100 bushels were husked out.

Epsom Newsletter October 30, 1897
Philip Fowler is having his buildings newly painted.
Edwin Hall caught a coon weighing 22 pounds last Friday night.
M.C. Philbrick is building a cottage at Suncook Pond for Suncook parties.
A.O. Carter of this place recently died in Lynn, Mass., from the effects of blood poisoning. He leaves a widow.
Henry Knox, proprietor of the Ocean Wave house at North Rye Beach, has been calling on old friends in this town.
Moses Libbey has been spending a few days with his daughter, Mrs. John Babb in Deerfield.
We learn that Ellery Straw and wife are to return to the farm of Sumner Hall and that James Straw and family of Pittsfield are to line on Ellery Straw's place.
E.F. White, the proprietor of the newly named Gossville Hotel, is having quite a good run of trade as people begin to appreciate the accommodations. He is renovating the house all over inside, painting and papering and trying to please all who patronize him. His register shows well for the first week, having the following names: S.H. Sterling, R. Forsett, Manchester; C.H. Farron, Concord; H.J. Morgan, Ansonia, Conn.; W.H. Kenney, Woburn, Mass.; Mrs. Ida F. Greenleaf, A.F. Holmes, Northwood; L.F. Smith, Thomas C. Brown, Boston; Park G. Hall and lady, Pittsfield; W.W. Reynolds, Providence, R.I.; Frank Manning and wife, Northwood; E.H. Haskilll, York, Maine; George P. Wood and wife, Newmarket; H.M. Clark, Deerfield; A.E. Gleason, Durham.
Horace Leighton is painting his house.

Epsom Newsletter November 6, 1897
J.L. Bickford is expecting another car load of cattle.
Mrs. Bert Ordway is on the sick list.
Quite extensive repairs are being made on the creamery.
H.B. Hartford is quite sick.
Jonathan Marden is quite sick.
Frank Hall met with an accident Saturday; while working on the railroad he struck and axe in his leg and had been confined to the house.

Epsom Newsletter November 20, 1897
Mrs. George Fisk is clerking at the Gossville Hotel.
A break in the water main near the store of J.B. Tennant, required the services of Commissioner D.C. Waterhouse.
George Haynes is on the sick list.
Sumner Hall had an auction Saturday and sold thirteen cows.
Perley Trickey has left Charles Lovejoy's where he had worked this summer.
C.J. Brown has moved to Northwood.
Jonathan Marden, who has been quite sick for the past six weeks, had got out once more.
Calvin Dowst is laid up with a lame foot.
C.W. Tarleton has been in town and it is his opinion that the fire which destroyed his barn was set by a tramp that found shelter there from the storm. His substantial farm buildings belonged to good farm land and were situated on the best location in the southeast part of the town and their destruction is felt as a loss to the community.
Walter Cox has finished work for J.H. Dolbeer and is stopping with his Uncle John Perkins.
The Center School has been presented with a handsome clock by Mrs. C.F. Bulfinch of Lynn, Mass., which is greatly appreciated by both teacher and scholars.

Epsom Newsletter December 4, 1897
Albert Brown is doing quite a business at butchering hogs this fall.
James Hall has been in town visiting at his brother's, Sumner Hall.
W.W. Reynolds, who has been our station agent for the past two months, has been transferred to Beverly, Mass., as ticket agent.

Epsom Newsletter December 11, 1897
George Tripp received a bad fall in his barn one day last week by falling from a beam to the floor below, breaking his nose and several fingers and otherwise injuring himself.
Harvey J. Wells cut his foot badly Thursday while chopping wood.
E.F. White has purchased a new horse from Mr. Merrill.
Mrs. Charles A. Steele fell through the scaffold floor of their barn recently, breaking her collar bone.
Mrs. Abby M. Weeks is quite ill.

Epsom Newsletter December 18, 1897
E. Lawrence Bulfinch of Lynn has returned to his Uncle's and is attending winter term of school at the Center.
Eliphalet W. French of Pittsfield was in town Thursday and Friday with his famous cattle-dog Nero,and captured Joseph Lawrence's five wild cattle.
James Tennant had a carload of corn, also a carload of glutten last week.
Joseph B. Cass fell Monday afternoon and broke his leg. His case is a serious one as he is 85 years of age.
Arrivals at Gossville Hotel: A.E. Giles, Gilmanton; H.N. Clark, Deerfield; E.S. Morrill, Short Falls; L. Ashton Thorpe, Manchester; J.F. Paine, Loudon.
E.F. White was to Pittsfield Saturday. Mr. White is much liked as proprietor at Gossville hotel, is well patronized and seems to be the right man in the right place. Mrs. White as hostess is equally pleasing, and everything possible is done for the comfort of the patrons.
HOTELS - Gossville Hotel - Gossville, NH, E.F. White, proprietor. Rates per day $1: single meals 35 cents; board by the week $4. Good livery connected. Free transportation to and from trains.

Epsom Newsletter December 25, 1897
Electric Lights are generally talked of in Epsom. Parties have offered to put them in if enough people will take them to make it pay. Let someone start a paper and see who wants them.