Epsom articles from old newspapers Section Eleven - REAL ESTATE EPSOM REAL ESTATE FROM EARLY NEWSPAPERS NH Gazette 5-26-1769 TO BE SOLD (cheap for Cash) by WALTER PHILBROOK of
Greenland, NH Gazette 12-21-1782 T O B E S O L D At the house of Elizabeth McClary, innholder in Epsom,
on Tuesday the seventh day of January next, at ten o'clock
in the forenoon (by virtue of a licence from the honorable
Judge of Probate of Wills, &c. for the county of
Rockingham) the following lots of land in Epsom, aforesaid,
viz. One lot in the first range, No 12, containing 26
acres - one lot No 3,in the second range, containing
30 acres - one half the lot No 61, in the same range,
containing by grant about 52 acres, mostly under improvement,
with a barn and orchard thereon; - also part of the
lot No 105 in the third range, containing about 45 acres;
- likewise one lot in Pittsfield, containing 50 acres,
which was originally part of the right of Thomas Westbrook
Esq; - also, the common and undivided land belonging
to the said 50 acre lot. - NH Gazette 9-7-1786 BY Virtue of a licence from the hon judge of Probate,
&c. for the county of Rockingham will be sold at
PUBLICK VENDUE, on Friday the 6th day of October next,
at the dwelling house of the widow Mary Tucke of Epsom,
in the second range, - Conditions of sale to be made
known at time and place of sale. - Also, to be LETT
and entered upon next April, the FARM where the widow
Mary Tucke now lives, containing 100 acres with a good
dwelling house and barn thereon, the said Farm is partly
under improvement, it has produced eight tons of good
English hay, sixteen barrels of cyder, and fifty bushels
of Indian corn, has excellent pasturing. - For further
particulars enquire of the widow Mary Tucke of Epsom,
or Daniel Pierce of Portsmouth. 6-31-1793 T O B E S O L D A FARM containing one hundred acres of land; with a
convenient Dwelling House, Store and Barn, and appurtenances,
agreeably situated and lying in Epsom, between the house
of Major MORRILL and the Meetinghouse, now in the occupation
of the subscribers, of whom information will be given
respecting the terms, and a good title to the premises. 8-28-1793 F A R M S The first containing about 175 acres of good land,
under good improvement, consisting of mowing, pasturing,
tillage, orcharding and woodland, pleasantly situated
near the meeting house, and will serve for two small
farms, having heretofore been improved as such, and
has on it two houses, three barns and out houses, and
is well situated for a trader, tradesman or innholder. NH Gazette 8-14-1798 ALL persons indebted to or who have demands against
the estate of ANNA JOHNSON, late of Epping, deceased,
are desired to exhibit them for settlement to the subscriber,
administrator on said estate. NH Gazette 12-23-1800 A GOOD BARGAIN FOR A CLOTHIER. THE subscriber offers for sale in the town of Epsom,
within one hundred rods of the meeting house, and on
the main road leading through said town, about thirty
acres of good land, with a good House, thirty three
feet by thirty, and one story high, with a convenient
shop for a clothier, with press, shears, &c. complete,
and two convenient barns, a good well, and pretty orchard
thereon - also a new fulling mill in complete order,
standing on an excellent stream, with one half acre
of land adjoining the same. US Oracle 7-4-1801 TO BE SOLD, NH Gazette 10-5-1802 TO BE SOLD NH Gazette 7-12-1803 FOR SALE NH Gazette 3-1-1808 NOTICE is hereby given that all the real estate, formerly
owned and occupied by John Godfrey, lying in Epsom,
will be sold at Public Auction on Monday the 4th day
of April next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, consisting
of about 50 acres of LAND, with the buildings thereof,
viz. - A new and convenient dwelling house, thirty by
forty feet, one story high, well finished with a good
cellar under it; a new and convenient Barn, Shed, and
a Coopers Shop, situate on the first New Hampshire Turnpike
Road, leading from Concord to Portsmouth, and on the
road leading from Gilmanton to Newburyport, which renders
it an excellent stand for a Tavern or Trader. Concord Gazette 5-5-1813 To be Let, ON liberal terms, and possession given the 6th day
of March next, that pleasantly situated Farm, in Deerfield,
well known by name of Godfrey's Tavern, near Pleasant
Pond, so called, which is considered to be one of the
best stands for a Tavern and Store, in the State. There
is on said farm, a good house, Store, two Sheds, Woodhouse,
and a complete Stable, well finished, and an Orchard
that produced apples sufficient to make from 15 to 20
barrels of Cider the last season. It is also well wooded.
For Sale, NH Patriot 8-1-1815 To be Let, NH Patriot 11-14-1815 TO BE SOLD NH Patriot 5-9-1820 FOR SALE A SITUATION in Epsom, 1-4th of a mile west of the meetinghouse,
on the main road from Portsmouth to Concord-consisting
of four acres of land of good quality, and under good
improvement, with an excellent water privilege for any
kind of Mill machinery - a small dwelling house of three
rooms, blacksmith's shop, one forge - a small barn. NH Patriot 1-12-1824 FARM at Auction ! WILL be sold at public vendue, unless previously disposed
of at private sale, on Thursday the 12th of February
next, at ten o'clock, A.M. on the premises, 60 acres
of excellent land, situated in Epsom, on the road leading
from the turnpike to Pembroke, and near the centre of
the town; suitably proportioned into mowing, pasture,
tillage, orchard, and woodland, together with one half
a good two story house, half a barn 52 by 30, one fifty
foot shed, and a convenient joiner's shop. At the same
time and place will be sold three good cows, six sheep,
one pair good iron bound wheels, and sundry other farming
tools. Conditions of sale liberal, and made known at
the time and place of sale.
Mills, &c. at Auction To be sold at Auction on Tuesday the 2d day of March
next on the premises, at one o'clock, P.M. a GRIST MILL
with two runs of Stones, situated in Epsom, on Suncook
River at the short falls, so called, being a never failing
stream of water. Also a small House and Barn with three
acres of good Land near said Mill. The buildings and
mill have been recently erected, and are in good repair.
A liberal credit will be given for a part of the payment. NH Patriot 8-2-1826 FARM FOR SALE. A FARM situated in Epsom, county of Merrimack and State
of New Hampshire, containing about one hundred and fifty
acres of land of an excellent quality suitably divided
into mowing, tillage, pasturing and wood, together with
the buildings thereon, which are a house, thirty-nine
by thirty-one, two stories, and mostly finished; a barn
one hundred feet by thirty-two, well finished; two sheds
adjoining the barn, together with a woodhouse, blacksmith
shop and cider mill, all in good repair. Said Farm is
watered by a brook of never failing water running through
the same, together with two wells, contiguous to the
buildings, which never fail - with an orchard which
will average fifty barrels of cider yearly.
TO be sold in Epsom, N.H. the Farm commonly called
the Parsonage Farm, lying opposite the meeting house
in said town, containing nearly sixty acres of good
land with a house suitable for two families, and in
good repair, with a barn and shed thereon. Inquire of
JAMES BABB, Esq. Post Master, Epsom, or WILLIAM WEST,
Concord. NH Gazette 1-24-1832 GUARDIAN'S SALE. One piece or parcel of LAND situate in Epsom, in the
County of Merrimack, commonly called the Allen Farm
and occupied by Amos Prescott, containing about one
hundred and twenty acres under improvement, with a good
HOUSE and large BARN thereon, and out buildings. NH Patriot 2-13-1832 PAPER MILL FOR SALE. If not previously sold at private sale, will be sold
at PUBLIC AUCTION, on the premises on Monday, the second
day of April, nest, at nine of the clock A.M., a PAPER
MILL in complete running order, situate on Suncook river
in the town of Epsom, County of Merrimack and State
of New Hampshire; said mill is abundantly supplied with
a spring of water of the purest kind, a good aqueduct
and cistern - also a convenient NH Patriot 3-10-1834 NOTICE. A FARM, to be sold at Public Auction at the
Store of Tho. D. Merrill on the 22d day of March next
at 10 Oclock A.M. Laying on the Old Road Leading from
Concord to Portsmouth, within a few rods of the Meeting-House,
School-House, Paint Mill, Saw-Mill &c. containing
about Sixty-five Acres of good land well divided into
Mowing, Pasturing and Wood-land. It has on it a food
one Story House, Barn and other out Buildings necessary
for the convenience of the Farm. Conditions made known
at the time of sale. Farm and Buildings for Sale. NH Patriot 8-23-1849 AUCTION. WILL be sold at Public Auction, on Saturday, the 8th
day of September next, at four o'clock P.M., on the
premises, the old Congregational meeting house in Epsom.
The building is about 50 feet by 40, the timber in the
frame is large and with the rest of the wood work is
believed to be sound and good.
AUCTION. Will be sold at public auction, on Saturday, the 8th day of September next, at four o'clock P.m>, on the premises, the old Congregational meeting house in Epsom, The building is about 50 feet by 40; the timer in the frame is large and with the rest of the wood work is believed to be sound and good. Conditions at time and place of sale. Frederick Sanborn, Moses P. Gray, Jonathan L. Cilley, committee of the proprietors. Epsom, Aug. 20, 1849
NH Patriot 8-30-1849 FARM FOR SALE THE subscribers offer for sale their farm in Epsom,
well known as the Cilley place, lying on the Turnpike
road and near the centre of the town, and close to the
line of the contemplated Railroad from Hooksett to Pittsfield.
The home place contains upward of 200 acres, a large
proportion of which is Mowing and Tillage, the buildings
are two good dwelling houses, two barns with shed, and
all other out buildings suitable for two families. Also,
a large pasture about two miles from the home place,
containing about 90 acres, well watered, lying by the
side of Odiorne's pond (so called). Also, a wood and
timber lot, containing about 90 acres, about one and
a half miles from the home place, and very handy to
Long Falls Saw Mill. They also offer the crops now growing,
and the hay in the barns, being sufficient to winter
50 head of cattle; the greater part cut on the home
place the present season. If not disposed of at private
sale the present season, it will be offered at Public
Auction the 20th day of February, 1850.
NH Patriot and State Gazette 5-28-1856 A FIRST RATE FARM FOR SALE The subscriber offers for sale one of the best farms in the county of Merrimack, being the one in Epsom, now owned and occupied by himself, and well known as the Knowles place, situated one mile from the town house and centre village in Epsom, on the road to Pittsfield city, from which it is distant but five miles, wher is a market for every thing raised on a farm, equal to Concord. The farm contains about 210 acres, one fourth of which is covered with a heavy growth of pine and hemlock timber, mixed in with hard wood. The residue suitable divided into tillage, mowing and pasture, the whole mostly fenced with stone wall. The tillage land is remarkably well adapted to the raising of wheat and corn. There is an excellent orchard on the premises. The buldings are a two story dwelling house 40 feet by 32 with an L, w stories 20 feet square, all well finished and painted inside and out. A cider house, chaise and wood house. well finished. A barn, lately built, 84 feet by 36 feet, thoroughly finished. A corn barn __ by __ feet, and __ sheds. An abundant supply of excellent water in the house and in the barn yard. The timber land is but 100 rods from a saw mill; the swelling house 1 mile from a grist milll, 1 mile from the Congregational meeting house, 1 1/2 mile from the Baptist meeting house, and about 80 rods from a school house. For further particulars apply to the Rev. J. A. Knowles, Lake Village, or the subscriber on the premises, Any person wishing to purchase a farm of the foregoing description, is invited to call an examine for themselves. No charges will be made for showing. John Langley, Epsom, April 30, 1856
Weekly Union (Manchester) 9-28-1853 A FARM FOR SALE THE subscriber will sell his farm, pleasantly situated in Epsom, NH, containing 182 acres. The said farm is divided into mowing, pasturing, tillage and woodland, with a plenty of orcharding. The buildings are one two-story house with a large ell, and a barn 70 feet by 38, with all necessary out buildings, all in good repair, and suppkied with excellent water. There are about 4000 hills of Hops in a good state of cultivation. Terms of payment will be made easy. - Charles Quimby, Epsom, April 11, 1853
Mirror and farmer (Manchester) 10-7-1865 FARM AT AUCTION The "Wiggin Farm" situated in Epsom, will be sold at public auction on Thursday, Oct. 12 at 10 o'clock Am>. unless sooner disposed of at private sale. Said farm contains 125 acres of excellent land. The pasture is large and the best in the county. The buildings are in good repair; house nearly new and in excellent condition. Also, at public auctiion on the same day, two wood lots, one containing 14, the other 25 acres. Also. live stock, hay and grain, farming tools and furniture. Edwin B. Harvey, Epsom, Sept. 5, 1865
Mirror and farmer (Manchester) 1-9-1869 FOR SALE The subscriber having recently had his buildings burned, offers for sale his Real Estate as follows, to wit: 1st. Home lot, consisting of 140 acres of land, suitable divided into Mowing, Tillage, Pasturing and Woodland - 20 acres of wood and second growth pine timber - about 12 acres of excellent meadow land. Upon the farm is a large number of Apple Trees which bear excellent fruit. Said farm produces about 40 tons of hay annually. 2nd. A valuable wood and timber lot lying upon the easterly side of Chestnunt Pond, so called, comtaining about 60 acres. Standing upon said lot are 150 old growth Pines, and a heavy growth of Hemlock and Spruce timber. 3d. One lot lying upon the southerly side of Suncook Pond, so called, in Deerfield, containing 50 acres - 16 acres of which is wood and timber, with 60 old growth Pines. 4th. One lot lying on the northerly side, near the outlet of Suncook Pond, about 150 rods from Lord's Mills, so called, containing about 22 acres, with a small House and Barn upon it. Most of said lot is covered with wood and timber, with 50 old growth pines. - Daniel P. Locke, Epsom, NH Dec. 22, 1868
Mirror and farmer (Manchester) 4-23-1870 FARM FOR SALE Situated in Epsom, and lying on both sides of the Northwood Turnpike, about one-eighth of a mile below Marden's Corner, and three minutes walk from Depot of the Suncook Valley Railroad; 1/2 mile from the Freewill Baptist Meeting-house, 1 mile from the Congregational Meeting-house, saw-mill, grist-mill;1/8 of a mile from school, store, blacksmith-shop, carriage shop. Said farm contains one hundred and ten (110) acres of land, lying on both sides of Suncook River, suitably divided into mowing, tillage, pasture and woodland, with a fair share of natural mowing. The wood is within a short distance from the buildings. The farm is well fences. The field and pasture are divided by Suncook River. Also, one field is almost fenced by a large bend of the river, so there is but a small amount of fence to build. There is also a good mill privilege on the farm, with an ample supply of water. The buildings are a Cottage House and L, thoroughly finished and very convenient , with an excellent cellar; barn, 36x60, with a cellar; wood shed, hennery, carriage house, corn-barn, and carpenter shop, all nearly new, well finished, and in good repair. There is also a Young Orchard of Apple and Pear trees, just commencing to produce. The land is easy and very productive, being a good Stock Farm, handsomely situated, making it one of the most desirable situations in the county. The stock and almost every variety of farming tools can be purchased with the farm if desired. Terms of payment easy. Inquire of the subscriber on the premises, or of Moses Martin, near Buck-street Mills in Pembroke. Mrs. Miriam B. Robinson, Epsom, NH March 29th, 1870.
Mirror and farmer (Manchester) 4-4-1874 GRIST MILL AND SAW MILL FOR SALE ! The subscriber offers for sale his mills, situated in Epsom, NH, one mile from Depot. A good deal of business done. Grist Mill repaired over last year. Saw Mill has 5 circular saws. NICE SHINGLE MACHINE, of latest and best pattern. Anyone wishing to buy such property will do well to call and examine. Good business in dull times as well as in good times. Eph. Heald, Epsom, NH | ||