Epsom articles from old newspapers



Exeter Journal 3-10-1778

ALL persons who have any demands upon the estate of the late Rev. John Tucke of Epsom, deceas'd are desired to bring them in to Mary Tucke, Administratrix to said estate. And all indebted to said estate are desired to make immediate payment.
Epsom, March 6th, 1777


All persons thus have any demands against the estate of Major ANDREW McCLARY, late of Epsom, deceased, are required(?) to bring in their claims to ELIZABETH McCLARY, Administratrix to said estate, in order for settlement. And these persons who are indebted to said estate are requested to make speedy payment, otherwise they must expect to settle the consequence without further notice.
Elizabeth McClary, Administratrix
Epsom, November 22, 1780

NH Gazette 7-26-1783

T H E creditors to the estate of John Dwyer late of Epsom, deceased, intestate, represented insolvent, are hereby notified tat six months longer from the 29th day of May last are allowed the commissioners to receive their claim against said estate, and that they will attend that business on the first Monday of the five following months from three to six o'clock P.M. at the house of Widow McClary, innholder in said Epsom.
MICHAEL McCLARY, Commissioners
Epsom, June 22d, 1783

NH Gazette 11-11-1785

State of New Hampshire

THE subscribers, appointed commissioners to receive and examine the claims of the several creditors to the estate of John Casey, late of Epsom, in the county of Rockingham, trader, deceased, represented insolvent; give notice that six months from the date hereof, are allowed the creditors to exhibit their claims, and that they will be ready to receive them on the first Wednesday of the five following months, at the house of the widow Elizabeth McClary in said Epsom, at 10 o'clock, A.M. of each of said days.
RICHARD JENNESS, Commissioners.
Epsom, November 8m 1785.


State of New Hampshire, Rockingham
By leave from the Honorable Philip White, Esq. judge of probate, for the county of Rockingham, will be sold at public vendue at the house of Elizabeth McClary, in Epsom, on Monday the 27th day of March, instant, at two of the clock, afternoon, part of the real estate of of Andrew McClary, late of Epsom, Esq. deceased, viz.
A piece of land in Deerfield, being part of the lot No. 25, in the 8th range, containing 60 acres, well watered, with a considerable quantity of oak and pine timber standing thereon, and produces yearly, about 8 or 10 tons of hay.
Another piece of land lying in Epsom, being one of the home lots, in said town, containing (by grant) 50 acres, pleasantly situated, lying on the road that leads through said town, and adjoining to the home lot that Major Amos Morrill now lives on. -- Said land has, for a number of years, been under improvement; has on it a good ORCHARD, that will produce 12 barrels of cyder yearly, is well watered, and pasturing sufficient to keep (in the season of pasturing) six cows; and as good for tillage and mowing as any in said town, according to the quantity of acres.
Conditions of sale to be seen at time and place.
ELIZABETH McCLARY, Adm. to said estate.
Epsom, March 1, 1786

NH Gazette 5-29-1798

State of New Hampshire
County of Rockingham
ALL persons indebted to the estate of George W. Ham, late of Pittsfield, in said county, yeoman, deceased, are requested to settle the same with the subscriber, administrator on the estate of said deceased, and all persons having demands on said estate are desired to exhibit the same for settlement.
Epsom, May 26, 1798

NH Gazette 5-29-1798

State of New Hampshire.
County of Rockingham.
ALL persons indebted to, or that have demands on the estate of Ephraim Lock, late of Epsom, in said county, gentleman, deceased, are desired to settle the same with the subscriber, administrator on the estate of said deceased.
Epsom, May 25, 1798

NH Gazette 8-14-1798

ALL persons indebted to or who have demands against the estate of ANNA JOHNSON, late of Epping, deceased, are desired to exhibit them for settlement to the subscriber, administrator on said estate.
Epsom, July 30, 1798
Within twenty rods of Epsom Meeting House; three quarters of an acre of Land, on which is a beautiful garden spot, a small House and Barn, decently furnished.

NH Gazette 7-6-1802

ALL persons who have demands against the estate of
Late of Epsom, husbandman, deceased, are hereby requested to exhibit the same for settlement: And those indebted to said estate are likewise desired to make payment to
Epsom, June 29, 1802

NH Gazette 7-19-1803

ALL persons who have demands against the Estate of
late of Epsom, husbandman, deceased, are desired to exhibit them without delay; and those who are indebted to said Estate, are requested to make immediate payment to the subscriber, Administratrix to said Estate, or to SAM'L MORRIL, her Attorney.

NH Gazette 11-19-1805

Rockingham, ss.
ALL persons indebted to, or that have any demands against the estate of GEORGE SANDERS, late of Epsom, in said county, yeoman, deceased, are requested to settle the same with the subscriber, executor to the last will and testament of said deceased.
Epsom, October 31, 1805.

NH Gazette 8-5-1806

ALL persons having demands against the estate of SIMON BROWN, late of Epsom, deceased, are requested to exhibit them, and those indebted to make immediate payment to the subscriber, or SAMUEL MORRIL, her attorney.
Epsom, July 24th, 1806.

NH Gazette 12-22-1807

ALL persons who have demands against the estate of JOSEPH SHERBURNE, late of Epsom, deceased, are requested to exhibit them, and those indebted to make immediate payment to
Epsom, Nov. 30th, 1807

NH Gazette 3-7-1809

NOTICE is hereby given that the subscriber has been duly appointed Administrator to the estate of JAMES CHAMBERS, late of Epsom, in the county of Rockingham, Cooper, deceased, and had taken upon himself that trust, by giving bonds as the law directs, - All persons having demands against said estate are requested to exhibit them for adjustment - and all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment to
THOMAS D. MERRILL, Administrator.
Epsom, February 14th, 1809

NH Gazette 3-21-1809

ALL persons having demands against the Estate of THOMAS BABB, late of Epsom, in the county of Rockingham, Esquire, deceased, are requested to exhibit them for settlement, and all indebted to said estate are desired to make immediate payment to
SARAH BABB, Executrix
Epsom, March 15, 1809


ALL persons who have demands against the Estate of SETH BARTLETT, late of Epsom, deceased, are requested to exhibit them; and those indebted, to make immediate payment to
Epsom, Sept. 25th, 1809

NH Gazette 4-17-1810

The subscriber Executor of the last Will and Testament of JOSPEH SHERBURNE, late of Epsom, deceased, will exhibit his account at the Probate court to be holden in Epsom on the third Wednesday of May next for examination and allowance.
Epsom, March 21, 1810

NH Gazette 2-12-1811

James H. M'Clary's Estate.
County of Rockingham ss.

THE Subscribers being duly appointed commissioners to receive and examine the claims of the several Creditors to the Estate of JAMES H. M'CLARY, late of Epsom, in said county, Esquire, deceased, represented insolvent, hereby give notice that they will attend to that business, at the late dwelling house of said deceased, in Epsom, on the first Monday of March next, and on the first Mondays of the five following Months, from two to six of the clock, afternoon, on said days
Epsom, Jan. 31, 1811

State of New Hampshire,
County of Rockingham ss
THE subscriber, Administratrix on the estate of
James H. M'Clary
Late of said Epsom, in said county, Esquire, deceased, intends to exhibit her administration account for settlement, to the Judge of Probate, at a Probate Court to be holden at Epsom on the third Wednesday of January next.
October 31, 1811

Rockingham, ss
NOTICE is hereby given, that at the Probate Court to be holden at Epsom, on the third Wednesday of January next, at 11 o'clock A.M. the account of Widow Mary Knowles, of her administration of
Estate, late of Northwood, husbandman, deceased, will be presented for examination and allowance.
MARY KNOWLES, Adminin'x.
December 15.

NH Patriot 1-25-1814

NOTICE. All persons who have demands against the estate of John Dolloff, late of Epsom, deceased, are requested to exhibit them; and those indebted to make immediate payment to SAMUEL MORRILL, or the subscriber.
Mary Dolloff, Adm'x
Epsom, Jan, 4, 1814

Concord Gazette 6-27-1815


ALL persons indebted to the Estate of Nathan Libbey of Epsom in the County of Rockingham, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment and those that have Demands are requested to present them for settlement at the house of the subscriber on the third Tuesday of this and the three following months at one o'clock P.M. on each of said days.
Epsom, June 6, 1815

NH Patriot 11-12-1816

NOTICE All persons having demands against the estate of SAMUEL LOCKE, late of Epsom, in the county of Rockingham, deceased, are requested to exhibit the same for settlement; and those indebted to said estate, are desired to make immediate payment to
Epsom, October 29, 1816

NH Patriot 1-13-1818

NOTICE is hereby given, that the subscriber intends to exhibit her accounts of administration on the estate of ROBERT GOODHUE, late of Epsom, deceased, at the Probate Court to be holden at Epsom on the third Wednesday of January next, for approbation and allowance. MIRIAM GOODHUE, Administrtrix.
Deerfield, Dec. 27, 1817

NH Patriot 8-18-1818
NOTICE is hereby given, that the subscriber intends exhibiting her account of Administration of the Estate of JONATHAN LOCKE, late of Epsom, deceased, to the Probate Court to be holden at Epsom, on the third Wednesday of September nest, for examination and allowance.
ALLICE LOCKE, Administrtrix
Epsom, Aug. 4, 1818

NH Patriot 12-29-1818

NOTICE. All persons having demands against the estate of LEVI BROWN, late of Epsom, deceased, are requested to exhibit them and those indebted to make immediate payment to
LEVI BROWN, jun. Executor
Epsom, Dec. 9, 1818


Col Samuel Osgood's Estate.
NOTICE is hereby given, that the subscriber has been duly appointed Executrix to the last Will and Testament of
late of Epsom, in the county of Rockingham, deceased, and has undertaken that trust, by giving bonds as the law directs. All persons having demands against the Estate of said deceased, are requested to exhibit them for adjustment; and all indebted to said Estate, are requested to make immediate payment, to
Agent for Elizabeth Osgood, Executrix.
Epsom, Feb. 7, 1820

NH Patriot 3-28-1820

NOTICE is hereby given that the subscriber has been duly appointed administrator on the estate of BENJAMIN MOODY, Esq. late of Epsom, in the county of Rockingham, deceased. All persons having demands against said estate are requested to exhibit them for adjustment; and all indebted are desired to make immediate payment to
Epsom, March 23, 1820

NH Patriot 2-12-1821

NOTCE. - The subscribers having been appointed by the honorable Daniel Gookin, Judge of Probate for the county of Rockingham, commissioners to receive, examine and adjust all the claims of the creditors to the estate of WILLIAM H. DICKEY, late of Epsom, deceased, represented insolvent under the administration of Thomas D. Merrill -give notice that we will attend at the house of Simon A. Heath, in said Epsom, to receive said claims, on the first Mondays of April, May, June and July, from 2 to 6 o'clock, P.M. at which times the creditors will bring forward and support their claims.
Epsom, Jan. 24, 1821

NH Patriot 12-1-1823

By the Hon. DANIEL GOOKIN, Judge of Probate for said County.
To the heirs and creditors to the estate of JONATHAN GREEN, late of Epsom, gentleman, deceased, and all interested in said estate.
YOU are hereby notified, that the report of the Commissioner on said estate is presented to the Probate Court for said county for acceptance; that the same will be taken into consideration at said Court to be holden at Exeter, in said county on the Thursday following the second Tuesday in January next, at 10 o'clock, A.M. and at the same time the Administratrix will present her account of administering said estate, for examination and allowance.
By order of the Judge,
JOHN J. PARKER, Reg. Probate.
Nov. 13, 1823

Portsmouth Journal of Literature & Politics 3-13-1824

State of New Hampshire - Rockingham ss.
To the Honorable Daniel Gookin, Judge of Probate for said county,
Represents William Amazeen, Executor of the last will and testament of CHRISTOPHER AMAZEEN, late of New Castle in said county, deceased - that the said deceased in his life time entered into al written contract with one Jeremiah Burnham, to convey to him a certain tract of land in Epsom in the county of Merrimac, formerly in said county of Rockingham, viz. the northerly half of a lot of land which formerly belonged to Joseph and Christopher Amazeen, and is a part of the lot on which the said Burnham now lives - that the said Jeremiah Burnham stands ready to perform his part of the said contract, but the said Christopher Amazeen is prevented by death - Your Petitioner therefore prays your Honor that he may be empowered to convey the said property agreeably to said contract, and be as bound, &c. Jan. 13, 1824.

Rockingham ss. - Probate Court at Portsmouth in said county, Jan. 13, 1824.
Upon the foregoing petition Ordered that the same be taken into consideration at said court to be holden at said Portsmouth on the second Tuesday in May next, at 10 o'clock A.M. - and that the petitioner notify all persons interested in said estate to appear at said court, to show cause, if any, why the petition may not be granted, by causing an attested copy of said petition and this order to be published in the Portsmouth Journal three weeks successively, the last publication to be thirty days before said court.
By order of the Judge.
John J. Parker, Reg. Probate.

NH Patriot 6-21-1824

State of New Hampshire
Merrimack, ss.
The JUDGE OF PROBATE for the County of Merrimack
To SAMUEL LORD, as he is Executor of the last Will of MICHAEL M'CLARY, late of Epsom, in said County, deceased, testate, to the Heirs, and all concerned in the estate.
THE said Executor is hereby cited to appear at the Court of Probate to be holden at Concord, in said County, on the second Wednesday of July next, to render his first Account of the Administration of said Estate; and the said Heirs, and others concerned, are also cited to appear at said Court, that they may be heard on the said Account.
And it is ordered, that the said Executor serve the above Citation, by causing it to be published three weeks successively in the N.H. Patriot and State Gazette, printed at Concord, the last publication whereof to be at least one week before said Court, and return the same with his doings to the Court aforesaid.
Given at Concord, in said county, the nineteenth day of June A.D. 1824.
SAMUEL MORRIL, Judge of Probate.

NH Patriot 3-28-1825

THE subscriber, having been duly appointed Executor to the last Will and Testament of Sally Dolbeer, late of Epsom in the county of Merrimack, widow, deceased, requests all persons indebted to said estate, to make payment - and all who have demands, to present them for adjustment.
Epsom, March 14, 1825

NH Patriot 11-28-1825

NOTICE is hereby given, that the subscriber has been duly appointed administrator, with the Will annexed, on the estate of
Late of Epsom, in the county of Merrimack, deceased. All persons having demands against the estate of said deceased are requested to exhibit them for settlement, and all indebted are requested to make payment.
Epsom, Nov. 25, 1825

NH Patriot 12-5-1825

State of New Hampshire, Merrimack, ss. - The Judge of Probate for the county of Merrimack, to ELEANOR BROWN, as she is Executrix of the last will of ENOCH BROWN, Jr. late of Epsom, in said county, deceased, testate, to the heirs, and all concerned in the estate.
THE said executrix is hereby cited to appear at the court of probate, to be holden at Concord in said county, on the third Tuesday of January next, to render an account of the administration of said estate; and the said heirs, and others concerned, are also cited to appear at said court, that they may be heard on the said account.
Given at Concord, in said county, the first day of December, A.D. 1825.
SAMUEL MORRIL, Judge of Probate.


To the Honorable John Harvey, Judge of Probate of Wills, &c. for the County of Rockingham, and State of New Hampshire.
HUMBLY shews John Cate, of Epsom, in the County of Merrimack and State aforesaid, that he is guardian of Olive Wood of said Epsom, widow, and an insane person, by the appointment of the Judge of Probate for the County of Rockingham - that said Olive is seized of the following described real estate, to wit: a certain tract of land with the buildings thereon, situate in Epsom aforesaid, near Parson's Mill, so called, and bounded as follows - northerly and westerly by Benjamin Towle's land and Chichester line, northerly and easterly by land formerly owned by Sherburne, supposed to contains about seventy-five acres - and that it would be conducive to the interest of her the said Olive to sell the property aforesaid. Wherefore your petitioner prays that he may have liberty to sell and convey the said estate in such manner as shall be most beneficial to said Olive, and your petitioner shall ever pray.
JOHN CATE, Guardian
Jan. 27, 1827

NH Patriot 4-20-1829

NOTICE is hereby given that the subscriber has been duly appointed Administrator of the estate of JONATHAN YEATON, late of Epsom, in the county of Merrimack, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are requested to exhibit them for settlement, and all indebted to said estate, to make immediate payment.
Epsom, April 13, 1829.

NH Patriot 9-28-1829

ALL persons having demands against the estate of
Late of Epsom, deceased, are requested to present them for settlement; and all indebted to make immediate payment.
WM. YEATON. Jr. Adm'r.
Epsom, Sept. 22, 1829

NH Patriot 10-4-1830

THE subscriber hereby gives notice, that he has been duly appointed, by the Judge of Probate for the County of Merrimack, administrator on the estate of WILLIAM YEATON Jr. late of Epsom in said county, deceased, and has taken upon himself that trust, by giving bond as the law directs. He therefore requests all persons who are indebted to said estate to make immediate payment - and those, who have any demands against the same, to exhibit them for settlement, October 9th.
JOHN YEATON, Administrator
Epsom, Sept. 23, 1830

NH Patriot 3-28-1836

To the Hon. Horace Chase Judge o the Probate of Wills, &c. for the County of Merrimack.
HUMBLY shews James Wiggin, Sally Knox, and Eliphalet Wiggin as Guardian of Henry Knox and Albert Knox, all of Epsom in said County of Merrimack, that they are seized in fee simple, and as tenants in common, of and in a certain real estate situated in said Epsom, being one third part of the homestead farm formerly owned by John Dolloff, late of said Epsom, deceased, bounded northerly by land of Jeremiah G. Burnham, easterly by Suncook river, southerly by land of Jeremiah Gordon and Nathan Bickford, westerly by the road leading from Epsom to Pembroke, and is that part of said farm, which was assigned and set off to Mary Dolloff, as her dower in said farm, being about twenty-five acres, the said James Wiggin being owner of one undivided eighth part, and the said Sally Knox, Henry Knox and Albert Knox, of one undivided half, with Nathan Bickford, the heirs of Josiah Knowles and the heirs of Jabez Smith, there being no dispute about the title, that they cannot possess, occupy and improve said parts to any advantage, while the same lie in common and undivided as aforesaid, but wholly lose the profits thereof: wherefore they pray that notice may be issued, in due form of law, and that their said parts may be set off and assigned to them in severalty; and your petitioners shall every pray.
ELIPHALET WIGGIN, Guardians for Henry and Albert Knox.

NH Patriot 7-11-1836

To the Judge of Probate for the County of Merrimack, in the State of New Hampshire.
RESPECTFULLY shews Stickney Robinson of Epsom, in the County of Merrimack, Yeoman, that he is Guardian of LAVINA ROBINSON and JOSEPH ROBINSON, minors, children and heirs of Joseph Robinson, late of said Epsom, deceased, by the appointment of the Judge of Probate for the said County of Merrimack; that his said Wards are seized each, of one undivided third part of a certain piece or parcel of land situate in Epsom in said County, containing about eighty-five acres, including the reversion of the widow's right of dower therein, bounded on the north by land of Hazen K. Clark, on the east by Suncook river, on the south by land of James Clark and on the west by the highway leading from Buck street in Pembroke to Short falls, so called, in said Epsom, and that it is necessary for the support of his said Wards and will not be conducive to their interest to have the premises sold; wherefore he prays that he may be licensed and authorized to sell the same a public auction, according to the statute in such case make and provided.
June 28, 1836.

NH Patriot 7-2-1838

COMMISSIONER'S NOTICE. The subscriber having been appointed by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Merrimack Commissioner to receive, examine, adjust and allow, all the claims and demands against the estate of JOSIAH KNOWLES late of Concord in said County deceased, to be administered as an insolvent estate, and six calendar months from the 22nd day of May 1838 being allowed for that purpose, hereby gives notice that he will attend to the duties of his appointment at his dwelling in Epsom in said County on the first Tuesday and on the last Saturday of September and on Thursday the 15th day of November next from 1 to 5 o'clock in the afternoon on each of said days.
Epsom, June 26th, 1838

NH Patriot 8-24-1843

THE subscriber hereby gives notice, that he had been appointed Administrator, with the will annexed, of the estate of JONATHAN KNOWLES, late of Epsom, in the county of Merrimack, deceased, and requests all persons indebted to the estate to make payment to him, and all persons having claims against the estate, to present the same for settlement.
Epsom, August 23, 1843

NH Patriot 10-24-1844


The Judge of Probate for the County of Merrimack,
To the heirs at law and all others interested in the estate of PERKINS PHILBRICK, late of Epsom in the said County, deceased, testate, GREETING.
WHEREAS, a certain instrument, purporting to be the last will and testament of said deceased has been presented to the Judge of Probate of said county, by JOHN PHILBRICK, son of said deceased and interested in said will for probate thereof in solemn term.
You are hereby notified to appear at a court of Probate, to he holden at Concord, in and for said county, on the fourth Tuesday of December next, to show cause, if any you have, why said will ought not to be proved.
Given at Concord, this 22nd day of October, A.D. 1844
By order-JOSEPH ROBINSON, Register

NH Patriot 5-15-1845

To the Hon. Judge of Probate for the county of Merrimack.
Respectfully represents John Whitaker of Hopkinton, in said county, Executor of the last will and testament of Joseph Bickford, late of Concord in said county, deceased, that the said Joseph Bickford in his lifetime, to wit., on the fourteenth day of August, A.D., 1837, did contract and engage in writing, to convey to one William Bickford of Epsom, in said county, upon the performance of certain conditions on the part of said William therein stated, certain real estate, situated in said Epsom, bounded as follows - beginning at the northeasterly corner of said premises, thence on the rangeway to land owned by Stephen Rand, thence westerly on land owned by the said Stephen Rand to Suncook river, thence northerly on Suncook river to land which John Rand bought of Tobias T. Rand, thence easterly on the line of the land said John Rand bought of Tobias T. Rand, to the bounds first mentioned. Also, one undivided half of a certain tract of land in said Epsom, lying on the west side of the Suncook river, bounded as follows - on the south by land owned by John Prescott, west by land of said Prescott and Samuel Marden, north by Canterbury old road, so called, and east by Suncook river.
That the said Joseph Bickford was prevented from making said conveyance by death, and that said William Bickford stand ready to perform the conditions of said contract on his part.
Wherefore, your petitioner prays that he may be licensed to make and execute a conveyance of said real estate, agreeably to the Statute in such case provided.
Dated the 1st day of May, A.D. 1845.

NH Patriot 7-10-1845

To the Judge of Probate for the County of Merrimack, in the State of New Hampshire.
RESPECTFULLY shews SAMUEL D. NUTTER, of Barnstead, in the county of Belknap, that he is guardian of JOSIAH K. NUTTER, a minor child of your petitioner, by the appointment of the Judge of Probate for the said county of Merrimack; that his said ward is seized of one undivided eighth part of the following described real estate, viz: a certain tract or parcel of land situated in the town of Epsom, in said county of Merrimack, and bounded easterly by the range road leading from Epsom Village (so called) by the dwelling house of David Philbrick, in said Epsom, northerly by land of David Lock, westerly by the road leading from Epsom Village to Pittsfield (so called) and land of Samuel Cate, southerly by land of Joseph J. Moses, containing two hundred acres more or less, with the buildings thereon and improvements thereon, the same being the homestead place of the late Jonathan Knowles, aforesaid; also, the one undivided eighth part of a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in said Epsom, bounded and described as follows, to wit; easterly by land of Joseph J. Moses, northerly by land of Samuel Cate, westerly by the Range, and southerly by land of Stephen Rand, containing thirty-five acres more or less; and that it is necessary for the support of his said ward and will be conducive to his interest to have the premises sold; wherefore he prays that he may be licensed and authorized to sell the same at public auction, according to the statute in such case made and provided.

NH Patriot 7-12-1849

The Judge of Probate for said county, to the heirs at law of the estate of JONATHAN CHASE, late of Epsom, in said county, deceased, and to all others interested therein.
YOU are hereby notified that ROBERT M. CHASE, administrator de bonis non with the will annexed, of the estate of said deceased, will exhibit is account of the administration of said estate at a Court of Probate to be holden at Concord, in said county, on the fourth Tuesday of August next, when and where you may appear, and shew cause, if any you have, against the allowance of said account.
Given at Concord, in said county, this 26th day of June, A.D. 1849.
By order, CALVIN AINSWORTH, Register.

NH Patriot 10-10-1850


The subscriber hereby gives notice that he has been duly appointed Executor of the last will and testament of JOHN S. HAYNES, late of Epsom, in the county of Merrimack, deceased, testate. All persons indebted to the estate of said deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and all having claims to present them to the subscriber for adjustment.
WILLIAM HAM, Executor.
Epsom, Sept. 21, 1850.