Warrants and Minustes of the Marden School District in pdf format


Epsom School District No. 10
Formed August 29, 1851

To the Selectmen of the Town of Epsom
Whereas a vacancy now exists in the office of clerk of school district No. 10 in said town and also in the office of prudential committee we the subscribers legal voters of said district therefore request you to appoint some suitable persons to fill said offices in said district according to the law in such case made and provided.

Epsom August 29th - 1851
Mark Mardin
Samuel Mardin
Charles Gordon
Moses W Perkins
David Mardin

To David Mardin of Epsom in the county of Merrimack.
Whereas there is a vacancy in the office prudential committee of school District No. 10 in said town and application has been made to us selectmen of said town by one or more legal voters of said district to fill said vacancy and whereas we have confidence in your capacity and fidelity, we do appoint you to be Prudential committee of said school District and upon your taking the oath of office and having the same recorded in the Record book of said district you shall possess all the powers and be subject to all the liabilities incident to said office until another Prudential committee is legally chosen and qualified in your stead.
Given under our hands at Epsom this 29th day of August 1851.
Jeremiah Tripp
Nathan Griffin
Henry F. Sanborn

Merrimack s.s. Epsom August 29, 1851
Personally appeared David Marden within mentioned and took the oath of office as Prudential School Committee of District No. ten as by law prescribed
Before me, William Ham, Jus Peace

To Mark Mardin of Epsom in the County of Merrimack
Whereas there is a vacancy in the office of Clerk of school district No. 10 in said town and application has been made to us selectmen of said town by one or more legal voters of said District to fill said vacancy and whereas we have confidence in your capacity and fidelity we do appoint you to be clerk of said school district and upon your taking the oath of office and having the same recorded in the record book of the District you shall possess all the powers and be subject to all the liabilities incident to said office until another clerk is legally chosen and qualified in your sead.
Given under our hands at Epsom this 29th day of August 1851
Jeremiah Tripp
Nathan Griffin
Henry F. Sanborn
Selectmen of Epsom

Merrimack ss, Epsom, August 29, 1851
Personally appeared Mark Mardin within named and took the oath of office as Clerk of School District No. 10 as prescribed by law.
Before me,
William Ham, Jus Peace

To the Prudential Committee of School District No. 10 in the town of Epsom, you are requested by the subscribers legal voters of said District to call a special meeting of the legal voters of said District and to insert in the warrant therefore article in substance as follows viz
1 To choose a moderator to preside in said meeting
2 To see if the District will build a new school house and wood shed and fix upon a location for the same
3 To raise such sums of money as may be necessary for the building of said school house and shed and purchasing lot for said location
4 To take all necessary measures to locate and build said house and shed.

Epsom August 29, 1851

Jonathan Mardin Jr.
Samuel Mardin
William P. Silver
Mark Mardin

State of New Hampshire
To the legal voters of School District No. 10 in the town of Epsom.
You are hereby notified to meet at the dwelling house of Jonathan Mardin in said District on Monday the fifteenth day of September next at one o'clock in the afternoon for the transaction of the following business
1. To choose a moderator to preside in said meeting
2. 2 To see if the district will build a new school house and wood shed and fix upon a location for the same
3. 3. To raise such sums of money as may be necessary for the building of said school house and shed and purchasing a lot for said location
4. 4 To take all necessary measure to locate and build said house and shed

Given under my hand and seal at said Epsom this thirtieth day of August, A.D> 1851
David Marden, Prudential Committee of the District

Merrimack ss September 15, 1851
This certifies that I posted up the within notice at the door of the dwelling house of Jonathan Marden in said District on the thirtieth day of August 1851 and on the same day I posted up a like notice at shop of Mark Mardin being one of the most public places in said District.
David Marden

Merrimack ss Sept. 4, 1851 Then the said David Marden made oath that the above return by him signed is true
Mark Mardin District Clerk

At a legal meeting holden September fifteenth eighteen hundred fifty one at Jonathan Mardens house in Epsom
1 Chose Jonathan Marden Moderator
2 Voted to build a schoolhouse and wood shed and fix upon a location for the same
3 Voted to raise money necessary to build said schoolhouse and wood shed and purchase a lot for said location
4 Voted to buy one eighth of an acre of land of Moses W. Perkins near the milestone on the turnpike road so called for said location
5 Voted that Jonathan Marden shall act as agent for the District
6 Voted to have a building committee of three, chose 1 Jonathan Marden, 2 William P. Silver 3 David Marden
7 Voted that the building committee draw a plan of the schoolhouse and wood shed and report at the next meeting
8 Voted to sell the house at auction
9 Voted to sell the house and shed and underpinning separate
10 Voted to adjourn this meeting to next Friday at one o'clock in the afternoon at Jonathan Marden's house.

At an adjourned meeting
1 Voted to recall the 4th and 5th articles
2 Chose Jonathan Marden agent to buy and locate a schoolhouse lot and received the money and pay out
3 Set up at auction the building of house and shed struck of to Mark Mardin for two hundred and twenty dollars
4 Voted to raise two hundred and fifty dollars to build a schoolhouse and out building and other expenses
5 voted to dissolve this meeting

State of New Hampshire
To the legal voters of school District No. 10 in the town of Epsom
You are hereby notified to meet at the schoolhouse in said district on Saturday the twentieth day of March instant at three o'clock in the afternoon for the transaction of the following business

1 To choose a Moderator to preside in said meeting
2 To choose a Clerk Prudential Committee and other necessary officers for the ensuing year
3 To see if the district will vote to sell their proportion of the old schoolhouse in school District No. 2 in said town
4 To transact any other business which may legally come before said meeting
Given under my hand and seal at said Epsom this twelfth day of March A.D. 1852
David Marden, Prudential Committee of the District

Merrimack ss March 20, 1852 This certifies that I posted up an attested copy of the within notice at the door of the school house in said District on the twelfth day of March 1852.
David Marden

Merrimack ss March 20, 1852 Then the said David Marden made oath that the above return by him signed is true. Before me
Mark Mardin
Clerk of the District

Met according to notice March 20, 1852
1 Chose Jonathan Marden moderator
2 Chose Mark Mardin Clerk
3 Chose David Marden Prudential committee
4 Voted to sell their proportion in the old schoolhouse in school District No. 2 in said town
5 Chose Stickney Robinson for agent to see to the selling the old schoolhouse in district No. 2
6 Voted to adjourn this meeting to the first Saturday in April at six o'clock in the afternoon

At a legal meeting holden April 3rd 1852
1 Voted to receive the report of Stickney Robinson on the old Schoolhouse in District No. 2
2 Voted to build a post and slat fence
3 Voted to dissolve this meeting
Mark Mardin, District Clerk

State of New Hampshire
To the legal voters of School District No 10 in the town of Epsom
You are hereby notified to meet at the Schoolhouse in said District on Saturday the 19th day of March instant at three o'clock in the afternoon for the transaction of the following business
1 To chose Moderator to preside in said meeting
2 To choose a Clerk Prudential Committee and other necessary officers for the ensuing year
3 To transact any other business which may legally come before said meeting
Given under my hand and seal at said Epsom this tenth day of March A.D. 1853
David Marden Prudential Committee of the District

Merrimack ss March 19th 1853
This certifies that I posted up an attested copy of the within notice at the door of the Schoolhouse in said District on the tenth day of March 1853
David Marden

Merrimack ss March 19th 1853
That the said David Marden made oath that the above return by him signed is true.
Before me, Mark Marden Clerk of the District

Met according to notice
1 Chose David Marden Moderator
2 Chose Mark Marden Clerk
3 Chose G.W. Marden 1st Prudential Committee
4 Voted to see the wood at auction
5 Sold to Jonathan Marden five cords of merchantable hard wood fitted for the stove for five dollars and seventy-five cents
6 Voted that the proportion of the money due from the old Schoolhouse be paid over // to the Prudential committee to be laid out this year in schooling
Mark Marden
Clerk of the District

State of New Hampshire
To the legal voters of school District No. 10 in the town of Epsom
You are hereby notified to meet at the School House in said District on Saturday the 18th day of March instant at 3 o'clock in the afternoon for the transaction of the following business
1st To choose a Moderator to preside in said meeting
2nd To choose a Clerk Prudential Committee and their necessary officers for the ensuing year
3rd To transact any other business which may legally come before said meeting -
Given under my hand and seal at said Epsom this ninth day of March A.D> 1854
George W. Marden Prudential Committee of said District

Merrimack ss March 18th, 1854
This certifies that I posted up an attested copy of the within notice at the door of the School house in said District on the ninth day of March 1854
George W. Marden

Merrimack ss March 18th 1854
Then the said George W. Marden made oath that the above return by him signed is true.
Before me
Mark Marden, Clerk of the District

March 18, 1854 Met at the yearly Meeting
1st Choose Jeremiah Bennett Moderator
2nd Choose Mark Marden Clerk
3rd Choose Jeremiah Bennett Prudential Committee
4th Voted to sell the wood at auction
5th Sold the wood to Jonathan Marden, Two cords of good hard wood at two dollars eighty-seven cents per cord fitted for the stove.
6th Voted to lay our one third of the money for summer school
7th Voted that this meeting be dissolved
Mark Marden, Clerk of the District

Merrimack ss April 6, 1854
Then the said Jeremiah Bennett made oath as Prudential Committee before me
Mark Marden, Clerk of the District

March 24, 1855
Met at the yearly meeting
1 Chose Jeremiah Bennett moderator
2 Chose Mark Marden Clerk
3 Chose Aaron Marsh Prudential Committee
4 Voted to sell the wood at auction
5 Sold the wood to Jonathan Marden at three dollars per cord two cord hard wood fitted for the stove
6 Voted to lay out one third of the money in summer school
7 Voted to adjourn this meeting to the 5 of May
Mark Marden, Clerk of the District

State of New Hampshire
To the legal voters of school District No. 10 in the town of Epsom
You are hereby notified to meet at the School House in said District on Thursday the 20th day of March instant at three o'clock in the afternoon for the transaction of the following business
1st To choose a Moderator to preside in said meeting
2nd To choose a Clerk Prudential Committee and other necessary officers for the ensuing year
3rd To transact any other business which may legally come before said meeting
Given under my hand and seal at said Epsom this twelfth day of March A.D. 1856
Aaron Marsh Prudential Committee said District

Merrimack ss March 12th 1856
This certifies that I posted up an attested copy of the within notice at the door of the school House in said District on the twelfth day of March 1856
Aaron Marsh

Merrimack ss March 12, 1856
Then the said Aaron Marsh made oath that the above return by him signed is true.
Before me
Mark Marden, Clerk of the District

March 20, 1856 Met at the yearly meeting
1st chose Nathan Marden Moderator
2nd Chose Mark Marden Clerk
3rd Chose Jonathan Marden Prudential Committee
4 Voted to adjourn this meeting
Mark Marden Clerk of said District

State of New Hampshire
To the legal voters of school District No 10 in the Town of Epsom
You are hereby notified to meet at the school house in said District on Saturday the 21 day of March instant at three o'clock in the afternoon for the transaction of the following business
1st To choose a Moderator to preside in said meeting
2nd To choose a Clerk Prudential Committee and other necessary officers for the ensuing year
3rd To transact any other business which may legally come before said meeting
Given under my hand and seal at said Epsom this ninth day of March A.D. 1857
Jonathan Marden, Prudential Committee of said District

Merrimack ss March 9th 1857
This certifies that I posted up an attested copy of the within notice at the door of the school House in said District on the ninth day of March 1857
Jonathan Marden

March 21 - 1857
Met at the yearly meeting
1st chose Jeremiah Bennett Moderator
2nd chose Mark Marden Clerk
3rd Chose William S. Prescott Prudential Committee
4th Sold to William S. Prescott half cord of good hard wood fitted for the stove for one dollar and seventy-nine cents
5 Voted to dissolve this meeting
Mark Marden, Clerk of said District

State of New Hampshire
To the legal voters of School District No. 10 in the Town of Epsom. You are hereby notified to meet at the school house in said District on Tuesday the 16 day of March instant at 4 o'clock in the afternoon for the transaction of the following business
1st To choose a Moderator to preside in said meeting
2nd To choose a clerk prudential committee and other necessary officers for the ensuing year
Given under my hand and seal at said Epsom this ninth day of March A.D. 1858
William S. Prescott, Prudential Committee of the District

Merrimack ss March 9, 1858
This certifies that I posted up an attested copy of the within notice on the door of the school house in said District on the ninth of March 1858
William S. Prescott

March 16, 1858 Met according to Notice
1st Chose Jeremiah Bennett Moderator
2nd Chose Mark Marden Clerk
3rd Chose Aaron Marsh Prudential Committee
4th Sold to Jonathan Marden one cord of hard wood fitted for the sotve at three dollars and seventy-five cents per cord
5th Sold to Albon P. Marden # repairs of plastering in the school house for seventy-five cents
6 Voted to dissolve this meeting
Mark L. Marden
Clerk of said District

To the Selectmen of the Town of Epsom
Whereas a vacancy now exists in the office of Prudential committee of school district No. 10 in said town
We the subscribers legal voters of aid district therefore request you to appoint some suitable person to fill said office in said District according to the law in such case made and provided
Epsom Feb. 26, 1859
Mark Marden, Clerk of District
Rufus S. Marden, Samuel Dolloff, Joseph Marden, George W. Marden, Jonathan Marden jr., Charles T. Marsh, John Hopkinson, Charles Gordon, David H. Marden, Henry A. Marden

To Jonathan Marden of Epsom
In the County of Merrimack
Whereas there is a vacancy in the office of Prudential Committee of school district No 10 in said town and application has been made to us selectmen of said town by one or more legal voters of said district to fill said vacancy and whereas we have confidence in your capacity and fidelity we do appoint you to be prudential committee of said school district and upon your taking the oath of office and having the same recorded in the record book of said district - you shall possess all the powers and be subject to al the liabilities incident to said office until another Prudential committee is legally chosen and qualified in your stead.
Given under our hands at Epsom this fifth day of March 1859
Samuel Fowler Jr.
James Wiggin
Charles C. Doe
Selectmen of Epsom

Merrimack S.S. Epsom March 7, 1859
Personally appeared Jonathan Marden within mentioned and took the oath of office as Prudential Committee of district No 10 as by law prescribed.
Before me
Mark Marden, Clerk of the District

State of New Hampshire
To the legal voters of School District No 10 in the Town of Epsom.
You are hereby notified to meet at the School House in said District on Tuesday the 15 day of March instant at 4 o'clock in the afternoon for the transaction of the following business
1st To choose a Moderator to preside in said meeting
2nd To choose a Clerk Prudential Committee and other necessary officers for the ensuing year
Given under my hand and seal at said Epsom eight day of March A.D. 1859
Jonathan Marden, Prudential Committee of the District

March 15 Meet at the yearly meeting
1st chose Jeremiah Bennett moderator
2nd chose Mark Marden Clerk
3rd chose Stephen B. Bartlett Prudential Committee
4th Voted that the committee shall make a report of the school money
5th Voted that the winter school commence the first Monday in November
6th Voted that the summer school commence
7th Voted to sell the wood at auction, struck to Jonathan Marden one and half cord of good sound hard wood fitted for the stove for five dollars thirty-five cents
8th Chose a committee to survey the wood after the town school closes
9th Chose Stephen B. Bartlett to measure the wood
10th Voted to have the school house opened for religious meeting by anyone in the District
11th Voted to dissolve this meeting
Mark Marden, Clerk

Prudential Committees Expenses for the year 1859
May 21 one pane of glass .04
28 one corn broom .30
30 one water pail .30
30 one tin dipper .08
July 15 paid to Miss Sarah Stearns for five weeks teaching 6.25
15 paid to Jonathan Marden for boarding Sarah Stearns five weeks 7.50
November 5 paid for two lb. Nails to repair school house seats .09
February paid Mary G. Wallace for teaching six weeks and three days 9.75
Paid to Jonathan Marden for boarding the teacher 9.75
Paid to Jonathan Marden for 1 ½ cord of wood 5.35
Paid to Mark Marden for District book .33
Received of the town $40.15
Remaining in the hands of the committee 41 cts
Mark Marden Clerk of the District

March 17, 1860 Met according to Notice
1. Chose Jeremiah Bennett Moderator
2. Chose Jonathan Marden Prudential Committee
3. Chose Mark Marden Clark
4. Voted that each man find half foot of wood for each scholar to be pit into the shed in September
5. Voted to sell the board at Auction sold to Philip C. Marden for one dollar twenty-four cents per week
6. Voted to sell the repairs of the school house yard fence sold to Samuel H. Dolloff for forty two cents
7. Voted to dissolve this meeting

Mark Marden District Clerk

State of New Hampshire
To the legal voters of school district No 10 in the Town of Epsom. You are hereby notified to meet at the school house in said district on Saturday the 23 day March at four o'clock to transact the following business
1 To choose a Moderator
2 To choose a Clerk
3 To choose a Prudential Committee
4 To raise money to repair school house
5 To any other business

Given under my hand and seal this sixth day of March A.D. 1861
Jonathan Marden Jr. Prudential Committee

Epsom March 23, 1861
This certifies that I posted up a true copy of the within attested by said Prudential Committee a the door of the school house on the sixth day of March 1861
Jonathan Marden Jr. Prudential Committee

Merrimack ss March 23, 1861
Then the said Jonathan Marden Jr. made oath that the above return by him signed is true.
Before me
Mark Marden, Clerk of the District

Met according to Notice March 23, 1861
1st Chose Jeremiah Bennett moderator
2nd Chose Mark Marden Clerk
3rd Chose Mark Marden Prudential Committee
4th Voted to shingle the school house No 10 with 2nd growth heart shingle dipped in lime
5th Sold the shingling to Jonathan Marden to be done in good workman like manner for $22.75
6th Voted to paint the school house No 10 with 2 coats on the east end and back side, 1 on the front and west end
7th Sold to Francis L. Knowles the painting for $12.25 to be cone in good shape & style
8th Sold the repairs of fence and plastering to F.L. Knowles for $1.37 and finishing putty and nails for the same
9th Voted to raise $37 whole No of votes cast 8
10th Voted to sell one cord of wood at Auction sold to Philip C. Marden for $3.45 fitted for the stove good hard wood
11th Chose David Marden Committee and treasurer to see that the work is done in workman like manner and pay for the same
12th Board for the teacher sold to Nathan Marden for $1.47
13th Voted to dissolve this meeting

Prudential Committee Expenses for the year 1860
September 28 Paid to Sarah E. Wells eight dollars seventy-five cents for teacing school in Des. No 10 seven weeks
Paid to Mark Marden for seven weeks board eight dollars seventy-five cents

February 5, 1862
Paid to Sarah E. Wells ten dollars thirty-three cents for teaching school in Dis No 10 five weeks x four days
6 Paid to Philip C. Marden for one cord of wood three dollars forty-five cents
Received from Town Treasury $38.02
Mark Marden, Prudential Committee

To the legal voters of School District No 10 in the Town of Epsom. You are hereby notified to meet at the School House in said District on Saturday 22 day of March instant at 4 o'clock in the afternoon for the transaction of the following business
1st To chose a Moderator to preside in said meeting
2nd to chose a Clerk, Prudential committee and other necessary officers for the ensuing year
Given under my hand and seal at said Epsom thirteenth day of March A.D. 1862
Mark Marden Prudential Committee
Epsom March 13th 1862
This certifies that I posted up a true copy of the within attested by said Prudential Committee at the door of the School House on the thirteenth day of March 1862
Mark Marden, Prudential Committee

Met according to Notice March 22, 1862
1st Chose Stickney Robinson Moderator
2nd Chose George W. Marden Clerk
3rd Chose Curtis W. Bennett Prudential Committee
4 Voted to sell one cord of hard wood good and have it fitted for the stove sold to Philip C. Marden for $2.95 to be put into the shed by first of October
5 Voted to dissolve the meeting
George W. Marden
District Clerk of District No. 10

Prudential Committees Expenses for the year 1862
Summer term
July 8 Paid to A. Augusta Prescott Eight dollars seventy-five cents for teaching school in District No 10 seven weeks
November 28 Paid Stickney Robinson for seven weeks board eight dollars seventy-five cents
January 12, 1863 Winter term
Paid to A. Augusta Prescott eleven dollars seventy-nine cents for teaching school in District No 10 six weeks
January 12 Paid Mrs. Stickney Robinson seven Dollars fifty-cents for six weeks board
13 Paid Philip C. Marden for one cord of wood two dollars ninety-five cents
Received form Town Treasury $39.74Curtis W. Bennett
Prudential Committee

To the legal voters of School District No 10 in the Town of Epsom. You are hereby notified to meet at the School House in said District on Saturday the 14 day of March instant at 3 o'clock in the afternoon for the transaction of the following business
1st to choose a Moderator to preside in said meeting
2nd to chose a Clerk, Prudential committee and other necessary officers for the ensuing year
Given under my hand and seal at said Epsom sixth day of March A.D. 1863
Curtis W. Bennett, Prudential Committee

Epsom March 6th 1863
This certifies that I posted up a true copy of the within attested by said Prudential Committee at the door of the School House on the sixth day of March 1863.
Curtis W. Bennett
Prudential Committee

Met according to Notice March 14, 1863
1st Chose Jonathan Marden Jr. Moderator
2nd Chose George W. Marden Clerk
3rd Chose Nathan Marden Prudential Committee
4 Voted to sell one cord good hardwood and fit it for the stove and put it in the shed in September. Sold to David Marden $3.50
5th Voted to have the school yard fence repaired. Sold to David Marden for .33
6 Voted to dissolve the meeting
George W. Marden, District Clerk

To the legal voters of School District No 10 in the Town of Epsom. You are hereby notified to meet at the School House in said District on Saturday the 19 day of March instant at 4 o'clock in the afternoon for the transaction of the following business
1st to choose a Moderator to preside in said meeting
2nd to chose a Clerk, Prudential committee and other necessary officers for the ensuing year
Given under my hand and seal at said Epsom fifth day of March A.D. 1864
Nathan Marden, Prudential Committee

Epsom March 5th 1864
This certifies that I posted up a true copy of the within attested by said Prudential Committee at the door of the School House on the sixth day of March 1864.
Nathan Marden, Prudential Committee

Met according to Notice March 19th, 1864
1st Chose Jeremiah Bennett Moderator
2nd Chose George W. Marden Clerk
3rd Chose Nathan Marden Prudential Committee
4th Voted to sell one cord good hard wood and fit it for the stove and put it in the shed by the first of October.
Sold to David Marden $3.75
5th Nathan Marden agreed to keep the fence in good order until fall
6th Voted to dissolve the meeting
George W. Marden
District Clerk

Summer Term
Prudential Committees Expenses for the year 1863
July 24 Paid to Margaret Chesley twelve dollars fifty cents for teaching school in District No. 10 ten weeks
Winter Term
January 9, 1864
Paid to Margaret Chesley fourteen dollars for teaching school in District No 10 eight week
11 Paid David Marden for one cord of wood and repairing fence three dollars eighty three cents
Paid Nathan Marden for eight weeks board nine dollars forty one cents
Received from Town Treasury $39.74
Nathan Marden, Prudential Committee

Prudential Committee Expenses for the year 1864
Summer Term
August 13 paid to Abbie Chesley seven dollars fifty cents for teaching school in District 10 six weeks 7.50
Winter Term
Paid to Clara Hoyt eleven dollars twenty cents for teaching school six weeks x two days in District No 10 $11.20
August 24 Paid David Marden for one cord hard wood $3.75
Paid Nathan Marden for twelve weeks and two days board $16.89
Received from Town Treasury $38.59
Received seventy-five cents for Miss Bickford going to school.
Nathan Marden, Prudential Committee

State of New Hampshire
To the legal voters of School District No 10 in the Town of Epsom. You are hereby notified to meet at the School House in said District on Saturday the eighteenth day of March instant at 4 o'clock in the afternoon for the transaction of the following business
1st to choose a Moderator to preside in said meeting
2nd to chose a Clerk, Prudential committee and other necessary officers for the ensuing year
Given under my hand and seal at said Epsom 4th day of March A.D> 1865
Nathan Marden, Prudential Committee

Epsom March 4th 1865
This certifies that I posted a true copy of the within attested by said Prudential Committee at the door of the School House in the fourth day of March 1865
Nathan Marden
Prudential Committee

Met according to Notice March 18th, 1865
1st Chose Jonathan Marden Moderator
2nd Chose George W. Marden Clerk
3rd Chose Nathan Marden Prudential Committee
4th Voted to sell one cord of good hard wood and hit it fitted for the stove to be put in the shed by the first of October. Sold to Nathan Marden for five dollars $5.00
5 Voted to dissolve the meeting
George W. Marden
District Clerk

State of New Hampshire
To the legal voters of School District No 10 in the Town of Epsom. You are hereby notified to meet at the School House in said District on Saturday the seventeenth day of March instant at 4 o'clock in the afternoon for the transaction of the following business
1st to choose a Moderator to preside in said meeting
2nd to chose a Clerk, Prudential committee and other necessary officers for the ensuing year
3rd to transact any other business which may legally come before said meeting -
Given under my hand and seal this day at said Epsom this third day of March A.D. 1866
Nathan Marden, Prudential Committee of said District

Merrimack ss March 3, 1866
This certifies that I posted up a true copy of the within warrant at the door of the School house in said District on the third day of March 1866
Nathan Marden, Prudential Committee

Met according to Notice march 17, 1866
1st chose Mark Marden Moderator
2nd Chose George W. Marden Clerk
3rd Chose David Marden Prudential Committee
4th Voted to sell one cord hard wood and fitted for the stove x put in the shed. Sold to David Marden for $5.25
5 Voted to dissolve the meeting
George W. Marden
District Clerk

Prudential Committees Expenses for the year 1865
Summer term
August 17 paid Lorettie Sherburne for teaching school six weeks $15.00
January 13 Paid Abbie Chesley for teaching school eight weeks $16.00
December 19 Paid David Marden for wood $5.00
Nathan Marden expenses for the District 1.75
Remaining in the hand of the committee .54
Received from the town treasury 38.29
Nathan Marden
Prudential Committee

State of New Hampshire
To the legal voters of School District No 10 in the Town of Epsom. You are hereby notified to meet at the School House in said District on Saturday the 23 day of March instant at 4 o'clock in the afternoon for the transaction of the following business
1st to choose a Moderator to preside in said meeting
2nd to chose a Clerk, Prudential committee and other necessary officers for the ensuing year
3rd to transact any other business which may legally come before said meeting -
Given under my hand and seal this day at said Epsom this third day of March A.D. 1867
David Marden, Prudential Committee of the District

Merrimack ss March 23, 1867
This certifies that I posted up a true copy of the within warrant at the door of the School house in said District on the thirteenth day of March 1867
David Marden, Prudential Committee

Merrimack ss March 23, 1867
Then the said David Marden made oath that the above return by him signed is true
Before me
George W. Marden, District Clerk

Met according to Notice March 23, 1867
1st Chose Mark Marden Moderator
2nd Chose George W. Marden 2nd Clerk
3rd Chose David Marden Prudential Committee
4th Voted to sell one cord and a half cord good hard wood fitted for stove and put in shed. Sold to lowest bidder David Marden 5.25 a cord
5 Voted to dissolve meeting
George W. Marden 2nd
District Clerk

State of New Hampshire
To the legal voters of School District No 10 in the Town of Epsom. You are hereby notified to meet at the School House in said District on Saturday the 21 day of March instant at 4 o'clock in the afternoon for the transaction of the following business
1st to choose a Moderator to preside in said meeting
2nd to chose a Clerk, Prudential committee and other necessary officers for the ensuing year
3rd to transact any other business which may legally come before said meeting -
Given under my hand and seal this day at said Epsom this 11 day of March A.D. 1868
David Marden, Prudential Committee of the District

Merrimack ss March 21, 1868
This certifies that I posted up an attested copy of the within notice at the door of the school house in said district on the 11 of March 1868
David Marden

Merrimack ss March 21, 1868
Then the said David Marden made oath that the above return by him signed is true before me
George W. Marden 2nd
District Clerk

Met according to Notice March 21, 1868
1 Chose David Marden moderator
2 Chose George W. Marden Clerk
3 Chose Charles Gordon Prudential Committee
4 Voted to sell one cord of good hard wood at auction. Sold to Joseph L. Robinson for 4 dollar 98 cts to be put in the schoolhouse shed for store in September
5 Voted to dissolve meeting
George W. Marden 2nd
District Clerk

State of New Hampshire
To the legal voters of School District No 10 in the Town of Epsom. You are hereby notified to meet at the School House in said District on Saturday the 27 day of March instant at 4 o'clock in the afternoon for the transaction of the following business
1st to choose a Moderator to preside in said meeting
2nd to chose a Clerk, Prudential committee and other necessary officers for the ensuing year
3rd to transact any other business which may legally come before said meeting -
Given under my hand and seal this day at said Epsom this 17 day of March A.D. 1869
Charles Gordon, Prudential Committee of the District No. 10

Merrimack ss March 27, 1868
This certifies that I posted up an attested copy of the within notice at the door of the school house in said district on the 17 of March 1868
Charles Gordon

Merrimack ss March 27, 1868
Then the said Charles Gordon made oath that the above return by him signed is true before me
George W. Marden 2nd
District Clerk

Met according to Notice March 27th 1869
1st Chose Mark Marden Moderator
2nd Chose George W. Marden 2nd Clerk
3rd Chose Joseph L. Robinson Prudential Committee
4th Voted to sell 1 ½ cord good hard wood fitted for stove and put in shed. Sold to David Marden for five dollars a cord
5th Voted to dissolve meeting
George W. Marden 2nd
District Clerk of District No. 10 Epsom

To Joseph L. Robinson of Epsom
In the County of Merrimack
Whereas there is a vacancy in the office of Prudential Committee of school district No 10 in said town and application has been made to us selectmen of said town by one or more legal voters of said district to fill said vacancy and whereas we have confidence in your capacity and fidelity we do appoint you to be prudential committee of said school district and upon your taking the oath of office and having the same recorded in the record book of said district - you shall possess all the powers and be subject to al the liabilities incident to said office until another Prudential committee is legally chosen and qualified in your stead.
Given under our hands at Epsom this day of May 1869
Daniel G. Chesley
James Yeaton
Selectmen of Epsom

Epsom May 14, 1869
Personally appeared Joseph L. Robinson Prudential Committee of district No 10 and took the oath of office by law prescribed
Before me
Daniel G. Chesley, Selectman
George W, Marden 2nd
District Clerk

State of New Hampshire
To the legal voters of School District No 10 in the Town of Epsom. You are hereby notified to meet at the School House in said District on Saturday the 19th day of March instant at four o'clock in the afternoon for the transaction of the following business
1st to choose a Moderator to preside in said meeting
2nd to chose a Clerk, Prudential committee and other necessary officers for the ensuing year
3rd to transact any other business which may legally come before said meeting -
Given under my hand and seal this day at said Epsom this 5th day of March A.D. 1870
Joseph L. Robinson, Prudential Committee of the District No 10

Merrimack ss March 5, 1870
This certifies that I posted up an attested copy of the within notice at the door of the school house in said district on the 5 of March 1870
Joseph L. Robinson

Merrimack ss March 5, 1870
Then the said Joseph L. Robinson made oath that the above return by him signed is true before me
George W. Marden 2nd
District Clerk

Met according to Notice
March 19th 1870
1st Chose Jonathan Marden Jr. Moderator
2nd Chose George W. Marden 2nd Clerk
3rd Chose Moses W. Perkins Prudential Committee
4th Voted to sell one cord hard wood at auction. Sold to David Marden for Five dollars thirty-seven cts to be held and put in the school house shed 5.37 cts
5 Voted to dissolve the meeting
George W. Marden 2nd
Clerk of the District No 10

State of New Hampshire
To the legal voters of School District No 10 in the Town of Epsom. You are hereby notified to meet at the School House in said District on Saturday the 18th day of March instant at four o'clock in the afternoon for the transaction of the following business
1st to choose a Moderator to preside in said meeting
2nd to chose a Clerk, Prudential committee and other necessary officers for the ensuing year
3rd to transact any other business which may legally come before said meeting -
Given under my hand and seal this day at said Epsom this first day of March A.D. 1871
Moses W. Perkins, Prudential Committee

Merrimack ss March 1, 1871
This certifies that I posted up an attested copy of the within notice at the door of the school house in said district on the first of March 1871
Moses W. Perkins, Prudential Committee

Merrimack ss March 1st 187a
Then the said Moses W. Perkins made oath that the above return by him signed is true before me
George W. Marden 2nd
District Clerk

Met according to Notice
March 18th 1871
1st Chose Jeremiah Bennett Moderator
2nd Chose George W. Marden 2nd Clerk
3rd Chose Stephen B. Bartlett Prudential Committee
4th Voted that every man to give ½ foot of wood for each scholar he sends to school
5th Voted to dissolve the meeting
George W. Marden 2nd
District Clerk of district No. 10

State of New Hampshire
To the legal voters of School District No 10 in the Town of Epsom. You are hereby notified to meet at the School House in said District on Saturday the 23 day of March instant at 4 o'clock in the afternoon for the transaction of the following business
1st to choose a Moderator for the ensuing year
2nd to chose a Clerk for the ensuing year
3rd to chose a Prudential Committee for the ensuing year and passing any vote verbally thereto
Given under my hand and seal this day at said Epsom this 4th day of March A.D. 1872
Stephen B. Bartlett, Prudential Committee of district No 10

Merrimack ss March 4th 1872
This certifies that I posted up an attested copy of the within notice at the door of the school house in said district on the 4th of March 1872
Stephen B. Bartlett

Merrimack ss March 4th 1872
Then the said Stephen B. Bartlett made oath that the above return by him signed is true before me
George W. Marden 2nd
District Clerk

Met according to notice
March 23, 1872
1st Chose Stephen B. Bartlett moderator
2nd Chose Geo. W. Marden Clerk
3rd Chose Stephen B. Bartlett Prudential Com.
4th Voted to find one food of wood to each scholar
5th Voted to dissolve the meeting
George W. Marden 2nd
Clerk of District No 10 Epsom

State of New Hampshire
To the legal voters of District No 10 in the town of Epsom qualified to vote District affairs
You are hereby Notified to met at the school house in said district on the 28th day of March instant at four o'clock in the afternoon to act upon the following subject
1st to chose a moderator for the ensuing year
2nd to chose a Clerk for the ensuing year
3 to chose a Prudential committee for the ensuing year
4 to chose and pass any other vote which may come before said meeting
Given under my hand at said Epsom this 8 day of March 1873
Stephen B. Bartlett. Prudential Committee of District No 10

Met according to Notice
March 29th 1873
1st Chose Jonathan Marden 2nd Moderator
2nd George W. Marden 2nd Clerk
3rd chose Zachariah Leighton Prudential Committee of District No 10
4th Voted to find one foot of hard wood to each scholar fitted for stove and put in shed
5th Voted to dissolve meeting
George W. Marden 2nd

State of New Hampshire
To the inhabitants of school district No 10 in the town of Epsom qualified to vote in District affairs, you are hereby Notified to meet at the School House in said District on the 21 day of March instant at 4 o'clock in the afternoon to act upon the following subject
1st to chose a moderator for the ensuing year
2nd to chose a clerk for the ensuing year
3rd to chose a Prudential committee for the ensuing year and pass any vote __ than to
Given under my hand at said Epsom this 7th day of March A.D. 1874
Zachariah Leighton, Prudential Committee of the District No 10

Merrimack ss March 7th 1874
This certifies that I posted up an attested copy of the within notice at the door of the school house in said district on the 7th of March 1874
Zachariah Leighton, Prudential Committee

Merrimack ss March 7th 1874
Then the said Zachariah Leighton made oath that the above return by him signed is true before me
George W. Marden 2nd

Met according to notice March 21, 1874
1 Chose Z. Leighton Moderator
2 Chose George W. Marden 2nd Clerk
3 Chose Z. Leighton Prudential Committee
4 Voted to find a food of wood to each scholar 2 feet pine 1 foot hard
5 Meeting dissolved ??
Paid Benjamin Towle for teaching school nine weeks three days 12.00
Rec. Town Treas. 54.54
Rec Scholar out district 17.75
Z. Leighton Prudential Committee
Dis. No 10 1874

State of New Hampshire
To the inhabitants of School District No 10 in the town of Epsom qualified to vote in District affairs, you are hereby Notified to meet at the School House in said District on the 27 day of March instant at 4 o'clock in the afternoon to act upon the following subject
1st to chose a moderator for the ensuing year
2nd to chose a clerk for the ensuing year
3rd to chose a Prudential committee for the ensuing year and pass any vote relative thereto
Given under my hand at said Epsom this 6th day of March A.D. 1875
Zachariah Leighton, Prudential Committee of the District No 10

Merrimack ss March 6th 1875
This certifies that I posted up an attested copy of the within notice at the door of the school house in said district on the 6th of March 1874
Zachariah Leighton

Merrimack ss March 6th 1875
Then the said Zachariah Leighton made oath that the above return by him signed is true before me
George W. Marden 2nd

Met according to notice March 27, 1875
1st Chose Jonathan Marden moderator
2nd Chose George W. Marden 2nd Clerk
3rd Chose Rufus S. Marden Prudential Committee
4th Voted to sell 1 ½ cord good hard wood at auction. Sold to Cyrus Marden for five dollars fifty cents a cord fitted for stove and put in shed
5th voted to lay out 1/3 school money in summer school
6th voted to dissolve meeting
George W. Marden 2nd
Clerk of District No 10

State of New Hampshire
To the inhabitants of School District No 10 in the town of Epsom qualified to vote in District affairs, you are hereby Notified to meet at the School House in said District on the 25 day of March inst at 4 o'clock in the afternoon to act upon the following subjects
1st to chose a moderator for the ensuing year
2nd to chose a clerk for the ensuing year
3rd to chose a Prudential committee for the ensuing year and pass any vote relative thereto
Given under my hand at said Epsom this 6th day of March A.D. 1876
Rufus S. Marden, Prudential Committee said District

Merrimack S.S. March 6th 1876
This certifies that I posted up an attested copy of the within notice at the door of the school house in said district on the 6 day of March 1876
Rufus S. Marden

Merrimack SS March 25th 1876
Then the said Rufus S. Marden made oath that the above return by him signed is true before me
George W. Marden 2nd
Clerk of District No 10

Met according to Notice march 2, 1876
1 Chose James Gordon Moderator
2nd Chose George W. Marden Clerk
3rd Chose James Gordon Prudential Committee
4th Voted to sell 1 ½ cord wood fitted for stove put in shed. Sold to Cyrus Marden 5.35 a cord
5th Voted to hear R.S. Mardens report it was read and accepted
6 Voted to have 1/3 money summer school
7th Voted to dissolve meeting
George W. Marden, Clerk

Epsom NH Oct 11, 1875
Received of R.S. Marden 25.00 being the pay for five weeks teaching school in District No 10in said Epsom.
Received payment
M. Ella Marden

Epsom NH Jan. 22, 1876
Received of R.S. Marden fifty dollars it being pay for teaching school eight weeks in District No 10 in said Epsom
Recd Payment
Clara R. Brown

Epsom NH Jan 22, 1876
Received of R.S. Marden eight dollars twenty-five cents being pay for one cord and half of wood for the school District No 10 in said Epsom
Received payment
Cyrus Marden

Met according to notice
March 24, 1877
1st Chose moderator James M. Gordon
2nd Chose George W. Marden Clerk
3rd Chose George C. Knowles Prudential Committee
4th Voted to sell one cord hard wood at auction. Sold to Cyrus Marden four dollars ninety-five cts hauled fitted for stove put in shed
5th Voted to hear committee report. Committee report read and accepted
6th Voted summer school commence 10 of May. Winter School Monday after Thanksgiving
7th Voted to dissolve meeting
George W. Marden
Clerk of District No 10, Epsom

__ of School money
Forwarded to District No 10 for the year 1876 76.95
Over from 1875 3.25
Received Horace Capendes(?) 68
Received from M.C. Bickford 1.50

Paid for wood 8.00
Paid teacher 31.50
For Board 25.25

State of New Hampshire
To the inhabitants of school district No ten in the Town of Epsom qualified to vote in District affairs, you are hereby notified to meet at the school House in said District on the twenty sixth day of March instant at six o'clock P.M. to act upon the following subjects
1st To chose a Moderator for the ensuing year
2nd To chose a clerk for the ensuing year
3rd To chose a prudential committee not exceeding three for the ensuing year
4th To hear the reports of agents auditors committees or affairs heretofore chosen and pass any vote relation thereto
5th To choose agents, auditors or committees in relation to any subjects embraced in this warrant. Given under my hand at said Epsom this eleventh day of March A.D. 1878
George C. Knowles, Prudential Committee

March 26, 1878
Met according to Notice
First chose Jonathan Marden Moderator
2nd Chose mark Marden Clerk
3rd Chose Stephen B. Bartlett Prudential Committee
4th Voted to dissolve this meeting
Mark Marden, District Clerk

March 29th 1879
Met according to Notice
1st Chose Josiah D. Howe Moderator
2nd Chose Mark Marden Clerk
3rd Chose George W. Bartlett Prudential Committee
4th Voted to sell half cord good hard wood fitted for the stove and put in shed to Cyrus Marden for two dollars thirty-five cts
5th Voted to dissolve this meeting
Mark Marden, Clerk District No 10

State of New Hampshire
To the inhabitants of school district No ten in the Town of Epsom qualified to vote in District affairs, you are hereby notified to meet at the school House in said District on the 29 day of March instant at six o'clock P.M. to act upon the following subjects
1st To chose a Moderator for the ensuing year
2nd To chose a clerk for the ensuing year
3rd To chose a prudential committee not exceeding three for the ensuing year
4th To hear the reports of agents auditors committees or affairs heretofore chosen and pass any vote relation thereto
5th To choose agents, auditors or committees in relation thereto
given under my hand at said Epsom Third day of March 1879
Stephen B. Bartlett, Prudential Committee a true copy attest
Stephen B. Bartlett, Prudential Committee

To Benjamin Towle a Justice of the peace in the county of Merrimack
The undersigned legal voters in school dis No 10 in the Town of Epsom in said county respectfully represent that the Prudential Committee of said Dis has neglected to issue a warrant and post a copy thereof for the annual meeting of said district for the year 1880 and they request you to call such annual meeting and insert in the warrant for the same the necessary article. Dated at said Epsom this 29th day of March 1880.
George C. Knowles
Zachariah Leighton
Frank E. Knowles
George W. Marden
Mark Marden, Clerk of District No. 10

The State of New Hampshire, Merrimack S.S.
To the inhabitants of school District No 10 in the Town of Epsom qualified to vote in district affairs
Pursuant to an application of this date by three or more legal voters of said district to me a Justice of the Peace of said county by reason of the neglect of the Prudential committee of said District to call the annual meeting of said district for the year 1880. You are notified to meet at the school house in said district on Thursday the 15th day of April next at two o'clock in the afternoon to act on the following subjects
1st To chose a moderator for the ensuing year
2nd To chose a Clerk for the ensuing year
3rd To chose a Prudential Committee for the ensuing year
4th To hear reports of committees, Agents and offices and act on the same
5th To pass any other votes and transact any other business coming before the meeting
Given under my hand at said Epsom this 29th day of march A.D. 1880
Benjamin Towle
Justice of the Peace
Mark Marden, Clerk Dis. No 10

Merrimack S.S. April 13, 1880
This certifies that I posted up a true copy of the within warrant attested by said Benjamin Towle at the door of the school house in said Dis on the 29th day of March 1880 being a public place in said district.
Benjamin Towle
Justice of the Peace

Merrimack S.S. April 13th, 1880
The said Benjamin Towle made oath that the above return by him signed is true
Before me
John H. Dolbeer, Justice of the Peace
Mark Marden, District Clerk

Meet according to notice
1st Chose Zachariah Leighton Moderator
2nd Chose Mark Marden Clerk
3rd Chose Zachariah Leighton Prudential Committee
4th Sold the furnishing of one cord of hard wood fitted for the stove and put into wood shed at the school house
To Arther ??
5 Voted to dissolve this meeting

State of New Hampshire
To the inhabitants of school district No 10 in the Town of Epsom qualified to vote in District affairs, you are hereby notified to meet at the school House in said District on the 19 day of March instant at 4 o'clock P.M. to act upon the following subjects
1st To chose a Moderator for the ensuing year
2nd To chose a clerk for the ensuing year
3rd To chose a prudential committee for the ensuing year
4th To hear the reports of agents, auditors committees or affairs heretofore chosen and pass any vote relation thereto
Given under my hand at said Epsom 19 day of March 1881
Zachariah Leighton, Prudential Committee

I certify that on the 19 day of March 1881 I posted a copy of the within warrant attested by the Prudential committee at the door of the school house in District No 10 in said town
Zachariah Leighton, Prudential Committee

Merrimack S.S. March 15, 1881
Then the said Zachariah Leighton made oath that the above certificate by him signed is true.
Before me
Mark Marden, District Clerk

Epsom March 19, 1881
Met according to Notice
First chose James M. Gordon Moderator
Second chose Mark Marden Clerk
Third chose Zachariah Leighton Prudential Committee
Fourth Voted to exclude all children from coming to this District to be taught
Fifth Voted to take the District money to clean the school house
Sixth voted to except committee report
Seventh Voted buy one cord of hard wood fitted for the stove and put in shed
Eight Sold the wood to Jonathan Ramey for four dollars 87 ½ cts
Ninth sold one half cord soft wood to Cyrus Marden for 1.50 cts
Tenth Voted to dissolve this meeting
Mark Marden, Clerk

The State of New Hampshire
To the inhabitants of School District No 10 in the Town of Epsom qualified to vote in District affairs, you are hereby notified to meet at the school House in said District on the 25th day of March instant at 4 o'clock P.M. to act upon the following subjects
I. To chose a Moderator for the ensuing year
II. To chose a clerk for the ensuing year
III To chose a prudential committee for the ensuing year and pass any vote relating thereto
Given under my hand at said Epsom 7th day of March 1882
Zachariah Leighton, Prudential Committee

I certify that on the 7th day of March 1882 I posted a copy of the within warrant attested by the Prudential committee at the door of the school house in District No 10 in said town
Zachariah Leighton, Prudential Committee

Met according to notice March 25th 1882
1st Chose M.E. Marden Moderator
2nd Chose M.E. Marden Clerk
3rd Chose William Tripp prudential committee
4th Reading of the report
5th Voted to adjourn the meeting
M.E. Marden, Clerk

To the legal voters of School District No 10 in the Town of Epsom, you are hereby notified to meet at the school House in said District on the 31st day of March instant at seven o'clock in the afternoon for the transaction of the following business
I. To chose a Moderator to preside in said meeting
II. To chose a clerk & Prudential committee and other necessary officers for the ensuing year
III To transact all other necessary business
Given under my hand and seal at said Epsom this tenth day of March A.D. 1883
William Tripp, Prudential Committee

Epsom March 10, 1883
This certifies that I posted up an attested copy of the within notice at the door of the school house in said district on the tenth day of March 1883
William Tripp

Merrimack SS March 29th 1883
Then William Tripp made oath that the above return by him signed is true before me
Benjamin Towle
Justice of the Peace

Epsom March 31 (1883)
Met according to Notice
1 chose William Tripp Moderator
2nd Chose Cyrus Marden Clerk
3rd Chose William Tripp Prudential committee
4th reading of the report
5th Voted that Prudential committee furnish wood
6th Voted to dissolve this meeting
Cyrus Marden, Clerk

To the legal voters of School District No 10 in the Town of Epsom, you are hereby notified to meet at the school House in said District on the 25 day of March instant at 4 o'clock in the afternoon for the transaction of the following business
I. To chose a Moderator to preside in said meeting
II. To chose a clerk & Prudential committee and other necessary officers for the ensuing year
III To transact all other necessary business
Given under my hand and seal at said Epsom this ninth day of March A.D. 1884
William Tripp, Prudential Committee of the District

Epsom March 11, 1884
This certifies that I posted up an attested copy of the within notice at the door of the school house in said district on the tenth day of March 1884
William Tripp

Met according to Notice
1 Chose William Tripp Moderator
2 Chose Cyrus Marden Clerk
3 Chose Horace G. Leighton Prudential Committee
4. Voted to lay out what the Law will allow to repair the house inside
5.That the committee shall furnish the wood
6.Report of the committee accepted

The State of New Hampshire
To the legal voters of School District No 10 in the Town of Epsom, you are hereby notified to meet at the school House in said District on Saturday the 21 twenty first day of March instant at four o'clock in the afternoon for the transaction of the following business
I. To chose a Moderator to preside in said meeting
II. To chose a clerk & Prudential committee and other necessary officers for the ensuing year
III To transact all other necessary business
Given under my hand and seal at said Epsom this ninth day of March A.D. 1885
Horace G. Leighton, Prudential Committee

A true copy of warrant attest
I posted the 6 day of March
Prudential Committee
Horace G. Leighton

Met according to Notice March 21, 1885
1. Chose William Tripp Moderator
2. Chose Cyrus Marden Clerk
3. Chose Clinton G. Knowles Prudential Committee
4. Voted that the wood be furnished by committee
5. report of committee

School money $65.80
Repairs 1.95
Wood .70
Board 22.00
Teacher 22.00
Remainder in hand of Committee $12.15