Lot # 8
Zachariah Berry drew this lot,
but the list of those to draw the additional out lots, was Samuel Libbey.
Deeds show that home lot No. 8 was sold in 1737 to Richard Sanborn by
Jethro Goss who seems to have received the lot as an original proprietor
for settling the town. Sanborn also bought the adjoining home lot # 9
and sold the two to Samuel and John Libbey. By a special agreement, it
was decided that Samuel Libbey reside on lot No. 8, and indeed resided
there for a time. Samuel and his second wife Peneolpe sold it to Isaac
Libbey in 1759 including a house and barn. Isaac Libbey was one of the
original members of the Epsom Church, and for a time his son Isaac Jr.,
who resided on the homestead, and son, Reuben who had a child baptized
in Epsom in 1762 were all in town. Isaac Jr. had a large family with 8
children from his first marriage, and six more with his second. The first
child with his second wife was Nathan, who by deed inherited the homestead
in 1790. Probably being of ill health, he made a will in 1813, leaving
the homestead to his son Nathan when he reached 21, at which time his
wife would own one third. After the death of Nathan in 1814, the property
began to be divided, and by 1830 was in the hands of John and Martha Marshall.
Other owners included Andrew M. Heath, and the family of Josiah D. Langley
whose heirs owned the property until 1930.
LOT #8
26-340 June 4, 1737
Jethro Goss of Rye, carpenter to Richard Sanborn of Greenland, blacksmith,
A tract of land in Epsom containing 50 acres, it being ye 8th lot in number
of ye twenty lots granted for settlement, lying on ye north side of East
Street, so called, bounded 50 rods by said street in width or as it is
laid out between ye lots of Samuel Dowsts and a lot formerly of
Ebenezer Berry and extending 50 rods as it was laid out together with
a right of 30 acres of land more laid out as an annexed appurtenance to
ye said 50 acre lot, not yet drawn for which ye said Jethro Goss sells
to said Richard Sanborn. Jethro Goss
29-176 October 16, 1742
Richard Sanborn of Epping in Exeter, blacksmith, to Samuel Libbey and
John Libbey,
Land in Epsom as it was granted unto Ebenezer Berry of Rye, reference
being had to deed; AND a lot of 50 acres of land and a lot of 30 acres
of land in Epsom I bought of Jethro Goss of Rye, reference being had to
said deed. Richard Sanborn
37-130 March 21, 1747 An Agreement
This agreement between Samuel Lebbe and John Libbe both of Rye, do one
and enjoy two certain pacals of land in Epsom;
The first originally laid out to Jethro Goss, 50 acres, taking it beginning
on the north side of East Street and runs W.N.W. 50 rods by said street
then N.N.E 160 rods then E.S.E. 50 rods then S.S.W. 160 rod to the place
where it first began and is No. 8.
The second lot originally laid out to Ebenezer Berry, 50 acres, taking
its beginning on the north side of East Street and laying as the lot aforesaid
and is No. 9.
So that a division may be made to the said lots of land by and between
each of the partners, it is agreed that ye said Samuel Lebbe shall have
that lot originally laid out to Jethro Goss and is No. 8; John Libbe shall
have that lot originally laid out to Ebenezer Berry, and is No. 9.
Samuel Lebbe and John Libbe.
63-97 April 10, 1759
Samuel Libbee of Epsom, yeoman to Isaac Libbee of Rye, husbandman,
A parcel of land in Epsom containing 50 acres with my house and barn,
it being a home lot and is bounded westerly on the road that leads through
the town, northerly on land of John Lebbee, easterly end on a lot of land
that was laid out to Edward Martin, and southerly on land of Ephraim Locke.
Samuel Lebbee and Peneope Lebbe.
Homestead passed from Isaac
Libbey to his son Isaac.
152-198 May 14, 1790
Isaac Libbee of Epsom, yeoman to Nathan Libbee of the same Epsom, yeoman
Three parcels of land in Epsom; the first being the lot I now line on
being one of the home lots in said Epsom lying on the north side of the
road that lead thro said town, being the home lot that my Grist mill stands
on; the second parcel to contain 22 acres being the same I purchased of
the town of Epsom at public vendue, formerly belonging to said town as
common land lying on the northwesterly side of the home lot I now live
on; the third to contain 13 acres and one half acre being part of the
lot No. 57 in the second range being the same I bought of Ephraim Locke
by said Lockes deed to me. Isaac Libbee.
LOT #8
[no deeds found for any transaction
for the heirs of Nathan Libbey to John Marshall]
(M) 100-493 Aug. 8, 1850
John Marshall of Epsom, cordwainer, to Joshua Marshall of Epsom yeoman,
A tract of land in Epsom bounded as follows: beginning at the main road
leading from Deerfield to Chichester at the corner of land bounded by
Benjamin L. Locke, thence running north 18 degrees east over the baking
near the house 5 rods and 8 links, thence south 66 rods and a half a degree,
east 2 rods and 4 links, thence north 34 degrees east as the stone wall
runs 22 rods to a pair of bars, thence south 67 and a half degrees east
by a stone wall 19 rods and 5 links to a stone wall, thence south 45 degrees
west by said wall 31 rods and 5 links to the main road, thence north 61
and one half degrees west on said road 14 rods to the bound first mentioned,
said tract to contain 3 acres with the buildings thereon. John
and Martha Marshall.
(M) 101-152 October 23, 1850
Joshua Marshall of Epsom to Abiel E. Boynton of Grafton, Massachusetts,
A tract of land in Epsom bounded as follows: beginning at the main road
leading from Deerfield to Chichester at the corner of land bounded by
Benjamin L. Locke, thence running north 18 degrees east over the baking
near the house 5 rods and 8 links, thence south 66 rods and a half a degree,
east 2 rods and 4 links, thence north 34 degrees east as the stone wall
runs 22 rods to a pair of bars, thence south 67 and a half degrees east
by a stone wall 19 rods and 5 links to a stone wall, thence south 45 degrees
west by said wall 31 rods and 5 links to the main road, thence north 61
and one half degrees west on said road 14 rods to the bound first mentioned,
said tract to contain 3 acres with the buildings thereon. Joshua
and Sarah G. Marshall
(M) 106-430 Apr. 23, 1852
Abiel E. Boynton of Bolton, Massachusetts to Leonard M. Peabody of Epsom,
A tract of land in Epsom bounded as follows: beginning at the main road
leading from Deerfield to Chichester at the corner of land bounded by
Benjamin L. Locke, thence running north 18 degrees east over the baking
near the house 5 rods and 8 links, thence south 66 rods and a half a degree,
east 2 rods and 4 links, thence north 34 degrees east as the stone wall
runs 22 rods to a pair of bars, thence south 67 and a half degrees east
by a stone wall 19 rods and 5 links to a stone wall, thence south 45 degrees
west by said wall 31 rods and 5 links to the main road, thence north 61
and one half degrees west on said road 14 rods to the bound first mentioned,
said tract to contain 3 acres with the buildings thereon. Abiel
E. Boynton
(M) 131-344 December 24, 1855
Leonard W. Peabody and Louisa L. Peabody of Epsom to Andrew M. Heath of
A tract of land in Epsom bounded as follows: beginning at the main road
leading from Deerfield to Chichester at the corner of land bounded by
Benjamin L. Locke, thence running north 18 degrees east over the baking
near the house 5 rods and 8 links, thence south 66 rods and a half a degree,
east 2 rods and 4 links, thence north 34 degrees east as the stone wall
runs 22 rods to a pair of bars, thence south 67 and a half degrees east
by a stone wall 19 rods and 5 links to a stone wall, thence south 45 degrees
west by said wall 31 rods and 5 links to the main road, thence north 61
and one half degrees west on said road 14 rods to the bound first mentioned,
said tract to contain 3 acres with the buildings thereon. L. W.
and Louisa Peabody
(M) 159-236 June 30, 1860
Andrew M. Heath of Epsom to Rebecca J. Babb of Epsom,
A tract of land in Epsom bounded as follows: beginning at the main road
leading from Deerfield to Chichester at the corner of land bounded by
Benjamin L. Locke, thence running north 18 degrees east over the baking
near the house 5 rods and 8 links, thence south 66 rods and a half a degree,
east 2 rods and 4 links, thence north 34 degrees east as the stone wall
runs 22 rods to a pair of bars, thence south 67 and a half degrees east
by a stone wall 19 rods and 5 links to a stone wall, thence south 45 degrees
west by said wall 31 rods and 5 links to the main road, thence north 61
and one half degrees west on said road 14 rods to the bound first mentioned,
said tract to contain 3 acres with the buildings thereon. Andrew
M. Heath
(M) 174-239 April 25, 1864
William P. Babb to Josiah D. Langley, both of Epsom
A tract of land in Epsom bounded as follows: beginning at the main road
leading from Deerfield to Chichester at the corner of land bounded by
Benjamin L. Locke, thence running north 18 degrees east over the baking
near the house 5 rods and 8 links, thence south 66 rods and a half a degree,
east 2 rods and 4 links, thence north 34 degrees east as the stone wall
runs 22 rods to a pair of bars, thence south 67 and a half degrees east
by a stone wall 19 rods and 5 links to a stone wall, thence south 45 degrees
west by said wall 31 rods and 5 links to the main road, thence north 61
and one half degrees west on said road 14 rods to the bound first mentioned,
said tract to contain 3 acres with the buildings thereon. (plus an additional
piece adjoining the property). William P. and Rachel Babb
(M) 321-429 June 17, 1897
Josiah T. Langley of Manchester and Emma B. Swain of Concord,
A tract of land in Epsom bounded as follows: beginning at the main road
leading from Deerfield to Chichester at the corner of land formerly owned
by Benjamin L. Locke, thence running north 18 degrees east over the baking
near the house 5 rods and 8 links, thence south 66 rods and a half a degree,
east 2 rods and 4 links, thence north 34 degrees east as the stone wall
runs 22 rods to a pair of bars, thence south 67 and a half degrees east
by a stone wall 19 rods and 5 links to a stone wall, thence south 45 degrees
west by said wall 31 rods and 5 links to the main road, thence north 61
and one half degrees west on said road 14 rods to the bound first mentioned,
said tract to contain 3 acres with the buildings thereon. Also another
tract of land in Epsom beginning on the north side of the old road (so
called) running from Deerfield to Epsom at the southeasterly corner of
the Libby field (so called) formerly owned by said Locke, thence northerly
by said Libby field to an old stone wall on the up __ of the bank of the
south side of the old mill pond, thence running easterly by said last
mentioned wall to land now or formerly owned by George W. Batchelder,
thence southerly by said Batchelder land and land owned by the late Josiah
D. Langley thence westerly and southerly by said Langley land to said
last mentioned road, thence westerly by said last mentioned road to the
first mentioned bounds containing 2 and one fourth acre. (plus one other
tract). Josiah T. Langley, Kate T. Langley, Emma B. Swain, Charles
H. Swain.
LOT #12 in the third range
101-434 November 23, 1758
Samuel Lebbe of Ipsom, yeoman, to Thomas Hinds of Allenstown, yeoman,
One lot of land in Epsom which is a thirty acre lot which belongs to his
home lot and is the 13th lot in number in the third range joining upon
the north side of John Frosts lot. Samuel Lebbee
89-525 June 7, 1768
Thomas Hines of Epsom, husbandman to William Drought, shoemaker,
A parcel of land lying and being in Epsom, being one of the thirty acre
lots lying in the third range, No. 13, originally belonging to Samuel
Libbey, containing 30 acres as it was laid out. Thomas and Hetbell Hines
(her x mark)
117-170 May 21, 1784
William Drought of Epsom, yeoman to Richard Drought of Epsom, yeoman,
One full half of a parcel of land in Epsom containing 30 aces being the
westerly half of the lot No. 13 in the third range laid out to the original
right of Samuel Libbey and bounded westerly on the easterly bank of Suncook
River so called, and also the westerly part of a part of lot #25 in the
third range, originally laid out to the right of John Frost, beginning
at the westerly end of said lot on the bank of the Suncook Riever, thence
running esterly 131 rod carrying the full width of Simon Towles
part of said lot, which land I purchased of said Towle, reference to the
deed said Towle gave me. William Drought and Sarah Drought
118-339 February 26, 1785
Richard Drought of Epsom, yeoman, to Richard Brown of rye, gentleman
A parcel of land in Epsom being the full one half of the lot #13 in the
third range, being the full one half of that lot which my father William
Drought lately lived on in said Epsom, that is to say the full one half
of what my father William Drought owned in the lot No. 13, in the third
range and No. 75 in the same range in the lots in Epsom. Richard
- Josiah D. Langley home
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