Lot # 6
William Locke junior of Rye
was the original proprietor of home lot number 6 which he sold to William
Wallace of Rye June 30, 1742. The sale was early enough that William Wallace
is in the list of proprietors to draw for the additional 30 acre out lots.
This William Wallace died about five years later leaving three young sons,
William, Samuel and Spencer. The estate was not settled until they were
older, with son Samuel of Newcastle selling his one third part to his
brother William in 1760. William sold his two thirds to Thomas Ward of
Kensington in 1767 and his brother Spencer of Exeter, sold the remaining
third to him the following year. Ward did not hold on to the home lot,
rather instead selling it to the Reverend John Tuck on April 15, 1768
with the following description: a parcel of land in Epsom being one of
the home lots lying on the north side of the main road bounding easterly
on land possessed by Joshua Berry, westerly on land in possession of the
Rev. John Tuck, being the whole of the lot as it was laid out containing
50 acres. The Tucks lived on the adjoining ministers lot.
When the Rev. Tuck was dismissed
from serving the town of Epsom he joined the Revolutionary War effort
as a chaplain and shortly fell ill and died. His wife Mary continued to
reside in Epsom, but quickly was in debt and had to dispose of the property
in small pieces to cover them. Several pieces of property were lost by
execution. A Daniel Pierce was one person receiving property. Another
is a piece of land sold by Mary Tuck in October of 1797 to Abraham Libbey
of Epsom a parcel of land in Epsom being part of one of the
home lots in said town and to take its beginning at the southeasterly
corner of that home lot adjoining on the easterly side to that lot the
said Mr. Tuck lived on then to run north westerly on the highway about
33 rods then north easterly a parallel line with the road that goes between
said lot of land of William Lock to the north end of said lot being the
same land that Execution was levied upon by Daniel Pierce to satisfy a
demand which the said Pierce had against the Estate of the said deceased
to contain the same quantity of acres being had to said Execution.
This same parcel was sold to Daniel Shaw by Libbey the following year,
and Shaw settled on the lot remaining there about 10 years. He sold the
lot where I now live to Abner Blaisdell of Portsmouth in October
of 1808. Daniel Shaw had married Mary Marden, daughter of James and Sarah
(Worth) Marden. Blaisdells ownership of the lot was short lived,
being sold to Simon Sanborn of Epsom in July of 1811.
Another parcel of this lot
was also lost by Mary Tuck to James Marden by execution on October 3,
1792, the lot had the following description: beginning on the main road
in said Epsom leading by the meeting house at the south westerly corner
of land set off by execution to John Sherburne Esq., then westerly on
said road 2 rods to a stake and stones then north 33 degrees, east 11
rods then westerly parallel with said road 2 rods and 10 feet then north
33 degrees 45 minutes east to the north end of the lot where the deceased
last lived, then easterly on the end of said lot to land set off to John
Sherburne Esq., thence south westerly on said Sherburnes line to
the bounds first mentioned. It would appear that John Sherburne Esq. had
also previously received part of this lot through similar circumstances.
Marden sold his parcel to John Samuel Sherburne of Portsmouth in 1793.
In turn, John Samuel Sherburne sold 29 acres, including a barn to Jonathan
Locke of Epsom. Locke died in 1803, and his widow sold the property to
Simon Sanborn January 12, 1811, chair maker of Epsom. This property abutted
the parcel he bought from Abner Blaisdell July 26, 1811.
Simon Sanborn probably built
a house on the site, he was the son of Eliphalet and Margaret (McClary)
Sanborn. He died in 1818 and his widow Harriet lived there until 1836
when she sold the property to John M. Wells of Loudon. Several short-term
owners included after Mr. Wells; Abraham D. Swain of Chichester (1836);
Wilson Quimby of Epsom (1839); Jonathan L. Cilley of Epsom (1842); William
Sanders of Pembroke (1842); Nathan Griffin of Deerfield (1845); Daniel
Thomas Cilley (1863).
Daniel Thomas (Tom) Cilley
raised his family there and sold the home to his daughter Annie Lydia
Cilley during his later years. She sold the house to Albion Ambrose in
1922 who sold it to his son Frank E. Ambrose in 1926. In May of 1929 he
sold the property to Timothy B. Langley. The house later burned about
1970 while owned by Herb Yeaton.
Information is scarce on the
30 acre out lot, drawn by William Wallace. Wallace sold th lot in 1760
to John Libbey. The lot next shows in a sale of 1767, Andrew McClary of
Epsom, administrator to the estate of John Hubards, late of Epsom, deceased,
to Obediah Marston of Deerfield, yeoman - A parcel of land in Epsom being
two thirty acre lots as they were laid out being No. 18 and No. 19 in
the fourth range, originally belonging to George Wallis and William Wallis,
lying upon ye north west side of the that that now leads to Newmarket.
Andrew McClary.
LOT #6
32-340 June 30, 1742
William Lock Junr. of Rye, yeoman to William Wallis of Rye, all title
in the 50 acres of land lying in Epsom, lying on the north side of East
Street (so called) and running upon said street West North West fifty
rods then North North East one hundred and 60 rods, then East south East
50 rods, then South South West 160 rods to the place where it first began.
William Lock Junr. and Elizabeth Lock.
63-182 June 5, 1760
Samuel Wallis of New Castle, joiner, to William Wallis of Hampton, husbandman
All my title to all that one third part of that 50 acre of land in Epsom
which William Lock Junr. of Rye conveyed to our Honored father William
Wallis, late of Rye aforesaid, deceased, by deed dated 30th day of June
1742 recorded Lib. 32 Vol. 340. Samuel Wallis
80-299 July 2, 1767
William Wallace of North Hampton, yeoman to Thomas Ward of Kensington,
All title to a lot of land in Epsom containing 50 acres bounded as follows:
Southerly by a road; westerly by land of the Rev. John Tucke and easterly
by land of Ephraim Berry and northerly by land of (not given).
William Wallace.
97-208 April 15, 1768
Spencer Wallace of Exeter, shipwright to Thomas Ward of Kensington, yeoman
One third part of a lot of land in Epsom containing 50 acres and lies
on the north side of the road leading from Deerfield to Chichester and
bounded as follows: adjoining westerly on land of the Rev. Mr. Tucke,
and easterly on land of Ephraim Berry and southerly on the aforesaid road,
said 50 acre lot was formerly the property of my father William Wallace
which he purchased of William Lock as by his deed may appear. Spencer
79-470 May 4, 1768
Thomas Ward of Kingston, yeoman to John Tuck of Epsom, minister
A parcel of land in Epsom being one of ye home lots lying on the north
side of the main road bounding easterly on land possessed by Joshua Berry,
westerly on land in possession of the Rev. John Tuck, being the whole
of the lot as it was laid out containing 50 acres. Thomas Ward.
147-260 Oct. 9, 1797
Mary Tuck of Pittsfield, widow, administratrix of the estate of the Reverend
formerly of Epsom, deceased, to Abraham Libbey of said Epsom, yeoman
A parcel of land in Epsom being part of one of the home lots in said town
and to take its beginning at the southeasterly corner of that home lot
adjoining on the easterly side to that lot the said Mr. Tuck lived on
then to run north westerly on the highway about 33 rods then north easterly
a parallel line with the road that goes between said lot of land of William
Lock to the north end of said lot being the same land that Execution was
levied upon by Daniel Pierce to satisfy a demand which the said Pierce
had against the Estate of the said deceased to contain the same quantity
of acres being had to said Execution. Mary Tuck.
153-324 May 29, 1798
Abraham Libbee of Epsom, yeoman to Daniel Shaw of Epsom, joiner,
A parcel of land in Epsom being a part of one of the home lots in said
town, being a part of the Estate of Reverend John Tuck, formerly of Epsom,
deceased, and the same land that was set off by an Execution in favor
of one Daniel Pierce to satisfy a demand said Pierce had against said
deceased to contain all the land set off by said Execution being thirty
five acres be the same more or less. Abraham Libbee
158-238 May 1, 1801
William Locke of Epsom, husbandman to Benjamin Moody of Epsom, gentleman
A piece of land in Epsom on the southeasterly corner of a lot I purchased
of Amos Morrill, bounded at the south west corner of said lot on the province
road so called, thence running 12 rods northerly by the road leading from
Epsom to Pittsfield, 12 rods to a stake and stones, thence easterly 13
rods and 12 and one third links to a stake and stones, thence southerly
12 rods to the province road to a stake and stones thence westerly 13
rods and 13 and one third links by said road to the bounds first mentioned,
containing one acre of land, said land is part of the lot on which I now
live. Willaim Locke
169-92 June 29, 1801
Jonathan Locke of Epsom , trader, to Andrew Sanborn of Epsom, Windsor
chair maker
A piece of land in Epsom with a barn standing on a part of the same, being
the same barn formerly owned by the Rev. John Tuck, deceased, and the
land to take its beginning at th southerly corner of said barn, then to
run south westerly a parallel linne with the line betwixt land, barn and
me to the highway, to contain all the land betwixt said line and land
owned by the said Sanborn. Jonathan Locke
167-85 March 24, 1804
Andrew Sanborn of Epsom, chairmaker, for $20 dollars to Benjamin Moody
of Epsom, Esq. -
Land in Epsom on the northerly side of the Province Road, so called, bounded
beginning at the southwesterly corner of land owned by the heirs of Jonathan
Locke, thence running westerly on said Province Road thirty one feet to
a stake and stones, , thence northerly at right angles with said side
line, 16 feet 6 inches to the bounds first mentioned, it being part of
the land I purchased of Jonathan Lock as appears by his deed dated June
29th, 1801. - Andrew Sanborn
208-76 June 24, 1815
Benjamin Moody of Epsom, Esq., to Michael McClary of Epsom, Esquire,
A parcel of land in Epsom being a part of one of the home lots in said
town, bounded southerly on the main road leading through Epsom, westerly
on the road leading by Simon Sanborns house, and northerly and easterly
on land of John Chesley, containing about one acre and onehald and is
the same land the said Moody purchased of William Locke with the buildings
standing thereon. Benjamin Moody
(M) 143-158 June 8, 1844
John M. Lord, Augustus Lord, both of Portsmouth, and Horace Morrison of
Baltimore, MD and Mary Elizabeth Morrison, his wife, to Jonathan Steele
of Epsom and Elizabeth Steele, wife of Jonathan
All right, which we, children and heirs at law of Nancy D. Lord, late
wife of Samuel Lord, to land in Epsom, being part of one of the home lots
in said town, bounded southerly on the main road, westerly by land now
lately of Hannah Sanborn, northerly and easterly by land of John Chesley,
containing about one acre and a half and is the same land purchased of
Michael McClary of Benjamin Moody, together with the buildings thereon.
M .E. Morrison, John M. Lord, Augustus Lord, Horace Morrison.
(M) 310-199 November 26, 1889
Thomas L. Steele of Montreal, Quebec, Canada, to Charles A. Steele of
All title to a parcel of land in Epsom on the northerly side of the highway
leading from Epsom Village (Slab City) to Deerfield, bounded on the south
by said highway, on the west by a lane or driveway leading to the house
of Daniel P. (T.) Cilley, on the north and east by land of Walter Chesley,
containing one and a half acres and known as the Moody Lot.
Thomas L. (his mark) Steele
(M) 410-75 June 27, 1905
Andrew M. Steele of Derry to Charles M. Steele of Epsom,
My title to a tract of land in Epsom on the northerly side of the highway
leading from Epsom Village (Slab City) to Deerfield, bounded on the south
by said highway, on the west by a lane or driveway leading to the house
of Daniel T. Cilley, on the north and east by land of Walter Chesley,
containing one and a half acres and known as the Moody lot. Andrew
M. and Althea A. Steele.
187-199 October 21, 1808
Daniel Shaw of Epsom, joiner to Abner Blaisdell Junr. of Portsmouth, gentleman,
A tract of land in Epsom being a part of one of the home lots in said
town the same land where I now live and formerly belonging to the estate
of the Reverend John Tucke, deceased, to take its beginning at the corner
of a highway that leads northerly by my house (adjoining the main road)
then to run north westerly as said road runs 35 and ½ rods to land
belonging to James H. McClary, then to run north eastwardly carrying the
full width of 35 and ½ rods to the north end of said lot being
168 rods to contain 37 acres and 44 rods. Daniel Shaw, and Polly
Shaw, wife relinquishing dower.
139-507 October 10, 1793
James Marden of Portsmouth, to John Samuel Sherburne of Portsmouth, Esq.
The following parcels of land in Epsom containing five acres, being the
same which was set off to me from the Estate of the rev. Jno Tuck, deceased
by Execution on the 3rd day of October 1792, bounded as follows: beginning
on the main road in said Epsom leading by the meeting house at the south
westerly corner of land set off by execution to John Sherburne Esq., then
westerly on said road 2 rods to a stake and stones then north 33 degrees,
east 11 rods then westerly parallel with said road 2 rods and 10 feet
then north 33 degrees 45 minutes east to the north end of the lot where
the deceased last lived, then easterly on the end of said lot to land
set off to John Sherburne Esq., thence south westerly on said Sherburnes
line to the bounds first mentioned. James Marden.
156-338 December 17, 1800
John Samuel Sherburne of Portsmouth to Jonathan Locke of Epsom trader,
A parcel of land in Epsom containing about 28 acres and 60 rods, which
formerly belonged to John Tuck, deceased, and was set off by Execution
to John Sherburne, deceased, Esq., and bounded as follows according to
the return of the appraisement on said Execution: beginning at the southwest
corner of land set of by execution to Daniel Pierce on the road leading
to Epsom meeting house, thence westerly on said road 29 rods to a stake
and stone, thence north 33 degrees east to the north end of said lot,
thence easterly on the end of said lot to Pierces line, then south
westerly on said Pierces line to the bounds first mentioned including
the barn thereon standing. Jno S. Sherburne
193-15 January 12, 1811
Alice Locke of Epsom, to Simon Sanborn of Epsom, chair maker, in my capacity
as administratrix to the Estate of Jonathan Locke late of Epsom deceased,
a certain tract of land in Epsom being a part of two of the home lots
in said town beginning at the southwesterly corner of land owned by Abner
Blaisdell Jr. on the main road, thence running northerly as the home lots
run to the north end of aforesaid home lots, thence westerly on the ends
of said lots 29 rod to land owned by Simon A. Heath, thence southerly
carrying the full width of 29 rods to Simon A. Heaths barn, thence
easterly on said barn 29 links thence south 30 ½ degrees west 9
rods and 8 links to the main road thence easterly as the main road runs
to the first mentioned bounds to contain full 29 acres and 75 rods.
Alice Locke.
199-157 July 26, 1811
Abner Blaisdell Jr. of Portsmouth to Simon Sanborn of Epsom, a parcel
of land in Epsom the same being a part of a home lot to take its beginning
at a stake and stones standing at the southwest corner of said tract adjoining
land owned by Simon Sanborn, then southeasterly as the road runs about
38 rods to the corner of said lot, thence northerly as said lot runs to
the north end of the same thence north westerly about 38 rods across said
tract to land owned by Simon Sanborn, thence southerly on said Sanborns
land to the bound first mentioned with the buildings standing thereon
being the same land I purchased of Daniel Shaw to contain 37 acres 44
(M) 44-466 January 6, 1836
(deed not available)
Harriot Sanborn, widow of Epsom, to John M. Wells of Loudon,
37 acres on the north side of East Street being the property where the
said Harriot now resides.
(M) 45-427 April 27, 1836
John M. Wells of Pembroke, yeoman to Abraham D. Swain of Chichester, cordwainer
Land in Epsom being the same which I bought of the widow Harriet Sanborn,
bounded beginning at the corner of land of Benjamin Heath, thence on the
highway about 38 rods to the corner of said lot, thence northerly as said
lot runs to the north end of said lot, thence westerly about 38 rods to
land owned by said Heath, thence southerly to the sounds first mentioned
to contain 37 acres. John M. Wells
(M) 58-441 (indexed 442) April
3, 1839
Abraham D. Swain of Chichester, cordwainer, to Wilson Quimby of Epsom,
Land in Epsom being the same I bought of John M. Wells, bounded beginning
at the corner of land of Benjamin Heath, thence on the highway about 38
rods to the corner of said lot, thence northerly as said lot runs to the
north end of said lot, thence westerly about 38 rods to land owned by
said Heath, thence southerly to the bounds first mentioned, to contain
37 acres. Abraham and Almira Swain
(M) 68-261 (indexed 262) March
3, 1842
Wilson Quimby of Epsom, cooper, to Jonathan L. Cilley of Epsom, yeoman,
A parcel of land in Epsom I bought of Abraham D. Swain, bounded beginning
at the corner of land of Benjamin Heath, thence on the highway about 38
rods to the corner of said lot, thence northerly as said lot runs to the
north end of said lot, thence westerly about 38 rods to land of the said
Heath, thence southerly to the first mentioned bounds to contain 37 acres
be the same more or less, with the buildings situated thereon.
Wilson and Hannah Quimby
(M) 70-19 March 22, 1842
Jonathan L. Cilley of Epsom, gentleman to William Sanders of Pembroke,
Land in Epsom I bought of Wilson Quimby, bounded beginning at the corner
of land of Benjamin Heath, thence on the highway about 38 rods to the
corner of said lot, thence northerly as said lot runs to the north end
of said lot, thence westerly about 38 rods to land of the said Heath,
thence southerly to the first mentioned bounds to contain 37 acres be
the same more or less, with the buildings situated thereon. - Jonathan
L and Harriet W. Cilley
(M) 81-179 (indexed 81-180)
October 18, 1845
William Sanders of Epsom, blacksmith, to Nathan Griffin of Deerfield,
Land in Epsom I bought of Jonathan L. Cilley, bounded beginning at the
corner of land of Benjamin Heath, thence on the highway about 38 rods
to the corner of said lot, thence northerly as said lot runs to the north
end of said lot, thence westerly about 38 rods to land of the said Heath,
thence southerly to the first mentioned bounds to contain 37 acres be
the same more or less, with the buildings situated thereon. Wm.
And Rachel B. Sanders
January 15, 1863 (from original
Nathan Griffin of Deerfield and Caroline Griffin, wife, to Daniel T. Cilley
of Chichester,
A parcel of land in Epsom, bounded as follows: beginning at the south
east corner of land of Benjamin M. heath, thence running easterly by the
northerly side of the road leading by the house of Jonathan Chesley, about
38 rods to land of the heirs of the late Jonathan Steele, thence northerly
by said Steeles land and land of Jonathan Chesley to the north end
of said lot, thence westerly by land of said Chesley 38 rods to land of
said Benjamin M. Heath, thence southerly by said Heaths land to
the bounds first mentioned, containing 38 acres with the buildings thereon
(also one other tract) Nathan and Caroline S. Freese Griffin.
Fourth Range
79-464 July 7, 1767
Andrew McClary of Epsom, administrator to the estate of John Hubards,
late of Epsom, deceased, to Obediah Marston of Deerfield, yeoman
A parcel of land in Epsom being two thirty acre lots as they were laid
out being No. 18 and No. 19 in the fourth range, originally belonging
to George Wallis and William Wallis, lying upon ye north west side of
the that that now leads to Newmarket. Andrew McClary.
ADDENDUM - Suit of Daniel Pierce
v Estate of Rev. John Tucke
The State of New Hampshire
Whereas Daniel Pierce of Portsmouth,
trader, by consideration of our justices in our Inferior Court of Common
pleas, on the last day of February, 1792, recovered judgment against Mary
Tucke of Epsom, widow, as she is administratrix on the goods and estate
of John Tucke, clerk, late of said Epsom deceased, intestate, for the
sum of 80 pounds six shilling and 11 pence half penny damage and 2 pounds
thirteen shillings and 6 pence cost of suit we command that the
goods of the said John Tucke deceased, under the hands of the said Mary
to the value thereof in money.
Property appraised by Thomas
Babb, James Harvey McClary and John Langmaid April 19, 1792 and 35 and
one half acres set off to satisfy judgment, the same bing a part of the
estate of the deceased, the same being a part of one of the home lots
in said town, said piece to take its beginning at the south easterly corner
of a 50 acre lot adjoining the home lot the deceased buildings are on.

PHOTO: Daniel Thomas (Tom) Cilley home
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