Lot # 17
Lot number 17 is difficult
to trace, though drawn by Joseph Locke, it is assumed that his family
had some part in settling the early town. The list of proprietors for
the 30 acre out lots show that the lot belonged to John Philbrick. Deeds
show he acquired the land from his brother Caleb in 1742. A third brother,
Elias, had married an Annis Locke, daughter of Capt. Joseph Locke, which
may show the family connection. Of interest is the fact that when the
lot was sold by John Philbrick to David Clifford, the deed mentions land
and buildings. John removed from Epsom and died in Deerfield, and David
Clifford sold the home lot to Timothy Dalton of North Hampton, without
any mention of buildings. Though the owner of the lot was Timothy Dalton,
the land was sold by one John Dalton in 1757 to John McClary.
John McClary sold a few sections
of home lot 17. One section of five and one half acres was sold to Amos
Morrill. Morrill owned the lot across the road, which bends between the
two lots, with this purchase apparently giving Morrill that adjoining
piece to complete his property on the north side of East Street. The lot
stayed in the family for quite a length of time. The Mountain Road was
taken out of the eastern side of this lot and the monument to the capture
of Isabella McCoy stands in the northeast corner. The McClary estate passed
from John to his son Michael, and then to Jonathan Steele who had married
Michael McClary’s daughter Elizabeth. Lot’s 16 and 17 passed
to their son Charles Augustus Steele and his wife Hannah Plummer (Cilley)
Swain, widow of Elbridge Lyman Swain.
Charles McClary Steele sold
the lot in 1956 to Roland R. LaFleur, who sold a portion of the property
to John and Hilda Fulton, which became Blake’s Brook campground.
LOT #17
40-81 October 15, 1742
Caleb Philbrick of Greenland, yeoman, to my brother John Philbrick of
A piece of land in Epsom containing 50 acres as it is laid out and bounded
which piece of land is known by ye name of one of ye home lots and is
bounded easterly upon James Marden’s land and westwardly upon Chapman’s
land and upon highways at each. - Caleb Philbrick
40-82 September 30, 1743
John Philbrick of North Hampton to David Clifford of the same parish town,
Land in Epsom containing 50 acres as it is laid out and bounded which
piece of land is a share or lott in said Epsom known by ye name of one
of ye home lots and is bounded as follows: eastwardly upon James Marden’s
land, westwardly upon Chapman’s land and upon highways at each end
together with all ye buildings (that) is on ye said piece of land and
all other privileges belonging. – John (ye mark and seal of) Philbrick.
39-553 May 1, 1749
David Clifford of Nottingham, farmer to Timothy Dalton of North Hampton,
A parcel of land in Epsom containing about 50 acres bounded as follows:
on ye north on a highway, easterly on land of Nathan Marden, southerly
on land laid out for a parsonage, westerly on land of Penuel Chapman.
– David (his mark) Clifford
53-444 October 4, 1757
John Dalton of North Hampton, yeoman, to John McCleary of Epsom, husbandman,
One parcel of land in Epsom containing 50 acres as it was laid out, it
being the lot No. 17 of the lots laid out for the settlers and bounded
as the records of said Epsom may appear. – John (his mark) Dalton
138-287 February 17, 1790
John McClary of Epsom, Esquire, to Amos Morrill of Epsom, Esquire
A piece of land in Epsom to be taken off of two of the fifty acre lots
that I own in Epsom being of them two that lay between land of Deacon
Nathan Marden and land of Jonathan Lock, said tract to take its beginning
at the northerly side of the old range way at a stake and stones standing
in the (lower ?) corner of land of Nathan Marden and the said Morrill
then to run south 37 degrees west 21 rods to the highway then north 44
degrees west 86 rods then running on the north side of the old range way
84 rods to the first mentioned bounds, said tract to contain 5 and one
half acres. – John McClary
138-288 January 28, 1795
Amos Morrill of Epsom, Esq., to William Lock of Rye, husbandman,
Three fifty acre homelots…and 5 and one half acres of land I purchased
of John McClary Esq., lying on the same side of the aforesaid road (northerly
side) being a part of one of the home lots. Amos and Margaret Morrill.
LOT #17
(M) 800-31 September 15, 1956
(1st piece below)
Charles McClary Steele of Epsom to Roland R. LaFleur,
A tract of land bounded as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner
of the Steele field, thence in an easterly direction along the Epsom Center
Highway to the so called Mountain Road to the Mountain Brook; thence in
a westerly direction along said brook to the range line; thence in a northerly
direction along said Steele land (formerly owned by Hannah P. Steele)
to point of beginning at the Epsom Center Road. Said tract of land containing
50 acres more or less, the same being a portion of the land formerly owned
by Charles A. Steele.
ALSO a certain tract of field land bounded as follows: beginning at the
northeast corner of the land formerly owned by C.J. Brown, now owned by
Charles M. Steele, thence in and easterly direction along the Epsom Center
Highway to the wood lot; thence in a southerly direction along a stone
wall to a cross wall, thence in a westerly direction along a stone wall;
thence in a northerly direction along the stone wall by land of Charles
M. Steele to a point of beginning on the Highway. Said field containing
10 acres, the same being deeded to Charles M. Steele and recorded Merrimack
County Records, Vol. 371 Page 426, deeded by Hannah P. Steele June 29,
1906. – Charles M. Steele
(M) 921-11 November 13, 1962
Roland R. and Louise S. LaFleur
of Epsom to John M. and Hilda J. Fulton, husband and wife of Epsom,
A tract of land known as a house lot in Epsom on the west side of the
Mountain Road, so called, bounded as follows: beginning at a steel post
set at the edge of the road on the north side of Blake’s brook and
running along said brook in a northerly direction to a steel pin, thence
in a north easterly direction 150 feet to a steel pin, thence in a south
easterly direction 225 feet to a steel pin set beside the Mountain Road,
thence in a southwesterly direction along said road to first mentioned
bound, a steel post beside of road an brook. Said land taken from the
land deeded to Roland R. LaFleur by Charles McClary Steele September 15.
1956. The same being deeded to Charles M. Steele 1906 by Hannah P. Steele
(M 371-426). – Roland E. and Louise S. LaFleur.
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