Lot # 14
This lot was drawn by Josiah
Foss, but the surveyors notes in the town records show it being
laid out to William Haynes Epsom, June 26th 1732 Laid out
to William Haines fifty acres of land taking it beginning on the south
side of East Street in said town and runs ESE 50 rods by said street then
south south west 160 rods then WNW 50 rods then NNE 160 rods to the place
where it first began. Entered this 5th day of April 1733, Joseph Simpson.
Laid out by Samuel Wallace, Thomas Berry, Richard Goss, James Marden,
committee. Samuel Blake bought it from Haynes in 1742, at that time
already being of Epsom with his father John owning the adjoining
lot to the west, which he sold to Samuel. Samuel Blake sold a small portion
to Ephraim Locke for which there is no deed. Ephraim Locke sold one acre
to Philip Stevens and Henry Moulton, both of Concord, coopers, in 1795.
This one acre became contested, with a committee being formed giving ownership
to Henry Moulton. Moulton sold half of it in 1815 to Thomas D. Merrill,
with the other half in possession of Benjamin M. and Andrew M. Heath.
Both these sections were sold to Benjamin Hall, mortgaged through Thomas
D. Merrill in 1830, which apparently was not made good on, as Benjamin
Hall moved to the mountain road, and Merrill, now of Concord, sold the
property in 1850 to John C. Morrill. Morrill sold to John S. Cate of Epsom
in 1855, and Cate resold the property in 1856 to Charles J. Brown, one
acre with the buildings thereon.
Another small portion near
the parsonagew as sold to Ebenezer Hazeltine, then minister of the town.
This piece apparently did not have any buildings as it passed through
various owners.
LOT #14
55-62 February 8, 1742
William Hains of Greenland, husbandman, to Samuel Blake of Epsom
A tract of land in Epsom containing by estimation 50 acres, bounded on
the south side of East Street then SSW one hundred and sixty rods then
WNW fifty rods, then NNE one hundred and sixty road to ye place where
it first begun, number 14, along with an 11th part of ye saw mill now
being in Epsom. Wm Haines.
195-126 July 13, 1789
Samuel Blake of Epsom, yeoman, to Ebenezer Hazeltine of Epsom, Clerk
A parcel of land in Epsom being a part of one of the home lots I said
town, to be taken off that home lot belonging to me, adjoining that lot
that is now the Parsonage to and on which the Parsonage building now stands,
said tract to take its beginning at the corner of the road that leads
from the main road over Sanborn Hill (so called) then running on said
road as the road is now laid out to the corner of my orchard, on the side
of said road, then to run a parallel line with the main road to the said
parsonage land, then northeast on the line between the parsonage and the
said 50 acre lot, to the main road, then on the main road to the first
mentioned bounds, reserving two acres which I sold to Lt. Ephraim Locke,
where said Lockes orchard now is, which is on the northeast corner
of said lot said tract to contain ten acres and a half be the same
more or less. Samuel (his mark) Blake
195-323 December 3, 1799
Ebenezer Hazeltine of Epsom, clerk, to John Chesley of Epsom, blacksmith
A piece of land in Epsom, the same being a part of one of the home lots
in said town and a part of the same land I bought of Samuel Blake
to take its beginning at the easterly corner of the road leading over
Sanborns Hill, then running easterly on the main road five rods,
then southwesterly a parallel line with the road leading over Sanborns
Hill carrying the width of five rods, so far as to contain one half acre.
Ebenezer Hazeltine.
195-326 October 12, 1811
John Chesley of Epsom blacksmith to Paul Pearson Downes of Newbury, MA,
Three parcels of land in Epsom; the first to take its beginning at the
northwesterly corner of the road leading from the main road over Sanborns
Hill then on the main road leading to Chichester to land formerly owned
by Amos Morrill, thence southwesterly on said Morrills line 20 rods
to the first mentioned bounds containing one acre and one half, and is
the same land I purchased of Samuel Blake 1799. [195-322]
Also one piece of land in Epsom being a part of one of the home lots to
take its beginning at the easterly corner of the road leading over Sanborns
Hill, thence running easterly on the main road 5 rods thence southwesterly
a parallel line with the road leading over Sanborns Hill carrying
the width of five rods so far as to contain one half acre and is the same
land I purchased of Ebenezer Hazeltine 1799. Also a third tract.
John Chesley
231-259 March 25, 1815
Paul Pearson Downer of Epsom, cordwainer, to John Batchelder Junior of
Epsom , schoolmaster,
Three parcels of land in Epsom; the first to take its beginning at the
northwesterly corner of the road leading from the main road over Sanborns
Hill then on the main road leading to Chichester to land formerly owned
by Amos Morrill, thence southwesterly on said Morrills line 20 rods
to the first mentioned bounds containing one acre and one half, and is
the same land I purchased of Samuel Blake 1799. [195-322]
Also one piece of land in Epsom being a part of one of the home lots to
take its beginning at the easterly corner of the road leading over Sanborns
Hill, thence running easterly on the main road 5 rods thence southwesterly
a parallel line with the road leading over Sanborns Hill carrying
the width of five rods so far as to contain one half acre and is the same
land I purchased of John Chesley Oct. 12, 1811. Also a third tract.
P. P. Downer and Hannah Downer, wife relinquishing dower.
230-216 March 6, 1821
John Bachelder of Epsom, husbandman to Isaac Towle of Epsom, husbandman
Three parcels of land in Epson; the first takes its beginning at the northwesterly
corner of the road leading from the main road over Sanborns Hill,
then on the main road leading to Chichester to lands formerly owned by
Amos Morrill and now in possession of Jeremiah Prescott, thence southwesterly
on said Morrills line 20 rods thence easterly to the road leading
over Sanborns Hill, thence northerly on said road to the aforementioned
bounds, containing one acre and one half--- one other piece, the same
being a part of one of the home lots in said town, to take its beginning
at the easterly corner of the road leading over Sanborns hill, thence
running easterly on the main road 5 rods, thence southwesterly a parallel
line with the road leading over Sanborns hill carrying the width
of 5 rods as far as to contain one half acre. Also 2 acres of land being
part of the home lot in possession of Francis Locke Junior, all the same
I purchased of Paul P. Downer. John Bachelder and Eliza Bachelder
195-127 April 23, 1811
Ebenezer Hazeltine, clerk, to Thomas D. Merrill of the same Epsom, trader,
A parcel of land in Epsom being part of one of the home lots in said town,
adjoining the Parsonage lot, to take its beginning at the corner of the
road which leads from the main road over Sanborns Hill, thence running
on said road to the corner of Samuel Blakes orchard to a stake and
stones on the east side of the road, then to run a parallel line with
the main road to the said Parsonage land, then northeasterly on the line
between the Parsonage lot and the said home lot, to the main road, then
on the main road to the bound first mentioned, reserving two acres in
the northeast corner deeded to Ephraim Lock by Samuel Blake and half an
acre deeded to Daniel Shaw in the northeast corner by Ebenezer Hazeltine,
reference to their deeds being had. Ebenezer Hazeltine
189-42 March 11, 1795
Ephraim Lock of Epsom, gentleman to Philip Stevens and Henry Moulton,
both of Concord, coopers,
A piece of land in Epsom to contain one acre to begin at Samuel Blakes
northeasterly corner near the meeting house, from thence southerly as
the home lots run 16 rods from thence westerly as the road runs 10 rods
or as so far as shall contain one acre, from thence to the road and from
thence 10 rods on said road to the place first mentioned. Ephraim
158-402 July 18, 1801
Philip Stevens of Epsom, cooper to Samuel Lock of the same Epsom, gentleman,
A piece of land in Epsom to contain one acre to begin at Samuel Blakes
northeasterly corner near the meeting house, from thence southerly as
the home lots run 16 rods from thence westerly as the road runs 10 rods
or as so far as shall contain one acre, from thence to the road and from
thence 10 rods on said road to the place first mentioned. Philip
172-440 August 27, 1805
Samuel Locke of Epsom, gentleman to Philip Stevens of Epsom, cooper
A piece of land in Epsom to contain one acre to begin at Samuel Blakes
northeasterly corner near the meetinghouse, from thence southerly as the
home lots run 16 rods, from thence westerly as the road runs 10 rods or
so far as shall contain one acre, from thence to the road and from thence
10 rods on said rod to the bounds first mentioned. Samuel Locke.
172-441 December 5, 1805
Philip Stevens of Epsom, cooper, to Joseph Lawrence of Epsom, yeoman
One piece of land in Epsom the same being one acre to begin at Samuel
Blakes northeasterly corner near the meeting house from thence southerly
as the same lots run 16 rods, from thence westerly as the road runs ten
rods or so far as shall contain one acre, from thence to the road and
from thence to 10 rods on said road to the first mentioned bounds.
Philip Stevens.
199-155 August 25, 1815
Henry Moulton of Dunbarton, cooper to Thomas D. Merrill of Epsom, trader,
A parcel of land in Epsom being a part of one of the home lots in said
Epsom formerly owned by Samuel Blake, taking its beginning at the corner
of land owned by Francis Locke on the road thence running easterly on
said road to stake and stones thence running southerly to stake and stone
16 rods to said Thomas D. Merrills land, thence westerly to Francis
Lockes land thence northerly to 16 rods to the bounds first mentioned,
to contain half an acre together with one half of the dwelling house (the
westerly half) situated contiguous to the above mentioned land and the
land on which said half of the dwelling house is situated. Henry Moulton.
LOT #14
(M) 7-242 March 19, 1825
Isaac Towle of Epsom, husbandman to Thomas D. Merrill of Epsom, Esq.
Three parcels of land in Epsom, the first beginning at the southwesterly
corner of the road leading over Sanborns hill, thence on the main
road through Epsom to land owned by James and Samuel Weeks, thence southerly
on said Weeks line 20 rods thence easterly to the road over said
Sandborns hill aforesaid, thence northerly on said road to the bounds
first mentioned---Also a piece of land on the easterly side of said hill
road adjoining said road bounded northerly on the main road easterly and
southerly on land of said Merrills, and one other tract.
Isaac Towle.
(M) 24-165 July 3, 1830
Thomas D. Merrill, Esq. to Benjamin Hall of Epsom, cooper
The westerly half of a certain house in Epsom standing on the southerly
side of the main road, and nearly opposite my present dwelling house,
meaning that part of said tenement which was set off the Henry Moulton
by Simon A. Heath and Richard H. Ayer, being a committee appointed to
make partition of the same between said Moulton and Joseph Lawrence. Also
the land on which said half of the house stands, also a coopers shop standing
near said house southerly. Thomas D. Merrill
(M) 24-164 July 3, 1830
Benjamin M. Heath and Andrew M. Heath of Epsom, yeoman, to Benjamin Hall
of Epsom, cooper
A tract of land in Epsom being part of one of the home lots (so called)
bounded as follows: taking its beginning by the main road through said
Epsom at the southeasterly corner of Thomas D. Merrills land, on
the southerly side of said road; thence running southerly as the home
lots runs 16 rods to a stake and stones and to land of said Thomas D.
Merrill, thence easterly by said Merrills land to the parsonage lot, thence
northerly as the said home lots run to the road, thence by said road to
the bounds first mentioned, to contain all the land which was set off
to Joseph Lawrence by a committee appointed to make the partition between
said Lawrence and Henry Moulton, together with the easterly half of the
house on said land as divided by said committee, said committee consisted
of Simon A. Heath and Richard H. Ayer, Esq. the land on which the westerly
half of said house stands is reserved. Benjamin M. Heath and Andrew M.
(M) 24-169 July 3, 1830
Benjamin M. Hall of Epsom, cooper, to Thomas D. Merrill, Esq.,
Mortgage Deed. Land in Epsom being part of one of the home lots, beginning
at the northwesterly corner of the parade grounds, near the meeting house,
thence running easterly by the main road to land owned by said Merrill,
thence southerly by said Merrills land 16 rods to a stake and stones,
thence easterly by said Merrills land to the parsonage lot, thence
northerly by the parsonage lot and the parade grounds to the bounds first
mentioned, to contain one half of an acre with all the buildings thereon.
Condition that if the said Hall shall pay to Thomas D. Merrill
the sum of 95 dollars in one year with interest from this date
(M) 105-97 August 24, 1850
Thomas D. Merrill of Concord, to John C. Morrill of Epsom, gentleman,
A tract of land in Epsom containing about one acre, bounded northerly
on the main road leading through Epsom, westerly on land of John C. Hall,
southerly on land of Samuel and Simon A. H. Weeks and easterly on the
parade ground and on land of the heirs of Hanover Dickey, deceased, together
with the buildings thereon..excepting and reserving an old shed attached
to the easterly part of the barn and also reserving the crops on said
land excepting the hay. - Thomas D. and Ann G. Merrill
(M) 127-99 August 11, 1855
John C. Morrill of Epsom, shoe maker to John S. Cate, yeoman
A parcel of land in Epsom containing one acre more or less on the southerly
side of the old road running from Epsom to Deerfield and bounded as follows:
northerly by said old road, westerly by land owned by Augustus Morrill,
southerly by land owned by Samuel and S. A. H. Weeks and easterly by land
of John C. Hall and the parade ground and is the same conveyed to my by
Thomas D. Merrill. It being understood by the parties that I reserve one
half of all the crops now standing and growing on said premises for my
own use or for the benefit of my family. John C. and Emeline H.
(M) 134-216 August 9, 1856
John S. Cate and Jane M. Cate, wife, to Charles J. Brown of Epsom,
Land in Epsom bounded as follows: beginning on the main road running from
Chichester to Deerfield at the north east corner of land owned by Augustus
Morrill, thence running south by said Morrills land to land owned
by Samuel and S. A. H. Weeks, thence easterly by said Weeks land
to land owned by John C. Hall; thence north by said Halls land to
the main road, thence west by said road to the first mentioned bounds
to contain one acre, together with the buildings thereon being the same
deeded to me by John C. Morrill. John S. and Jane M. Cate.
(M) 469-132 April 24, 1924
Charles W. Brown of Worcester, MA, to Edwin L. Bunker of Epsom,
A parcel of land in Epsom bounded as follows: beginning at the northeasterly
corner of land now or formerly owned by Samuel Weeks, on the south side
of the main road (so called) leading from Chichester to Deerfield; thence
running southerly as the fence now runs on the easterly side of said Weeks
land to the northerly side of land now or formerly owned by Daniel G.
Chesley; thence easterly as the fence now runs on the northerly side of
said Chesley's land to the westerly side of land now or formerly owned
by John C. Hall; thence northerly on the westerly side of the land of
said Hall as the fence now runs to a point of turning; thence easterly
along the northerly side of said Hall's land to the westerly side of the
Common (so called) thence along the westerly side of the Common to the
Main Road aforesaid; thence along the southerly side of the aforesaid
Main Road to the point first names to contain therein 8 acres together
with all of the buildings thereon. - Charles W. and Isabella E. Brown
OUT LOT #17 fourth range (
orig of home lot 11)
41-130 Nov. 20, 1751
Samuel Black of Epsom to Joseph Pallet of Hampton
PHOTO : Home of C.J.

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