Home-Lot # 12

The original proprietor of this lot was William Wallace and he also drew the 30 acre out lot. By 1754 the home lot was in the hands of his son Samuel, as in his father’s will he is given a token of money as ‘his portion having already been given.’ He sells the lot to Thomas Bickford in 1754, and according to John Mark Moses, Thomas Bickford was ‘of Epsom’ when he exchanged his property for home lot number 13. He lived there until 1764, and during that time, his neighbor, Samuel Blake, married his sister. Thomas Bickford sold 35 acres of the home lot to Eliphalet and Reuben Sanborn which adjoined their property on Sanborn Hill. Three years later he sold the other 25 acres to Abner Clough of Nottingham, land on which he now lived. Thomas Bickford was apparently still living on the lot when Clough eventually sold the property to Thomas Ward, who sold it to Francis Locke of Rye.

William sold the 30 acre out lot, #18 in the fourth range to John Libbey in 1760 and next appears in the hands of Andrew McClary as part of the estate of John Hubbard. Hubbard did have other holdings in Epsom, yet few deeds remain.


61-70 December 17, 1754
Samuel Wallis of Barrington, gentleman to Thomas Bickford of Epsom, husbandman,
A piece of land being in Epsom of 50 acres of home lot in Number 13, lying and bounding westwards of Samuel Blake, 50 rods by the road running from a white oak tree from end to end, westerly side of said lots are butted and bounded as they were first laid out there unto being now had.

68-132 August 11, 1761
Thomas Bickford of Epsom, yeoman to Eliphalet Sanborn of Epsom, gentleman,
Part of a lot of land being No. 12 lying on the main road bounded as follows: beginning at the southern most end of said lot bounded of Eliphalet and Reuben Sanborn’s land running northwardly ye width of the said lot until it completed 35 acres and there bounded upon said Bickford, eastwardly bounded on Samuel Blake’s land, westward on Common as proprietor’s lands. – Thomas Bickford.

73-537 November 20, 1764
Thomas Bickford of Epsom, yeoman to Abner Clough of Nottingham, yeoman,
About 25 acres of land where I now live in Epsom with the buildings thereon the same bounded as follows: about westerly and northerly upon the road that leads thro Epsom to Gilmanton and Chichester about easterly on land of Samuel Blake, about southerly on land I sold to Lieut. Eliphalet Sanborn, about westerly on land of Mr. Tuck, which land I bought of Mr. Samuel Wallace. – Thomas Bickford.

97-209 May 1, 1769
Abner Clough of Nottingham, yeoman to Thomas Ward of Epsom,
Abouth 25 acres of land being that parcel of land I bought of Thomas Bickford of Epsom and whereon he the said Bickford now has his residence and is bounded westerly and northerly upon the road that leads through Epsom to Gilmanton and Chichester, easterly on land of Samuel Blake and southerly on land of Eliphalet Sanborn and westerly on land of Mr. Tuck sold to the said Thomas Ward. – Abner Clough – an appeared June 27, 1769, Mary Clough ye wife of Abner Clough and being separately and apart from her said husband, freely gives up her right of dower thirds in the same.

105-412 May 13, 1773
Thomas Ward of Epsom, yeoman to Francis Lock of Rye, yeoman,
Two tracts of land, one 52 acres, the other piece bounded as follows: Easterly on land in possession of Samuel Black (Blake) southerly on land in possession of Eliphalet Sanborn, westerly on the land above mentioned (the first tract), northerly on the main road, containing 18 acres be the same more or less. – Thomas Ward and Anna (her mark) Ward.


61-14 February 14, 1760
William Wallis of Greenland, yeoman to John Libbee of Epsom, husbandman,
A lot of land in Epsom containing 30 acres as it is laid out No. 18 in ye fourth range to ye original right of William Wallis. – William (his mark) Wallis

79-464 July 7, 1767
Andrew McClary of Epsom, administrator to the estate of John Hubards, late of Epsom deceased,by order of the Judge of Probate of Wills, gentleman to Obediah Marston of Deerfield, yeoman,
A parcel of land in Epsom being two thirty acre lots as they were laid out being lot No. 18 and 19 in the fourth range originally belong to George Wallas and Wm. Wallas, lying upon ye north west side of ye road that now leads to Newmarket so called, both lots containing 82 acres and part of the lot 105 in the third range – Andrew McClary.