Originally published in 1823. Second publishing
Epsom, a post-town in the county of Merrimack, in
latitude 43 degrees 12 rain. North, lies 12 miles
East from Concord. It is bounded North by Pittsfield,
South by Allenstown, East by Deerfield and Northwood,
and West by Chichester and Pembroke. The town is
6 miles long and 4 1/2 broad. It derives its name
from a market town in the county of Surry, England,
about 16 miles from London.
Epsom was granted to Theodore Atkinson and other
inhabitants of New Castle, Rye, and Greenland, on
the 18th of May 1727. Theodore Atkinson, Joshua
Frost, and Captain Samuel Weeks were authorized
by the charter to call the first meeting of the
proprietors, which was holden at the ferry-house
in New Castle, November 20, 1727. No meeting was
holden in the town for the choice of town officers,
etc., til 1743. Previous to this time, and afterwards,
till 1750, the concerns of the town were transacted
by the proprietors at the meetings holden at New
Castle and Portsmouth.
There are no records to be found, which show the
precise time when the first settlement was commenced.
But it appears from various facts, that there was
a number of families in town a considerable time
before its incorporation.
Among the first, who began settlement in the town
were Charles M'Coy from Londonderry; William Blazo,
a Frenchman; Andrew M'Clary, grandfather of General
Michael M'Clary, from Londonderry in Ireland; one
Whitaker, and Samuel Blake, generally called Sergeant
M'Coy built a house on the North side of what is
now called Sanborn's hill; and thence extended his
farm by spotting the trees round upon the mountain,
which will probably always bear his name. A daughter
of his, Mrs. Wood and the first child born in the
town, is still living. She is now as nearly as can
be ascertained, in her 93d year. Sergeant Blake
commenced a settlement not far from McCoy's land
now owned by one of his sons. He cam into town at
the age of fifteen, several years after which time,
his father, Lieutenant Blake, also moved in. For
some time after Sergeant Blake came, locations for
the best farms might be obtained for little more
than paying for the labor of spotting the trees
around them. When he made his purchase, he obtained
considerably more than the farm now owned by Mr.
Samuel Blake, (probably more than 100 acres for
ten shillings, and turned in his jackknife for one
shilling of that sura. The only place he had for
baking, for several years was an oven built upon
a flat rock which till lately lay by the road near
Mr. Isaac Towle's barn; but is now split and hammered,
and forms part of the underpinning of the dwelling
house of Samuel Peabody, Esq.
In the early days of the town, the inhabitants were
kept in a state of almost continual alarm by the
incursions of the Indians. For a considerable time
after the settlement was commenced, only the men
ventured to remain in the place during the summer
season: and then they must keep their arms by them,
while they labored on their lands. During the winter,
there was much less danger from the Indians. Even
long after the men had removed their families into
the place, so feeble was their defense against the
attacks of their savage neighbors, that when ever
any immediate danger was apprehended, they either
sent their families away or fled with them to the
garrison at Nottingham. At length a house was erected
by Captain Andrew McClary within the limits of the
town, and near the present residence of Mr. Joseph
Lawrence; which was made proof against the assaults
of the Indians, being surrounded by a high wooden
wall, entered by a heavy, well secured gate. Thither
the inhabitants fled at night, whenever danger was
The Indians were first attracted to the new settlements
in the town by discovering McCoy at Suncook, now
Pembroke. This, as nearly as can be ascertained,
was in the year 1747. Reports were spread of the
depredations of the Indians in various places; and
McCoy had heard that they had been seen lurking
about the woods at Penacook, now Concord. He went
as far as Pembroke; ascertained that they were in
the vicinity; was somewhere discovered by them and
followed home. They told his wife, whom they afterwards
made prisoner, that they looked through cracks around
the house, and saw what they had for supper that
night. They however did not discover themselves
till the second day afterwards. They probably wished
to take a little time to learn the strength and
preparation of the inhabitants. The next day Mrs.
McCoy, attended by their two dogs, went down to
see if any of the other families had returned from
the garrison. She found no one. On her return, as
she was passing the block-house, which stood near
the present site of the meeting house, the dogs,
which had passed around it, came running back growling
and very much excited. Their appearance induced
her to make the best of her way home. The Indians
afterwards told her that they then lay concealed
there and saw the dogs when they came around.
McCoy, being now strongly suspicious that the Indians
were actually in town, determined to set off the
next day with his family for the garrison at Nottingham.
His family now consisted of himself, his wife and
son John. The younger children were still at the
garrison. They accordingly secured their house as
well as they could, and all set off next morning:
-McCoy and his son with their guns, though without
ammunition, having fired away what they brought
with them in hunting.
As they were travelling a little distance East of
the place where the meeting house now stands, Mrs.
McCoy fell a little in the rear of the others. This
circumstance gave the Indians a favorable opportunity
for separating her from her husband and son. The
Indians, three men and a boy, lay in ambush near
the foot of Marden's hill, not far from the junction
of the mountain road with the main road. Here they
suffered McCoy and son to pass; but as his wife
was passing them they reached from the bushes, and
took hold of her, charging her to make no noise,
and covering her mouth with their hands, as she
cried to her husband for assistance. Her husband,
hearing her cries, turned, and was bout coming to
her relief. But he no sooner began to advance, than
the Indians, expecting probably that he would fire
upon them, began to raise their pieces, which she
pushed one side, and motioned to her friends to
make their escape, knowing that they would doubtless
be killed if they approached. They accordingly ran
into the woods and made their escape to the garrison.
This took place August 21, 1747.
The Indians collected together what booty they could
obtain, which consisted of an iron trammel, from
Mr. George Wallace's; the apples of the only tree
which bore in town, which was in the orchard now
owned by Mr. David Griffin, and some other trifling
articles, and prepared to set off with their prisoner
for Canada.
Before they took their departure, they conveyed
Mrs. McCoy to a place near the little Suncook river,
where they left her in the care of the young Indian,
while the three men, whose names were afterwards
ascertained to be Plausawa (1), Sabatis and Christ!,
went away, and were for some time absent. During
their absence, Mrs. McCoy thought of attempting
to make her escape. She saw opportunities, when
she thought she might despatch the young Indian
with the trummel, which, with other things was left
with them, and thus perhaps avoid some strange and
barbarous death, or a long and distressing captivity.
But, on the other hand, she knew not at what distance
the others were. If she attempted to kill her young
keeper, she might fail. If she effected her purpose
in this, she might be pursued and overtaken by a
cruel and revengeful foe, and then some dreadful
death would be her certain portion. On the whole,
she thought best to endeavor to prepare her mind
to bear what might be no more , than a period of
savage captivity. Soon, however , the Indians returned,
and put an end for the present to all thoughts of
escape. From the direction in which they went and
returned, and from their smutty appearance, she
suspected what their business had been. She told
them "she guessed they had been burning her
house." Plausawa, who could speak some broken
English, informed her they had. (2)
They now commenced their long and tedious journey
to Canada, in which the poor captive might well
expect that great and complicated suffering would
be her lot. She did indeed find the journey fatiguing
and her fare scant and precarious. But, in her treatment
from the Indians, she experienced a vary agreeable
disappointment. The kindness she received from them
was far greater then she had expected from those
who were so often distinguished for their cruelties.
The apples they had gathered they saved for her,
giving her one every day. In this way they lasted
her as far on the way as Lake Champlain. They gave
her the last, as they were crossing that lake in
their canoes. This circumstance gave to the tree
on which the apples grew the name of "Isabella's
tree," her name being Isabella. In many ways
did they appear desirous of mitigating the distresses
of their prisoner while on their tedious journey.
When night came on, and they halted to repose themselves
in the dark wilderness, Plausawa, the head man would
make a little couch in the leaves a little way from
theirs, cover her up with his own blanket; and there
she was suffered to sleep undisturbed till morning.
When they came to a river, which must be forded,
one of them would carry her over on his back. Nothing
like insult or indecency did they ever offer her
during the whole time she was with them.. They carried
her to Canada, and sold her as a servant to a French
family, whence, at the close of that war, she returned
home. But so comfortable was her condition there,
and her husband being a man of rather a rough and
violent temper, she declared she never should have
thought of attempting the journey home, were it
not for the sake of her children.
After the capture of Mrs. McCoy, the Indians frequently
visited the town but never committed any very great
depredations. The greatest damage they ever did
to the property of the inhabitants was the spoiling
of all the ox-teams in town. At the time referred
to, there were but four yoke of oxen in the place,
viz. McCoy's, Captain McClary's, George Wallace's,
and Lieutenant Blake's. It was a time of apprehension
from the Indians; and the inhabitants had therefore
all fled to the garrison at Nottingham. They left
their oxen to graze about the woods, with a bell
upon one of them. The Indians found them; shot one
out of each yoke; took out their tongues, made prize
of the bell and left them.
The ferocity and cruelty of the savages were doubtless
very much averted by a friendly, conciliating course
of conduct in the inhabitants towards them. This
was particularly the case in the course pursued
by Sergeant Blake. Being himself a curious marksman
and an expert hunter, traits of character in their
view of the highest order, he soon secured their
respect; and, by a course of kind treatment, he
secured their friendship to such a degree, that
though they had opportunities, they would not injure
him even in time of war.
The first he ever saw of them was a company of them
making towards his house, through the opening from
the top of Sanborn's hill. He fled to the woods
and there lay concealed, till they had made a thorough
search about his house and enclosures, and had gone
off. The next time his visitors came he was constrained
to become more acquainted with them and to treat
them with more attention. As he was busily engaged
towards the close of the day in completing a yard
for his cow, the declining sun suddenly threw a
long several enormous shadows on the ground before
him. He had no sooner turned to see the cause, than
he found himself in the company of a number of stately
Indians. Seeing his perturbation, they patted him
on the head and told him "not to be afraid,
for they would not hurt him." They then went
with him into his house; and their first business
was to search all his bottles to see if he had any
"occapee," rum. They then told him they
were very hungry, and wanted something to eat. He
happened to have a quarter of a bear which he gave
them. They took it and threw it whole upon the fire,
and very soon began to cut and eat from it half
raw. While they were eating, he employed himself
in cutting pieces from it and broiling upon a stick
for them, which please them very much. After their
repast, they wished for the privilege of lying by
his fire through the night, which he granted. The
next morning, they proposed trying skill with him
in firing at a mark. To his he acceded. But in this,
finding themselves outdone, they were much astonished
and chagrined; nevertheless they highly commended
him for his skill, patting him on the head and telling
him "if he would go off with them, they would
make him their big captain." They used often
to call upon him, and his kindness to them they
never forgot even in time of war.
Plausawa had a peculiar manner of doubling his lip
and producing a very shrill piercing whistle, which
might be heard a great distance. At a time when
considerable danger was apprehended from the Indians,
Blake went off into the woods alone, though considered
hazardous, to look for his cow that was missing.
As he was passing along by Sinclair's brook, an
unfreguented place, northerly from McCoy's mountain;
a very loud sharp whistle, which he knew to be Plausawa's
suddenly passed through his head like the report
of a pistol. The sudden alarm almost raised him
from the ground; and, with a very light step, he
soon reached home without his cow. In more peaceable
times, Plausawa asked him if he did not remember
the time, and laughed very much to think how he
ran at the fright, and told him the reason for his
whistling. "Young Indian," said he, "put
up gun to shoot Englishman. Me knock it down, and
whistle to start you off." So lasting is their
friendship, when treated well. At the close of the
wars the Indians built several wigwams near the
confluence of Wallace's brook with the Great Suncook.
On a little island in this river, near the place
called "Short Falls," one of them lived
for considerable time. Plausawa and Sabatis were
finally both killed in time of peace by one of the
whites after a drunken guarrel and buried near a
certain brook in Boscawen.
The surface of the town is generally uneven; the
land freguently rising into considerable hills.
Four of the highest eminences have received the
name of mountains.
McCoy's, named after Charles McCoy, one of the first
settlers, lies about one mile and a half South from
the center of the town.
Fort Mountain, probably so called from having an
eminence near the summit, resembling a fort, lies
about one mile further in a Southwest direction,
and is the highest of the four. This is probably
the highest land in the same parallel of latitude
between the ocean and Merrimack river. From its
summit, in a clear atmosphere, the ocean may be
distinctly seen, though distant about thirty miles
in a direct line, and for fifteen or twenty miles,
the beholder has a very full view of the surrounding
Nat's mountain, is situated about half a mile South
of the last mentioned one. It was so named from
the circumstance, that Nathaniel, one of McCoy's
children, who had been lost in the woods while searching
for the cows, was found upon it. It is said he was
absent several days, and subsisted during that time
upon berries; and that, when first discovered, he
was disposed to flee from those who came to his
Nottingham mountain, so named from its being crossed
by the ancient Nottingham, (now Deerfield) line,
lies about half a mile easterly from Fort mountain.
In this mountain, on the Deerfield side, is said
to be a small cave capable of containing twenty
or thirty persons at the same time.
The Great and Little Suncook are the only streams,
which deserve the name of rivers. These seldom fail
to afford abundant water for the various kinds of
machinery that situated upon them. The Great Suncook
never fails; though the other does in very dry seasons.
The Great Suncook enters the town from the North;
and, bending its course South-westerly, unites with
the Merrimack at Pembroke. The Little Suncook enters
the town from the East, a few rods below the pond
of the same name, from which it runs; and proceeding
in a pretty direct course West-ward near the center
of the town, unites with the river first mentioned.
There are but three in the town, and these are small.
Their names are Chestnut, Round and Odiorne's pond.
Under this division may be mentioned the following,
Quartz: This occurs of the common kind, both amorphous
and crystallized. That variety called limped quartz
is not infrequent. It is sometimes found in beautiful
prismatic six-sided crystals as transparent as the
purest glass, and terminated generally only at one
end by six-sided pyramids, this variety is frequently
termed rock crystal. Dr. Crosby has a beautiful
crystal of considerable size surrounded on all sides
by numerous smaller ones.
Of ferruginous quarts, the varieties yellow and
red have been noticed with crystals of the same
form with those mentioned above.
Feldspar of the common kind, often occurs in large
crystals in a course-grained granite. The crystals
are either white or tinged with yellow. The granular
variety is sometimes found, especially where the
soil is moist.
Mica is very abundantly diffused among the rocks,
and often occurs in large crystals.
Schorl is very abundant. Two varieties have been
observed. 1, common schorl. Its color is a shining
black, and the crystals often very large: 2, Tourmaline.
This was found at the foot of Fort mountain, in
long, finely striated prismatic crystals, slightly
imbedded in a very coarse, rough granite. The color,
viewed in the direction of the axis of the prism,
is greenish blue; but at the edges of the crystal,
where it is translucent, it is green.
Garnets of a small size and pale red color, are
often found imbedded in the rocks.
Iron in the form of brown oxide, is found in small
quantities. Sulphurate of iron appears to have entered
largely into the composition of many of the rocks;
but it is most frequently noticed in its decomposed
state, forming sulphate of iron, or copperas.
Lead. It is said that the Indians, in one of their
visits at Sergeant Blake's , requested him to give
them some lead for making balls. He told them he
had no lead but he had a mould for running balls.
They went away, and after a short time returned
with a quantity of ore, from which they extracted
considerable of lead. They appeared generally to
have lead in abundance, and Sergeant Blake frequently
afterwards purchased it of them. They would never
tell the particular place where they obtained the
ore. They said they got it in Wallace's brook, near
which they had several wigwams. This brook rises
in McCoy's mountain and runs Northwesterly into
the Great Suncook. Col. Prescott once found a small
quantity of lead ore in, or near the Great Suncook.
Silver. Some of the aged people relate that after
a great freshet, a quantity of silver, of which
a spoon was made, was found by one Simonds in a
small stream, called Deer brook, which issues from
the South side of Fort mountain. It is not known
that any has been found since.
The hilly surface of the town, and numerous streams,
rendered it very favorable for that kind of machinery
which requires the power of water. Within the limits
of the town are eight grist mills with twelve runs
of stones; ten saw-mills; three carding machines;
three clothiers' shops; and four bark mills.
There are within the limits of the town, six taverns
and as many stores, at which there is more or less
of such business transacted as is commonly connected
with similar establishments.
The disease of the inhabitants have generally been
such as might be expected to be incident to particular
ages and circumstances. I do not learn from any
physician who has ever practiced in the town, that
a disease which might properly be called epidemic,
has ever made its appearance. The town had been
settled 30 years before a father of a family died.
The first man buried in the oldest grave yard, (that
by the meeting-house) was William Blazo. The whole
number of deaths during Mr. Haseltine's ministry
of 30 years, was 286, making an average of 9 1/2
annually. Average number for 3 years past is 16
3/8. The whole number of deaths during that period
is 131. The present population is 1336. A person
died a few year since, Mrs. Elizabeth Pitman, whose
age lacked but a few days of 100 years. Hon. John
McClary, who had filled the office of town clerk,
representative and senator, was instantly killed
December 13, 1821, by the falling timber, while
assisting in the raising of a frame.
The town is divided into seven school districts,
in which about 500 dollars are annually expended.
Library. There is a social library in town,
consisting of about 100 volumes of books pretty
judiciously selected; though not containing the
writings of any very late authors or any of these
useful periodical publications upon religion, agriculture,
etc., which are very desirable for such associations.
Ecclesiastical Summary. Early provision was
made for the establishment of religious order, and
the instruction of the rising generation. Two of
the conditions of the charter were, "That a
house be built for the public worship of God within
the term of six years:" and, "That one
hundred acres of land be reserved for a parsonage,
one hundred acres for the first minister of the
Gospel, and one hundred for the benefit of the school."
A period of 34 years elapsed before a minister was
settled. Rev. John Tucke was ordained in the year
1761, and dismissed in 1774. He died while on his
way to join the revolutionary army as chaplain.
He was a son of Rev. John Tucke, of Gosport, a faithful
and much respected minister of the Gospel, and was
a graduate of Harvard University. I can find no
records of the church during Mr. Tucke's ministry;
but the number of the church at the close of his
ministry, as nearly as I can ascertain from the
aged members, was about twenty.
Five years after the dismission of Mr. Tucke, (in
1779,) Mr. Benjamin Thurston received a call by
the church and town to settle as their minister;
but he saw fit to answer their call in the negative.
The people remained destitute of the stated ordinances
of the Gospel till the year 1784. This year Rev.
Ebenezer Haseltine was ordained their pastor by
vote of the church and town. The following memoir
of Mr. Haseltine I find in a note subjoined to the
sermon preached at his funeral by the late Rev.
Isaac Smith of Gilmanton. Mr. Smith says of him,
"He did not run before he was sent, as is the
case with too many of all denominations; but waited
till he got satisfaction in his own mind, of his
gracious state; and came into the ministry by the
regular door, with proper credentials. Mr. Haseltine
was born at Methuen, in Massachusetts, October 28,
1755, entered Dartmouth College in 1773, was examined
with respect to his qualifications for the Gospel
minister, by the Grafton Presbytery; was approved
and took licence to preach, July 24, 1779 and was
settled in the work of the ministry at Epsom, January
21, 1784. The following sketch of the experimental
and religious exercises of mind, which he did previous
to his making a public profession, I had, (said
Mr. Smith,) from one of his intermit friends. He
observes, that in free conversation, Mr. Haseltine
gave him the following relation:
"That he had been under serious impressions,
at times from his youth; but he had no abiding or
effectual convictions until he was a member of the
college. At that time he was under a very powerful
impression which he termed a law work, and believed
that he then experienced regenerating grace. He
spake of the deep and solemn sense he had of the
entire depravity of the human heart, his utter dependence
on the mercy of God for salvation, and his only
hope being in and through the merit of the Lord
Jesus Christ. That his evidences of a change of
heart, which he considered essential to future happiness,
were so clear that he was induce to make an open
profession of religion and joined the church at
Hanover. By this it appears that Mr. Haseltine viewed
satisfactory evidence of the new birth, as essentially
necessary in order to church membership, or the
work of the ministry." Mr. Smith, who was one
of his contemporaries, and often a companion with
him in the labors and duties of the Gospel, further
says of him, "He was sound in the faith; a
thorough Calvinist in sentiment. He distinguished
clearly the doctrines of grace from those errors
which prevail in the present day, and solemnly warned
the people against them. The Bible was the man of
his counsel; he drew his sermons from that pure
source of Divine truth. His discourses were correct,
substantial, instructive and evangelical, calculated
to edify, strengthen and comfort the real Christian,
and at the same time to detect and expose the hollow-hearted,
hypocritical professor, and lay before him the danger
and certainty of his perishing in that state; also
to awaken the careless and secure sinner, to a sense
of his sin and misery, and to point out to him the
necessity of immediate repentance and faith in the
blood of Christ as the only way of escape from the
wrath to come."
But a few extract from his sermons may show more
clearly the manner in which he viewed and exhibited
the doctrines of the gospel. The following extract
is from one of his manuscript sermons from the text,
"He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting
life." "Upon man's apostacy from God,
he lost his Maker's image and incurred his righteous
displeasure, and became an enemy to his Maker, who
is the Lord of hosts. The carnal mind is said to
be "enmity against God, and is not subject
to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then
says the apostle, they that are in the flesh cannot
please God." This carnality of mind appears
in pride and haughtiness of spirit, and opposition
to the God-exalting and creature-abasing doctrines
of the law and gospel, which must be pulled down,
before persons will see and be convinced of their
deplorable situation by nature, and the necessity
of believing in a Savior provided for their relief."
Further on he says, "They (the unbelieving
Jews) took him (Christ) to be a mere man only. They
would not believe that he had the divinity conjoined
with his humanity. A belief that there was and is
such a person is absolutely necessary, and without
such a belief, we can by no means be said to believe
on the Son. But, 2dly, (says he) believing on the
Son pre-supposes a true sense of our need and necessities,
and also a sense of his suitableness to our wants.
But, (he adds) 3dly, believing on Christ implies
such a faith as makes application of his righteousness
to us for justification."
His views respecting the leading doctrines of the
Bible may be still more extensively seen from an
extract from the printed sermon preached by him
at the ordination of Rev. David L. Morril of Goffstown.
"The wicked heart, (he observes) will bear
very well, to hear that human nature is partially
depraved -that the old man wants some patching up
-that man cannot guite save himself -that the praise
for salvation shall be divided between Christ and
the sinner, and perhaps, that Christ shall have
the greater part. The corrupt hear can very well
bear to hear, that God is a Being, exalted somewhat
above man; and, perhaps, that he knows past, present
and future events. -But the total moral depravity
of the human heart; its total opposition to God;
it being entirely destitute of holy, moral exercise;
that the carnal mind is enmity against God; is not
subject to his law, neither indeed can be ; so then
they that are in the flesh cannot please God; that
mankind are naturally in a stat of spiritual dath,
dead in trespasses and sin; that God is a universal
Sovereign, infinite in every perfection and incapable
of an increase or decrease of knowledge, or any
other perfection, whose plan was laid from eternity;
that all the wheels of Divine Providence are moving
on in exact regularity and order, for the accomplishment
of that perfect eternal plan; that he worketh all
things after the counsel of his own will; that all
events will terminate in his own glory, or in the
clearest way possible, display his own most glorious
perfections; the doctrine of personal eternal election;
the doctrine of the Divine decrees; the absolute
necessity of regeneration, and that this is effected
by the special operations of the Divine spirit on
the mind of sinners; that the tree must be made
good before the fruit can be good - are important
truths, revealed in the Bible, which are calculated
to afford pain to wicked hearts, because unregenerate
persons are opposed to them. These doctrines are
so evidently and plainly exhibited in the sacred
pages, and if we disbelieve them, we disbelieve
the Bible."
Such were his views of the doctrines of Bible.
But while he from time to time, exhibited in his
discourses the great leading truths comprised in
the foregoing extracts; still these were not dwelt
upon to the exclusion of the more practical duties
of religion. Upon these he frequently and strongly
insisted. Nor was his own example wanting to give
them importance and attractiveness. Mr. Smith says
of him, in the sermon above referred to, "He
not only preached sound doctrine, but insisted on
the necessity of experimental and practical religion,
as essential in the Christian character; and was
himself a bright example of those moral and religious
duties he inculcated upon others. He was a man of
great modesty and diffidence, unassuming in his
carriage among his own people and others; a man
of strict integrity and uprightness in all his dealings;
a man of a quiet spirit; a promoter of peace and
love among all; a man of hospitality and charity
so far as his ability permitted; kind and friendly
to all mankind; and inconsequence of his virtues,
was respected by all his acquaintance." Such
is the character given him by one who knew him well.
Two of his sermons were printed; the one above mentioned
at the ordination of Mr. Morril, and a sermon addressed
to you people. During his ministry, 87 were added
to the church; and 363 received the ordinance of
He was called from his labors by death, November
10, 1813, in the 59th year of his age, and 30th
of his ministry.
About one year after the death of Mr. Haseltine,
the church invited Rev. Jonathan Curtis to take
the pastoral charge of them. In this, the town refused
to concur. A religious society was then formed,
who expressed their concurrence with the church.
Rev. Jonathan Curtis, the present minister, having
manifested his acceptance to their call, was accordingly
ordained February 22, 1815. At his settlement the
church consisted of 50 members. During the first
year after this 6 were added to the communion of
the church. The next year 11 more were added. In
1817, 16 were added. About this time, God saw fit
to awaken, in an unusual degree, the attention of
many. Much anxiety was manifested to understand
what the Bible requires, and to be where Christians
prayed. Nothing, however, like enthusiasm, or tumult
was exhibited by those who felt interested in divine
things. But the general operations of God's Spirit,
were to show the creature, by the light of the sacred
word, his sin and danger; to point him to Christ
the only deliverer; and to dispose him, humbly,
cordially, and than fully to receive him. So extensively
were the divine influences experienced (as we may
hope in most instances) that the next year, 1818,
the church was increased by 47. There were 29 at
the same time solemnly covenanting with God and
his people. Every year since that revival, there
has been some additions, thought some years the
number has been small. The whole number added to
the church since 1815 is 97. The whole number of
members at the present time is 115. Since 1815,
parents in the church in imitation of those who
brought their children to Christ, when he was on
earth, and whose conduct he approved, have brought
to the arms of that Savior, with whom they trust
their own souls, 101 of their children, to seek
for them an interest in the blood of sprinkling;
and have solemnly promised to use their best endeavors
to train them up for God. The church is very happily
united in their religious sentiments, and harmonious
in all their ecclesiastical proceedings.
Their views of the great truths of the Bible, are
what are generally termed Calvinistick.
The officers acknowledged by the church, for their
instructions, regulation and government, are pastors
or ministers and deacons. The have now one pastor
and two deacons. The latter are Dea. Ira Sanborn
and Dea. David Locke. The church has never had any
written articles of faith, to which the members
have subscribed; though it has always been understood
that the Cambridge Platform comprises the substance
of their faith and practice, and before admission
to the church, the candidates are examined with
respect to their doctrinal belief.
The most ancient church covenant which stands on
record, and which remains the same with little abridgement,
and some verbal alterations is the following:
"We, whose names are hereunto subscribed, apprehending
ourselves called of God into the church state of
the gospel, do first of all confess ourselves unworthy
to be so highly favored of the Lord, and admire
that free and rich grace of his, which triumphs
over so great unworthiness; and then with an humble
reliance on the aids of grace therein promised for
those that, in a sense of their inability to do
any good thing, do humbly wait on him for all; we
now thankfully lay hold on his covenant; and will
choose the things that please him.
We declare our serious belief of the Christian religion,
as contained in the sacred Scriptures; and, with
such a view thereof, as the confession of faith
in our churches has exhibited, heartily resolving
to conform our lives unto the rules of that holy
religion as long as we live in the world, we give
up ourselves unto the Lord Jehovah, who is the Father,
and the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and avouch him
this day to be our God, our Father, our Saviour,
and our Leader, and receive him as our portion forever.
We give up ourselves unto the blessed Jesus, who
is the Lord Jehovah, and adhere to him as the head
of his people, in the covenant of grace; and rely
on him as our Priest and our prophet, and our King,
to bring us to eternal blessedness. We acknowledge
our everlasting and indispensable obligations to
glorify our God in all the duties of a godly, and
sober, and righteous life; and very particularly
in the duties of a church state, as a body of people
associated for obedience to him in all the ordinances
of the gospel; and we thereupon depend upon his
gracious assistance for our faithful discharge of
the duties thus incumbent on us. We desire and intend
(with dependence on his promised and powerful grace,)
we engage to walk together as a church of the Lord
Jesus Christ in the faith and order of the gospel
so far as we shall have the sme revealed to us;
conscientiously attending the public worship of
God, the sacraments of his new Testament; the discipline
of his kingdom, and all his holy instructions in
communion with one another; and watching for the
avoiding sinful stumbling blocks and contentions,
as becomes a people, whom the Lord has bound up
together in the bundle of life. At the same time
we do also present our offspring with us unto the
Lord, purposing with his help, to do our part in
the method of religious education, that they may
be the Lord's. And all this we do, flying to the
blood of the everlasting covenant of the pardon
of our many errors, and praying that the glorious
Lord, who is the great Shepherd, would prepare and
strengthen us for every good work to do his will,
working in us that which shall be well pleasing
to him, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen."
The town is divided into various religious denominations
but, except the Congregational, I know not that
there has ever been any other church or society
formed in the town.
The person here referred to is the father of Gen.
Michael McClary. In the early days of the town,
he was regarded as one of the most active, useful
and virtuous citizens. When his father removed from
Londonderry, in Ireland to this country, John was
but six years old; and Elizabeth Harvey, who afterwards
became his wife, and was from the same place, was
but three. Though unassisted by the great advantages
of education, which many at this day enjoy; he notwithstanding
was honored with a very large share of the public
confidence, and that too in the most trying times.
Besides sustaining to much acceptance several important
offices in the town, he was called by his fellow-citizens,
at that period of danger and solicitude, when the
provincial Congress was formed, to hold a seat in
that important body. He also successively held a
seat in the house of representatives, in the council
and senate of the state. He was also a man of piety.
So exemplary was his Christian walk, that the church
elected him to the office of deacon, which he sustained
with much faithfulness and credit for many years.
He died at the advanced age of 82 years.
Rev. John Tucke,
Rev. Ebenezer Haseltine
Rev. Jonathan Curtis, now in office.
Deacons: George Wallace,
John McClary
Nathan Harden
John Gate
Abraham Locke
Samuel Morril
Ira Sanborn and David Locke now in office.
Stephen Swett
Obadiah Williams
John S. Osborn
David L. Morril, M.D. now in practice in Goffstown
Samuel Morril, now inpractice in Concord
Josiah Crosby, M.D. now in practice in Epsom.
Benjamin Moody, Esq.
Jonathan Steele, Esq., now in practice in Sandwich
Samuel Peabody, Esq., now in practice in Epsom.
John McClary, Esq., afterwards of the counsel and
Capt. Jas Gray,
Gen. Michael McClary, afterwards of the senate.
Josiah Sanborn, Esq., afterwards of the senate.
Major DAniel Cilley
Thomas D. Merrill, Esq.
John McClary, Esq. afterwards of the senate
Hanover Dickey, Esq.
Richard Trippe
John McClary
Michael McClary, throughout the state, now in office
in Epsom
James H. McClary
Josiah Sanborn, also of the quorum now in office
in Epsom
Samuel Morrill, now in office in Concord
John McClary
Jonathan Steele, now in office in Sandwich
Hanover Dickey
Samuel Peabody, also of the quorum
Thomas D. Merrill Esq., now in office in Epsom
Joseph Simpson Andrew McClary
Paul Chapman Michael McClary
Joseph Haines John Casey
Pennel Chapman Solomon Sutton
James Berry David Morril
Samuel Libbee Samule Morril
Nathan Marden John McClaryril
James Gray Michael McClary
Eliphalet Sanborn
NO. VIII. Names of those belonging to Epsom,
who enlisted into the regular army in revolution,
with their rank at the time of their discharge.
Benjamin Berry, enlisted in Capt. Drew's company
John Bickford
Samuel Bickford
James Blake,
Theophilus Cass, enlisted in Capt. Morrill's company
Solomon Chapman, enlisted in Capt. Morrill's company
*Ensign Jonathan Chase
Richard Drowt, enlisted in Capt. Morrill's company
*John Dwyer, enlisted on Capt. Morrill's company
Capt. James Gray
*Samuel Goss John Jenness
*Samuel Lear
Moses Locke, enlisted in Capt. Morrill's company
Francis Locke, died at Chimney Point
*0zom Lock, killed at Bennington
Samuel Locke, enlisted in Capt. Morrill's company
Major Andrew McClary, killed at Bunker Hill
Capt. Michael McClary
Adj. John McClary, died of a wound at Albany
*William McCrillis killed at Bunker Hill
Lt. Andrew McGaffey, wounded at Bunker Hill
Neal McGaffey, enlistyed in Capt. McClary's company
Major Amos Morrill
*John Mason
Jethro Pettengill, enlisted in Capt. Frye's company
Abraham Pettengill, enlisted in Capt. Morrill's
died at Chimney Point
Benjamin Pettengill. enlisted in Capt. Morrill's
company Peter Pomp, an African, died at Valley Forge
*Eliphalet Sanborn
Simon Sanborn, died at Chimney Point Noah St. Clair,
wounded at St. Johns John Wallace, killed at Bunker
Hill Weymouth Wallace, wounded at Bunker Hill
* Names not included on J. Curtis's list but found
in other sources. These men may have served from
other towns and moved to Epsom following the war,
as many families came to Epsom soon after the Revolution.
Future research would make this list much more complete.