Complete Diaries of Catherines A. Yeaton in pdf format

The Diaries of Catherine A. Yeaton (1820-1900)

Catherine A. Yeaton was the daughter of William Yeaton and Elizabeth Ham, in 1841, she married Warren Yeaton, son of John Yeaton and Betsey Towle. They resided on North Road at the Yeaton Tavern, and there raised their children: Ellen A., who married Daniel C. Ayer; William Henry (1842-1870); Caroline Annette who married Hiram A. Holmes; Thomas M. Yeaton (1846-1846); Charles A., John Warren, and Alvah L. Yeaton. Warren Yeaton died in 1890. The diaries are for the years 1882, 1885, 1886 and 1895. They give an account of the comings and goings of people at the tavern, including much of the day to day activities in running the farm, as well as the weather.

1882 (below) 1885.......... 1886..........1895

1882 Diary
Information in [brackets] added

Sunday, January 1
Cold cloudy, snow in the night
Ritchie spent Sunday with us
Daniel Ellen down
[Ritchie unidentified]
[Daniel and Ellen are Daniel C. Ayer and his wife Ellen A. Yeaton, daughter of Catherine]

Monday 2
Fair cold blustering
Ritchie away to Manchester

Tuesday 3
Fair very cold
Sleighs and sleds commenced to jingle

Wednesday January 4
Fair cold

Thursday 5
Fair cold

Friday 6
Cloudy snow afternoon
Jane and boys down to dinner
27 eggs to the store 83 cents
[Jane is unidentified]

Saturday January 7
Some fair, not so cold

Sunday 8
Cloudy rain afternoon and night
Daniel Ellen called

Monday 9
Fair most of the day, thawry
Alvah swapped Oxen with G. Batchelder
[Alvah is son of Catherine A. Yeaton, George Batchelder lived at the old tavern]

Tuesday January 10
Fair cold windy

Wednesday 11
Cold snowy day, fair in the evening

Thursday 12
Fair cold windy
Went up to Mr. Haines
Butter 25 and dried Apples 5 cts
took up 182 cent Cr up to Silver store $5.19 cents due now
[Haines ran a store in Chichester; Silver was Silver & Hall, later the Gossville store]

Friday January 13
Snowy day, not very cold. Windy.

Saturday 14
Fair pleasant
Snowy squall in the morning, windy
Blake called
27 egg to the store 63 cents
[Blake is unidentified]

Sunday 15
Fair, some cool
Daniel Ellen gone to Deerfield
Daniel Ellen called

Monday January 16
Fair in the middle of the day, quite warm
Snow in the night

Tuesday 17
Cold fair after morning
Daniel called

Wednesday 18
Snow in the night

Thursday January 19
Cold morning, pleasant middle of the day
Ned [or Net, unidentified] down to dinner
Snow in the night

Friday 20
Cold cloudy some snow
Ritchie came up
Joe Marden called
[A Joseph Marden lived in town 1821-1890, his wife Mary Rowell; they had a son Joseph W. Marden 1850-1917]

Saturday 21
Cloudy snow afternoon
Letter from Mrs. Emerson
[or Miss Emerson, unidentified]

Sunday January 22
Pleasant morning than blustering cold
Cold night windy

Monday 23
Fair cold windy blustering day
Ritchie away to Manchester
Cold night

Tuesday 24
Awful cold day and night

Wednesday January 25
Not quite so cold
Alvah hauled wood for Ames.
Ritchie and Mack came up.
Snow in the night
Daniel Ellen called in the evening.
[Charles Ames 1816-1887 or Thomas J Ames 1828-1900; Charles was up on New Orchard Road; Thomas J Ames lived near the Baptist Church]
[Mack unidentified]

Thursday 26
Warmer cloudy rainy morning
Rain in the evening
Alvah work for Ames afternoon

Friday 27
Quite warm windy
Daniel called
Alvah work for Ames

Saturday January 28
Colder snow afternoon and evening
Alvah work for Johnson
[Johnson unidentified]

Sunday 29
Cold blustering day, awful windy
Cold night

Monday 30
Some fair not so cold
Charles & Harry down to dinner.
Daniel Ellen down in evening
Sent Mrs. Emerson a letter
Mrs. Wm Wilson buried.
[Charles A. Yeaton, son of Catherine, married Ann Drew and they had a son Harry]
[There was a William Wilson in Chichester, born about 1834]

Tuesday January 31
Sharp air, some cloudy, lot of snow at night

Wednesday February 1
Fair pleasant
Went to Concord
A letter from Em, sent Em a letter
[Em unidentified]

Thursday 2
Fair pleasant
Alvah went to Tennants store, carried 18 bushels oats 10.80
Got a barrel of flour 8.50
All paid
On eggs 20 S credit 2.50
[Tennants store at Short Falls, James B. Tennant, owner]

Friday February 3
Cold squally fair windy
Alvah work for Jake to the mill
[Jake is Jacob Eastman Griffin 1829-1906]

Saturday 4
Cold cloudy
An awful stormy night, lot of snow drifted
Daniel called

Sunday 5
Stormy day, some wind, not very cold

Monday February 6
Pleasant some windy
Breaking roads
Lot of snow
Stage did not go up until four o'clock

Tuesday 7
Some fair, bad traveling
Jane came down
Daniel Ellen came in the evening

Wednesday 8
Fair pleasant windy

Thursday February 9
Fair but much cold
Ritchie up to dinner
Snow in the night

Friday 10
Squally windy, not cold

Saturday 11
Fair pleasant
Jane went home

Sunday February 12
Fair pleasant thawy
Daniel Ellen down

Monday 13
Mild cloudy, rain afternoon and evening
Warren went to Concord with Stub Holmes
[Warren (1818-1890) is Catherine's husband; Stub Holmes is likely Hiram Holmes who married their daughter Caroline A. Yeaton]

Tuesday 14
Splendid day

Tuesday February 21
Cold windy snowy - hail then snow

Wednesday 22
Squally day
Got a pair of boots 135 cts
Orman Hoyit moved home
[not sure of last name, and Orman is unidentified]

Thursday 23
Fair pleasant
Esq. Langmaid buried
Frenchman moved in the XX Prescott house.
[Edward Langmaid died in Chichester Feb. 20; the Prescott house was on Lord's Mill Road]

Friday February 24
Fair pleasant
Sent Jake Griffin ten dollars $10.00
Paid March 14

Saturday 25
Fair some warm
Mr. (Mrs.?) Griffin went home
Mrs. Wallace called

Sunday 26
Some hazy some fair
Daniel Ellen Net called
[Net is unidentified]

Monday February 27
Fair pleasant
J.W. Page and J. Watson called
Watson stayed all night
Thawy day
[John W. Page 1833-1920 married Mandana Locke; possibly James Watson of Northwood 1824-1907]

Tuesday 28
John Hill called
Alvah work for Johnson
Daniel Ellen down evening
[John Hill could be John C. Hill of Northwood 1805-1890 or John J. Hill 1865-1913 who married Ellen M. Hall]

Wednesday March 1
Rainy day and night

Thursday March 2
Rainy forenoon - sleighing well up
Making rug

Friday 3
Alvah work for Ames

Saturday 4
Fail cool
Alvah sawed wood

Sunday March 5
Some fair
Daniel Ellen called
Foot of snow in the night

Monday 6
Rainy most of the day
Bert and Waldo called
Tom Poor's wife buried
[Burt and Waldo Holmes, brothers and grandchildren of Catherine A Yeaton; Tom Poor unidentified]

Tuesday 7
Colder windy some fair
Alvah sawed wood
Red cow got a calve
Finished my rug

Wednesday March 8
Fair not so cold
Saul and Bill Durgin to dinner
Alvah went to Mr. Tennant's store
[Saul is Solomon Yeaton; William or Bill Durgin unidentified]

Thursday 9
Cold snow afternoon
Ellen down to dinner
Daniel to tea

Friday 10
Cloudy fair cloudy
Osum and Martha called, took lunch
[Ozem Dowst and wife Martha Griffin from the Mountain Road]

Saturday March 11
Cold air fair part of the time
George Griffin came along
[Possibly George Griffin of Northwood]

Sunday 12
Cold squally day
Snow afternoon

Monday 13
Fair cold
Sent Mrs. Emerson a letter
Daniel Ellen called in the evening

Tuesday March 14
Fair sharp cold windy

Wednesday 15
Fair not so cold
Ann died
Mrs. Capt. Wells buried
George Griffin away
[Ann Drew Yeaton, wife of Charles A. Yeaton, Catherine's son died; Mary S. Locke Wells (1813-1882) buried, wife of Capt. Samuel Wells]

Thursday 16
Cloudy cold squally
Henry Sanborn's auction
[Henry Frederick Sanborn (1819-18970 of Sanborn Hill]

Friday March 17
Fair cold very windy
Awful cold
Ed Currier came around with a dirk knife
[Ed Currier is unidentified]

Saturday 18
Cold squally
Alvah a paper from Em.

Sunday 19
Fair most of the day, not very cold
Ann buried

Monday March 20
Fair pleasant
Sick today

Tuesday 21
Cold and wind
Net down to dinner

Wednesday 22
Cloudy fair than snow
Sent Em a letter

Thursday March 23
Fair pleasant
Ellen called

Friday 24
Cloudy cold windy
Charles and Harry came down

Saturday 25
Fair sharp cold windy
Charles & Harry away after dinner
Saul down to dinner

Sunday March 26
Cold squally
Daniel Ellen Jane called
John and Ben Yeaton came around, jawing and fighting with Alvah and me.
[Likely Benjamin B. Yeaton (1839-1886); John unknown]

Monday 27
Dull day
Rain in the afternoon and evening

Tuesday 28
Burt Waldo and Harry called

Wednesday March 29
Quite pleasant
Ellen called

Thursday 30
Fair windy cold
George Griffin came along

Friday 31
Awful cold and windy
Burt and Harry called

Saturday April 1
Dull day
Snow afternoon
Harry to dinner

Sunday 2
Fair quite pleasant
Charles and Harry to dinner
Daniel Ellen called

Monday 3
Fair pleasant
Abram Bickford died
[Abraham Bickford 1806-1882]

Tuesday April 4
Fair pleasant
Commenced cleaning house
Alvah went to an auction
Burt called

Wednesday 5
Fair windy pleasant
Ann Ritchie called

Thursday 6
Fair cold windy

Friday April 7
Dull day showery
Alvah work for Charles Emerson to the pond
Fast day first fast knows Friday
[Charles Emerson unidentified]

Saturday 8
Fair splendid day
Alvah work for Emerson to the pond

Sunday 9
Fair some cold
Snow squall in the night
Daniel Ellen called
Net and Waldo called
Major Griffin died
[Net could be Eliza Jennie Holmes, Waldo's sister; Major John Griffin (1807-1882)]

Monday April 10
Some cloudy
Waldo to dinner
Bert called
Daniel Ellen called

Tuesday 11
Some cloudy very cold windy
Daniel and I went to Concord

Wednesday 12
Cold windy snow squall towards night

Thursday April 13
Cold windy come cloudy
Daniel called
J Page called
Alvah and (?) work on turnpike afternoon

Friday 14
Not quite so cold
Ellen and I went to Mr. Haines store
Butter 28 cts
Apples 5 ½
Daniel Ellen called

Saturday 15
John and a tribe of his followers came around on a fight.
Charles and Harry stay over night
[Possibly son John Warren Yeaton]

Sunday April 16
Fair windy
Daniel Ellen called

Monday 17
Very windy fair
Alvah and Daniel went to Concord
Bert Waldo called
Daniel Ellen called

Tuesday 18
Alvah and Kelley fencing
Net and Jane called
Warren away

Wednesday April 19
Cloudy rain at night
Alvah work for Kelley
Cold windy day
Warren went to the store for tobacco
Set a hen

Thursday 20
Fair windy warmer
Alvah and Kelley plowing
Warren away

Friday 21
Cloudy fair
Alvah and Ed Kelley plowing
J W Page called
Bert Waldo called
Warren away
[Ed Kelley lived up the road in the old Babb house]

Saturday April 22
Snow squall this morning
Warren to the store for tobacco, back to dinner
Afternoon to Bear Brook, no supper

Sunday 23
Fair windy cold
Daniel Ellen called

Monday 24
Fair cloudy windy some cold
Alvah and Ed Kelley harrowing, plowing &c
Warren away to Concord and Holmes

Tuesday April 25
Warren and Holmes to Concord
Daniel went to Concord
Alvah and Ed harrowing, picking rocks &c
Daniel Ellen called

Wednesday 26
Fair pleasant
Alvah worked alone
Warren down the road; back drunk

Cold windy cloudy
Snow in the night
Alvah work on the old orchard part of the day
Blacksmith afternoon

Friday April 28
Some fair; some cloudy; cold air
Alvah work in the old orchard
Warren running the road

Saturday 29
Alvah and Ed Kelley plowing the old orchard &c

Sunday 30
Some fair
Charles and Harry to dinner
S (?) Langley called
Daniel Ellen called

Monday May 1
Fair windy cool
Made soap
Alvah fencing with Charley Towle part of the day
Alvah left up to Silvers store
180 cts cr on butter; paid 276 cts

Tuesday 2
Sent Charles a letter
Snow, squally, afternoon windy
Alvah worked for Mrs. Wallace breaking up.
Piper stayed overnight.

Wednesday 3
Fair cold windy
Ellen called.

Thursday May 4
Fair cold
Daniel called

Friday 5
Some fair
Cols nights and mornings

Saturday 6
Some fair
Orman Hoyit fencing

Sunday May 7
Fair warm pleasant
Daniel Ellen went to Deerfield, called going home.

Monday 8
Fair windy
Saul to dinner supper
Alvah fencing with Hopley to the river, plowing afternoon.
Very windy first part of the night.

Tuesday 9
Harry nine years old.
Fair windy warmer
Alvah away.

Wednesday May 10
Fair pleasant
Alvah away
Mrs. Emerson came home.
Daniel Ellen called.

Thursday 11
Rain and snow forenoon, cold windy
Alvah away
Alvah came home.
Daniel called

Friday 12
Cold windy, rough weather
Alvah away to Portsmouth
Daniel Ellen called

Saturday May 13
Still cold, rough weather
Letter from Charles
Daniel Ellen called

Sunday 14
Dull weather cold
Alvah came home
Daniel Ellen called

Monday 15
Cold rain

Tuesday May 16
Fair quite pleasant
Ellen called me, called on Mrs. Emerson.
Letter from Charles

Wednesday 17
Fair colder
Sent Charles letter
Alvah & Kelley hauling manure

Thursday 18
Very cold windy rain snow

Friday May 19
Cold some rainy
Page gone up with cattle
[Page is unidentified]

Saturday 20
Not so cold, rainy

Sunday 21
Little rain, some fair
Shaw came up
Daniel Ellen called
Charles stayed over night
Harry up to Kelley's
[Shaw is unidentified]

Monday May 22
Mostly fair
Charles away to Concord
Alvah carried him to Pembroke

Tuesday 23
Cold rainy day
Opened barrel flour

Wednesday 24
Mostly fair
Commenced planting today, Saul and Kelley helping and Harry
Mrs. Emerson called

Thursday May 25
Finished planting
Went up to Mr. Haines' 20 lbs butter 5.00
Harry stayed over night

Friday 26
Fair pleasant
Mrs. Emerson and Ellen called
Drove Spark
Harry stayed over night

Saturday 27
Fair pleasant
Alvah away to Suncook
James Yeaton called
Rainy night
Drove Red cow

Sunday May 28
Some fair warmer
Alvah away to Concord with Harry
Very rainy night
Daniel Ellen called

Monday 29
Fair part of the day
Warren and Holmes went to Concord
Alvah started for Manchester with oxen
Daniel Ellen called

Tuesday 30
Fair pleasant very windy
Alvah bought a pair of oxen; he came home from Manchester

Wednesday May 31
Fair warm windy
Page Sam Brown died
Finished cleaning house
[Samuel Brown (1805-1882) died - his wife was Betsy Page]

Thursday June 1
Rainy day
Alvah left credit to the store on butter
June 1 120 cts
May 1 180 cts
May 25 took up 50 cts

Friday 2
Fair pleasant
Alvah and Warren work on North Road
Alvah drove the __ away

Saturday June 3
Little showery
Work on road forenoon
Daniel Ellen called
Rainy night

Sunday 4
Smart shower in the morning, showery most of the day
George came along

Monday 5
Fair showers
Alvah work on turnpike
James to dinner

Tuesday June 6
Cloudy fair
Work on turnpike
James to dinner

Wednesday 7
Fair warm
Alvah work on turnpike
James to dinner

Thursday 8
Fair showery windy
Mrs. Emerson came up to dinner & supper
Alvah work on turnpike
Daniel sheared sheep
Shower in the night

Friday June 9
Cloudy morning, fair, very windy
Alvah work on North Road
Warren work on road

Saturday 10
Fair windy
Warren and Alvah and Orman work on road

Sunday 11
Fair windy
Daniel called

Monday June 12
Fair warm
Warren, Alvah and O Hoyit work on old road
[Orman Hoyt ?]

Tuesday 13
Alvah ash corn
Fair warm
Mrs. Emerson called, let he have 1 ¾ lb __, paid 88 cts
Ellen called
Warren down to Lens(?) came back drunk, kicked me, through a stick wood through window

Wednesday 14
Fair warm
Alvah went to Pittsfield
Ellen called
Alvah cultivated corn

Thursday June 15
Fair windy
Alvah and George hoeing

Friday 16
Fair warm
Alvah, Orman, George hoeing corn and potatoes
Warren hoed a little
Ellen called

Saturday 17
Alvah went to Mr. Haines with butter 26 cts lb
Alvah, George hoe potatoes

Sunday June 18
Cloudy, showers afternoon
Alvah went to Northwood

Monday 19
Cloudy, thundershower afternoon
Robert, Alvah shingling Babb house

Tuesday 20
Fair windy
Alvah, Robert, Frank Brown finished shingling Babb house.
Charles and Harry came down. Harry stayed

Wednesday June 21
Fair very windy
Charles back to Concord
Warren down to Bens & up to _?_

Thursday 22
Fair windy warm
Alvah away to mill, store, smithshop &c
Net down, took dinner
Warren up to Holmes
Siah Langley called

Friday 23
Fiar windy
Alvah and Harry up to mill and blacksmiths, afternoon shingling entry
Ellen called
Warren sick

Saturday June 24
Warren had the Dr.
Daniel, Ellen, Net called
Daniel Ellen stayed all night

Sunday 25
Shower this morning
Fair windy
Daniel Ellen called
H Hazen (?) and Net called
Dr. called

Monday 26
Jacks and Saul wife called
Warren sick
Daniel Ellen called

Tuesday June 27
Fair windy
Robert worked about the barn and made a spout
Daniel Ellen called

Wednesday 28
Daniel Ellen called
Net called
Kelley hoeing with Alvah
Ellen spent the day

Thursday 29
Alvah Saul hoeing
Daniel Ellen came down
Ellen spent the day

Friday June 30
Alvah & Saul hoeing
Daniel called
Ellen spent the day
Mrs. Emerson and Net called

Saturday July 1
Rainy day
Alvah went up to Mr. Haines' store
Settled all bills to Silver's store

Sunday 2
Fair, showers
Charles, John Lane, Net called.
Dr., Daniel, Ellen called
George Griffin called
Harry went to Concord
Warren down to Bens

Monday July 3
Some cloudy
Warren to Bens twice, up to Blakes

Tuesday 4
Alvah went to Concord
Warren down to Bens, up to Mrs. Emerson's, up to Blakes
Daniel Ellen down

Wednesday 5
Rainy cold
Warren down to Bens, up to Blakes

Thursday July 6
Warren down to Bens, up to Blakes
Harry came back
Made cheese

Friday 7
I went up to Mr. Haines's
Alvah mowing
Warren gone all day
Alvah went to Haines's in the evening

Saturday 8
Fair warm
Warren over to Hall's, down to Bens, over to Chesley's, up Holmes all night.
Griffin came alone
Daniel Ellen called

Sunday July 9
Fair warm
Warren traveling the road
Daniel Ellen called

Monday 10
Some fair
Commenced haying, Carter and Hill helping

Tuesday 11
Did not hay much
Peter called
Warren traveling part of time
Ellen down
Made cheese

Wednesday July 12
Carter and Hill helping

Thursday 13
Some rain forenoon
Did not hay much
Alvah and Carter went to Pittsfield
Daniel called

Friday 14
Haying, Carter helping
Daniel called
Harry away to Concord
Churned, made cheese

Saturday July 15
Carter working

Sunday 16
Made cheese
Got in some hay
Daniel Ellen called

Monday 17
Alvah, Carter and __ Frenchman work haying
Warren drunk

Tuesday July 18
Hot fair
Haying in the Batchelder field. Carter and David __
Warren drunk and ugly

Wednesday 19
Rainy part of the forenoon, hot
Haying to the Batchelder field
Saul down to dinner
Warren away to Bens all day, back ugly
Carter and David

Thursday 20
Fair shower after dinner
Carter went home afternoon
Warren down to floppys
David half day
Daniel Called
Made cheese

Friday July 21
Cooler, cloudy then fair
Haying to Babb place
David half day
Warren work for Holmes afternoon
Carter came back at noon

Saturday 22
Haying to the Babb place
Warren down to Bens afternoon
Carter and David

Sunday 23
Made cheese
Daniel Ellen called

Monday July 24
Haying Babb place
Carter and David
Daniel called
Sent Em a letter, Charles a card

Tuesday 25
Made cheese
Finished haying the Babb place
Carter and David

Wednesday 26
Haying meadow
Carter and David
Warren worked part day
Daniel Ellen called

Thursday July 27
Haying down in the meadow
Carter and David
Warren worked part day
Daniel called

Friday 28
Made cheese, broke it up
Haying in meadow, Carter and David
Warren worked all day
Letter from Charles
Ellen called

Saturday 29
Carter and David work half day
Daniel Ellen called

Sunday July 30
Made cheese

Monday 31
Finished haying up in the field
David helping
Ellen called

Tuesday August 1
Made cheese
Haying to the river
David and Peter

Wednesday August 2
Haying to the river
David and Peter
Daniel Ellen called

Thursday 3
Cut corn
Meadow finished haying
David and Peter worked
Daniel Ellen went to Deerfield
Made cheese

Friday 4
Frenchman all gone
Peter came to dinner
Hot and dry the last three weeks

Saturday August 5
Fair hot
Alvah cut oats
Daniel Ellen called

Sunday 6
Fair hot
Made cheese

Monday 7
Fair hot dry
Got in come oats
George Griffin away, been here three weeks or more

Tuesday August 8
Hot dry
Cutting oats
Mrs. Emerson called going to store and Charles _?_ little was in the night

Wednesday 9
Fair hot dry
Made cheese
Daniel called morning
Got in some oats
Daniel Ellen called

Thursday 10
Little cooler, fair day
A barrel flour 8.50

Friday August 11
Fair cool windy
Made cheese
Mrs. Emerson called going to Mr. Browns

Saturday 12
Fair cool windy
Warren down the road
Ellen pluming (?)

Sunday 13
Fair windy
__ Langley called
Daniel Ellen called

Monday August 14
Ellen pluming afternoon

Tuesday 15
Fair hot
Went up to Mr. Haines's, eggs 22, butter 2o cts
__ up a shower afternoon

Wednesday 16
Cooler windy cloudy, little showery
Saul to dinner
James called
Daniel Ellen pluming

Thursday August 17
Fair hot windy dry
Finished getting in oats
Mr. Parker called
Ellen called a paper from Em

Friday 18
Fair hot dry windy
Mrs. Emerson called, let her have 1 lb lard, paid 30 cts
Charles and Harry came down
Warren down to Bens
Cool night

Saturday 19
Fair dry windy
Charles away to Pittsfield afternoon
Warren down to Bens
Ellen pluming

Sunday August 20
Fair cool
Charles came from Pittsfield
Alvah carried him and Harry to Concord
Daniel Ellen called
A card from Em

Monday 21
Fair windy
Carter and Locke to dinner
Warren down to Bens
Mr. and Mrs. Parker called

Tuesday 22
Fair hot dry
Warren down to Bens
Alvah away to Deerfield
Daniel Ellen down to Deerfield
Mrs. Emerson called

Wednesday August 23
Fair warm
Alvah and Robert work cutting bushes on turnpike
Daniel Ellen back from Deerfield

Thursday 24
Little flint of rain
Robert and Alvah cut bushes afternoon on the road

Friday 25
Fair windy
Mrs. Meserve called
Daniel called, Ellen sick
Alvah and Robert shingling shed to the barn

Saturday August 26
Cooler, cloudy part of the day
Robert and Alvah shingled shed
Sick, headache today

Sunday 27
Fair most of the day
Went up to Ellen's a while
Card from Em

Monday 28
Robert and Alvah finished shingling shed then worked on wood shed
Warren away all day

Tuesday August 29
Robert work silling the wood shed

Wednesday 30
Hot day
Alvah went to Pittsfield
George Bixby called

Thursday 31
Hot day, hot dry summer
Alvah went to Concord, not much crops this summer, dry.
Two cards from Em, she came into Boston the 26 day from _?_
Not any rain this month

Friday September 1
Cloudy windy
Robert commenced to shingle one side of barn
Mrs. Emerson called, got __ &c

Saturday 2
Cloudy part of the time
Went down to Mrs. Emerson's
Ellen called
Robert & Alvah shingling on the barn
Sent Em a letter

Sunday 3
Still cloudy part of the time
Daniel Ellen called

Monday September 4
Rain morning and forenoon
Robert putting in pump afternoon
___ came around, stayed all night

Tuesday 5
Some fair, some cloudy
Daniel called
Robert and Alvah shingling on the barn
George away
James called

Wednesday 6
Fair cool windy
Alvah & Kelley cut up corn

Thursday September 7
Robert and Alvah finished shingling barn
Daniel called

Friday 8
Mostly fair
Robert worked around the ell

Saturday 9
Robert worked half day, he and Alvah went to Pittsfield afternoon.
Daniel Ellen called

Sunday September 10
Sill (?) called

Monday 11
Rainy day and night
Alvah went to Silver and Knowles stores

Tuesday 12
Rainy part forenoon

Wednesday September 12
Fair cool night
Alvah, Warren digging potatoes
Daniel Ellen called

Thursday 14
Rainy day, cooler
Heavy shower in the night

Friday 15
Fair awful windy
Picking apples afternoon
Niseor (?) took his steer away

Saturday September 16
Fair awful windy
Finished digging potatoes
Mr. Chase called Minister

Sunday 17
Fair cool
Daniel Ellen called

Monday 18
Fair part of the time
Daniel called
Mrs. Emerson called
Alvah work on Lords meadow

Tuesday September 19
Fair, awful hot
Alvah made cider, helped Bickford on the meadow part of the day
Daniel called

Wednesday 20
Hot part of the time
Shower early this morning
Alvah haying for Bickford

Thursday 21
Cooler rainy
Alvah work for Emerson ditching
George Griffin came along
Sace (?) Heath along, Warren away with him

Friday September 22
Rainy cool
Alvah away to Pittsfield

Saturday 23
Rainy day and night

Sunday 24
Cloudy day not much rain since early this morning
Daniel Ellen called

Monday September 25
Cloudy most of the day
Alvah away somewhere, some hands work on road turnpike
Mrs. Clark called
Suzzie called

Tuesday 26
Some fair windy
Work on road turnpike

Wednesday 27
Cold windy, fair
Mrs. Clark came back from Bens, stays over night
Went up to Mr. Haines's store, settled up with him
Got a bag meal 1.90
Daniel Ellen called

Thursday September 28
Fair cold windy
Alvah got in corn

Friday 29
Alvah worked for Ben
Mrs. Clark away to Pittsfield

Saturday 30
Not so cold, windy, rain afternoon
Daniel Ellen called
Blake called, been away to Mass.

Sunday October 1
Fair pleasant
Alvah away
Charles & John called, stayed one hour and a half, took dinner

Monday 2
Fair, frost

Tuesday 3
Fair pleasant frost
Finished husking
Picked apples
Joe Marden called

Wednesday October 4
Fair windy
Alvah hauling out manure

Thursday 5
Some fair
Picking apples

Friday 6
Dull day
Daniel called
Picking apples, making cider
George came along

Saturday October 7
Fair in the afternoon
Hauling cider
Daniel Ellen called

Sunday 8
Fair, very warm
Daniel called
A letter from Em

Monday 9
Fair windy warm
Ritchie called

Tuesday October 10
Fair, awful windy
Ellen went to Deerfield
Warren, Alvah work on old road
Sent Em a letter

Wednesday 11
Mostly fair
Went up to the old Jessie place
Daniel called

Thursday 12
Cloudy colder
Picking apples down to field
Blake hoop barrels

Friday October 13
Mostly fair cool
Daniel Ellen called
Mr. Chase called
Picking apples Batchelder field
Daniel Ellen called

Saturday 14
Very rainy forenoon

Sunday 15
Fair pleasant
Daniel Ellen called

Monday October 16
Some cloudy, some rainy
Mrs. Hoit went away

Tuesday 7
Dull day, rain
Rain in the evening, warm
Mrs. Emerson called
Daniel Ellen called in the evening

Wednesday 18
Cloudy warm
Mrs. Emerson gone away
Picked apples
Daniel Ellen called
Lent Frank Johnson $2.00 paid

Thursday October 19
Dull day, some rain
Hauled apples to the Depot, picked some

Friday 20
Picked apples
Mrs. Shaw came up

Saturday 21
Some fair, cool
Daniel Ellen to tea
Mr. Shaw paid Warren $15 dollars pasturing
He went to Halls paid 875 cts tobacco and matches _

Sunday October 22
Some cloudy cool windy
Blake called

Monday 23
Alvah hauling cider
Mizra Ham called

Tuesday 24
Alvah hauled wood to George Ham, went to Deerfield in the evening, bought cattle of Eastman

Wednesday October 25
John Heath buried
[John McClary Heath (1800-1882) son of Simon Ames Heath married Abigail M. Cate]

Thursday 26
Very windy some cloudy, cold
Went up to Mr. Haines's store, butter 28 cts

Friday 27
Fair windy cool
Alvah and Bixby threshing oats
Ellen down to dinner
Got a barrel of flour 750cts

Saturday October 28
Alvah & Bixby thrashing
Warren down the road all day

Sunday 29
F__k Whittemore stayed over night

Monday 30
Finished thrashing oats
George Ham helping hauling out manure, Warren helping
Daniel Ellen called in the evening

Tuesday October 31
Fair pleasant
Finished hauling manure, Warren helping

Wednesday November 1
Fair windy
Warren, Alvah, George Ham clearing out the drain in the yard

Thursday 2
Fair cool windy
Warren, Alvah, George Ham finishing up with the drain
Daniel Ellen called evening

Friday November 3
Alvah worked for George Ham

Saturday 4
Fair cool
Alvah, George Ham cut timber from plank, spread manure &c

Sunday 5
Fair cold windy
Charles came down after his colt
John a present

Monday November 6
Fair cold
Warren went to Concord with Charles, took money from the bank 371
Robert and Alvah work on bridges
Piper came around

Tuesday 7
Charles went back to Concord
Town meeting
Piper stayed over night
Snow in the evening, moved the stove

Wednesday 8
Dull day
Alvah, Robert worked on bridge
Warren away to Bens

Thursday November 9
Very pleasant after morning
Alvah hauled logs to mill, bank up house
Saul to dinner
Warren away to Bens
Griffin around

Friday 10
Some fair, some cloudy
Alvah plowing for Kelley
Warren down to Bens
Griffin went away

Saturday 11
Some fair
Alvah hauled plank from mill, spread manure, put up one _?_
Warren work for Lucian getting out manure
Em came down from Ellen's
Ellen called

Sunday November 12
Daniel Ellen called

Monday 13
Cloudy rainy
Robert, Alvah working in the barn laying plank

Tuesday 14
Some fair windy
Filled hay
Warren down the road all afternoon

Wednesday November 15
Fair fine weather
Alvah work on Gulf Bridge
Warren got boots
Daniel Ellen sown in the evening, had him cut up hog

Thursday 16
Fair fine weather
Alvah worked on Gulf Bridge

Friday 17
Snowy day
Sent Aunt Sabra a letter
Alvah went to Pittsfield afternoon
Alvah a present

Saturday November 18
Fair, not much cold
Em went up to Sam Browns
Alvah work for Mary Wallace part of the day

Sunday 19
Fair cool part of the day
Daniel Ellen called, been to Deerfield
Warren away all day, came home drunk, ugly
Blake called
George Griffin came back

Monday 20
Cold dull day. Windy
Em went away
George Griffin went away

Tuesday November 21
Splendid day
Alvah sawed wood &c

Wednesday 22
Fine day
Alvah and George Ham cut wood in the woods

Thursday 23
Fine day
Alvah cutting wood
Finished making sausage

Friday November 24
Nice day, fair cloudy windy
Warren went to Pittsfield
Alvah split wood, chores around, &c
Robert called
Warren down to Heaths, up to Goss's in the evening

Saturday 25
Fair, awful windy, cold
Alvah and Warren away to Pittsfield to court

Sunday 26
Fair cold windy
Daniel Ellen called
Alvah away part of the day
Snow in the night

Monday November 27
Cold rough day, windy
Alvah away

Tuesday 28
Fair, not so cold
Alvah away
Daniel Ellen called evening

Wednesday 29
Cold day, rough, cloudy
Daniel Ellen called
David Philbrick called
George Griffin stayed over night
Alvah away

Thursday November 30
Pleasant sun, cold windy
Thanksgiving, did not have anybody to dinner but Warren (and supper)
Poor sleighing
Alvah away
Daniel Ellen just called

Friday December 1
Not very cold, some fair, some cloudy
Alvah away

Saturday 2
Mild cloudy
Alvah away
Ellen called

Sunday December 3
Cold, snowy
Alvah away most of the day
Daniel Ellen called
Rachel Saunders buried
[Rachel B. Wallace (1806-1882) married William Sanders who died 1865]

Monday 4
Alvah at home part of the day

Tuesday 5
Fair, moderate
Alvah away on the stage
Warren down the road
Rain in the night

Wednesday December 6
Fair, moderate
Daniel Ellen down
Ellen to dinner

Thursday 7
Rainy, squally
Alvah away with Ed Yeaton to Northwood
Snowy afternoon

Friday 8
Awful cold and windy
Alvah away

Saturday December 9
Alvah went to the store, got meal and corn
George Griffin came along

Sunday 10
Snowy day

Monday 11
Snowy day, not very cold
Warren down the road before and after dinner, home a noon, back at night, ugly

Tuesday December 12
Quite pleasant
George Griffin went away

Wednesday 13
Cold cloudy
Alvah away to Manchester
Snowy afternoon, cold
Warren down the road, came back past one

Thursday 14
Mostly cloudy, not so cold
Ben Towle made deed for Alvah
Alvah paid Warren 600 dollars in money six hundred dollars

Friday December 15
Fair cold
Went to Mr. Haines's store, dined to Ellen's
Alvah hauled boards from hill, hauled wood to the door
George came along

Saturday 16
Been some called
Killed hog 290

Sunday 17
Fair, cold

Monday December 18
Fair, pleasant, cold
Alvah worked for Eastman
Daniel called, cut up hog

Tuesday 19
Fair pleasant cool
Alvah works for Eastman, bought pair cattle
Earthquake just at night
Cold night

Wednesday 20
Fair cold morning
Alvah work for Eastman
Daniel called

Thursday December 21
Fair, pleasant middle of the day
Alvah worked for Eastman
Made sausages

Friday 22
Cloudy, not so cold
Alvah worked for Eastman
Rain, hail, snow in the night
Daniel called

Saturday 23
Moderate, some snow, some fair
Alvah at home part of the day, moved some things up to the Babb place

Sunday December 24
Moderate, some cloudy
Daniel Ellen called

Monday 25
Fair moderate
Alvah and Robert work up to the Babb place

Tuesday 26
Fair moderate
Alvah and Robert worked up to the Babb place
I went up to city in the evening to Mizra's
Daniel Ellen away to Manchester

Wednesday 27
Fair moderate
Alvah and Robert worked to Babb place

Thursday 28
Some cloudy, cooler
Sent Rand (?) a letter
Alvah commenced hauling out wood for Russ

Friday 29
Fair pleasant
Saul down to dinner
Alvah hauling out wood for Russ
I went to Haines's 32 bbs dried apples 6 cts
Butter 30 cts

Saturday December 30
Fair cooler
Alvah hauling wood for Russ, one load to the Depot

Sunday 31
Cloudy, fair, than cloudy, moderate
Alvah away part of the day
Daniel Ellen called.
Warren down the road