There are three existing diaries relating to Epsom by James Babb, the
first is held at the Special Collections of the University of NH Library,
the remaining (plus others after James Babb moved to Massachusetts) are
held by the New Hampshire Historical Society. The writings are transcribed
reading the originals as best as possible. Many abbreviated words have
been written out, and peoples names written out in full when they were
identified, other spellings of the time and abbreviations remain intact.
It is hoped that writing out some of the words and names will make the
diaries easier to read and of more interest to readers. Many business
transactions are included, but in some kind of personal code used by James
Babb and could not be read.
JAMES BABB DIARY June 16, 1822 - Oct. 19, 1823
From New Hampshire Historical Society
Sabbath June 16, 1822
Attended meeting in Epsom at the Vestry all day. Rev. Mr. Curtis preached
- Elder Knowlton in the Meeting House. After meeting, went to Northwood
and had Capt. Heath's pony. Called at Mr. K's at L. Hills and Mr. Clarke's
left my horse and walked to Mr. Mead's. Found # and tarried while 12 Midnight.
Had a pleasant and social evening. Tarried At Mr. Clarke's all night.
17 Monday
Started for Portsmouth at 4 A.M. At Durham by 6, breakfasted at G. Frost
Esquires. At Portsmouth 9 A.M.. Stopt at Wilds --- Bought of Joseph Lowe
1 lth Molsasses. at 1 R.O. Shook per General and put on board his vessel
- Brigadier, Elisabeth, Capt. Lowe 113 12.0. Shook to freight to W.S.
and received 1/2 of net proceeds. Mr. S.C. and Capt. C. went to Concord.
18 Tuesday
Set out for Epsom at 9 A.M. at Durham 11.
Attended meeting and heard a sermon by Rev. Mr. French of North Hampton.
Called at Mr. Blydenburgs - started for Durham 3 P.M. At Mr. Clarke's
by 6. Walked to Mr. Mead's, drank tea then went to Mr. Clarke's. Took
my pony and rode to the cottage. Found # at L. Hills. Tarried 1/2 hour
and went 1/2 way with #. Presented # with a comb e/d and gave kfd to Mr.
.K. for monthly Concord.
At Epsom 1/2 p 11.
June 19 Wednesday
Dr. Crosby went to Concord yesterday, returned same evening. Mr. Clarke
and Capt. returned also. At home all day. Received goods from Durham.
20 Thursday
At home - some rain in P.M. , all over. Family drank tea at Mr. Steele's
as did General, Mrs. L. and Mary - Mr. Clarke and wife expected but did
not come.
Subscribed in Company with J.S., S.A.H. and Dr. Crosby for 1 share in
P & C Mail Stage Co. ix $-
21 Friday
At home all day, little business. Giving 14 cts for butter - paid General
// a ox, Interest on my note 1 year.
22 Saturday
Pleasant. Mr. Steele went to Portsmouth. Mrs. Lord went with him. ~ Ann
visits at Mr. Yeatons today. P.M. went to the river with Dr. Crosby.,
James and Mr. Merrill and bathed. --
Wrote to Messers. Norcrop and Co. to see if they had received of the 10th
instant (with 52 $ enclosed) and sent it to Portsmouth by Mr. Steele.
- Wrote to David Brown about salt.
Went to bed at 10 P.M.
June 23 Sabbath
Rose at 7 A.M. ,quite too much time spent for sleep--The morning is delightful,
a fine breeze from North West and not very warm - hope to rise earlier
in future--.
Attended meeting Mr. Wheeler of Candia officiated.
Text A.M. Proverbs 16.9
" P.M. Isaiah 55~8 & 9
The preacher was not remarkably eloquent or the fault was in the hearer
- probably the later.
Signed a petition for Thomas D. Merrill to be appointed a Justice of the
Peace. Wrote to #
24 Monday
Very fine rain, commenced at 6 A.M., accompanied by distant thunder. Ceased
raining at 2 P.M.
In afternoon attended a conference at William Yeatons between Enoch Brown
Jr. and Benvoli Sanborn - referees T.D. Merrill, John Page and myself.
Decided that Sanborn pay Brown 10$ and each pay their cost. It was a very
unpleasant case to decide - but from the evidence offered could not do
otherwise ~ rode over with Steele, returned with Doctor.
Spectators very much dissatisfied with the report which was signed by
Mr. Merrill and myself only.
June 25 Tuesday
At home all day - weather pleasant.
Sent a line to # by mail. Had but little company - paid Reuben Sanborn
of Northwood lp on condition for him to return it if his statement is
in correct.
26 Wednesday
Pleasant ~ first meeting this day at Nottingham of Portsmouth and Concord
Mail Stage Company ~ for the purpose of making the necessary arrangements
respecting it.
At home all day.
27 Thursday
Pleasant ~ at home.
Received letters from Colonel Rogers, J. Kelly and David Steele.
Joseph Lawrence and wife this day parted by mutual agreement and she quit
his house with her two children and moved to the village to a small house
owned by Mr. Merrill.
Understand that all the stage shares are taken up.
Had some company today.
June 28 Friday
Pleasant morning ~ wrote to James Prescott of Hampton Falls.
Wrote to D. Steele and Harvey Haseltine ~
29 Saturday
At home A.M.
P.M. went on a fishing excursion to Suncook Pond with Steele and Chesley
- caught very few fish. At home by 8, quite tired. Learned that Nathan
Crosby and Miss Mary Jane Moody dined at the Widows - found Dixcy and
Grace at our house.
30 Sabbath
Warm ~ Mr. Boody of New Durham preached at Meeting House. Mr. Curtis in
vestry. At meeting all day.
Text John 16.8
Walked to General McClary's after meeting with Dixcy. Received a letter
from James Day and Son.
July 1 Monday
Very warm ~ thermometer at 91~
At home. Dixcy and Grace set out for Gilmanton at 9 A.M. ~ letter from
G.P.C. being an acknowledgement of Mr. C. account for quarter ending April
1822 which I enclosed and sent to him by Abn. Drake this P.M. ~ received
this day~~
Wrote to # this evening.
July 2 Tuesday
Pleasant, light winds.
Wrote to Mr. K and enclosed #'s letter ------
Mr. Clarke and wife and Mr. Edward Kent and Sarah S. in town today. Was
introduced to Mr. K at Mr. Steele's by Sarah. Think him a respectable
looking young man but rather dandy - he went to Northwood with Sarah last
Saturday from Concord, was returning this day. Mr. Clarke tarried a short
time and went home. Mrs. Clarke mentioned that # was sick. O that (I)
could see her - - at this moment at home until evening then called at
Aunt Harriet's a few moments - 10 P.M.
3 Wednesday
Commenced with fine showers of rain which continued until 1 P.M., then
cleared off. This evening is delightful, moon at the full and all nature
appears to be rejoicing ~~ O my dear friend, how much do I wish that I
could be with you at this moment ~~ at home all day 10 P.M.
Dr. called up last night and has been absent ever since.
July 4th Thursday
Anniversary of American Independence ~ weather warm - thermometer noon
at 82.
Dined at General McClary's on roasted pig ~~ At home the remaining part
of the day.
Received a letter from friend K. Hoped to have an enclosure from #, but
did not.
Capt. S's company of light infantry met at Towle's in Chichester ~ Mr.
Butler made a speech as many got drunk as chose and burnt quite as much
powder as was necessary.
Went to bed 11 P.M.
5th Friday
Warm. At home all day.
Preparatory lecture in P.M.
Carriage passed up in A.M. with 6 Shakers, 2 males, 4 females.
10 o'clock evening - thought of # , of love and of happiness and could
wish to be near # - pleasant evening.
S.M. Johnston, who has been one quarter at Mr. Blakes school in Concord,
went to Hillsborough this day with her Pa.
July 6 Saturday
Warm, Shower in P.M.
Went to Northwood in afternoon with Dr. Smith, drank tea at his house
at 7 P.M.
Called at L. Hills at the cottage.
At Mr. Mead's and tarried while 1/2 p 9 ~ # has been quite sick for a
week, some better this evening. At Mr. Clarke's by 10 P.M. and tarried
all night.
Misses Steele and Gregg came to Epsom from Durham.
7 Sabbath
Warm - Called at Mr. Mead's in morning. Attended Sabbath School and at
meeting in A.M.
Went to Mr. Clarke's at noon and spent the P.M. with # at Mr. Mead's.
Had a pleasant time.
Dined at Mr. Clarke's and called at Mr. Mead's at 7 P.M.
At 1/2 p 9 walked to L. Hills with # and tarried while 1 A.M. (8) and
walked to Epsom, arrived at 3.
Mr. Prentice preached at Northwood. Had a very pleasant time in evening.
Paid Mr. S.C. ex//
Mr. Jonathan Locke of Concord and Miss Rachel Sanborn of Epsom published.
8 Monday
Rain A.M. Overcast P.M.
At home all day. Quite tired with my walk. Eat no breakfast or dinner.
No mail up today.
July 9 Tuesday
Pleasant. Mail went up at 1/2 p 6 A.M.
Durham ladies went home this morning. Dr. Crosby went as far as Mr. Pipers
with them.
Nathan Crosby set out on his eastern journey in the Dr.'s sulky.
South Road stage is to commence running on this road next Monday and to
continue twice a week through the season - Mondays and Tuesdays. Paid
46 and 9d and gave up my 1/4 share in the new Company. Hired lx // of
General McClary and gave my note. Sent aixx to P. and Sherburne - by Johnson
Wrote to Mr. Clarke and gave him an account of Stage and received a letter
from S.H.M. Haseltine
Wrote to James Day and Son ~~ at home all day.
10 Wednesday
Slight shower A.M.. At home all day.
Ann and Mary went to Concord in chaise.
Sent yesterday to C. // 1/2 1/2 x for Mr. C. by Butler and received and
returned?? from Mr. Sparhawk for check and interest to Sept. 3
A.M. pleasant - called in evening at Mr. Steele's ~~ went to bed at 10
Made out quarterly P.O. account dated 9th and sent $/ Salem Comment 13k
- $a,SS deed - profits last Quarter $k,ox~
July 11 Thursday
Rainy all day - distant thunder.
At home all day. Rose at 5 A.M. Business dull.
Received two lines from friend K. Wrote to him and to #.
Received a receipt from P&S for // ai-
William Green of Sanbornton called at store in P.M.
Sent Mr. K the Cambridge Platform borrowed of Mr. Curtis.
John Grant died this evening in the 67 yr of his age, of Intemperance.
12 Friday
Continues to rain. At home.
Purchased a Hhd of N.E. Rum of Oliver Locke of Kingston and paid in tow
Very little company.
13 Saturday
Warm. At home. Mr. Grants funeral in afternoon ~ had very little company.
Mr. .Steele quite sick in A.M., evening is better.
14 Sabbath
Rain in morning. Mr. Knowlton preached in Meeting House. Mr. Curtis in
Vestry. I attended meeting all day.
Text Isaiah 57.15. Subject Eternity.
Nathan Crosby arrived in A.M. from Eastern journey and attended meeting
at Epsom.
Went to bed at 10 P.M. Thought of dear # and wished that I could be seated
near the friend who will be ever dear to my heart.
15 Monday
Rose at 5 A.M. - warm and pleasant ~ overcast in morning, but promises
of a pleasant day.
Nathan Crosby went home in A.M.
Wrote to S.G. Batchelder, Mr. Badger Jr., Judge Gookin, my sister Hannah
and #.
The acknowledgement of Mr. Cilley's account from April 1 to May 9, 1822
this day received and taken by Samuel Cilley.
Occasional showers through the day.
Stage passed up for the first time, 2 passengers.
Mr. Samuel Cate paid me xd for his paper and I handed it to Mr. Curtis.
Fine evening.
Wondering wrote to Mr. Maion for his opinion respecting collecting the
taxes due Mr. Curtis.
July 16 Tuesday
Warm. Stage passed down at 7 o'clock.
received a letter from my sister Hannah.
In P.M. went to the top of McCoy's mountain with Dr. Crosby and Mr. Curtis.
Mr. Curtis killed 9 pigeons. Went out at 3 o'clock, returned at 7.
17 Wednesday
Pleasant. Cousin James gone a gunning. At home all day.
James killed 6 pigeons. Took 2 of Lee's pills.
18 Thursday
Pleasant. At home. Mr. Steele and wife went to Mr. Clarke's in P.M. Wrote
to Mr. Clarke.
19 Friday
Warm. At home. Bathed in P.M.. At night took 2 of Lee's pills. Thermometer
at 88.
20 Saturday.
Very warm. At home.
Mr. Curtis cut his Rye yesterday, Capt. Heath today. Have been quite unwell
the present week. Should like to be at Northwood this evening, but do
not expect to. O #, dear #, could I behold thee I should be well - went
a gunning with Steele. No luck. Dr. rode to Deerfield with Ann M. and
July 21 Sabbath
Pleasant. Attended meeting. Mr. George preached.
Text A.M. Eccles 9.10
P.M. Luke 13.34
At conference at 5 P.M. Frederick Sanborn led in prayer.
Jonathan S. Sanborn read a sermon and Deacon Sanborn closed.
David Philbrick Jr. and Jonathan Godfrey Jr. at conference.
Rode to General with Mary and walked home.
22 Monday
Pleasant. At home. Stage passed up 1/2 p 4 P.M. 1 passenger.
Ann Locke and Mary McClary visited Widows in evening.
Walked to Generals with our girls. Ann L, Dr. and cousin James eat gooseberries
and returned.
Wrote to #.
23 Tuesday
Warm. At home.
Stage passed down 1/2 p 6 A.M. 2 passengers.
Sent 30/ by Marden for Capt. Sanborn to Portsmouth to pay a note to Ezra
Received a line from Nathan Crosby.
Dr. Smith's wife very sick of a fever, considered dangerous.
July 24 Wednesday
Warm - at home. Dr. went to Northwood.
July 25 Thursday
Commenced raining at 9 A.M. and continued until 12. Afternoon rained fast.
At 5 P.M. Dr. Crosby, James and I, Eliza, Ann and Anne Locke set of for
Northwood. At Mr. Prentices by 1/4 p 6. I went to Mr. Mead's and # rode
to Mr. Prentice's with me and tarried while 9-there. # went home with
me and the whole party arrived at Epsom 11 P.M.. Had a very unpleasant
time particularly in returning.
The arrangement was to dine at Mr. Mead's and take tea at Mr. Prentice's
but were disappointed in both. The girls E. & A. M were as contrary
as could be wished and the friendly families whose it was our intention
to visit were much disappointed if not disgusted. Eliza rode with me and
was rather lugubrious - the others pleasant and I guess all of us took
a little cold.
When I see N. again I hope to have a pleasanter visit.
July 26 Friday
Cold. Up at 6 A.M. Rather fatigued with last nights voyage. James went
home with Anne L.
At home all day. Thermometer at 55 6 P.M.
27 Saturday
Cool for the season. At home. Saw Mr. Prentice on his way to Pembroke.
Mary, Ann M. and Hannah P. with him. Said Mrs. Smith was better and that
# and Matilda set up with her last night. Intended to have been at Northwood
this night but could not. Merrill, Heath quarreled with Mr. Lord and left
him today.
Evening tolerably pleasant 9 P.M. Doctor has not had a call for a week
and I have had but little business.
Mrs. Sanborn went to Concord and Nabby Dearborn returned with her to Epsom.
28 Sabbath
Rainy all day - attended meeting. Mr. Curtis preached.
Text A.M. Psalm 119.97
P.M. Psalm 119.5
Mrs. Sanborn wore a new Leghorn. It would have given me pleasure to pass
this day at Northwood but I could not conveniently.
Called at Mr. Merrill's in evening with Doctor and James. Anne Locke there.
29 Monday
At home, pleasant. Dr. Crosby went home with Anne L. Wrote to # and sent
by Mary Ann when she returned from Pembroke in the forenoon. Said that
E.F.M. and M.W.M. were well. Doctor went to Narrows in P.M.
Stage passed 1/4 p 4 P.M. 1 passenger.
Received a Blank bond from Mr. Parker.
30 Tuesday
Fair. At home. Mr. Steele spent the day at Mrs. McClary's.
Stage passed at 6 A.M. 4 passengers. L. Hill came for Dr. at 3 P.M. an
Obs. case I suspect.
Mr. K. met Doctor near Hines Hill and gave information that Dr. Smith
had arrived.
Wrote to D. Cilley - Copy
"Epsom July 30, 1822 Sir, I find a small balance in my favor on account
which has been due nearly two years-. If you can make it convenient to
pay it soon you will much oblige"
directed "Mr. Danl Cilley, Epsom
July 31 Wednesday
Fair hay weather ~ at home.
Dr. Crosby at Deerfield ~~ all day ~~ dull times for traders ~~ pleasant
evening, moon shines brilliantly.
O # , how I should admire to be seated near thee or take a walk accompanied
by thee - 10 P.M.
August 1 Thursday 1822
Warm. Received a line from J.K..
L.H. M. has a son born 30 July
In P.M. went to Pleasant Pond with Dr. , Mr. Steele, cousin James and
bathed. Had a fine ducking.
Knox went to Portsmouth.
2 Friday
Warm. Thermometer 86- At home.
Aunt Harriet and Nabby returned from Stratham. Dull times. Went to bed
at 10 P.M.
3 Saturday
Moderate - Nabby and Harriet went to Concord via Pembroke - hope to see
Mr. K. today.
Dr. called to Mr. Eastman's at 2 A.M.
Mr. K. came at 11 A.M. and I rode with him to Northwood. Saw # at Mr.
K's and walked home with her and Mary Ann.
Sabbath August 4
Attended Sabbath school and at meeting all day. Mr. Wheeler of Candia
Text A.M. Ga, 1.10
P.M. Isaiah 55 - 8 & 9
# at meeting in A.M.
I went to L. Hills at noon. # called. I walked with # to Mr. Nealley's.
# called and tarried while 6 P.M. Mrs. Nealey died at ¼ p 4 P.M.
Ate supper at Mr. Clarke's at 1/2 p 6. Rode to Mr. K's with Mr. Clarke.
Tarried 1/2 hour and then walked. Had the pleasure of finding # and passed
a few delightful moments in her company. Set out for Epsom 1/2 P ka. Arrived
l (5)
Never have I passed hours more pleasantly. O that could last ever.
August 5 Monday
Chilly. At home all day, little company.
6 Tuesday
Pleasant. At home. Dr. went to Gilmanton in morning. Little company ~~~
James at his fathers. Received a line from M.P. Locke dated at Norfolk,
Va. and a newspaper.
Alpheus Crosby came with the Dr. this evening to Epsom.
7 Wednesday
Went to Portsmouth. Had Capt. Steele's pony, own wagon. Called at Mr.
Mead's , saw # a few moments. In lo with Mr. Cofran his house. At Portsmouth
by 3 P.M. Put up at Wild's, saw there in the evening Counselors Chauncy
and Rodgers-
8 Thursday
In Portsmouth until 5 P.M. , then came to Durham. Met Jonathan Berry near
Judge Steele's - tarried all night at Kelly's Inn.
9 Friday
Set out for home at 5 A.M. At. Mr. Clarke's by 1/2 p 8 A.M. Eat breakfast,
called at Mr. Mead's and tarried while near noon. # wanted me to dine
but I declined - was sorry afterward that I did not.
Bought bbl of Market(?) for W. M. and he paid me $ 6ia today.
At home 2 P.M. The Epsom Gentlemen went to Pleasant Pond for bathing.
10 Saturday
Warm, at home all day.
Was extremely sorry that I had not tarried longer yesterday at # dwelling
O that I could ever be near her ~ to perform all those kind offices that
friendship should dictate or love invest.
August 11 Sabbath
Pleasant. Joseph Emerson and Eunice Hilliard to be married this day at
Chichester. John Heath and Nabby C., Jonathan B. and Sally B., Jonathan
Haseltine and Betsy Heath __ ____ just set out to attend the "ceremony."
"How vain are all things here below" Dr. Watts
Mr. Knowlton is to preach in the Meeting House. Attended at the Hall all
Mr. Curtis preached.
Text A.M. Isaiah 28.16
P.M. Matthew 21.44
At conference in evening and after rode to General McClary's with Dr.
Wrote to # to send by Dr. Crosby.
12 Monday
Very warm. Thermometer at 2 p.m. 90. Dr. Crosby and Alpheus set out for
Portsmouth at 1/2 p 6 A.M.
Wrote to T. G. Berry for Dr. Wrote to Nathan Crosby per mail.
13 Tuesday
Moderate~~ Matilda and Martha Prentice went to Pembroke, passed at 6 A.M.
# alone ~ examination at the Academy at Pembroke today.
Received letters from J. L Sanborn, S.G. Batchelder, C. & Leaver and
Emery Norris.
Wrote to R. Jenness and J. Clarke. At home all day.
Heard that Capt. Jonathan Green, formerly of this town, died at sea, on
his passage from New Orleans.
Steele turned his chaise over. New Stage and New Driver this week.
August 14 Wednesday
Moderate, cool air in morning. At home all day.
Ladies from Pembroke for Northwood passed at 4 P.M. Did not call.
Dr. returned from Portsmouth at 1/2 p 11 P.M.
Got his n. dist for $ lxx to pay k4 per ct Checks? in E (Epsom?) Mo -
dated 13th
James went home in P.M. , returned in evening.
15 Thursday
Rainy in morning. At home.
In P.M. a very smart shower. Never saw it rain faster that I recollect.
16 Friday
At home. A.M. pleasant weather.
P.M. went to Northwood with Dr. Drank tea at Mr. Clarke's.
# , E.F. M., M.W..M., L.F.M., M.J.M, A. and M. P there. (Mead and Prentice
Tarried while 9. Very pleasant time. Walked home with # and soon after
Dr. was sent for and had to be off. Dixcy met us at Dr. Smith's in Sulky
and Dr. took it, Dixcy and I came in wagon. At Widow's by 11.
# told me that I was expected at Pembroke Tuesday ~ was sorry that I did
not go.
17 Saturday
At home all day - little company.
Mr. Clarke went to Concord yesterday.
Daniel Cilley called in evening and twitted me about signing the Petition
respecting his character.
August 18 Sabbath
Moderate ~ attended meeting all day. Mr. Curtis preached.
Text A.M. 2 Corinthians 12.10
" P.M. Revelations 20.13
Wrote to #.
Robert Knox and wife at meeting in P.M.
Capt. Green's funeral sermon preached ~~~ in P.M.
In evening went to Widow McCrillis' and attended conference.
19 Monday
Overcast - some rain - at home.
Sent letter to # by Dea. Sanborn. Had some company. To bed at 9 P.M.
20 Tuesday
Overcast. Up 1/4 before 5 A.M. At home.
Dr. went to Exeter at 4 P.M., his father remains here to see to his business.
Wrote to J. Kelley. Very little company, Thermometer 80 2 P.M.
21 Wednesday
Moderate - at home - little to do.
22 Thursday
Overcast A.M.
Freewill Quarterly meeting at Deerfield commenced yesterday.
Miss Frances McClintock of Portsmouth came to General McClary's Tuesday
with Richard Bartlett from Concord to spend the week, is expected at Widows
this P.M.
Little do I can about it -- one smile from dear # is now highly prized
by me than a thousand such fine ladies~~~~
23 Friday
Cool. Dr. returned from Exeter and his father went to Gilmanton ~ wrote
to Dixcy ~ Miss M. of Portsmouth and Mary visited at Widows. Dr. and I
walked with them to Poplar Hill ~ Matilda Prentice at Exhibition of P/
E Head Jr. (22 inst) Martha Hale and Elizabeth Weeks.
to bed 10 P.M.
24 Saturday
Overcast A.M. At home - intend to see? Northwood? this evening ~~ and
dear # I hope ~~~ ~~~~
Rode to Mr. Clarke's in evening. General's pony. Called at Mr. K's,, his
brother there and wife. Attended prayers at Mr. Clarke's, by 10 P.M. all
abed but Mary.
25 Sabbath
Pleasant. Attended meeting all day. Mr. Curtis preached.
Text A.M. John 16.8
P.M. ???? 9
# at meeting all day. Walked home from Mr. Prentice with her. Dined at
Mr. K's, took supper at Mr. Clarke's, went to Mr. Mead's at 6 P.M., there
to L. Hills.
# and M.W.M. there. Their brother gone to Barrington. Tarried while 9
P.M. then to Mr. Mead's and tarried while (k A.M. 26/ at home 1/2 p a)
Had a very pleasant and social call. # was kind and cheerful. M.W.M. much
out of health.
Bade # a good evening and O may Heavens best blessings ever be the portion
of my friend. # had the head aches this evening.
August 26 Monday
Pleasant. At home until evening, then drank tea at Generals. Ann Locke,
our girls and Aunt Harriet there. Wrote to # and to S. Rollins, enclosing
// and a N date Aug. 30 to W.S.B. for // ??xx
Up at 5 A.M.
Wrote to N.J. Esq. and enclosed a subpoena in Wilson Case. At night 9
P.M. looked at Luna and thought of #. James went home with Ann Locke.
27 Tuesday
At home, pleasant.
Doctor, Mary and Miss M went to Northwood in A.M., sent letter to # by
mail, also to Mr. Clarke.
Received a letter from Adjt. White respecting Muster which is to happen
the 4th of October.
28 Wednesday
Cool. Went to Lawrence's in A.M. and to G. Brackett's to get him to go
to Durham.
Party at Aunt Harriet's in evening. I did not attend.
29 Thursday
Went to Lawrence's to see his field. (He) would not let the regiment parade
in it. Wrote to Col. Bartlett informing him thereof and sent by C. T.
Knox went to Portsmouth. Dr. and Ann went to General's this evening. Brackett
loaded and set off for Durham.
(There) is to be a party at Mr. M's at Northwood this evening. Should
like to have been there but could not.
August 30
Chilly A.M.. At home all day, very little company. Pleasanter P.M.
On this evening James Wilson of Hillsboro cited me to attend the taking
of Deposition on Friday the 6th Sept. next at S. A. Kendall's office in
Concord at 2 P.M. and at Hillsborough at Solomon M. Neil's Store at 10
A.M. on Monday the 9th of Sept. aforesaid.
Miss McClintock and Mary, Aunt Harriet drank tea at Widows and Dr. and
trada (?) went home with them at 9 P.M.
31 Saturday
Cool morning. Mr. Clarke called on his way to Concord, is to call again
in evening.
Went into river in P.M.
James went to Mr. Hills in Northwood to get pantaloons made.
Mr. Brackett returned from Durham, received a line by him from Mr. K.
#, E.T. M. and E.F. M went to Epping on Wednesday last, returned to Northwood
on Thursday.
The last day of summer this ~~ O how short and fleeting is time ~~ a little
space and vanishes forever ~~ how important the concerns of Eternity and
Oh how much neglected by me - O that I might improve that which is to
come to better purpose---
Dreamed of # last night.
September 1 Sabbath
Pleasant (rode to Northwood last evening with Mr. Clarke, at his house
1/2 p 12 P.M.). Attended meeting all day. Mr. Prentice preached.
Text Ephesians 2 - 6 & 7
# there all day. Went to Mr. Clarke's at noon and took supper there. Called
at Capt. C's, then at Mr. Mead's at 1/4 p 6. Saw # and tarried while 1/2
p 9. The evening was beautiful. I had a pleasant time. Walked home.
2 Monday
Steele was sued for // ox which General settled - his furniture and other
personal property was twice attached ~ must have been a distressing time
to his wife. From my heart I pitied her.
Rode to Northwood to Mr. K's in evening and it coming on rainy. Tarried
all night.
Tendered Bennett Lawrence //c,ai in full for his fathers a/c v Widow D.L.
or what she says it is. He refused the money - before Mr. Chesley and
Jonathan Yeaton.
3rd Tuesday
Warm - Mr. Steele had a son born.
At home from Northwood by 5 A.M.. Mary and Frances M. went to Northwood
in P.M.
Dr. and Elvira after tea.
Wrote to J.K. , Mr. M and wife are to go Newmarket today.
Wrote by mail to Mr. Clarke.
4 Wednesday
At home all day. Pleasant.
Miss McClintock and Doctor rode to Deerfield South Road in P.M.. Miss
M intended to tarry there but not finding her cousin returned.
Wanted to go to Northwood this evening but could not.
5 Thursday
Chilly - at home. Intended to have been at Northwood this evening but
could not. Francis Mc drank tea at Widows.
9 P.M., dear #, I doubt not that at this moment you are at the "cottage"
and with all my heart would I be there also but cannot conveniently. O
my friend I trust the time is not far distant when we may be united by
those ties which will be lasting as time ~ durable as eternity ---with
such a friend who would not wish to live - and for such a friend who would
not even dare to die.
Fine evening.
Sept. 6 Friday
Pleasant. Probate Court at Capt. Heath's ~ took out a letter of Administration
on Loudon Dailey's Estate - paid Register 12/-
General McClary and Dr., Bondsmen - Mr. Mead called about noon and dined
at Widows. Ann M went to Northwood with him. P.M. wrote three depositions
for Daniel Cilley ~~ Steele's had headache
Mr. Mead was sociable and pleasant - intended to have seen # this evening
but Ann's going prevented.
Matilda Prentice, E.F.M. and M.W.M. went to Pembroke - Matilda and Martha
returned this morning. E.F.M. tarried at the Academy.
Received a letter from P.M.G. and from Mr. K. Mr. Clarke and wife went
to Hillsboro this day.
Harriet M. returned from Concord and Pembroke last evening. I went to
Cato's this morning and
am tired and sick this evening, so good bye Journal.
Sept. 7 Saturday
Pleasant. At home A.M.
In P.M. called at Generals and had Cato sworn - and in evening called
with Doctor and tarried while 10 P.M. Made of Jethro's and Francis Locke's
papers ~
8 Sabbath
Quite warm. Attended meeting in the Vestry all day. Benjamin Sargent of
Pittsfield preached.
Text A.M. Mark 6.12
P.M. Ephesians 5-11~
The eldest son of Mr. David Sherburne (William) died this morning at 6
A.M., aged 14 years. Been sick about 3 weeks ~~
Purpose to go this evening to Northwood after Ann ~
Went to Northwood at 5 P.M. at Mr. Mead's by 7. Tarried all night. Saw
# still lovely and interesting is my friend. Had Aunt Harriet's Pony and
Mr. Knowlton preached in Meeting House.
Sept, 9 Monday
Warm. Set out from Mr. M's at 1/2 p 5 A.M., at home 7 - continued at home
all day.
Mrs. Knowles, wife of Mr. Josiah Knowles died this day of consumption
aged years. They had been married 40 years this day.
Funeral of Mr. Sherburne's child this day.
Sept. 10 Tuesday
Pleasant. Went to Portsmouth. Cousin James accompanied me. Arrived at
Wilds 6 P.M. Had Mr. Osgood's pony and carried 6 tubs butter.
Mr. Clarke and wife returned from Hillsboro. Saw # a few moments. Called
in evening at Mr. McClintock's. Heard Frances and Caroline play on Piano
forte ~ tarried an hour.
11 Wednesday
Warm. Set out from Portsmouth at 6 P.M. and came to Kelly's in Durham
and tarried all night.
12 Thursday
Pleasant. Set out from Durham at 1/2 p 5 A.M. At Mr. Clarke's by 9, eat
Called at Mr. Mead's tarried ½ hour. Saw # and M.W.M. Called at
Mr. K.'s and at Epsom by 2 P.M. Very tired.
13 Friday
Warm. At home. Little to do. Wrote to #.
14 Saturday
Warm, some showers. At home, took a bond for a deed from Capt. Heath for
the Dickey House and gave my notes for $40/-.
Bennett Lawrence paid $41.47 in part of his fathers note to Dorcas Lawrence
which _?_ thereon. Esq. S. and Sarah expected at Northwood today.
Sent letter to # by Mr. Hill.
Sept. 15 Sabbath
Warm. Dr. W. Farland preached at Epsom. I attended meeting all day.
Text A.M. John 16-8
P.M. Psalm 81 - 11 & 12
Received a billet from Ann Locke by Dr. Mc. and wrote an answer.
Saw Dudley Hill and his lady Miss Lawrence of Epping pass after meeting,
was introduced to her ladyship~
16 Monday
Pleasant, at home all day.
Congressional election in P.M.
Hanover Dickey was chosen moderator and William Ham Jr. Town Clerk pro-tem
- General McClary being absent. The following is statement of votes in
Epsom for Members of Congress.
Ichabod Bartlett .80 Arthur Livermore 12
Matthew Harvey .89 Edward Parker 13
Aaron Matson 91 Jonathan M. Page 8
Thomas Whipple Jr. 87 Richard Odell 7
Charles Woodman 62 William Hale 4
Estwick Evans 35 Jonathan Dolloff )
William Plummer Jr. 32 Jonathan Locke )
Jonathan Bell Jr. 15 Nehemiah West ) 1 vote each
Jeremiah Prescott )
Aaron Lamprey )
19 Candidates Capt. William Barton)
Congregational Society met at 4 P.M. and voted to propose to all delinquents
that if will pay all arrears due to the present year they shall be discharged
from all further obligation to the Society - and if they refuse to comply
with this proposal - voted that after the 1st of January next someone
of the Collectors be directed by the Wardens to collect the taxes from
some one of the delinquents and proceed with the others as they deem expedient.
Voted also that Mr. Curtis shall have leave to be absent on a mission
three months paid.
Cousin James went to Hanover.
17 Tuesday
At home all day. Had no company, business dull. Paid 30/ to Leander Badger
left to me by Mr. F. Sanborn and Mr. James Brown last evening. Nathan
Crosby and Alpheus tarried here last night & have gone to Exeter today.
Mr. Steele, Captain's Heath and Sanborn, Mr. Cate, Mr. Goss and others
gone to Exeter.
Sept. 18 Wednesday
At home. Severe frost last night. Mr. Stevens and wife from Effingham
called at store today.
Doctor called in P.M. to visit Hannah Bennett of Northwood. Jos q came
after him - rather drunk.
Nathan P. Fletcher of Ludlow, Vt. in town today and carried Mary to Pembroke.
19 Thursday
At home. Dr. S.? sick - took an Emetick and kept home all day. I went
to Langmaid's in evening.
20 Friday
Rainy - at home A.M. Nathan Crosby arrived from Exeter and tarried all
day. In P.M. went to Northwood after Dr. Smith, found him at Hannah Bennett's
funeral - tarried while the services were over and returned via Mr. Clarke's.
Called at Mr. Mead's and L.H.M.'s, tarried only a few moments at either
place - did not see #.
Saw Sarah M J.. At home, tea - rainy day.
21 Saturday
At home all day. Little company. Pleasant weather
Sept. 22 Sabbath
Went to Northwood in A.M. Had Mr. Chesley's pony. Went to meeting all
day, # there.
Mr. Prentice preached.
Text Luke 13:24 ~
Dined at Mr. Clarke's at 6 P.M.
Called at L. Hills, found #. Tarried while 1/4 before 8 and then returned
to Mr. Mead's with #.
Saw M.W.M. , tarried while past midnight Had a delightful visit.
At home 1/4 before 2 - cold night for the season.
Happy moments devoted to friendship long will they (be) remembered with
23 Monday
At home, little to do. Paid Leander Badger 6/- and Mr. Merrill paid him
Ann Locke came to Epsom from Concord with Mr. Gray. Wrote to James.
24 Tuesday
Received a letter from cousin James.
At home all day - little to do.
25 Wednesday
Training. Capt. Lord, Lt. Goss and Ens. Sanborn swore into office - Hanover
Dickey qualified to act as Justice of the Peace by General McClary at
my store or rather in the house. Had some company. Killed the cat (&
2 kittens yesterday).
Sept. 26, Thursday.
At home A.M.
P.M. went with Doctor to see Langmaid who has been crazy two or three
Called at Uncle Babb's. Mrs. McClary had her corn gathered today~
Doctor and I walked to the Generals in the evening, all abed, then went
to David Griffins and stopt 2 or 3 hours to a husking. The evening was
very pleasant and should have been happy to have had the privilege of
walking with dear # - moon shone brightly.
At home and to bed 10 P.M.
27 Friday
Very warm for the season. At home all day and had few customers to trouble
me. Husked the Widows corn in evening.
28 Saturday
Warm. At home all day. Pierce the painter and Edward Kent called at the
house in P.M. on their way to Northwood. Mr. Steele arrived from Exeter
sometime in the night.
I assisted the Doctor in posting books a part of the day. Went to bed
at 9 P.M.
Sept. 29 Sabbath
Moderate weather attended with showers.
Mr. Woodbury is to preach at Northwood this day. Should be pleased to
hear him, but cannot conveniently.
Attended meeting all day. Mr. Curtis preached.
Text Isaiah 5-12
Wrote to cousin James. S. Fletcher Esq. of Concord at meeting here.
30 Monday
At home. Little company. Mr. Clarke., Mr. Kent and Dr. Steele called at
4 P.M.
Oct. 1 Tuesday
Chilly. At home. Received a letter from Cousin James - went to Northwood
in A.M. with Dr. and Richard Steele. Saw # at Mr. Clarke's. Mrs. Smith
there and Pierce painting Mr. and Mrs. Clarke's portrait. Saw Mr. K. At
home 1 P.M.
2 Wednesday
Doctor went to Concord. Borrowed Col. Long's bridle for me. At home 8
Nathaniel K. Badger commenced store keeping at short falls this day.
October 3 Thursday
Rather pleasant. At home - little to do except to prepare for muster.
Evening went to Mr. Chesley's to husking and tarried while 10 P.M.. John
Locke the sailor arrived in town.
4 Friday
Pleasant ~ at 1/4 p 3 A.M. set out for Deerfield, rode Dr. Crosby's pony.
Had a fine day for training. Dined at Dudley's. Major General Upham reviewed
the Regiment. Major Cutter read an address from General to the officers
of the Regiment. Returned to Epsom by 1/2 p 7 P.M. tired.
5 Saturday
Chilly. At home all day. Little to do~
6 Sabbath
Went to Portsmouth with General McClary. Called at Mr. C's, all at meeting.
Dined at Furber's. New Hampton(?). Called at Kelly's, Durham. At P 1/2
p 6 P.M. put up at Wilds. Went to Mr. Parkers Meeting House and heard
a most excellent sermon by Dr. Nichols of Portland.
Text Psalm 102-26- :As a vesture shalt thou change them _" ~
Called at Mr. Lord's, all well. Saw Mary McClary. Went to bed at Mr. Wilds
10 P.M.
Mr. Foss of Barrington and Ruth Grant of Epsom published this day.
Oct. 7 Monday
Continued in Portsmouth. Received at the U.L. Bank $ai,xd for Loudons
pension. Had to leave my letter of administration with Mr. Cutts.
Called in evening at Mr. McClintock's. Saw Charles Francis &c - tarried
an hour or more.
8 Tuesday
Set out for Epsom but proving rainy. After coming 3 miles returned to
Portsmouth and tarried all day.
9 Wednesday
Returned to Epsom. Dined at Mr. Clarke's. Saw Mr. Kelly. Mr. Symond's
set out for Boston this day. After dinner called at Mr. Mead's and passed
a pleasant hour with #.
Called at Mr. Blydenburg's at Durham.
10 Thursday
Pleasant, at home all day, at Mr. Curtis in evening husking.
11 Friday
At home, very little company.
12 Saturday
At home, rainy A.M.
P.M. fair.
13 Sabbath
Pleasant. Attended meeting . Mr. Spofford preached.
Text A.M. Romans 5-6
P.M. 1 Peter 2-7
Evening Habakkuk 3-2
Wrote to #
14 Monday
At home, little to do. Mail went West 4 P.M. No news.
In evening wrote to Mr. K and enclosed #'s letter to send by mail in morning.
15 Tuesday
Chilly. Received a letter from cousin James. F. D. Johnson fell from Knox's
shed and broke his leg - staging gave way. Doctor and Eliza went to Gilmanton.
Doctor returned in evening - solus
Conference of the church at Gilmanton belonging to Deerfield Association
sent a box of Carroles(?) to J.B. Whidden by Johnson.
16 Wednesday
Overcast and windy, very dull weather. Went to General's mill in A.M.
and loaded two load board of Mr. Nealey teams which I buy of Jonathan
Grant Jr. at Durham, survey at 6$ per M~
This day and tomorrow is the Annual Agricultural fair and Cattle show
at Exeter. Mr. Merrill and Mr. Gray attend. Thomas D. Merrill, Jonathan
Clarke and James Rundlett committee of Domestick Manufacturers.
Very dark evening, went to bed 10 P.M. and thought of #
17 Thursday
Weather moderate and pleasant.
Went to Concord in A.M. after Dr. Chadburne to visit Polly Grant.
Went over in 1 hr. 10 m. Returned in P.M. by 4-
At home remaining part of the day.
October 18 Friday
Pleasant. At home - Mr. P.G. here most of the day - very little company.
19 Saturday
At home until evening then went to Northwood. Had Mr. Steels pony - called
at Mr. Kelly's. # there, pleasant and cheerful. Tarried while 11-P.M.
there to Mr. Clarke's and tarried all night - rained very much.
20 Sabbath
Attended meeting A.M. Mr. Prentice preached in P.M.. Went from Mr. Mead's
with # and M.W.M. to funeral at Mr.B. Hills - Mr. Prentice preached from
Isaiah 9.13 - took supper at Mr. Mead's. Called at Mr. Clarke's and then
returned to Mr. Mead's - and passed most of the evening with #. Was so
unhappy as to offend # - O that I had never lived until this day - tarried
while a A.M. (a1/2# ) and then went to Mr. Clarke's and came to Epsom.
The night was dark and rainy and pardon me a merciful providence for wishing
that I might never see the light of another morning - day light when I
arrived at Epsom - did not sleep any.
21 Monday
Such a day I never knew - sorrow and trouble ever the inmates of my bosom
and my heart appears as though it were sent in twain - wrote to # on this
letter depends all my hopes of happiness in this world if I receive an
unfavorable answer, and I richly deserve it. O God, what will become of
me. My name will be branded with dishonor and I shall be deservedly despised
by all whom I have had to fore been happy to consider as friend ~~ O my
beloved friend, how deeply have I injured you - and made myself wretched
forever. You will not, you cannot forgive me ~~ I will go far hence where
my name and my person shall be forgotten and those that have known me
shall know me no more. O may the Almighty ever bless and protect Susan
- and may every moment of her life to come be productive of additional
happiness - and when I shall be banished forever from a place in his remembrance,
may she enjoy every earthly food and may heavenly mercy ever hover around
her dwelling. O how dreadful the sentence - "will you not go - leave
me - or I shall retire."
I solemnly promise in the name of him who is the author of my being never
to love another and when I must depart this world, my last prayer shall
be for my beloved, my much injured friend~
O Susan, how cruel I have been thus to destroy your happiness -While you
are pure and innocent as the angels around the throne of their Maker,
I have destroyed every hope that remains for me and shall ever be deservedly
miserable and wretched.
October 22 Tuesday
Sent my letter by mail to #, enclosed to Mr. K - and wrote to him - will
# condescend so far as to comply with my request - O I fear not, and if
my fears are true, hope has fled forever----
Evening ~~ # has probably received my letter perhaps now reading it ~~
O will the person who was my friend forbid me ever to see her more?
"O wretched man that I am" 9 P.M.
23 Wednesday
10 P.M.. Have been at home all day and have been trying to employ myself
in writing that my thoughts might be diverted from the distressing subject
that wholly engrosses them - how vain the attempt. I fancy that I behold
# in tears and my heart aches to think that I am the cause of sorrow to
the friend to whom I would willingly offer my life, could I thereby expiate
the injuries I have caused #. Hear not a word from Northwood.
Dr. gone to Gilmanton to his sisters wedding. Caleb Haynes married today.
General McClary at the store this evening and mentioned about the Meeting
house - and about my being married - - O did he know - did the world as
they soon will - that I am despised by that friend whom I love far more
than all things else - they would tell a different story.
O happiness farewell forever - I do believe I am the veriest wretch that
lives ---
O thou Almighty Parent, if I could dare I would ask thy forgiveness -
and implore - humbly implore thy pardoning mercy on thine erring child--and
O wilt thou ever bless her who will never forgive me---
(New Concord Stage began running)
24 Thursday
Evening 9 P.M. Dr. Enos Hoitt of Northfield and Mrs. Grace R. Crosby by
this day have been married.
No news yet from Northwood. O my beloved friend ~~ how does my heart bleed
when I think of thee. Soon, O too soon, will my sentence be received and
I shall be banished from thy presence forever. O God, forgive me - - whatever
you may say ~ what way so ever you may decide, my heart shall ever bless
thee and its dearest wishes shall be ever yours----
O should I be called this night to enter upon an unknown and an untried
world, my own mouth would condemn me and I must receive the just reward
of my conduct and be consigned to mansions of ~ unutterable woe and missing
forever ~~ while your pure spirit, dearest Susan, would be conveyed by
kindred beings to the bosom of its heavenly parent, there to dwell forever
with the spirits of those that are happy. O may kind angels ever extend
their guardian care around and protect from every ill, her whom I love.
Should it be my misfortune to wander over the world in future, sweet will
the thought be that you were my friend - but O how bitter the reflection
that you have justly banished me from your presence never, O never to
behold you more. 10 P.M.
25 Friday Evening
Dr. returned from Gilmanton. Mr. Hill brought my clothes from Northwood.
No news yet from #. I am anxiously expecting to hear - yet dread to know
the result -- if it should be as I fear I must fly far hence where I shall
be forgotten and my name be no more remembered. Some other man, more deserving
than I, will obtain the hand and win the heart of her I love-----and I
shall be no more thought of - O whither can I flee - in what corner of
the earth shall I be hid - or how can the virtues of that friend be obliterated
from my bosom.
O I do not wish they should, were it possible - - -. Her image is engraven
on my heart, there it will remain to life's last hour -and the last sigh
shall be given. The last prayer of James shall be offered at the footstool
of heavenly mercy for the happiness of my beloved, my much injured friend.
9 P.M.
26 Saturday Evening
Have been at home al day and but little to do.
Hear nothing from #. Wrote to Mr. K by Mr. Hill. Thought of going to Northwood
this evening, but did not dare to go until I hear from #. O whither shall
I fly from the painful sensations that I know experience, or where shall
I find a resting place. She whom I adore as the dearest best of friends
has, I fear, determined never more to behold me - - - O Susan, will you
not forgive your humble - penitent - unfortunate friend and bid him ---
hope -- for one kind word, one endearing smile?
October 27 Sabbath
Mr. Curtis preached. I did not attend meeting.
At 2 P.M. set out from home and walked to Northwood. Called Mr. Gove's
and drank some cider and at no other place. Went as far as Mr. Mead's,
hoped to have seen a light or to have seen # through the window, but did
not. Light at Mr. K's, at L. Hills. At home 1/2 p 9.
Evening, fatigued - in body and distressed in mind.
28 Monday Evening
Snow Storm and rain. All day at home. Wrote H.J. How and Co. - enclosed
84. Doctors, also to Moses Eastman of Salisbury for Locke. Doctor gave
me two letters, one for M.W.M. and the other for #. Wrote a note and put
in the latter. Hope it may elicit one kind word from #, from whom as yet
I hear nothing.
Intend to forward them by Johnson tomorrow. 10 P.M.
29 Tuesday
At home. Storm ended, moderate weather.
Received a line from Mr. K, but none alas, not a syllable from #. O my
beloved friend, you who once professed to have some regard for the writer,
am I never more to hear from you, never more to have the privilege of
passing an hour with you. O happiness, I ask thy no more if such is to
be my fate. O ye hours of unalloyed felicity spent in the company of the
friend whom my Lord loveth are ye gone forever - fled like the transient
hue of the rainbows - If providence should add years to my span of existence,
how often will ye be remembered with melancholy pleasure ~~ how often
will the dear image of Susan be present to my view - her gentile kindness,
her amiable temper and disposition and the virtues which adorned her character
- will be loved and how sincerely - to life's last moment.
Ah, how distressing, how painful the thought that Susan is lost to me
forever -- that I must no more hold social converse with her - no more
hear her angel voice in tones of sweetest music whisper happiness - no
more behold that smile which is a balm for every sorrow.
O happiness farewell forever -- O how truly does inspiration assure us
that " This life's a dream, an empty show" 11 P.M.
Oct. 30 Wednesday
Moderate, high winds.
Mr. John Locke of Concord and Miss Rachel Sanborn, born of Epsom, are
to be married this day ~ I have been invited to attend but have no inclination
to go.
O my beloved friend, could you see my heart, could you behold every thought
that activates it you would, I am persuaded be convinced that it never
exercised a wish or harbored a thought to injure you. Pure and holy as
virgin innocence have my intentions ever been toward #. O may God forgive
my transgressions - never can I forgive myself ~~~ Can I live and behold
# the wife of another ~ my brain is distracted - at the thought - - is
it possible that I can see her no more - does she despise me and will
she never speak or write one sentence to me.
O that the tear of penitence could efface from the memory of my friend
my past conduct and indeed # to award a pardon.
A woman by the name of Winslow, a town pauper of Chichester, left that
place a week since and came to Epsom. Her friends alarmed for her safety
commenced a search for her and this afternoon she was found in the woods
opposite Mr. Chesley's, having been there without any sustenance since
Thursday evening last.
This P.M. have been to a wedding at Capt. Sanborns ~ Mr. Curtis performed
the ceremony in a solemn and impressive manner ~ took tea and returned
soon after. Cold and windy this evening, did hope to hear from # but have
been disappointed.
Will that time ever arrive dear # when I can lead thee to the Temple and
there pledge the most Solemn vows to you which can be offered by man.
Long have I ardently hoped that this event would happen -- but alas how
are my fondest hopes destroyed. My dearest wishes withered - gone - forever
- as I fear.
I would not murmur at the dispensations of providence ~ but O how wretched
is the man whose ~~ dearest, fondest, anticipations are fled never, never
to return -- lovely interesting woman, dear is the privilege ever to love
and esteem thee - and should I never have permission to behold thee now
- ever dear to my bosom shalt thou remain - - and memory faithful to friendship
and to love shall fondly cherish in this desolate and deserted heart,
the sentiments which it will be too happy ever to own. That it owes to
that loved friend who reigns these, sole mistress of all its actions.
The tear of sorrow and bitter regret will often be shed when I reflect
that happiness was once in my power -- and has it vanished, too surely
do I fear it has escaped my grasp -- never more to find a resting place
in this bosom._________________ 1/2 p 10 P.M.
31 Thursday
Pleasant for the season. At home.
O that this day may not pass without news from #. My thoughts, my wishes,
all my hopes of happiness in future rest on a single sentence to be pronounced
by # and what will it be ? If banishment forever I must submit --- if
one kind word - I trust I shall humbly adore that Being who disposes of
all events according to the council of his own will__________
Evening ~There is a report that General Joseph Low of Concord was yesterday
killed by a fall from his horse. He is considered a man of talents and
of very industrious habits ~~has been for some time Postmaster at Concord,
was Adjt. General and acting Inspector General of the militia of this
state. Director of Concord Bank the present year and agent for the Aetna
Fire Insurance Company of Hartford Conn. and was formerly an officer in
the United States Army during the late war - and by industry and attention
to business had acquired a handsome property.
Evening ~ the above news is not confirmed ~ presume it is incorrect ~~not
No news from #
10 P.M.
November 1 Friday Evening 1/2 p 9 P.M.
Weather has been cold and chilly. Went this P.M. to have Loudon's Estate
appraised. Amt $17.93.
Wrote to cousin James. Have been anxious by expecting to hear from # today
- but have not.
O may that being who knoweth the hearts of all in mercy forgive and pardon
Col. Chadwick called this evening. Mr. Steele and Msr. McClary went to
Portsmouth this P.M. at 4 o'clock.
November 2 Saturday
Mr. Steele went to Portsmouth last evening at 4 P.M. with Mrs. McClary
and returned at 5 A.M. this day bringing news that Mrs. Nancy D. Lord
(General McClary's daughter) died last evening at 9 o'clock. Also that
Charles Woodman Esq. of Dover died on Wednesday last after an illness
of 24 hours, disease inflammation of the bowels.
Hope to hear from # soon.
3 Sabbath
Chilly. Have attended meeting at the Vestry. Benjamin Sargent preached.
Text A.M. Genesis 4.7
Text P.M. Psalm 50.22
Mr. Knowlton officiated in the meeting house.
In evening wrote to # and enclosed to Mr. K - humbly do I hope to receive
one kind word in answer. Nothing of # have I yet heard - hope deferred
maketh the heart sick - confirmed joyful - disappointed, wretched indeed.
# received my letter this evening
November 4 Monday Evening
Have been at home all and had but little company - Sent letter to # by
Jonathan Locke Jr.
Prayer Meting this evening - did not attend. Wrote to Mr. Clarke about
oats and to my sister Hannah and Dixcy Crosby.
Dear #,
Where are you this evening? - My thoughts rest with thee - gladly would
I pour into thy bosom the sorrows of my aching heart - gladly, joyfully
would I receive the welcome news that I could be restored to your favor
and friendship. Should the lines which I have this day sent you make no
impression in my favor, I greatly fear that my case is hopeless - and
that I must ever remain the most wretched of men.
Pardon and peace are thine to bestow on a impertinent friend - O may providence
incline your heart to the side of mercy~
9 P.M.
5 Tuesday
At home. Received a letter from # which bids me hope for better days ~~
may heavens richest blessings ever attend # in this favour.
November 6 Wednesday
At 5 A.M. set out for Durham. Had Doctor Osgood's pony. Took breakfast
at Mr. Clarke's , arrived there before the sun rose. Major Drake called
and I went in Company with him to Durham. Dined at Capt. R's. Could not
sell my staves as I expected. Arrived at Mr. Clarke's in Northwood at
7 P.M. Called at Mr. Mead's, saw Matilda Prentice, # and M.W.M. # cheerful
and pleasant. Walked with the ladies to L. Hills and called a few moments.
Returned to Mr. Mead's with # and Mary Ann and tarried while 9 P.M. What
thanks do I owe my friend for all her kindness.
Went to Mr. Clarke's and tarried all night.
7 Thursday
Called at Mr. Mead's at 6 A.M. # set out for Portsmouth to return with
E.F.M. Drank a cup of tea with # and would have given half my fortune
to have gone with her to Portsmouth. Eat breakfast at Mr. Clarke's and
tarried while 10 A.M. for the Stage. Mr. Clarke. did not come - I then
came to Epsom instead.
# set our at 7 A.M. Wrote to G. Frost by stage.
November 8 Friday
Rain A.M. Overcast P.M. At home - wrote to #, but little company.
9 Saturday
At home all day and but little to do.
10 Sabbath
No minister attended at the Vestry.
I heard two Sermons read ) Mrs. Marden an aged lady at the West end of
# spent the evening at the cottage ) town was buried today
10 Monday
At home. received a letter from Mr. K and sent D(ear) # a letter by D.
Smith in evening.
12 Tuesday
Received letters from Dr. Carr and cousin James and 2 Newspapers from
C.R. Green.
In P.M. attended Patty Locke's funeral. William Swain attempted to perform
the services but made rather a bungling piece of work -
Drank tea at Mr. Merrill's ~ as did Dr. and Mr. Curtis. Rain in evening.
13 Wednesday
At home Little company
14 Thursday
At home Nothing new occurred
15 Friday
At home A.M. Went to William Rowe's with Mr. Merrill in P.M.
November 16 Saturday
At home until evening then walked to Northwood. Called at L. Hills. #,
M.W.M. and L.F.M there. It was 1/2 p 8. Tarried while nine and had the
pleasure of walking home with # who was pleasant and social. Did not call.
Went to Mr. Clarke's and tarried all night.
17 Sabbath
Attended meeting all day, so did #.
I walked home with # . P.M. at Mr. K's, noon at Mr. Clarke's to dine.
Mr. Prentice preached.
Text Matthew 5.13
Called at Mr. Mead's in evening, had some pie and apples, and the pleasure
of passing a few fleeting but happy moments with a beloved friend.
Set out 1/2 p ka at Epsom 1/4 p 1 (18). Tired.
Elder Place preached at Epsom. Some rain fell - no meeting in Vestry.
# invited me for Thanksgiving.
18 Monday
At home A.M. In P.M. went to Rowe's with Thomas D. Merrill - rainy. I
went to P. and had a writ made by Mr. Stevens, but unluckily could not
find an officer and Rowe had been beforehand with us - very dark evening.
At home 11 P.M.
November 19 Tuesday
I went to Portsmouth with Samuel Cate via Deerfield, Nottingham and Newmarket.
Arrived at Wilds 10 minutes p 8 P.M. Tired.
Eat supper at Wine Cellar and called at Mr. Lords. Saw Ann G. McClary.
20 Wednesday
In Portsmouth until 1/2 p 4 P.M., then set out for home. Came to Andrew
Demeritt's in Lee and tarried all night.
Mr. Merrill set out for Boston this P.M. Nicholas Dolbeer Jr. died in
Epsom this day in the 20th year of his age. Consumption.
21 Thursday
Started from Demeritt's at 7 A.M., raining all day and got a thorough
soaking before I arrived at Epsom. Dined at Mr. Clarke's, called at Mr.
Mead's, tarried 20 minutes with # in Middle Kn.
At Epsom 1/2 p 5 P.M. Tired. Set up most all night reading "Sir Andrew
Wylie of that Irk(?)"
22 Friday
At home all day. Little to do. Rained in evening and chief part of the
November 23 Saturday
At home. Some company. A child of Mr. John Lake died this day. The barrister
has not called since my return from Portsmouth. Mary M. drank tea at our
house yesterday.
Sarah Barker goes to Concord this P.M. having been at Epsom more than
a week.
Edward Kent set out from Concord on Tuesday the 11th inst for Brunswick
to pursue his studies at that place.
thought of dear # and should be happy to be with # at this hour.
24 Sabbath
No minister attended at the Vestry all day. Two sermons read by Frederick
25 Monday
Pleasant weather, at home all day. Sold Nealey a lot of Poultry. Wrote
a letter for Capt. S. to G. Tilton Esq. respecting a Surtout pawned with
D. Cilley.
Mr. Merrill returned from Boston.
November 26 Tuesday
At home, rather chilly, had some company.
27 Wednesday
At home, Ann G. McClary returned from Portsmouth in Stage with Mr. Lord.
Stage came round by store.
28 Thursday Annual Thanksgiving
Took breakfast at home. Dr. went to Gilmanton. I went to Northwood, had
Ephraim. Locke's Pony - left him at L. Hills. Attended meeting, Mr. Prentice
Text Exodus 15.11
# at meeting. Took supper at Mr. Mead's, called at Mr. Clarke's, drank
tea at Mr. Mead's and spent the evening until ? A.M.
(ac) had a pleasant and very agreeable time - rained in P.M. and most
of the night.
At home 5 A.M. (ac#)
# was kind and pleasant. How grateful is my heart to her for all her goodness
to me.
29 Friday
Dr. returned from Gilmanton. At home all day, little to do and rather
November 30 Saturday
At home. Much rain has fallen the past week and the weather has been uncommonly
mild for the season. Had very little company today and have done quite
a little business.
Ruth Grant of Epsom and Mr. Foss of Strafford were married at Epsom by
Rev. Mr. Curtis Thanksgiving Day.
December 1 Sabbath
Rain A.M. and warm. Attended meeting in Vestry. Mr. Curtis preached.
Text John 12-37 & 38
Elder Knowlton preached in meeting house. Drank tea at Mr. Steele's with
Ann G. W. Began a letter to #.
2 Monday
Pleasant morning but colder than yesterday. At home all day. Finished
letter to # and sent by mail.
Received a letter from H. Gray and Co. and wrote to T.H. & Mansfield's,
J.C. Proctor and Crockett and Seaver.
3 Tuesday
Chilly, about an inch of snow fell, the first this season except a slight
squall Thanksgiving Day.
Received two letters from James and 1 from Dixcy.
Nathan Crosby came to Epsom via Northwood. Had but little company.
4 Wednesday
Chilly. At home all day. Received a letter from H.G. and Co.
5 Thursday
Nathan Crosby went to Dover in Stage. At home all day, little company.
6 Friday
Chilly ~ at home.
7 Saturday
At home. Cool weather.
8 Sabbath
Pleasant. Attended meeting. Mr. Curtis preached from 1 John 1.13 "I
write unto you young men"
Conference in evening at Vestry. Did not attend. Ann Locke attended meeting
and dined at Widows. Mr. Curtis is to be absent 4 weeks. At Salisbury
Village from next Sabbath.
9 Monday
Chilly, at home. Wrote to C.R. Green.
10 Tuesday
Pleasant. Received letters from Hill and Moore, J.C. Proctor, T. &
Mansfield and Cousin James. Had little to do - went to Mr. Brackett's
in P.M.
11 Wednesday
Went to Meredith Bridge, had Mr. Tarlton's pony. Fine day. Never there
before, arrived 6 P.M. Found my brother well and tarried at Mr. Tewkesbury's
all night. Went into the Cotton factory. Called at Uncle Blakes.
12 Thursday
Thomas went with me to Sanbornton, dined at Dr. Carr's and spent the afternoon
at Mr. Greens. All our family together and in good health. Let Dr. Crosby
have two notes a Samuel G. Batchelder payable to my mother viz.
Note: Date July 3, 1819 sum $50 in 3 years Interest after 6 months
" " July 3, 1819 sum $100.00 in 4 years Interest after 6 months
and took his receipt and gave it to my mother.
Drank tea at Mr. G's and came to Dr. Clarke's by 6 P.M., tarried while
10 P.M. and arrived at Bridge 1 P.M. (13th) and stopt all night with my
13 Friday
Chilly. Returned to Epsom via Pittsfield and arrived 9 P.M. Found all
December 14 Saturday
Rainy. At home A.M. In P.M. went to Israel Dow's in Deerfield with Dr.
Crosby and wrote his (Dow's will) . Is not expected to live long. Appeared
perfectly rational and capable of disposing of his property. Witnesses
were myself, Dr. Crosby . and Jonathan Eastman.
Bradbury Cilley left $8.56 with Ann to send to General Post Office - considerable
company in P.M. while I was absent and requested that I left the store.
Thought of dear # and would with all my heart have been near her at this
moment, but it was raining fast and I could not prudently venture to travel
15 Sabbath
Went to Vestry A.M. Mr. Merrill read a sermon - P.M. at home. Chilly.
Mr. Gray at Widows in P.M. Elder Place preached in Meeting House.
16 Monday
At home ~ wrote to # by mail ~ wrote 6 P.O. Department and enclosed $8.56
and 44 for self. In all$/9.00.
Wrote to Y & M Boston respecting Badger. Little company.
December 17 Tuesday
Received a letter from Mr. K stating that L.H.M. and wife, # and M.W.M.
were of late very serious. Also received a letter from Cousin James.
About 2 inches snow fell last night ~ at home until evening then went
to Isaac Towle's and drank tea. Harriet, Ann, Doctor, Mr. Weeks and wife,
Betsy Blake and Drusilla Sanborn
18 Wednesday
Chilly, at home. Sold Neally a lot of poultry. Walked to General McClarys
in evening with Doctor.
19 Thursday
Snow most all gone, moderate. Alpheus Crosby arrived from Exeter and Cousin
James from Hanover. At home all day, little to do.
20 Friday
Chilly, at home, little to do. General McClary has been absent at Exeter
and Portsmouth all the week and returned this evening.
21 Saturday
At home all day, very little company. In evening rode Mr. Steele's pony
to Northwood. Called at Mr. Kelly's house, learned that L.J.M. and wife,
# and M.W.M had of late been seriously impressed with the importance of
making preparation for another world - Mr. K conversed very seriously
to me. # and M.W.M had been to a conference this evening at Mr. Wiggins.
December 22 Sabbath
Tarried last night at Mr. Clarke's. Went to meeting all day and heard
two solemn and impressive sermons by Reverend J. Prentice.
Text A.M. Luke 23.28
P.M. Psalms 17-15
# at meeting. I went to L. Hills at noon and eat supper at Mr. Clarke's
at 5 P.M.. Went to Mr. Mead's, # at L.H.M's. Went there and tarried while
9 P.M, then attended # and E.F.M. home and tarried while 1/2 p a (ald)
# was pleasant but serious ~ had a very agreeable and pleasant visit.
# gave me a watch paper.
Dear #, how rapidly do those moments fly spent in you endearing company
-- O how dear to my heart is my beloved friend ~ not time can efface the
sentiments that are engraven on my heart - sentiments of esteem and friendship
lasting as life, durable as eternity --
May the time soon arrive when I shall embrace the savior and accept the
terms offered in the gospel.
December 23 Monday
Arrived at Epsom at 1 A.M. - very cold.
Received a letter from J & J.B. Ball enclosing a note v A. W. Marden
- wrote an answer in evening to go by mail tomorrow. At home all day,
very tired and had but little company. To bed 9 P.M.
24 Tuesday
Chilly, at home, little company, dull times.
Purpose to go to Portsmouth tomorrow. Was to be a meeting at Mr. Prentices
last evening for those who wished to make inquiry on serious subjects
-- # and Mr. Mead intended to go. Should have liked to attend and O that
I could have so done with suitable feelings of heart - but alas! my heart
is very hard and nothing short of Almighty Power can rouse it from its
deathlike slumber.
Dear #, may you soon obtain a hope in that friend who will support you
under every affliction and at last receive you to himself in that world
of happiness where sorrow can never come. 9 P.M.
December 25 Wednesday
Cool. Set out for Portsmouth. Had Capt. Sanborn's horse. Called at Mr.
Mead's, saw # and tarried a few moments. Called at Mr. Clarke's. Arrived
at Portsmouth by 5 P.M.. Put up at Wilds. Young Marsh of Northwood rode
with me from Northwood. Called at Mr. Lords in evening.
26 Thursday
Rather moderate, in Portsmouth all day. Called at Mr. Lords.
27 Friday
Chilly. Agreed with Samuel Furber to haul Hhd rum and box sugar to Mr.
Clarke's for 20 cents per Ccops.
Set out for home at 11 A.M. and arrived at Mr. Clarke's at 8 P.M. Tarried
all night.
Lecture at Lt. Buzells. I walked down but the meeting had almost come
to a close. Mr. Wheelock and Mr. Prentice were there and Elder Merrill
and Deacon I. Sanborn.
Had the pleasure of walking home with #. Called at Mr. Mead's and tarried
a few moments.
Mr. Mead had just returned from Newmarket
28 Saturday
Cool. Returned home. Called at Mr. Mead's, saw # a few moments and Mr.
Wheelock - talked very seriously to me. Dined at Mr. Yeatons. At home
1/2 p 1 P.M.
29 Sabbath
Cool. Went to Northwood with Dr. Crosby. Dined at Mr. Clarke's and returned
to Epsom after meeting. Heard two solemn and interesting sermons by Rev.
Mr. Prentice from a clause in the 8th verse in the 14th Chapter of Mark
"She hath done what she could." In the A.M. directed to professions
of religion in P.M. to sinners. # at meeting all day. Saw her for one
moment and inquired whether she was well (17 Deaths in Northwood 1822).
Inquiring meeting at Rev. Mr. Prentices in evening. # there. At General
McClary's in evening.
Elder Knowlton preached in Epsom Meeting House.
30 Monday
Chilly ~ At home. L.H.M. called in A.M. and dined at Widows. I drank tea
at Mr. Merrill's. Eliza, Catherine G., Ann L, Moses Parsons Gray and Dr.
Crosby. likewise.
Wrote to # and sent by L.H. M.
31 Tuesday
Cool - no snow - at home. Conference at school house. Wished to attend
but could not on account of company. Dr. Crosby went to Gilmanton.
Another year is just closing. How rapidly has it passed from my view gone
forever- and alas to what useful purpose have I improved it - none. I
have lived as though I were to continue in this world always - perhaps
I may not live to begin a new year - and should my eyelids be closed this
night never more to be unseated, how wretched must be my situation ~~~
O may the kind author of my being influence my cold and stupid heart to
attend to the all important and interesting concerns of eternity ere it
be forever too late.
To make preparation for that better world where none can hope for happiness
without just securing an interest in the Savior.
Should I be spared to behold the close of another year, may I have the
unspeakable joy and satisfaction of becoming a humble monument of Divine
Mercy ---and to place my whole dependence in the pardoning merits of the
Such is my prayer - will God grant my petition for his sons sake.
10 P.M.
January 1 Wednesday
Severe storm of snow, nigh 6 inches. Dr. Crosby went to Gilmanton yesterday,
returned this evening.
2 Thursday
At home. Weather pleasant. First sleighing for the season.
Misses Cates and Miss Locke et al visited at Widows. Sent 50 bushel oats
to Mr. Pipers. I had my Rum and Sugar hauled from Mr. Clarke's.
3 Friday
Moderate. At home. Simeon Towle died of Intemperance in the 71st year
of his age. Wrote to J& J B Ball and enclosed A.W. Marden's note.
4 Saturday
Rather Chilly. At home A.M.
P.M. went to Mr. Towle's funeral. Mr. Prentice preached a sermon from
Micah 6th v 9th chapter
Appearances of snow this evening. Invited to have gone to Northwood this
evening but could not. Mr. P dined at Widows and mentioned that Mrs. Stokell
of Northwood died this morning at 1 A.M.
Dear #, I should be happy to see you this evening- but it so happens that
I cannot.
9 P.M.
January 5 Sabbath
Cold, snow A.M. Attended services at Vestry and read a sermon in A.M.
Mr. Merrill in P.M.
Deacon Sanborn dined at Widows.
James Critchett and Sally Green, David L. Lang and Lydia Babb, all of
Epsom, were published.
In evening wrote to # and to my sister Hannah. Intended to have gone to
Northwood this day, but storm prevented.
6 Monday
Cold. At home ~ Mrs. Stokles buried at Northwood. Dr. Crosby and Ann McClary
went to funeral. Attended prayer meeting at Mr. Prentices and drank tea
t Mr. Clarke's and at home by 10 P.M.
Sent #'s letter enclosed by Dr. to Mr. K. Wrote to Hannah, Thomas and
Edward of Stateman.
7 Tuesday
Cold. Up at 5 A.M. At home all day. Dr., Eliza and Harriet went to Dr.
C's in Deerfield in P.M. Returned 10 P.M. Thought of dear #, of love and
happiness. I went to bed at 11 P.M.
January 8 Wednesday
Moderate ~ at home, business dull.
9 Thursday
Overcast, some snow in evening. At home all day, little to do.
10 Friday
Moderate and some snow. At home all day. Probate Court at Capt. H's.
11 Saturday
Very cold. At home.
Caucus at Abel Browns and Richard Tripp and Robert Knox were chosen delegates
to attend a Convention in Concord to nominate a Senator for District No.
4 on Monday next.
Rode to Northwood in evening with Mr. Hill. Called at Mr. K's and at L.
Hills. # there. I tarried 1/2 an hour and went to Mr. Clarke's and slept.
12 Sabbath
Cold. Attended meeting all day, so did #. Mr. Prentice preached.
Text A.M. 2 Corinthians 3.12
ditto P.M. Deuteronomy 30.19 "Therefore choose life"
Dined at Mr. Clarke's at 6 P.M. Went to L. Hills and found # stopt while
9 and had the pleasure of walking home with # and E.F.M. Tarried until
1/2 p k A.M. (klth) and then walked to Epsom arrived 1/2 p 1 A.M. (k1th).
The weather severely cold and windy. Had a pleasant and very delightful
interview with my friend. O hours of happiness - how swiftly did ye pass,
but memory will cherish them while life shall last.
Dear #, O may you be ever happy - may sorrow never come beneath the roof
where you reside.
January 13 Monday
Very cold. At home all day and very much fatigued with this mornings walk.
Dr. Crosby of Gilmanton and Alpheus arrived this evening for a N.H. Republican.
Wrote to # by mail and to Mr. Cutter.
14 Tuesday
At home, up at 1/2 p 5 A.M.
Stage came at 1/4 p 6. Dr. Crosby of Gilmanton went home.
Dr. Crosby., Eliza and Alpheus set out for Portsmouth via Exeter and North
Died in this town a child of Mr. Worth.
15 Wednesday
At home. Learn that Nathaniel Martin Esq. of Loudon was selected for Senator
in No. 4.
Weather cold. Mrs. C arrived in the stage and tarried all night at Widows.
Wrote to # in evening.
January 16 Thursday
Cold. At home all day, little business. Dr. Crosby returned from Portsmouth.
17 Friday
At home. Moderate weather. Little company. Drank tea at General McClary's
with Mrs. C. and went to Northwood with her in evening. Had the Steele's
slay and pony. Called at Mr. Mead's, old folk gone to NewMarket. Had a
very pleasant call and tarried while (1 A.M. ksth) # social and pleasant.
Was allowed to hope that we might one day be x________d. ----.. Mr. Clarke
mentioned that he had sold my staves for 12$ to Charles Cushing.
18 Saturday
Moderate. At home by 1/2 p 2? A.M. and continued at home the remainder
of the day.
Mary M(?) drank tea and tarried all night at Widows. # d 23 years old
this day.
19 Sabbath
At home, pleasant - Attended meeting. Mr. Curtis preached.
Text A.M. Amos? 4.7
P.M. Luke 11.13
At home the remaining part of the day, Cousin James dined and drank tea.
January 20 Monday
At home, overcast.
Wrote to N. Willis enclosed /$3.00 also to Crockett and Seaver and enclosed
Was much afflicted with the tooth ache. Rainy in P.M. and windy.
Doctor absent this evening ~~ thought of dear # and to bed. 1/2 p 8 P.M.
21 Tuesday
At home, snow 2/3 of day.
Mr. Merrill and wife and Capt. Heath dined at our house. Little to do.
22 Wednesday
At home. Dr. Crosby and J.Steele Esq. went to Sandwich.
Little business.
23 Thursday
Cool. Dr. Crosby and Mr. Steele returned.
No company of consequence.
24 Friday
Cool - fine evening - drank tea at Mr. Mead's in Company with the Parson
and Lady. Widow M. and Dr. at home in day time.
25 Saturday
At home. Moderate.
Lent General McClary /$30 for Mr. James Hook.
Had but little company. Thought of # and to bed. Cousin James called in
January 26 Sabbath
Moderate ~ at home ~
At meeting. Mr. Curtis preached.
Text A.M. Hebrews 3 to 8
P.M. Acts 18.16
Mr. Harriman preached in Meeting House. Went to Aunt Babb's in evening
with Dr.
27 Monday
Samuel Peabody Esq. of Sandwich exchanged places with Mr. Steele to give
$oix, to pay $ixx in one year and aix$ in 3 years - and came into possession
immediately - Mr. Steele agreeing not to practice Law in Epsom after the
next term of the Superior Court ~~~~
Some snow today. Sent letter to # and J.K. by mail.
28 Tuesday
At home, little to do.
Cool weather. Girls visited at J. C. Wallace's.
29 Wednesday
At home - Doctor went to Concord. Moses P. Gray with him to start for
Boston tomorrow. Rebeckah Barker returned with Dr. in evening. Mr. Clarke
and wife gone to Hillsborough. The Marshal was d___k this evening. Had
been to Dopkins & Mardens.
January 30 Thursday
At home all day, little business.
31 Friday
At home, little to do.
February 1 Saturday
At home, little to do. Israel Dow died at Deerfield of consumption and
In evening went to Northwood via Deerfield and Nottingham. Very cold.
At Mr. Clarke's by 12 M.
2 Sabbath
Attended meeting all day. Mr. Prentice preached.
Text A.M.
" P.M. 1 Corinthian 11.28
Dined at Mr. K's , called at Mr. Mead's at 5 P.M. and tarried while k
A.M. (3rd) Saw # was sick, so was Mr. and Mrs. Mead. Had a pleasant time.
Went to Mr. Clarke's , took Horse and slay and at home 20 minutes past
6 A.M. 3rd.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarke at Hopkinton
At Dr. Smith's at noon, Mrs. S. mentioned that Geo and Catherine had dissolved
3 Monday
At home, little business. Town sued Mr. Steele for $kxx - Mr. Dickey and
Mr. Steele had a great dispute. Snowy and chilly.
February 4 Tuesday
At home all day. Little business.
Our girls visited a John Cates this P.M. I had an invitation but could
not attend. Doctor was there.
5 Wednesday
At home all day. Little to do. Drank tea at Mr. Chesley's. Dr., General
and Mary and Harriet and the trader made the company.
6 Thursday
At home. General received notice of his reappointment to the office of
Marshall and met at my store to execute the bond for 20,000 $. Cilley,
Chesley, Knox, Merrill and Capt. Sanborn bondsmen.
Our folks rather squally because I had a fir in west room to entertain
Gave Daniel Cilley his receipt for $8.56 form General P.O. (post office)
to close his account.
7 Friday
Very cold. Walked to Uncle Babb's in evening and drank tea. Returned with
Dr. Crosby. Thermometer at 10 below zero. Mr. Steele returned from Sandwich,
went there on Wednesday ~ heard that Mr. Clarke was at Meredith Bridge
yesterday morning.
8 Saturday
Cold. Mr. J. Steele 31 years old to day.
At home. Little to do. Moses P. Gray arrived from Boston.
9 Sabbath
Chilly. At home A.M., at Vestry P.M.
Elder Harriman preached in Meeting House.
Went to Aunt Harriet'? this evening, Mary and Ann there. Came home and
set up while 12 Midnight. Thought of dear # and to bed.
10 Monday
Rather moderate, at home. Jury Meeting in P.M.
D. Philbrick Jr. Grand Juror, Jonathan Chesley and Eleck Brown, Petit
Jurors, William Yeaton Jr., Moderator.~
Stage passed 1/2 3 P.M. - 4 passengers - nothing interesting occurred
this day.
Wrote to Mr. Curtis. Capt. Heath went to Dover.
11 Tuesday
At home, little company. Mr. Wheelock dined at Mrs. McClary's and preached
a sermon at William Brown's in evening.
Text Genesis 32+26. I attended.
Mr. Curtis arrived from Salisbury in evening.
February 12 Wednesday
At home, considerable snow fell, say 6 inches.
13 Thursday
Cold. Dr. Crosby and myself went to Exeter had S. Rand's pony) to prove
Israel Dow's Will.
We gave bonds for Executor for lxxx$ . At home 1/2 p 10 P.M.
Dined at Col. Chadwicks - lost my mittens.
14 Friday
At home, severe snow storm from North East. Timothy Parsons and wife,
Samuel, William and Eliza Wallace visited at Widows. Mr. P and William
walked home, the others tarried all night.
15 Saturday
Cold, had some company and very dirty and unpleasant company they were.
Had a jaw tooth extracted.
( paid Knox , paid for Jethro) paid Mrs. Libbey's tax $4.13
16 Sabbath
Chilly. Reverend J.W. Clary preached at Epsom.
Text A.M. Deut. 3.25
P.M. Acts 4.12
At meeting all day. At Mr. Merrill's in evening with Doctor.
Monday February 17
At home all day, had but little to do. Mr. Steele went to Portsmouth.
Uncle Babb and the Widow settled for James board found due the Widow $lk,ie
which I paid (it was 18th they settled) Mr. Steele went to Portsmouth.
February 18 Tuesday
At home, cold. General McClary moved Mrs. Steele into the Moody house.
Dr. sent for to go to Allenstown to assist in amputating a leg tomorrow
- proved so cold he does not go.
hired $ki of Widow Lawrence @ 0 1/2 pr cts --
19 Wednesday
Settled with Mrs. M. and paid for my board to 20 inst and Store rent to
June 19, 1823. Due me $22.28.
Very cold day and was at home, very little company.
20 Thursday
Set our for Portsmouth. Had Uncle Babb's pony and slay. Called at Mr.
K's, at Mr. Mead's and Mr. Clarke's and dined. Saw # a few moments in
the sitting room alone. At Wilds 7 P.M.
Saw Mr. Kelly, Mr. Steele and others. Went to Oyster Shop and took some
February 21 Friday
In Portsmouth all day. Paid Mr. Jones $kx, Mr. Ball $7 - Mr. Rollins $lx,
Misses Hall $kqil.
Bought of Simes and Lunt 3/4 yards plissed cloth @ kap and sold them 7
yards fulled cloth @ e/p for Mrs. M, reckoned it at if when I returned.
Went to the Oratorio in evening at Mr. Putnam's, 700 tickets sold. Fine
music ~ tarried at Wilds all night, eat 1/2 puck oysters.
22 Saturday
Cold. Set out for home. Mr. Jonathan Berry came with me to the bridge
- Exp at W's $ aio. Called at Kelly's, at Frost's Store and at Blydenburg's,
at Demeritt's and Priest's, at Clarks, at Mr. Mead's and drank tea and
tarried while Midnight with #. Had an interesting and pleasant interview
with my friend. at home ½ p k A.M.
23 Sabbath
Attended at Vestry, Mr. Thomas D. Merrill read. Mr. Knowlton preached
in the Meeting House.
At home remaining part of the day. Mr. K. returned from Portsmouth last
night with Judge H.. D. Smith of Hanover visited Capt. C. yesterday.
February 24 Monday
At home, little business. Severe storm of snow. Mail went up at 5 P.M.
Dr. called up at 10 and gone all night Cousin James began to board here.
25 Tuesday
At home, little to do. Cold and Windy.
26 Wednesday
Cold. At home A.M.
In P.M. Mr. David L. Lang and Miss Lydia Babb were married by Reverend
Mr. Curtis. I attended the wedding. None others but Mr. L's two sisters.
Uncle quite sick, sent for Doctor in evening.
27 Thursday
Blustering. Fred Sanborn hauled 8 bushel beans to Portsmouth and 15$ in
cash. Sent for bbl N.E. Rum. He bought 30tt clover seed for Mr. M.
28 Friday
Cold at home until evening then went to Northwood with Doctor. Had Mr.
Merrill's pony. Arrived, all visiting at Mrs. Buzzell's. Went to Mr. Mead's
and drank tea - all at L.H.M's but # who has been sick two or three days.
At Capt.'s 2 hours. Called at Mr. J.C.'s a second time saw Mary M, Returned
to Mr. Mead's and tarried 3/4 of an hour. Margaret B.......p there.
At Epsom by 1/4 ante 12 Midnight.
March 1 Saturday
Mr. Wheelock preached at Mr. Clarke's Thursday Evening. # did not attend.
He tarried last night at L.H.M's. Chilly weather, at home all day.
2 Sabbath
Went to Northwood, had Generals slay and pony. Attended meeting all day,
Mr. Prentice preached
Text John 5/40
# at meeting A.M., at home P.M.
Mrs. C. rode too and returned from meeting with me in P.M. Called at Mr.
Mead's at noon and # gave me some tea. Dined at Mr. Clarke's as did Doctor
Crosby who attended Meeting at Northwood.
Called at Mr. Mead's after dinner and tarried one hour. Had the pleasure
of seeing # but not alone. Would gladly have tarried a while longer but
had to go and bear Mary M home much against my will.
Arrived at General McClary's 7 P.M.
3 Monday
Severely cold and high winds which caused the snow to drift very much
- the stage found it difficult to get along.
Thought of dear # and O how happy should I be to be with her at this moment.
9 P.M.
At home all day and no company.
March 4 Tuesday
Very cold. Mail passed at 6 A.M.
At home all day and had but little company.
5 Wednesday
Moderate weather, at home. Mr. Steele arrived from Portsmouth Superior
Capt. Heath gave me a deed of the Dickey house.
6 Thursday
Last night commenced a warm which has continued with little intermission
through the day. The snow has vanished very rapidly, about 3 feet on the
ground and I suspect more than half melted. The water runs like a river.
Wrote to # but had no chance to send.
At home all day and little business. Mr. Chesley had a Hhd Rum yesterday.
Eliza and Ann drank tea at Generals last night. This evening appointed
for a Caucus at Abel Browns, I presume but few will attend.
7 Friday
At home all day, chilly weather, storm of rain ended. Meeting of Society
folks at Capt. Heaths. Thomas D. Merrill Chairman, J.B. Secretary
March 8 Saturday
At home, little to do. Caucus of free-willers at Abel Browns. Called there
in P.M.
9 Sabbath
Attended meeting at Vestry, no minister. Elder Place officiated in Meeting
S. Peabody Esq. arrived in town today with his family and moved into the
house recently occupied by Mr. Steele. Called there in evening.
10 Monday
At home - made a clothes line for our folks - little business, weather
11 Tuesday
Annual Meeting. Had some company. Attended meeting - Hanover Dickey, Moderator.
Votes for Governor - L. Woodbury 81 S. Dinsmoor 140
Counsel H. Penhallow 219
Treasurer William Pickering 219
Regr. Seth Walker 220
Representative to Congress Livermore 65 Odell 118 Parker 1
Richard Tripp Representative to State Legislature by a Majority of 40
Thomas D. Merrill.
General T. Clark unan. 103 votes
Hanover Dickey, William Ham Jr. and Jonathan Chesley, Selectmen by
about 40 for 2 first (? )and 27 for cast over Merrill
I was chosen Measurer of Wood-Hogruve (?)- Culler of Hoops and Staves
and one of school committee.
March 12 Wednesday
At home until evening than rode to Northwood. Had Esq. S. Pony and Slay.
Called at Mr. K's and passed a pleasant evening at Mr. Mead's. Dr. Smith
and wife there and Miss B. Had a few pleasant and agreeable moments with
Arrived at Epsom by ? A.M. (kl)
13 Saturday
At home - quite sleepy and rather lazy. Weather moderate and pleasant
- - -
Doctor gone to Loudon and Ann McClary. Eliza visits Aunt Harriet's. Widow
at Mr. Peabody's.
Mr. Enoch French of Pittsfield and Miss Eliza Cate of this place married
today by Rev. Mr. Curtis.
14 Friday
Overcast in morning. Rose early, took Mr. Steele's horse and pony and
set out for Durham. Called at Mr. M's, took Miss B. and # for company.
? from? Durham it commenced and continued to rain until after midnight.
Had a safe and pleasant ride (except rain) dined, drank tea and tarried
all night at Mr. B's. Alfred Smith and Dennis Garland of Lubec, Maine,
passed the evening there. Had the pleasure of #'s company from kx to 1/2
p kk - # was very social and agreeable.
15 Saturday
Rose at 5 A.M. Rather Chilly ~ # up at 6, cheerful and pleasant. Breakfasted
at Mr. B's and set off for Northwood with #. Called at Furbers and tarried
an hour. At Mr. Mead's by 11 A.M. and dined. # was rather cold when we
arrived. Called at Mr. Clarke's, saw Mr. K and also Esq. S. and Lady and
Sarah. They go home on Monday next. Mr. Mead and wife pass the P.M. at
Mr. Clarke's. I returned to Mr. Mead's, drank tea and set out for Epsom
at 1/2 p 7. At Widows 9 P.M.
Had an agreeable and pleasant P.M. with #.
Saw Marthas's map.
16 Sabbath
Cool weather ~ attended meeting al day at Vestry. Mr. Curtis preached.
Text Genesis 24.49
Called at Mr. Peabody's, Captain Heath's, Mr. Steele's and Aunt Harriet's
and Thomas D. Merrill's in evening. Dr. Carr and wife came to Mr. Mead's
from Sanbornton and tarried their all night.
17 Monday
At home. Dr. Crosby went to Northwood, Portsmouth. Wrote to #, sent by
Mr. S. Mrs. Carr went to Uncle Babb's in evening with James.
18 Tuesday
At home. A.M. dined at Generals on Turkey - social and pleasant. Doctor
dined also.
At home remaining part of the day. Quite a storm in evening. Mrs. Carr
visited at David L. Lang's with Uncle and Aunt Babb.
19 Wednesday
At home, rather chilly. Dr. Carr arrived at 1/2 p 5 P.M.. Mrs. Carr returned
from Uncles 2 P.M. with her husband drank tea and tarried all night at
Widows. Nothing new - dull times and no business.
20 Thursday
At home. Dr. Crosby and wife set out for home. Quite a snow storm today
from 8 to 12 inches fell by 8 P.M. and continues to snow - very light
and dry.
Harriet and Ann drink tea at Mr. Peabody's.
21 Friday
At home all day, very little business. Cold and windy, snow drifted considerably.
22 Saturday
At home, little to do. Mr. Clarke and wife and George came to Widows,
also Ann Locke, Dixcy Crosby, Mary W. and Mrs. Michael - Mr. C. and wife
drank tea and tarried all night.
23 Sabbath
Moderate. Mr. C. and wife returned to Northwood immediately after breakfast.
Elder Knowlton preached in Meeting House. I was at meeting in Vestry all
day. Mr. Curtis preached.
Text Psalm 40.10
Catherine Gray and Ann L. drank tea and tarried all night. Moses P. Gray
called in evening.
March 24 Monday
At home. Wrote to # by mail.
Dr. Crosby set out for Portsmouth in sulky. Stage passed on runners, very
bad traveling.
At home all day, rain A.M., P.M. cool and fair.
25 Tuesday
Moderate - at home. Let Marden have my wagon to go to Nottingham for Stage
Mrs. Peabody drank tea at Mrs. M's and Aunt Harriet.
26 Wednesday
Snow 3 inches. At home. Jethro bid old Hogan off for one year at 69 cents.
The amount of the poor bid off amounted to between $114 and 115.
Dr. Crosby returned from Portsmouth.
27 Thursday
At home, little to do. Read 1st Volume of "Pioneers".
In evening went to Widow Gray's and tarried while 3 A.M. (as#)
Moses P. Gray and myself read the 2nd Volume of Pioneers and had Catherine
and Ann L. for hearers. Mr. Steele returned from Sandwich and Dixcy Crosby
returned to Gilmanton.
28 Friday
At home, little business. Mr. S brought my letter to # written a week
last Monday back with him. Mr. Peabody returned from Sandwich. Drank tea
at Capt. Heaths and paid him $lk? So1/2 for Amount of Cato's note.
March 29 Saturday
Pleasant. Little to do, dull, very dull times.
O #, I did hope to have the privilege of being united with thee by the
nearest and most endearing ties the ensuing Autumn, but I greatly fear
that I shall be disappointed.
In evening rode Francis Locke's pony to Northwood, at Mr. Clarke's by
10 P.M., tarried all night.
30 Sabbath
Moderate and overcast. Took breakfast at Mr. C's and walked to meeting.
Mr. Prentice preached.
Text A.M. 1st? Peter 1.16
P.M. Lt? Luke 17-7 & 18
(# not at meeting) At Dr. Smith's noon, called at Mr. K's after meeting
and at Capt. C's before meeting - he is very sick. Dined at Mr. Clarke's
at 5 P.M. and went to Mr. Mead's. Saw dear #, sat up while (k A.M.), went
to bed in the west chamber and slept 1/4 before 1 A.M.. There to Mr. Clarke's,
took pony and came to Epsom. Very bad traveling, part of the way snow
31 Monday
Chilly. At home all day, little to do.
April 1 Tuesday
Chilly. At home. Mr. Nealey offered himself to Mary M (or W?) and was
Mr. Steele went to Portsmouth in Stage. Stage passed down 1/4 before 6
Received a line from Mr. Kelly written a week ago.
April 2 Wednesday
Pleasant, saw the first Robin for the season. At home all day, little
3 Thursday Annual Fast
At home. Attended meeting at Vestry al day. Mr. Curtis preached.
Text A.M. 1st Samuel? 7.2
P.M. 1st ??? 7.6
Mr. Samuel Blake excommunicated.
Drank tea at Aunt Harriet's with Mary and Harriet Mc.
At home evening.
4 Friday
Cold and windy. At home all day
5 Saturday
Moderate and rather windy. At home all day.
6 Sabbath
Pleasant. At meeting all day. Mr. Curtis preached.
Text Psalm 19-10
William Demeritt preached in Meeting House and had a conference at Mr.
Chesley's in evening.
Called at Mrs. Haseltine's in evening. Merrill, Heath and William went
to Amesbury.
7 Monday
Overcast and warm. At home.
Evening attended prayer meeting and Meeting of Epsom Branch Rockingham
Charitable Society.
Voted to appropriate the avails the present year to pay the arrears due
Mr. Curtis.
Tuesday 8
At home, little business.
April 9 Wednesday
Went to Portsmouth. Had Capt. Sanborn's horse and wagon. Called at Mr.
Mead's and Mr. Clarke's and at Mark Hills and carried him to Portsmouth.
Arrived at Wilds 7 P.M. and tarried all night.
10 Thursday
In Portsmouth all day. tarried at Walter Hills at night. Snow and rain
principal part of the day.
11 Friday
Chilly. Set out for Epsom at 10 A.M., extremely bad traveling. Arrived
at Mr. Clarke's 8 P.M. and concluded to stop. Went to Mr. Mead's and had
a pleasant social interview with # - stopt while 1/2 p k A.M. (ksth)?.
Returned to Mr. Clarke's and tarried the remaining part of the night.
Alpheus and Charles went to Exeter.
12 Saturday
Came to Epsom arrived 1 P.M. tired-. Called at Mr. Mead's and left some
linen and Hhp for # to make and stopt an hour.
13 Sabbath
At home A.M. . At meeting P.M. Mr. Curtis preached. Text {blank spot}
and at home the remaining part of the day. Mrs. Merrill's mother died
this day at Concord. Aet. 69.
John M. Heath and Nabby Cate of Epsom published this day.
April 14 Monday
At home - pleasant and little to do.
15 Tuesday
At home, no business. John Perkins of Loudon died.
16 Wednesday
Pleasant, at home. Party at Mr. Peabody's. Moses P. Gray, Catherine, Angelique,
Mary, Eliza, Harriet and Doctor made the_?_. Had an invitation but did
not attend.
Weeks raised his tannery - went to assist.
17 Tuesday
Very fine weather. Mary tarried at our house last night.
18 Friday
Rainy, at home.
19 Saturday
At home, fair weather.
Borrowed of Mrs. D. Lawrence $uk @ 072 pr cr
20 Sabbath
Overcast. Attended meeting. Mr. Curtis preached.
Text Numbers 24.17
Mr. Knowlton in Meeting House.
Wrote to # P.M. Evening called at Mr. Peabody's.
Phoebe Wallace published to a Mr. Jenness of Chichester.
21 Monday
At home, little to do.
Enclosed # letter by mail. Wrote to Tappan & M. and enclosed kxx//~
Town Meeting. Voted to repeal the bye Law respecting cattle going at large.
Nathan Bickford and Eliza Dickey published.
April 22 Tuesday
Mailed T & M's letter for Boston
Went to Abel Browns in A.M. to record reference - continued to June 2nd
at same place. Jonathan Harvey, J. Clarke and Thomas D. Merrill referees.
Steele for Plaintiff, Peabody Defendant
At home P.M. Wrote to Mr. K. Yesterday.
23 Wednesday
At home. Overcast, little business. Jesse Emerson had his left hand badly
wounded in Sawmill.
24 Thursday
At home A.M., at Mr. Jonathan Cates P.M.
John M. Heath and Nabby Cate married.
In evening rode to Mr. Peabody's horse to Northwood. Called at Mr. Mead's,
saw #, tarried while 1/2 p A.M.(aith). Had a pleasant time. At Epsom by
1 A.M. (aith)
25 Friday
At home, little to do
26 Saturday
At home, pleasant.
27 Sabbath
Attended meeting all day in Meeting House. Mr. Carpenter preached.
Text A.M. Hebrews 11.5
P.M. Matthew 10.28
In evening walked to General McClary's with Mr. Peabody, two Mr. Woods
and Doctor Crosby.
April 28 Monday
At home, little business. Stage passed west 1/2 p 2 P.M.
29 Tuesday
Pleasant. At 8 A.M. went to Northwood in stage to attend Mr. C's reference..
Tarried all day. Dined at Mr. Clarke's, drank tea at Mr. Mead's and Mr.
K's - passed this evening at Mr. Mead's, had a pleasant and social interview
with my friend. Tarried while 1/2 p Midnight and walked to Epsom.
Heard of Miss C............. B.............'s misfortune and was very
much surprised thereat (?) - # was very pleasant and agreeable.
Received letters from Tappan and Mansfield. J.H. and E.G. Parker - sent
$isas to U.S.B(ank) by Northwood Stage and left it with Clarke to send
30 Wednesday
At home. Little to do. Mr. Peabody went to Sandwich, Dr. Crosby to Gilmanton.
Party at Mrs. Grays yesterday, at Aunt Harriet's today. Before received
invitations to both but did not attend.
May 1 Thursday
Dr. returned from Gilmanton. At home and little to do. Received "Perceval
of the Peak"
Received a line from J. Kelly.
2 Friday
At home all day.
Mr. D. Taylor called in evening from Portsmouth. Commenced writing a letter
to #.
May 3 Saturday
Windy and Cool. At home, dull times, hope soon for better.
Old Bug - is to be buried today at Loudon~~
4 Sabbath
Moderate. At meeting~ Mr. Curtis preached.
Text Mark 15.42
William Demeritt preached in Meeting House.
5 Monday
Chilly - at home. P.M. annual Meeting of Congregational Society. Adjourned
to Tuesday 27 instead and a committee of 7 chosen to arrange the concerns
and affairs of the Society consisting of Josiah Crosby, Thomas D. Merrill,
Moses P. Gray, Ira Sanborn, Simon A. Heath, Jonathan Cate and Jonathan
Babb - My opinion is that Mr. Curtis will leave Epsom.
Sent letter to # and J. K. by mail
6 Tuesday
At home, cool and windy. P.M. training. Little business-to do-
7 Wednesday
Rather pleasant - at home, Mr. Clarke, Wife and Susan, Catherine, called
in evening on their return from Hillsboro. Went up Saturday, drank tea.
Alpheus came here from Exeter.
8 Thursday
Chilly. Mrs. Moody, Mrs. Crosby and Son and Mrs. Burleigh came to Widows
I went to see Widow Rowe in P.M. and left a copy of Mr. M's and my demand
agt her husband Int. missing note 175 abt (illegible line)
May 9 Friday
Probate Court at Capt. Heaths. Mr. Merrill appointed Guardian to Daniel
K. Prescott and Daniel Ingalls. James Sanborn to Joseph Wood and John
Cate to Widow Wood.
Mr. Merrill and wife, Widow Sanborn and Mrs. Peabody drank tea at Widows
Fine rain coming last evening.
10 Saturday
Overcast. Dined at Thomas D. Merrill's. Mrs. Crosby, Alpheus and Stephanie
went to Gilmanton.
Had some company. Thomas C. Upham called on Doctor Crosby and at Widow
McCrillis' was not introduced to him. Rain continued.
11 Sabbath
Attended Meeting. Mr. Curtis preached.
Text 1 Corinthian 13 - 4 to 8
Dr. M.F. preached at Northwood
Called at Aunt Harriet's and drank tea. At Mr. P's and Mr. Mead's in evening.
Dr. Chadbourn and wife arrived in evening. Mr. Boardman has 60 Scholars
in Concord.
Rained at night.
12 Monday
At home - moderate.
Mrs. Moody and Mrs. Burleigh went to Gilmanton in P.M.
Turnpike Stage passed by the City. Mr. Clarke on board and Mrs. Steele
and Ch's
13 Tuesday
Rather Chilly. Caravan of animals exhibit at Capt. Heaths, about 150 came
to see them I should think. Rain in evening and most of the night. Received
letter from Hannah.
Wednesday 14 May
At home - rainy most of day, little business.
Went to Capt. G's in evening after papers. None came.
Thought of # and to bed 10 P.M. General McClary returned from Portsmouth
on stage.
May 15
Pleasant - at home - posted 21 pages of day book.
Dr. and Mrs. Peabody went to Concord in chaise.
9 P.M. dear #, how grateful should I be to have the privilege of seeing
you this evening -- but my wishes cannot be realized and I must be content.
(Capt. Heath planted his corn today)
16 Friday
At home, pleasant weather.
17 Saturday
Pleasant, at home until evening, then went to Northwood with James Hill.
Called Judge Harvey, saw Charles ~ he died about sunset, 15 minutes after
I left.
Called L. Hill's, Mr. K's and at Mr. Mead's. Saw #, tarried while 1/2
p 9 - then to Mr. Clarke's and tarried all night. Mr. Mead quite sick
in consequence of a fall. Trial at Chesley's - Ham v. Yeaton - Anna recovered
5$ and cost of reference.
18 Sabbath
Attended meeting. Walked with #. Mr. Prentice preached.
Text Daniel 12-2
Went to L. Hills at noon - to Mr. Clarke's. Dined at 6 P.M.
Called at Mr. Mead's and had an agreeable interview with # until 1/2 p
ka - then walked to Epsom. I arrived at 1/2 p a A.M. (ksth). Found Dr.
quite sick. Took his bed yesterday.
-(I) was much fatigued - went to bed and dreamed of #.
19 Monday
At home A.M., P.M. went to Mr. C's with Mr. P. Saw # at window, did not
Aunt Harriet and Mary went to Charles' funeral and drank tea at Mr. C;s.
Weather pleasant.
20 Tuesday
Pleasant-----at home - little to do. Had lxs of Genl and 2 ajt ~
21 Wednesday
Widow planted her corn. Mr. N.K. Badger stopt payment and had his goods
attached and moved from his store~~
Fine Weather. Anniversary of the 2nd Century of the first settlement of
this state celebrated at Portsmouth.
Mr. Kelly, Mr. Clarke and Mary , others attended.
22 Thursday
Pleasant - went to Mr. Badgers with J. Peabody to try to secure P. &
Taylor's demand, but did not effect anything.
Dr. has recovered. Wrote to Mr. Kelly by Mr. Peabody.
23 Friday
At home, little business to do.
24 Saturday
Pleasant, at home. Dr. C and James went to Deerfield to operate on Daniel's
eye - did not succeed.
25 Sabbath
Attended meeting, Mr. Curtis preached.
Text A.M. Luke 2.28
P.M. Amos? 6-1
After meeting went to Northwood with Ann McClary, had Mr. Peabody's pony
and chaise. Called at Mr. Clarke's and at Mr. Mead's. Saw # and took two
shirts and 2 handkerchiefs that # made for me.
26 Monday
Cool, at home A.M., in P.M. went to Badger Auction. Called at D. Lang's
- returned and drank tea at General McClarys.
Dr. Crosby and Alpheus came to Epsom from Gilmanton.
27 Tuesday
Set out for Boston. Mr. Dickey's pony and my own wagon. Called at D. French's,
Mr. Mead's, Saw #. At Mr. Clarke's and Mr. Prentices. Mr. Clarke set out
for Canada yesterday.
Received $40 of Mr. Kelly to pay the Treasurer of American Ed. Society
to constitute Mr. P. a life member. A Mr. Shepherd of Boscawen member
of P.E. Academy rode with me from Northwood to Epping. Arrived at Haverhill
and drank tea at Whites. 6 P.M., rode to Mayo's in Andover and tarried
all night.
Saw Merrill Heath.
28 Wednesday
Overcast with slight showers. Eat breakfast at Burnham's in Reading -
poor tavern.
Arrived in Boston 1/2 p 10 A.M. and put up at Boydens City Hotel. Leonard
W. Kimball bar keeper. Board 6/ horse 3/9 per day. General election is
Mass. Could not do much and was very tired. Went to theatre in evening.
29 Thursday
Violent rain continued all day, done most of my business.
Called at William Parsons - bought # a leghorn gave - also a straw
for M.W.M. gave e$.
Went to Union Prayer Meeting in evening at Mr. Wayland's meeting house
- very interesting.
30 Friday
Pleasant. Finished my business and left Boston at 4 P.M.. Came to Locke's,
Andover, and tarried all night.
31 Saturday
Fine day for traveling - breakfast at White's, Haverhill. eat not more
until I arrived at Mr. Charles at 1/2 p 9 P.M. Called at Mr. Mead's and
carried #'s and M.W.M.'s Bonnets -- & Crape tomorrow. Found Mr. &
Mrs. Cobb and child at Mr. Clarke's. I tarried all night.
Drank tea t Mr. Mead's prepared by #.
June 1 Sabbath
Pleasant. Attended meeting at Northwood. Communion Day. Mr. Prentice preached.
Text A.M. 1 Corinthian 1.18
# at meeting. At L. Hills at noon - drank tea at Mr. Clarke's. Called
at Mr. Mead's at 7, tarried while 1/2 p ka. Passed the time happily in
the best of company. # and M.W.M. went to Epping last Monday.
Rev. T. C. Upham preached in Hall and Mr. Caverno in Meeting House in
2 Monday
Pleasant. called at Mr. Mead's, saw #. Arrived at Epsom 12 Noon. Wrote
to Jonathan C. Proctor to send tomorrow.
3 Tuesday
Dr. Crosby went to Concord. Dr. Babb and brother At home all day, some
4 Wednesday
At home. Dr. Crosby returned from Concord. Election Day.
5 Thursday
Dr. Crosby and Mr. Peabody went to Concord, returned at night. Cousin
James and John went to Portsmouth.
At home all day. Mr. Clarke returned from Canada this evening with Dr.
Smith from Concord.
6 Friday
At home. Wrote a note to # and I sent 1 dozen Pearl buttons and 3 skeins
silk - by Holt Leavitt.
7 Saturday
At home, pleasant weather. considerable company. Wrote to Mr. Stokell
for Catherine.
8 Sabbath
Overcast and showery A.M.
Attended meeting, communion day. Mr. Curtis preached.
Text A.M. Solomon Songs 8.5
tarried in at communion service. Same text in P.M.
Walked to Johnson's in Northwood with Isaac Towle to conference and there
to Dea. Sanborns with Dr., Mr. Prentice and Mr. Mead. Went to bed without
my supper, rather tired.
9 Monday
Rather pleasant. Thomas and Hannah came to Epsom from S. At home all day.
Party at Mr. Merrill's, had an invitation but did not go.
10 Tuesday
Brother and Sister went to Hampton Falls.
At home all day. received a letter from Rev. Mr. Jenks of Boston. Some
11 Wednesday
At home. Bracket arrived from Durham. S. Blakes Farm sold to Mr. Chesley
for $1700 at auction. Shower P.M.
12 Thursday
Pleasant, at home. Thomas arrived from Hampton Falls - sold his wagon
for $20~
13 Friday
Thomas set out for Meredith. Pleasant, at home.
14 Saturday
A.M. fine rain - at home - P.M. 6 - Mr. Kelly called, had been at Concord.
All the work reporting the proceedings of Hall of Representatives, I went
with him to Northwood Exhibition of Animals at Mr. Clarke's. Drank tea
at Mr. K's, called at Mr. Mead's, saw # while 1/2 p kx P.M., there to
Mr. Clarke's and tarried all night. Mr. Prentice went to Sandwich.
15 Sabbath
Fine day. At meeting al day, so was #. Had the nose bleed and (had) to
leave the Meeting House. A.M. Mr. Wells preached.
Text A.M. Genesis 6.3
P.M. Acts 3.19
Called at Mr. Mead's 7 P.M. and tarried while 1/2 p k A.M. (kd/) then
went to L.H.M's and tarried while 1/4 p -E A.M. and arrived at home 1/4
ante 7 A.M. 16th. All well - walked.
Mr. Harriman preached in Epsom Meeting House, Mr. Courser in Hall.
16 Monday
Moderate. Mr. Clarke called on his way to Hillsboro. At home all day.
Stage went South Road.
17 Tuesday
Very warm, thermometer @ 84. Went in swimming for the first time this
season with Dr., James and Thomas D. Merrill. At home.
18 Wednesday
Very warm, at home, little business. Thermometer at 12 noon 92
19 Thursday
At home, little to do, thermometer 82 noon.
20 Friday
Dr. went to Gilmanton, little business, at home all day.
21 Saturday
At home. Dixcy came to Epsom. Dull times, at home. Gave Mrs. L ap for
22 Sabbath
Pleasant. At meeting. Benjamin Sargent preached.
Text A.M. Matthew 28.50
P.M. Joshua 24.15
Drank tea at Aunt Harriet's - A miss Sally Veasey of Stratham came to
Mrs. M's yesterday, aged 12? years, rather a pleasant girl and takes to
Dixcy very much.
23 Monday
Pleasant. Rose at 4 A.M. Dr. returned from Gilmanton and Dixcy went home.
Little to do. Dixcy rode in A.M. with Miss Veasey, and tipped the sulky
over and was some injured.
24 Tuesday
At home, little business to attend to.
25 Wednesday
At home A.M. P.M. assisted Miss Halls school over the mountain. 40 Scholars,
22 female, 18 male. Appeared very well. School had been keeping 5 weeks.
Mr. Curtis. and Mr. Merrill attended with me.
Jonathan Godfrey brought my Duck home.
26 Thursday
At home. Painted __Sk once over.
Dr. C, and Dr. B went to Concord. Aunt Harriet and Drusilla Sanborn returned
from Concord, went over yesterday. Pleasant and warm.
27 Friday
Pleasant. Thomas D. Merrill and S. Peabody sworn as Justices of the Peace
for the County of Rockingham by Justice McClary and Sanborn. Sent petition
for Capt. Heath for Coroner.
28 Saturday
Pleasant at home, some business. Dr. Crosby and Ann rode to Mr. Pipers
in evening and returned at 10 P.M.
29 Sabbath
Windy and rather cool. Attended meeting. Reverend Mr. Curtis preached.
Text Habakkuk 3.2
Elder Perkins preached in Meeting House.
Attended conference at Jonathan Tarlton's with Ann and Harriet.
30 Monday
Reference Abel Browns between Jonathan and Richard Rand. Did not attend.
Have been at home and had but little to do. Mr. Clarke called at night
in company with Judge Harvey.
Doctor rode to Mr. Pipers at 6 P.M. Chilly A.M. Pleasant P.M.
1 Tuesday
Pleasant. Visited the school in the center district. 58 scholars, 33 Female
25 Male. 12 in Reader, 14 Testament, 32 Spelling Book, 13 Writing, 5 Geography,
9 Grammar. Miss Ann G. McClary instructress. Principally small scholars
and appeared tolerably well. All of these spoke low and indistinct. Mr.
Curtis made some remarks and closed with a prayer. A.M.
P.M. Intended to visit(ed) the school in Mr. Cilley's district but having
some business to do with Samuel Blake, Mr. Curtis went alone.
2 Wednesday
Warm and dry. Went to Portsmouth. Called at Mr. Mead's, saw #. Called
at Mr. Clarke's , all well. Mr. Mead lost his cause with Nealey. Cost
him ex$ and Nlx$ . Arrived Portsmouth 7 P.M.
3 Thursday
In Portsmouth until 7 P.M., then came to Durham and tarried all night
at Kelly's.
4 Friday
Set out from Durham at 5 A.M.. Arrived at Mr. Clarke's at 9 A.M. Called
at Mead's at 11. Dined and tarried while 1/2 p 5 P.M. Mr. Mead and wife
went to James Batchelder's in P.M. and I had a pleasant interview with
a beloved friend.
5 Saturday
At home, warm. Bathed in P.M. Little business - and dull times.
1823 July
6 Sabbath
Fine rain in A.M. Attended meeting. Text in A.M. Romans 2 C. 7, 8 &
9 Verses
Mr. Curtis preached Text P.M. same.
Overcast P.M., but did not rain. Wrote to #
7 Monday
Warm. At home A.M., went to Deerfield Parade in P.M. Officers met. Nathan
Crosby and Rebecca M tarried at Widows all night.
8 Tuesday
Moderate - at home all day. Nathan and Rebecca went to Gilmanton.
9 Wednesday
Warm - at home, little business.
10 Thursday
Very warm, drank tea at Knox's.
11 Friday
Warm in A.M., fine rain in P.M.
#, M.W.M and E.F.M., Matilda, Mary Ann and Miss Aunt (?) drank tea and
passed afternoon at Widows and I accompanied them as far as Narrows on
their way home, and Ann G. McClary. I rode with #-
12 Saturday
Warm and little business. I received a __ of clothes from Portsmouth.
13 Sabbath
Fine morning. Attended meeting in the vestry. Mr. Wells preached.
Text A.M. Titus? 2.13
P.M. Ephesians 5.8
Mr. Knowlton preached in Meeting House.
David Griffin of Deerfield and Ann Ham of Epsom published. He a "non
compos (?)" and she worse.
14 Monday
At home, little business. # went to Durham with her father.
15 Tuesday
At Knox's. Vendue of Dopkins and Marden's Goods. Received a letter from
16 Wednesday
At Knox's all day.
17 Thursday
At home - L.H.M. dined here.
18 Friday
At home. Evening went to Northwood, rode Mr. Peabody's pony. Mrs. Rockwood
and Sarah M J at Mr. Clarke's. Did not see # nor know # was at Durham.
At home midnight.
19 Saturday
At home A.M. P.M. went to Mr. Osgood's funeral. Text in Joshua - words
"Moses my servant is dead."
20 Sabbath
At meeting A.M.
Text Leviticus 19.30
P.M. at home. Called at Mr. Curtis and Mr. Merrill's in evening.
21 Monday
Pleasant morning - at home.
22 Tuesday
A.M. bathed in the river, warm and pleasant. P.M. drank tea at Mr. Clarke's
in Northwood as did Dr. C., Matilda, Mrs. Piper, Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Rockwood
and Sarah. Then called at Mr. K's and at Mr. Mead's. Heard that # was
going to Newmarket in a day or two. Had the pleasure taking a letter from
Mr. Clarke's from # to M.W.M.
At home by 11 P.M. Wrote to C.R. Green.
23 Wednesday
Mr. Peabody went to Sandwich. I at home. Little business. Mrs. G. &
Catherine arrived from Boston.
24 Thursday
At home. Wrote to M.W.M. enclosed to Mr. K. Dr. took Mr. L's horse on
25 Friday
Pleasant, at home.
26 Saturday
At home, rainy. Sent M.W.M's letter by Jonathan Nealey. ~ in morning -
and at night some rain.
1823 July
27 Sabbath
Mr. Curtis preached at Meredith Bridge.
Attended at Vestry, Mr. F. Sanborn in A.M. and Mr. Merrill in P.M. read
a sermon.
Mr. Caverno in Meeting House.
Thought of dear # and wished I could be near her at this moment.
At Abel Browns to meeting in evening and heard Mr. Caverno
28 Monday
Very warm. Bathed. A.M. at home. Received letters from Patten and Taylor,
Nathan Crosby and General P.O. Wrote to Amelia and Hannah.
Stage passed South Road today - Mail came in Wagon.
Hope to hear from # in morning - O that I could be near her this evening.
9 P.M.
29 Tuesday
Moderate. Considerable rain in P.M.
Dr. Crosby went to Gilmanton. Did not hear form #. At home.
30 Wednesday
Rainy all day. Doctor returned. At home.
Officers of Light Infantry J.Co, Qualified by Mr. Merrill, at my store,
drank about 2 gallons wine.
Rose at 1/4 before 5 this morning. It is now 1/2 p 9 P.M. Heaviest thunder
for the season today and great fall of rain.
Dear #, where are you at this moment? O may kind angels bless and protect
you from every danger.
31 Thursday
Overcast. At home all day, had very little company. Rose at 5 A.M., regret
that I can not hear from #. Should like much to go to Epsom for her if
I could but know it would be agreeable to #.
3 weeks tomorrow since I have seen #. Oh how long -
Mr. E. Wood and Miss Mary Spofford came to Mr. Peabody's this P.M. Dr.
Crosby exchanged horses with Mr. Lovejoy and gave lx$. 10 P.M.
1823 August
Augt 1 Epsom County of Merrimack N.H. Friday
Overcast and some rain - at home. 3 Weeks this day since I parted from
#. Sweet was the hour. Went a gunning in P.M., killed nothing. S. Locke
went with me.
2 Saturday
At home, overcast A.M., in P.M. heavy shower and severe thunder, loudest
this season.
Mr. Peabody returned from Sandwich. Thought of dear # 10 P.M.
3 Sabbath
Overcast - at Epsom. O that I could be with #.
Communion Day. Attended meeting. Mr. Curtis preached.
Text Revelations 3.5
In evening called at Mr. Peabody's with Dr., Harriet and Eliza.
4th Monday
Warm. Shower 1/2 p 3 P.M. and some thunder. At home all day. Hope to hear
from # this day or tomorrow.
5 Tuesday
Pleasant, at home A.M.., in P.M. rode Dr. Crosby's pony to Northwood,
called at Mr. K's and drank tea. then at Mr. Clark's, received a line
from M.W.M. by Mr. K, returned by Narrows.
6 Wednesday
Pleasant. Went to Epping, had Mr. Knox's chaise and Capt. Sanborn's pony.
Arrived at Honorable Mr. Prentice's at 3/4 p 11. Found # well, dined and
drank tea there. Called at Governor P's. Mrs. Mead and Mrs. Cheswell of
Newmarket there. After tea had a delightful ride to Northwood with #.
Arrived 1/2 p 9 evening and tarried all night. Had the pleasure of #'s
company until ka Midnight. Slept in west chamber.
7 Thursday
Took breakfast at Mr. Mead's. Called at Mr. Clarke's, Mr. K's and L. Hills.
Went to the garden with # and eat some fine gooseberries. At home 1/2
p 11 A.M.
8th Friday
At home all day and had but little to do. Went to General McClary's in
evening. Mrs. Hill of Concord, Eliza and Ann there. Tarried 1/2 an hour.
9 Saturday
At home. Pleasant. Dr. Crosby returned from Portsmouth. Mr. Clarke and
wife called at our house in P.M. Had been to Pittsfield. Susan C. Clarke
has been at Widows since Wednesday.
Sent 4 Old Registers to Mr. Kelly.
10 Sabbath
Pleasant, at meeting all day. Mr. Prentice preached.
Text Galatians 3. 24 & 25
Mr. Knowlton in Meeting House.
Mr. S. Hill of Concord in town and attended at Meeting House in A.M. and
at Vestry in P.M. His lady at Vestry all day.
Attended conference at Mr. Tarlton's in evening.
11 Monday
At home all day and little to do. Overcast.
12 Tuesday
Overcast, at home - business dull.
13 Wednesday
Dull weather and dull times. Walked to General McClarys in evening.
14 Thursday
Went to Portsmouth, had Uncles pony. Arrived at Wilds 6 P.M.
15 Friday
In Portsmouth all day or rather until 4 P.M., then came to Priests in
Nottingham and tarried all night. Dull weather. Mr. Knox in company with
Saturday 16
Took breakfast at Mr. M's and at home at 1/2 p 11 A.M., all well.
Sabbath 17
Went to Northwood, had Widow P's horse and Mr. Peabody's chaise, Susan,
Catherine with me. Attended meeting all day. Reverend T.C. Upham preached.
Text A.M. Mark 8.34
P.M. 2 Corinthians 4-6, evening John 14.15 at S. House near the Wind Mill.
# attended meeting. I rode to Mr. Clarke's at noon with Miss Nichols and
Susan, Catherine. At night # and Miss Nichols rode home with me. # went
to Dr. Smith's at noon and sound of the wise folks undertook to talk to
# on my want of politeness. I walked to Mr. Mead's after the evening lecture
with # when # told me of what was said and thought on the subject. I was
grieved to know that I had offended #, rather would I have had my right
hand severed than intentionally done anything to injure #'s feelings .~~~I
cannot write the feelings of my heart at the sight of #'s sorrow ---and
the conduct of which I had been unconsciously guilty of. -
My pony took it into his head to run away and I had to walk home and did
not find him until next morning. Tarried at Mr. Mead's while k A.M. ksth
- at home 5 A.M. Went to bed and slept 2 hours.
1823 August
Monday 18
Overcast, at home - much fatigued.
19 Tuesday
At home. Johnson hauled 55 barrels to Durham, received letters from D.M.
enclosing $20 to Miss Haseltine.
20 Wednesday
Wrote to #. Dixcy tarried at Widows all night. Mr. Peabody borrowed $kxx
of Mrs. S and gave note to me which I handed to Mrs. S. this day.
Pleasant and warm, at home, little company.
21 Thursday
Mr. Peabody went to Portsmouth. Pleasant morning. Sent # letter by Mr.
Peabody. Mr. K called same day and I received by him a line from # and
wrote to # by him. He dined at the Widows.
22 Friday
Pleasant, at home all day, little to do.
23 Saturday
At home all day, little business. Uncle let James ????? #
August 24 Sabbath
Mr. Wood of Boscawen preached in Vestry. Mr. Demeritt in Meeting House.
I attended meeting all day.
25 Monday
At home, pleasant, drank tea at General McClarys. Mr. and Mrs. Peabody,
Doctor C, Miss S_d and our girls present.
26 Tuesday
At home. M.W.M., E.F.M and __ called in P.M. on their way to Pembroke.
Ann Locke was at Widows and with Mrs. M. drank tea. Mr. M and Mr. Chapman
called in evening.
Wednesday 27
At home, little to do.
28 Thursday
Little to do, pleasant. at home.
29 Friday
Went to Jonathan Rand's in A.M. to see Levi Brown Jr.
Promises fair. At home the remaining part of the day.
30 Saturday
At home A.M. P.M. Dr. Crosby, Mr. Chapman, Ann McClary and Miss Spofford
rode on horseback, I met them when I was returning from General's Mill
from loading boards. Uncle paid James in Cash $ il- Went to Northwood
in evening. Had Francis Locke's pony. Mrs. Carr and Green came to Epsom
this evening, did not see them. Arrived at Mr. Clarke's 10 P.M. Mr. Kelly
has a young daughter
31 Sabbath
At Meeting House all day. no minister. # there in P.M.
Called at Mr. Mead's in morning and tarried 3/4 of an hour. Saw no one
but Mr. Mead. At Dr. Smith's noon, dined at L.H.M's. Called at Mr. Mead's
at 1/2 p 5, drank some milk, saw #, tarried while ka 1/2 Midnight. Had
a delightful interview with my beloved friend.
At home 1 A.M. (1st Sept.). Mr. Clarke and wife attended meeting at Epsom.
September 1 Monday
James set out for Hanover to continue 3 months.
15 passengers in stage today.
2 Tuesday
At home, pleasant. Mr. Chapman set out for Boston. Mr. Peabody for Gilford.
Sent $ and note for //ksx to U.G.B. by stage driver to Portsmouth.
3 Wednesday
At home, little to do and nothing new happening.
4 Thursday
Pleasant. At home. Recorded 7 pages in Town Book for General.
5 Friday
Pleasant. At home, little business.
6 Saturday
At home.
7 Sabbath
Mr. Knowlton., Mr. Curtis in vestry. At meeting.
Text John 12.37. Sermons not written and rather inspired.
Called at Mr. Curtis' and Mr. Steele's in P.M.
Rain in P.M. and evening.
8 Monday
At home, little to do. Wrote to #. S.S. Sanborn set out for Hanover. Wrote
to James.
9 Tuesday
My sisters tarried at Aunt Babb's last night and called on me this morning.
Their child being very sick they tarried but a short time and set out
for Londonderry at 1/2 p 10 A.M. Regretted they could not tarry longer.
Received letter from James.
10 Wednesday
At home, little business, dull, dull times.
11 Thursday
At home A.M. At Miss Halls school mountain district in P.M. with Mr. Curtis
and General McClary. Much pleasure with the appearance of the school.
12 Friday
At home.
13 Saturday
At home, little to do, no company.
September 14 Sabbath
Slight rain in morning, up 1/4 before 6.
11 A.M. appearances indicated pleasant weather. Called at Mr. Steels in
Attended meeting, Mr. Curtis
Text A.M. Romans 7 - 9
P.M. Philippians 3-6
Wrote to James B. after meeting.
15 Monday
At home, little to do.
16 Tuesday
Went to Portsmouth, Mr. Knox in company. Had Levi Cass' pony. Hauled 10
kegs butter, arrived 5 P.M.
17 Wednesday
Started for home at 4 P.M. , arrived at Priest's 9 P.M., very rainy and
got wet through.
18 Thursday
At Mr. Clarke's 1.2 p 8 A.M., eat breakfast. Called at Mr. Mead's, saw
dear #, tarried an hour. At Epsom 1 P.M.
19 Friday
At home, little to do.
20 Saturday
At home, some business.
21 Sabbath
At Epsom, attended meeting all day. Mr. Curtis preached, Mr. Caverno in
Meeting House.
22 Monday
At home
23 Tuesday
At home
24 Wednesday
At home some company
25 Thursday
ditto and little to do
26 Friday
ditto ditto
27 Saturday
Went to Deerfield to attend officers meeting, had Generals pony - then
to Northwood at Mr. Clarke's 8 P.M., tarried all night.
28 Sabbath
Attended meeting all day. Mr. Prentice preached.
Text A.M. Psalm 20.3
P.M. 1 Corinthians 15.35
At Mr. Mead's in evening, saw #, walked with me to Mr. K's . I then went
to conference to Mr. Prentice's and returned to the cottage, tarried while
1/2 p k A.M. (ac#). Had a pleasant and agreeable time.
29 Monday
At home, tired and sleepy, little to do.
30 Tuesday
At home, little business.
October 1 (1823)
Dr. went to Concord with Eliza.
2 Thursday
At home, company training in P.M. Little to do.
3 Friday
At home. Mr. Simond's called in P.M. Dr. went to Deerfield with Jane Bolton?
4th Saturday
Home, little business.
5th Sabbath
Attended meeting, Mr. Curtis preached. Mr. Knowlton in Meeting House.
Text A.M. Isaiah 44.5
P.M. Romans 2-4
Rainy in evening, read the Wilderness and Braddock Times.
6 Monday
At home, little to do.
7 Tuesday
Ditto, nothing new. At General McClary's husking.
8 Wednesday
At home. In evening Widowed husked her corn, had 30 bushels.
9 Thursday
Regimental Muster at Deerfield, was there, dined at Rundlett's and paid
Rainy A.M., Pleasant P.M. At home by 7 P.M., heard # was quite sick, hope
to see # soon.
10 Friday
At home , Chilly. Mrs. Mead and Mrs. Smith dined and spent the P.M. at
Widows on their return from Pembroke. Wrote to # by Mrs. M.
Mr. Clarke and wife called on their return from Hillsborough.
11 Saturday
Finished papering sitting room and at home all day.
12 Sabbath
Attended meeting all day, Reverend E. Courser preached.
Text A.M. John 3.3
P.M. 1 timothy 1-15
Went to Jonathan Grants with Doctor in evening, Deacon Sanborn there and
made a prayer.
13 Monday
Rainy, at home.
October 14 Tuesday
Went to Northwood, had Mr. Steele's pony. Called at L. Hills and put horse
in his barn. Called at cottage. Saw Mrs. Clarke , Mr. Clarke at Portsmouth.
Called at Mrs. Hills and Mr. Clarke, then at Mr. Mead's and had a pleasant
and agreeable interview with #.
At home 1 A.M. kith safe.
15th Wednesday
At home, little to do. Moses P. went to Exeter last evening with his sheep
to the show.
16th Thursday
Dr. went to Gilmanton. Mr. Merrill, Mr. Peabody and others to Jonathan
Perkins Vendue at Loudon. General McClary arrived from Dover.
17th Friday
At home. Ann G. McClary went to Northwood after Mary, did not find her
and brought Mary Ann Mead home with her. I went to General's with chaise.
18 Saturday
First snow for the season, about 3 inches. At home A.M., P.M. at Knox's
Vendue - overcast and some rain.
19th Sabbath
Pleasant morning. Mr. Caverno preaches in Meeting House. Attended meeting
at Vestry, Mr. Curtis preached.
Text A.M. Mark 10.49
P.M. Mark 10.50
[ last personal entry in Epsom diary ]
Addendums from the Massachusetts Diaries
Monday, March 8, 1852
My mother died this day at Meredith Bridge aged 89 (Dec. 23/51)
Saturday, Dec. 18, 1852
My beloved Wife Susan S. Babb drew her last breath this day at 20 M. before
5 P.M. caused by her dress taking fire from the Stove while alone in the
Kitchen between 11 & 12 A.M.
She was 52 years & 11 months old today.
Truly - Gods ways are not ours!
Pity one, pity me, O ye my friends, for the hand of the Almighty hath
indeed touched me.