Epsom Historical Association

Epsom Historical Association

EPSOM Historical Documents-Biographical Information and Interesting Facts compiled by Philip Yeaton

Volume 1 - $8.00

Volume 2 - $10.00

Volume 3 - $10.00

Volume 4 - $10.00

Volume 5 - $12.00


1. Introduction and Purpose

2. Charter of Epsom

3. Historical Sketch of Epsom, NH by Rev. Jonathan Curtis - original text published in 1823 and reprinted 1885

4. Reminiscence of An Old Lady - by Mary L. Cass

5. The Singing School by Rachael Bartlett Reid

6. Biographical Sketches

Major Andrew McClary, Killed at Bunker Hill

Dr. Noah Martin, NH Governor 1852-1854


1. First Proprietors of Epsom - 1732

2. Some Early Settlers of Epsom, John M. Moses. Published in issues of the Granite Monthly 1909 and 1910 in four parts

3. A Few Notes from Early Town Records - 1774-1778

4. Call to Muster - 1786

5. The Ghost Town in Epsom, NH by George H. Yeaton

6. A Visit to the New Orchard Road in the Year 1892 by George H. Yeaton

7. The Old Red House at the End of the Road by John Dowst of his home of Wing Road

8. The Up and Down Saw by Lena Skinner Wells

9. The Sherwood Inn (unsigned manuscript)

10. History of the Epsom Library: The One Hundred Years, by Peg Daniels


Historic Sites

1. The McClary Place: A Story of the People Who Made Its Proud History (Union Leader Article)

2. The Bridge at Short Falls, from National Society for the Preservation of Covered Bridges, Inc.


3. Historical Sketch pertaining to the Early Ministers in Epsom and the Parsonage House at Center Hill, by Gilbert Knowles

4. Founding & Early Years of the Baptist Church by Rev. Donald Macomber

5. Centennial of the Present Epsom Baptist Church - author unknown

6. The Second Meeting House by Gilbert Knowles

Secret Societies

7. Secret Societies - Alist of Facts

8. History of the McClary Grange No. 102 - by Alice Fowler Tripp

9. Memoirs of Ivygreen Rebekah Lodge No. 36 by Eleanor Lear Briggs


10. Civil War Volunteers of Epsom; Alphabetical Listing

11. Volunteer Civil War Soldiers from Epsom, NH compiled by Carleton Rand & Phil Yeaton


12. A Sketch of the Mills and Water Power in the Town of Epsom, NH by Hiram A. Holmes

13. How One Community Turned the Tide by Earl Robinson

14. Two of Epsom's Early Industries: The Barmer Narrow Fabric Companies by Hattie B. (Zinn) Heath


15. School Districts of Epsom

16. Scholars in Epsom the Summer of 1849 - New Rye School


17. Joseph Cilley by Gail Osborne

18. Descendants Chart of Richard Cilley


Statement of Purpose


1. The First Church of Epsom 1761-1764

2. the First Christian Society of Epsom - Constitution 1861

3. The Old Allenstown Meeting House by John Dowst

Epsom Early Papers

4. Early Settlers of Epsom - Expanded by Thomas J. Rand

Historical Interests, Locations, Descriptions

5. The Covered Bridge at Short Falls by Russell Yeaton

Industries and Mills

6. The Old Grist Mill - Russell Yeaton with Introduction by Olga Yeaton Colocousis

7. Epsom Shoe Factory Co. - Charter

8. Photographs of the Mills

9. A Collection of References Made to Mills in Epsom - Rev. Jonathan Curtis


10. Thoughts and Recollections of the Suncook Valley Railroad - Raymond Ring

11. Shades of the Blueberry Special: Remember the Suncook Valley R.R. ? - Matt Krenn


12. Names of the Scholars of Our School (New Rye) - author unknown

13. Interesting Notes 1820-1955

14. Prominent Scholars from Epsom

15. Woman's Club Drive Boon to New Epsom School - Valley Times 1955

16. Our Schools: Mrs. J.W. Fowler's Adress Old Home Day, 1899

Trivia of Interest

17. Cyrus Brown's Claim against the town

18. List of Voters 1878

19. Old Home Day Program - August 1899

20. the Epsom Band of Epsom, NH

21. The Unknown Man Believed to Have Been Murdered in Gossville, Nh About the Year 1887

22. Short Falls Creamery Patrons


1. Epsom School Districts - A description of the ten districts

2. Interesting Segments of Epsom School History - from Town Reports and published histories

3. Population of Epsom and School Enrollments

4. Honor Roll of Epsom Students 1879-1922

5. Epsom High School Students 1916-1926

6. The One Room School House and Epsom Scholars - by George H. Yeaton

7. Scholars in Epsom's New Rye School in the Summer of 1849 and Center School 1859

8. The Bear at the New Orchard Road Scholl - by George H. Yeaton

9. School Memories of the One Room Schools - by Charles B. Yeaton

10. A Dream of a Winter Morning Seventy years Ago - by George H. Yeaton 1892-1962

11. My Memories of the Short Falls and New Rye Schools - by Philip S. Yeaton

12. Picture Gallery