Past Programs

Epsom Historical Association


September 2009 Meeting

History of the

The Epsom Historical Association held its third program of the year at the Epsom Public Library Sunday afternoon, September 13th at 2 p.m. The program was a history of the old meetinghouse, originally built by the Free Will Baptist Society in 1861. As background, a brief history of the Society leading up to the building of the structure was included. The program also focused on the related parsonage building which stood on the corner of Route 4 and Black Hall Road.
With the LChip work and stain glass window restoration complete, the program was timely, as discussion for the possible future use of the building is under discussion.
About 25 members attended and a short business meeting, including selecting a nominatng committee for the 2010 officers, preceded the program followed by refreshments. [pdf transcript]