2001 meeting........
history of the fishing industry in the settlement
of New England beginning in the 1600s
and up. Including the Isles of Shoals, a fishing
base off the coast of New Hampshire which
served as a fishing base prior to settlers
coming inland.
Sylvia Fitts Getchell is perhaps one of New
Hampshires premiere authors. Her works
include The Berrys by the beach; one
of New Hampshires First Families;
Fitts Families, A Genealogy; Marden
Family Genealogy and The Tide
Turns on the Lamprey: vignettes in the life
of a river; a history of Newmarket, N.H..
She was also a Co-editor of Piscataqua
Pioneers, Selected Biographies of Early Settlers
in Norther New England.
resident of Newmarket, NH, Sylvia Fitts Getchell
is an active member of numerous historical
societies and we are indeed in for an outstanding
talk by this prominent and knowledgeable researcher.