Past Programs

Epsom Historical Association


September 2001 meeting........


A history of the fishing industry in the settlement of New England beginning in the 1600’s and up. Including the Isles of Shoals, a fishing base off the coast of New Hampshire which served as a fishing base prior to settler’s coming inland.

Speaker: Sylvia Fitts Getchell is perhaps one of New Hampshire’s premiere authors. Her works include “The Berrys by the beach; one of New Hampshire’s First Families”; “Fitts Families, A Genealogy”; “Marden Family Genealogy” and “The Tide Turns on the Lamprey: vignettes in the life of a river; a history of Newmarket, N.H.”. She was also a Co-editor of “Piscataqua Pioneers, Selected Biographies of Early Settlers in Norther New England.”

A resident of Newmarket, NH, Sylvia Fitts Getchell is an active member of numerous historical societies and we are indeed in for an outstanding talk by this prominent and knowledgeable researcher.