Epsom Historical Association held its annual member meeting at
the Epsom Library, Sunday, November 16 at 2 p.m. At the meeting
elections were held for the officers for the next two years with
T. J. Rand, president; Harvey Harkness, vice president; Betsy
Bosiak, secretary; and Penny Graham, treasure. The program was
'Researching and Navigating the website.' The
site was established in 1998 and features thousands of images
and historical information. The genealogy of the towns early settlers,
vital records and maps are just part of the sites offerings. Links
on the site are available for those researching their family history
and to other area town sites. Also included is information and
photos on all the known cemeteries, including inscriptions and
photos of gravestones prior to 1940. The Epsom Daily Blog and
our facebook page were also be discussed. Several followed along
with wireless laptops which that were able to access the site
during the discussion. The program was open to the public and
refreshments were served