Ice Cream Social
Epsom Historical Association held its annual Ice Cream Social
on Sunday, July 13 at 2:00 pm. It was held at the old Yeaton
Tavern, the home of Charlie Yeaton, 105 North Road in Epsom.
The program included a presentation on antique tools by Charlie
Yeaton who operates the Betty House Antiques in the out buildings
of the old tavern. The program was held inside with about 40
people in attendance. Future plans of the Historical Association
were announced by Vice President Harvey Harkness. Following
the presentation an ice cream buffet was served. The current
books on Epsom History were displayed. Thanks to the officers
of the Association, and in particular Charlie Yeaton and Nancy
Claris for hosting the event.

and below - Charlie Yeaton displays and discusses tools from his
antique collection

- Guest at the social, below, Harvey Harkness addresses the audience

One dozen
books on Epsom History are displayed, including 3 new titles for