Past Programs

Epsom Historical Association

July Meeting 2008


On Sunday July 13th the Epsom Historical Association held its annual Ice Cream Social at the McClary Cemetery on Center Hill. With the bridge still under construction, members had to drive to Deerfield and take the detour to the event via the Echo Valley Farm Road. The weather stayed delightful with a brisk breeze on the hill top for the program "East Street Revisited".
The program was the story of Epsom’s first settlers from 1727 to about 1764, and it remains one of the most popular topics presented by the Historical Association. The journey included discussion of the early history of our town - particular families and individuals, homes and businesses, local government and other surprising notes of interest.

John Atwood was introduced, and he spoke on his plans for the old McClary House, of which he recently took possession. His remarks were greeted with several rounds of applause. [text of program - "East Street Revisited"] Photographs courtesy of Virginia Drew