2002 meeting.........
Old Home Day

The Epsom
Historical Associations special presentation for the towns 275th
anniversary Old Home Day was a smashing success. The 3 tours of
East Street generated 96 people taking advantage of Dail Transportation's
donation of a bus and driver to visit the landmarks and learn
about the settling of the first street in Epsom. Each tour started
with a half-hour lecture in the old Short Falls schoolhouse (currently
part of the Legion Hall), given by Carleton Rand,
Yeaton and Elsie Fife. The tour ended with a look at the on-going
Town Hall renovations and some special town historic items. A
special exhibit was open in the function room of the Legion Hall
consisting of a map of East Street with framed photos of exisiting
and former homes, framed by Artistic Expressions of Epsom. A large
collection of books and school memorabilia was on display courtesty
of Phil Yeaton; and a wealth of antiques and artifacts was also
on display through the generosity of Charlie Yeaton.
The Historical
Association also had two computers on hand, the first with a continuous
slide show of old Epsom postcards, and one for genealogy research.
A display about the Epsom Early Settlers website (
and additional framed old photos of
rounded out the exhibit. Two new Historical Association publications
were presented. One is the fifth publication by Phil Yeaton, featuring
90 plus pages about Epsom schools; the other, 'East
Street', was presented free to each family taking the tour.
Both publications are available for purchase at the Epsom Public
Library, proceeds to benefit the Historical Association. Working
during the day at the exhibit were Dick Fowler, Joyce Rand and
Lisa Cote, along with help from Judy Rand, Megan Rand and Jay
Thanks to the Epsom Public Library for helping distribute advance
tour tickets and Dail Transportation and driver Ruthie Batchelder.for
making the tour possible. Committee members puting the event together
were Carleton Rand, Elsie Fife, Phil Yeaton, Harvey Harkness and
T.J. Rand.
for more pictures