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U.S. Census Data for Epsom, NH 1790-1880

Epsom 1790 US Census

Epsom 1800 US Census

Epsom 1810 US Census

Epsom 1820 US Census

Epsom 1830 US Census

Epsom 1840 US Census

Epsom 1850 US Census

Epsom 1860 US Census

Epsom 1870 US Census

Epsom 1880 US Census

1850 US Census Mortality Schedule for Epsom, NH

For census info 1920 or later we suggest Ancestry.com.

Census Record Description

Here you can search the various census records for Epsom, NH from 1790 to 1880. This is NOT the census index, but the actual cenus information.

The 1790 census is broken down to list males under 16, males over 16 and females. Only the name of the head of household is given. Through Epsom Early Settlers research we have added the spouse and names of children when known. Names with (?) are purely a guess as the age is either unknown or does nor match; or a possible addition to the household.

The 1800 and 1810 census is broken down to list males under 10, between 10 and 16, between 16 and 26, 26 to 45, and over 45. The same is broken down for females. Only the name of the head of household is given. Through Epsom Early Settlers research we have added the spouse and names of children when known. Names with (?) are purely a guess as the age is either unknown or does nor match; or a possible addition to the household.

The 1820 census is broken down to list males under 10, 10 to 15, males 16 to 18 plus 16 to 25, 26 to 44, and 45 and over. The same is broken down for females with the exception of the special 16 to 18 catagory. Only the name of the head of household is given. Through Epsom Early Settlers research we have added the spouse and names of children when known. Names with (?) are purely a guess as the age is either unknown or does nor match; or a possible addition to the household.

The 1830 and 1840 census is broken down to list males and females in 5 year intervals (under 5, 5 to 10, 10 to 15 etc.), then ten year intervals starting age 20 (20 to 30, 30 to 40 etc.). Only the name of the head of household is given. Through Epsom Early Settlers research we have added the spouse and names of children when known. Names with (?) are purely a guess as the age is either unknown or does nor match; or a possible addition to the household.

The 1850 through 1880 US Census give names and ages of all members of the household, each census containing a little more information. The only addition here from Epsom Early Settlers is the maiden name of the spouse when known